Philippines Economic Strategy Overview

Sep 11, 2024

Notes on the President's Address Regarding the Philippines' Economic Strategy


  • Acknowledgment of global challenges leading to economic and trade fragmentation.
  • Importance of addressing the specific challenges faced by the Philippines.
  • Reflection on the effectiveness of institutions and necessary actions to recalibrate them.
  • Emphasis on the need for essential new partnerships.

COVID-19 and Global Economy

  • Current global economic conditions highlight the need for cooperation.
  • Key Principle: No one is safe until everyone is safe.
  • Vision for a society in the Philippines that aligns with development plans and socioeconomic agendas.

Economic Overview

  • Global Growth Projections: IMF projects global economic growth at 2.7% for 2023, down from previous years (3.2% in 2022, 6% in prior years).
  • Philippine Economic Growth: Projected growth around 7% for 2023, with an optimistic assessment that it may exceed 6.5%.
  • Strengths: Strong macroeconomic fundamentals, fiscal discipline, structural reforms, and liberalization efforts.

Investment Opportunities

  • Diverse investment opportunities:
    • Renewable energy
    • Agro-processing
    • Transportation
    • Infrastructure development
  • Public-private partnerships are in the pipeline.
  • Establishment of the first sovereign wealth fund to diversify financial portfolios and generate stable returns, focusing on employment creation and public service improvement.

Addressing Inflation

  • Global inflation is accelerating; government response includes:
    • Relaxation of import restrictions on meats and grains.
    • Focus on improving local food production and agricultural sector recovery.
  • Plans for modernization and innovation in agriculture:
    • Development of new farming and fishing technologies.
    • Adoption of climate-resilient technologies.

Engagement with Trading Partners

  • Strengthening engagement with trading partners and utilizing Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).
  • Importance of economic and technical cooperation for smaller economies and untapped potential in the global economy.

Energy and Food Crises

  • Development plan aimed at inclusive and resilient development addressing energy, climate, and food crises.

Harnessing Technologies for Innovation

  • Amendments to Foreign Investments Act to facilitate foreign investment.
  • CREATE Act benefits micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through reduced corporate income tax rates.
  • Updates to Build-Operate-Transfer Law to enhance public-private partnerships.

Digitalization and Long-Term Development

  • Digitalization as a key driver for economic transformation post-pandemic.
  • Empowering MSMEs to bridge the digital divide.

Education and Workforce Development

  • Emphasis on education, skills development, and lifelong learning for worker employability.
  • Strengthening public-private partnerships to improve access to employment opportunities.
  • Enhancements in health systems and social protection to mitigate risks.


  • Overview of the state of the economy and opportunities ahead.
  • Commitment to openness in partnerships for a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable future for the Philippines.