Understanding the Essence of Ultimate Truth

Dec 13, 2024

Explanation of Abhidhamma - Lesson 3: Ultimate Reality

Concept of Ultimate Reality (Paramatthasacca)

  • Ultimate reality: It is the substantial truth of conventional reality, a truth that is visible and never changes.
    • Example: "Mr. A" in conventional terms has distinct characteristics, but in ultimate reality, Mr. A is a collection of the five aggregates and what truly is Mr. A.

Characteristics of Ultimate Reality

  • Never changes (Parama aviparito):
    • Never changing means it is always the same, without variation. The present and future are just like the past.
  • Object of superior wisdom (Paramattha):
    • This means superior, ultimate is profound, the essence of all phenomena.

Nature of Ultimate Reality

  • Unambiguous: Absolute truth, not dual.
  • Real and Conventional: Real is the truth of truths, the actual condition of things.

Abhidhamma and the Essence of Phenomena

  • Mind (Citta): The cognitive component of living beings.
  • Mental factors (Cetasika): The dependent aspects of the mind.
  • Material phenomena (Rūpa): The material component, substance.
  • Nibbana (Nibbāna): The tranquil essence, cessation of the birth and death of mental and physical processes.

Classification of Phenomena

  • Mind and Matter:
    • Mind (Nāma): Mind and mental factors.
    • Matter (Rūpa): Material substance. Mind and Matter form conditioned phenomena (Sankhāra).
  • Nibbana:
    • Tranquility, total cessation, not caused by conditions which forms unconditioned phenomena (Asankhāra).

Notes for Buddhist Students

  • It is necessary to distinguish between conventional designations and true reality.
  • Clearly understand conditioned and unconditioned phenomena to avoid confusion.
  • Important for meditation practitioners, as insight meditation is to clearly see the true nature of phenomena.

Characteristics of Abhidhamma

  • Profound and essential: Abhidhamma deeply describes the essence of ultimate reality.


  • Students of Abhidhamma need to thoroughly grasp the principles of ultimate reality.


  • This Dhamma lesson is excerpted from the book "Explanation of Abhidhamma" by Venerable Giac Chanh.
  • This is part of a series of lectures on Abhidhamma aimed at helping learners understand more about phenomena and practice in life.