without need get instant video solutions to all your maths physics chemistry and biology doubts just click the image of the question crop the question and get instant video solution download doubt and app today question is differentiate between uniform acceleration and variable acceleration so first coming to uniform acceleration now acceleration is defined as rate of change of velocity that is dv by dt so in uniform acceleration we can say here change in velocity takes place in same amount in same time so we can see here equal change in the velocity in let's say same time interval so equal change in velocity occurs in equal time interval now example of this can be said as motion of a ball under gravity here constant acceleration of 9.8 meter per second square same in magnitude and direction occurs so it is uniform acceleration next coming to variable acceleration in this we can say here unequal change occurs in equal time interval of velocity that is velocity change is not let's say in magnitude or direction so not same in same time interval so that is our variable acceleration its example can be said as let's say motion of a let's say vehicle on a let's say hilly root here we can say on a hill road the velocity magnitude and direction changes at each moment of time hence it is variable acceleration so this is our answer for class 6-12 itj and need level trusted by more than five crore students download doubt and after today