Transcript for:
Fearless Investing Podcast Transcript Notes

he yo what's going on what's going on listen it's Keith ever real estate Diddy I'm right here at this simple sexy flipping conference I gave 10 ways on how to find off Market properties if you somebody trying to learn how to use the bank find private money lenders and knowing how you can fund the properties you need to be [Music] here [Music] n [Music] I would definitely recommend this event to anybody especially if you're looking to get started in this business because sometimes you just don't know where to go and sometimes you don't know how to get started and sometimes it could be the reverse you got the motivation but you don't have the education or you have the education you don't have the motivation so sometimes it's being in certain rooms with certain people that'll kind of uplift you or inspire you or get you moving get you thinking but more importantly this is the kind of room you want to be in especially if you're a newbie [Music] what's up what's up what's we really doing this I just said what's up I can't do it like she you can't do it like she can do it what's up Jimmy yo yo yo hey everybody what's happening how are you today all right am well I'm in the house in the house in the building house in the house let's get comfortable let's get comfortable I've been comfortable not me I was oh you get started uh this is one of the things you talk about a lot one day we gonna do a podcast one day we gonna do this one day we GNA this one day we G and it's here uh we made it happen uh it wasn't the easiest thing and it's probably goingon to be some technical difficulties while we doing this so bear with us it's all you know progress over Perfection yes um let's start off real quick type in the chats tell me who's here who's watching us live right now type in the chats let me see let me see who's here and I also want you to share share this podcast with anyone that is interested in getting started investing in real estate they are trying to overcome their fears they are scared nervous don't know what to do and they just really need some guidance some help some encouragement some motivation to get off the sideline get into the game um I see you Marcus Marcus is in the chat thank you Marcus I see you or at least say where they from you said put their name no put their name in the chat y' y'all send me a Hello send me a what's up Marcus said Jimmy is my guy that's what's up what's upus how you been what's up you guys mike check is the audio clear can you hear me now can you hear me can you hear all of us shout out to our sponsors before we even get started shout out to our sponsors for the simple sexy flipping conference Jacob title ex flipper good and Home Inspections Den those funny what's up Nikki junk fathers new Western Ari decoded shout out to our sponsors we couldn't do this today if it wasn't for our sponsors so thank you guys y what's up Nikki what's up Nikki you said Nikki twice like what's up Nikki what's up record y'all we are uh not as formal as y'all probably want us to be so we are just having a natural conversation is there way to oh man junk fathers absolutely we just here to make it happen um at anytime during this interview we want you guys to ask questions um preferably to Jimmy if you got something for us we're here to answer them also we're gonna ask a few questions of our own um but if it's something that you guys are struggling with you want to know and it relates to I was podcasting we can't answer no podcasting questions we are rookies on that scene so hey we just here my name is Antonio Denmark this is ashy Denmark we just GNA get started I and tell who we are we are the owners and operators of the Denmark's brand we have a coach program we have a Meetup program we have funding we do a lot of different things to help people in this space get off the sine well that was well said usually you act like you afraid to talk that was real good F today right I got my hair cut coures of the barber Mr Jimmy shell all right so Jimmy I want you to introduce yourself tell them who you are what you do and then we're going to dive a little deeper cool well for those who don't know me I'm Jimmy Jimmy shallow they call Jimmy The Barber I own Birmingham House of cuts been cutting here for 30 plus years I stopped counting at 30 so it's 30 plus and um been in Birmingham for 23 years and um got hooked up well we going talk all right so so so so I'm just your guy if you need to get fresh like Antonio you're that guy you that yes he he is my barber so that's why I holl at him uh I I I heard you Dro in there to Birmingham where where you originally from Jimmy um I was born and raised in a small island called St Vincent and the Grenadines it's in British in the British reg Islands Eastern Caribbean uh landmark close to St Lucia Barbados south of Trinidad and Tobago so yeah I was born and raised in the small island and and how did you how did you get here what was the vision what was the thoughts to even leave your home and come to another location to be honest with you man I never really thought be in America if I if I was going to go anywhere in my mind was going to be England or Canada um England because we were gobling by England and I wanted to see the architecture and how it was you know Canada because it was easy to get to and the opportunities were endless you know what I'm saying so at 21 I started working on the cruise ship I worked for Royal Caribbean and then I also did um kodo Cruise Line and commo Cruise Line started selling out of New Orleans then so I was in Orleans for quite a while my I met my first wife on the cruise and I visited Birmingham three four time before I actually end up staying here I thought it was a really decent place it kind of remind me of home because it's always warm green you know y'all call these mountains but these are not mountains so yeah I fell in love in Birmingham in 98 and 2000 I moved here been here since okay I did not know you were on the cruise ships come on come on let's go all right your time ask the question you ask one now don't do me like that you know how I am with podcast they come when they come now like so new land new new era New Life you came to America then what you got married got married shoot long short story got divorced okay um when I came here in like literally when I came to stay that was April of 2000 couldn't find a job story is I went to um Mitchell's barber shop on 79 they were looking for a barber and I just decided to apply for the job I walk in I told the dude about myself you know what I'm trying to do and he hired me on the spot mind you I only had two Clippers one and one um one adjustable Clipper so I I told him give me a couple days so I can get some flippers that what's up that what's up started there I worked for him for eight years then I moved opened my first shop in chiswood in 2008 and I've been in business since then on my own okay [Laughter] so he may be May so somebody said is he single now this Ain love connection all right let's focus we'll focus all right so I'm G ask one more background question and then we can kind of move on to another topic being from the island it's the island right being from the did did you grow up rich poor middle start poor first how did you grow up you trying to dance around I grew up poor single parent what is poor because everybody poor isn't the same poor so like what is poor well poor in the terminology of having things we had love we had family we have the best stuff we need to survive food I didn't have to like go through the grocery store every time you want to cook there some backyard backyard stuff always there and most the time we go to the store yeah well we eat a lot of peas peas okay you sound like my M because you know because you can grow that easily myun you can gr PE I think beans are manufactur I'm not sure the story is going to come soon and we were poor Three Sisters I was the only boy and we had a two-bedroom house one bath well it was no bath the shower was outside and we had an outdoor pot the shower was outside you heard me correctly and you had a out the P house yeah the P house yeah so you think that's po or po po po yeah okay so that's you know we had but we we didn't have all feel like I rich because I had love I had my family my mom my sisters and you know we had a great we support each other we have a good system okay I'mma ask an entrepreneur question have you always been entrepreneur like like what is that myet come from where did that desire come from I didn't know what that word mean until I came to America okay interesting I always been my mama she never worked for nobody she always I'mma put like Bishop T J put it so that y'all won think I'm being nasty she was only she was her only pip she was only ho so that means she grew everything we eat everything we grew and we sell what we didn't e so I I was always in the business of buying and selling trading bothering doing whatever so that's where the Spirit came from my mom wow okay all right so you're in America new territory new new lifestyle you're working at a barber shop what what type of fears did you have after those eight years when it was time to when you decided it was time to do your own thing uh it was a lot it was man man I just I I just see all that expr over you said it was it was like it is W and and to overcome them because we all one give me one is fair was having credit not having credit not having money the second fair was not knowing what the hell you f to get into you know that was kind of learn as you go process because the guy that I was working with never really took time out to teach me and then when I told him I was getting ready to open my own thing I give him a two weeks notice the day after I give him two weeks come get my you got to go so never really had like a solid Mentor for say I mean and then I just I trust God I trust I literally trust God when I opened up the shop in 2008 Martin Luther King birthday so I just had lord it's gonna be me and you whatever I need he provided he's been providing and he's still providing amen today so amen today B was not knowing what the hell I was going to get myself but you did I did you did it you you pushed through I did you could have quit you could have you could have started tell me about one of them times you quit Jimmy I'm I'm sure on this journey you don't necessarily physically have to quit no some people actually did quit before I Ain gonna say no names I have quit quit like tell me tell me about one of them times where it was like this a for me I can't do well I remember I was sitting in my chair it's been it was 12:00 and I only had one customer morning I S the Lord no I right well I tell you what I'm exhausted I'm overwhelmed and you know you talk to the Lord just like we talk to each other we got me and him got a thing going on and I like look if you don't s somebody in the next 30 minutes if you do that's going to let me know that you're hearing me if you don't I do understand it's time for me to go home cuz I was going to go home like for that day home Back to the Island home home no to where I live okay all right I had enough that day just wanted to shut it down because you know you sit there you ain't do nothing huh you had enough you had enough thinking that you should do so you know I like man the life burning power water run a no money making so what am I GNA do so it was at a lonely state of my life where friends one the so-called friends actually when you need them nobody there so just me and the man then shoot 25 minutes later somebody walk in the door I guess I'm here for the rest you ask for that 25 he didn't wait till 30 he 25 minutes later walking the door that D I've been cutting his hair since wow that's amazing that's amazing that's amazing all right go you got you know you get you gota let you go we walking through this journey we came from the islands we started working on the cruise ship we decided okay America is where I want land we're in America we started being a barber we're Barber now we're opening up our our own shop our own um barber shop barber shop okay you know I wanted to say beauty um our own Barber Shop what was Barber and Beauty Barber and Beauty it still is still is it still is um what happens next well next I hired I hired a stylist and I hired two more Barbers and that The Stylist came two weeks after I moved in the second Barber came three months after I was there then the fourth Barber came five months six months after I move in the place so I knew God was with me and he he tell me hey I got you because I was fully staffed before 6 months being in business did you pick up your clientele or were they picking up enough and you didn't even have to well when I moved there I had a lot of clients and that was that was my my reason for moving I did my numbers and I was able to see okay I can maintain and sustain a business with the consistency that I've been having over the 8ye period so they brought their own and then you know you're going to have Walkins and then we we had one man that didn't have as much to pick up the slack so and it just was the Skyrocket it from there you know okay all right so we going we going to start leaning towards more real estate but we wanted y'all to get a a understanding of who you're talking to and we wanted you to understand that this is not someone that come from privileged this is not someone that had a SI of spoon in their mouth this is not someone that even grew up in America with the same opportun same opportunities that most of us have yeah but he's someone that has has created a niche and a success for itself and we just want to highlight that to show you it can be done um all right so fast forward to the real estate part of things when did Real Estate get on your radar Jimmy when did it cross your mind what what was those first thoughts real estate 10 years ago well or I think a little well it's longer than that actually longer than 10 years yes okay so when I left what's up rone when I left S I had bought an acre of land that I was going to build a house on okay where was it h where was this acre back home okay and working on the cruise ship I was doing good so I was able to maintain that but when I moved here it took me shoot two weeks two months get a job and then you know you know being a barber you don't you don't go in there cutting everybody up you got to build that thing and that process took a little longer and um the one making the money fast enough to send it home to take care of the property so I just I pick up the phone one day and I called Mr Brown that's what his name I said Mr Brown this is such and such he said yeah I know you I said well I'm not going to waste your time cuz he's an attorney I know you're a busy man I got speak land from you I could no longer afford to pay for it and with a good grace I was asking can you just take it back with don't hit me with no fees because I really can't afford it he said I tell you what since you came to me like that all debts are cleared oh come on Wow come on so he you know you got the property back I didn't ow anything else so that I'm just telling you this whole transition is a fake move but every move I make I just know God is right there he's there he's just telling me got you I got you and you know I'm on this thing about speaking things now because every time I speak something I see it coming past I'm like speaking I'm start speaking okay okay so you've been you had a piece of land 10 years ago time goes by they longer than 10 with you had a piece of land some time go by you don't do anything else in that real estate world then you get introduced to the denmarks how did you get introduced to the denmarks and kind of tell me what was that like well being a barber we we serve and leave with all types of people all works of life and and um the interest in real estate like here in the states came deeper when I start seeing you know especially when we got a hold of the internet and Facebook and people start saying how much money they make doing this doing that and I started studying it you know the wealthier of America at some point in time accumulated their wealth or some of their wealth from Real Estate right and I told God I want to be the richest family member in my family I want to be a millionaire so he said well you gotta find Avenues I said I'm choose real estate that's when I started talking to my clients and said hey do you know somebody who I can learn from you know because I kind of wanted to cheat Cod absolutely I didn't want to pay all that money for them conferences that you going to and then when you get there they want you to buy damn book I don't like to read that's 100 okay so I said you know what um teria I met teria when she was managing um those apartments on Highway 11 in trust she talk she the first person to told me about the de marks I was talking to her about my dreams and my Visions what I'm trying to do she said I know who you can talk to you need to go see the dead marks I said to who the denmarks I said okay so now I didn't you know jump right on that cuz I'm going to let things sit a little bit before it's understandable and I was talking I was talking that my air conditioner man um what's his name Mr Smith Janice husband Mr Smith okay shout out shout out to Janice and her H I was talking to him about it and he was like my wife know somebody you can talk he called her right there on the phone and she told him you need to go see the denmarks that's what I made that's when I made my decision and I'm going to choose the denmarks to be my mentors and once I you know I kind of know what I want to do but shoot the options man is beyond what I was even imagining you know I think you got to go to traditional well I think I'm going to deep too fast so let me so so all right we gonna get there to the different methods and your strategies but let me so I'm me tell you what I I first met Jimmy I first met Jimmy at our first conference well no we talked to him on the phone first and we told him he he told us what he was interested in and we told him you should come to the conference this is probably about a week before the conference okay you should you should come to the conference we had never seen him before when the decal picture went out we was like who is that we trying figure got Jimmy that we talked to from T we called her teddy bear lady umed teddy bear lady um so conference is where we met him okay but I think Jimmy introduced himself to you at the conference because I don't even think we thought about I met him the Friday night at the meeting at the meeting group okay so that my first time meeting him and he came introduced himself and we talked uh it was like I'm G say it was strange but it wasn't it wasn't a normal I don't know how to word this conversation it wasn't a normal conversation it was it was like boom boom boom it was like he was asking straight to the point questions like he had already stud yeah like he had already been doing some things it was like interesting like most people don't ask them type of questions when they first meet me or talk me for the first time so it was interesting so that's how he stuck out to me and I remembered him from there and then he started to become your Barber then he started become a barber so tell me about the conference Jimmy you came to the very first one we did in January of 20 223 23 23 yeah 23 so you came you came to our first one tell meary tell me one or two things you got from the conference I can tell you 10 one two one one2 one I think the the the part that R st out to me is the amount of information y'all get for the price that's like wow you know we use the terminology Jewels all the time uhhuh the amount of jewels that was in the room like literally all the time I mean every speaker had I was like that's it I was looking up that okay that's it yeah the information man is Gore It's a lot of information and and sometimes it's so much information you can get a headache your brain start to but it's it's I must say it's it's mind bothering is is it challenges you to you know get up and you actually you say this all the time get off the side of get off the that just keep it's it it like play in my head every time think about realate get off the side get off the side get in the game get in if if if anybody's watching and and you've come to one of our conferences because we've done two so far uh give me some hearts or give me some fires or give me something in the chat to let people know that we ain't just having a conference by ourself it's actually other people that come to these conferences OMG and and to to talk about what you said like we literally tell all of our guest all of our speakers why won you hold it back nothing like this is not the type of event where you have to hold things if you're going to hold it in if you feel like you got don't even come don't even say that you're gonna be a guest like we need you to pour into our people we need you to give your all because we're giving our all so we need you to give your all could tested this y'all have been to so many different conferences and uh whatever you want to call it stol pay all this money and then speaker get up there and give you T um 10 minutes of a game and then the rest he want you to buy that damn book outside he got so so a part of our foundation uh and I say give a shout out to Brian trip we believe in collaboration over competition we believe in not necessarily selling something every time you talk so our speakers basically have two mandates the first mandate is give it all to them we're not holding nothing back we're not in a time frame you have give it all to them we're not we're not leaving Clues we're not dropping chromes the second thing is don't Ste nobody nothing from the stage right y that that's that's our only two things that we have for our speakers and our speakers we love them because they have the same hearts and desires that we have so the people that you meet at our conference our speakers they are here to help first I think y'all pick them well thank you thank you thank you I think y'all picking one and then my next thing all right second thing uh the second thing that I take from these conferences because I know it's going to be numerous a lot more to come um is the idea that the um how you put it Miss Ashley it's in the room the magic is in the room in the room I mean you have to literally I and people think I talk a lot I do around my chair but I'm kind of like I'm I'm not a social I don't know if I'm drunk yeah maybe but naturally I I like to observe I like to observe I speak to you but I like to observe and see what's going on but man literally the magic the room you never know who you're going to be talking to and I had that experience on our last AR life with the deal I had I mean so many people came up to me I like all right so let's talk about that I um Jimmy came to us and he was like you know I want to start investing in real estate I really don't know how to get started I don't know what to do I'm scared as heck um I a got no money I ain't got no money I ain't got no money I a got no money I I don't have any money to invest but I know that I am called to invest I just don't know exactly how to do it first thing Tonio did was tell him to do what you remember what first thing Tonio told you to do try to find somebody who got good credit or partner with to partner with someone did he tell you how to find a partner no he didn't he did he sign up well that sign in the barers shop yeah but before that before that before that he's I think and one thing y'all do as well and you do it well without not even know letting us know you're doing it is challenging us to hey you got to have some kind of skin in you got to do something you know and you don't really say it till you say it but you your action you say hey go call this person send this email I'm like I'm not Savvy but okay yes but then then you be like look you gotta have a get in the game got gotta do something you gotta do something because it's not it's not gonna just come to you overnight he said hey put up a sign in the barber shop said Jimmy buy his house call me and I did exactly what he said so what I'll say is the first thing for people who are listening to this and and funds is a challenge yeah F the very first thing I tell you to do is it's not if if FS of The Challenge start talking to people and start telling them what your Visions are what your dreams are and open your mouth and tell them what you're trying to do absolutely I like this I say this a lot um money is all around us we have not because we have not asked we have not told people what it is that we're doing what it is that we're trying to accomplish and if people don't know that you're an investor or that you're an aspiring investor um if people don't know what it is that you do they can't help you they can't lead you you ask teria is there anybody I can learn how to invest in real estate to had you not opened your mouth teria would have never said the denmarks had you not told Mr Smith he would have never said the denmarks had you would have never told Antonio okay I I need some money I need to find some money he would have not helped you with identifying the that there's money all around you exactly y so I I I gave him a challenge a homework and and I said you need to go find somebody that has either one or two things that either have some money whether that's cash whether that's a 41k they got access to some money or you can find somebody that got good credit and he was looking at me like I was talking French Mr Denmark I can't do that he like man nobody in my family like they don't got that Stu broke they like my people broke man I'm like just trust me everybody that come through your chair everybody you come in contact with have money conversations have credit conversations and it's gonna be uncomfortable you your your your stomach GNA bubble up having them conversations you're not gonna have all the answers but the more you have those conversations the more comfortable you get the more those butterflies go away that's proven that's a proven fact like literally the first two conversations about hey you want to invest in real estate you can what's your credit score you know that's kind of in our culture black people I'm talking about my credit score they ain't none of your business so after start talking to like the clients the ones that I and then you overestimate people because they may not look like they got it but You' be surprised man who got 700 Plus credit score and I thought about that thing myfather oh I said hey man I want to get in real he said for real he said Son with you like what I said what your SC school he said I'm 23 I said well look at go look at so how many how many roughly you probably every one but how many conversations did you have before you actually the light went off and said I should ask my I ask my uh probably about 10 I had and and if Godfather was going to do it there was a plan B and A C because I had my like you had your a plus c contractors I had my a person which is Godfather I had my B dude and then my C person and when he said he got 823 I'm like that's all we need right that's all we need that is all we need okay so we need we went through this journey we have come to the conference I remember like it was yesterday Jimmy was sitting down outside the property walkth through and he was sitting on the steps and he looked at me and he L me dead in my eyes he said man you be my mentor it's like he he has as you can see he has a strong voice and a strong command when he talk and I'm look at this man like I think this man might be crazy but is serious he he truly when he said though he said it with conviction and confidence like I'm gonna make this happen so we done talk to J daddy we done got some we we don't found somebody now the next step is hey let's bring them back to Demar and let's let's have a conversation God that it tough y'all yes he is Hey listen to me yes he is God that it tough so we talk to God daddy we kind I talk to God daddy talk to godd me out so God like I it's too good what y'all talking about godd God daddy comes to our property walk we got a property walk through first Wednesday that have one on Wednesday in two days we have a property walk through coming up it's not in there yes so God that it comes to the property walk through and man he is trilling US y'all he asking questions and like everything he asked we got an answer and then like he didn't know I seen but he's talking to different people he he's questioning he's asking him and he's trying to get VI he's trying to get a Vibe for what's going on because we had a room with 30 plus people in walk through those were two of our students that did that um they were showcasing and that's what he told me he said look I'm going to this thing with you but I want to talk to people who is in the program CU you talking about him but I need to yeah yeah I don't want to talk to denmarks he said I want to talk to people who at least five I said you doing an interview I want to talk to at least five people who are in the program who is doing it or who has done it to get some kind of background back you guys just just go straight to them and ask them about they tell you no I'm go around that and he did just what what which is fine all right so we meet God Dad we talk to God daddy again after after the walk through after the walk through and he's in yes and then he comes to the conference and he comes to the conference so one of the things that we also tell you is if you are trying to look for a partner you're looking for somebody to invest with you and you don't have the funds invest in coming to the conference and bringing that person whoever you think is going to be that investor whoever you think is going to be a potential partner in your real estate Journey bring them to the conference because when you bring them to the conference even the r anyone but get them around likeminded people yes get them around people who are doing what they're trying to do who have done what they're trying to do who have experience to help them navigate and show them that it's real yeah so comes to the conference I think it's so important just to tag on what you just said when you bring him to the conference you're also learning together so you're not going back with this aha moment this sudden Insight of revelation of how I can do things how I can move okay now I got a strategy I got a game plan to he to really hit the ground running and then you're trying to go back and explain it to him because you can't explain it you can't even regurgitate everything that you learned so if you guys go together and you're learning together now you're reminding each other okay well I heard this part oh yeah forgot about that part yeah we can Implement that now your plan is so much stronger because you're learning together you're going back over the information you learned and you're literally putting together a plan after the conference versus okay you go and then come tell me that never works and especially not one of our confer well we tried it with the AR like tell me tell me how did it go and he called me right now about 8:00 hey how did it go I'm like man you tired I don't you got to get in the room get we have we our goal is to overload you with information yeah we feel like we overload you information you'll be paralyzed almost and it will send you down Journeys that you did not know exist and open up your mind to opportunities that you didn't even think about was available to you but it's only until you get exposure to it it's only until you get in those rooms because the magic is in the room can I say this go ahe say whatever you want to say so after coming to Ari's property walkthroughs conferences I've seen a couple people who think they know it all and then you know a lot of time I don't know if you grew up when the teacher said forget about what you learn just open your mind and I heard I say that I'll be like so there are certain people who always raising their hand think they know everything and then you be like no that's not how that workk oh he got up that's the thing you just just forget about what you think you know because I've learned that in this day and time man technology is way different the way we used to do things are different you know you don't have to have a 3.5 down payment or 20% down payment anymore to do anything that's what I that's a takeaway I got it from all this there different ways and and the strategies y'all got man it's it's unheard we going we going we going we going get strategy is amazing so don't leave y'all we G it's very by the end of this podcast we're gonna tell you how Jimmy has structured his very first deal using OPM other people money and that's other people's money so we attacked his funding issue from two angles all right so the first angle that we attacked it from was with the credit getting a partner getting a partner partner had credit so now we are going to go and get business fund We're not gonna get too deep into business funding only thing I'm gonna say is and we'll probably do another podcast about but we we set Jimmy and Mrs Jerome up with a AIDs Corporation um if you don't know what a AIDs Corporation is that is a seasoned L A Hey listen your podcast so you can't give them that without telling them that was Jerome's idea okay get talk to him talk to what what's the uh the Mexican guy name Ed Ed shout out out man you convinced my man that that's the way to go Eduardo was our speaker at August conference on business was excited before so at the end of the car I looking for him he he gone told me he rolled with me so he couldn't leave he was up there trying to sign up to buy to something I'm like what the hell so that's how you come in the conference and don't have a negative mindset be open-minded because you never know what can happen he went in there apparently openminded but he just wanted to see after Edo got up there and spoke we need to get on this Edge Corporation this is way it's at then bought some $5,000 like I don't know what it was he was sold he was sold but it was it the information um our goal is to give you information that you don't necessarily have complete access to you got some access to it but to ask questions and get understanding yeah because you can do it on your own yes absolutely you can do it on your own I think the internet has more than enough information for you it'll take you forever you you might spin you Wheels a little your goal could have been probably 30 days and it may take you two years 10 years try 10 10 years 10 years um or you can get a part of you can be a part of a community that's gonna help you expedite it um it's it's all up to it's all up to you okay so we got a age Court um now we going for funding now we're going to business funding we're not we're still in business funding but only thing I'm going say is we've got one approval so far correct Jimmy three we've got three approval so far well come on because I only know about one well I don't know about one too so what what was the first approval Jimmy okay uh the first approval was U Chase Chase what did they give you what did they give you and Mr Jerome 100 100 what $100 100 pennies first approve go give me a whistle a bill or something get a bill man so you invested into a age Corporation and your first approval was a 100K yep so let me answer this because I know age corporations cost a lot of money and when I say a lot of money let let's really talk about it does it really cost a lot of money if you invested let's say $5,000 to get that age Corporation most people are like ,000 to get business funding most know what a is or what it come on break it down get to deep okay because that mean I'm giving you a free game you P like I do come on no hey look give it to give it give it to give it to them we Edge Corporation is an existing business for a long period of time that has a good history with the taxes filing etc etc you can use that Corporation and go get funded and have not a whole other issue of getting U PR approved so a lot of times we try to get funding and we'll create a new LLC and try to go get funding it Ain old enough and it's not old enough um it ain't got enough age ain't got enough hours like I said youin got enough hours in the business um so you got enough age or you don't have enough uh credit like it's so many different Ines let me tell you how that work cuz in my work I've had llc's for years like I said 2008 to 200 20 I was trying to get funded from the bank time I go on the in line Credit in line payment history in line taxes everything was done like it was supposed to cuz I was working on this to get funded to buy this how long it took you you was working on how long was that how many years did I say 12 years 12 years and come here something you know so they tell you the bank was say two years with good standing meaning you know if you file your taxes properly um you in putting money in the bank or what man that's a lot they tell you all that I maybe for the wife but not for me I'm keep it well and I think the other part that a lot of people don't know because I don't think they're not even looking to see who it is and how it is I think the knowledge behind it you think that you set up a good business entity but you really don't know that you got a high-risk business entity so they really not funding you because you highrisk it look like you smuggling in money based on your name the name of it like well barber shops are hard Barber Shop salons nail shops but tire shops Trucking real estate they ask you to do the right thing and you do the right thing and you're still not goingon to get fund because I've been told nobody ate Banks I'm like so I start Crush after the fifth one I'm like okay why well sir you know your stuff is in place credit is good we see you doing numbers you're doing the numbers like so why you came from me well this point in time the bank don't have an appetite for such loan what you have to have an appetite for a certain type of loan got be a lending product you know well you know that's above my pay raise but I just I just wanted the money but yeah okay all right so what about the other two approvals I ain't heard about them yet tell me what was the other to approve so you don't know about the PNC because it's still we got to go in and talk to the guy structure how you have a preapproval amount no yet because he got different options different options okay we have that and then we got U chist okay chist uh right now we at 10 star now 10K okay okay but I don't want no $10,000 give me me y hear that y hear that what what would your business look like if you can say man I don't want $110,000 that what would your business look like if you got $100,000 in funding in 30 days like 100,000 in 30 days what does your business look like days 30 days okay all right so now let's get to let's get to the deal at hand all right so Jimmy joins all right what's up what's up what's up part two part two part back we back we back tell you be some be some technical difficulties but we we on point now thank you for stay on let's Tell them real quick what happened so what happened was the laptop died in the middle of the live as we were getting to the good part it warned us that it had 10% and 10 seconds later it died what's up up be in the bus all right so so Jimmy so Jimmy joins the program um you officially joined the program after the second conference when did you get access to Pro what's that after the second conference August September August August the end of August end of August so from the end of August Jimmy getson into his material and he goes to work and we're working on funding and we're doing different things and he's learning and and a opportunity comes your way tell us about the opportunity about the property how does it come how do you handle it well the the sign that you told me to make Jimmy buys houses um I have it posted in the shop one of my um longtime client moving to Atlanta is a chef and um he approached me he said hey getting ready to move out of town I said again cuz last time he moved to South Carolina he went to Father his education then he moved back now couldn't find a good job here that wants to pay him what he wants so Atlanta Atlanta came up on the radar and he said man I'm taking this opportunity I said why not you and your wife yall have any children go so like I'm selling my spot I See You by the eyes I said well let's talk put in an offer there's three offers that was accepted by them mine's being number three because I came a little lower adding the risk factors um then the other two the first one it took it fell through long story short and Mr dmark I thought the deal was done he was like why don't you do a followup call I said a followup call I thought once it's done it's done I said okay I called him that Friday soon as you told me to call him that Tuesday he was like yeah the deal is still good you know everything is going we supposed to be closing next week he called me back that Tuesday or that Wednesday I think he said hey I thought he was gonna call and say hey we thank you thank you for you know inquiring everything went well he said man um you still interested in that property I like yeah so I like well shoot I was in the middle of a cut and I didn't want to talk business over my client's head I said I call you later you know me and you you and the wife do call later call him and we got to talking we got to a number where it's comfortable between each party and um right then and there I locked in a verbal contract I like I wanted so so crazy y I thought them folks I want to buy the property I ain't had no money contract I lock a baral contract in with no money so this and keep in mind this is before we got the funding yeah we a got no approvals we a got nothing yet lock property up I trusted that it's gonna work out in one way or the other I did I was like man Lord this came back around the second time for a reason you know what I'm saying so hey honestly I didn't even know how this was going to work out I just knew that my job was to keep pushing you to keep helping you do it but I didn't know how it was going to happen or transpire it was just like okay well you got on the country okay where these are your next steps let's do these next steps um the one thing I want to highlight before we go too far is throughout Jimmy's story he gets instructions and he follows he executes he executes y'all that that's one of the biggest things that I want to say about Jimmy's story is he's not going in doing half of the information or giving excuses on how imposs can't do this I got a barber shop I can't put that type of sign up I'm afraid to talk to people about houses I don't got no money it was Jimmy do this Jimmy goes and execute that yeah so understand that you guys I made this post other day a lot of times you want success and you want to be great and and you want these things but are you committed are you doing everything that you need to do to make it happen and not blaming it on other people a lot of times you got to look in the mirror and hold yourself accountable and say am I executing am I doing everything in my power to make this happen right so Jimmy follows through he executes what kind of fear obviously the fear of not having money was Major any other fears that you had no that was it because I look I don't did a property walk through I did my I went did my scope of work I had um my B and C contractor came by and give me instruments so I know in my mind this is mine I'm going to do this it's just the fair now as time get closer they G me a crunch line they say hey can you close on uh November was it 18 20 I thought nope I can't do it so I like I'm gonna need some time he needed some time because he he had no money so they said well what about December 1st I said yeah we're gonna shoot for December 1st still ain't got no money still don't know then Mark say create a flyer make a flyer got some pictures on it the address just do a little balog on what you offer in etc etc I said for real that's a message right there hold that thought hold that thought right there keep in mind this man don't got a computer y nope so when I told this man to make a flyer he was like he was like he had a DAT he only had a to do it on Monday we had this conversation at the end of the day on Monday to get done by Tuesday Tuesday he like hey he did not make an excuse he started thinking he started making phone calls he was thinking who could I have to help me get this done and let me make sure that I'm able to communicate to them exactly what needs to be on this flyer so I think a lot of times and let's talk about excuses and fears because your fears okay I don't I don't deal with elect like that I can't do that on my own right but I didn't let that overcome the uh division that I had you get I get Fair time because like I look I'mma tell you sh if you know me I don't know nothing about no damn computer I am probably one of the most illiterate computer person that I'm proud to say it too man don't be mad at me but I believe in um dedicating I'm good at dedicating like getting what it be paying you to get it done or having you do it for a favor whichever bothering I'm cool with all that but I know if I need to get something done I'm G find a way absolutely so when they say create a fly I get to thinking and I made a couple calls it you know we got it done but it still wasn't good enough so it perfect but and it doesn't have to ever be perfect I think it will never be perfect yeah it doesn't have to be perfect I am a purpose I love it to be Perfection it got no progress over Perfection get it done because when you're searching for Perfection you don't even have enough knowledge for Perfection at that point like Perfection comes after you've done it a few times you you've done it 20 30 40 times then you can perfect it because you got hours in it but if you're doing it for for the first time you got to do it like the more you get out that's when Perfection comes just do it just do it totally agree totally agree all right so we made the fly we come to AR live and at AR live AR live is our meet up we meet every third Tuesday other month at thean if you want to get around likeminded people that's a good place to come also but we like come to AR live and AR live we have a section where if you have a deal you can tell the group about your deal so I said Jimmy make the fly and we had a deal section raise your hand and tell the group about this deal now I can tell he looking at me like that's not what I want to do he came back and he asked another question Jimmy instructions are the same make the flyer when we have the deal section just get up and say you got a deal if nobody comes we try right so H you got up Jimmy you told everybody wait no cuz when he got up and then I walked over there and he said said well I don't know if this is a deal or not I'm like slow your old we going to need to talk into existence it's the deal now tell us about this deal well this the same deal with um my my client that moved to Atlanta so it's a two bedroomroom one and a half bath condominium in in Homewood you rare you find your first deal in that that type of neighborhood right you know I wasn't even expecting my first deal to be a condom I wanted to Fix and Flip you know but I believe in Opportunities and I believe in being there in position when they come I've missed so many over the years with fear and not knowing how to get the money to do certain things like no not right now not right [Music] now so you tell about the deal you got your fly I did when when it was time for deal time five fers and I had about eight people walk over there wanted to fly you didn't even have enough that's pictures I'mma call you and that same night after they already had left when we when we got done I took some people to see the property cuz they were so interested I didn't know that jimm yeah that after party was I did not I took um what's the brashers yeah I took them by there and um Tyler was looking for me but I was already gone so I had one two five people that was that were interested in in the deal that night that night why amazing so another thing find the add value y'all if if you if you are struggling to get to that next level you're struggling to turn that corner add value find ways that you can add value to people and not look for anything in return that's the secret that's the sauce be willing to help be willing to do whatever you need to do to bless somebody and and if you bless enough people your blessings going come we are living examples of absolutely bless people your blessing G come so the biggest thing that we told Jimmy was find deal find way to add value to somebody but you're adding value to the person you buying the house from you're adding value to the person that's investing yes you're going to get benefits but it came with how can I help somebody how how can I bless somebody so keep those things in mind when you're out here searching and doing what you want to do in this real estate world don't leave with lead with helping people lead with adding value so right now we have four people interested we end up with two people all right kind of tell us in a possible two people in imp possible is what we end that with I'm at the end okay two people so tell us how how did you structure this deal with these two people well in this your advice to me was if I can find one person who have it because the property is 70k you know to to purchase the rehab was six grand I was going to do that all by myself but I needed partner I for 35 split or 70 all in 70 potentially had a 70 but they're still thinking about but I didn't have time because um the deadline is Friday I have to close close by FR they're not going to extend this thing no F out and by right that you know they have the right to do choose or not to so I found two people who want to do a 35 35 split um I'm offering 12% to the duration of the loan it's going to be a full month period refi pay that off and everybody be happily ever after happily ever after so how much are you investing in this deal out of my pocket out of your pocket just to rehab maybe $4500 so to purchase it nothing zero zero closing cost roll into the into the borrow money so and keep in mind that potentially that 45 C Business funding also so it's all about being around the right people or being in the right rooms one thing I would say is the two B borrows that Jimmy the two lenders that Jimmy have are a part of our ex family so understand that being connected to the right people means a lot yeah it has its per but without being connected to the AR family without being connected to the ex of family those lenders don't feel comfortable lending on that deal it might have to be a lot more interest it might be a lot more work but understand that you got to get in the right circle with the right people that can help you overcome your obstacles and your fears because the things that you consider to be obstacles the things that you consider like oh I can't do it these are hurdles that I can't jump somebody else has done it somebody else has has accomplished what you're trying to do but again if you're holding it in if you're not talking if you're not telling people what it is that you're interested in doing what it is that you're doing a deal that you have it you need funding with nobody can fund it so it was so important for Jimmy to one okay figure out who's going to do this flyer who can I who can I get to do this flyer to me and not saying well I I don't use computers I don't have a computer the only thing I have is my phone and I can't do it physically yeah you can't do it physically but it's not all about you doing it it's the who not the how so not him trying to figure out how can I do it who can I get to help me with this that will do a good enough job right so finding out who can help you afraid to act and don't be afraid to act and because of your background Jimmy and at that time growing up you didn't understand what you was learning but there is a book called who not how and your upbringing is a definition of you don't have to figure everything out you don't have to always know the intricacies of what's going on right ask yourself who can help me get to this point faster not how do I do it all the time and if you start asking yourself who can help me your learning curve your immediately what's the I looking for your productivity will drastically increase because you're doing more because you're connecting to the right people you're not wasting time all right so I got one last question go ahead all right my question to you Jimmy is if if there's someone watching this podcast and they've been thinking about doing real estate for 10 plus years they've been on the sideline they've had some things happen in their life we didn't even talk about life have been liened and they're just scared what what would you tell that man or woman if you had to look them in the eye and they like I'm just afraid to do it Jimmy I can't do it I can't do it Jimmy well can't is not a word I use and I don't think anyone should because all things are possible to then that believe you got to believe faith and belief come saying put in some work have conversation trust people but most of all get around likeminded people I mean like I said I've been searching for a mentor or somebody who know this side of real estate or know about real estate I've bet a lot of people I got a lot of clients who who rent houses and and they like man I'm tired you don't want to do that that's what you're hearing you don't want to do that this thing here man F get on your n they tear up your property they they don't pay I got to put them out and then you know the the law is for tenants you know you can't just go and V somebody out your property is a procedure is a protocol and that's that's what I've been hearing the negative but going to these AR lives and these conferences and talking to people getting in the room where the magic happen the magic is in the room I've overcome all fear that's why I told you when when that dude told me the property is available I had no feir no I'm just like I want it verbally I told him I want it I said send me the papers and then they got an agent T agent and the rest was sister so do it scared do it scared I think Miss Adrian might have cloned that there right might that doing SC any so we going to get ready to wrap up got any questions for Jimmy um anything for me anything for Ashley um drop them in the chat drop them in the chat let's talk about it if you have not gotten your tickets yet for the conference go ahead and get your tickets we are raffling off a ticket Derek is actually um Mr Derek Gooden is doing a raffle on December 15th for everybody that enters into our free groupi decoded will get entered into the raffle to get a free ticket for the conference so make sure you go join the group the group is absolutely free we're going to be re re sharing these podcast in the group so you can go back and watch him um make sure you get in the group so you can ask questions uh Mr jimy is in the group you can ask him questions whatever you need uh get in the group so that you can start getting around likeminded people to continue to overcome those fears I'm not going to tell you you're never going to have fear that's that I think anything you start should have some kind of fear with it if you don't have fear then you're crazy but you should be the fear is the respect Factor yeah yeah I'm scared of you got to respect what you're doing and know okay this levels to this thing most people want to instant gratification like that work like that Gotta Have sleepless nights but don't don't let the plan be in the Forefront of your mind that's right yes that's right you you you got to want more for yourself you got to have a why we'll talk more about that during the other podcast uh but it's bigger than you y'all it's bigger than you Jimmy Jimmy said this earlier and I wanted to stop but I didn't I didn't want to stop him at the same time and he was like I want to be the first millionaire in my family in my family and that means something y'all Y that that means something that it not only means that you GNA do it but it means it's gonna be some ups and downs it's going it's gonna be some roller coas it's gonna be some scars it's gonna be some some nights where you want to quit so who much is given much is required baby I'm telling y'all so you you have these goals you have these visions and just conquer them and and know that you don't have them for no reason like you have them because you're meant to do them you're meant to fulfill it so don't just let it go by and say I wish I should have could have did it then no do it now do it while you're afraid do it while you're scared do it while you're broke do it while you have five kids do it while you have do it while everything is going on that's not supposed to go on the Stars will never line up right I'm going to wait about six months I'm me get this in order those are excuses ooit him like that I mean seriously don't say excuses excus excuses do it today do it now all right let's let's let's give last call for any questions let's see any comments just do it doid that's how super fam they they he this all the time they hear this all the time so they got the juice now they they got it baby and we and we doing it afraid we doing it scared and we pushing through we we are getting as much information as possible that kind of helps with the fear is by gathering information and having someone to lean on but always beat up it's gonna always be there so go the group Ari decoded get enter into a chance to win a free conference ticket conference is January 12th and 13th see uh the good and Home Inspections dear Gooden will be giving this out on his own this is something that he wants to do he's giving it away so hey make sure you join the group it's absolutely free and I know Tonio talked about it but it's really to foster a community to where you are working with each other you're helping each other you're growing you're learning you are getting rid of those myths like Jimmy said oh you don't want to do that you don't want to rent out your houses they're going to do it bad okay yeah some people may I've rented quite a few houses some people did tear it up in it strash but let's talk about the people who did good let's talk about the people who purchased after renting like let's talk about the is not gonna be mine y fact so what what that we have't done is we haven't told what our speakers are going to be speaking about who we got coming okay let's talk about it all right d Nicole Ambrose is coming from Atlanta Nicole if you ever experienced so she came to AR live about a year and a half ago I think it was and really really taught our agents our investors how they can get deals and I told her you know what I need you to talk about this Market because everybody says the inventory is low everybody says there's no houses I can't find any deals like how do you find deals how do you find it for one as a realtor how do you find it for two as an investor like how do we find deals so that we can continue investing in real estate and she says s that's not a problem I'm in there you let me know what you want and I'm in there Nicole doesn't hold anything back when I tell you Nicole shares everything and when you pull off to a side to the side she gonna share a little bit more so Nicole Ambrose is gonna be teaching how to find deals in this market she told us about micro farming remember she told us about micro farming and literally we went out and started micro farming we walked the whole area of forestale the whole area Forestdale we probably passed out about a 100 80 to 100 door hangers and guess what yasine got invited to what was that yes me the city meet what it was neighborhood a neighbor a neighborhood City meeting where they were talking about houses that were going up for sale that people were investing in like you gotta really it it's not to you but Nicole shared that one and she shared a whole bunch but that one was amazing um so we got Nicole we got Derek Derek is going to walk do our property walk through he's going to show us what absolutely needs to be repaired what doesn't need to be repaired from a safety standpoint um you he say something from a safety standpoint what are inspectors looking at before you put it back on the market what are they looking at what are they going to show the end buyer um that the nire could be nervous about when it comes to a home inspection so getting that inspection early but understanding how to make your sell even that much greater because you've already tooken care of those safety issues and those things from the home inspection side Darius came last January all right Darius vendors came last January he's coming back this January he's coming back so a lot of my students after Darius left they realized okay well I can take these credit cards and I can turn these credit cards into cash and Derek talk and Darius talked about using plastic you dope so after the conference last year they started using plastique and they started buying houses on credit cards so y'all like how how are they buying houses on credit card they're implementing what Darius taught them in the last conference but guess what dar's got a whole new lineup for us this time let's go he got a whole new lineup of how we getting business funding how we're going to structure that business so that you can get immediate funding leaving the conference all right raon tubes is going to teach us about how to put it all together how to really start putting it all together when it comes to investing in real estate when it comes to doing deals putting the funding finding the deal putting it all together so that you can really get off the sideline and get into the game Ryan who who told me this weekend don't put Rowdy so I don't put Ryan because Ryan's not coming is coming let's go Ry is coming to break it down when it comes to rehabs and construction when I tell you there is no other person that I would want to lead my rehab construction other than Rowdy rowy is our Mentor rowy is our coach and when I tell you he is the beast from starting off from changing door knobs to literally leading when it comes to real estate and construction leading leading um how you can manage it better understanding it from a contractor standpoint and an investor side he gives you the best of both so Row's going to be in the place doing what he does making it Rowdy that's the simple sexy flipping conference y let's go let's go let's go get in the room uh I'm telling y'all now it's gonna it sells out every time it's absolutely it's up to you to make a decision to take some action um it's gonna happen regardless absolutely so I'm excited I thank you Jimmy thank you Mr shallow you so much give shallow some hand claps in the chat if he bless you and I would say share this with anyone tag someone that you think needs to see this that they're afraid they're they're saying you know what I'm not from the United States so I can't do it I don't have I don't have the fund so I can't do it I I had a divorce I had a divorce so I can't do it I don't know enough people right here right now I can't do it I don't know enough tag tag them in and tell them to go watch it and help them get off the sideline and get into the game what you gonna do with this prop I know we F to go what you gonna do with this property J well um this is perfect for midterm short-term rental because of location and U when I get done jazzing it up gonna be nice gonna be super nice we're doing midterm rental on this one okay and if you don't know what midterm rentals are uh send me a DM on Facebook and my guy ay did a training on midterm RS and I can send that over to you um free of charge just send me a DM I am ex Flipper on Facebook or or Ashley Denmar Ashley Denmar and I can see the training on midterm rentals y'all it was amazing training I didn't even know it was called midterm rentals but we always just considered all of it to be Airbnb yes but there's a difference between Airbnb and Midterm rent big difference so if you don't know what a midterm rental is send me a link and uh send a DM and send us a DM now give him some time because that was totally off the wall and Y been over here like okay well let me go get that together but but um it's a it's a great strategy is a great exit strategy and you will really enjoy it absolutely all right before you want to go gym anything you got to well like we started out saying man you got to get off the sidewalk people if I can advise you to do anything if you now if you're interested in this it's going to take some work we already know to whom much is given much is required so you can't come in here and expect the D to do everything for you you got to put in some work you got to put in some work you got to have one of the te's or all three T's or two of the te's what's the te time talent and treasure you got to have in my case I had two of them because I didn't have no treasure but I got time and talent I'll make time because this is what I want to do so don't be afraid y'all get up off your ass get in the game get in the game G let's go thank y'all for coming to our fearless investing podcast series kickoff uh we'll be here tomorrow be here tomorrow what time 1 pm Central um Central Standard time we're gonna have Stan McDonald with Jacob tidle and we're g to be talking about some fears when it comes to investing in real estate and starting that title company that he started an investor friendly title company so I'm excited I love you guys have an amazing this is a fear I've heard before what if I buy this house and it has wings what do I do then tomorrow y yo what's going on what's going on listen it's Keith ever real estate Diddy I'm right here at this simple sexy flipping conference I gave 10 ways on how to find off-market properties if you somebody trying to learn how to use the bank find private money lenders and knowing how you can fund the properties you need to be [Music] here a [Music] I would definitely recommend this event to anybody especially if you're looking to get started in this business because sometimes you just don't know where to go and sometimes you don't know how to get started and sometimes it could be the reverse you got the motivation but you don't have the education or you have the education you don't have the motivation so sometimes it's being in certain rooms with certain people that'll kind of uplift you or inspire you or get you moving get you thinking but more importantly this is the kind of room you want to be in especially if you're a newbie