Transcript for:
Effective Charting and Trading Strategies (BikerBoy D)

abely need you um absolutely need live data y very important you don't want to be five minutes late to something that already happened so um and y'all can screenshot this and everything um I'mma post it to the group I'mma take my little tag off I ain't want nobody stealing I made it a while ago but uh I'mma put our group tag on there so if we see it somewhere else we know where it came from um but you can screenshot it for now um so yeah uh this is this is the order operations you have to do it in and here are some tips when you're doing it so after you after you chart everything that I put one through seven you're going to look for actionable signals on higher time frames right so the example is the six month is about to trigger a a 212 to the upside so you want to draw that entry you always want to start with the top first so you can see where price is trying to go overall because it might go too down on a day that doesn't matter if the six months is showing you that it's trying to go up it doesn't matter if it went two down on a day that's very important um you're gonna identify your price Targets on a higher time frame this allows you to see where price wants to go and then you drop down to your lower time frames and you for actual signals that are in Confluence which are higher time and always do the six month the quarter the quarter I'm looking at always um and more or less you know I don't know if y'all how long how well I'm going say how well some of y'all know me I mean um literally charting that that quarter is literally what has given me my biggest win so far you know on this journey is a absolute must that you chart those you know when we always talking about higher time frame this is what we are meaning um the hybrids we will get into those those aren't important yet but you see why we use them as well y that that same thing the quarter um that that tell you everything you need to know um that tell you if you going against that's where the buyers at because investors ain't day Trad long people billions of dollars they not they they're they're trading but they're putting their money for the long run they're not looking for short gains so quarter is a um three month it's not a n month who said that I see somebody say iPhone they got a whole bunch of iPhones up here I don't know who you know exactly it is okay let me yeah let me make sure I look at the chat too because um I a't been seeing it so yeah quarter is three month think about 12 months one quarter out of 12 months is three months so that's how that works um yeah so you're gonna do that um and then it says find stocks that are mirroring the sectors actionable signals and play those for a high probability setup I'm going get into that later but I just want you to see it um oh here's an example xlk has a two down hammer on the week with full time frame continuity to the upside um and apple is also mirroring xlk so if it's doing the same thing xlk does if xlk reaches its Target it's likely that apple is also going to reach its Target so that's what that means so let's get back into the charts all right so like s was saying he has a watch list um this is my this is my this is my watch list what I do every weekend before the week the before the new week starts is I have my Dow right here I have my NASDAQ my S&P uh my crude oil Futures these are my Futures right here um I don't really pay attention to gold and Bitcoin that much but I do have them there and then these are your ETFs these are the main ETFs I look at spy Dia Etc and then you have your sectors if you don't know your sectors you need to study your SE sectors you need to know what xlb is and XL you need to know these things so if you don't know that that's important because you can't be trading uh individual stocks and you don't even know what the sector is doing so that's important this helps you this helps you find individual stock plays by looking at what the sector is doing and after you chart your sectors then you start getting into the individual stocks that's within those sectors does that make sense to everybody cool moving on um one way you can find what's in a sector is you go to sector spdr sector spider or whatever um and then you can you can like find okay xlc let's see what's in xlc you go to Holdings and then you can see what's in xlc and you can I have yeah I have those watch list I'm not to end up showing you the watch list I got man I got probably about 30 different watch list honestly bro um that got all of that in there okay they got I got one of them with 500 tickers on in in a watch list God damn but yeah uh okay yeah that work I just wanted to show them where to find them if they you know if they want yeah that makes sense yeah so um step one right before you do anything you want to draw your broad informations um now personally um I start with the quarterly on Broad informations um you can go through a year um I just kind of know how to see it with my eye without drawing on it so I don't do it but you can draw your broad informations um I know broad informations trip up a lot of people so um I'm I'm gonna show you how to draw broad informations before I actually chart them so what a broad information is is it show it shows price and press State expanding from top bottom to top or top to bottom whichever price is at the moment um and how you draw broad informations is let's give a this is like a this is a good example um right here so you want to go from and let me take this off so you can see it what happened okay um so you could draw broad informations different ways and Broad informations are infinite so there's really no wrong time frame to draw them on and there's no wrong points to look for as long as you're drawing a broad information from a lower low to a higher low and you always draw broad informations from right left so what I mean by that is you would draw your broad information from here to here if that's what you're looking for now if a broad information is sharp like that it's probably not going to give you a lot of data so what I like to do is I have this indicator right here called inducement stop hunt and what this does is it shows you all your swing highs and your swing lows so it shows you where price went up to and revers and then went down to and I'll put that up one more time so y'all can see it it's this one right here um by trade for op that's the one and what that does is like I said it will show you the swing highs and the swing lows so really if you're not good at draw and Broad informations you can literally just uh you could just take one from one dot to another one as long as the one that you're taking it to is higher than the one in front of it does that make sense to everybody let me look at the chat can you repeat that one more time yep I can so broad information is drawn from a low if it's the bottom of a broad information it's drawn from a low to a higher previous low and then the broad information top would be drawn from a High to a previous high but this High has to be lower than the original high so you see how we have like that little uptrend going and then here we have this downtrend going that's how you know you did it right I'm gonna repeat that one more time for the top of broad information you go from a high to a previous lower high which would be this one this high is lower than this high so I want from here to here and then for the low I went from a low to a previous higher low and that's how I got this so this is how you see uh this shows price being compressed right and then it starts expanding so it's this is how informations in theory work like that does anybody have any questions on Broad informations before I move on feel free to unmute yourself and don't be scared to ask yeah I got a quick question bro this v d what's good bro Chillin bro so look you could have you you could have connected that to either one of those swing lows though right long as this uh inside of the range that we in now right like yep that's aad information right there I just chose or even the one further back like yep that either one would work yep and I'm glad you asked because I'm sure somebody had the same question as long as that low is higher than this one it's a valid it's a valid broad information now you can have a million broad informations like I can I can uh just sit here and and and like you said I can do this that's a broad information I can do this uh this is a broad information but it start like cramming up your screen so you got to know like I have mine labeled I have templates for mine how to do but um it can start getting confusing if you if you don't have experience with broad information so um I would start with one um and then work your way to be able to see more because you can use broad information like levels like okay it broke this broad information it's going to this broad information okay it broke this one now it's going for this one you can use it like that um broad information aren't set in stone um but yeah let me get rid of these but to answer your question you know what you call those when you have multiple like that you call them channels when you have multiple uh broad informations yeah CA you I mean if you ever see Killa chart man that boy charts look like spaghetti and honestly I'm G say the correct way like if you drawn them for the 12 month on down man you you ain't gonna be to see your charts all the way fully to be honest with you yeah and um the proper way to do it though um I'm G say the way you know when you is right is like when you know this price is respecting abroad information you know um look at this honestly I feel like the the brought information in that inducement SL stop hunt thing now I take the stop hunt off of them me personally for the indicator thing um but after you draw a few of them man I'm gonna say after you keep on drawing them man you don't gotta write them I mean I could just see them honestly to be honest with yeah um I'm a with Sol on that when I'm trading I'm not using broad informations I have them but I have them hidden over here um I don't look at them because I can see them with my eye so all of that stuff on my screen is not necessary but also like he said you can see it being respected so see we drew this broad information from here to here let's go back in time what on the sh already look it's been respected here it was being respected this whole this whole period right here so that's how you know you really drew a good broad information when you go back in time and you see that that same broad information is being respected look at that still being respected there too so that's a little uh that's a little trick um so yeah it it really depend on how advanced you get with broad informations um I have my broad information right now and I really don't trade with them um when I'm doing analysis I kind of look at them but I have them all over my screen too like these are the ones that's hidden um so they're their their broad information is everywhere um does anybody have any more like any questions about broad informations before we move on I have a quick question yes ma'am so when you create your broading formations you start at the higher level and then work your way down is that right yes yes ma'am so I will start at the three okay yeah go ahead I was gonna say like at you start at the 12 month and then the six and then the three and then the day yes um I don't do daily I don't do daily broad informations um okay but uh because if you break a daily level um you know where the target is for the next day so draw on abroad information like you you'll obviously break abroad information if you draw it on a day you know what I mean okay thank so another thing with broad informations too is you can skip candles so I know some people some people are strict with the strap and um I don't really believe in that because I feel like things are made to be like fit the style so some people they'll find a three bar and they'll draw from the three bar to the previous candle no matter what but you see how this can get messy like look at that that's a I mean it's being respected but that's a sharp broad information that don't tell me too much so one other thing you can do is find a point of Interest find something that's going to give you like like you would draw a trend line find you what's going to give you the best uh information so you can skip candles so technically for this broad information it's the bottom here to here but you can also um I'm sorry you can also have you can also draw it from here to here so you see how I just completely cut this one out because I think that from here to hear will give me more information this candle down here was kind of an anomaly you know like we I don't know what happened oh this is uh April 2020 so this was uh during covid um how many times are we are we going to have a market that just dropped like that and shoot back up so you can you can cut that candle out and just go with the candles that's going to give you the most information does that make sense yes and I will draw my top from here to here so I could have drew it from here to this one but I think that this one would have gave me more information and I can do that because this low is still lower than this I mean the this high is still lower than this high so I can technically still do that those are the rules that's the only rules you really have to buy by is at the top this High has to be lower than this high and low has to be lower than this low and if you abide by that then you got a broad information everybody's going to see broad informations uh differently so I'm sure new people get frustrated when they ask people like how do you draw broad informations they ask a million times it's re as long as you stick to those rules everybody's broad informations are going to be different nobody's going to see it the same way and Broad informations are infinite they go on forever and they're fractal so they're on every time frame from largest to smallest and they you can draw a million of them literally their broad information is everywhere every three bar is a broad information as long as it doesn't uh have a a three bar after it um so yeah that makes sense for everybody cool moving on so you're going to draw your broad informations from the from uh like I said I do the quarterly monthly weekly and then you're going to draw pivots now what pivots are pivots are just levels uh pivots are where price rejected or um they're they're pretty much support and demand levels that's really that that uh that's really what it comes down to um I mean I'm sorry not support support and resistance level um so I would start at the 12 month work my way down 12 um you could do six month I go 12 thre month monthly and then you just draw your pivots so this is a pivot this is a pivot you see how price went up here and shot all the way down price went here shot all the way down this was a resistant oh sorry uh this was a resistance so that's a pivot and so on and so forth so you keep doing that from the top down all the way down to your weekly I have a question a question yep so with the pivots does it have to be more than one Candlestick or more than one Wick to hit that same spot or just one no okay so it depends on the time frame me personally um on a higher time frame I'm counting one candle as a pivot like if I'm on a 12 month I'm counting every Wick as a pivot and the reason I do that is because you're telling me in a year let me let me move these out the way and just focus on one so let's focus on this candle right here you're telling me for a year this Wick and this Wick was your range for the year so this was your uh this was your support for the year and this was your resistance for the year so if it's a big time time frame like that I'm drawing every Wick and if they obviously if they line up then like right here if they're in the same group then I'll just do one but big Wicks like this on a yearly time frame or a quarterly time frame I'm drawing everyone um for sure um and while while we on that topic um I don't know too many if too many people know about the object tree but the object tree is a hack to your Trading this is how you organize let me pull it out so y'all can see it this object three if you go on the trading view it's this little stack of papers right here and what this does is this allows you to organize and group certain drawings and indicators together so you can lock them turn them off and on at the all at the same time and you can set um templates to them all at the same time so like my pivots I told you I have my yearly p I have my quarterly pivots but y'all see how this can be blinding if you had all of that always on so if I'm TR to look at my monthlies then I will turn everything else off and just see what's going on the monthlies and when you're trading during the day I know those look like a lot of lines but the chart is going to be small so it's not going to look like that um they're going to be spaced out but if you're charting that's what I would do for your futures your uh your ETFs and your SE all of your all of those should have on them they should have pivots on them and you just keep going down got your yearly your quarterly you draw your pivots on that you draw your monthly on that and you keep going on I'm gonna show y'all how to add things to your object tree so let's say I to grp these right these three lines I have a question question go ahead um I wanted to ask what's the difference between a pivot and resistance because I earlier you said um you want to enjoy your pivot and your resistance yeah so a pivot essentially is support and resistance levels um the reason I made them well I didn't make them but the reason I interpret them a little differently is because we kind of get in a habit of like when we draw support and resistance we kind of go like okay the top okay this is a resistance okay the bottom this is a resistance but you kind of miss all the information in between it so I draw pivots um to show where price can likely reject at any time because if I'm if I if I say like okay for for instance if I say this is my support and uh let's just say this is my resistance right well we'll just use this one let's say this is my support and this is my resistance if I'm waiting for price to get all the way up here and think it's only going to resist up here then you gonna be in trouble because you gotta think when you're trading you're not looking at a monthly time frame or a higher time frame you're gonna be you're gonna be on a smaller time frame so you're not even gonna see this this not even gonna pop up on your chart so when you draw pivots you break down and actually let me just show let me just show you how it looks so it all makes let's monthly pivots let's unlock those when you drop down to a daily let's say you're looking for a daily or you looking on an hourly chart you want to know where can price likely reject and these are pivots that I have drawn a months ago and you see how I was respecting it still on the hourly so if I was in a trade I would know like okay I need to start looking to take profit up here because this is a monthly pivot and the higher the time frame the stronger the pivot so a yearly pivot is going to be stronger than a quarterly a quarterly is going to be stronger than a monthly a monthly is going to be stronger than a weekly but they all may get respected so I would not be looking to to I would I should not expect price to break past this or to go up here if it hasn't even broken a pivot yet and that's why I look at them differently because when we look at suppor and resistance we kind of just we kind of look at it as a top bottom approach but nah there's pivots everywhere where price can reject and you see how it's been it's been respecting so that's why I do pivots instead of support and resistance does that make thank you yeah no problem um where was I at so yeah uh you draw your pivots and what Tom what was I on I was on the quarterly um okay that's what I was doing I was showing y'all how to use your object tree um so what object like I said it groups things so we just GNA put three random lines right and if you come here you see these are the lines I just drawn the I just drew the three horizontal Rays so what you do is click this folder up here and then it creates a group and then you could just click the group and rename it we can uh rename it uh zah whatever Zamunda that's what we go call it Zamunda right and then you I don't know uh how you do it on um Microsoft or Windows but on Apple you just hold command and then you click all of these and then you add it to the group you add it to the folder I'm sorry I there you go you add it to the folder so now what this does is I can now all of these at the same time I can make them disappear at the same time and I can also put a template on them at the same time so like let's say I wanted to call these all daily PT ones now they all turn into that so this is a hack on like when you trading and you want to group things this keeps you very organized so don't just have stuff randomly and you don't have to come all the way over here and remove all of your drawings you could just remove them individually and then you can delete them all at the same time boom easy everybody got that we're good all right um moving on so now that you have your um now that you have your broad informations now that you have your pivots now what you want to start doing is you want to start looking for actionable signals in your futures and your ETFs now what do I mean by that um if we are in the S&P 500 futures right and let me hide all of these if we are in the S&P 500 futures and we're looking at a quarterly time frame and we see okay as of right now we're making a shooter on the on the quarterly time frame we would want to um Mark out our levels assuming that the three-month was closed because you should not be drawing uh entries on open candles so if that time frame isn't closed yet you should not be drawing entries on that candle so let's assume this three- Monon is Clos close we'll be drawing our put entries damn I can't do that um on a second I was trying to find a clean chart for y'all but I have too many drawings on it already um but yeah you want to draw your entries and then you want to go down to so if we're in S&P 500 then you want to go to like spy and see okay spy is doing the same thing as the S&P is doing which would make sense right so then you're like okay what are the Holdings in spy what's in spy then you have your spy sectors so then you can start seeing well what's doing the same thing as spy right so then you can start going through your list okay so like we have XL xlc also has a shooter on the quarterly and then you will go into xlc if you're not trade in the sector itself and then you will see well what's an xlc that's doing the same thing what individual stock in xlc is doing the same thing as xlc so then you will go and find the individual tickers in xlc then you start going through the individual tickers oh meta is doing the same thing as xlc which is doing the same thing as spy which is doing the same thing as S&P 500 now y'all see how you can follow the money and you can make money on the individual Stocks by seeing what it's doing with the overall Market does that make sense okay I'm assuming it makes sense nobody asks um so yes you'll do that from the top down you'll be doing the same thing um finding actionable signals on a higher time frame and working your way down so let's uh crude is the only one I haven't charted yet and I wanted to chart it with you guys um so let's do one together in the meantime do you guys have any questions about anything that we uh covered so far before I move on I'm sure they do but I got a I got a question so far as when you said you're charting is there is there um a order so far as like your ETFs futures um sectors then individuals yes so it would go Futures because that's the highest weighted uh Futures is the Futures is your big dogs and then next is your ETFs that's spy and uh QQQ things like that then your sectors are next that's the next biggest and then your individuals within the sectors are the smallest I have a question so do they have to line up to trade it no they don't they don't have to line up but those are the best probabilities if they do so if you see a shooter or a let's say you see a hammer on uh crude right and it triggers two up from that hammer right let's say one month it it was a hammer and then we just triggered two month on a hammer the the next month you know per the Strat if we trigger a two up off a reversal candle which is a hammer you know where price is trying to go so knowing that you keep that in mind if you get to an individual stop you know that price is more than likely it's trying to go up because the the the bigger weighted the Futures the ETFs are going up so it doesn't have to have the same actionable signal as the the big dog but you need to know where money is going the big dogs show you where money is going a individual stock a individual ticker isn't really gonna show you that it can be hot for that moment but those big dogs those Futures and the ETFs and the sectors is going to show you truly where money is going yes and this is absolutely what will lead you to your money or your bag or whatever you want to call it it's an absolute must that you chart this um every weekend every night honestly as well if you aren't doing your homework you are absolutely losing you can't be a laser Trader by no means you can't wake up in the morning and say hey I mean you can't go to bed be like hey I'm not gonna chart this [ __ ] tonight I'm GNA chart this [ __ ] in the morning that [ __ ] not gonna work and don't you ever trade nothing that you haven't charted I don't give a damn if it's from me b boy D kill it adex you know whoever if you ain't Char it do not trade it you gonna get your ass smoke lit you got absolutely know the different candles as well um you're Strat Trader you get got to know the setups now however don't try to um I'mma say master every set up when you first in the game because you gonna have analysis paralysis definitely start also getting I'mma say real familiar with what ticket is in whatever um sector the same way it's it's um sector um spdr um iPhone 4 you know in um responding to your question yeah and by the way I don't mind y'all unmuting y'all mic because it's hard for me to talk and go through the chat at the same time so I'm going through now and I see I'm Miss some of y'all questions I'm G answer the question just run through I'm answer the questions I got a question run it so let's just say I've traded I mean I've I've charted uh a future which is es mini then I go and chart spy yep and then I drop down to an individual stock now I personally like to trade Tech right so let's just say we're going through xlc and you see that hammer then you go to es mini you see a hammer now if you give a trade signal but I don't trade ES would I still have the same type of trade likelihood in spy Andor xlc oh well in my individual stock like a Microsoft or a meta you would you so the important part you ski Microsoft and meta not up in the um that thing the important part you skipped over is the ETF so if you don't trade first of all I'll be looking at QQQ first of all um correct exactly right so um I will be looking at QQ and you will be looking at this uh the sector okay so that's important to know what the what what the actual sector is doing okay all right so if I know what my sector is doing and I would know what my indivi my individual ticker would be doing exactly so I can trade either or you could trade uh you can trade the sector if you want to um but if you want to trade if you want to trade a uh individual stock you can do that too all yeah 100% okay okay um yeah so um I forgot where I was at but let's get into uh y'all can just chart with me um and then we'll we'll get into it and then lastly I'm gonna hold the hybrid time frames off lastly because after we chart it's gonna make a lot of sense or like while we're charting it's gonna make sense so it's gonna it's going to tie together um so um we're going to we're going to do oil let's chart oil together so I want y'all to follow along and um obviously this Zoom is for people who are strap Traders and who use trading view I don't know too much about uh uh what is it Tren spider or whatever it's called I don't know too much about that um I can't really help you there but this this is really for tradeing view um so yeah so we're gonna start with our future which is cl cl one explanation mark um if you type it in here you can just type CL you can just type uh CL and it'll pop up it's the first one a lot of people don't know that oil has a future but um yeah so let's chart these together and if something don't make sense um stop me and ask questions before I move on um when you have trading view you need to have four screens up you should not be looking at one time frame only um that it's damn near impossible to trade like that you can get away with it for a long time but you need to see the bigger pictures on higher time frames um I like to set mine up highest in the right corner and then work my way down with the lowest being in the left corner you could do it whatever it fits you but you need to be looking at different time frames so you can see the overall picture um like imagine if some if you looking at a one minute chart trying to trying to say what the market is doing for the day and you looking at a one minute chart you looking at a five minute chart you don't know what the market is doing for the day you need to have that hourly up you need to have a 15minute up you need to have a a daily a or however you want to break it up but you need to have a higher time frame um on your charts you need to be looking at at Le at least two but I would look at four charts at the same time I always look at four charts at the same time so I don't know what plans y'all have on tradeing view but um you you going to have to upgrade cuz it you're not going to be successful looking at one chart all day I promise you so I don't know if you saw but someone asked can you show them how to see more than one chart they just put it in the chat yes I can so if you come up hold up lyric indicators is not important you and I say that because everybody use different indicators you going to have to find indicators that you know you understand y like when they you don't need indicators to trade you really don't if you really understand Strat inside and out and that's what I want everybody to do get to a point where you understand a strat Basics inside and out and then you can start freaking it a little bit that suit your needs but if you have if you understand the Strat I promise you you don't need indicators indicators are cool to have um they good with confluences and everything like that but if you just trade if you just learn a strat you'll learn price action and I promise you you won't need no indicators besides probably vwap vwap is important I think everybody should have vwap but EMAs and all that stuff I use them but they're not law they those are lagging indicators price action what's happening right in front of you at that moment is what you need to be focused on so honestly when you charting you shouldn't have no indicators on you should be looking at Raw price action what is happening besides the strap obviously which is an indicator so let's start with the quarter we're going to do crude first let's start with the quarter now obviously the the the quarter has already started so we just go take that away um so charting uh we have a three now per Strat you're not supposed to play Threes I do and I when we get into the hybrid time frames I'll explain why I play Threes why I play 2 two continuations um they say they're not actionable signals but I'll show you how they can be actionable signals so let's just uh just for Basics and fundamentals showing you what you should be doing um so you would start with your quarter so we have our call entry if it goes above here this is our call entry and I have templates on here so it's GNA go by fast but um we're going to chart it here's our put in and what I like to do is I like to put the setup um in the entry so I know exactly what's happening so I would do like a three two call entry and a three2 put entry and what that does is that allows you to just trade and not think you don't want to be thinking while you trading you need you want to know everything that's going on and you don't the L you have to think the better you'll be so I know like okay if we triggered up that's a 3-2 I don't have to think about it right so then we'll put our price targets boom we done with the quarter right and I'm not gonna go into detail this is just the basics so now we're done with the quarter now we're going to drop down to the monthly okay we have our put entry here so Tech actually let me let's just pretend that this this is a closed candle and somebody in the chat ask how do you know if it's a closed candle you know if it's a closed candle if that time limit is not there anymore so if we're on a monthly candle once the next month starts you know that this candle is no longer in progress that makes sense the next monthly will be starting so if it's September 1st this candle would have been closed just like a daily candle um if you're trading during the day you can't you don't think that the candle is closed because you're still trading in that time frame so let's just pretend that this this this monthly candle is uh is closed let's just pretend this is September 1st and we're trading I mean we're charting so we will put our monthly put entry here our daily I mean our monthly call entry here and if this was the case our monthly and our quarterly price Target would be the exact same because we don't have price Targets in between here this would be the next one so we could just do monthly slash quarterly and how are you look Target you said what how exactly are you like choosing which Wick uh to set the price Target at so are you familiar with the Strat uh not fully okay uh so yeah that um you're gonna have to get familiar with the Strat first um honestly bro like I wouldn't even I would just dive in the education part of the Strat and we're going to post links and things like that um I'm going to have future classes starting people from what is an option all the way up to this point tonight's not that night but um when you learn the Strat you learn that the next highest candle the one closest to the candle that you're on would be your price Target so this wouldn't be a price Target because it's lower than the entry so the next candle that's higher than this entry right here would be this one does that make sense yeah and same on the bottom side too correct going same on the bottom side yep same on the bottom side this will be Yep this will be our monthly PT right here because it's the closest one that's past this entry right so now that we have that um and like I said I want to label these so I know exactly what's going on so this will be a 2 two continuation call entry and this will be a 22 R so I know if price crosses below this line right here then this is a reversal price is trying to go here so if I'm in an individual stock and we go two down I know per the Strat the Strat tells me if we have a reversal candle that price will try to hit this target so I would not be thinking too long any individual stocks if the future is telling me that oil as a whole energy as a whole is going down it doesn't make sense to go long it it makes sense to short the hell out of it that's what makes sense so now that we have our month done we'll go to our weekly and the week is Clos um one thing that's also important is you want to know what candles are opening up next so next week we have the weekly open up it's because it's a new week and we also have a new three-week opening up and the way you can tell is if you're on this candle right here if you go right next to it if you look down here where my cursor is it shows you where the next week is opening up so this tells me the next week is opening up Monday 20 August 21st the next week is opening up Monday August 28th so you want to keep that in mind what's opening up that next week that's very important also you can't be tunnel vision and only looking at monthly weeklies you have to know okay is the two- week opening up let's see when the two we opens up no it doesn't open up to the 28th so we're not worried about that right now when is the three-week opening up oh the three-week is also opening up this next coming up week so you want to look at that too so now we're going to chart our weekly so once again here is our put entry weekly put entry which would be a 2 two continuation and like I said the reason I put this is so I know exactly what's happening if we go two down and we have a 2 two I know that they trying to short oil I know I know what they trying to do with the price that's why it's important weekly call so the PT for the weekly call is also the PT it's also the call entry for the month so if we get two up on the week will also trigger a 2 two continuation on the month does that make sense so I also put weekly P they share they share the same level did somebody say say something sound like dark God damn bro you Dar Vader or something uh I'm guessing he said can I say that again that was crazy uh I'm guessing he said can I say that again so yeah what I'm saying is here's your call entry for the week right per the Strat your PT would be right here but your PT also happens to be the call entry for the month so if we go if we go two up on the week and we reach our price Target we also go two up on the month so that tells you that the buyers are in if we go here and we go two up past this entry that tells us we're going two up on the month also and if we're going to up on the month where is Price trying to go price is trying to go up here so that shows you that the buyers are in essentially the buyers are here that's where the buyers are we go here they buying and they trying to get it up here we go here and I didn't mark my okay um so it's the same thing for the for the um week also so if we go two down on a week we all and we hit our price Target it also shares the monthly put trigger now the the reason that um I'm glad this came up because this actually happens um this isn't what's really going on in the market if y'all remember on the monthly we went off the current month and the month isn't closed yet so obviously this low is the low of the month because the low the month hasn't closed yet but we were just pretending we were just being hypothetical as if it did close but in reality this isn't the monthly put trigger I hope I didn't confuse nobody with that but this actually this scenario right here happens a lot so I'm glad you get to see it where the PT is also a trigger for a higher time frame I hope I didn't lose nobody there the chat all right so nobody had a question about that so we're going to put this is also the weekly pt1 right okay now we're gonna drop down to the Daily so on The Daily we have an actionable signal of a 212 so we're going to once again draw a call entry and our PT which is right here why a't just clicking and our PT which is right here and then we're going to draw our put entry which be right here and as you see the daily pt1 for puts is also the same um it's also the same um level for the weekly put entry one second my bad y' I just realized I put this on the wrong one let me just fix that that wasn't making sense it goes here okay so if we go to down on the day our Target will be right here this target like I said before happens to be this target right here happens to be the put entry so if we go two when Monday opens up Futures are open they're going to open up tomorrow but let's say on Monday if we go two down on the day and we hit our price target for the day we'll also go to down on the week so that should tell you at the beginning of the week they're trying to short oil they're trying to short oil to get down to this price Target and that's how you start stacking your time frames so you see how we went from the day to the week we're like okay if we go two down on a day and we hit our price Target we're also going to go two down on the week so we know where price is trying to go if we go to two down on the day hits this price Target that make that means we're going to go to down on the week we know price is trying to go to 7969 this one right here and that's how you follow the money so now that you have your future tget then you will go to your ETFs you would do the same thing and then you would go to your sectors and do the same thing um then you will go to XLE and you will see what XLE is doing um and let me hide let me hide all of this stuff but y'all essentially you you you essentially um get what's going on um I'm not going to go through everyone but you see what to do you go to your futures then you go to your ETFs and then you go to your sector and then after you chart your sector then you find your individual stocks within that sector does that make sense to everybody anybody has qu have questions up to this point uh how do you pick your contracts that's another that's another time um sorry go ahead um I was going to ask so when you are picking individual tickers yes after when after you go through your sectors how do you pick the most like the most profitable how do you know which one is going like it might be the most profitable is that something that you can look at or would you have to chart um like a group like a maybe five before you find one or I'm not sure if I it Mak any sense no you're making complete sense I get what you're saying so what I would do is I would go to the individual uh tickers right and I have favorable setups that I like so that's why when s say you need to be learning like those candles and everything and those setups you have to find a setup that you like um you don't you don't have to play every setup but you should recognize you should at least recognize every setup um so like if I know that XOM has a hammer on it it doesn't but uh it has a hammer on it and I know overall that crude is trying to push up I'm playing XO XOM because I know if crude is pushing up off of a hammer on XM then it's going up so to answer your question it's a a couple different ways you can do it and the more there's more ways but they're more advaned so that comes to that comes when you start learning confluences and how to rechart and how to tie all of your confluences in together so like if you use fibs you can say okay we have a hammer that's that's bouncing off of the 0. five um at the bottom of a broad information with full time frame continuity to the upside I'm taking that trade that's how you will pick the best one but if if you're just a beginner uh you probably not gonna be there yet um I would just find a setup that you like if you like Tut two reversals play those I personally don't unless they're hammers or Shooters but play those um if you like three ones play those if you like two1 tws find tickers that have the setup that you like but the thing I want you to keep in mind is you need to be knowing where price is going overall with the big dogs so as long as you know that price is going up with the big dogs you could play a individual setup that you like on a ticker there's no right or wrong way of doing that does that answer your question yes thank you okay um so now we're gonna get into hybrid time frames um I'm pretty sure everybody I didn't beat it down hard enough I'm pretty sure everybody got the steps that you need to take and what you gonna be doing I'm not go we' be here all night if I if I went through every step every you know if I did everything with you but um it's getting kind of late so um let's get into can I ask one quick question question you can when you're looking for setups how important is the to gauge the magnetude on seeing how would that be the best thing to see uh find the best plays or the ones with the most magnitude maybe yes so that comes from having screen time and seeing how powerful a setup can be so personally my favorite setup right now is a one3 a one three to me to me personally from what I've seen and I back test it a one3 is the most to me like I said don't don't start trading because I said it I know I know what to do with them and I know how to play them um a one3 is has high magnitude because what you have to realize is stocks don't just go straight up and they don't go straight down they they go sideway sometimes they stagger their way up they stagger their way up so with 13s what I like about them is you have trading is all um algorithmic there's comput like the big dogs that Financial um corporations and things like that they're not sitting at a a MacBook Pro trading they have algorithms that kick in at certain points so with that they're able to manipulate the market and the sooner you realize that the market is manipulated the better Trader you'll be and you will stop hoping and wishing you'll be be more disciplined with your trading because the market isn't going to go where you want it to go every time or it may not it may not do it most of the time um but you need to take your your bread along the way so once you understand that the market is being manipulated then you can find setups that's that's best suited for you so like the one three I like the one three because it's already been manipulated so right let me let me explain that so right now this is in the uptrend right so right here we have a three bar and a two down so some people would think like oh we got two downs like it's time to short it right but you have to realize that price doesn't just go straight up it has to have some relief it has to have some typ sell off it has to have some type of profit taking so sometimes they want price to get up here overall but they're going to they're going to go down in the process before it gets up there so with the one3 is what are the odds that you have a 133 it's very unlikely that they manipulated backtack days I like 13s because they've already been been manipulated um if you familiar with a fail too then you know about this so if you in a play and let's say you're taking a 212 right and it triggers for calls and then it goes up a little bit it comes back down to your entry and then it goes the other way and it reverses on you that's because it's been manipulated they don't want either they don't want price higher than that or they want to take price lower take everybody's stops up buy it at a a lower premium price before taking it back up in the original direction that you thought it was going so I like 13s because it's already been manipulated it already took out the people trying to short it and now it's telling me that it's going back up so I'll play a one 32 because it already took out those people that was trying to short it so to answer your question you know the magnitude based off you just have to find a setup that you like honestly and uh just see how it how it reacts to the market um if you have a double inside day or a double inside week or a double inside month or a triple inside week you know that the M you know that's a lot of consolidation so you know when whenever it's time for that stock to pop it's gonna go that's how you know the magnitude and you that comes with just seeing you know just seeing price action over time but that'll come to you too but if you see double inside anything double triple quadruple anything like you should have it in your mind yo when this break it's it's gonna go that's a high magnitude play so let's get into hybrid time frames and let me make sure I'm on the right one because I already had uh one setup that I wanted y'all to look at give me one second okay so hybrid time frames are important because it gives you a better view on what's going on so you don't have tunnel vision so where your hyd time frames come in is you know how you're not supposed to play two two continuations right they say not to play two two continuations so let's say that we was like you know what [ __ ] it we go play a two two anyways um and we put our daily put entry there and our daily call entry here right if you take this to somebody who's serious about the Strat and they strictly trade the Strat nothing else but the Strat they go look at you crazy like why are you playing a 22 continuation but if you go to your hybrid time frames you see oh wait a minute the put entry is the same entry on a two-day as it is on the daily it's the same exact it's the same exact one you see the low right here 14112 go to the two-day 14112 they share they share the same exact put entry so if you go two down on the day you also go two one two which is an actionable signal to the downside y'all see how that just changed that quick so now instead of being a daily participant you could be a two-day a two-day particip and they sh the one day and the two day share the same price Target so when you're going through the hybrid time frames you can find actionable signals on these hybrid time frames that you wouldn't have seen on a daily on a weekly on a monthly on a on a you know uh you can find actionable signals there and sometimes when you look at a hybrid time frame it'll show you a whole different picture of what you was missing on a regular time frame so if I'm on the daily and I see okay we might go two two rev back to the upside and then I go to a 10day and I see it's a shooter on the 10day so if we go 2 two put on here this is telling me it's trying to take it down here this this paint a whole different picture than what I was looking at and then that's why it's important to go up to your higher time frames to see overall what is price doing does that make sense yeah quick question what are what are all the hybrid time frames is it just like the two day three day four day 10 day like that how do you know what all the hybrid time frames are yeah so I actually took this from somebody who taught me this I didn't make these up um the 65 is a hybrid time frame the 65 opposed to the hourly it splits the day up evenly um to evenly candles because obviously we start at 9:30 and we end at 4: so that that's not that's not even 60 Minute that's that's not a even hour so the 65 minute splits it up into evenly candles throughout the day the 195 minute is equivalent to the 4our but it splits it up into two evenly candles so when you see these you know these are these are splits the market up into two halves of the day and the same thing with the 65 and then like you said you have the two day the three day the four day the five day I don't use the six seven eight or nine or 10 I mean and I then I used a 10 and then a 20 and you guys can write these down you can screenshot them or whatever um they're they're here y'all you can see them right y'all can see them on my screen I got the little chat thing up so I can't tell if y'all can see it or not yeah I can see them yep so then you got the week the two week the three week the four week the five week the six week and so so on and so forth now every weekend what you need to be doing is going through these time frames and seeing what opens up that next week so you need to say okay when does the two week open okay it doesn't open until the week after this one so I you know I'll keep it in mind but there's no actionable signal on that yet because this it hasn't closed yet what is happening on the 3- we okay we open up the three- we next week so I need to be paying attention to the 3-we I need to be knowing what's going on with the three- we I need to be charting the three- week you don't have to chart the four five six and everything like that but it is you should be looking at it to see what's going on on those time frames when it comes to charting you only chart you only chart candles that has been closed already so next week um Monday we only have let me see I wrote it down Monday we have the one day and the three-day opening so those should be charted on all of your charts the one day and the three day and then Tuesday we have the two day the four day and let me show y'all we have the two-day move it to the right um oh [ __ ] my bad the two-day opens tomorrow too I must have missed that okay I got it mixed up so the two-day opens tomorrow not the three-day the two-day opens tomorrow the three-day opens on Tuesday the 4 day opens on Wednesday the five day opens on Wednesday and the 10day opens on Wednesday so Tuesday night you should have what I say the the three the four the five the 10 and the 20day charted ready to go because you know on that next day that it's gonna open all of those candles are going to open so you need to know what's going on with those candles and you chart them the same way that you would chart a daily candle you put your call your call entry your put entry and you put your price targets it's that simple and you do that all the way up so if you know a new week is coming you want to find out what other hybrid week is also opening that week when a month is coming what other hybrid month is is opening maybe the maybe you get a new quarter that month maybe you get a new twomon that month maybe you get a new six Monon that month you want to be paying attention to all of those and that's why the hybrid time frames are so important we got any questions there or anything um about the hybrids that anybody want to see yeah oh go ahead go ahead oh you can go ahead bro you you was there first I was just asking so when you saying the importance of finding when when the candle's gonna open in like gonna open up on those different time frames is that indicating something specifically or is that just being able to uh chart it to see where price is going yes uh both things it is indicating something specifically because it shows you a new participation group of buyers or sellers so um if we're if let's say we're on a let's say we were on a weekly and a new week is opening up so we get a fresh week and we get a fresh 10 week right let's just use a 10 week for example we get a new week and we get a fresh 10 week week opening up that same week if we go two down on a 10 we the 10 week is more powerful than a weekly participant so if we go two down on a on a 10 week then that's going to tell you price is trying to go down overall and sometimes you'll get you'll get into a situation where you're I forgot what chart I had I wanted to bring it up but my five we six week seven week nine week they all my monthly they all Shar the exact same call entry so I know if I triggered uh two up on a week and it also triggered my five six seven 10 monthly I know like dude was asking earlier how do I know something is a magnitude play that's a magnitude play because that's telling me if I just trigger two up on all of those higher time frames like that with price targets higher up I know prices trying to go there it just gives me more confidence and it's a more Confluence that that's where price is trying to go um I have a question what's up uh earlier you said uh the the only indicator that really mattered is the vwap how so so the vwap um it stands for volume weighted I forgot what it stands for um but pretty much the vwap is in relation to it's it's a weighted indicator so it's relation to the volume being traded at that point of time so if something is below VW it's not a high probability trade to go long on it because volume is showing you that it's it it's it's below it the how can I put this it's showing you that it's below the volume is pushing down the volume is down right now and it's saying short so if it's under vwap it's saying that it's high probability to short it if you're above vwap then it's high probability to go long now some people use their like their whole strategy is just trading vwap like okay if we're above vwap I'm going long if we're below vwap I'm going short I don't believe in relying on the indicator uh with my money involved but um yeah and I'm not going to recommend you to do that either but um vwap is important because it's it's it's weighted based off of volume um thank you yes EMAs and smas are important too but they're laggers um at the end of the day um vwap is a lagger too but it's more weighted so it's not going to be as lag and this this purple line is my vwap that's why you see it so close because it's it's weighted so closely to price Eli hold up Eli what you mean can you tell a swap a part on the couns it look like it's attached to him man to be honest with y'all man some of y'all overthinking this this what um I didn't even see the question you still there bro can everybody else hear me or did I just lose s yeah he you um I'm assuming what he was gonna say is you overthinking stuff um the the biggest thing is if you knew you honestly before you even really learn how to I don't want to say how to chart you need to be learning the Strat you need to understand the Strat inside and out you need to know what what a setup is what a strat actionable signal is you need to know how to Mark entries and targets and like I said I'm gonna do a class at a later date that walks you through step by step but as of right now that is your focus and if you don't understand that and you trying to follow plays in this group do not put money involved um you should not have no money in the market if you don't understand that if you don't have a proven tested strategy that works and suited for you you you should not have no money in the market or you just you just giving it away they call it lunch money you're just giving them lunch money is lyric in here lric if you in here can you come off the mic real quick let me look real quick there's so many iPhone users in here I don't know who is who um I don't see her so I'll just hit her up I'll just DM her then um she's in here she's just can't get off mute she's writing in the chat let me see who are you looking for bro I was looking for but yeah I know she in here so um question she asked a question earlier about um back testing right right um I wanted to while I had y'all on here since y'all GNA be learning I do want y'all back testing and I do want y'all like I don't want to say paper trading but you need to not have money in the market and know what's going on so to answer your question that you asked earlier LC the best way that I found to paper trade um to has a paper trading uh paper money system I don't like it because it lags so much and I'll be looking at stuff in real time so the best way to paper trade is to do it in real time and a lot of y'all not going like this answer but you need to hear it if you don't understand everything that's going on I said you should not have money in the market but that don't mean like you should have your cash on the sidelines that don't mean that you need to be on the sidelines so the best method to back test and paper trade is to download Robin Hood if you don't have it already chart out your levels your call your entries and your targets and what you do is you when your entry hits and you and you feel like you should be in the trade you hit you go to you add it to you added stock to your watch list and what that'll do is that'll show you the current price that you bought like that you added watch list you added it to your watch list and then that'll show you your percentage and what the price is at whatever given time you look at it now with doing this when you when you doing this method you have to be brutally honest with yourself you can't be fooling nobody because you only fooling yourself you what I do is I screenshot where I would have took profits so when you add it to your watch list you can only add one contract to your watch list so you won't know exactly how much money you made so what I do is I add it to my watch list when I think I should be in the trade when my entry triggers and then I trim along the way so I never get I never really get out of a position all the way unless I feel like it's not going to get to my price Target so I trim along the way up to my price Target so the way you can back test doing that or if you have multiple price targets you just screenshot every time it hits that price Target and then at the end of the day you just look at your screenshots and then you can add it up and see like okay at this price Target I was up 18% at this price Target I was up 50% at this price Target I was up 90% And then you just add your money up and see what you would have made if you would have took that trade with real money that's the best way that I've been able to back test and to paper trade there's paper trading software it's out there but they lag so much and they like they so slow it's like it's a waste of time to just goonna piss you off for real so that's the best way I found it to answer your question that you asked earlier and all the Robin Hood users know what I'm talking about because I'm sure they already added up they already added watch list so that pretty much concludes you're welcome L um that concludes everything I had to go through um I know we said hold your questions to the end does anybody have any questions um about what we covered or anything they they want my they just want to answer to um before going into the new week have any questions feel free to mute yeah I got a question what's up bro he kind of you kind of answered it because bro he he asked it how I would ask it but I just wanted to know like how you say like you got a the same continuation candle on a two week five week six week Etc right so when you get into that are you looking to swing that or are you looking like because I know you said you trim your profits on the way so are you looking to trim your profits on the way to your your take profit with swinging and with swinging those does that make sense I know exactly what you're saying so what are you talking about the the pr taking profits at the price targets or what no so if he's taking his profits at a at a take profit but his two week his three week Etc is still telling you that it's continuing going up are you holding those swingers so I I got what you're saying you're asking me what partic pretty much what participate what participant would I be like how would I play it yeah so answer your question there's a lot of ways you can do it now if you know price is going up there you could just say you know what I'mma go a little heavy and I'mma just chill in this trade if if it's a if it's if it's uh here let me let me zoom out if it's like a three-week trigger I'mma I'mma chill in this trade for the next two months be done with it or what you can do is you can use that his Confluence so if we triggered my weekly or my two we orever instead of me Swinging I know if I trigger my daily and I also trigger my weekly I can be a day trader and that just give me more confidence that my day trade gonna work out because I know the weekly participants are trying to take price even past my entry I mean even past my price Target if that makes sense and let me try to find an example because I know that probably sounded crazy coming out but um let me find an example for you okay so right here this is a perfect example so right here we have this candle right here is the the daily the weekly the daily the three-day the weekly and the three-week put entry they all share the same exact entry so the way I can play this is if I go two down on the day and I want to just day trade it and my price Target is here I know that overall price is trying to get down here so in order for it to get down here it has to pass my daily price Target so if you want to day trade it that's how you will look at it and that's why it's important to still chart those higher time frames so you know where price is trying to go and I know if it if it triggers this it it didn't only trigger the week which is trying to go here it didn't only trigger the three-day that's trying to go here it also trigger the three-week that's trying to go all way down here then I could be a weekly participant like okay I know the three-week trigger also with the week so that gives me more confidence that my weekly price Target is gonna get hit because I is trying to get down here on a three-week chart that makes sense yeah that make hella sense my wifi trying to uh do me dirty right now but um but yeah this is the three-week chart right here so I know if we go two down here which is also the put entry for the daily three-day weekly price is trying to get here so it got to go past my week it got to go past my day PT [ __ ] you can keep day trading it honestly that's about to be my new strategy if I know where price going I'm sticking with one ticker and day trading when it give me setups and just sitting out the rest of the days because you don't need to trade every day and I honestly think when you trade every day you like more susceptible to risk and you like kind of lose your confidence if you're not hitting every day yeah that's part of my question because it's like if it if it take my my if we have a three day four day whatever I don't got to trade Monday and Tuesday if my three-week don't start till Wednesday wait say that again so like all right if I got a two week and a three- week at the same Confluence right yep and and the week that's coming up does not start my new two we or my three- week I can sit out until my two we and my three we start you can't yeah you could do that um you can but if they have Confluence like if they share the same price trigger uh then you but then you be you become a a participant like you they yeah they both go in conjunction with each other if they have the same price Target take the trade when you tri take the trade when that trigger triggers yeah goes in for yep sometimes as a Trader sometimes as a Trader you literally sitting back just like a cob waiting for your meal you know I'm saying you don't pounce on everything that you see the more you pounce the more you get smoked literally just be patient you know depending on whatever type of Traer you are facts that's that's that's me I like to sit back and just wait for my snip yep and what I want everybody to realize is straight like if if you ever played sports or you had any any type of structure like anything that's structural right trading is about having a edge and probabilities like obviously you got to have discipline and risk management all those things those are very important but you have to think in probabilities if you have a a strategy that works for you and that is your AG now you start putting these confluences together it gives you a greater Edge for a higher probability nobody is going to B A th every time I don't care if you got a A+ setup I don't care if I don't care if everything is screaming is going this way it doesn't have to go that way we don't control the market we don't have enough money to control the market none of us do so you have to think of probabilities the more you trade and you just pouncing on [ __ ] the more risk you are at losing the more more times you have to not go in your favor essentially and if you don't have your psychology together like you taking six L's in a row can [ __ ] you up mentally like unless you're just in a a space of Nirvana that can really [ __ ] you up so my suggestion is find setups that you've seen work time and time again and back test them and like just see how they react like okay I like three ones let's see what three ones do that's what I literally just been doing all day I just been back testing three ones on different time frames and I and I I see how they react on different time frames and in different market conditions and different parts of the chart like if you got you really if you trying to learn and you trying to make money you really shouldn't have no free time like every every I'm still learning like every day I'm still learning and I learn something new every day so um I was saying that to say is you know protect your Capital like really invest into the to to the education portion and the money will follow like if you start trying to force trying to make money the bad go run from you it's enough people in this group that already made the mistake for you like we G tell you how it end spoiler alert like you're gonna lose money so really hone in on the education I'm gonna do my best like I'm gonna give it my all to make sure this group education is on point like I don't want nobody getting left behind everybody is gonna be able to see exactly what I see see what s see like we got some great people in this group and y'all yall part of a great group so um yeah that's that's where we headed my bad real quick but to do that you have to hone in on education so you don't get left behind go ahead bro I was just asking if it's gonna be posted somewhere in the uh Discord this Liston uh yeah so I recorded it um after my wifi terrible right now but after it upload and I edit it and everything um we we have a lessons tab yeah we had said we said earlier you know that was going to record or whatever we'll let y'all know we going to make announcement well plac going be under Zam University in the um Zoom link more than likely appreciate it every um majority of the things that we gonna go over gon be recorded or whatever yeah and soon as I get um soon as I get this little tag off my my little how to chart list I'mma post this in the group too and y'all should be doing this every weekend before like sa said you should not be waking up the morning of trying to figure [ __ ] out you need to journal down what's going on like so you know what's going on in the market um every night need to be seeing what's what's happening that next day uh that boy in the group that be coming with the with the analysis on like uh news and stuff that man man look you can literally honestly man if you read what he say and then you take them ticket that's in there and you can make a bag literally from just reading them them maret analysis literally literally that's my weakness is digesting data I I kind of got it but sometimes I got ADHD sometimes I'll check out reading all those words he break that [ __ ] down perfectly so you know what's going on so use him U we got some great people in here um I'm gonna wrap this up um I hope I answer anybody's questions I'm G give y'all one more chance to ask a question y'all have before we wrap this up and then I'll let s close it out that's pretty much I mean um I I had a question with the with the different can um time frames you said you were explaining some of them open on a certain day how do you know that like like say you're looking at the three day when does that open up like what do you mean by now see the one that right so the thing with the like the two to five day the 10 day and stuff like that all it is is how the day time frame now you may have something chared off of a three days but is it you know I'm G say like a Monday or tues whatever so like you simply market levels your triggers and things of this nature and you know it's that three day or four day might trigger on their day now if that's a good setup that you done charish that play going to go exactly where where you chared it to and more or less you could do that for your homework too when you're back testing you know just go Char up a ticker you know and ticker that you might not um even have traed and then you go back T to see if your levels was right and more or less that's like your practice or you giving your own self some homework yeah now now I say a huge thing too though say like every day or every weekend go and find you three tick out of each and them up dra your Brad information on and really that's giv your own home you know find out which um particular sectors that the the buyers which sectors have the sell you know and things of this nature so the sectors and you know the ETFs and things of this nature that's what going lead you to your bag you know but also you want to get a good sense of what the market is doing right now you know I'm going say I have a short-term barish buyer now just because I say that that might not be right though you know um I am wrong you know I'm very transparent with that as well you know more or less you have to figure out what works for you what don't work um I'mma tell you to stay away from the media what they stay on some of them um them stock based type of shows because some of them are absolutely paid to say what they say manipulation just like what I told you earlier like even with the price upgrades and stuff like that that's that's them big boyss they they not Dum they smart you know that's why they do certain things like open interest that's just like the open interest on contracts and stuff that's manipulative as well too because it's it's not telling you whether they them people steal in them contracts actually I'll tell you I'll tell you off camera because I don't want to confuse people but I I I wanted to say something about them upgrade downgrades too um but uh I think I think uh also what you was asking is how do you see when next time frame opens like I said before you go you click you hover over the cover the current candle and you just go right to the right and then you see at the bottom of my screen I'm G try to go down there you see at the bottom of my screen where my cursor is you see how it says Tuesday the 22nd that's how I know the two day opens on Tuesday and then I know the next day opens on Thursday oh okay that's so simple thank you yep it might be a simpler way on how to do it but that's just how I know how to do it but if you find a simple way [ __ ] let me know all right I will thank you yep all right so uh since we don't have any more questions uh thank y'all for yall time thank y'all for you know I know people can be out right now but y'all chose to come out here and learn something um I want to see y'all charts too so make sure y'all y'all posting all charts in the charting section I'mma be in there all weekend looking at them reviewing correcting things um and yeah uh let's have a great week hey D what's up ask question yeah real quick uh I know on the on the daily on the weekly and different things like that um I kind of get confused on the actual signals so like on the on the daily it might be like a 21 21 something like that on weekly might be like two something different as well like how do I how do I figure that out because I kind of get confused like as far as like just figuring out the actual sigal like okay I'm looking at this two one on the daily but on the weekly it's a two up so it's just like how do I look at the the chart the picture of the action signals and like compare if this going to be a two up two up continuation to reversal continuation you get what I'm saying yeah I get what you're saying so to answer question is you don't know so when you trade the Strat you're not supposed to have a bias I personally do trade with bias and that that saved me a lot but I know how to read the [ __ ] out of a chart so and I'm still wrong sometimes um you're not supposed to have a bias when it comes to the Strat so rather it's up or down if you got a 2-1 you're supposed to play calls or puts whatever it does that's what you're supposed to do but if you look at in that that's where your higher time frames come into play if you see on a higher time frame like your monthly triggered a two up and it's it's going towards its Target you have a better possibility of that daily also going to up and there now there's different factors that come into that you also have to look at where you're at at a chart so if you look at my screen right now I see we had a hammer and it's a two down so if we trigger two up it's supposed to go up here but I also know that we just put in a lower low over here so Market the market structure has shifted to the downside once you start putting in lower lows then you should start thinking like okay we're in we're the Bears have taken over so if you you have to know where you're at in the chart if you at the top of a broad information and you get a 2-1 yes you're not supposed to have a bias and if it triggers two up you're supposed to being caused but if you use your deductive reasoning and the common sense that you have you know like damn we at the top of abroad information How likely is it gonna go to the next Target versus should I shouldn't I be shorten this right now I'm not saying just just short it but I'm saying you have to start you have to learn to look out for things like you have to have tradeing is a road map it's a road it's a it's a drive you have to see what like bumps in a road you go run into to to to turn left or right pretty much or you go hit a construction zone I guess I guess that's the best way I can think of it you might have a detour so you have to know where you're at in the chart and you have to know what the higher time frames are doing um and I don't have it on right now I don't know why it's not on but I usually have my uh my full time frame continuity uh little Banner on and that shows me um that shows me the um the day the week the month the quarter in the year it shows me what's red and what's not I don't know why it's not on right now but um are you familiar with that are you familiar with that take that off why is that on there right here I can't I can't say that I'm familiar with it um can you show me it yep you see this right here where my cursor at oh the time frame cont yeah the full time frame right there yes yep so this is telling me that the month is green the quarter is green the year is green the day the day was green um the only thing that's not green is the weak um and I was supposed to go into flips with y'all which is important if you learning full Tom frame continuity but I'm G save that for another video um because that's a little more is like the uh like uncoupling correct no uncoupling is uncoupling is when two time frame when a smaller time frame is a indiv it individualized itself from a larger time frame so like uh if it if the day just started and it's the first 15 minutes the next 15 minutes minutes would UNC the would uncouple from the 30 minute if that makes sense so like if if the first 15 if the first 15 minutes of the day is green it's G to show that the whole day is green because you don't have no other price action so then you want to wait for the 30 minute the 15 uncouples so now you have two 15s and then you want to wait for the next hour so that 15 uncouples from the hour that's how that works what um flip is the flip pretty much is the area that a candle goes from green to Red that's all it is so just in lamest terms real quick show you I'm not going to get into it too much but um if we were red on the day after we hit this little green uh line right here if we go above that then we will not be green excuse me we will not be green on a day that's all that means that's what a flip is you're flipping a candle from one color to Mother color okay cool thank you you breaking that down for you got it brother any one more question it's real simple and it's probably an easy answer that I can't I have a a laptop and when I get on trading view my candles are really thin and I have to like stretch and Str you know pick up you know what you did there by the price and open it up you see how it get so thin like it looks like this yeah like and and it it looks even thinner than the sometimes and I have to and then when I change time frames if I go to a higher time frame it it's the chart is too big so I have to go down and you know it's like really bothering me what laptop are you on I'm on an old an Old Dell and and it it has a Windows 10 maybe that's the problem no so do you have a mouse or you using your keyboard I'm using the keyboard for now yeah you need to get your mouse I used to use a keyboard too um you can still it still works with a with a keyboard with a keypad um you just have to you take your fingers your two fingers and if you want to go out you spread them out if you want to go in you spread them in um but when you get a mouse you just come over to these these grids right here that makes it bigger or smaller and then you just roll you just roll your Mouse um but it's annoying with the with the candles you see I don't see the candles like that big on my screen you have to just keep doing it till it till it fits what you're looking for and when I Chang time frames is it's it's if I'm like at a smaller time frame it's really like and I have it set up it does yeah you have to get used to your trading yeah you have to get used to tr that order in the bottom man hit that automatic button in the bottom and it fix it what right in the bottom of the bottom right there below that X hit that Auto it automatic whatever time frame you on it automatically adjusted for that time frame this one at the bottom below the on yeah just AO hit that and it will automatically adjust it if you have one because you have four charts so it automatically adjust the one chart that you have on for whatever time you put it on you scroll it in and then you hit Ito put it back oh okay I see what you're saying yeah honestly honestly like I'm so like I'm so used to tradeing view I don't even want it to be set the same like I want to be able to manipulate it how I want to whenever I want to so it's really just something you gotta get used to because it do it for everybody I mean yeah I mean I understand what you're saying but the thing is that like when I go like if I'm at a 15 minute frame like a time frame and I go to like a day or a week like the this this it becomes the chart becomes too big for the actual my actual comp computer like yeah but you have you have to use your C you have to use your your your mouse or your togg or whatever look watch this watch this when I go to a 12 with a I go to a 12 yeah like it's ridiculous though right so you just have to learn how to use your cursor to navigate like through that every like every person that has trading view if you didn't do what he said um which that's not my style it's go do that for you're not by yourself and if I go to a 15 you ain't gonna be able to see nothing like you just have to know how to like navigate through your chart honestly yeah and it's uncomfortable with the keypad I think what you're saying to get the mouse is probably G to be better do you have a mouse at all ma'am I don't have one at the moment um yeah that's that's what you need it's gonna take you forever to chart if you're using a keypad yeah that's why I'm saying I said it's a stupid question but I really wanted to ask because I'm honestly you can buy a mou from off of Amazon for five bucks yeah I'm gonna do that I had a mouse and I gave it away you know but I I'll get one I appreciate you taking you guys taking the time to answer that question no problem no problem all I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking um I am putting notes and I'm trying to do like the templates like the you know month uh put entry or the month call entry but for someon it's not like my my notes are not saving so if I have it on a one month time frame it saves there but when I try to chart the weekly my lines are there but my note my entry notes are not there okay how do I make it stick so I think what you're doing is you're probably charting on a single screen and then you're going and then you're clicking a for like a different panel screen is hold up you know remind me had that session a few weeks ago you showing me how to do that [ __ ] yeah the Crosshair I'm about to get into that the cross but first of all when y'all charting you need to have all four screens up and then when you want to see it individual one you just expand that one and then they'll go on all of them um to go into uh damn I'm still in replay mode that's why my startart acting crazy um so yeah if you want all of these to sync up which you have to do is you have to come over you have to come over to your layouts right you click your layouts and then you go uh my bad what my bad my bad it's where is it at okay right here they CH okay trade and view updated because it didn't used to look like this you go to your layouts you go down to the bottom and you have to click Crosshair and Crosshair will sync all of your charts up together and then you also come over here to this little Globe right here and then you click this and what this does is this syncs this syncs throughout all of your layouts so I'mma say that one more time you come to layouts you scroll all the way down to the bottom if you want all your charts to be the same symbol you click symbol if you trying to compare two different tickers then you'll unclick that and then you click you turn on your Crosshair and your Crosshair will sink all of your charts together I follow but I'm on I'm doing it on one chart and so it's it's not the multiple charts I'm just doing it on one time frame and one uh layout so I don't have the four screens right now I'm just doing one just to test it and it's it's just my my note entry like if I put you know um call entry or put entry that for some reason is not sticking when I switch from one month time frame to one week time frame I'm not sure why it's doing that so do you have your do you have on what I just told you the Crosshair and the global um let me try it let me see because it won't it won't just because you turn that on it's not gonna it's not going to do it for previous drawing so once you turn it on it'll do it for every drawing after that so like if I yes I have I have it on Crosshair and the global yes okay so now if I draw it on like this daily right here and then I go to a weekly it'll still be there so my line is there but my note isn't I think I think what she's having problems with is setting up the template in general by um you know once you click the I mean you have to hit that the add templates and then you have to save it right okay I see what you're saying yes so you have to you have to create a template so what you do is you go to that line and it's not gonna do it now because it's it's already hindsight but from now on what you do is you right click that line you go to template um you right click this line you go to template and let me write something on it so you can so you can see uh we're GNA do purple purple I'mma walk you through it so you can't miss it and okay put that there right so now now that you have that in your notes you're G to go to template down here and then you're G to go to save as at the top and then you'll put in a template name so we'll do ABC whatever and then you save it so now every time you click now it has to be for that tool though so since I did a horizontal aray that template will only come up for a horizontal aray if I do a horizontal line it's not going to come up so then if I wanted to make this let me move it up here so we can see it by itself if I wanted to make it say what whatever I wanted it whatever I had my template set then I would just right click the line I will go to template and then I will go with I save the ass I save the as ABC and then it will pop up and so can you put it on two week time time frame I want to see if it just still sticks there should at that point okay doese okay thank you so much yep it's on all time but but D I do have a question myself real quick bro as far as full-time or not uh time frame continuity um but um real time data I was I was on a live last week during trade hours and I noticed that um my Futures chart was off so I know I don't have a real time data it was off uh not in sync with his on the screen but um now I'm looking at my es chart and your es chart and we got the same candles on the same um same um time frames and all that is that because they end up closing the same at the end of the day or whenever the market closes for futures and will match or um is it a weekend thing you just answered it it's because Futures not open so yours yours eventually caught up okay so uh not having real time data when I if I'm charging if I'm charting um you know from the top down like you said start with uh Futures and then you go down to um you know all that stuff um is it at the what time this future is close to where I know that my chart will match the the next day's chart or the next week's chart um what time how does Futures because you know how um stocks are only open Monday through Friday 9:30 to 4 uh futures or what are the hours for futures when does that day close what um what time what time on are you in I'm in Eastern Eastern uh I think Future's open on I want to say six or seven I think it's six I don't trade Futures but um I believe it's like six on Sunday or something like that um you can ask um um Prophet I forgot her name but um you can ask her she'll know more about that but um yeah what uh what I'm asking basically is if I'm charting for the the week next week and and until I get re real time data is it safe to chart like right now I know um it's it's closed so I can I can chart all the the futures for right now um but is when does it open back up to where it's not safe for me to you do it does Futures close every day like options or like stocks or is it a weekly thing or is it off on the weekends or you know so they have they have different sessions that they trade in they have like New York session London session all these different sessions um I don't think mine is set up for those I think I don't know what time mine is set up to open um they pretty much do trade 24 hours but I'm G show you a way that you can get past that though so if we're in Futures right let's just use the Dow for example if if you have if you have Futures that's like going on while you're charting right just completely X this candle out and then chart from the candle from the previous day that already closed and Mark your levels there and then you'll then you'll able you'll be able to see what may happen uh during the live market if that makes sense no I got you perfect thank you that's how I do it because I have run into that problem and honestly bro that's why I don't like charting I don't I do all of this stuff Saturday um I set my charts up for the next week and then I look for tickers on Sunday so I already have my charts ready to go and um I can kind of see what the Futures are doing Sunday night to and so when I wake up Monday I have a better idea what's you know what's about to happen got but yeah just go to the previous candle that's all you got to do appreciate it yep all right um it's getting late I'm about to close this down uh if you got any questions or you scared to speak up or anything like that um hopefully you get that fixed by next meeting but just DM me or DM one of the admins or moderators and um or uh go to the the questions chat and we'll answer your questions there I'm going wrap this up thank y'all for coming out I hope yall have a good weekend good night all that stuff be safe and I'mma get up with y'all thank you thank you so much