Well here we are, episode six. A very warm welcome as always. This episode we are diving deep into the world of detox.
I mean there's a lot of myths out there I think when it comes to detox and quite frankly quite dangerous advice that you'll find on the internet. So our experts are here to dispel those myths and get you detoxing in a way that is helpful and not harmful. I remember when I first, we first got our toxicity testing done and I remember going through it going oh what's that, what's, what's that, what's that, what's, what's that and here it is living in my body and it's amazing. I think many of you are aware of the fact that we live in a very toxic world and I think a lot of the times where people feel this way they begin to shut down.
They're like well like I'm just gonna live my life and whatnot and I think sure it is part of we just have to live with this thing and do our best but there's actually some Really powerful knowledge things like this almost like these like some of the things that we can be exposed to and then cause problems That awareness can like steer you away from like a whole host of problems like for myself for example I had no idea that I had a mold issue and It was almost like I became the canary in the coal mine if there was mold in the house Oh, yeah, my mind starts like I like I get more anxious my sleep deteriorates like a brain fog increases And you just think, oh, well, no one can see it. Like, it's fine. And so, and Sarah's fine. So is it just me?
Is it just a bad period? Like in my life? Or is it something other going on?
Like, but no, it's mold. And that's amazing that I was able to connect those dots because of testing and understanding this. But like, can you imagine how many people are out there right now? Not just mold, maybe it's being proximity to an airport.
Maybe it's something in their workplace or something they've been exposed to. And they have no idea that... That's actually setting their body up for, you know, some terrible trouble and potential disease outcomes.
And so we are super passionate about this. And I believe it's just something that, yes, it's unfortunate that the world that we live in that's like this, but there's also so much we can do to help us. And a big part of stopping toxins entering our bodies in the first place is by looking at what we eat and optimising what we eat. proving what we eat. And to help you do that, as part of our platinum package, we have the Gut Autoimmune Solution Recipe Book.
It's got 22 recipes in it, all devised by our naturopath, with your immune health in mind. In this recipe book, you'll find recipes that will not only help feed your gut bugs, your good microbiome, and to soothe inflammation and help that regulation occur, but They're also delicious. I mean in there you'll find, for those of you who like carrot cake, there's actually carrot cupcakes in there with frosting which doesn't sound healthy but it can be if you know how to do it right.
I'm the sweet tooth of the house, I'm just like can we detox tonight? Matt's like listening. So detox or just eating better doesn't have to be painful, in fact it can be more delicious, more enriching if you just know how to do it. So these are specifically devised recipes by our naturopath that are designed to make you heal.
So how amazing, right? At every meal we can have something like medicine on our plate, which is so powerful and so wonderful. I hope you get a lot out of that recipe book should you choose to own the series, which is still on sale for the remaining period of our screening. We're getting close. We're at episode six now, so not many to go.
Way too close actually. I actually get really sad at this point in the series where like we feel like we've been on this journey together and then... it's like coming to an end and it's not actually potentially the end if you were to own the series you can get access to our community as well that's right and we can maintain and continue this journey together there and we think that's a an incredible resource of people that have maybe a few years ago they're in your situation and they made some changes and they're willing to share and you can get in there and be supportive because you know how many times when we're on this journey where it just feels like you're this weird sort of like Health enthusiasts and you try and bring out with friends and they're just like not listening.
Your family members. I think family members can often be the hardest. Yeah, or maybe you're aware of this and you're cooking in the household. You're like, okay, I need some stealth ways to integrate this food into my house because if we go slightly off the, you know, the forbidden path of what's allowed, then all hell breaks loose in terms of people.
Oh, what's this? But there's actually some incredible ways of making things healthy. There's a lot of people out there that actually can relate and want to support you through that process. So you're not alone.
Friends of the books community, we do our best to support. But I'll let you get back to episode six so you can learn about how to detox the right way and not in a dangerous way that's going to set you up for more harm than good in the long run. So please enjoy this episode. I can't wait to hear what you think about our experts in this episode. Hello and welcome back to the sixth episode of the Gut Autoimmune Solution.
I'm your host, Sarah Otto. In our last episode, we explored some of the most common symptoms of gut imbalance, gas, bloating and bowel irregularity. We examined their root causes and how they relate to the broader landscape of gut health and autoimmunity.
Today, we're diving deep into a critical topic that affects us all, toxicity. Toxins play a huge role in driving autoimmune conditions, yet they're often overlooked in conventional treatment. Every single day we encounter countless toxic chemicals as we go about our daily lives. If you suffer from fatigue, mood swings, brain fog or even have a diagnosed autoimmune disease, exposure to environmental toxins could be the reason you're not feeling yourself.
The good news is that we can take steps to protect ourselves and even reverse existing damage. In this episode, you'll discover the various toxic substances you encounter daily how to enhance your body's own detoxification processes, and some key compounds you can take to decrease your toxic burden. You will also hear some powerful stories about the devastating impact of environmental toxins on health, including Dr. Daryl's harrowing personal experience with mold toxicity. So if you're ready to take control of your health and discover the insider secrets to overcoming toxicity and autoimmune issues, stay tuned. We have a wealth of information and actionable tips you won't want to miss.
So it's 2021, I'm working at my house and all of a sudden my tongue starts seizing up and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was freaking me out. It's kind of like when you get like a charley horse in your calf or like a cramp in your calf and you start pressing the muscles, you're trying to get that cramping to stop or you kind of stretch the leg out. So what do I do?
I grab my tongue, I start massaging it, I start literally putting pressure points on. I start pulling it. Nope, that didn't work.
So I go into my kitchen. I grab some minerals. I put some minerals in water, put that in my mouth, start squishing that around. Nope, that didn't work either. So I actually go and get some magnesium capsules because magnesium is very good for muscle cramping for athletes.
So I take a couple of capsules, wait about 20, 30 minutes. Nope, nothing yet. So now I'm starting to get a little bit more concerned about this.
The day's going on. I'm just working. I'm trying to distract myself. Later that night, I decide I'm going to try to meditate.
So I put on my brain tap, and literally 30 seconds later, I'm so distracted by the seizing of the tongue that I take the brain tap off, and I just decide I'm going to try to fall asleep, wake up in the morning, hopefully this thing will be gone. So I fall asleep, wake up, nope, it's still there. You've heard the term autoimmune disease.
I've always wondered, why would our smart bodies become allergic to themselves? Why would our immune system start deciding that, oh, our body's not okay anymore, and start fighting it? There's some great research done by two wonderful researchers by the names of Dr. Datis Kharazian and Dr. Aristo Vajani.
And they have shown in the laboratory that in autoimmune disease, the body is not reacting to normal tissues. It's reacting to normal tissues that have been bound to them, metals and chemicals like PCBs. Here's a situation where in the synovial tissue that's kind of lining around the joints, which is where you see the rheumatoid arthritis, all this inflammation lining around the joints, and we get antibodies against the lining of the joints.
It's not against the lining of the joints. It's against the molecules in the joints that have had PCBs and other toxins bound to them. Now the body recognizes that's an abnormal molecule and says, oh, we got to get rid of it.
And then we get the secondary damage from the other tissues being damaged as well. There are so many examples, Al. we have these normal physiological processes that have been sabotaged by either nutrient deficiencies or all these chemicals and chemicals. When we're talking about toxicity, what we're are really talking about is your body getting exposed to minerals or chemicals that block the natural way that your body functions, right? So they block the way your endocrine system works, they block the way your digestive system works.
What happens is they look similar enough to a natural mineral, a healthy mineral that your body needs. that the body gets confused and the body will then pull on that chemical and put it in the place, you know, when it's building DNA or when it's building tissue or when it's building cells, it will put it in as a placeholder because it thinks it's the mineral. So this is like heavy metal exposure is a really good example. You look at the periodic table, right? And all of the physiologic minerals are in one line of the table and all the heavy metals.
is in the following line of the table. So they have the same valence, they have a similar structure and the body will put in the heavy metal as a placeholder where it should be a physiologic mineral. And that has an effect on how your body works. That has an effect on your physiology that can have, frankly, very dramatic, very, very scary results. And all of this downstream effects.
Also, if your body's introducing a lot of these chemicals or heavy metals, it's not real good at noticing that it's not supposed to be there. And so it's not good at clearing it out. Or it has an even a higher affinity than the physiologic mineral might have or the physiologic hormone might have. So now it's basically the way I imagine is your system is just gunked up. You know, it's like you take this really, really beautiful high-end car and you throw in like the cheapest motor.
It's just not going to function. And then all of a sudden you just feel bad all of the time and you don't know why, but it's because your system's gunked up. That's when we get autoimmune disease.
So toxins, especially in today's day and age, play a very strong role in why our immune system doesn't work so well. So when we see people with high levels of mercury, when we see people with high levels of mold toxins in their body, when we see people with high levels of phthalates and exposures to plastics and oil industrial residues and PCBs, we're going to have many more issues like that. A lot of food additives that are considered safe according to the FDA and other government agencies actually are shown to be toxic.
And yes, those as well as environmental toxins are going to create a burden on our nervous system and on our mitochondria and create more inflammation in our body. So I do think that environmental toxins as well as food additives and preservatives and those kinds of toxins are both equal contributors to why we have so much more sickness. Processed food is... riddled with a lot of toxic ingredients that most people don't even realize are in there.
There are things like carrageenan and stabilizers, MSG. We have different sodium byproducts. There are so many different types of more toxic ingredients that are included in our food that can actually decrease our gut health and increase inflammation in the body. You also want to think about artificial sweeteners, which people will oftentimes come to me and say, well, I'm doing this, it's sugar-free. And sugar-free doesn't mean that it's artificial sweetener-free.
In fact, sugar-free usually means that there is some kind of artificial sweetener in there. And artificial sweeteners have been shown study after study to have toxic effects on the body, like increasing inflammation. So we want to be really careful and read the ingredients on our food.
Actually, more importantly, maybe get fewer boxed foods and actually try and get more whole foods. And that's going to be shopping more of the... perimeters of the store, getting more of the fresh fruits and vegetables and learning some very basic food prep.
Because the more that we stick to the boxed foods, the canned foods, the frozen foods that are packaged, we're increasing our exposure to all of those byproducts. We're increasing our exposure to all of those additives that can really increase our exposure to different toxins that are going to not be beneficial for our health. In recent times, the Consumer Reports And the Environmental Working Group has found that there's not only high levels of glyphosate, of which over a quarter billion pounds is applied in the United States per year.
Over a quarter billion pounds of this pesticide. It's the number one pesticide. It kills weeds, is used in the United States.
It is now omnipresent in all of our wheat products, bread, spaghetti, pasta. It's falling from the skies in rain. It's in our water supply. The Consumer Reports, an environmental working group, has not found it in organic grain supplies, but they have found it in all non-organic grain products and many legume products, for example, like hummus and chickpeas.
And it's because now conventional farmers are using glyphosate, not only Roundup, as its brand name is known, not just as a weed killer. but they're using it as a drying agent to spray on the crops just before they harvest it and give it to you to eat. So there are high levels of this in it.
The studies have found 90% of all American children have glyphosate in their urine. It is all around us. It is in us. So even if you're eating whole plant foods, let's say if you're eating a whole grain bread, or if you're eating a hummus that you made.
And if you're using non-organic chickpeas or non-organic wheat, or if you're eating steel cut oats in the morning that's heavily contaminated with this glyphosate, you may be undermining your gut microbiome just from that. Then we look at packaging. So for example, you look at organically grown foods.
Well, if the organically grown foods are made into soup and the soup is put into the can. The can is lined with plastic with bisphenol A. So we eat food that's in cans, the bisphenol A leaches into the food. Two studies I can think of right now, once they looked at lentil soup, they looked at homemade lentil soup. It wasn't even organic, just homemade lentil soup versus store-bought lentil soup in a can.
They then looked at the amount of bisphenol A in the store-bought food versus the homemade, and they found 12 times as much. bisphenol A in the canned soup versus the homemade soup. So you have to look at how the food is being stored. I could go on and on and on, but the bottom line is, got to eat organically grown foods, got to be stored properly, has to be prepared properly.
So even organically grown foods, if you then cook it on a nonstick coating, which you're using these PFOAs for the nonstick compounds, those PFOAs. Yeah, it's nonstick. The food doesn't stick to the nonstick pan, but some of that nonstick compound sticks to the food. So when you eat the food, you put the PFOAs into your body.
So organically grown foods, properly stored, but also properly prepared. And there's so many steps along the way where we have contaminated our food supply with disease-causing metals and chemicals. One of the most shocking things that I've seen as far as a cause of heavy metals is actually our fish. And the Environmental Working Group has a really great list of the safer fish and more sustainable fish to eat and then the ones to avoid.
Unfortunately, what I'm seeing is even when people are eating the less toxic, more sustainable fish on a regular basis, I'm seeing high levels of both mercury and arsenic. These are very, very toxic compounds. And so unfortunately, what we're having to do is really think about, is it even safe to eat fish anymore?
And it's really disturbing what that means as far as our oceans, because most of these safer fish are actually the wild caught fish. The other thing that we're seeing is I'm seeing a lot of high lead levels. And a lot of times in medicine, we think about lead as being a problem that we kind of did some stupid. things with leaded gas and leaded paint and that we've moved on from that. But unfortunately, a lot of our water systems are very high in lead.
And there are some resources that you can look at to find out what the lead levels are in your particular area through organizations like the Environmental Working Group. In addition to the water supply, I'm seeing a lot of the lead come from our kitchens. So there are even some of the well-known...
companies that are, you know, even China that... really nice china that you pay a lot of money for sometimes in the glaze there can be lead there and then that's leaching out into your food so i highly recommend getting a lead test kit you can get them on amazon and going into your kitchen and and you know checking the bowls and the the bakeware and your plates and your silverware and all those kinds of things to make sure that you're not poisoning yourself and your family in your kitchen with lead And then on the toxins, I just really want to say a lot of times people don't understand how what's happening is there is a little imperceptible toxin here, a little bit there. You know, you get a new mattress, you're breathing in the chemicals as it's outgassing. You paint a room in your house, you eat some food out of some plastic like it's a little bit here and there.
Oh, actually even handling a receipt. you're getting some of the plasticizers in through your skin. It's actually a pretty significant amount.
So it's all these little things that, again, it's not one plus one plus one equals three. It's amplifying and magnetizing over time because your body can only get rid of so much at a time. So we really have to reduce what's coming in and then help the toxins get out of our bodies.
If you're exposed. to chemicals to pesticides, you're always looking locally at the industry that is in your area. You know, a really good example is maybe a decade ago, in Portland, there was a glass factory. And nobody really knew but there was basically a lot of these IBD patients were popping up in this one neighborhood in southeast Portland.
And completely randomly, you know, we have a lot of universities here completely randomly, one of the universities as their science project was studying air quality. in Southeast in their neighborhood, which is in Southeast Portland. And what they discovered is there was unsafe amount of cadmium that was in the air in that local area. Turns out the glass factory was following the rules, but it was just emitting significantly more cadmium than anybody had expected.
And then inhaling that cadmium and getting exposed to it was changing your cells. And that was one of the triggers that led to an increase of autoimmune disease. in my area. My professional judgment is most autoimmune disease was initiated by environmental toxins.
I lecture on environmental medicine literally all over the world. So a few years ago, I was lecturing in the Midwest to a group of holistic medical doctors and talked about environmental toxins and talked about how that can cause autoimmune disease. So I gave my lecture and I gave my protocol for how you avoid the toxins. prepare the body for toxin elimination, and then you get rid of the toxins. And so I went back to lecture to them again a couple of years later.
And while I was having lunch, a woman came up to me, a 67-year-old woman who was an MD. She said, Dr. Pizzorno, I want to thank you for your lecture. I've been suffering from autoimmune disease, and I've gotten some decent control using nutrition and such, but I decided to follow your guidance and do really intensive detoxification. So she said, I followed your protocol. Now, two years later, my systemic lupus erythematosus is 98% gone without drugs.
Now, that really grabbed my attention. Here you have a really knowledgeable healthcare professional, did what I said, and she got rid of her systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE for short, just by giving her the toxins. So the good news here The body has tremendous ability to heal if we just give it a chance. And giving it a chance means getting the nutrients in and getting the toxins out. We've just heard some eye-opening information about the impact of toxins on our health.
At this point, you may be eager to start a detoxification program to rid yourself of these dangerous compounds. But here's the thing. Detoxifying your body without proper preparation can actually do more harm than good.
If toxins are not properly eliminated, they can recirculate in your body, potentially ending up in the brain or other vital organs. In the upcoming segment, we will delve into the necessary steps you should take to safely and effectively detoxify your body. You'll learn how to prepare your organs of elimination, such as the colon, kidneys and lymphatic system, so they can function efficiently. From optimising your diet to supplementing with key nutrients, you'll discover the insider secrets that top functional medicine experts use to help their patients achieve profound healing.
So if you're ready to take your detox game up to the next level and give your body the support it needs to thrive in a toxic world, you won't want to miss this. Let's dive in. I think one of the most important things people can do for their health, not just themselves, but the children as well, is to get toxins out of their body.
Now, a lot of people talk about detoxification programs. While they have a place, I think they're kind of down the road from where people should start. Where do you start?
You start by stopping exposure to toxins. I can't emphasize this enough. There's no point in doing a detox program if you keep on putting toxins back into your body. So when we think about toxins, well, it's easy to say metals versus chemicals. A better way of looking at it is persistent versus non-persistent.
So persistent means that These are some chemicals or metals that the body has great trouble getting rid of, so they have what are called long half-lives. It takes a long time to get out of the body. Now, on the other side, we have the non-persistent toxins, and these are typically chemicals and metals that we were exposed to as we evolved as a species, so we have all these great mechanisms for getting rid of them. So for the non-persistent toxins, all you got to do is stop exposure, and that's easy to say, hard to do. A good example is bisphenol A.
Bisphenol A, we get rid of it really quickly, but we're constantly being exposed to it. So we have to avoid the non-persistent toxins. You don't have to do anything more than that. Just avoid them.
Now, the persistent toxins, they take a lot of work to get rid of because these things have half-lives that range in months to years to literally decades. You may have heard of PCBs, probably chlorinated biphenyls. Okay, so the good news is that they were banned over 40 years ago.
The bad news is that they're what are called persistent organic pollutants. So they persist in the environment because they don't break down, or they break down very slowly, and they persist in our bodies. Some of those PCBs have half-lives in our bodies, in humans, of 10 to 20 years. And what's the major source of PCBs?
Primarily farmed fish, okay? Not all farmed fish and not only farmed fish, but farmed fish are a significant source. So you might say, well, I'll go to the restaurant and, oh, there's this farmed fish there on the menu. I need some protein.
You know, it's only once. I'll just eat it one time. The PCBs in that one meal may be with you for the next 20 years. So how do you avoid toxins?
Well, let's just start right at home because that's where the vast majority of most people's toxins are coming from. So let's start at the front door. When people come into our home, everybody removes their shoes.
Why? Because shoes are being worn outside and there's lots of toxins on the ground and in the dust and such. So don't let them into your house.
Second thing to do is if you have a whole house heating or air conditioning system, put into your air conditioning system a very sophisticated and good quality air purification system. Now, one we use is by Lennox. I don't have any.
commercial relationship with them. And it's rated as MERV 16. That clears up about 99% of the toxins from the air. And it's just dramatic. Oh, and by the way, if you can't do a whole house cleaning, well, you can use the HEPA filters in the rooms that you stand most regularly.
Water supply. If you can do it, put a carbon block filter on the water coming into your house and some kind of a metal precipitator. So it's not just, oh, on your sink, you're cleaning the water coming out of the sink that you're drinking. No.
You want all the water to be clear because, for example, if you're in a shower, you know, in the shower, those toxins in the air and the hot water, they're volatilized. You're breathing them into your body. It goes right into your body. So by doing the whole house water filtration system, we stop all that exposure. Works very, very well.
If you can't do that, they can use a filter in the kitchen where you're drinking your water. Third thing is food. We've been talking about that a lot.
Only buy organically grown foods. Store it in glass, non-plastic. Remove all the plastic storage containers in your kitchen.
Remove all the non-stick pans and such in your kitchen. Get rid of those as well. They'll greatly decrease your food-based toxic exposure. And the fourth one is health and beauty aids.
So health and beauty aids to have things like phthalates in them, okay? Well, phthalates bind to insulin receptor sites and they induce insulin resistance. What's insulin resistance? Pre-diabetes.
Okay. So I want to make sure you get clean health and beauty aids. So those four things, you do the four things, air, water, food, health and beauty aids, you can dramatically decrease your exposure to environmental toxins.
The among trees are what we call the organs of detoxification. The liver, the kidneys, the skin through sweating, the lungs, and then the bowels. Those are your among tree organs. All of those have to be working and you kind of have to optimize their function.
The first step bar none is making sure you're pooping. You have to make sure you're pooping because that's where the most of the dumping happens, right? You need to make sure you can get rid of all of the stuff that is getting stored in your body. You also have to make sure you're properly urinating.
And so that means hydrating enough. So you're drinking good, clean water that's filtered, that you make sure doesn't have any bacteria or heavy metals in it. You make sure your water helps both your kidneys and your bowels function optimally.
And then you have to make sure you're sweating. And so sweating is really just a very effective way for the body to detoxify through different organs. And then finally, you have to make sure you're moving. The lymph system is the second largest body fluid that you have. The first is the blood and the blood has an organ, the heart, that pumps it and moves it nonstop.
Your lymph system sits right between your muscles and your skin. And it is the second largest body fluid that you have. The thing about the lymph system is it doesn't have a muscle.
All of the muscles are working for your lymph system. And because of that, you have to move your muscles that then lets you move your lymph, but also lets you sweat. You are more likely to have a bowel movement after you exercise. You're more likely to urinate more.
You're more likely to get more water in. And so you can't do any of it if you're not moving your body. Opening the drainage pathways is very, very important before doing any kind of detoxification. Number one, it means making sure a person is getting enough water. and that they're hydrated.
Because detoxification can't occur unless you're well hydrated. Secondly, making sure someone's having a bowel movement or pooping every day at least. So making sure they're getting good fiber, good water, and they're having good bowel movements every day because the body can't detoxify.
It detoxifies where? Through the kidneys. So that's why we need the water so we can urinate and clean things out. It detoxifies through the liver, which goes into the intestines. which is why we need plenty of fiber.
And the third thing is some kind of either exercise or sweating or sauna work, because we also want to clean out through our largest organ in our body, which is our skin. So our skin needs to also be engaged to help us sweat. It's one of the reasons why exercise is so important, because exercise is a potent way for us to detoxify.
So we want to keep that drainage going. If I had to pick a fourth, I would say some kind of massage, if it's possible, whether it's self-massage, maybe skin brushing while you're in the shower. Going to get a massage is also a good idea, because then you're also moving the lymph tissue. So once you've got the organs of the nation functioning properly, now you're deep detoxed, and that's why I prefer to use saunas.
If you get into a sauna, you have to sweat freely. Once you start sweating freely, You have to do it for about 20 minutes. And we've been sweating for about 20 minutes.
You get rid of all kinds of toxins. And not just, you might be surprised what comes out. It's not just chemicals, but metals as well. So cadmium goes out through the sweat.
PCBs go out through the sweat. Bispholite goes out through the sweat. It's a great way of getting rid of toxins.
I recommend people do these saunas at least once a week. preferably twice a week. I have one patient who actually has Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
And we were trying to get her regulated. What was interesting with her is so I was literally chasing her thyroid, right? I was literally chasing her thyroid, which means I'd run labs, I'd have her labs come back, her she would be elevated, I changed her pharmaceuticals, I changed her supplements, she'd come back now she's hyper, you know, it's too low.
We were like, literally, I felt like I was ping ponging with her thyroid, and I could not figure out what was going on. And then what we started looking at is we started actually looking at her detoxification pathways. And so one of the ways that you can look at that in the body is via somebody's homocysteine. Homocysteine is a blood marker that if it's elevated, the detox pathways just are not working. And her homocysteine was through the roof.
I want it under 10. Ideally, I want it under 8. She was like at a 19 or 20. It was her. And homocysteine in and of itself is just a poor predictor. Or basically, it's a predictor of worse health outcomes. The higher your homocysteine, the worse your health outcomes, including cognitive dysfunction, including systemic inflammation. You don't want that one high.
And so one of the things I did with her is I really focused on optimizing her detox pathways, working on the nutrients that support detoxification. We drastically changed her diet. And then we started making sure that she was actually eliminating. We had her do saunas. We had her do lymph brushing, which is like when you're moving all the lymph to your bloodstream.
We had her make sure she was pooping and urinating. All of that, we focused on her detox pathways. It took probably, I think, six months because I run labs every three months.
So I think it took two cycles of me running labs. Finally, I was able to get her into that optimal range of thyroid function and she's been able to hold. You know, there's a talk I used to give many years ago called 50 Ways to Love Your Liver.
And I should revive that talk. And in that talk, I talked about many, many ways to support liver function. I often have patients do something called a castor oil pack.
where they do a flannel, usually it's an organic unbleached flannel, they put organic castor oil on it, put it up against their liver, and put a heating pack on it, preferably something like a hot water bottle that doesn't have electric attached to it. And then they do that for an hour, maybe an hour and a half every day. You can do some deep breathing with it, just to help increase circulation to the liver, help de-inflame the liver, and help the liver detoxify. And then bring in certain nutrients.
There's wonderful nutrients. There's amino acids that help support phase one and phase two of liver detoxification. Using things like green tea, turmeric, medium chain triglycerides, calcium deglucorate. Oftentimes when there's hormonal imbalance, I'll use things like indole-3-carbinols as well.
You know, it might depend on the patient, what we use. It could be things like alpha lipoic acid. It could be burdock root. Milk thistle is a wonderful choice for most people. It's very gentle and very effective of helping support the liver do its job.
There's things that can be particularly helpful with sort of, I would say, up-regulating this detoxification capacity. So we know there's certain plant compounds that can be really helpful. For example, a big one is turmeric is extremely important.
That's a root. It has a whole bunch of chemicals called curcuminoids or curcumin. It's that Indian spice that people use, right?
Other spices are really helpful in detoxification, such as rosemary. Um, um, other things would be things like, um, ginger, um, And there's a whole bunch of compounds that come from cruciferous vegetables. So cruciferous vegetables have a lot of sulfur in them.
In particular, broccoli contains a lot of a compound called sulforaphane. Now, sulforaphane is thought to be one of the most incredible sort of detox supports and antioxidants in the plant world. And interestingly... although we can get it from a lot of cruciferous vegetables, the highest amount is found in the sprouts of broccoli or broccoli sprouts, little baby sprouts. So we create this incredible compound called sulforaphane when we eat broccoli and broccoli sprouts, but broccoli sprouts contain over a thousand times more of this concentrated compound than actually adult broccoli.
So you can really improve detoxification by eating A lot of broccoli sprouts, a lot of the different foods that I just mentioned, really, really important. We've covered a lot of ground on detoxification, but there's one critical piece of the puzzle we haven't addressed yet. The role of specific nutrients in supporting your body's detox pathways.
In this next segment, we'll explore two powerhouse compounds that play a crucial role in detoxification and immune function. Glutathione and N-acetylcysteine. or NAC. These nutrients are like the unsung heroes of cellular health, working behind the scenes to neutralize toxins, reduce inflammation, and support your body's natural detoxification processes. So if you're serious about optimizing your detox capabilities and supporting your immune system, stick around.
Glutathione we refer to as our master antioxidant. And really, it's a compound that we create in the liver. We can make it from three different amino acids that come through our diet and sulfur.
OK, it's a it's a big, stinky molecule. And what makes it so amazing is it actually can glob onto toxins itself. It helps recycle a lot of the other antioxidants, the body like vitamin C and vitamin A.
So it's really, really, really important. And, you know. We have glutathione.
It's used in a lot of different parts of the body. And so, you know, we are in an area of an investigation looking at glutathione as actually something that can be used to really help in cases of massive, you know, viral infection and inflammation. So, you know, it's not just a detox support. It's actually a tremendous immune support too.
How glutathione impacts immunity is very profound. Glutathione is considered the master antioxidant in the body. What does that mean? That means your body has an antioxidant system where your body can produce its own antioxidant.
Your body also takes in antioxidant from diet and nutrition sources. Example would be vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and so forth. But glutathione is one such antioxidant your body actually produces on its own. And glutathione serves very many important roles. Many people often consider glutathione very important in detoxification.
It certainly does. Glutathione is involved in phase 2 liver detox pathway called glutathione conjugation. This is a pathway where your body can use glutathione to bind to metals, bind to various chemicals and toxins, and help you eliminate it.
But glutathione does much more than that. Glutathione actually plays a very important role in helping support what's called T-regulatory cells. These regulatory T-cells are immune cells that regulate your immune system.
And with people with autoimmune disease, these regulatory T-cells are often dysfunctional. Glutathione is a nutrient that's necessary for these regulatory T-cells to function normally so that you don't develop overzealousness of the immune system where the immune system attack your own body. It also helps to modulate the immune system so that your immune system can have more tolerance to either self-tissue or to environmental chemicals.
The function of glutathione is very diverse. It helps with immune function. It helps with antioxidant function.
It helps with detox. And glutathione is one of those compounds that's very, very commonly used in my practice when it comes to helping people with chronic autoimmune issues, chronic immune system intolerance, chronic inflammation to help support detoxification. It's one of those common denominators that's used very frequently in my practice to help people overcome these challenges.
N-acetylcysteine and glutathione are two... really essential things that I use in my clinic personally. I use them a lot to help with liver detoxification. Now, N-acetylcysteine and glutathione are two separate things.
N-acetylcysteine is a precursor to glutathione. So you need the amino acid N-acetylcysteine to help build glutathione. So if we're going to go the production route, we want to put N-acetylcysteine into the body so that the body can produce more glutathione. If we are going to use glutathione, sometimes taking glutathione supplementally, just a straight glutathione might not be absorbed as well.
So this is when I tend to go to the liposomal glutathione route. And depending on the person, N-acetylcysteine may not respond as well in their body. So they might need more of a liposomal glutathione approach.
Liposomal glutathione is already prepackaged and ready to absorb and be used in the body. This is really important because... The body is using glutathione as an antioxidant. It is helping to reduce oxidative stress in the body. Glutathione is actually naturally produced by our body.
It's produced by the cells of our bodies, produced in the liver. It's something that should be abundant in our body. However, for those that have a lot of toxic exposure, a lot of oxidative stress, their glutathione levels might be kind of low.
And especially when we're doing an intervention to clear mold or candida or some sort of bacterial overgrowth out of the body, we're adding toxic load to the body. We're increasing the liver's detoxification processes. So we need to give it a little bit of extra support. So we're not using up all of our resources for the body. We have to add some more in.
And this is where N-acetylcysteine or liposomal glutathione can be really valuable as we're doing these interventions to help reduce symptoms of detoxification. They are powerful antioxidants and they are really essential in my opinion, in this detoxification process. The biggest thing that I learned is that when I'm trying to clean the gut out, when I'm trying to detoxify, I use herbs that are strong and they can create a heavier toxic load in the body.
And unfortunately that toxic load can actually trigger autoimmune symptoms. They can trigger fatigue, severe fatigue. And So as a result of that lesson on my own body, I now lean heavily into N-acetylcysteine or for some people, liposomal glutathione. These are things that can help clear the body detoxify a little bit faster. When working with N-acetylcysteine specifically, I typically will recommend dosing of between 1200 to 1800 milligrams per day, depending on how sensitive the person is.
If someone... that I can see is very sensitive. They may not be detoxifying as well.
I can usually tell by their sensitivity to other things in the world. If they seem to be what's called a slow detoxifier, then I might give them a higher level of N-acetylcysteine, 1800 milligrams. And it really makes a difference.
It's astounding. When I have someone that's coming in and I maybe start them off on 1200 milligrams of N-acetylcysteine, and they might be still having symptoms, I bump them up to 18. and it goes away. Their symptoms are completely gone from the detoxification process. So I know that the N-acetylcysteine is working. It is significantly reducing that toxic load in the body and helping the body detoxify much faster than if it were not present.
As far as glutathione goes, it's available in most foods. Glutathione is readily available to us. It is something that's part of the natural world.
So glutathione is readily available in our food sources as well. So if we are eating a diverse diet... a plant-based diet, we should be getting exposure to glutathione. And same thing with the N-acetyl cysteine. If we are eating proteins, plant-based proteins especially, we'll have those high levels of cysteine, which is an amino acid that is readily available to make glutathione in our body.
So we want to really think about having a diverse plant-based diet because that's going to give you a lot of variety and micronutrients. It's going to give you exposure. to nutrients that are essential for our body's detoxification pathways. And this is what also give us exposure to glutathione as well, and also to cysteine.
As you can see, glutathione and NAC are two important molecules to have in your detoxification arsenal. But now it's time to address one of the most insidious and overlooked sources of toxicity affecting millions of people. And that's mold. Mold toxicity is a silent epidemic that can wreak havoc on your health, triggering everything from chronic fatigue and brain fog to allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases. And the scary part is many people don't even realize they're being exposed.
In this final segment, we'll explore the cutting edge protocols and natural remedies that top functional medicine experts use to help their patients recover from mold toxicity. From powerful binders that help escort toxins out of your body to targeted nutrients that support your detox pathways will cover it all. So if you've been struggling with mysterious symptoms that just won't go away, or you suspect mold might be playing a role in your health challenges, listen in to uncover the truth about mold toxicity. So thinking that this is a mouth issue, I call my very good buddy, Dr. Jerry Curatola. He's like a renowned...
biologic dentist in New York City. He was about 30 blocks south of me. So he says, get your butt down here. So I go there. He does a 3D cone beam of my mouth, which is like a 3D, it's a casket, but it's like a 3D x-ray.
And right away, we find three old stealth infections from root canals that I had back in like high school and college. So next week we do the surgery. We find the one that's actually most infected, which was the one up there, pull the tooth out, cleaned it up, and the season goes away.
So I'm thinking that I'm okay. About two months or so go by, roughly or so, and all of a sudden, my tongue starts swelling up, starts getting like inflamed and swelling. And before I know it, I start getting this like white plaque on my tongue. And it wasn't like a candida type of an issue. I've had that in the past.
It wasn't like thrush. This was like a hardcore plaque. This was mold. So I had mold in my mouth, on my tongue.
I had mold on my body. I started getting all these white spots on my shoulder, on my neck. I had these red rashes, these fungal rashes in my groin, on my legs.
So it was all over my body. So at the same time, some other concerning unusual things start happening. I started getting brain fog.
And I'm telling you that this brain fog was so bad, I called it brain debilitation. It was to the point that if I was having a conversation with somebody, I had to walk around with a pad and paper because my brain was so inflamed, I couldn't actually process the question. I couldn't remember the question. I had to write it down and then think about what my response was gonna be. I had acid reflux, but the reflux was so bad.
I had this now huge lump in my throat. So every time I'd swallow, I felt this giant lump. Literally, it was to the point I thought I had throat cancer. It was in my ears.
It was in my sinuses. I was just a mess. There was one point where the brain fog was so bad. I was down 30, 35 pounds. I looked like skin and bones.
And I was laying in my bed. It was the middle of the day. I couldn't see clients anymore. I was having... you know, trouble just functioning.
I used to run ultra marathons. I used to play, you know, competitive soccer at Boston College. I played for the under 20 national team.
Like I was fit. This was so bad. This took my body out and my life out and my energy out so bad that I had like chronic fatigue to the nth degree. Like walking upstairs was a challenge for me.
There's an exercise that you can do where you sit against the wall and like you pretend like there's a chair there, but there's no chair there. And like your legs start to burn. That was me just standing. And when I did some more advanced testing, I found out that I was diagnosed with something called SEERS. SEERS stands for chronic inflammatory response syndrome, right?
And this is basically like the autoimmune issues for people that suffer with mold. It's a biotoxin-triggered immune system dysfunction disorder. Mold exposure is becoming more and more common.
Maybe not common because I think it's always been there, but it's becoming more recognized in the health field because of its really negative effects on the body. Mold is very dangerous and high levels of mold exposure can really increase the body's inflammation. It can actually cause mutations in the body. It...
slows down our detoxification. So when people come to me and I suspect there's mold exposure and we get testing and confirm it, oftentimes people are complaining of certain foods they develop sensitivities to. And when I start listing the foods that they're reacting to, a lot of them are high histamine foods. And this is because mold can actually block the production of the DAO enzyme. And this is the enzyme that breaks histamines down in our foods.
There are certain foods that are high in histamine. There are certain foods that are called histamine liberators. And there are a lot of really common foods that people might be eating.
So they're hard to avoid, but at least being aware of them and how they can creep into our diet is really important. But the first on the list is actually fermented foods. So in this environment of the nutrition world, we hear fermented foods are great.
Everyone should be eating fermented foods. Not the case. And in fact, a lot of times people come to me And they say that they're trying to eat fermented foods and they feel terrible and they're bloated and they get headaches.
And this is a common sign of a histamine issue. So we got to back off the fermented foods. So no sauerkrauts or miso or even tofu could be problematic for some people. So coming off those fermented foods, at least short term, might provide some relief.
Some other foods that are in consideration are aged foods like aged cheese. Some people are eating aged meats. and things like that. So those aged foods are also problematic because they are high histamine producing foods.
Things that are more on the histamine liberators may come to a surprise too is dark chocolate, orange juice, coffee. These are things that we might be taking in every single day. Who doesn't start their day with maybe a little coffee or orange juice, maybe some dark chocolate midday. These can be problematic for someone that has a mold exposure, candida exposure, and they're suffering from histamine issues.
So we have to really be aware. And there's a more comprehensive histamine food list out there. You can easily get that on the internet.
But these are just some foods to keep an eye out for because they're so commonly in our diet. So watching out for those high histamine foods doesn't mean we have to completely avoid them. But just being aware of our symptoms as we're eating those foods can be really important. By the way, we need three things in place. We need a pre-genetic disposition, which I had the Sears pre-genetic disposition.
is 17-2-52. That is the mold-sensitive haplotype for chronic inflammatory response syndrome. So, I had the pre-genetic disposition in place.
You have to have the dysbiosis and the leaky gut, and you have to have the environmental trigger. The trigger is the mold toxin itself. When all three of those things are in place, yes, even people deal with mold toxicity, and it's more people than we think because over 50% of the homes in our country are water damaged. You have to understand that. If there's a history of a leak...
that's never been remediated, there's going to be some form of mold there. Even if that leak was 10 years ago, that's what happened in the home we moved into in California. There were three leaks before we moved into it and we didn't know about it. And that created the mold and the mycotoxins that ended up in the dust.
And because I had all three of those things, I had the genetic haplotype. All right. I had the dysbiosis and the leaky gut.
And then the trigger was there. The trigger was the one that set it off. And that was the mycotoxin itself. Exposure to mold and candida actually can drive the autoimmune pathway. And this is some really interesting research that's come out over the past 10 years.
There's the TH17, which is the T helper 17 immune cell that actually drives the IL-17. And so mold and candida, because the body is trying to attack mold and candida with those same pathways, they can turn on the body. So mold and candida can actually...
stimulate an autoimmune reaction because in the body's attempt to deal with the mold and candida, it starts to turn on itself because those same TH17, IL-17 immune cells are now starting to turn on the body. And this is the TH17, IL-17 are two very common immune cells and cytokines that we see in things like rheumatoid arthritis, the axial spondyly arthritis. We see them in uveitis and MS. So TH17, IL-17, these are getting studied more and more for a better understanding of how...
They are impacting the body and certain biologics are actually targeting this. Now that's on the conventional side of addressing those specific immune cells. On the natural side, there are some other things that can be done to address that. But very much so, fungal infections and overgrowth can drive autoimmunity and they can push someone into a flare because of that exposure.
Someone that has mold exposure and it's confirmed even in their... lab work, their common symptoms are going to probably be things that are very common, brain fog, fatigue, food sensitivities, sinus infections, or sinusitis. So this is something that could be a lot of things. So we oftentimes see these symptoms that are generalized across a lot of different conditions.
And we might just brush it off as, oh, I have a sinus infection, or, oh, I'm just really tired, or, oh, I have a food sensitivity. And when we start looking at the root cause and my intake for my patients is very comprehensive. And we do ask about mold exposure.
If there has been mold exposure recently, or even within the last few years, we're going to run an organic acid test and see if that's still hanging out in the body. And that's going to be part of the conversation. Now we now are going to say, okay, there has been mold exposure.
Some of these symptoms could very well be linked to that exposure. And so we need to at least start addressing the mold and looking to see what else might be contributing to those symptoms. If you want to know what my deepest, darkest fear is, it's mold. It's everywhere.
It is very, very difficult to treat. And it can really, truly interfere with natural physiologic function. And then the other part of mold that's an issue is the mycotoxin.
So those are like the spores that the mold releases. And that can circulate systemically within the bloodstream and affect the body. every organ, you know, from the brain to the kidneys and everything in the middle.
It is very, very scary. The trick, however, to mold is making sure you're using a ton of fiber because you want to make sure you're binding. That will stop the recirculation.
What makes mold so difficult to treat is A, it is literally everywhere, and B, the mycotoxin makes it recirculate. So if you can work on binding up the mold spores and getting out of a moldy environment, That right there is effective for treatment or that can help control the fungal taxemia. So now I'm like, we got to find where this is coming from.
We got to test the house. So I got a test called the ERMI-7. ERMI stands for Environmental Relative Moldiness Index.
And I like their number seven because it's not only testing for mold mycotoxins. It looks for something called the HRSMI, which is like the big five. You're looking at aspergillus.
You're looking at penicillin. You're looking at stachyboid trees. but it's also testing for a specific bacteria that most doctors don't even know to look for called actinomyces.
And this actinomyces is a very common bacteria, in fact, more common than the mold, but what it does is it mimics the symptoms of mold toxicity. It's very similar in structure and in function. So we did this test by EnviroBiomics, got the test results back, and all you need to know about the test results is get the hell out of this house yesterday.
Because that's rule number one. Anytime there's a a toxic exposure, whatever toxin you're being exposed to. In this case, it was a mycotoxin, right?
You have to remove yourself from that environment that's producing that toxin and that's going inside your body. The first thing we try and do is get them away from the mold. Obviously, if we're addressing an imbalance or addressing an infection and they're still getting exposed to it, it's like we're running uphill.
So we really first have them working in their home to remediate the situation. Not always a very... practical or cheap approach, but for one's health, it should be done.
It's the best thing to do is to just get the mold remediated, fix the leaks in the house and deal with it. Once that's been resolved, hopefully, then we have to get the mold out of the body because we've been breathing it in for a year, two years, 10 years. Who knows? Some people just live in old houses that just have musty basements. They don't think anything of it.
They're doing their laundry in there twice a week and they're just breathing that in. So when we have situations like that, the mold could have been in the body for a very, very long time. So this takes some time to get it out.
herbal medicine, in my opinion, can work very, very well. I do work with golden seal, black walnut. I work with oregano oil. I work with caprylic acid.
I work with an acetylcysteine to help bring those out. I put my patients through a rotation so the body does not get used to any one thing coming in. That's a really important factor.
I tend to do a pulsation. So I do three weeks on, three weeks off, three weeks on, three weeks off of any of those antifungal, antimicrobial interventions. We need to give the body a break. And we also don't want any of those fungi to biofilm and go into hiding because they're used to the intervention.
So they just hide. So we have to give the body a chance for them to come back out, start eating again. And that's a chance for them to go back into that next wave three weeks later.
So it's really important that in my clinical experience, and this is how I've been able to get really good results with patients, is to pulse the interventions and to mix out the intervention so that they're not on the same intervention for three or four months straight. That can really create a recipe for disaster because then you have a biofilm situation that you might be creating a stronger fungi as a result. Rotation of herbs, bringing in some antioxidants, some things that are going to stimulate liver detoxification pathways and support liver detoxification pathways, those are all essential.
If we don't put those liver supporting nutrients in there like glutathione or... or N-acetylcysteine, which is that precursor for not putting those B complexes in and vitamin C, we are putting a lot of strain on liver detoxification processes. And we might see patients experiencing more symptoms.
They're going to get more fatigue while they're on the intervention. They're going to feel more brain fog while they're on their intervention because their body's just working really hard and their inflammation's going up. So we want to try and minimize inflammation while we're trying to maximize the clearance of those fungi. I think you need to be taking extra fiber. I don't think you can rely just on fiber and foods.
You want extra fiber. There's also a whole class of drugs called bile acid sequesterance. And that is a pharmaceutical that is very, very healthy for mold toxemia.
First ever cholesterol lowering drug that was introduced in the market, I think in the 60s or 70s, maybe even earlier. So the thing about bile to know and the thing about lipids as a whole is their their the body holds on to them very, very tightly. They are aggressively recycled. probably 90 to 95% of your fatty acids are going to get recycled.
And that makes it difficult if the goal is to lower the amount of cholesterol within the system, that's going to make it very, very difficult to do because the body wants to recycle it. And so the best way to bring it down is to bind up that fat and push it out through the bowels, right? Drugs that do that are called bile acid sequestrants. They sequester the bile so it doesn't get recirculated.
supplements that do that are fiber. Again, they sequester the bio and push them out the stool so they don't get recirculated. Any of the soluble, insoluble, you want a little bit more attention towards the insoluble because you want to try to get it out.
One of the best for mold in particular, chlorella is one of the best ones that's been shown to bind very aggressively and get it out. You need a fair amount of chlorella to do that. And your stools are probably going to get like really green and like- icky, which is kind of what you want, because it's getting out. But generally, I'm using chlorella, I will also use charcoal, charcoal has a pretty good history of binding as well.
And then I'll use any of the soluble and insoluble fibers really focusing on insoluble, you have to get your body on a binder. Because again, when you start to bring antimicrobials, or anything that's going to go after any form of these stealth pathogens, candida, things like that, there's going to be a die off. And when those pathogens die off, they kind of just hang around there. So now you're having like this dead debris that's going to cause more inflammation. So we got to help our body out when it's that overwhelmed.
We have to assist our body in escorting these pathogens that are now dying and dead out of the body. So that's what a binder does. So I used Wellcall for my mold mycotoxin because it's the gold standard. But obviously that is a medication form of a binder, coliseum. But other ones that you can get at your health food store are going to be activated charcoal.
You can get bentonite clay, you can get zeolite. And there's some great binders out there where they actually have combinations of them. But it's very important with the exclusion of maybe one out there, you have to take the binder on an empty stomach. Because if you take the binder with food, or if you take the binder with any other supplement, not only is it going to go after the bad guys, but it's also going to pull out anything good.
This is why when someone gets food poisoning, right, from either salmonella or E. coli or whatever that might be, whatever that pathogen is, Immediately, you know, they're getting diarrhea, they're getting vomiting, sometimes both ends, not to be gross. That's what happens.
We've all been there. But what do I do? I put them on activated charcoal immediately, usually from coconut husks or something like that, because what the activated charcoal is going to do is going to bind to those toxins to safely eliminate them out of your body faster. So binders are critical.
You have to do that. And that's number one. When you have mold toxicity or even candida to that effect, which is obviously a fungal organism, You have to stay on the binders until you pass that VCS test.
So when I took my first VCS test, the visual contrast sensitivity test, which again is a direct marker for biotoxin illness in your body and affecting your brain and your vision, I failed miserably. I got 35%. So I got on those binders.
I was taking two of them three times a day and I did that until I passed the test. So that was number one for me. I decided that I needed to go all in 100%. So I did 100% antifungal diet. I'm telling you, I stopped carbs.
I stopped sugar. I wasn't eating a lot of that stuff, but no carbs, no sugar, no grains, no dairy, no coffee, no alcohol, like a hundred percent. And even so much so that we would go to church, like every few weeks or so, they give you the little wafer and they give you like the juice, which is like the, you know, the wine.
I wasn't even going to do that. I mean, that's how dialed in I needed to be. And then I do what I do best. I started a gut healing protocol.
So I started taking biofilm disruptors to go into those biofilms to release anything hidden under the surface. I started taking antimicrobials. I started on a binder.
That is the single most important thing you can do. when you have exposure to any stealth pathogen or infection or toxin like a mold mycotoxin. Because what it does is it goes in the body, it binds to that toxin so that you can safely eliminate it out of the body instead of that toxin being recirculated over and over and over from the gut into the liver, out the gallbladder, back into the microbiome, which becomes a vicious cycle.
So I was doing that. I was doing sauna. I was doing lymphatic system drainage, dry skin brush, bouncing on a rebounder, flow preso. I was doing things to actually start to help my dysregulated immune system.
So on average, I'll tell my clients to take about 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 every day. I was taking the D3 with the K2. So again, I was doing all these different things to help support my immune system, to support my gut, to lower the symptoms in my throat that was going on.
I was taking DGL, which is an adaptogenic herb. It's called deglycerized licorice. It basically helps the mucous membranes.
I was drinking marshmallow root tea. I was taking a spore-based probiotic. I was doing things to strengthen the gut lining called L-glutamine, very, very powerful essential amino acid that heals and seals the gut lining.
All right, there was more, but basically you can see I threw everything at it, but the kitchen sink. So here we are in Laguna Beach, 90 days later, I'm at the beach and I'm just like letting the waves come across my feet. I'm hearing my children laughing and I'm looking up at the sun, but really I was actually talking to God.
And I was so blessed in that moment. I have chills right now. I have a picture. My wife actually caught a picture of this moment and I made it to the other side. We've covered a lot of ground in this episode, from the devastating impacts of toxins in our food to the hidden dangers of mold exposure.
But here's the most important takeaway. No matter how toxic your environment or how compromised your health may be, Your body has an incredible capacity for healing and renewal. By implementing the strategies we've discussed, from optimizing your detox pathways to creating a mold-free environment, you can start to turn the tide on chronic inflammation and autoimmune dysfunction.
Remember, healing from toxicity and chronic illness is a journey. It takes time, patience, and a commitment to addressing the root causes of your symptoms, but with the right knowledge and support, you can overcome even the most challenging health obstacles and start feeling like yourself again. Thank you for joining us for this eye-opening episode of The Gut Autoimmune Solution, and I'll see you in our next episode.