AQA English Literature Paper 1 Section A: Guide on Macbeth
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Marks: 64 total, with 34 for Section A (Shakespeare) including 4 for SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar)
Structure: Closed book examination. An extract will be provided for analysis alongside broader textual questions.
Assessment Objectives
AO1: Understand and respond to texts critically and personally, using textual references, including quotations, to support interpretations.
AO2: Analyze the language, form, and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.
AO3: Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written.
AO4: Use accurate spelling and punctuation, along with a range of vocabulary and sentence structures, for clarity, purpose, and effect.
Key Strategies
AO1: Response to Text and Task
Engage critically with the play, using evidence from across the text, not just the provided extract.
Prioritize answering the question, forming a conceptualized response or a line of argument.
Question: Explore how Shakespeare presents the witches as powerful throughout Macbeth, including the extract.
Strategy: Consider all appearances of the witches and how their portrayal evolves, starting powerful and becoming illusory, correlating with the theme of appearance vs. reality.
AO2: Analysis of Language, Form, and Structure
Focus on relevant methods that answer the question; do not feel obligated to address each aspect unless it adds to the argument.
Examine Shakespeare's choice of words, the organization of the text, and how these elements contribute to effects and meanings.
AO3: Contextual Understanding
Understand the text's historical, cultural, and literary context.
The question will inherently link to context; by fully answering it, you address AO3.
AO4: Technical Accuracy
Dedicate time to checking work for SPaG to secure full marks in this area.
Final Tips
Formulate a clear thesis statement reflecting your argument or conceptualized response.
Incorporate analysis of the extract within the broader context of the entire play.
Ensure references to the text, whether direct quotations or paraphrases, are accurate and support your argument.
Consider the structural significance of the witches' appearances and their impact on Macbeth and the play's progression.