I'm bringing everybody in my family out, and the days that we see today, and the enemies that we see today, we shall see no more. I need every Moses online and every Moses in this building to shout, we are coming out. I opened up, I put your hearts together, I give God a praise, oh. Oh, in this building, like you have evidence that not only can he, but tell your neighbor, I know that he will. Now open your mouth and shout real loud right Yeah, mother and I.
Listen, before you sit down, I need you to just pass this along your row. I don't know who you're sitting next to. I don't know who the usher put you beside, but I hope you're by the right one and you're getting ready to find out if they're the right one.
Tell somebody next to you, say neighbor, after the week that I've had. I will not apologize for my praise on the day. Tell them I will apologize if I shout.
I'm not sorry if I dance. I'm not sorry if I run around the double tree. Because when I think of the goodness of Jesus. What happens?
What happens? What happens? My na-na-na song cries out hallelujah.
Now one more time. Clap your hands. Open your mouth and give them a shout. Shout like some trust in horses. Shout like some trust in chariots.
But we will remember the name of the Lord. Because there's a rumor going around Houston that the name of the Lord is a strong tower. And the robberies Light is running in their face. Tell me, what's his name? Give him one more praise, everybody.
God bless you. Bless you, praise Steve. You may be seated in the presence of our God. He's a mighty God.
And he is worthy of mighty praise. And for that reason, I will bless the Lord at all times. And his praise shall continue to be in my mouth.
David said, this poor man cried. And the Lord heard him and delivered him out of all of his trouble. I just want to say, anybody glad to be in the house?
Just one more time. One more time. Hallelujah. We honor the Lord today. And we're grateful for all that he has done.
and all that he is doing. And certainly we are so happy to be here at the Lighthouse Church. Is anybody just glad to be in this place one more time? I don't care where we are. We are still Lighthouse.
And so we have turned Double Tree into Double Praise today. And we believe that we're going to get a double portion at the Double Tree today because God is up to something special. And I want us to help.
I want you to help me, if you will, just think. thank God and honor the Lord for the gift he has given us. Someone asked the question, how exactly do you know that God loves you?
One of the answers that came back is, you know God loves you by examining the gifts that he has given you. And if we were to use that as a metric today, I think that we all ought to be proud to know that God must love us something crazy because he gave us one of the greatest gifts he had in the form of our pastor, the honorable Pastor Keon. Henderson. I need y'all to shape this building. Y'all ain't shouting loud enough for me.
I need y'all to give God praise for our pastor, our leader, the voice crying in our wilderness, the watchman on the wall. Y'all help me shout real good for Pastor Keon. Come on.
Hallelujah. We honor the Lord for him. And listen, you can't fully appreciate all that he is without celebrating the one beside him in life and ministry. Can we celebrate our first lady?
Come on, let's give God praise for her. Hallelujah. And we pray, we pray, we pray that they are trying their best to rest even in this season and get recharged for what it is that God will have us to do next under their leadership. He has been such a gift.
And I want you all to hear me, not only to the city of Houston, please understand, he's not only a gift to the state of Texas, but he is known throughout the Commonwealth of Faith. And he is. It's been such a blessing and an inspiration to me.
In our church in Atlanta, I had to go get a black SUV just so I can jump out and walk in real cool every Sunday. Now, I don't have no camera crew to record it, but I'll be doing it every week, just walking in. Amen. Waving at imaginary folk because I'm trying to be like Pastor Keon.
But we're grateful for him. And even in his absence, we are so blessed to have a gift here in this campus. Can we celebrate our bishop today?
Let's celebrate God for Bishop C.R. Roberts. Come on. Y'all still ain't shouting good enough. I need you to help me. Come on.
We honor the Lord for him and for his yes and for all that he does and all that he means. And everybody that is somebody, I need you to do this real spiritually. Tap into your prayer language real quick and just reach out and touch somebody real spiritually.
Touch somebody and tell them with a deep face, say neighbor. Don't touch me no more for the rest of the service. Tell him, tell him.
I don't know if you wash your hand. I don't know. I keep your hands to yourself. I came to touch Jesus, not you. Keep your hands to you.
All right, we got. that out the way. Amen. Grab your Bible and meet me in the book of 1 Saul. We solicit your prayers.
We got to get out of here. I know we're not going to be here all day today because the preacher got to get to the airport and fly to Detroit to be at our Detroit campus tonight. And I promise you, for that reason, we're going to get you out of here and get you to Pompadour.
Papa Cito, wherever you're going today, Pastor Charles, wherever you're going, we're going to get out of here before 5 o'clock, all right? Somebody say, you lock up when you leave, Revan, if you're going to be hit to a five. Amen.
Sound team, we thank God for you. The production team in our churches, you know, they're the unsung heroes. Don't nobody even look back there until something squealed and everybody want to turn around like you know how to fix it. And so I solicit your prayers.
I need all the help I can get. Put me in these monitors real quick. I don't want to hear it. I want to feel it in my chest, if you don't mind.
The praise team has blessed us so powerfully. And I don't have a voice like they do, so I need all the help. Cut these monitors all the way up and help me preach this thing.
1 Saul chapter 30. If you would honor the Lord in the tradition of Ezra's day, thank you. We're getting there. And stand for the reading of the word.
If you have an iPhone, it'll pull right up. If you have an Android, it might take you a minute. Take the battery out and blow in it. You know your phone hot in your hand right now. That's all right.
With your blurry pictures. We celebrate, you know, we celebrate you. Video look like surveillance footage, but we thank God for you. Amen. Come on, get saved.
I'm apostolic for real. Amen. First Saul chapter number 30. We're getting this, Someone.
I appreciate you. Look at verse number 8. When you're there, shout at me and say, I'm there. Look very closely at what the Bible says.
It says, and David inquired of the Lord. Here's the question. He said, shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them?
And he answered him, hear this, pursue for thou shall surely, somebody shout surely, overtake them and without fail recover all. Pursue, for thou shalt surely overtake them, and, I like these two words, without fail, recover all. Father, Savior, Healer, God, Lord, before we ask you for anything, we thank you for everything. For this day you've allowed us to see Lord we say thank you for the gift of the Holy Ghost Lord we say thank you and yes God for the fact that last night was not our last night we tell you thank you the funeral home ran all night long but they did not come to our house thank you the ER was open all night but we didn't have to go we tell you thank you We ask now that you do what only you can in this place, heal and save and deliver, bring high places down and make crooked places straight. So you wait around in the room.
And we'll be careful to give your name the praise. It is in Jesus'name that we pray. Let every glad heart open your mouth and shout amen.
Shout amen one more time. You may be seated in the presence of our God. I want to preach for just a few moments, if you'll allow me and help me, right out of this eighth verse of the 30th chapter. of the first book of Saul. And I want to preach simply these three words, and I need you to say it to somebody.
Make sure you got some help on your own. In fact, you're going to need surround sound today. So tell both neighbors on either side, just tell them these three words.
Look at them and just say, I shall recover. That's the wrong neighbor, because they didn't get happy with you. That's the wrong name because they act like they don't know you done been through some stuff that should have destroyed you. Maybe they don't know that you have survived 100% of your bad days. And other folk died in what you danced out of.
Tell one more neighbor, tell them like you mean it, say, I shall recover. I shall recover. Brothers and sisters, saints and friends. those of you i feel the holy ghost in here those of you in this sanctuary and the thousands of you that are watching at lighthouse online the bible finds us here in this 30th chapter in an interesting scene a familiar character.
The character that we find in this passage is a man by the name of David. You know David, David, man after God's own heart. You know David, flawed but still called. You know David.
David is the one that recaptures the Ark of the Covenant, brings it back into Israel, and dances so powerfully that his clothes begin to come off. You know David. He's a worshiper.
He's written Psalms. He's a giant killer. He slayed Goliath. He is a man that when he comes into the city, they sing about him in the streets and say that Saul has killed his thousands.
That's wonderful. But David has killed his thousands. tens of thousands.
What a man David is, what a leader he is, what a conquering king he is, but that's not the David that we find here in chapter number 34. This is a David that is in a transition. I'm preaching to a people in here that have some highlights in your history. You have some wins in your yesterday.
You have some victories on your resume, but you also know what it is to be in a place called transition. The Bible says that David is in transition because at this juncture in his journey, he is fleeing from a man by the name of Saul. Saul is the current king. Saul is the one that sits on the throne, but David is the one that has been anointed to be next. And because David has been anointed to be next, Saul in his insecurity is threatened by David.
Saul in his insecurity is nervous. about David because everybody can tell that David has next. Can I pause and talk to somebody in here today and tell you that the reason you've had to endure some of your warfare and some of your opposition is not because you've done something wrong.
No, some of us are going through because now has identified that you are next. Let me talk to somebody. Whenever now is insecure, next. Next is always a threat. Some of you all are going through opposition at your job because they all can tell you don't have the degree.
You might not have the resume, but there's something about you. You've got a prophetic advantage. And they can tell that you are. Now, how is it that you don't have the corner office, but they're always asking you what they think you ought to do. You are the one that has to weigh in on how we're going to move.
You know why? Because you're anointed for next. And because of this.
David is running from Saul. He is fleeing and he decides to seek refuge among his mortal enemies by the name of the Philistines. He goes and meets with them and they decide that in order to keep David from becoming a bigger enemy to them, they give him a parcel of land by the name of Ziglag.
Everybody say Ziglag. They give him a piece of property to live on and to regroup in this moment by the name of Ziglag. And Ziglag represents, again, transition. It represents the place that you're not where you want to be, but you're celebrating that at least I'm not where I could have been.
And the Bible says that David, his men, and their families are living in Ziglag in this season. But one day while they are away, they are out on business, they are out handling military affairs, the Bible says that the Amalekites come. come in to Ziglag and they invade David's home. These roaring or roaming thieves, if you will, have been going around the region and pillaging vulnerable communities. And they notice that David is out and they move into his homes.
And the Bible says that they steal all of David's possessions. They go through the homes and go through the jewelry box. They take the role. and the Cartier they take the Breitling they go into the cedar closet and take the furs they take the red bottoms out of the closet they take the Chanel they they take all of his things they go into the garage and take the cars and the vehicles and and the bible says most importantly they take all of the women and the children don't don't miss this now they take all of his things they take his wives they take their children I'm being They burn the city down.
What do you do when you're already in transition and the little bit of stability that you thought you had is now gone? I'm preaching to some of you all. That have barely been holding on because you've been living in zig lag. And it seems now that the little bit of comfort that you've had is now gone. But I want you to make sure you understand that there's a hint in there.
in verse number two to what the enemy's intention is because verse two says don't miss it they took the women captive that were there in the great and the small the young and the old carried them away but don't miss what it says in the b clause it says that they slew not any in other words they took his wives and children but they did not kill anybody i need you to hear me i need you to hear me because some of you only done understand that what the enemy will do is he will put you in a position where you feel like your dream is dead you you feel like your future is dead you feel like next is dead but the devil needs to do this because he does not have permission to kill what god wants alive and i need you to look up and down your road and tell somebody close to you just tell him those words neighbor The devil cannot kill what God has commanded to live. And even though you cannot see it right now, you don't see how you coming out, you don't see how you gonna make it, you don't see how the promise is gonna come to pass. But let me just tell you, if God said it, it's got to happen because the devil cannot kill what God has told to live. And I need you to pull on the power of the Holy Ghost and tell somebody next to you.
just say I command you to live live, live, live you didn't say it like I need you to say it tell them again I command your family to live I command your business to live I command your dream to live that son that's wild and I command your son's purpose to live I command your daughter to live tell them one more time I command you to live I command you to live The Bible says that they take the women and the children and they steal them away. And verse 4 then tells us, I'm just walking through the Bible here, that David and those that were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep. I need you to see these men of war riding back home.
Can you imagine that they're in conversation? on horseback until they begin to notice that there's an eerie silence in the distance. They begin to notice the smell of smoke on the horizon.
They begin to notice that while they would normally hear their children outside in the yard and they would normally hear the sounds of life in the city, they're noticing that it's silent as they get ready to come into Ziglag. They ride over the hill. only to discover that their homes are now heaps of ash they they discover that their children are not in they care they discover that their wives are not where they left them and the bible says that these men begin to weep until they had no more power to weep now i know i know it's 2024 and i know that we're a new generation and some of you all will raise on time out I can tell I can look in your face and tell y'all grew up on time and understand that but my mother and father believed in a ministry called corporal punishment y'all ain't gonna say nothing to me in here now okay okay let me give you Bible we were wounded for our transgressions Y'all ain't saying nothing to me in here.
Me, Jordan, we were bruised by iniquity and the chastisement of that peace was upon us. Y'all ain't saying nothing to me in here. And so you know those of you that grew up getting whipped.
Y'all ain't saying nothing. You knew that there was a level of glory that mama could tap into. A supernatural strength, y'all. Y'all quiet there. There was an anointing to whip that mama or daddy could tap into.
And they could get you so good. You don't know what I'm talking about. talking about but you ever got hit so hard that you went to cry and did no cry come out i see three real people over there the rest of y'all playing uh you you trying to cry and you FINE I'm your cry. Y'all ain't saying nothing to me in here.
That's what I think about when I hear this. Because the Bible says that they essentially cried all of their cry out. They wept until they could not weep anymore.
But notice now. These are not young children. These are not inexperienced boys. These are men of war. These are men that have ended countless lives with war.
the end of their sword and their spear these are men that have killed thousands of people but they find themselves in a position where they've cried all of their tears out and you know what that confirms for us i'm gonna find somebody to talk to me this confirms for us that no matter how strong you are no matter how many songs you know no matter how well you dance no matter how many services you come to to uh talk to me if i'm right there's a level that the enemy can hit you that will bring you to your knees god help me around here you you can handle it if they talk about you on facebook you you don't like them no how but but don't let nobody come close to my children because i can't i can't handle that you you can handle some pain in your body but but don't let my money get strange because i can't handle that and they've been been hit in a place where they don't know how to handle it. And notice what their response is. The Bible says that their response is that they were greatly distressed and they talked about stoning David because their soul was grieved over what they lost.
I'm preaching to about 500 of y'all in here that your soul has become grieved because of what you have lost. It's their soul. There's joy that you've lost. There's peace that you've lost.
And you're grieving because of what you've lost. And notice what the Bible says. David's own men are talking about killing him.
I don't want you to miss it. This is because these are not strangers. These are men that have put their life on the line for him.
These are men that have gone to battle for him. But they're talking about stoning. Their very own leader.
And you know what their problem was? The problem is they have allowed their misery to get louder than their memory. Did you hear what I said?
They have allowed their current misery to get louder than their memory. In other words, they've allowed what they're going through now to get louder than the testimony of what they came through before. And I came all the way from Atlanta.
On my way to Detroit to tell somebody that you can never allow your misery to get louder than your memory. I need you to touch the mountain to the neighbor. Don't do it.
What do you mean? Don't you ever allow today's sickness to make you forget yesterday's healing? Don't you ever allow today's bills to make you forget yesterday's provision? Don't you ever allow today's trouble to make you forget yesterday's trouble?
To make you forget yesterday's rescue. Because somebody said he's the same yesterday, today and forever. And can I tell you, if God did it before, he can do it again. I came to release in this room today that God is about to give Lighthouse an encore.
why don't you tell three people around you say neighbor he's about to heal again tell him he's about to deliver again tell him he's about to make ways again you ain't talking to the right neighbor look at me Get somebody that looks like they're ready to watch God work. And tell them neighbor he's about to do it again. And so what the Bible says.
Is that David now has to do what you have to do. It says that David encouraged himself in the Lord. And I just came by here to tell somebody.
That there might come a day and an hour in your life. Wow. Well, you can't get pastor on the phone.
There might come a day where you can't get bishop on the phone. You can't get the elders or the deacons on the phone. But you got to go and encourage yourself in the Lord.
Why don't you look at somebody and say, neighbor. Oh, neighbor. Ah, Be not weary. In well doing. Tell yourself the cause.
In due season. I'm going to reap. If I. I faint not. Tell your neighbor, preach your own revival.
And tell yourself, he was wounded for my transgressions. And bruised for my iniquity. And with this strength, I'm already healed. Tell yourself, preach your own revival. Many are the afflictions of the righteous.
But the Lord, he will deliver out of them all. Do I have anybody that can wave your hand and say, I know what it is to have to encourage myself and have my back against the wall? And nobody that I could call.
But if you call on Jesus, he will deliver out of you. You'll answer prayer. Y'all ain't come to have no church. Y'all ain't come to have no church. Y'all ain't come to have no church.
But is there anybody that'll get some hair and sanitize it and rub it in real good? And why don't you just lean over and grab your neighbor by the hand and say, I love you. Y'all ain't preaching right now, so tell your neighbor, encourage yourself, because when David encourages himself, the seven says, he goes to a Bible.
and said bring me bring me the ephod and he put it on and goes to God and says shall I pursue shall I overtake him What do you want me to do? And God says, Well, I came into a lighthouse. He said, Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them. And with that failed recovery, now hold on, because here's what blessed me. The Bible says that David put on me for his self.
And the ephod was worn by the priest. And what the king would do, bring that organ down a little bit. What the king would do is tell the priest to go to God and get direction. And then come back and tell me what to do. And so the priest would put on the ephod.
But what David does is he says, I'm too desperate to get a word from the Lord for you to go. He said, bring me, bring me before. I gotta go for myself. Look at your neighbor and say, neighbor, I love you today. But don't shout for me.
Don't dance. For me. Say.
I got to go. For myself. David took off his cape.
And put on worship. And I want to tell somebody. It's your season to go after God in a whole new way.
Because when it did it, the Lord gave him a word that I came to give you today. He said, what you lost, go after it. What they stole, go after it.
That's all I came to tell you. It's your season to get it all back. I know how it turns. has gone through a storm.
I know our church is in sigil. I know our church is in transition. But God's a deterrent. We're getting ready to get it on. Y'all ain't happy today.
But can I tell you, the Bible says that David That word, I'm caught up with the enemy, and the enemy was dancing in the valley, wearing David's suit, dancing. In the valley. When David's washed.
Dancing. In the valley. When David's.
But the Bible says. That David. Smoked the Amen child.
All day long. And at the end. It says David.
Recovered. All. Y'all didn't hear me.
I said David. Recovered. All.
Tell somebody. David. Recovered.
All. Why y'all not happy. I'll tell you why. You don't understand. That the Amalekites had been robbing everybody.
And when the Bible says that David recovered all, it does not mean he just got his. It says he got all. In other words, he got his. And this, tell somebody, when I come out, I'm leaving here. With more than I lost, I'm leaving here.
With more than I gave up, and I want it all. All my joy, I want it all. All my peace, I want it all.
All my money, I want it all. All my healing, tell three people. I don't want some, I don't want more. Say hi I want it all I'm claiming it In this season I want it all I want it all I want it all Open your mouth And let me hear you shout If you want It all Back Sound I said shout, I said shout, I said shout, I said neighbor, what time is it, say neighbor, it ain't summertime, neighbor in an 1141. So, baby, I declare that this is recovery time.
It's getting back time. It's taking back time. So, I'm I'm going to the end of this town, and I'm taking what is stolen.
Come back, children. Come back, joy. Come back, sanity.
Come back, promotion. Come back, increase. I got to go now.
But I saw on my Instagram that Pastor is getting ready to have a state of the church address. And I was praying about it And the Lord showed me Pastors and notes And can I give you A preview Of the state of the church Grab your neighbor's hand And rename The state Of the lighthouse Is recovery We're getting ready To come out of this With more Than we lost What? More land.
More property. More buildings. More ministry. Because weeping made.
Crying made. Tears made. In good for life. But joy.
Joy Joy Joy Come in the morning Good morning lighthouse Joy is here Recovery is here It's your season To get it all back Say it Don't get nobody that don't want to shout. Don't get nobody that don't want to dance. Find somebody and grab a real good and say, I want you to help me give God praise on the level of my recovery. Small recovery.
Small praise. Medium recovery. Ha!
medium praise, but if you want it all, lift your voice, give the Lord your best praise, it won't always be like this, the Lord will perfect that, conserving me, sooner than later, sooner than later, it's your turn, say yeah! Tell somebody the recover is here! Everybody stand.
Everybody stand there. Without the sound of the music, without a praise team, without an organ or keyboard player, I want to hear the sound of those that are getting ready to get it all back. One, two, three.
I can't hear you. I can't hear you! Lift your hands all over this room. I shall recover.
You're not selfish. Tell somebody you haven't talked about this week. You shall recover. Shout all.
David and his men are in transition. The little bit of comfort that they have is now gone. What do you do when you're already barely holding on?
And the little bit of stability you had evaporates. He's already trying to make ends meet. And the little bit of comfort he had is now gone. Well, what happens to it?
Bible says enemy comes in and they take it. Take the women, take the children, take the stuff, take their possessions, and then they burn the city down. Now, I need you to make sure you understand this. Hear me well, church, because when David arrives, his fear is that his family is dead and i want you to say this i want you to hear this when i say this the devil is not authorized to kill what god wants alive i'm talking to somebody that feels like you're in the fight of your life you might be but just hold on because the devil is not authorized to kill you permission to test you was granted Permission to destroy you was denied.
He's there. The men get back. Don't miss this.
Bible says that David is now greatly distressed because his own men are talking about killing him. You ain't been through until your people try to turn on you. You don't know betrayal until your people, the ones you helped.
I gave you gas money when you didn't have it and now I'm in need and you won't answer my call. His own people are talking about stoning him. Why?
Because their misery is louder than their memory. They forgot, you ready? This ain't the first time my back's been against the wall.
This ain't the first time I've had to put my foot on the devil. Because they're so busy looking at what is they forgot what was and I'm here to tell you don't you allow your storm that you're in now to make you forget what God has already brought you from. David then does what you have to do. He pulls back from the crowd. Ready?
And David encourages. himself in the Lord. Let me talk to all of y'all that think that everybody that started with you is going to end with you. Let me talk to all of you that think that people are never going to switch up.
Sometimes You won't have nobody to go to but God. And let me free you. It's not always because people are hating on you or mad at you.
Can I help you? Some people in your life don't have the capacity to candle your burdens and theirs. Let me help you. Some of y'all are mad at people that let you down and you didn't realize they were barely holding on themselves. And sometimes God will let you get dropped by people.
so that you can discover that he's the only one that can help you anyhow. David encourages himself. He says, bring me the ephod. I told you a moment ago, I want to make sure you heard me.
The ephod was not worn by the king, it was worn by the priest. And the king would go to the priest and tell the priest, you put the ephod on and go tell me what God is saying. But I love David because David shows us the power of desperation. he says i'm in such a serious place i don't need nobody to go for me i gotta go to god for myself i need you to tell somebody next to you that looks like they love him for real say neighbor this is a season where you gotta go for yourself you can't hide behind my prayers not right now you can't hide behind my fast and you can't hide behind my devotional you're gonna have to go after god for yourself because when david goes for himself you He says, is it even worth trying? Some of you have been asking yourself, is it even worth it?
Watch me. I'm desperate, but I'm also scared to try again because I can't afford to get my heart broke again. I can't handle the disappointment of another letdown. Do I even need to go after this?
But God speaks and says, go after it, for you shall surely overtake them. And without fail, recover all. As you join hands with that person beside you, squeeze life into that hand. Squeeze joy into that hand. Squeeze peace into that hand.
I want to make sure you understand that when David recovers all, he doesn't just get all that he lost. The Bible says David recovered. all that means that everything the amalekites had stole from everybody else that means that everything the amalekites had on their own david recovered all can you squeeze life into that hand and tell them you're leaving with more than you lost no no no no no they didn't hear what you said They didn't hear what you said. Tell them in this double tree you're gonna have double for your trouble.
Tell them I don't want some of it. I want interest on what I lost Can I prophesy over you and tell you the devil's gonna have to pay you interest? He's gonna have to pay you for pain and suffering He's gonna have to pay you for inconvenience.
You'll get ready to get all and as you squeeze that hand I want to pray. I want to pray for that man, that woman, that boy, that girl that's in this place right now dealing with the side effects of loss. I want to speak to our church as a whole.
Our members at this location, all locations, those watching around the world, I want to tell us that this storm that we're surviving this storm that we're getting ready to come through it does not have permission to destroy us who you think you're messing with this is the lighthouse don't you realize that the original purpose for the lighthouse was to help those that were lost in Some of us come from coastal cities. They would put lighthouses on the coast so that when the storms got choppy, sailors that couldn't find their way could see that there's hope somewhere. The lighthouse was built for storms. And when we come out of this one, God told me to tell you, we're coming out with more than we lost. I don't want him just to fix the old stuff.
I want some new stuff. God's getting ready to do it. I'm going to count to three and I'm going to deputize you to be an intercessor and I want you to pray for that hand that you're holding. I want you to pray for that hand that you're connected with that God is about to hey pull them into a season of recovery. I said God's about to pull them into a season of recovery.
I said God is about to pull them Even as you pull that hand, God's about to pull them from weeping to worshiping. God is about to pull them from pain to prosperity. He's about to pull them from sickness to strength.
Come on, I need to hear a sound in this house. open your mouth and I want you to go after God right now on the count of three one come on I need you to think about what you lost think about what was stolen think about what was taken and I want you to go after God because he's about to restore. Two, come on.
I don't need you to be cute right here. I don't need you to spectate. I need you to open your mouth.
One, two, three. Come on, open, open, open, open, open, open, open, open. I said open up your mouth.
Come on. Just for 60 more seconds, come on, squeeze life into that hand, squeeze power into that hand, squeeze strength into that hand, squeeze hang on into that hand, squeeze don't let go into that hand, come on, they're about to get some joy back, they're about to get peace back, they're about to get power back, open your mouth. Hey Now release that hand and open your mouth and let God hear what it sounds like when you... Take back what's yours! I can't hear you, come on!
I can't hear you, come on! You just stepped into recovery, come on! You just stepped into recovery, come on! This is... I'm a ballroom or such a winner.
It's a recovery room. It's a place where they get it back. It's a spiritual lesson.
Come on. Take back what's yours. Hell, I want it back.
Some of y'all got saved and got soft. Tell somebody like you ain't scared. I want it all back.
I ain't praying with the devil no more. I want it all back. How much of your joy do you want?
How much of your money do you want? It's my money, I want it now. How much of your family do you want to see saved? I want it all. Hands up.
Mouths open. Come on, open your mouth. Come on.
Give him glory, give him glory, give him glory, give him glory. Come on, open, open, open. Down at the cross where my Savior died.
Hold on, Joy. Down where for cleansing from sin I cried. You sing.
There to my heart was the blood of the Lord. Now we're singing glory to you. One time, I'm singing glory to his name, precious name. Say it, sir.
Singing glory to his name. It was there to my heart. Say it.
Was the blood of life. Now. Now we're singing glory to his name. I am so wondrously saved from sin. You know it.
Jesus so sweetly abides. There at the cross where he took me, now we're singing glory. When you recover, you can give Him glory.
One more time, say, I'm singing glory to Thee. Come on, say, precious name, we're singing glory to Thee. I love the day it was set to rise, was set to rise, I will sing and sing glory to Him, glory, glory, hallelujah.
Since I laid my burdens down, I feel the Holy Ghost in here, we gotta go! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Since I laid... My burdens, my burdens, my burdens die Clap your hands like you're laying it down I gotta give up for that I feel better So much better Tell your neighbor, since I've lived Burn us down. Y'all don't want to have no church.
I feel better. I was in a storm so much better. Woo! Since I laid mine.
My burn is, my burn is down. Now open your mouth and give God praise like you laid it down. I can't hear nobody, I can't hear nobody, I'm gonna preach in the day, preach in the day, just promise I'm a somebody, I think recovery looks good on you, tell me, Lord, tell somebody recovery looks good on you.
I saw you lost! I saw you in loss! But I see you in recovery! Recovery looks good on me! I hear the Lord say, tell him a praise of you, after you have suffered for a little while!
Ah! After you have cried for a little while After they lied on you for a little while The Lord will establish you Some night or some day I just about feel like dancing in here I just about feel like somebody on the blessing in here I just about feel like somebody on the sound in here I just about feel right. God bless you, my God. Hey!
We got it going, y'all. Hey! Lips of ours, one time.
Hey! Clap your hands like I'm certain Hey, why are you praising God? You know why? It could have been me Outdoors, no food, with no food And no clothes, and no clothes All alone, all alone Without a friend, without a friend Oh, just remember, remember When my dad says that he said, Oh, yeah.
One more time, say, hey. It could have been me. Everybody say, I'm a boy. With no food. With no food.
No clothes All alone Without a friend Living in a dress of all the numbers When the drugs are dead What is happening? Integrity Say to me Not a least of esteem Every day under power You got to stop right here, son, and I want to say, What do you want for a new dog fall? Hey, I wanna say thank you Lord for all you've done for me Hey, I wanna say thank you Lord for all you've done for me Thank you Jesus So cool.
Then he said, you were my bread when I was hungry. Water when I was thirsty. Shelter in time of storm.
Kept me from hurting heart. I want to thank you. for being in that house.
So good to me. Let me just see the hands of the thankful folk. Come on, lift your hands.
Lift your hands all over this room. Just the thankful folk. Just the thankful folk.