Crafting Effective Thesis Statements

Oct 24, 2024

How to Write an Essay: Thesis Statements


  • Speaker: Ariel
  • Topic: Thesis statements
  • Context: Part of a series sponsored by Squarespace

What is a Thesis Statement?

  • A short statement, usually one sentence
  • Summarizes the main point or claim of an essay
  • Developed, supported, and explained in the text using examples and evidence

Position of Thesis Statement

  • Typically placed at the end of the introduction
  • Not a strict rule, but recommended 99% of the time

Importance of Thesis Statement

  • Acts as a compass for your essay
    • Guides your writing and keeps it on track
  • Serves as a tool for both the writer and reader
  • Helps prevent going off on tangents during research and writing

Crafting a Thesis Statement

  • Differentiate between a topic and a thesis statement
    • Example: Topic - Dogs; Thesis - Small dogs make better companions than large dogs
  • Ensure it is a specific and arguable point
  • Should be an argument, not a fact
    • Example: "Windows are made of glass" is a fact, not a thesis

Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement

  • Use the phrase: "In this essay, I will be arguing that..." to form an argument
  • This approach can be a solid foundation, especially in early university years
  • Thesis is not fixed
    • Can and often does change during the writing process
    • Adjust as your argument develops

Benefits of a Strong Thesis Statement

  • Anchors the paper
  • Ensures the argument remains focused and relevant
  • Helpful for readers to follow and understand the argument


  • Encouraged to check out other episodes in the series
  • Sponsored by Squarespace
    • Offers tools for website building and domain purchasing
    • Discount with "ariel" code

Call to Action

  • Encourages viewers to share their thesis statements in the comments