Hi! Welcome to our channel, Right Ideas. Students are diverse learners. They are very different when it comes to their socioeconomic status, thinking or learning styles and also exceptionalities.
This means that a teacher must provide a systematic approach in planning the curriculum and instruction. The teacher uses differentiated instruction when he applies the different teaching and learning strategies that are important to meet the student's needs. But how is instruction differentiated? This could be done if the teacher varies the difficulty level of the tasks, gives different levels of instructional support, establishes multiple groupings, gives students a chance to choose, and uses different evaluation strategies. Also, the instruction can be differentiated in terms of its content, process, product, and learning environment.
The content addresses as to what should be taught to them and learned by the students. The process addresses as to how is the content taught and learned, such as the use of reading materials, video, audio or small group instruction. The product addresses as to how the students are assessed and how the learning is demonstrated, such as student choice products or homeworks. And the learning environment answers how the classroom is arranged. Is it preferential seating or assigned seating?
Are you establishing small groups, one-on-one, or peer teaching?