The Importance of Climate Action

Sep 14, 2024

Climate Activism and the Marshall Islands


  • The speaker expresses a deep need to act against climate change, highlighting the challenges faced by low-emission nations like the Marshall Islands.
  • Emphasizes personal connection to the land as the resting place of loved ones.

The Marshall Islands

  • Located halfway between Hawaii and Australia.
  • Most islands are only 2 meters above sea level.
  • Faces rising sea levels at more than double the global average (7 mm/year vs. 3 mm/year).
  • Experiences severe effects of climate change, including:
    • Higher tides washing over sea walls.
    • Soil salination affecting crops and fresh water.
    • Issues of water security, food security, and home security.

Call for Representation

  • The global South, including countries like India, needs a seat at climate negotiations.
  • Climate crisis is a pressing issue, especially for small island nations that contribute minimally to emissions.
  • The term "negotiations" is problematic as one cannot negotiate with the planet.

Personal Background

  • Name: Selena LM, a young activist from the Marshall Islands.
  • Attended COP 21 at 18 as the youngest delegate, shadowing a climate champion.
  • Emphasizes the importance of youth involvement in climate negotiations and decision-making.

Climate Action Initiatives

  • Frontline countries have been vocal in COP negotiations, contributing to:
    • Inclusion of 1.5 degrees Celsius target in negotiations.
    • Establishment of a loss and damage fund needed for frontline communities.
  • In India, climate education is limited to private institutions, restricting access.
    • Collaborating with researchers to create accessible climate curricula for public schools.

Art and Activism

  • The speaker uses art as a healing tool, planning to participate in a youth event focused on nuclear testing legacy.
  • Highlights the various forms of climate activism:
    • Not limited to protests; can include art, writing, baking, web development, etc.
  • Encourages everyone to take action in their capacity to contribute to climate awareness and solutions.

Collective Responsibility

  • Stresses the interconnection of global actions; what happens in one region affects others.
  • Advocates for informed decision-making for sustainable environmental practices.