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Neonatal Examination Guidelines
Oct 15, 2024
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Neonatal Examination Overview
Common short case in pediatric clinical exams.
Necessary skill for medical undergraduates.
Often performed in postnatal wards.
Preparing for Examination
Gather necessary equipment:
Tape measure for head circumference.
Torch and tongue depressor for oral examination.
Stethoscope for heart sounds.
Offer fundoscopic examination.
Obtain consent from the mother.
Hygiene practices: Clean hands, wear gloves, keep baby warm, warm hands.
Examination Procedure
Initial Steps
Start with inspection when baby is quieter.
Check for respiratory distress, icterus, dysmorphic features.
Head-to-Toe Approach
Inspect scalp and head.
Check fontanelles (anterior and posterior) and suture lines for abnormalities like wide separation or ridging.
Look for kefal hematoma and caput.
Inspect eyes for cataracts, pupillary abnormalities, low set ears.
Check ears using an imaginary line from medial to lateral canthus.
Oral Cavity
Check for tongue tie, neonatal/natal teeth, Epstein pearls.
Inspect and palpate hard palate for cleft palates.
Palpate for sternomastoid tumors.
Check clavicles for fractures.
Hands and Arms
Inspect for polydactyly, syndactyly, clinodactyly.
Look for abnormal palmar creases like simian crease.
Look for chest abnormalities (pectus excavatum/carinatum).
Auscultate heart sounds.
Abdominal Examination
Check for abdominal distension, scaphoid abdomen.
Inspect umbilical cord, inguinal region for hernias.
Feel femoral and radial pulses for radiofemoral delay.
Genitalia and Anus
Check for ambiguous genitalia, descended testicles in boys.
Inspect anus for abnormalities.
Lower Limbs and Feet
Examine for limb asymmetry, cyanosis, foot deformities (talipes, calcaneovirus).
Palpate spine for spina bifida, meningocele, meningomyelocele.
Hip Examination
Perform Barlow’s and Ottolani’s tests for hip dislocation.
Fundoscopic Examination
Check for red reflexes, signs of cataract or retinoblastoma.
Reflexes and Maturity
Assess primitive reflexes, physical maturity (planter creases, labia majora development, breast bud development, lanugo hair, ear cartilage recoil).
Clinical Findings in Example
Healthy term neonate with normal examination results:
Normal fontanelles, no hematomas or caput.
Normal facial features, no oral or neck abnormalities.
Normal limb and digit examination.
No heart murmurs, normal lungs and abdomen.
Normal genital and spine examination.
Negative Ottolani and Barlow's tests.
Normal red reflex, symmetrical Moro reflex.
Conclusion: Neonate is healthy; parents reassured about routine care.
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