Transcript for:
Understanding the Stages of Repentance

We have to be able to go to each other and they should be able to help us out with the word of God. Okay, we have to confess our faults first and foremost to the Lord. We have to pray for that thing.

Okay, but also in doing so, there may be something that you don't particularly know of as of yet in the Bible that a counselor or a friend may be able to help you with. Hey, Shalom Israel, Most High in Christ, blessed Captain Nashawn here. Hey, welcome to 15 minutes with the captains, all right?

So we're going to go through a few scriptures. Got a little topic right here, a little title that entails beginning stages of repentance. Okay, so it's beginning stages of repentance. So let's get right into it.

Let's give me 1 Kings chapter 8 and verse 47. This is the beginning stages of repentance. The book of 1 Kings chapter 8 and verse 47. Yet if they shall bethink themselves in the land whether they were carried captive. Stop right there.

It said, yet if they shall bethink themselves in the land whether they were carried captive. What does bethink mean? Bethink means to remember. We have to remember who we are. In our repentance, in our beginning stages of repentance, we have to remember who we are.

Why do we have to remember who we are? Give me Jeremiah chapter 17 and verse 4. Okay, we have to remember who we are because nowadays we call ourselves African Americans. We call ourselves black, Hispanic, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Haitians. We call ourselves all these slave names that our slave masters put on us.

And throughout the generations, we have completely forgotten who we are. Read that. Jeremiah chapter 17 and verse 4. And thou, even thyself, shall discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee. Read.

and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not. So we, the Most High God, because of our disobedience, put the other nations over us, and when they were over us and had us in slavery, even to this day, they made sure that we forgot who we were. They made sure that we forgot that we were the children of Israel. Why would they do something like that?

Because then you don't know who to pray to. You don't know the God to pray to. You don't know your God to pray to. You don't know what to pray for.

You don't even know who you are. So if they can keep you lost like that, they can continue to rule over us. So in our repentance, that's why I said the beginning stages of repentance.

In our beginning stages of repentance, our first duty that we must come back to is our true identity. Okay, I will pray you understand that. Go back to verse Kings chapter 8 verse 47 again.

1 Kings chapter 8 and verse 47. Read. Yet, if they shall bethink themselves. If we shall remember who we are because we were forced by violence to forget who we are to this present day. Read.

In the land, whether they were carried captive. Uh-huh. And repent and make supplication unto thee in the land of them.

We have to repent and make supplication. We have to make supplication. Meaning, give me that word supplication. Can you look it up? I meant to tell you before.

I'm sorry. Uh, but, um, while you're looking up that word supplication, I want Baruch. I want Baruch. We're going to come back to supplication. Give me Baruch chapter two, verse 30. The book of Baruch chapter two and verse 30. Uh-huh.

For I knew that they would not hear me because it is a stiff neck people. Because we are stiff neck people. The Most High God knew that we wouldn't listen unto him. So he had to do what he had done to us, okay?

The atrocities that he had done to us. The slavery that he has done to us. Having us serve in a land that we know not. Go ahead. Because it is a stiff-necked people, but in the land of their captivities, they shall remember themselves.

Read that part again. Read that whole thing again. For I knew that they would not hear me because it is a stiff neck people.

Uh-huh. Because we are stiff neck people, read. But in the land of their captivity.

But in the land of our affliction, in the land of our servitude, we what, read? They shall remember themselves. Then we will remember ourselves.

In our affliction, we will remember. We will start to remember ourselves. We will start to remember our God. This is all.

steps of repentance. So we have to remember who we are. We were getting afflicted. We're getting oppressed.

We're in the midst of servitude. Okay. And then we start to remember like, no, this is not the way that we are supposed to be. Okay, so we have to remember who we are. What verse was that?

The end of verse 30. Okay, read on. And shall know that I am the Lord their God. And I am the Lord their God, read. For I will give them in heart. So in remembering who we are, not only will we remember who we are, we will remember who our true God is.

Okay, we will remember who our creator is. Okay, and the power that he has set forth, that he has. That is going to set us free out of this condition that we're in and out of the mindset that we're in.

That's what repentance does for us. Go ahead. And ears to hear. Uh-huh. And they shall praise me in the land of their captivity.

You see that? So now we're going to, when we start to remember who we are, we're going to praise the God of the Bible, Christ of the Bible, the black Messiah. Not the Caesar Borzea that they got us praying to right now. No, in our repentance. In our beginning stages of repentance, we're going to remember who we are and remember what God we should be, the only God that we should be praying to.

Go ahead. And think upon my name and return from their stiff neck and from their wicked deeds, for they shall remember the way of their fathers. You see that?

We should remember the ways of our father. We will return from our wicked deeds. All of this is the steps of repentance. Okay?

Returning unto the Lord, forgetting. forsaken our wicked ways, okay, and remembering who we are. Read.

Which sinned before the Lord. That was it? Yes, sir.

Okay, yes, sir. Let's go back to 1 Kings. Trying to keep up with you.

1 Kings 8 and verse 47. Uh-huh. Yet, if they shall bethink themselves. If we shall remember who we are, remember who we shall be praying to, remember our nationality, our heritage, and our culture. Go ahead.

In the land, whether they were carried captives. We were carried captives right here in America and all over the world where we were forced. That's why we read Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 4, where we were forced to forget our true heritage.

The reason why we got to rethink ourselves in the first place. Read. And repent.

And repent. Repent meaning to come back to God's law, statutes, and commandments. Come back unto him.

Read. And make supplication unto thee in the land. Of them that carried them captive.

And we have to make supplications. What does that word supplication mean? Supplication. Uh-huh. The action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.

Wow. The action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly. So read that part again, verse 47 again from the top.

Yet they shall be thinking. themselves remember who we are read in the land whether they were carried captives right here when we were whipped to forget whipped into submission until we forgot our nationality and repent and repent read and make supplication and in our repentance we're asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly we're begging for the for the lord to forgive us for our sins forgive us for our trespass how do we do so because it said repent It said, and repent. Give me Acts chapter 3 verse 19. Acts chapter 3 and verse 19. Yes, sir. Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out.

So we have to repent ye therefore and be converted. Converted meaning to change. Okay.

Repent ye therefore and be converted that our sins may be blotted out. Give me Psalms 19 and 7. The book of Psalms chapter 19. In verse 7, the law of the Lord is perfect. The law of the Lord is perfect.

Read. Converting the soul. Changing the soul. Changing your mindset. Read.

The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Making you from an African American until an Israelite. When we convert or change or repent or bethink ourselves, we come back to our true culture.

We come back to our true heritage. We come back to our true God. These are all the beginning stages of repentance. Okay? I pray y'all understand that thing.

Get James chapter 5 verse 16. The book of James chapter 5 and verse 16. Confess your faults one to another. We have to confess our faults one to another. Okay? If we want healing, we have to be able to go to our brothers and our sisters. You know, sisters talking to each other.

We have to be able to go to each other, and they should be able to help us out with the word of God. Okay? We have to confess our faults first and foremost to the Lord. We have to pray for that thing. Okay?

But also in doing so, there may be something that you don't particularly know of as of yet in the Bible that a counselor or a friend may be able to help you with. So read that again. confess your faults one to another something that they made me to build you up you have to be able to confess your faults one to another okay this is when you uh are earnestly and humbly you know i mean um i'm looking to repent when you are sincere with that thing okay you will do any by any means necessary you will try to figure out how to fix yourself okay through the word of and pray one for another and and and our prayers one for another Okay, we have to pray for one another because with the more prayers coming from more righteous people, the better chances you got of receiving that healing. Okay, receiving that prayer. Read, is there more?

That ye may be healed. That ye may be healed. You see that? Read. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth.

much. You see that? That's why you got to go to your brothers and to your sisters.

Have them pray for you. You got to confess that thing. Have them pray for you. Why? Because it'll heal you and it'll avail as much.

Okay? That's why we always got to stick together. We are a nation that need to come back and stick together.

Ain't nobody else going to do it for us. Get Proverbs chapter 28 verse 13. Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 13. Read. He that covereth his sins. You that he that covereth his sins that hides his sin okay remember these are the beginning stages of repentance.

We have to remember who we are remember the God unto to pray to okay learn the laws that we have been breaking and start to apply those things and in doing so there might be some things that you struggle with you go to your brother your sisters ask them for help ask them for scriptures that you may not know or heard of as of yet or you're not a applying as of yet and then they can help you and also praying for you at the same time so but he that could read that part again he that covered his sins but you that cover your sins that hide your sins you're not going to be able to receive that healing you're not going to be able to receive that blessing read shall not prosper you shall not prosper see what the scriptures are saying read but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them whoso confesses their sins Okay, and then not only confess it, but then forsake them, read. Shall have mercy. You then will have mercy.

We have to, we must take all of these steps in our beginning stages of repentance. And I know I said the beginning stages, but honestly and truly, outside of learning who you are, you're going to always be doing these things. Repentance is an ongoing process that you're always going to be doing.

The devil always going to be seeking to devour you. So you're always going to have to combat him, the devil, with the word of God. Okay?

By applying the word of God. Is that it on there? Yes, sir.

Okay. Let's go back to 1 Kings. 1 Kings 8, verse 47 again.

1 Kings 8, verse 47. Uh-huh. Yet, if they shall bethink themselves. In the land, whether they were carried captives. Uh-huh.

And repent and make supplication unto thee in the land of them that carried them captives. Read. Saying, we have sinned. You see that? Saying.

Saying. That's why we went through all those scriptures. Okay?

Saying. You must confess that thing. A lot of people, a lot of us don't want to admit it. They'll keep it boggled up in their head, but don't actually say it for themselves.

Say it in your prayers. Say it when you're confessing it to your brothers or to your sisters. You have to be able to say that thing because in saying it, guess what you're doing?

You're taking accountability for what you have done wrong. Go ahead. And have done perversely.

Uh-huh. We have committed wickedness. You said that? It said we have committed wickedness.

And so not just y'all, myself as well. I have to do the same things. We have committed wickedness, Reed.

And so return unto thee. With their heart. With all their heart.

Uh-huh. And with all their soul. So we have to return unto the Lord with all our heart, with all our soul. Give me, hold that, we're going to come back. Give me Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 30 and read down to verse 33. Ezekiel chapter 18 and verse 30. Uh-huh.

Therefore, I will judge you, O house of Israel. God's saying he's going to judge us for our disobedience. Remember what we read. Yeah, if they shall be.

would think themselves in the land whether they were carried captives and repent. So we were carried captives because of our disobedience. Okay? Read that part again.

Oh, he said, I will judge you. So us being led into these other nations, captives, is us being judged. Therefore, I will judge you. Read. O house of Israel.

O house of Israel. Read. Everyone according to his ways. Everyone according to what you thought in your mind was correct.

Okay, God say, I'm going to judge you according to your ways. Go ahead. Sayeth the Lord God, repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions.

So what does it mean to repent? Repent means to return yourselves from all your transgressions. Repent means to return. Return away from your transgressions, meaning forsake your sins. Okay, that's what transgression is, sin or iniquity.

Okay, you got to repent, turn from that. Go ahead. So iniquity shall not be your ruin. So iniquity, so sin, so transgression shall not be your ruin.

So they will not destroy you. So they will not kill you. Hold that. Hold that. Give me Proverbs chapter 21 verse 16. So they should not be your ruin.

When you have that type of mindset where you don't want to return and repent, you are like this. Proverbs chapter 21 and verse 16. The man that wondereth. out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.

You see that? When you do not repent, when you do not reform your mind to what God wants you to be, to the will of God, okay, you are in the congregation of the dead. You are a dead soul. You are a lost dead soul, okay? And the only way to come back alive out of that is to repent and keep the lost statutes and commandments.

All right, let's go back. Ezekiel chapter 18 and whatever verse you was at. Ezekiel chapter 18 and verse 31. Uh-huh.

Cast away from you all your transgressions. You see that? We got to cast away from us all our transgressions.

We got to eradicate that mentality, that thought. Okay? We got to completely get rid of it. Cast it away from us. Go ahead.

Whereby ye have transgressed. Uh-huh. Whereby we have sinned. And make a new heart.

And make a new mind. When it says heart, it's talking about your mind when you read in Mark chapter 7 verse 21 on down. Okay, you got to make it within you a new mind. Go ahead.

And a new spirit. And a new spirit. Read. For why will ye die?

You see that? Why would you choose death? Why would you remain in the congregation of the dead?

Why would you choose death? The Lord don't want that for you. He wants you to live. Go ahead.

O house of Israel, read. For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dies. You see that?

The Lord don't want us to die. He want us to live. He want us to rule. He want us to be the kings and the princesses that he meant for us to be.

He made us to be a particular way. There are peculiar people. But why would we choose death? Okay, when you're in the midst of sin, you are choosing death. The wages of sin is death.

For I have no pleasure in the death of him that died. God don't have no pleasure in us dying. Go ahead.

Sayeth the Lord God. Read. Wherefore, turn yourselves and live ye. You see that?

Turn yourselves, repent, and live ye. Okay, so that's why we're going through the beginning stages of repentance. Because that's what the Most High God wants for us. He wants us to repent.

He wants us to live. He wants us to rule. Okay, go ahead.

Was that it? That's it. Let's go back to 1 Kings. We're almost done.

Verse Kings chapter 8 and verse 48. And so return unto thee with all their heart and with all their soul. in the land of their enemies, which led them away captive, and pray unto thee toward their land. So that's another step right there.

We need to pray unto him toward our land. Our land is the... Let's just... 2 Chronicles 6 and 6. 2 Chronicles 6 and verse 6. But I have chosen Jerusalem.

That my name might be there and have chosen David to be over my people Israel. You see that? So that's the steps that we got to take. We got to remember who we are, learn the law, statutes and commandments, beg earnestly and humbly for forgiveness. OK, these are all steps we got to take.

Remember who we are, begging for forgiveness, confessing our faults and applying the law, statutes and commandments that we are learning. Okay, applying to keep the high holy days, applying to keep the clothing or the attire laws. You know what I mean?

We have to apply all of these things. And also, we have to learn where our land is, which is Jerusalem, and always pray. When we do pray, pray towards Jerusalem, wherever you may be at.

Okay, if you're in America, it'll be towards the east. If you're in... uh uh certain parts of africa it'll be what towards the towards the north if you're at the bottom you know it depends on where you at but jerusalem is the homeland that we need to pray towards go where would you leave off at in verse middle of verse 48 all right finish it out which led them away captive and pray unto thee toward their land which thou gavest unto their fathers the city which thou has chosen And the house which I have built for thy name. Right. So, okay.

So, let's jump to verse 46. Verse 46. Let's jump back to verse 46. Yes, sir. If they sin against thee, for there is no man that sinneth not. So, also, we got to keep this in our mind.

There is no body. There's no man and no woman that has not sinned. Okay?

But we also, that doesn't mean that you continue on in your sins. All right? If you fall, make sure you get back up.

Okay? Start the process all over if that's what you got to do. Okay?

But you must do that. Don't fall into it and just stay there and just squalor in it and just accept death. Hold that. Hold that. Give me 1 John 1 and 8, I think it is.

Yeah, 1 John 1 and 8. 1 John 1 and 8 to 10. 1 John 1 verse 8. If we say that we have no sin. We deceive ourselves. You see that?

If we say that we don't have no sin, we deceive ourselves. This is a, a, a, a, a, a, a, the Bible is our medicine. Okay? If you're not sick, then you, that means you're saying that you don't need the Bible.

If you're not sick, you're saying you don't need Christ. We all sick. The whole head is sick.

So there should be nobody out there saying, uh, I don't have no sin in me. Uh, I don't sin. No, not you.

You, you lying. You lying. You deceiving yourself. Read it again. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.

Read. And the truth is not in us. And the truth is not in us. Okay? Which means you're a liar.

Go ahead. If we confess our sins, he is faithful. That's what we read earlier. If he confesses our sins, it says that person that confesses is faithful. Read.

And just to forgive us our sins. And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So when we faithful, the most high is just to cleanse us from our ways.

That brother right there is faithful. That brother right there trusts in the Lord. He believes in what he's reading. Okay?

He has faith. Okay? I can deal with him. I'm going to heal him. I'm going to have mercy upon him or her.

Go ahead. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar. You see that?

If we say that... we have not sinned, we made Christ a liar because Christ came back to forgive us for, to die for us to be able to be forgiven for our sins. But if you saying that you don't have no sin or you never sin, that means Christ didn't die for you. We got to understand what we, we got to understand what we're saying, but that doesn't mean that you continue on in your sin. That doesn't, that doesn't give you the authority to sin.

No, you got to make yourself perfect. Okay, keeping the law, statutes, and commandments. Was that it on that?

No, sir. And his word is not in us. And his word is not in us.

All right, let's go back. Let's go back and wrap it up. Verse 49. Then hear thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven, thy dwelling place, and maintain their cause.

Okay, so it says. Then hear thou their prayer and their supplication. All right, so I had read Proverbs 28, 13 earlier, okay? It was for this verse, but just get John chapter 9, verse 31. Get John.

So it says, then after you have made these steps, okay, and be thanking yourselves and begging earnestly for forgiveness and applying, praying towards the east. Read that, John chapter 9 verse 31. John chapter 9 verse 31. Now we know that God heareth not sinners. God don't hear sinners. That's why I said then he'll hear our prayer when we start to make these steps in our beginning stages of repentance.

Go ahead. But if any man be a worshiper of God and doeth his will, him he heareth. Him he's going to hear. Him he's going to give the healing to and the blessings to. Him he heareth.

Him he will forgive for his sins. Okay? The ones that start to keep the law, statutes, and commandments.

All right, let's go back. 1 Kings 8 and verse 49. Then hear thou their prayer. And their supplication in heaven, thy dwelling place, and maintain their cause. Read. And forgive thy people that have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions, wherein they have transgressed against thee.

Read. And give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them. So in our repentance, guess what? The Lord is going to have compassion upon us. And that's what we're seeking right there.

That's what we want from the Lord. Last verse. Give me Revelation chapter 3 and verse 5. Revelation chapter 3 and verse 5. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment. And I will not blot out his name out of the book of life. See, we already in the book.

book of life but when we conform to his ways and we make these beginning stages of repentance and we continue on to repent throughout our life he's not going to blot us out of of the book of life that we are already in but when you remain in your sin guess what you get yourself blotted out that's what we do not want we want to continue to have that mercy and compassion that God continually shows towards us finish it out but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels. You see that? So, but when we keep in the law, statutes of commandment, then Christ is going to confess us unto the Father.

So, Israel, with that, I say shalom. I pray you got something out of that. Most high in Christ, bless. Nation is family.

Nation is community. Nation is men leading by example. Nation is women's support.

Nation is children with role models. Nation is unity. Nation is you. It's Nation Time.