if you realized how little you knew about yourself you would be in complete shock all knowing comes from comparison you only truly know who you are until you know what you're not our era of History does so much evil through purposely opis skating who we are comparing ourselves to we judge everything through the eye of Utopia or the best possible option rather than comparing ourselves to other eras of real history once you control the frame you control literally everything we will Circle back to this point as it will gradually make more sense later with all that being said the thesis of this video is that your life is vastly harder than you imagine we will go through the life of the average what if atist fan to show how their life is actually incredibly difficult I think people are really suffering now and are in serious denial about it the human mind's capability for denial or coping is enormous and I think we are all C coping as individuals right now in fact I think we are the era of History which is coping the most ever as I will explain later this video will go through every aspect of an average person's life whether they're economic social spiritual physical and other aspects to show that normal young people live terrible lives holistically this will upend a lot of assumptions that people have built their own personal lives on that modernity is objectively superior to every other other era of History the difference between mental stability and Madness is a handful of intellectual pillars that hold up your world what happens when those pillars have rotted through the short answer is that our comprehension of the world in the human condition is simply not accurate according to saw an acronym I invented for studies and ancient wisdom which I will explain later is the convergence between what ancient folkways and world religions have taught across all of history which very much converges with recent scientific studies in the 21st century that human nature is not at all what the 20th century and what our background believes once you understand the true nature of human nature the horror of what our society is doing is so astounding it will leave you Breathless [Music] one of the major themes we'll get into with this video is that debt is a huge issue that is crushing America with the average American having $100,000 worth of debt of a variety of Kinds while keep in mind a normal American makes something around $50,000 a year and debt is insane and getting rid of debt can be insanely difficult but with our sponsor of PDs debt you can find the best way to get out of debt PDS debt has customized options for anyone struggling with credit cards personal loans collections or medical bills if you're making payments every month on your debt and your balances aren't going down this program is for you everyone with 10,000 or more eligible debt qualifies and there's no minimum credit score required PDS provides a service to match you with debt solutions tailored to your financial situation I know a lot of people are really struggling with debt and I can empathize which is why I am intro PDF s debt to you and for my viewers PDS debt is offering a free debt analysis it only takes 30 seconds head over to PDS debt.com Whata if alst to get your free debt assessment today so check out PDS debt and get out of debt now part one the average wood ifal TST fan this video was written like a game of Go Go is a Chinese game that goes back at least 4,000 years in which you try to surround an enemy Force to wipe them out it plays into Chinese military strategy as famously championed by sunzu which prizes indirect tactics and fighting through Omission as an explicit strategy although I don't think most of you would agree with this point initially by gradually moving through all the intellectual bases we can surrounds the argument in fact I think this is how all worldviews are constructed we tend to view the creation of our worldview in which our civilization is currently built off ideas like feminism liberalism science or meritocracy was created through rationalistic scientific study that social scientists ran rigorous tests in which they steel manned the case and looked at all the opposing options and used the results to construct a comprehensive vision of the world the reality is the complete opposite in which over the course of the 20th century our worldview based on their such assumptions like men and women being the same natural equality the blank slate or the noble savage were just assumes to be correct anyone who disagreed with these ideas was shamed and kicked out of society this was since it was inside the self-interest of those in power to believe these things when we did test them in the early 21st century we realized that they were completely incorrect the way people build worldviews instead is that their worldview needs to make sense for the fact they know and the things that happen to them in their daily lives the medieval Aristotelian worldview collapsed as there were too many facts that it was clear that the wise ancients were unaware of whether the existence of the Americas the scientific method gunpowder and they were very clearly wrong on stuff like the human body or physics then people gradually look for a new worldview which can Encompass the facts once the new worldview hits critical mass explanatory power people accept it unconditionally once a new worldview hits critical explanatory power for the lives of the people in it people will accept it unconditionally living and breathing its assumptions kunun invented this theory of History called paradigms however this process is in no way rational normally it's accompanied by bloody wars in which the New Order kills off the old even with irrefutable evidence the old Generations die with the old ideas as the saying goes science advances one grave at a time the old order gradually dies as there are too many examples of the theory not working like a game of Go you gradually surround the old Paradigm with the final execution being a quiet moment after which the theory is discredited over a long period of time losing its Vitality the central Coan which is a concept from Zen Buddhism for a question that pondering will result in you getting the answer for this video is how is the 21st century West the wealthiest safest most hygienic peaceful best fed and best educated Society in world history but its inhabitants score the worst on mental Wellness tests of again anyone in history the society itself suffers crippling depression anxiety ADHD suicide and other mental conditions you could possibly list this has in turn resulted in the democratically elected Western governments publicly committing suicide either either through printing infinite money discouraging births Dewing the industrial economy encouraging mental illness crime and about a dozen other things the abbreviated version of this is why is the wealthiest Society ever also the most unhappy this question is of the highest importance since nested inside it is the question that if we don't answer we'll kill our society it already is but we don't want to know the answer yet we'd rather commit suicide as a civilization since the pain of letting go is so hard the fundamental answer is that something is very very wrong in our culture that the materialistic assumptions which underly every thought in our culture are just wrong man is not nourished by wealth but by love in his soul asking this question is the only Fighting Chance our people have for survival to start the story let's look at the life of the average what aalst fan we'll look at every single aspect of their lives gradually see what is wrong with the world today this person is of course imaginary but there's often greater truth in an imaginary symbol then in the real world given the symbol can elegantly Encompass truths far more complex than anything else also having met hundreds of people in this audience the what aalst audience is holistically better off than the general public and I say this because it's true not to flatter you folks but the what aalst audience is more psychologically stable intelligent educated wealthy and driven than the general public if anything this is a pretty generous look at the modern world and life today about 95% of this audience is male so our character is a man by definition and a majority of this audience is American thus our character will also be an American having met them it's obvious that this audience is predominantly white so he'll be America's most common ethnic mix of British and German ancestry the state with the most viewers in total number is California well the most popul city in California is Los Angeles the state with the highest per capita wi atist fans is Missouri but I'm going to go with total number not per capita most Americans live in the suburbs so let's put him in a middle class Suburban neighborhood in Burbank the average age for this audience is something around 25 so skewing significantly younger than the general population and on the older side of the Zoomer generation the average income for someone that age is around $40,000 and this audience is significantly higher income range than the general population so let's put him at $50,000 a year let's name him Tom Eldridge Tom Eldridge and my personal life aren't very similar I'm just going to throw that out so you guys don't pick through his life as a way of learning about me Eldridge is a compilation of lots of normal people I've met in my life I'm sure there are going to be a few people in this audience who'll be saying I am literally Tom eldrid let's get into Tom's life part two childhood Tom Eldridge was born in 1999 9 in Providence St Joseph Hospital in Burbank California he's born into a middle class family in which both of his parents work his family aren't from California and sacrificed lots of traditional ties to move out there from Indiana he's from a loving family but his mother fell out of love with the father thus they divorced when he was 3 years old this is how half of marriages ends today skewing older towards his Gen X parents the father did nothing wrong but as the protocol goes in these divorces his mother got custody his father became dissatisfied leaving Los Angeles for Arizona his mother raised him by herself Eldridge has one sister who became a hyper leftist as was normal for girls in her demographic and age she got a useless degree and works as a barista channeling her rage into politics his mother got stressed at working and supporting the children at the same time she would go years with certain mild substance abuse like smoking tobacco or alcohol without it taking over her life she would also have various boyfriends that never stayed and didn't really have any interest in being a stepdad there's an important anthropological detail here through studies we found that family structure is incredibly important given that it imprints what seems intuitively correct onto people this is an example of saw in that confucious said the same thing where he said that family is the basis of national or civilizational unity and stability thus by stabilizing the family you stabilize the society you can use family structure to predict the political ideology of a society or its level of development the role fathers have in a society predicts how societies see God or the government without a father in his life as well as going to a feminized School Tom always felt like he wasn't really a man his mother loved him but would get stressed over minor stuff didn't understand his desire to be great or change the world and would periodically act incredibly irrationally Tom always wanted to do stuff with his life but he had trouble having personal discipline and responsibility we know from studies that fathers imprints the ability to feel like you have agency in the world while mothers imprint psychological stability or mindfulness fatherless homes are vastly worse off than those with a dad 90% of runaways don't have a dad 80% of rapists 63% of Youth suicides vastly higher drug usage 85% of childhood disorders teen girls from fatherless homes are three times as likely to get pregnant out of wedlock this stuff is a really big deal and I can't understate it the horrible thing is that nearly half of American children live in a fatherless home and for certain ethnic or racial groups this gets up to 3ar of the population making this a national epidemic and this is happening at the worst rates ever in human history now in leaving Indiana Tom's family is isolated his mother is incredibly stressed that she has to support her children while working a full-time job with little support she has two girlfriends that she sees once a month where they have a wine night but neither are the kind of people that she can really expect to reliably support her in the hard times of her life she went through a depressive episode after Tom left that she didn't tell anyone about until a year later keep in mind saw has consistently shown that interpersonal relationships are the most important driving variable for happiness due to the stress of this his mother would periodically collapse into hysteria when she became too stressed she would be obsess obessed with completely innan details she was a borderline helicopter parent but not nearly the worst that Tom knew especially growing up in Suburban California his mother would get very worked up over Minor Details like getting his school lunch perfectly right and whenever he would stay with friends she would call multiple times to make sure he was okay from this Tom has a sense of inner rage at never being able to develop his masculinity by doing Brave stuff as a child as an adult he feels like he has potential which was never tapped keep in mind I'm 2 years younger than Tom the stories I have about helicopter parenting are absolutely horrifying my parents were on the other side of the spectrum where they let me do whatever I wanted not really out of any principle mind you they just didn't care however growing up I knew parents who wouldn't let their kids get out of their sight until age 18 who would walk their kids four blocks to school or wouldn't let them spend their own money until the end of high school who would move to the state their children went to college to follow them there who would read all their texts not let them play outside or leave the house or even do stuff like play violent video games or study War I think this is legitimately evil that's since the parents through helicopter parenting are robbing their children of agency children use their childhoods in order to play to figure out the world to test themselves socially to go on adventures to learn their boundaries this is why gen Z or a major reason why they have such cripplingly bad mental health issues as a Zoomer I know these people and it's crazy that loads of gen Z can't go to work ask someone out in a date go on a call a road trip and are offended by someone who contradicts their politics you will never know how bad this issue is until you see it UPF front I think this is an issue on the proportion of a national Calamity that no one talks about when I was growing up it became taboo to let kids play outside unchaperoned for older people wandering around town by bike hanging out with friends whenever they wanted and exploring was just seen as totally normal my baby boomer father would just wander around town all day as a child my parents let me do this as a teenager where I would bike 20 m a day alone but they were the exception literally if people saw other people's 10-year-olds kids playing outside in their own yard without their parents supervision they would call the police on them I was there this culture was real I find Zoomer children tend to have two separate issues for their parenting based around what social class they're a part of the upper and middle classes tend to helicop their parent their children while lower class parents often don't try hard enough where they can't provide the guidance their children need since they're so worn down by the trials and tribulations of life in the working classes today my best friends from a workingclass family and growing up he barely knew anyone whose families either weren't split up or where the parents didn't have some Mental Health or drug issue Tom is a muted form of this with a kind of helicopter parent mom who sometimes goes through phases of smoking drinking and Casual Sex which befits his middle class background instead of playing outside and making friends Tom instead spent most of his free time online he uses social media sparingly but his sister is completely obsessed keeping up with her leftist friends on Instagram has turned her completely insane her entire life has been consumed by leftist ideas and jargon she and Tom drifted apart as teenagers due to this Tom started watching porn at age 13 he went through a phase of being addicted as a teenager he feels guilt about this but doesn't have any opportunities for real sex so it's a Lifeline he uses to stay sane due to spending so much time online his social life was never particularly good he made a couple good friends in high school but they drifted apart after he graduated they started working different jobs and the thing that kept them close was the shared School environment he plays video games on Discord with with them once a week he feels insecure about his social abilities and he knows he's not a weirdo or a loser but he always feels like an outcast even though he rationally knows that he's doing average Thomas periodic panic attacks which just hit him when he's not aware for about a couple hours he just feels complete panic and is unable to do things he feels anxiety about random stuff in his life like making his own choices interacting socially or even little stuff like what to eat for dinner or what to watch on Netflix he's a that he has anxiety issues and he feels like less of a man for having them but he doesn't know how to deal with it he's gone to a therapist once but the therapist seemed completely out of touch with his needs and she didn't seem to actually understand the issue and just told him platitudes when Tom was going to school the pressure to get into college was hitting a fever pitch as a person who lived through it this was an insane moment that I've never seen adults really talk about seriously when I was in elementary school teachers and parents were talking about College they shortened recess to only 25 minutes to put more time in for classes every single decision for a child's life when I was growing up was somehow about college it was an unhealthy Obsession this was due to Rising competition due to inequality in labor over Supply which I have covered in basically all my other videos thus forcing people to push harder for fewer slots Tom's mom cared more about this than he did she would push him to get good grades but didn't have the time time money or skills to actually help him that much with this goal thus having her spiral emotionally when he didn't get good grades she enrolled him in extracurriculars he didn't particularly like or care about to boost his college application this was a huge thing I saw growing up with so many kids doing extracurriculars none of which they were actually that passionate about again this was something my parents didn't really care about and I feel fortunate about colleges use extracurriculars as a proxy for social class and assortative M when he was around age 12 was put on Aderall in a joint decision between his mother and the school counselor due to the attention issues because he had trouble sitting down for 8 hours a day in class later on at the end of high school he was put on SSRI anti-depressant medicine due to his depression he found that neither of these really worked and was shocked to later realize that Aderall is a form of meth Tom for a period in high school followed this path he did school for over 13 hours a day by various proxies this is since he spent 9 hours a day going to class another 2 and 1 half hours doing sports then another 3 hours doing homework this was something that I saw was the norm in high school I'm still shocked people went through it without complaining or even acknowledging it and this was completely normal for people I knew in school it's a literal Chinese or Victorian work schedule without even the recognition that what's going on is hard or you're not even being paid for it not going to lie even though I afterwards became a successful professional YouTuber I'm still resentful of what the school and social system put me through for literally no end result in that due to the racial cast system that became hiring white men won't get those jobs anyway the economy is so bad today that no one no matter how good their grades are is doing well that's actually something I realized in high school that this wouldn't end well for anyone and so that's why I worked so hard in the channel or to be an entrepreneur and the thing that annoyed me is that I never really cared about that path I never really cared about going to college I just wanted to read books and study history but that wasn't a path that was really given to you by the society so you were forced down this Rat Race even if you didn't care and it's a fundamentally very conformist and classist system that's soulless Tom went through a mental breakdown at age 17 and refused to exert more effort for Junior and Senior year he realized that the system was stacked against him either due to being a white male and also that people of higher Social class would beat him at this game no matter what he did this made his mother incredibly resentful and was a longlasting real break in their relationship after 6 months of a depressive episode in which he stopped trying at school he started using marijuana he was permanently high for the final year of high school and still uses it recreationally ever since Tom didn't particularly like School however to be fair school didn't like him either for as long as he could remember the school system was run by radical leftists who told him repeatedly that white men should be held back across Society over the time he was in high school they changed the curriculum so that by the end all the humanities classes and even a little bit of the stems with the books they read in English the history that was taught and more was all done through a hyper leftist prism when I was in high school they made the entire history English and language curriculum around wokeness they also put in a mandatory social justice week and we had weekly assemblies about leftwing issues every single essay had to be about left ISM I'm from Pennsylvania so this happened earlier for Tom in the more left-wing Los Angeles Tom learned to loath leftism for this however his mom is a moderate leftist while his sister is a radical one thus he could never talk about this at home and they' Gaslight him and say it was all really good the classes were incredibly boring and stultifying they were lacking in any masculine Vigor or excitement I remember when I was in fourth grade I drew a knight with a sword and my teachers called my parents end they were worried I might become violent one time in fifth grade I was arguing with my friends over the rule set in a certain board game we were playing and the teacher said that if we didn't stop they'd make us stop playing the game interest in the subjects men naturally like such as War philosophy craftsmanship or geopolitics was legitimately discouraged anything that doesn't fit a feminine pre-arranged structure was frowned on and people ask why young men are underperforming in school or the workplace also just throwing this in here when I was in Middle School I woke up at 5:30 every morning because school started at 7:20 a.m. and I lived in a rural area where the school was half an and I went to public school my public school was half an hour away from my house so the bus would picked me up at 6:40 dropped me off there at 7:20 and I remember thinking to myself what purpose does this serve besides to just make the students tired they don't accomplish anything and Tom has a similar schedule where he wakes up at 6:00 a.m. every day to go to class early and almost everyone I knew in high school was operating off only 4 hours of sleep and I think that's a pretty important detail another thing that I find strange in retrospect was that people in high school would brag and take pride in how much they studied and how little sleep they' got they would say it literally took me 4 hours to finish this I stayed up till 2: a.m. uh it took me forever to do my homework and they would compete over who spent more time doing their homework and who got the least sleep and this was everyone and I find that stupid because I did all this hacking to shorten the amount of time I spent in class so I would do all these shortcuts and stuff and periodically or really I didn't do that well in school but it was completely alien to my worldview but it's a culture that prizes constantly being a workaholic Tom didn't really date in high school he graduated from school of Virgin which is normal in that onethird of men under 30 today are virgins and 80% of 18-year-old boys he had a kind of lame situationship with a girl who was flirting with other guys at the same time and when he confessed that he cared about her she left most of his friends also graduated virgins no one explained female psychology to him thus he over relied on the advice just be kind which just didn't work as a Young Man a few years later he became obsessed with Andrew Tate since he was the first person who was realistic with him about the negatives of female nature part three on Wei Tom went to a crappy College in the area let's say California State School Dominguez Hills he really didn't want to but due to social pressure from his mom in school he felt compelled to since he didn't have a better idea when I was around his age College was pushed down our throats as completely necessary however as both Tom and I realized College actually means very little if you're not going to one of the best colleges there is literally statistically no income benefit from going to college anymore Tom got a degree in Business which is the safe degree for I want to work but this was counteracted by so many others also getting business degrees as to render his useless Tom made his two closest friends in college it was the happiest period of his life although not as exciting as what his parents told him it would be everyone I know who went to college at my age with the exception of State schools says it was underwhelming as I can attest from my personal experience when I went to college for a semester he lost his virginity in college with his first and only girlfriend she grew bored of him when he didn't push for a higher income career out of college and left Tom went into a significant amount of debt to go to college some thing on the order of $40,000 which is the average for California he was encouraged by adults around him to do this and no one talked him down and everyone said he had to do it where adults completely assured him that he would be able to get a better job that would pay it off that didn't happen and he started working at a low-level insurance job making 40K a year and has moved it up to 50K a year he's still paying off the debt which bites into his consumer spending for the fun stuff that makes life tolerable he's constantly resenting F of the debt keep in mind the average American has $100,000 worth of debt Tom hits something like this number through other forms of debt whether car or credit card debt being normal he's not a homeowner Co slamms Tom right in the middle of college he missed out on the last two years of college while being forced to take classes remotely this killed his social life while he was forced to pay tuition even for not even being in class he was forced to live with his mom during Co who herself was not doing well financially there started to be a growing resentment between them thus when Tom physically could he moved out after Co although it involved him living in poverty Co radicalized Tom he was vaguely Centrist but not really politically active seeing the social changes which occurred during Co he became quite conservative as is normal for young white men in his age demographic he watches creators like Andrew Tate Nick Fuentes Nick frus Jordan Peterson Joe Rogan and Jay Waller they give him a sense of masculine it he's missing in his real life he especially loves walst walst is his favorite Channel and gives meaning to his life he shares it with all his friends who also become loyal viewers he views Rudyard as his hero and wishes to emulate his life off him this has separated him from the world he lives in he lives a second life on the internet which Bears very little resemblance to his daily life while being surrounded by left wiers in his real life he puts on a mask he loads the mask and on a daily basis thinks about how much he hates having to live a lie for every waking moment of social interaction meanwhile he creates a Twitter alt account where he posts farri content anonymously he confessed to his mother but not his sister his political views his mother accepts this on paper but speaks to him in a condescending manner whenever she talks about politics it makes dealing with his family difficult he never talks about politics at work if he did he would be fired immediately his work forces him to do social justice seminars and social events where he mouths the words in order to pay the bills but he's secretly filled with incoit rage he bottles up rage all day which he dispels by posting right-wing troll comments on Twitter playing violent video games and watching porn he wants to leave California for Arizona partly to live near his estranged father and to get out of a leftist state but lacks the money or courage to do so his political views have moved further right due to seeing the literal degradation of the city of Los Angeles happen in real time I lived in La for just a few months and I saw this happen myself Tom was there for years over the course of his life he saw Los Angeles's middle class go extinct the city became filthy seeing the crazy homeless and migrants which the city chooses to do nothing about and that makes large parts of the city uninhabitable the city has become a Sci-Fi dystopia in front of his own eyes it disgusts him and he watches Twitter reels of the 1960 where all the buildings he looks at now were clean nice and new when people seemed happy and dressed or walked with pride Tom has learned to lose any faith in other people since everyone he sees in Los Angeles is status obsessed vain cowardly and self-serving he has grown resentful of society itself and quietly loathes everyone around him Tom is pretty smart with an IQ around 115 and he has various interests between technology history philosophy and he reads different books but lacks The Willpower to read regularly or the sense of direction to actually put his foot down and study a topic definitively he's smart enough to realize things are going bad but doesn't have a better idea on how to deal with it thus leaving him feeling powerless the social degradation of the city has left Tom very lonely he made two friends in college one moved back to his home state of Virginia while another lives in Santa Monica an hour away and works all the time they see each other about once a month however their Liv lives have diverged so much that their conversations seem empty nothing that Tom cares about are the things his friends would understand they talk about basic pleasantries like pop culture or Sports both of which are difficult due to being politically hijacked everyone Tom knows is a normie who is purposely ignoring everything going on in the world it feels like no one cares about who Tom is as a person even his own family I asked my audience how many people do you feel like really understand you as a person with your flaws and strengths and half of the people in this audience said no one and then another third said only one person this is a real social issue and one of the most important elements of human psychology is the feeling of being loved or understood from studies we've consistently found that the underlying most important variable to happiness is deep social connections lots of us have peripheral social connections but how many people actually understand us for who we are how many people can feel our soul and care about how we're really feeling I think very few Americans have a person like that it's heartbreaking we live lives of quiet desperation and no one really cares loneliness and friendlessness are huge issues with a third of Americans in their 20s saying that they have no friends and 80% of gen Z saying they feel lonely on a regular basis were the loneliest we've ever been Tom's romantic options are completely dead he's been on two dates since leaving College both of which which were failures keep in mind the average man Tom's age goes on average less than one date a year half of men his age haven't approached a girl in the last year and a third have never approached a girl in their lives 2third of men Tom's age are single while onethird have never had sex in their lives this is due to complex reasons which I've tackled in these videos mostly caused by market imbalances due to dating apps which turn modern dating into one of the most unequal Societies in the world if Tinder was a country it would be the second most unequal country in the world after South Africa and ahead of Venezuela Tom has just given up trying he's tried dating apps on and off he'll go through periods of desperation for about a week where he desperately swipes only to get nothing and give up again for 6 months only to have the panic attack about this again and then fail again he reconciles himself with watching online porn he paid an only girl twice only to delete his account and cry and shame name his main goal was to have a family but he's since given up on that he knows he will probably never get married or frankly even get a girlfriend anytime soon this makes him consumed with self-loathing horniness and rage Tom is about 20 lbs overweight like 75% of Americans who are either overweight or obese he really wants to lose the weight and has a gym membership which he only uses a few times a year and he goes through brief spurts of going to the gym but can't keep up he follow follows a lot of Fitness influencers he's also tried to maintain a good diet but every time he does something bad happens until he gives Fitness up he runs out of money he hears bad news from his family or his dog gets sick but he doesn't have the money to take it to a vet each time he defaults back onto Comfort eating he rationalizes this that Comfort eating is one of the better coping mechanisms to have since he feels Shame about returning to his high school state of being permanently stoned or his bouts of binge drinking in college Tom didn't grow up with any religion his parents were vehement agnostics and atheists respectively rebelling against the strong religion of their parents in Indiana however this has resulted in Tom having nothing to believe in he has no higher power or direction to which Orient his life around thus he spirals into nihilism he wishes he could believe in God and admires the Trad cath aesthetic but he just can't bring himself to do so since he knows in the bottom of his heart he can't believe in a god that he can't see proof for he went to church a few times and found it boring keep in mind that from Saw religion is one of the most important components to someone living a happy life we have an entire generation largely consumed by nihilism and they don't have any values to believe in Tom's worldview is completely nihilistic which is true for most people around his age he was told growing up that he could achieve whatever he wanted in life if only he worked hard and followed his dreams he quickly realized as an adult that that that was completely unrealistic he doesn't believe in religion while his community has done everything it can to spurn it with a post-modernist value system he doesn't have close relationships a mate or Community his hard-right politics are a side effect of having nothing else to believe in an old African proverb goes if the young men don't have a place in the village they'll burn it down to feel its warmth Tom realized quickly that there was no social Mobility as job the company like almost all major companies in California had gone for woke Dei hiring thus making him as a straight white male stuck high and dry he considered lying about being a bisexual in order to get job promotion but felt too much shame to do it he realized that no matter what he did he was stuck this is a very important variable that older people don't seem to get at all mean that woke hiring has completely screwed over jenz young men successful young white gen Z guys never work at big companies since there's no way you will ever move ahead 95% of new job openings in major companies since Co have gone to nonwhite applicants for a frame of reference I made the calculation in high school that if I didn't become an entrepreneur I would be completely screwed and look at my life now uh I am legally a CEO with employees who make six figures and if this didn't pan out and YouTube didn't work I would be working a minimum wage job and I see that from people either from my hometown or who went to the college I went to and it's just horrifying if this didn't work out I would not be in a good place Thomas terrified that he'll be AED from the company for diversity quota reasons he wishes he could deal with this better by saving up money but there's no real money to save he exists on the knife's edge of survival he keeps on sucking up to his boss working longer hours and saying yes to things he hates which makes him loathe himself since he can't afford to lose this job he tells himself that he should be doing fine and beats himself up for not making more money or saving more money but no matter what he does the money gets eaten up whenever he somehow finds a way to make or save money some random cost comes up that eats him he keeps on using credit card debt to make ends meat something he wish he didn't do but the bills still need to get paid he saved up some money during Co and as of now he's running out and he has no savings at all he's very scared like 2third of Americans Tom lives paycheck to paycheck he works every month only to barely cover his own costs just to keep working he's lost any hope of continuing over the last year his costs have gone up he started smoking weed all the time in order to not go crazy he does experiments of going to work high in order to see if his boss or co-workers notice he sometimes acts up even though he's terrified of losing his job as a way to feel alive from time to time he finds that no one cares no matter how much he changes his behavior socially his co-workers don't care he might as well not exist at the same time his boss constantly asks him to change the work formatting and if he does something slightly wrong for work his boss will have him and he feels depressed that he as a person does not matter but he only exists as a cog to exploit he technically Works a 9 to5 but really leaves work at 7:30 he does this since he's scared of losing his job and wants to impress his boss the company is low on employees but doesn't have the money to hire anyone new either this is especially humiliating given he actually only works 4 hours a day of productive time and the rest is wasted while he pretends to work in order to not offend his boss or co-workers he hasn't taken a vacation for his entire adult life partly since he's scared of losing his job but he also doesn't have the money to go on a vacation anywhere either when he started working he pretended to like his job but now he can only barely mask his contempt for everyone that works where he does it feels like nothing he does in his life is real at work he's a hog no one cares about him as an individual ever he feels like a person who doesn't really exist like a ghost forced to work to survive through a machine for no benefit of his own he has no one to share all these feelings with he was suicidal like half of young men have been and didn't tell anyone about it again like most young men he eventually didn't get around to actually doing it he went through a one Monon period of depression where he tried phoning it in as much as possible across his life whether through work family or friends no one noticed or cared he constantly fights low-level depression and anxiety whenever he stops and thinks he's consumed by existential crises and so he tries to stay active all the time whether through work doing various errands or various forms of Hedonism like video games or porn the price of everything has gone up a ridiculous degree the price of rent has doubled since that time killing any dreams Tom has had of being a real homeowner he splits a $3,500 a month apartment with a roommate he views his roommate with contempt as a normie who doesn't see how bad things are they do everything they can to barely speak to each other Tom doesn't sleep many hours a night since he purposely stays up late to have a few hours alone in the shared living room after his roommate has gone to bed the rising cost of rent has really killed Tom's finances like most Americans Tom doesn't have $500 that he could blow on an emergency at any given time he doesn't have any money for hobbies or fun things he listens to music smokes weed watches porn or YouTube and doesn't even watch Netflix or the new movies since he hates their leftist slant there's no new culture that he genuinely likes or identifies with Tom is very careful with his food spending basically only eating carbohydrates which is what he can afford he went two weeks just eating Ramen he doesn't heat his home anymore which is generally fine in California's very temperate climate since he saw Bill one win from the City of Burbank for $500 heating fee that happened to me he remembers hearing a story of his 19th century immigrant ancestors from Europe being happy that they could eat beef every day in America and realizing he couldn't afford to do that himself gen Z has 90% less spending power than the Boomers did in their 20s and this is even more exacerbated in Los Angeles one of the most expensive places and most unequal places in America the biggest issue in Tom's life is his complete alienation nothing feels like anything anymore he might as well not even be alive he feels completely useless when people study suicide notes the top word people use is useless Tom feels completely powerless stuck in the cycle of a brutal era of History he likes that what if atist is capable of explaining the issues he faces on a macro geopolitical level but he doesn't draw much Solace from this since he's still stuck here and can't change anything he periodically goes through self movement phases but doesn't have the energy or will to keep going also it hasn't really given him much benefit either he knows that even if he doubled his money it would just go off to paying the debt so what's even the point nothing in his life feels real it all feels like a dream the only time he feels even somewhat alive is when he watches porn takes a puff of weed or starts an interesting video on YouTube however for each of these they've worn down so much since he does them out of habit daily and he's lost any positive feeling feeling attached to them nothing he does feels real or human his Humanity has been worn down by the machine of modern bureaucratic civilization until only the mask remains he grows to hate the Beast inside of himself since it rebells against the horror of the sheer meaninglessness and onwe of his life it feels like he's stuck in some hyperreal Purgatory with no way out part four lessons I understand one of the conventions of writing is that a story is supposed to have a point or some kind of positive note the problem is that's not how reality Works Our Lives don't act like that sometimes life just sucks and you need to accept it sometimes you're just going to suffer and hope that something better comes along later this is one of those times I'm not going to lie to you there are no Solutions or easy answers we're in one of those bad periods of History this is why I say that we're on the verge of a major civil war or revolution once you accept all of this that's the only rational answer to end that this video is meant to depress you but it's also meant to provide a degree of self-reflection I know there are millions of Toms in this world I know the reason we don't realize that is that we put up this false ideal of what American life is that basically no one reaches Tom's friends or even his family probably have no idea how hard his life is and he doesn't tell them since they wouldn't help him since they're struggling themselves often times the greatest wisdom comes from seeing your own life from someone else's perspective what would you tell Tom which you couldn't tell yourself I have been in various Elite circles over my life and I've lived a bizarre life it's hard to explain but there was a point when I was part of a social club for talented young people run by someone who used to be part of Jake Paul's management and another time I ran a club for influencers in Los Angeles and I've been part of various conservative and intellectual associations and what I found interviewing young successful people and these are the people who did the best like people who are professional athletes actresses influencers successful CEOs in their 20s is everyone's life is screwed there's no person who gets the normal life that even a loser like Homer Simpson would be expected to have in the 20th century where of the most successful people in their 20s they either have severe depression lonely dating issues most of financial issues and seeing what the highest achiever struggled with I realized this is just a rigged game and the fact that we fight each other without realizing how hard it is is just so cruel because there's no way you're going to win as a Zoomer I hope that Tom's story has helped spark empathy and compassion both for ourselves and others my heart aches at the suffering we see today I can see it all the time and everywhere I can see it in how people walk how they dress how they talk how they stand it's so obvious it's why I live outside the city now because it drives me crazy when I deal with it too much everyone is suffering and it's so sad although it's important that we all do what we need to we also need to see reality for what it is this is an era in which we all fail compared to the Homer Simpson John Hughes standard that we were told we would reach but once you realize you're playing an impossible game either play a different game or break the game and the way I see these things is if you knew the daily struggles of everyone around you you would have so much more compassion for them because you would realize how hard it is when you see our age is driving people crazy and it's always somehow the other side who are The Crazies funny how that works we can empathize with where it comes from Furthermore do you notice that Tom internalizes the blame for what is society's responsibility unto him keep in mind Society does have responsibilities to us that's so heartbreaking but it's something we all do to differing degrees including myself we're all stuck in a horror movie not a conventional one but we're in a dystopia in which an evil soulless Society gradually squeezes the humanity out of people until the only thing left is numb rage then it pits them against each other as some kind of sport watching them gradually go insane from any lack of grounding and anything real growing up as a teenager I lived mostly with my father and he would go on business trips for a long period of time where I would take care of the cats and one of the interesting things I found is that when I fed the cats late they'd start fighting each other and blaming each other and the thing that I found hilarious was it was normally just because I was doing something else and I was feeding them late out of a whim on my part but they always blamed themselves and that's something my father would joke about where when the cats would fight each other they'd be like they're blaming globalists or the Jews or the left or the right and that's what we do well the reality is we are all fighting together against the shared suffering of the world the thing is that that's what would happen if people don't realize what's happening the only way to break out of this and be free is to come to terms with all the pain and suffering and then making the decision to go against the pattern once we take the weight of blaming ourselves off we can decide that we still want to live with that choice what are you going to do with the rest of your life the choice is yours think carefully