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Exploring Labor Markets and Unemployment
Jul 31, 2024
Chapter 9: Labor Market and Macroeconomics
Key Topics
Unemployment Rate
: Definition and importance in macroeconomics.
: How firms set prices and wages, and their impact on employment and wages.
Government Policy
: Potential improvements through policy.
Labor Unions
: Differences in role between countries.
: People willing to work but can't find jobs at the going rate.
: Unemployment represents inefficiency in the economy.
Government Role
: Policies affecting wage growth and unemployment.
Population and Labor Force
Population Categories
Total population.
Working-age population (excluding children and possibly retirees).
Labor force (those seeking work).
Out of the labor force (retired, parents, students).
Labor Force Subdivisions
Unemployed (actively seeking work)
Labor Market Statistics
Participation Rate
: Labor force / working-age population.
Unemployment Rate
: Unemployed / labor force (unemployed + employed).
Employment Rate
: Employed / working-age population.
Country Comparisons
Nordic vs. Southern European Countries
: Nordic countries have better institutions, lower unemployment rates, and higher employment rates.
U.S. Specifics
Non-institutional Population
: Over 16, not in prison, military, etc.
Labor Force
: Employed + unemployed.
: Working for pay.
: Not working, want to work, and have looked for work in the past four weeks.
Survey Based
: Data collected via household surveys.
Trends and Observations
Great Recession Impact
: Increase in unemployed during 2008-2009, subsequent recovery.
Labor Force Participation Rate
: Declined since 2000.
: Aging population, slower labor market recovery.
Economic Impact
: Decline represents a significant number of people; reasons for decline are debated.
Gender Trends
: Participation rate increased from 1960s as women entered the labor force, peaked around 2000, and has been falling since.
Economic Questions
: Whether participation rate decline is good or bad depends on context (e.g., voluntary absence from workforce vs. discouragement).
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