Transcript for:
Trading Strategies and Market Insights #19

e e e e okay this uh this live streaming thing man OBS is uh always wrestling with me all right so well good afternoon this is going to be one of those secret lessons nobody pays attention to what I'm I'm going to tell you we'll meet again and if they don't see me show up on a live stream in the morning session they assume I'm not then live stream when I said I was going to be here at 1:30 today so we're just GNA hang out I'm going do a audio check here I probably this hurt your ears with that hello testing one two3 testing one two3 audio check that should be good all righty so we are looking at the afternoon what transpired today um I hung out with Tanya trades live stream Community this morning and some of the things you can go back and look at her live stream you'll see clicked a little timestamp feature in their chat and you'll see I outlin these things before it happened okay so uh going to teach a little bit about what the range showed today a little bit more on the opening range gap on the opening range I'm going to revisit the idea of first presentation for the fairby gap between 9:30 and 10:00 and then we're just going to calmly just chill out and hang out and watch what the what the afternoon does going into the final hour of trading I'll be doing the most talking around what's already happened so it's kind of anchoring what I've already taught so you can see it and that way you're being prompted as to what you should be annotating Caleb so what your chart should look like don't use dads make your charts look like mine or as close as you can and just listen to what I outline as were for the most Salient points on the right hand side you see a 15sec chart and on the leth hand side you see a one minute chart so we're not going to be using anything outside of those two time frames I'm hopefully going to be able to see some kind of price runs this afternoon that we can watch and we can observe it through the one minute in the 15 second in in kind of like in unison probably heard Bailey right one more second here I'm going to place you on mute just for a second e right apologize for that that's the [Music] uh the things that can go wrong while you're live streaming you got three dogs y everybody's going to know it you're going to hear them in the live stream so I received a lot of comments and concerns about the 9:30 to 10 o'clock in the morning New York local time and the first presentation or the first formation of a fair b g and some of you are not listening you're rushing through the videos or you're probably listening to someone else that has taken a piece of lectures and shared it with you and it's not the same thing as going through the lecture yourself taking your time taking your notes and trying not to rush and there's a lot of you that are saying you're trying to catch up you don't need to catch up okay everything I'm teaching just relax because it's the same stuff all the time it's not like you have to have that lesson at that given moment and that's the only time it's useful if it's a concept and it's rooted on Sound Logic it'll repeat you don't need to see it at the very moment I'm outlining it okay so you have the benefit of watching it as if it were here live so there's no there's no advantage or disadvantage okay because that the point of showing it to you with these time frames in these charts so that way you have the same experience as if it were you were sitting here okay all right so uh for now let me just annotate this okay so if you look at uh what we are trading around we have Tuesday's daily low I mentioned this yesterday in the live stream I was talking about how if you if you note the previous days highs and lows you're never going to run out of setups if you do that and if you look at the last three days the high and the low of the last three days the liquidity above or below those respective levels are going to be referred to again even though they they may have gone through and below a previous day low or the low two days ago or the low 3 days ago the ALG will refer back to those price points because well let me ask you a question why do you think what would be the the the reason for having a higher low noted on your chart from three days ago even even if yesterday or the day before it traded above it or below it in other words it's already hit those stops what what's the benefit of having that what's the benefit of having that on your chart or even referring to it as a liquidity pole algorithmic reference point a PD array you know what's the significance of having that because wouldn't it be useless if the market has already hit the stops above a previous day's high or hit the stops below a previous day's low wouldn't that kind of like negate any further interest in that level if you use retail logic where it's one and done that type of thing um then that would be true but it's not true from the The Stance of the algorithm the algorithm does not know how many stops how many actual orders are in the marketplace it does not know that it doesn't need to know that it just needs to know what that reference point is is based on time which we're referencing by the interval of a daily High and a daily low so having that old reference point it will refer back to that same level again because it has been coded to understand that any fluctuation in price moving higher or lower stops will be adjusted on an Institutional level very large level okay not intraday day Traders but deep pocket large speculators they'll have buying and selling interests around those levels so because the algorithm doesn't have to know and because the open interest above or below those levels with real pending orders and interest to be buying and selling around them it's Dynamic see that a that pretty the the interest of returning back to those Levels by the algorithm allows and affords Market participants to capitalize on the price fluctuations that are immediately after that level is traded to because it's told to trade there because the coder has built in the logic that there will be buying and selling resting below old lows so if it's below old daily low and or a low that's two days ago or a low that's three days ago so it builds in from a coder's stance a perspective it makes allowance for trending models everyone that considers themselves bullish as the market makes a higher what low the stop losses will be Trail just below the lows so the algorithm doesn't need to know how many orders are resting below an old low or above an old High it doesn't need to do those things it just simply needs to know where the high and the low is based on time time is the daily interval so having your levels on your chart the highest high and the lowest low referring to the Daily candlesticks whatever that high is and that low is by you having a line on a chart which is what I have up here very thing one second okay The Perils of live streaming this is all the stuff gets edited out usually well you're just going to have to endure that because I have a delivery being made here so it is what it is it's free just accept the fact that you're going to probably hear puppies in the background barking so if we have our levels noted the last three days high and low we can comfortably use those levels for draws on liquidity they also can be catalysts for turtle sup in other words a break above a previous High when you're bearish that would be a wonderful area to get short on a daily chart and you don't even need to be a day trader like you you can use that as a intermediate term long-term position Trader so you want to learn how to use this information but you don't really want to be in here on a 15sec chart I I understand that it doesn't meet the the interests for all of you as you know aspiring Traders and you want to use a high time frame chart well the same things that's being shown on these smaller time frame charts is available to you using a daily chart and a weekly chart and a monthly chart it just means that you're going to have to wait a whole lot more time for those conditions to be met and the opportunity to present itself as a teacher and a high frequency Trader I can use these time frames to kill two two birds with one stone one I can teach with lots of examples and it gives you a plethora of examples every single day for you to go in and study then you have the element of execution plenty of setups for you to engage so from a teacher's perspective I have lots of ample supply of saying here's an opportunity to study this here's an opportunity to study that and repeat a lot because there's a lot of candlesticks and a lot of smaller little micro Market structure that you can employ and practice in study tape read whatnot but as a Trader once you understand what you're looking for you can trade a lot in these lower time frames and it's not important for you to have the same expectation in terms of monstrous price moves that you would expect on The Daily and weekly and monthly charts but looking for surgical strikes that allow you and to afford you an opportunity to get in take some measurable risk that's worth it and then finding an opportunity where the price can displace and reach for a pool of liquidity or inefficiency so having Tuesdays low annotated over here this level here is this level here on the 15sec chart this high right here on the right hand side chart represents this high right here on the chart on the left which is the women it trades exactly to the the high of the cell side of balance by efficiency admittedly I'm very distracted because we're having a another deep freezer delivered and they're here and I don't like when people are in my home I hear them down there so I'm wondering if my wife is jumping on them about getting to the uh the place where I want that freezer placed and they're wearing their cover all for their shoes cuz I don't like we don't wear shoes in our house and it's driving me nice around thinking about it so here the fluctuation is around Tuesdays low so back here we can use this order flow here and scrub this over a little bit we come back to it see small little Gap here and we have an order block this entire Candlestick right there the market breaks down trades up fills in this area here overshoots it a little bit but stays inside of the order block which is the up closed candle should be a little bit easier to see now and then drives strongly down into Tuesday's low then it Ries once more Wicks above it a little bit and then Dives Dives once more lower if you're targeting if you're targeting old lows like that if it's a daily low I do not like to do this with intraday lows okay so make sure you're in your notes you're recording this intraday lows that means it's a low that's formed inside the range of the highest high and the lowest low and it has not made a lower low on the day but it's just you're taking a partial okay um for instance something like this okay where if this was a high and you have this low here and that's the lowest low we've had for the day and we're reaching back up to a level where you expect lower prices as it drops down that low being pierced here and the later low that forms may not necessarily be the low of the day but if the level I'm targeting from up here and I'm aiming for a old daily low previous days low because Wednesday Today August 28th 2024 so August 27th Tuesday's daily low there's going to be sell side below that so if you're inside the range that's reaching down into an old daily low previous day low the first time it goes through that don't try to aim for your partial there don't do that let it come back a little bit it'll teach you patience it'll teach you holding on to a trade because it's reasonable to do that and then once it pierces below that low that formed initially below previous day low your first partials underneath that because many times you don't know how far the first drop's going to be and if you just take something off right below an old previous days low you could sell yourself short of of a really sizable run so when you create that short-term low and it retraces back let it dive down again and then what you'll do is you'll aim for a partial below that now if you're looking for a more Dynamic way of taking a partial say you're short 10 contracts okay or let's say that's let's do it this way say you're short two contracts and you want to take one off but you want to maximize the amount that you're going to get on your first partial you can use this strategy here where if you're aiming for a previous St low and you're bearish and it's trading down to it wait for it to create that shortterm low then when it starts to break down below it here every down closed candle that creates an imbalance like it does here this candle's high this candle's low you take a buy stop and you place it on one contract and you place it right above that candles high and as it creates lower runs on price cuz you don't have have the the experience yet to determine how far it's going to reach instead of just taking the partial off D just below that low using the the initial outline I've given you here you can now Trail a stock with one contract so you're not closing the full position it just means if it goes up there and hits that Candlestick there you'll take a partial on that one contract leaving the other contract remember the assumption is you're short with two contracts you're just going to Trail one with a dynamic uh trailing stop loss and you're waiting for it to break below that low first once it starts doing that what it naturally will do it will start spooling which is what you see here and then instead of just taking the profit right here or something just below the Tuesday's old low and not catching any of this move here it affords you an opportunity to run with that Runner and as it finally gets down right here you would be stopped out as soon as this candle closes you're going to open here and then bang you're stopped down look how close that is to That Swing l isn't that wild and it leaves you open for the the core position that you've taken that maybe have been here as an entry or something back here or if you held on for the daily range from the opening range in the first presentation that we'll cover a little bit if you were short here you got a really wonderful exit on a trailed Dynamic partial right there and then you can weather all this retracement on one single contract let it bang all around and you can go for another lower low and the same strategy being employed here is you want to wait and see does it a run below that low let it give you a turn your stop loss could be Trail to back here now you would lower it down to air so that way you're not going to you won't you won't want to be a part of anything that digs back into Tuesdays low or higher once it creates this type of run so watching price dive down and make a lower low on the day and it doesn't have to do it it's just just like a trade management one of the biggest questions I get a lot is how do I hold on to these runs that go for hundreds of handles and like how do I remain calm it's taking partials correctly knowing what I'm looking for and weighing and comparing what kind of low I'm holding for if it's if I'm bearish so if I'm waiting for a low to be taken out is that low a previous day's low or is it a lad that's formed for the day like for instance this one here this is your this is our low for the day so when we dive down below that you can use that strategy here where you wait for it to go below it and then create the first short-term low and any retracement on that give it a chance give it a chance to come back in it can come back up in here a little bit of that range you remember your your Trail stop loss would be up here now you don't want to be in any retracements back above Tuesday's low it will afford you the ability to stick with the Run look at my trade examples the recordings where I had the stops are just way up here real close to where I entered at it's using these types of procedures where I'm not rushing to strangle the position there are times where I want to put the stop loss relatively not look at that dive a't that nice look at that notice what side of the marketplace we're working on we're not not we're not trying to go along I entertained by the folks in other people's live chats and they'll say ICT said he was looking for Longs and the whole time we were looking for lower prices you're funny I love it but the uh the relationship to what I'm targeting for liquidity or inefficiency it may not be um something that uh warrants taking partials where I just want to just hold on to it for a longer term price run now today we're supposed to be getting news from n Nidia Nvidia rather Nidia Nvidia I got to sit here on a sticker on my laptop Nvidia and you I don't care ultimately what comes from it but because it's a big stock and there's a lot of sentiment around that one individual company uh it creates a lot of Buzz and they like to disturb and mess up the sentiment that's in the marketplace scare investors um or excite investors and then all of a sudden after market you know the market just Goes Bananas okay so having that in mind on a day like this if the Market's making lower lows and lower intraday lows if you're just trying to take a partial or take your your profit just because it went down to make a lower low you miss out on all this Runner so if you're going to try to hold on to a runner you have to Define what that Runner is trying to do what is it trying to capitalize on because if you don't have some kind of format or uh a framework as to what you're holding through it's not just the time aspect what type of market conditions are you holding for now because we're breaking intraday same trading day low you can use what I taught you before R take the high down to the low and you do one quarter one quadrant extension that would be a reasonable place to take a partial because you're trading what below that low and then you study it you watch and you see does it create that short-term low does it come back up and try to make an attempt to get back in there and then if it doesn't or if it fails to go there and it breaks lower then you can use that strategy so I'm giving you a graduate a graduated perspective on how to grow into doing it not just simply say well ICT said this is the best way so I'm going to force myself into that and you're going to it's going to be hard for you to hold on to runs like this you'll feel like a deer in headlights CU it's running and running and running and you won't know where to get out at and it's kind of scary first time you go through it so if you remember what we were talking about um I believe it on Monday if my memory serves me correctly I think it's Monday we were looking at uh a little bit higher time frame charts and I was telling you look at that uh 19,100 level thereabouts we had some relative equal lows uh if you've taken notes properly you'll know that that that's something I mentioned and I can't change the recordings that were placed on the YouTube channel but you'll find it it's there um I think that we may eventually you try to get down there and how we trade below that will be indicative of what we see going into the first two and a half weeks of September before we go into rollover and then start trading the December contract um the symbols real quick and just as I'm talking I like I said I have bullet points that I've bring up and this is why my jaw bone takes a lot because I'm I'm answering questions and you may not have these questions but it's important that I you refer to the the stuff that people are asking so if it's a lot of people asking the same kind of question I'll Jawbone about a little bit because it helps them answer and it may be something I've said before at nauseum but because I have a new wave of new Watchers and listeners and new viewers of the channel yeah I want them to have their attention retained so if they don't feel like they know what you're looking at you they never feel like their questions are being answered they'll just you know fizzle out and go do something else and never have the ability to be here and learn like you are but right now we're trading the September contract so when you're loading up NQ on trading view you're looking at it with that symbol there that's a little bit too small so this is September 2024 and then you have the next symbol will be Z for December and that's for December 2024 delivery and then then when that expires you'll be trading nqh20 25 and that's March 2025 and then I'll just give you one more because I want to show you all the Syms for uh the Indy and that's for June 2025 and then after June expires it starts repeating again at September so it would be NQ u225 and then when that expires it'll be mq z225 for December and just repeats there's only four contract delivery months that you have to consider for rollover or or contract expiration and it's usually the um um the folks that's never traded Futures that have this kind of confusion but because we're trading Futures they do have an expiration and it's the third Friday of every delivery contract month so the third Friday of September September contract expires the Third Friday of December the contract expires and then it rolls over meaning that you can't trade that anymore you have to start trading the next month out which would be in this list as I'm showing you okay so just take a screenshot of that that'll tell you what you're looking for right so so far we have a little short-term low here and any retracement up if you have done the work of trusting that you might get a run better than the high down to that low plus one quarter that range which would have been that's your first step is if you don't know what you're doing partial wise there's nothing wrong with just getting out below that low but then watching to see if what I'm teaching you here manifest itself and over time watching it and seeing it occur the next stage is to wait for it to run deeper and start trailing your stop- loss on one contract would be here and the next uh Candlestick is right here so you would be right there and the next one is here and then the next one is there and you're stopped out right there and that's not far away from the low that forms if this is the low of the day it could be you don't know you're very very close to the low of the day getting stopped out that it overwhelms you as a Trader because you don't know what to do to get out and this is one of the things I use to cope with fearing getting out at a a less favorable place because I'd always be reluctant to take a profit based on a win I had when I was younger and i' get out early and I'm like man I wish I would have just held on to that and I'd beat myself up in my journal I would do all the things I said you shouldn't do yesterday and and what you should be doing a lot of you have been re uh receptive to that and that was one of the things I wanted you to be uh giving me feedback on because nurturing yourself encouraging yourself with your Journal is important because if you don't do that no one else is going to do it no one else is going to do that for you and you have to have that cheerleading aspect to this because it's easy to get hurt and then you don't want to do it anymore so I've given you some some steps here to build on holding trades how to manage a stop loss but not close the entire position which affords you what capturing big positions big Runners and if you know what you're looking for which are intraday highs and lows that means the highest high and the lowest low since we started trading at 9:30 opening bell if we're bearish every single time we've made a low that's the lowest for that day in the afternoon you have to have that noted if you've been trading higher you have to find find the highest high that we've made since 9:30 opening and then every successive lower high or successive higher low each one of those lows for instance we made this low here when we were trading up here at the beginning of the the stream this was the first one then this one and then the low of day so far so now this is no no longer the low of the day this is the low of the day so your attention goes to this and it's it's a dynamic study of watching how price is continuously evolving reaching to expand daily range or where does the daily range cap stop no longer goes any lower or no longer goes any higher and you study your charts after the close so it needs to be 5:00 P p.m. or later and you go through your charts and You observe everything that was in play at that time what were the catalst that lend to this Market dropping like this we went back to Tuesday's low after growing below it high lower high what is this relative equal highs so if that's relative equal highs what's it doing here it's just bumping that high and then doing what spending time I saw someone in my private mentorship in one of the user groups and I watched a few people leave this comment too you do not want to see price stay in inefficiencies you don't want to see that you want to see them spend very little time in them and leave you want to see when it's a bearish or premium array you want to see the upper half not filled in and you don't want to see it even trade to it those are the those are the signatures that I've shared so far when there is a stop hunt okay if it goes above these highs like this and then spends time in there like that that is the very nature of a fake bull flag go into the core content of the 2017 mentorship it's part of the 2016 mentorship was all one one presentation but I started in 2016 of the fall and then ended it in I think August of the following year in 2017 but I teach fake bull Flags in bare flags and how to capitalize on that and you're going to find that it's this is the usual Catalyst for it when the market is predispose predisposed to go lower and then you have relative equal highs like this and there's a retracement this looks like a reversal to someone that's not familiar the unlearned they will look at this and say it's a breakout it's a bull flag okay and they'll start drawing diagonal trend lines on on stuff like this and wait for a breakout That Never Comes then you see the displacement here and then now we have just completely entered several models I've already taught you optimal trade entry [Music] 7962 optimal trade entry from high to low there's your Flagship pattern that I had for like 10 years on this YouTube channel I didn't teach any other model I just kept it real simple and then there you go you get the run the model 2022 is this is my daughter's model who doesn't trade by the way I I can't convince her of it guys I'm just I'm going to accept the fact that she isn't going to trade so there it is I can't make her do it so this is the 2022 model okay and it's beautiful as well and and then you have a Cameron Silver buet right there institutional order drill the lowest hanging fruit objective getting in bang hit it okay then sells off so you're you're not short on models okay all all all of them all of them are profitable all of them are correct all of them are potentially used in conjunction so that way you can enter on a higher one and if another model speaks to you and says here's another setup and it's lower than your initial entry what can you use that for a pyramided entry and you can build the position larger so when price is trading like it is here returning back to Tuesday's daily low that area just above and just below a previous day low is rich in order flow it's like a gold gold mine that can can can many times be mined you can go in there and take something out but you have to know what you're looking for so some of the things I just outlined over here and then grade your price swing so if you think that we're topping out here because we're hitting Tuesday's low how does it trade once it gets below that low is it lethargic or does it get real quick and sudden and become real heavy if it does the easiest thing to do is jump right to the next pool of liquidity because if you know this is the low of the day down here this should not even be a speed bump this low so from this low here to that low it should move to it and then right before we get to this low this is the answer one of my students in my private mentorship because I saw comment left for this very subject matter it's also what you see me do when I'm doing my recorded executions when I am annotating and I'm expecting I'll say I want to see speed and distance or I expect large down closed candles large bearish candles incoming something to that effect because I am identifying this low here that low right here and as we're moving from that low that's been taken out I want to see how does it behave how does it trade and does it remain heavy it does and then now right here we're close to that and they're not going to want to allow them to pull their orders there so that's when you anticipate speed the magnitude of the move should start increasing and you want to see it get to that low to it and through it and really drive to that level there because all of this movement here is tricking traders to think that it's made its low here it ain't going to go any lower for the rest of the day that's what retail Traders will think and they'll do all kinds of harmonic trading in here all kinds of ratio trades and if they don't know how to take that position off because it's traded to liquidity here they will hold on to the positions too long and that winning trade either won't pan out because they're looking for something higher up for a Target or they just hold on to it too long and it does this and then rolls back over top of them I want to see lows that I'm in anticipating and expect to see them targeted as they're trading and as the daily range is expanding in this case it's m making a larger daily range with a potential lower close I want to see as we trade into the lows that were formed intraday I want to see it accelerate as it gets close to them knowing because the low here anyone that was long their stop loss is here anyone that bought down here they've Trail their stop loss here one want to started going higher ones that are more stubborn and say no I don't want to I don't want to rush my stop loss up I'm just going to keep it right here they fall victim these fall victim but you determine it by watching how you behave below the the first low once we have that shift in Market structure here that next one here tells you the narrative on how you're going to trade is it going to aggressively run for that low you won't know that until we start to see how we behave there it trades down below it comes back back up leaves a small little Gap that's exactly what you want to see me widen it up a little bit that's your Breakaway Gap right there Breakaway gaps form from consolidations or at the beginning of a first stage or second stage distribution or reaccumulation so if we're looking at this is a market maker cell model the curve is here smart money reversal lowrisk cell this is an area of redistribution when we break like that it leaves that little Gap at the time we pierced that one that low is the first one after the shift in Market structure this this trading below here this gives you a a very obvious level to look for lower prices soon as we start to see price drop the run that takes out that low if you see that with a gap right here you want to see it stay open expect it to stay open can it come up and close it and still drop yes but if it leaves it open it's it's kind of like tipping its hand saying I'm really going to go lot a lot lower and and it's going to be very fast so don't be so in a rush to get out of the trade because I'm going to moving a lot of distance and a lot of speed so just hold on tight because we're going lower and the market Dives consolidates look at all the candles all lower highs that's heaviness then we break again all the next candles are they making any higher highs no they're staying heavy and right here look where we are at that level in relationship to that low right here we're very close to that it's only what 25 handlers or so so it's going to Traverse and travel very quickly over 25 handles 25 points if you will if you look it over here but it's not technically U um always 25 handles it's whatever is relative to where the low is if you're looking for it to drop down when you start seeing it consolidate but it gets real close to proximity I don't have any rules so I can't say like it's this many handles or this many uh uh points away from a low then then that's exactly it's kind of like a knack type thing because you can see that we're we're well beyond from where we are here and right here we're closer to getting to that low than retracing all the way back up to here so I guess if I was on the Fly and gave you a rule that I guess could serve you pretty good as a general general rule if the high here to that low is the range we're looking at as soon as we get to halfway point and below it and what do I mean by that it's like this like this high I'll fix that in a second that low to that high as soon as we get below midpoint okay see the FIB halfway point let me take those other levels off because we're not looking for optimal trade entry I'm measuring the range between that low and that high as soon as you get through half of it it should start to move very quickly and it should give you all the indications that it wants to move lower and fast and what does that look like every candle is just staying lower than the previous one and then it when it gets real close to that low here look how it accelerates real fast so this drop here accelerates into that low and you don't want to just see it hit that and consolidate or retrace you want to see it hit it and drive aggressively down here because anyone that has their stop loss here they're toasted there but the ones down here they don't even we don't even want to see them get the opportunity to go and have a sympathetic sigh and relax like okay I'm glad I didn't have my stop up there because as soon as it gets below here it's going to run aggressively in minutes just like that to knock them out and that's how you see that delivery there so all through this point here you're going to have the expectation the market should be heavy heavy price is moving lower okay if price is light okay it means it's easy for it to climb up and accelerate to the you higher reaching premium levels but heaviness is always something that's bearish it just indicates the characteristic of price action having very hard times climbing up or even making higher candle highs just study all that stuff these are very important things because it will repeat it's not just this time it's it's like this majority of the time and if you learn to wait for setups to have a lot of things going for you and it starts showing these types of things in price action and you're attacking lows because we're not we're not trading support and resistance we're attacking people that use support and resistance for their liquidity it goes without saying I know that people have bought something in here or they put a stop loss below that and chased it maybe they bought a bull flag here maybe they bought in here maybe they bought an order block here and they just don't know how to hold on to a trade and exit at the right time and then all all this here they're going to watch their stop loss get hit because that's what they're going to Anchor it there we're here for someone's a swing Trader so we're targeting the liquidity we're targeting support to get the sell side below it we're targeting resistance to get the buy stops or buy side above it and we're using the underlying narrative based on the session time of the day based on the day of the week based on what the week is likely to do based on what the monthly chart is indicating on a longer term basis where it could draw to so when you start blending all these things Caleb you get a real Rich tapestry of what price is likely to do and how it should behave and perform all right so that's the that's the teaching part for today as I don't want to I don't want to be talking too much when uh the macro at 250 starts so I want to be looking at price so here all in this consolidation we're at 386 and a qu okay look at the chart on the right hand side look at this one over here okay whatever I'm doing over here on this chart annotating on the one minute chart the price is being highlighted in the same price on that 15sec chart so when we go to this area here you can see how price creates that little Gap in here trades up to it here this is all 15 seconds and it drops remains heavy small little volume in balance bance right there Wick halfway point it can go above halfway point because it's always you can allow for a little bit of movement above it that's a mohawk what what it what did it really do it just went in here to get that covered up they laid down another candle over top that volume of BCE 15 candle Clos and that candle's open and then breaks lower immediate rebounds drops small little volume inbalance comes up overlaps it drops volume inbounds trades up bearish order block two things are being done order block volume balance trades up here and then Dives again immediate rebounds drops accelerates lower and if you were using um trailed you don't you don't want to Trail your uh um like if you if you have multiple position size you have two contracts on or anything higher than that and you want to take something off and you want to do the dynamic trailed partial so you're going to be using it on a one minute chart never never never never never do it on sub one minute because you're going to have so many candlesticks that these lower time frames can overlap a little bit more and look a lot more spiky fuzzy looking versus what you'll see on the one minute chart so the dynamic Trail partial where you're holding and you're not you're not taking a limit exit on your short to take a partial you're not aiming for any specific level you're letting the market decide when you're going to get out and you'll be able to capture the biggest runs uh you can do that same style if you want to take out all of your trade too like say you had two contracts and you start trailing your stop above as it's diving in into the liquidity if you do that it'll afford you a lot of hold time to capture that bigger lines portion of the run another form of doing it is you can go back to candlesticks so as it breaks lower you can go all right you don't want to use it on this one when this candle opens up you don't want to use that that high it's this high and you Trail it down that way but that to me is more appropriate for when you're swing trading and you're holding for a trade that's going to pan out over the week not intra day because that that's a little bit too much of a range to give back in my opinion so if you Trail it down Ultra tight to whatever the previous one minut candle high is and be content with if I get knocked out of this I'm so close to where the low is I'm okay with it and you have to make allowances for that if you're going to beat yourself up and say no it's not good enough you're going to have the problem I've had for 32 years where exits that are so good compared to everybody else aren't going to be good enough for you and you just it'll be easy for you even though you're not supposed to be doing anything negative in your Journal you'll Harbor those things inside and you like I want my exit to be better when these are phenomenal exits these strategies on trail stop loss management and how to hold on to a trade longer and how to take a partial like it removes all of that necessity for you to know what's a good level to take partials well now you're giving yourself the chance to ride it a little bit more like you're riding the lightning with something like this and why would you want to sell yourself short to get out not no pun intended to to get out of the trade prematurely and not afford yourself the opportunity to get a larger portion of the wind without incurring any more risk you're not doing anything that's going to you know Elevate the level of risk you're not overleveraging you're not even adding to the position you're just managing one part of the position the the one contract or whatever the partial is you intend to take off whatever that is you're just managing it on a trail buy stop for that number of contracts if it hits it knocks you out you still have your core entry whatever your your your entry is based on the averaging of your pyramided position whatever that last adjustment is when say you sell short you sell short more your your average price will change it'll usually start to move closer to where you're aiming for that's why when you watch me do a pyramided entry it doesn't maintain the high uh price it just averages based on how many contracts I'm selling short or buying and it reflects that average price so because if the market goes back to that price then you'll start losing money if it's not done correctly for instance say you did four contracts here or I'm sorry say you did four contracts here and you did six contracts down here you might have some problems with draw down there you might might see it Go below waterline that means you might see a little bit of red before it starts rolling in your favor and start making profit on the position unrealized profit but nonetheless profit so real good uh strategy for answering the the folks that were asking how to take partials better and how to aim for partials this way it removes the whole necessity for aiming anything you're just holding on and letting that bull run or in this case in this case a bear you just grab a hold of its fur close your eyes and just don't let go and see how see how far she'll run and it allows you to get knocked out many times real close to the low which would have occurred right on that candle there knocking the high out of that one that's I mean look at that look at that from 278 and a half and you get knocked out at 302 and 3/4 chances are you're probably not holding for runs like that because you don't know how to hold on to them you get scared you're you're nervous or you're second guessing yourself you don't know what liquidity to aim for this completely removes all that and just allows you to mechanically be removed and that way it's an objective strategy it's not something that you have to think about too much all you have to do is watch every individual one minute candle and as it's starting to run all you're doing is dropping your stock loss down to the previous candle's High that's it it's very simple so we're going to look at the uh morning session real quick and then we'll wrap this up and I'll watch the last hour with you if you liked what you just learned about the dynamic Trail partial and that strategy give the flash stream a thumbs up nobody will see it it's just for me so we have this liquidity here this high and this High that's what I was looking at if you looked at this High and this High that's not meeting the criteria that makes what a high probability uh relative equal High because this high is slightly higher than that one but this high is obvious and you can see it so I like this one that's just above here and here and that's the one I gave in tan trades um live stream today so if you look at her video on August 28th 2024 just watch right before the opening bell like when we were in here like this I was outlining I told you this candle over here is going to be an inversion fair value got before it was an inversion fa Val got and the way you can turn on that is look at the chat in her live stream and in the settings click timestamp and you'll see me call that very candle there on a one minute basis for NQ it's an inversion fair value and I mentioned the minor buy side liquidity based on this candle's High okay and it rallies up off of the inversion fair value Gap here hits that liquidity and then I said well if you had something there and you partialed off you have a free look now to see if it can run higher we don't have a we don't have a first present presentation of a fair value Gap yet that doesn't occur until here now here's the part that couple of my private mentorship students and some of you in the comment section because these sessions are long okay and I'm I'm seeing a lot of you say please don't make them so long I'm not able to keep up stop trying to keep up just take your time I want to teach it to you properly okay because it's my son who I'm teaching I'm not answering everything for you but some of the questions are good so therefore I will ring them into the next presentation but there are some questions that I'm not going to address because I've already talked about it literally in the previous two or three streams but because you don't want to watch them entirely or you're not writing down as you hear me say certain things I'm answering a lot of questions that people have had for a long time in this mentorship even paid mentorship students so this Candlestick here is 9:30 this run up and then as soon as this Candlestick here closes you cannot qualify that as a fair value Gap to use and this blue shaded box we're going to take that off because it's the opening range Gap and I'll I'll show you how it's formed again here that we complete rundown what it looks like again but this is not a fair value gy because the the imbalance candle or out of the three series candle pattern of P value Gap the middle one is the inefficiency and the imbalance so here if you look at that 9:30 candle that candle doesn't exist in regular trading hours when you toggle that you're not going to see the difference between 414 and where we open up at 9:30 that's that's two candles you need a third one and that's this one here it's always going to be 9:31 so 9:31 that's the that's the earliest that's the soonest the soonest I had it right the first time the the earliest formation of a fair value gap between 9:30 and 10:00 can only form form based on the rules I'm giving you as early as 9:31 so you have to get that first minute past you and then you can create a fair value gap on the 931 candle if the 932 candle affords you the the structure or the presentation of a fair value Gap and we don't have that here the first formation of it is here at 9:35 okay so at 9:35 I'm going to maximize this Sor at 9:35 this is a Judah swing it takes out the liquidity I gave to Tanja trades viewers when I'm not live streaming okay and if I'm not doing something in my personal life I'm usually there supporting her in her stream okay um there's two other people that I watch um and I use their chat window and I also support their their Channel because I like them personally so but I'm usually active in the chat on T trades um live stream why am I there because she reminds me of my daughter okay I'm not lusting after her so for the sickos that put that puts that stuff in the chat it's disgusting but this candle here is not a fair got so you cancel that one out start looking for the fair value Gap at 931 the form is there a fair value Gap here no is there one here no no no this one isn't one because this Candlestick overlaps with the previous candle's low so there's no Gap there this one we break down and the next candle we open and have a run up to this High here I'll take this away so you can see it see the fair I got now it's obvious right it's clear it's easy to see real real easy to see that nothing in here is a fair value Gap until here so your fair value gap for Wednesday August 28 20124 forms on the 935 1 minute candle there you go so now we break down below the candle I tell you before this run up in Tanya trades live stream I tell you look at the 815 Candlestick that's it inversion fair value Gap so here it looks like it should come down and be treated as what bullish fair value Gap that's what you're thinking right if you think you understand what I'm doing and without understanding the logic you think that that's what this is it's it's it's go long but I called that initially first comment in her stream mentioning any fair value Gap was that candle at 815 is an inversion fair valap and then I told you that this is the minor buy side liquidity at that price level right right there so it was based on this high and that high being relatively equal highs so the buy stops up here is a minor buy side liquidity pool the market breaks lower into the inversion fair value Gap are we trying to buy it if it's an inversion fair value Gap formed like this no we're waiting okay we're waiting we want to see it trade down what does that give us then it gives us the potential to see if it goes below it and then does it allow for this same fair value Gap to saave off any higher prices but if if the market trades just outside of your PD which is this one here which was called a inversion fair value gap before in front of the live audience over there so she has a Tim stamp feature and her chat's there I can't edit what she has there I can't I can't hide anything and everybody saw it when I did it it rallies up and just outside of the inversion fair value Gap this Wick comes all the way back up to first presentation that's the that's the fair value Gap here so we went below the inversion fair value Gap we left the opening range gap which I'll show you in a moment but we're we're trading up into it here and I said when it gets there like that I said it's hitting the bottom of the opening range Gap and inversion fair value Gap look for August 16th new day opening Gap and August 27th maybe getting down into that on the first P driving down in there you can go see in Verbatim what actually said and the time stamp that is occurring and then look at your chart and then price does it people watched it happen they watched it happen on the Judah swing right here when I CAU it from there up and then here as a selloff using first presentation there the bottom of the opening range Gap now if we go into uh regular trading hours go here toggle that that's this big candle here see that now if you're using regular trading hours you can see how opening at 9:30 here and then closing up here and then using the previous candle at 4 I'm sorry 4:14 on Tuesday notice the time at the bottom of the chart down here it's 4:14 yesterday Tuesday then we open down here so the Gap is from where we settled at 4:14 and where we opened that's the opening range Gap this is a discount Gap that means it's an open that's lower than where we settled previous day and then it's likely to do what half of that range within the first 30 minutes of trading so you annotate it here put it on the opening price and you draw it up to the settlement price and you make your little rectangle here and then because it is a premium I'm sorry it's a discount Gap mine's blue okay meaning that I'm trying to communicate to you I don't have this stuff on my chart and I only have it to teach it to you I'm looking at from that opening price here can it get back to that price level here so if I'm expecting that to occur what am I expecting in price buy side delivery that means up movement in price going higher rallying basically so it needs to go to that price level here but minimum expectation is in the first 30 minutes 70% chance that it's going to go half of that gaps range here's electronic trading opening at 930 that lower level also happens to be new day opening Gap from yesterday at 6:00 p.m. eastern time and the difference between 5:00 p.m. yesterday's closing price it's only two ticks that two tick here is overlapping with half of that opening range Gap see that so we open half the Gap is hit full closure of the Gap is hit and then it does this sweeps above the buy side here and over here so there's two things happening there you can be a buyer inside this inversion fair value Gap because at this point here there it's going to act as a reclaimed fair value Gap initially it should if you don't know you're doing you're you're not going to find success here it trades through it then we get to the time of day when it needs to be delivering it's consolidating in here it's an inversion fair value G meaning the original classification was it should be expected to be used as like a a as a level to send price higher it's a discount so it's something to buy but when it does this run to the liquidity if we break down below it it's used as a catalyst to send us as a premium and then drive prices lower here it's a bullish fair value Gap it's not the right time to take that trade we're minutes before what 9:30 open so the Market's this waiting and then when you're in here you're right before the opening bell minutes before the opening bell just how happened to be at a few minutes before 9:29 and at the opening bell it opens and then hits the the Gap and what is it doing it's using it as its original form over here but only going into the B side ey outline I'm more inclined to use that Gap as an conversion Fair r g i want to see it do this if it happens to go below it and then it leaves behind in its wake dropping down it creates that fair value Gap right here that's shaded so we have two things forming there we have the bottom of that blue box which is the opening range Gap low which in this case is the opening price at 930 and then we have the return back into this Gap here on that pass so two things are happening right there on this we're trading into the inversion fair value G so you could be selling short here midpoint and then a draw down is can you take that trade if it trades up into this Gap if you can't try to get a fill just below or the low of that first fair value Gap that forms because the narrative is set in motion now we have a shift in Market structure liquidity's been taken here to here and return that that low of the opening range Gap being tagged right there is doing two things it's returning back to the opening price at 9:30 and it's going to the first fair value G that formed between specific 9:31 and 10:00 does it look closely does it close the upper half of that Gap no isn't that what you want yes so what happens if when it trades up there and you don't get into it there because it's too fast or you're just not on the game like you just can't bring yourself to enter the trade when it trades back down into the inversion fair value Gap you can short there and use what what this high is plus one tick how can I how can I trust that ICT because if you have what I'm outlining here and what I outlined in tan trades live stream this is going to act as an inversion fair fair value gy and if it's going to run up here with a wick because we opened here on this candle it opened there and to get to that level here in one candle if it's going to go lower chances are this is going to form some kind of a wick right so if that forms a wick and you're trading in it here you're putting your stop loss one tick above the high what should form after that Wick worst case scenario another candle with a wick that's only going to go about halfway of this Wick oh oh that's why your trades are never nervous you're never you're not worried about it no I'm not because I know what I'm looking for I know the logic I'm looking for but it doesn't even give us another Candlestick to even try to approach outside the other end of this or high of the inversion fair value Gap so it's really heavy because it goes up there hits the first fair value Gap but I taught you all this stuff keeps repeating doesn't it this is still too early for you to fall in love with it you might be smiling and think to yourself wow yeah I can see it I didn't see it when it was happening but I can see it it's really there wait till you have a couple months of you journaling this and you have example after example after example your mind is going to be formed pursuing these types of setups they're not hiding from you they can't be hidden from you there's nothing to worry about if you can't see it right now fall in love with the meditation of capturing collecting these things day by day getting screenshots like this just like this right here saving it just like that and then seeing how that first fair value got between 9:31 and 10 o'cl is used and we hit it it hammers it and drops down and then now look at what excuse me look what else happens we have this old area of new week opening Gap new day opening Gap look how many times they've used these levels how many times it's traversed back and forward through it but when there's time of day that I'm teaching you to focus on when the algorithm will refer to these levels as key in important factors and arrays they use them new day opening Gap low the bodies heading the low of it dropping down leaving this Gap here this Gap Gap is a breakaway Gap what makes this Gap a breakaway Gap because we've had this initial run that starts the Run lower if the Market's going to trade to a first presentation fair value gap between 9:31 and 10 o'clock and it's going to drop once it starts to run you're anticipating this occurring this is like a signature like yes now we're going to be really running you don't want to see that close in it can come back up there and close it and then drop you drop later on it's just better that it doesn't sometimes you've seen my trade executions where I'll annotate something ideally I want to see this stay unfilled and I'll KN it as a a a breakaway Gap sometimes it goes down and fills it and it still does where I want it to go it's just better it's just like a sugar uh sugar coating a cherry on top to what you're already doing right okay the price is going to go where you think it's going to go if the trade's right but these are things that you really want to have as Hallmarks in your winning trades they're not always going to be there they can still close in rebalance to that point and send it lower and still be able to hit your target it says I want to see this because that means we're heavy we can't even fill that back in and the Market's going to drop down into the targets I gave in live stream and Tanya trades uh witness of everybody was over there she had like 3,600 people in there and the new day opening gap on a August 27th that was hit and initially is August 16th new day opening G and we dug down swept below both of them did all this little cruddy price action in here and then came right back up to that Gap that was later on traded into here but a portion of it was left open and then it rolled over I worked with my private students in here all this run up in here and then we worked with this area here you're attacking Tuesday's low there but uh all in all oops didn't want to do that pretty fun day today lots of nice movement all right so here's where we're at what we've done so far so I'm just watching what we're doing going into the last hour so I probably won't be doing too much talking until I see something that's worth mentioning if if you're satisfied with this is the part that was the the teaching that's done now so if you want to come back and watch this part at a later time you're welcome to do that I'm not going to call trades or anything I just want to do an OB observation with you live main takeaway that I ow is everything I'm teaching you it's repeating the things that should form when they should form they're forming and when they are formed in price action price is respecting them in a manner that allows and affords you opportunity to engage it it's a tradable setup it's a tradable uh framework for Market [Music] structure I'm just going to minimize this one so we can have both the the seconds chart 15c chart and the the one minute all right so we are inside the 250 algorithm it runs till 10 minutes after three see the volume imbalance in here if you have the ability to to pull up 15-second charts these are things you want want to look at this price run here to this we have a small little inefficiency here things like this you want to screenshot it and you can go back through the price runs these types of runs happen all day long they're they're there a lot so this little Gap right here formed by this candle's high and that candle's low right here in the le- hand side chart right there that candle stick right there there's your inbalance and here is your low of the candle that forms the low of the fair Val you got it's a Cy because it's a down closed candle the price run in here there's several things you want to take a look at from the one minute chart you can see how and this is how Caleb you're gonna identify things that repeat over and over again and it it trains your eye to see things that will repeat and your eye will see it in real time and you'll know that it's likely to behave a certain way because you've seen enough examples of it okay so you have an order block it rallies above as soon as it crosses this candlestick's opening price there that's the ch change in the state of delivery over on a 15-second chart how far into this decline can it go in this candle when it was dropping on this one minute and this one minute candle how far into this can it go well you don't want it to go past the halfway point because mean threshold is the most sensitive price point and to its high in this case it's the opening price so that's where it's going to be most sensitive to if you're seeing it drop down into that and below that level here on a 15-second chart is that pretty that volume IM balance right there you see that see that right there and the market trades down to it right there it does its work there on the 15sec chart so the algorithm sees this here it drops back down to a discount relative to this delivery and price then over here it's cycling through the lower time frames and wherever there's any any any inefficiency that means a gap fair value Gap or volume imbalance in this case there is no fair value Gap here there is no swing low because that's already happened here so stops were taken there so this delivery went below that low then we rallied this little inefficiency there that volume imbalance is all that the algorithm needs to do on the 15-second chart before it starts to Rally inefficiency here so on this run there at 250 when the algorithm starts right there this creates an inefficiency buy out balance sell out inefficiency if it's starting at the beginning of the macro at 250 and it's wanting to go higher and run for this inefficiency here one one minute chart because now we're running higher is looking for inefficiencies that are premium relative to where we are at here where's the where's the buy side here and then what happens if it goes above that that's the inefficiency inefficiency and we can go back to Tuesday's old daily low but you just don't want to go in here and say oh it's just going to go to Tuesday's daily low and this that's it that's not that's not properly managing the range that you're dealing in this High down to that low is the dealing range so when you look at what price is done here this on a 15-second chart will act as a breakaway Gap and you want to see things like this institutional order entry Dr where it just goes into that Gap formed by this candle's High every time I do it see every time there you go so institutional order entry drill is where it just goes inside and leaves the maximum amount of the range open and when it starts to run like that that tells you you have a breakaway Gap and that starts at the beginning of the macro at 250 see right there see the time 250 on the dot and it rallies up trades into the low of this inefficiency here hits it stops dead in its tracks drops back down consolidates and what's it doing it's accumulating before it does what rallies to a deeper premium which is consequent crment of this inefficiency does it stop does it respect it just stop short of it opens slightly higher comes back down touches that right there volume imbalance rallies and goes through the high end of this inefficiency does it respect the high of it no it goes right on through it opens trades down to the high of that inefficiency so now what is it acting as here this Gap is a target to draw price up into it and now when we're above it how should it behave let's assume for a moment you think it's going to go to this Gap right here or do you think it's going to trade back to Tuesday's daily below if that's the case and this is your Terminus say this is your Terminus and this is a partial so this is your next upside object let me put it on the chart if it feels like I'm going too fast or if I'm talking about things that seem to advance I promise you're going to see me doing it more and more and the things that you have questions about because I'm going to talk more about them because they repeat every single time it'll start becoming very clear to you and it won't won't be the big of a deal so don't be discouraged is basally what I'm saying we trade down to the top of the inversion value Gap that this will become if we're expecting this to be traded to and draw back to Tuesday's low so it trades here you would expect it to start showing you indications it once to go higher does it go higher yes drops back down what's the middle of these Wicks lowest one measure that one trades to it here sends it higher yep middle of this Gap or Wick every time it jumps look at a perfect delivery on the bodies see that that's algorithmic folks and it rallies here is your order block it leaves it that's a change in the state of delivery right there [Music] I won't label it this but that's a bullish order block and the upper half is the most sensitive Point trades into the upper half of it just the wick because that's what's allowed to do the damage the bodies are supporting the fact that okay yeah we're respecting the order block there price should rally where should it rally here once it takes out that high if it's going to trade the this volume IM balance on I'm sorry yeah volume no very Val you got over here on the one minute chart it should do it quickly it should Pierce right through that and not dilly d around does it to do that yes rallies runs up we're just falling short of Tuesday's daily load we just hit it now and ICT did it once again but I'll never be able to call it live when I'm able to do it live I'll start live streaming I promise I promise you when I learn how to trade and I read read the price correctly I'll come out here and I'll start doing it in front of you live okay but until then you're just going to have to take these pre-recorded videos using delayed data I I'm not going to do it here but I shared with my uh private students a a message that somebody left me saying that these trades are fake and here's why they're fake I'm using delayed data and I'm sliding my stop loss and you can't do that with live trades and uh I I don't know where that person got that idea from but um you need to learn a little bit more son so there's the afternoon outlined uh you you'll see a lot of these price runs for months before you start taking them okay because you want to get real comfortable seeing them expecting how they're going to deliver and seeing what framework you'll use for your own trades you'll also see the the characteristics the mannerisms that these PD arrays will behave and how price uses them but you can't argue okay that there isn't an algorithm because at 250 I taught you that that it will start spooling that means it's running think about it like this here is the 250 candle right there and say you're a fisherman and you have a fishing rod in your hand and you know that there is a lot of fish sitting around the previous day low there's a lot of interest let many people want to buy if it can get back above the previous days low after going deep that's a mechanism that some algorithms fire up and and run on it but the casting of that lure if you will on a fishing rod if you plan on engaging and trying to capture fish there that's your target that's your Terminus so here's your fishing rod you're casting it in that direction well it this is the fishing line spooling off of that reel when you land that area here that's your fish you just reel it in and you're done that's your trade for the day and it's occurring exactly at 250 but there's no algorithm I refute ict's claims that there's an algorithm I love that you're refuting it I love that people make those videos I love that there's doubt I love it I love it and there's always going to be new doubters and I am so thankful that I am in a position like PT Barnum I have a line of suckers coming in not believing the truth I'm showing and proving to you that would literally would hold up in court that these things are absolutely controlled they're programmed they're coded you can see it it's not surprising there there's no there's no reason for you to be like oh my goodness why did that happen you're just simply waiting for the things that you're expecting to see in price think folks am I twisting your arm to stay here no am I am I asking you for anything no just take your time so that way you learn it correctly don't hold yourself to an expectation that's too high and lofty okay but that's going to be it for today um this was enough it went back to uh our level of Interest we went and behaved a lot of PD raay delivered as we would expect be content with this this is more than enough folks more than enough and I will be with you Lord willing tomorrow um at 9 20ish something like that hopefully I'll be on there before the 9:30 opening Bill sometimes it just doesn't work out like that and I'm doing my best to be there but I'm you I'm here every day but I might be a few minutes late but tomorrow we return back to a morning session and we'll do the same thing on Friday so Thursday August 29th and Friday August 30th 2024's live session will both be morning sessions but I will be I will be stopping them both at around 10:45 in other words I'll I'll close the session before 11:00 to say it that way if I go till 11 o' it's not like I'm I'm lying okay and I'll talk to you guys then until I talk to you then be safe