[Music] okay everyone make sure you have a good hold heave ho heave ho something tells me I was better off with Tigger he ho [Music] yep w [Music] oh this is lovely we are stuck down here and the backin is still up there de wait for me no no no piglet no no no piglet stay you can help us if you stay up [Music] there okay piglet go look for something to get us out of here okay there might be something over by the pack oh thank goodness one of us is up there I was worried we'd be stuck here forever no I found something here what oh well that's a lovely flower piglet I thought so too yes piglet it's it's very nice uh perennial but I think we need something longer longer huh of course how silly of me oh good thought piglet but you can't possibly think that that's long enough oh yes it is Hell read this to me once and it was certainly the longest thing I'd ever heard oh it's true rabbit it lags a bit in the middle oh of all things why didn't we think to bring a rope well there is this rope spot on piglet do be a helpful little swine and get us out of yeah all of you yes piglet all of us all [Music] right and Sixx there and now you can all get out how very thoughtful you are piglet good grief tie them together piglet can you tie a knot I cannot ah so you can notot no I canot notot not not who's there poo poo who no poo with piglet you'll need more than two knots not possible ah so it is possible to knot those pieces not these pieces yes not those pieces why not cuz it's all for not oh dear I can't TI not oh but there is something I can do don't worry rabbit Piglet's very clever I can tell a b see oh for crying out loud biglet