The Human Voice: Powerful Communication

Jul 12, 2024

The Human Voice: Powerful Communication

Importance of the Human Voice

  • The human voice is a powerful instrument.
  • It has the ability to start wars or express love.
  • Key issue: Many people feel unheard when they speak.
  • Question to address: How to speak powerfully to effect change?

Seven Deadly Sins of Speaking

  1. Gossip: Speaking ill of others behind their backs.
    • Untrustworthy habit.
  2. Judging: Hard to listen to someone when you feel judged.
  3. Negativity: Constant negativity is off-putting.
    • Example: Mother being negative even about dates.
  4. Complaining: Common but spreads misery.
  5. Excuses: Not taking responsibility for actions.
  6. Exaggeration: Demeans language and can turn into lying.
  7. Dogmatism: Confusing facts with opinions.

Four Foundations of Powerful Speaking: HAIL

  • Honesty: Be true and clear in what you say.
  • Authenticity: Be yourself and stand in your own truth.
  • Integrity: Do what you say; be trustworthy.
  • Love: Wish people well; makes honesty palatable.

Voice Toolbox

  • Register: Depth of voice can convey authority.
  • Timbre: Preferred voices are rich and warm; can be improved.
  • Prosody: Melody of speech; important for meaning.
  • Pace: Speed of speaking can convey excitement or importance.
  • Pitch: Variation in pitch can change meaning and emphasis.
  • Volume: Can be used for emphasis; avoid constant loudness.

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises

  1. Sigh with arms up.
  2. Lip sounds: “Ba, Ba, Ba” and “Brr.”
  3. Exaggerated tongue sounds: “La, La, La.”
  4. Roll an 'R': “Rrr.”
  5. Siren sound: “Wee-aw.”


  • Current state: Poor communication in noisy, bad acoustic environments.
  • Ideal state: Conscious speaking and listening in designed sound environments.
  • Goal: Create a world with better understanding through conscious sound creation and consumption.