Transcript for:
Minecraft 1.21 Update Overview

[Music] hello hello welcome back everybody to another episode of our let's play series and this is going to be a fun one Minecraft 1.21 is officially out and that means we got so much new fun stuff to play with right we got uh the crafter oh boy what are we going to do with that thing I don't know we got this ancient world do we start updating our old stuff to automatically craft things or do we just use it for new things I don't know those are the questions we got to figure out uh we got copper bulbs new copper blocks new polished tough blocks oh and the thing I'm really excited for this episode is the trial Chambers I've been kind of spoiler free for the most part on those so this will to be my first time checking them out today I've seen pictures you know i' I've read things I know about these uh bad Omen bottles I'm trying to get some of those right now cuz I think you can apply them make things more difficult but I don't know if this oh no we are getting them look at that okay so this once useless Farm might actually have a purpose now we can Farm bad Omen bottles here isn't that special this was supposed to be for a raid Farm a long time ago and then they they patched the bug I was going to exploit with this as I was building this pretty much and uh nothing ever came of it okay so we're actually like 12,000 blocks out in our world already at this point I don't remember how how much we explored around here or if this is going to be new chunks but uh I guess maybe we try explore to the east here keep going further out and see if we can spot a trial chamber I don't know I don't know how you're supposed to find these things I know there's a map you can get from the Cartographer and maybe that's what we have to do I don't know if they have an entrance or if they're above ground or below ground I'm assuming below ground though uh but yeah it might take me a little bit to figure out where one is but that's fine we can just enjoy exploring I do have to find other things in my world as well like I would like a big powdered snow cache somewhere we got a lonely witch out over here I want to check out for the black cat cuz I don't have a black cat that would be kind of cool to find oh we got the black Kitty here okay detour we got to tame that guy I oh I probably don't have any fish on me though okay I'm going to come back for you I know you're here jungle temple okay we got to go check that out we don't have all the trims in our our world yet because I don't explore much I'm trying to keep my world from getting too big so it's pretty much only when a new update comes out I go exploring and it's like this really special event for me cuz we can get some stuff we don't have uh whenever we go I saw a panda just now too so I'm probably going to go back for him oh man I fell for the Trap no where's the other trip wire it's over there oh Dodge oh my goodness we got two of them aren't those I think those are pretty rare aren't they I know I tried finding them on hermitcraft and I couldn't get any so uh it's kind of cool I got the first try here nice okay keep going where's the trial Chambers show me the trial Chambers got a village everybody so we'll trade with a cartographer here see if we can get a map to a trial Chambers cuz so far I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary oh desert well oh this Village has a cartographer yoink now I remembered to pack my emeralds right come on what do I need arrows for why so we got to get emeralds or paper well I didn't plan that out very well did I I decided to take a detour back home picked up a few things we got uh fishies we got emeralds we're going to head back again we're going to go to the Nexus hey it actually worked what why did that work oh I love this update okay what about this one nope you got greedy all right I see the problem now we left this mess here and it converted my soul sand block into uh skull so there's no ender pearl here uh let's head on up over yeah I think the the range has improved on that which is awesome when I was a little kid I had a black cat like this named Shadow green eyes but it had a bright pink nose and like the black coats super super shiny silky smooth black coat on it was very nice Cat super friendly but it wasn't a needy cat like it would stay you know within four feet of you but it didn't need to be like at your feet kind of thing um it just like to be around you kind of um but it did this interesting thing like it was about to have kittens and rather than like having the kittens at her home she just vanished on us and we're like oh oh no did she get hit by a car did a coyote get her you know we assume the worst but then a month later she comes back to her home like nothing ever happened with her kittens she had like five kittens and she was all friendly again and she wanted us to check them out to show them show us her new kittens and she's all excited for us to to interact with them you know and then we go to pet them and they're like they're feisty they had claws already they did not want to be petted um yeah if you don't interact with a a cat within like the first two weeks of its life they start to get feisty they start turning into Strays um so that was interesting she's like oh look at my my cute little kittens and they're just the monsters you good sir you sell child chamber Maps right am I in the wrong update what's going on Ocean Explorer okay I'm doing something wrong oh it is Apprentice oh we got to get to journeyman oh I misunderstood I see I thought we we rolled the the map trades totally there there it is oh yes okay I'm an idiot I figured it out though there we go so we get a trial chamber map and we got to go find it we might have got a little lucky on this cuz it is right by the village where we got the map from I just flew over a little ways and it's starting to show up is there an entrance not seeing anything above ground so it must all be underground right nothing on the Hills uh yeah I guess like we're on it right now so I guess let's just dig down and see if we can find anything okay we're definitely close now cuz I'm hearing some new noises some some crackling fire sounds oh okay here we go I think this is it oh dear hey give me a give me a moment give me a moment okay yeah we got the copper we got the new lamps so on the other side of the wall we got the trial chamber cool so what I want to do I think let's set up a little uh spawn Camp here you know we'll put down a bed we'll get an Ender Chest just in case we die uh we'll be able to uh regear here but also I want to try a little challenge I want to do it with iron armor just to see what that's like cuz I think if we go in with our good gear here we're just going to Breeze through unless we make it more difficult you can do that with the bad Omens I believe you you drink one of these and then all the spawners get upgraded but we'll save that for after we go through one time I think I want to just do a a basic run to begin with so let's get uh our gear kind of worked out here the rest of our stuff we're going to leave behind in the Sher box if it's too hard I'll switch to that but we'll see what it's like with the iron gear and I'll just bring in my good uh silk touch pick just so we can mine stuff quicker uh but yeah first journey in okay oh it's it's actually kind of dark right off the bat okay this is awesome this is the main thing I am excited for is these wind charges uh the mallets pretty cool but these especially I think are going to be fun to play around with I'm going to let one go just to see what it does okay A little underwhelming uh but you know I'm sure there's there's way to get a bigger boost out of that um we'll play with them after this let's let's do the rating first okay let's head on down oh a proper door and everything okay very fancy oh we're going already yeah that's a spawner okay just regular zombies no fancy armor on these ones I think if we upgraded it uh we would get some harder mobs and also I think if you go in with other people like if there's multiple people it gets harder as well why do you hear a baby down below oh thankly uh we the bridge is out here and they can't get us otherwise that would be kind of dangerous so there's another spawner below oh that's what is that four baby zombies okay that's a bit dangerous might fight him from the ladder cuz I'm a coward oh and then the big guy can reach you as you cow it on the ladder I see how it is he tries to knock you down oh boy if I was down on that level for real and not cheesing it like this I might have actually had some trouble anymore did we do it oh I heard a click that sound good yeah we got a key a snap so I think once you beat all the waves of the spawner it gives you the key like that oh and even some goodies okay did we get anything from the one above uh oh yeah there's a key up there too okay cool oh and we got got the pots down below here with the new uh shs oh and they have stuff inside that's a nice touch I didn't know that oh another spawner okay we're still we're still going here I wonder what the deal is with that like if they have a low range or something cuz like we got pretty close to that before and only now it ticked on oh boy okay got to heal not really watching my health like I should be I'm going to go through my uh weapons here pretty quick by the looks of things okay and this is one of the key ones okay so you see the goodies inside we can get some of those and let's let's see what happens here under locking key unlock a vault with a trial key so they're called vaults Okay cool so we got emeralds we got some poison arrows and I think there's a better version of this as well where you get the really good stuff like the melet and that oh just random scaffolding okay oh what did we get there was that a key did I get another key from that uh maybe I'm so glad they added pot breaking like and you actually get goodies inside oh I've wanted that for a long time and now it's actually a thing and like that's that's pretty good stuff like a full block of emerald you imagine that that in the early game when you're you know you're trying to trade with villagers and stuff oh yeah that was a key we got another key from that one um empty chest really wonder why that is all right I might have got robbed there or maybe that's just the way they're supposed to generate all right we got the wind guys let's go let's do it oh snap I kind of want to see him play a little bit oh yeah there's traps in here that they activate they activate the Redstone too I got to be careful oh that's cool they do like a little spring bounce oh I don't want your stuff to land in fire there we go we got uh two of them two Breeze rods from one guy without looting even are you actually doing any damage no oh but the skeletons will yeah we got we got to deal with the skellies I wonder if they fight the breezes as well uh I kind of want to see if uh he'll hit one of them but we got to make sure we don't have uh the spawners out of control here whoa boy they might be able to hurt you with all damage though oh I'm I'm I'm in trouble I used the shield everybody uhoh no oh man where were we down the stairs no we weren't down the stairs we're over here oh I see there's trap doors okay got to hide got to hide got to hide oh oh oh okay freeze don't don't open up the trap doors when we're when we're trying to recover here heal all right let's go let's face the world not today buddy didn't you see me get that advancement my advancements are messed up in this world by the way like I've definitely got that before it's just uh my hard drive got corrupted a long time ago and ever since then it's been a little wonky oh snap oh snap okay so they didn't despawn when we uh when we died there either I don't think right they really don't do much damage like I'm not too worried about these guys they are they're quick guys though they're hard to hit what do we get that time we got two more Breeze rods from that one oh we got bread and is this a key one yeah that's a key let's let's check out what this one gives us more arrows oh a diamond from that even that's pretty good cool and then I think these reset over time right then you can do it again or something another key one wind charge oh cool I was hoping you could get these from that oh a record new record wow that dropped a lot of stuff was this a like a a special one maybe Fortune 2 inventory is filling up pretty quick here we're got to drop some stuff off we are in AES caves yeah so I I was wondering about like all the vines and the Spore blossoms it might just because we're in a l Les caves we're getting this stuff um oh hello is that what I think it is uh this is the big thing you're looking for isn't it this is the the big box with all the goodies in this is what gets you the core for the Mallet and all that stuff right is there a different key for this huh all right we might need to find the special thing for that then so there's more than one type of key interesting I didn't I don't think I knew that actually oh just another uh key thing okay little bonus area down here Emerald arrows and an axe okay nothing crazy but yeah this looks like a dead end so we got to go back oh wait is is there behind here ah another spawner secret whoa he's got a sword okay that could do a lot of damage real quick if you get stuck in a little room like this with one actually I'm not I'm not in a good spot here can I oh boy when they get you stuck against the wall like this The Shield's not going to save you I I can't move through them I'm be in a little bit of trouble here they won't let me through at all okay uh no not I was trying to climb up there I didn't make it oh boy I want to put on my armor but I don't have armor do I he's got it all we got to actually fight him get our stuff back there we go nice we're back in the game I think this room is cleared out we're going to get out of here go back we cleared this one before uh was there a room over here not a room but there is a oh it's another fancy one that doesn't accept the normal Keys H okay nothing behind this right no Okay so oh hey that's not bad that chest actually had stuff in uh nothing in the water so I think I saw another path this way yeah over here this must lead to another area oh yeah it keeps going quite ways another one of those up there too so what's the plan what are we trying to achieve here oh there's a b bedro okay that's kind of cool that's the dream like if you could find that at the start and everyone sets their spawn there can I tell you how much I hate Shields you have to take the shield off to scrape these yeah oh that's annoying oh okay so I'm starting to figure this out now so this is almost like a main hall I just realized there's like a lot of little offshoots coming off of this like these doorways all lead to a different room I think and there's like a bunch of them upstairs there's a bunch downstairs here and then you got the two passages on either end as well that lead off to whole other areas it's like it's really branching out all over the place so I think the next place we should check out is this this has active spawners but I think yeah again it's another like main hall area that goes off a bunch of places uh so it's almost like a maze maybe and this might get a little tricky because we're starting from the bottom and working up now so the mobs are going to be pouring down on us instead of us hiding on the ladders like before Oh I had a little Jitter there oh it's the babies okay find the ladder find the ladder I'm not dealing with these guys that last one spawned I think 20 or so it was crazy hey did he jump no he climbed climb the ladder I can handle you guys one at a time but not when there's like 30 of you we're switching to the sword I I don't trust the axe oh another big Jitter there okay that was a little weird oh I'm not doing well at all oh I messed up again okay we're going to wait for them the hit in unison and then we're going to jump go no I thought I could do that jump wasn't it three blocks oh what I picked the worst worst spot to do that at this is where I thought I was but we jumped over there okay and jump across oh we want him to hit the the baby he's not going to hit the baby okay okay and shield and attack and shield an attack Shield I'm a pro I only died four times all right uh this is still active it's still going wait a second skellies are coming down maybe you have to clear the previous wave before more will spawn cuz it's not oh I didn't want to jump off oh boy okay we're in it now we are definitely in it use the walls for cover okay that one's down oh oh oh trying to double team me I don't think so this is actually pretty fun you know I'm liking this this is cool like this update it feels like the quality update to me like we got really good building blocks in this update we got really good redstone uh editions the crafter the bulb you know they're they're pretty game-changing things uh and then this is like the best structure mojing I've ever done as well so like everything they they added this update just feels really good okay we got the bread honestly this is probably a decent way of farming up bricks too like I'm getting a lot of bricks just breaking the pots oh what is this we got another record we're going to parkour it parkour oh there's our key okay let's get the key before it despawns on us oh and there is another big boss thing at the end too interesting maybe that's what you need the bat Omen for maybe it upgrades the keys for that ah check it out there's little decorations in the wall too I think that's for the bog the the new skeleton cuz it's got the moss on one side looks like a Skelly face to me then over here this might be a spider face or these kind of look like to me as well so maybe this is like a crown on top of a a Pillager head or something I don't know could be that as well maybe maybe kind of crown shaped um tell you what I think we're going to drink it we got to get those those better Keys probably see what happens here I'm going to die right away and then I'll I'll go get my stuff we'll upgrade our gear uh yeah it's going to be rough oh and also I want to see if that makes the spawners we cleared uh get renewed cuz I think I read something about that too let's see if these spawn mobs again cuz if they do that oh yeah they do okay so we cleared those but they're ready to go instantly wow okay this got significantly Harder They Got Gear oh particle effects they get buffed with lingering potions what is that strength oh what oh they got special attacks too don't they he's like shooting arrows at me somehow well you know what defeats a bunch of uh little zombies is a bucket of water oh he's got a diamond sword yeah if you cheese things it gets a lot easier I was trying to do it without placing any blocks but yeah it's not happening oh what what am I going to do you can't get me I got water yeah so I think if you really want a challenge in this so you have to kind of limit yourself like don't place blocks just kind of take it as it is okay so they spawn a lingering potion in the air and then it falls that's cool that's really cool we do it hey we got okay yeah so that's the special key that's how you get it cool well let's go crack open our first one shall we take the vines down and we'll climb up here with our buckets all right what are we going to get revolting we got a what are they called again pattern we almost got like a grand staircase or something here close up a few floors no doors on the way though okay uh and Dead End okay so nothing generated otherwise it probably goes to another area that's fine oh wait is there something there almost seems like double stairs am I am I seeing that right let's just check this out I'm kind of confused something behind there oh it's just a lamp so if we get close to this it turns on right it's almost like a proximity sensor does that actually send out a pulse it probably would right yeah when it goes off it does when it goes on it does okay cool cool so we're at block light 11 here so this is a block light of 12 Oh I thought we cleared them all oh we got skellies and they're aggressive skellies with Enchanted Bows Oh Boy this is going to get bad oh boy oh boy man that damage had a fast oh I missed okay he's down I got to I got to hide I got got to hide for a second oh boy oh so not all these go somewhere sometimes it's a door and a dead end oh huh okay you can sneak across in places oh how are you shooting me that's the the special attack it goes through walls okay we're going out we're going out one down o okay we got him oh my goodness what is that that's Diamond thankfully none of them had had flame bows just yet but it hasn't been too too bad but yeah none of them Dro bows which is kind of surprising me I thought they would have so I have no ranged weapon let's go up I guess is baby zombie I think it's baby zombie yeah oh is a bad place to fight him oh snap uh I'm cheesing it I'm cheesing it cheesing it might not be enough they're going to attack me oh that was close oh I didn't see you oh no all right we're upgrading our gear I'm way undergeared for that place lure him out here fight him one at a time maybe yeah this feels more like the appropriate level oh even still even still oh boy I don't know that's rough I have no food to heal with we got to eat the zombie flesh and cheese it a little bit so we can get our stuff back or some food something we need something here no you don't we got to get in there I can't keep wasting time but they won't stop spawning okay I think I I got to just run and refresh the gear otherwise we're going to lose all our loot uh was upstairs we died yeah over here I think they fell down and they're all down here oh yeah oh there's a few there's definitely a few sweeping Edge though that makes a difference for sure all right we want to get the core that's like the big dream now see if we can get it Golden Apple emeralds more arrows oh ominous potion okay no core is that a notcher it is ooh oh dear I'm getting chased by a bunch of little guys run away this is so much easier with the netherite here it's insane even on the harder uh harder spawners oh actually dropped the diamond here oh yeah look at that things are a little crazy around here not too bad not too bad he got launched whoa you see that oh I got launched oh boy okay let's get out of there I'm going to drink this regen I'm not in a good spot I don't have food on my bar oh I'm panicking now oh we got to get out of here now oh boy no no no no no no no no no regen regen regen where's my food why don't I have food on my bar oh and these are all activating now dude that's what it was I couldn't figure out why I kept getting regular keys it's cuz my bad Omen wore off now these are all alive again okay I underestimated you guys I thought you were wimps and now I understand I was playing on newbie difficulty still okay this is this is getting real yeah even with good armor like this is the typical Minecrafter set I would say ltra with three pieces of netherite kind of standard gear I'm getting cooked in here like I pretty much have to dodge [Music] oh or I I should bring a shield oh I'm going to die run run run run run run run run run run keep running keep eating or you got to cheese it with water or blocks or something right oh wow oh not oh I knew that was going to happen I couldn't get up the stair no we can do it we can do it okay we're going to use the water going try to lure them into the water even if I die they'll be all kind of trapped here at least this is oh I got my boots my puddle Stompers okay get whatever armor we can get it on this is what the notch apples are for okay I just need to hide for a second please no I said no Shields no shields uh let's hide here get get some stuff back on okay we don't have our helmet we got to find our helmet oh yeah yeah that hurts a bit can they break down the door they can no no no no no no no no no no no this is this oh my goodness this is in insane don't underestimate shovels shovels oh my goodness what in a world there's like no recovery time like if you get if you get injured like you're just you're toast yeah I'm going I'm going to have to place some blocks and then they scatter after every death too which is a crazy thing okay there's some stuff here I am going to wear this armor my box of goodies and I'm going to pill her up so I gave him a path now too oh boy what am I doing I keep getting lost too which isn't helping I think it was down here yeah all right everything's going great here I got my stuff back and I'm just doing a little bit of exploring around here it seems like the key things don't refresh I I think it's a onetime use actually cuz these are all still locked even though it's been over 30 minutes the spawners though they do refresh after 30 minutes and I guess that means our goal here more or less is just to hit up all these like special key ones you know Farm up Keys here and then activate all these things I got three keys right now and we're we just got to try to get that core arrows oh a book so we only got two items from there what kind of book we get here a Smite five oo so you can get fully enchanted books oh we got another pattern wind charges diamond armor okay that's pretty decent 12 wind charges too and just sort of average armor it's looking like pretty much every room has one of these bigger vaults in it I think this might be the last one in the whole place though oh we didn't get anything new no uh I might go raid another one of these I want to get that core for the the mace M bolt armor trim that's new all right well I kind of want to do one more trial chamber at least this episode so I'm going to go check that out oh and it's right by the village again that's that's crazy so they must be pretty common check this out I guess there's slimes in these spawners as well which is kind of cool that would be great in the early game cuz usually it's so challenging to get slime balls so we kind of started off in a main hall in this one again but it looks like we're getting a couple new rooms there's like a water room in this one it's kind of cool goes down here to a bedroom okay well you know how I said I wanted to find some powdered snow I think I got some actually this actually works out great ah if you one shot them they don't melt the powdered snow come on core ooh that's got to be a trim he uh flow armor trim cool that's new for us wind charges wind charges a little intense just a little bit not too bad oh wow that slime just wrecked me we got oozing so we're spawning slimes in and mobs die it's great oh yeah we got more no ow there's a lot of skellies in this room this is the one for sure okay what's the deal with the staircase room cuz there's like there's like copper up above does this actually do anything no it's empty up there I think this is the last one for this chamber as well so let's see if we get that core core darn it I just entered our third trial chamber this one has the bogs in and there's like mushrooms around the spawners it's pretty cool they do a lot of damage actually like I got full gear on with the chest plates and they're still punching through with that poison so yeah they're no joke joke uh can you shear these guys you can so you can make like little mushroom Farms out of this um yeah it's cool there's like a lot of new things you can do in the game new ways of making like old farms uh which might be fun to play around with oh flow pattern I'm going to get flow pattern oh that was a juicy one uh oh gust that's new for us so the weaving it like actually makes cobwebs they're not like temporary cobwebs they drop string in everything when you break them so again that's another way you can Farm stuff in a different way which is pretty cool yep yep so we made it back home and uh honestly that was a lot of fun like even more than I was expecting uh you know I always enjoy like going fighting mobs and all that kind of thing but uh yeah it was really good actually so we got two new records I want to check out and uh we'll just do a quick little sample then we're not going to play the full thing or anything Creator oh it's kind of like a music box spooky music [Music] box building up suspense oh it is it definitely is music box okay there there it really [Music] [Applause] goes interesting I'll listen to these in fall off camera ooh got some brass going on in this one Chimes feelings of whimsical Adventure excitement oh yeah oh this is really good oh I like this one I like how this one starts especially it gets pretty wild though it's good though I like it um I think two things I noticed with the trial Chambers like two downsides I I kind of picked out with them uh for one I feel like because the players are going to be using those a lot like we're going to be adventuring through them quite a bit they feel like they really need more variety uh like I think there's 10 or 15 different rooms that it picks from and even with the same chamber you can sometimes hit duplicate rooms which you know is kind of lame uh I think they need to have more like 50 different rooms you know to bring that up and the other thing is the layout isn't the greatest cuz it kind of does like a main hall and then it branches out and usually it only branches one room and then it's a dead ends which means you go to that one room it's a dead end you got to backtrack and then through that room through the main hall and then it's kind of confusing where to go next always so there's a lot of downtime uh when you're adventuring I think those are the two things I would like to see changed uh but overall very enjoyable experience this is the loot we all got I ended up doing four like full clears on the trial Chambers and unfortunately no mace today but we'll probably uh be hitting up a couple more in the next episode here so my plan is I want to make a farm for these Breeze rods I'm thinking we're going to try to get like 10 trial Chambers in a row like in a chain and hook them all together either with um like Ender Porters or with a probably a nether boat Road would be cool so you go through a portal in your boat and then you're at the spawner you spawn in the breeze you kill them as quick as possible and then you go through the portal on your boat and you're at the next trial chamber kind of thing or the next spawner so we'll see if we can pull that off also I'm very excited like there's a lot of other Farms we could possibly make with like the the weaving there I think if you moved one of the mobs out of the chamber that has weaving you could just like um spawn in spiderwebs which would be kind of cool same with the slimes and all that so there there's some some potential there now I want to play around with these wind charges so I'm kind of hoping we can get away from ender pearls like I always use rockets and ender pearls when I'm playing Minecraft uh Rockets are great for like long distance travel or like kind of medium like if I I have to get up here that's great um I find they're not great like if I want to get on top of this tree for example and I I I got to do like one of these and oh I fall off you know it's kind of tricky that's what ender pearls are usually use for me like when I'm doing Redstone and stuff I need to be able to teleport around through my Redstone U I'm hoping wind charges can kind of replace that though in a fun way like look at that and you combine it with your elytra wings I'm sure there's a lot of uh like control oh yeah who needs Rockets there's a advancement for it even use a wind charge to launch yourself upward eight blocks aha so I do want to play around with these as well I I'm hoping I can become a real ninja now and like start wall climbing and jumping off walls with these I don't know if that's possible um it doesn't look like there is a delay on it like ender pearls have though so can I just like full climb up a wall here oh you throw them oh I didn't even know that so you got to like oh that that's probably oh you can oh my goodness that's like Metroid when you're like bombing bombing up a a structure or something oh that's really cool okay I like that oh that doesn't quite work I I was seeing if it would counter like the fall speed oh yeah man I don't know I think I think uh this will be pretty fun to play with uh I want to see how do they react in water I guess you'd probably just throw it through the water right if you're at the surface yeah it just shoots it through oh my goodness you get four each not two I thought it was two like the blaze rods okay these are really easy to farm then okay I'm very excited uh okay let's see how this acts on honey does it take us off the surface or do we stick to it oh we jump off okay cool cool cool um over the Slime we bounce bounce a that was some pretty good air whoa boy can we keep going oh we keep going look at that that is so cool you got to time it right though yeah we got higher even oh I'm getting launched a little bit to the side self correct it's like jumping on trampoline man it's It's tricky to get it right this might be the limit here but still that's pretty cool all right I like that oh I want to see does it counteract fall damage actually like can we use this to clutch yeah oh wow okay yeah these are really cool and the big thing is they stack to 64 unlike ender pearls so I I don't have to refill constantly which will be so nice you don't Harvest crops or anything do they no now you got to check you know you got to check those things I'm just there's a trick to launch even further with your elytra like if we do it like this you know it works but I think um if we activate the elytra while when we just launch it's going to go a lot further yes yes it does okay so I just Spam space bar after I threw it there um wonder if we want to activate the elytra before we throw it no then we get like a baby launch okay it it'll take a little getting used to but I'm really excited about these no that was terrible uh pretty good A there oh how about skipping what does it do if we skip you know when you're skipping with the elytra oh yeah skipping is the way to go oh there is a delay on okay there I didn't see that before and you know what I'm overlooking probably one of the coolest things about them they activate Redstone don't they or at least the the breezes do let's see if the charge is on their own will and if they work from a dispenser a I was hoping they would oh no oh Wireless Redstone the dream no it doesn't trigger the note block a I was so excited what if I do it manually no okay well if we can shoot them from a dispenser or even like store them in a bubble colum or something we could probably activate a bunch of them together or are they not affected by water what if we do something like this wind charges in all of these right they're facing each other they're going to collide all at the same time you put a pressure plate in the middle oh yes oh that is awesome dude these things are so fun and you can do even more probably oh and then you can like have some of them off a little bit so you go instead of going straight up you can probably shoot to the side and everything a little bit oh man I'm I'm going to be playing with these a lot oh you can use them for Mob Farms too if for removing the mobs around well anyways I think this is a good point to wrap up this episode everybody it's running a bit long kind of a goof round one but I enjoyed it and I hope you did as well really looking forward to this update by the way like I I have so many ideas with this one it's like oh I want to try this I want to try that which is always great when an update comes out sometimes it's like okay we got a couple building blocks uh woohoo you know but this one I feel like there's a lot of gamechanging stuff which is awesome that's the kind of stuff I like uh but yeah let's uh get to the comment of the day it says do you miss old Minecraft short and sweet question here so this is one of those questions that comes up every so often maybe you've seen videos on this subject like old Minecraft was better right you had better terrain you know it was simpler remember coming home from school and playing Minecraft I was in my 20s when it came out uh yeah I don't know I feel like I'm not a huge fan of old Minecraft like I feel every update the game gets better better and old Minecraft H you know it's fun for maybe 30 minutes an hour to look back on how things have changed but I would not want to keep playing it no I find it hard even to go back a couple updates it's like oh what you're telling me I can't right click my armor on anymore I can't shift click stuff into chest what what is this garbage oh yeah game runs like garbage uh uh nope crashes all the time uh-uh the chunks get corrupted all the time uh-uh I remember that happening so much in Alpha Minecraft it was a disaster always uh yeah I like new Minecraft for sure and I would not want to go back anyways thank you for the question hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode I've been working on the storage room in the background as well also designing a new Sher reactor an upgrade for it had a pretty cool idea for that I'm just working out the details and then hopefully we can up upgrade it and get lots of Shuler shells soon but yeah that's it for today take care have a wonderful day bye-bye