so I want to give you a little bit of information about sort of what we were talking about at the end of the class in lie of a the assignment and also um I guess in preparation for starting research methods um which I'll which I'll post as a standalone um uh video lecture type thing okay uh right here we go so uh we were talking about the history and the different perspectives in Psychology now let's talk about the process of psychology and really this is the focus of all three of your assignments so um okay I'll come back to that so one of the things that your book talks a lot about in chapter one is the critical thinking the cognitive biases that make it really hard for us to sort of be objective um unbiased observers of behavior and so instead of having that biased view of the world science tries to reduce it so tries to reduce the biases there obviously is still going to be some but um but we are inundated with information all the time and uh we see a lot of things presented to us that sound great that sounds like oh my gosh I really need to do that I really need to buy that I really need to you know whatever act that way and this will make me happier health iier and better well-being um and a lot of that is what we call pseudo science so pseudoscience is anything that kind of looks sciency it's presented as sciency but it really doesn't have the rigor of science that again that we'll talk about uh very soon and so there could be a lot of ways that it fails to be scientific um a lot of times it just doesn't do the research and we see that with our supplements for example um the home homeopathy which your book talks about um you know the antivaccine movement let me just go to the next slide with that oops okay and I know your book talks a little bit about the whole antia movement and Andrew Wakefield and the horrible fake article and all the horrible things that he caused and this is um a a I guess a graphic art version of the story and some of the horrors that uh resulted from it I guess lacking too many Horrors but um just sort of to present you with information so Dwayne Godwin and uh George tan have done a lot of these and you'll see a few of them that I use um so I'll leave that to you and I want to I don't know if I I I don't think let me see if we can actually play this uh this is a I guess influencer do you call it that uh she's a PhD um in Neuroscience doing her PhD in neuroscience and I find her really good for a lot of things and I love this little uh video about um really about the brain let's let's have a watch which of the following activities cause dopamine release in the brain achieving a goal getting a like on social Med Toto and bra for of function it's really important for understanding C bra bra like this it's so complex that even if we out the trillions of connection in the brain we still wouldn't be able to understand how occur goeas howal brain without anyway I think as beneficial for your mental health is important and should be just be careful about learning creat simplify and Science in the name of giving advice and follow for e okay um am I still recording yes okay so what we need to do in Psychology or what we do in Psychology is we try to gather information use using the scientific method so by using psychological experiments and other type of research which we'll talk about uh again um I'll post a video starting it off anyways and when we meet again on Monday we'll do some more and um yeah so we use we kind of follow the rules of the scientific method and the the reason we do that again is to reduce that bias to have um maybe to to help us get closer to the truth um and a lot of that research is shared we just saw that uh this researcher um neurom Melody she presents information on Instagram as well as other social media but but she also goes to conferences and um tries to get her work um published in uh Journal articles or in journals and um because we want to share what we do we just don't want to like stay in a lab and find all this cool information we want to share it with the world and so that's the point of uh communication aspect of the scientific method and also the point of really all the um assignments that you have to do for this term so if you were reading um a textbook uh a journal article and and even like a YouTube video so when you see know you don't read them but when you watch like a YouTube video if it's reputable they'll have the you know if you want more information here are the links so they actually Pro or at least here is that where we found the information they might not be able to link it and so they actually site their sources and this is a huge um part of knowing whether something is reliable or questionable not saying it's unreliable but you might want to put your skeptic brain on um and so even like you look at like the crash course videos for example and Hank Green um always puts his um his uh you know sources in you know in his description so that you can find more information if you want um maybe something doesn't seem right to you so you want to go look for it yourself so um when you read an article or a textbook or whatnot you see it presented um as this is what they did in the textbook so um so it would look like you know a sentence you know that stated what happened or what they found and then the authors in the year of publication and brackets afterwards that's APA style or they could do it so po at all which just is Latin for and others um again the year of publication in Brackets found that blah blah blah whatever it is so those are the two ways we see things and you'll see that when you're reading the article U and you see it when you're reading your textbook for that matter um so when you f like if you were writing an article and you cited somebody you would actually have at the end of the article you would have a a reference list some people call it a bibliography but really we call reference list in Psychology most of the time and it would look something to this effect and so so this is for any citations used in the article or book or whatever it is that was written and therefore that allows you to say okay I this is where it is this is where I can find it and this is what we're going to do for our assignment one so the assignment one guidelines you need to find and read a journal article and then answer some questions about it so there's like once you look at the questions you can come and go there's no time limit as such except for that it needs to be done by the 29th of September at midnight okay I can't um make it later if you miss it I can't reopen it so make sure you get it done it's only 5% but still it's going to be something that you probably need to read for the third assignment anyway so you might as well take a stab at it so the the department wanted also students to sort of learn how to use the databases to find articles in part because it's a good skill but also you're going to need to use that for assignment three so let's start now um so instead of giving you the article which is the citation sorry the reference is just down here um that that uh see oops where is it sorry I was looking for the pen there it is there's there's the reference so we use that information to find the article okay let's watch this okay so what you want to do for the assignment is to find and read the article okay so what you want to do for the assignment is to find and read the article and so the first thing you need to do is find it obviously and one of the ways that we want you to do that is by using the um the databases in the library so you can see there there is different uh resources for this particular task you use the databases there might be other ways of getting it you might get it from your friend but you're going to need to use these databases eventually either even just in the third assignment for this term um so you might as well have a look now it's not too hard you click databases um you need to log in I'm already logged in which is why I go right here and then you you need to find them you could do different searches using subjects um or whatever but I always just my have it I click the p and this takes me to all the different databases that start with P including the one we need which is psych info right here and we click that and we get this screen that's okay let's have a search we could do some authors we could do subject headings we could do a mix of both year that it was published Journal article journals that it was published in you know all topics all kinds of different things so that's we know that the authors are van uh Dyke and Lane and also that it's about uh like dominant hemispheres so I'll do that hemis fear and then do a search and what you see is that I don't find anything so I must have provided too much information so why don't I get rid of that dominant hemisphere clear oh I cleared the whole thing so let's go again Van Dyke I'm just kind of doing it this way to sort of show you that that you know what to expect sometimes it's not as easy sometimes it just appears perfectly um in Lane why don't we just do the authors and do a search and see what we find and you see there's a few different articles but if you remember the title the brain in the US Ed education system perpetuation of neuromus this is what we actually want so we can click on that and one of the things that um that we've ured before we've selected this article is that you can get this article for free you don't have to pay for it behind some kind of pay wall so if you get into a situation where you think oh no I have to pay for this don't do it let me know or let the Librarians know and they can help you so we want to check for full text which is what we do here and and here we go here it is so uh oh here it is I just click here this one's a bit weird you sometimes it's just like a PDF and it's easier and here's the whole article you don't have to pay for it you can actually save it as a and and view it as a PDF um that's what I would do so you're going to need this for the uh third assignment as well so you might as well have it saved for yourself and in a place that it's easy to access so there you go there's the article hopefully this helps and let me know if you have any questions