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Christian Engagement in Politics 2024
Sep 22, 2024
Lecture Notes: Election Sermon 2024 at Cornerstone Chapel
Opening Remarks
Central Argument:
Government is not the answer for the soul of the nation; Jesus is.
Encourages political engagement to advance God's kingdom and resist evil.
Introduction to Election Sermons
Inspired by David Barton's concept of election sermons.
Historical practice among pastors to discuss political issues through a Biblical lens.
Importance of Pastoral Voice:
Pastors historically influenced political and social issues.
Challenge to the idea of "separation of church and state," which is often misinterpreted.
Separation of Church and State
Phrase used by Thomas Jefferson to ensure government stayed out of church affairs.
First Amendment intended to protect religious liberties.
Misinterpretation led to silencing religious voices in politics.
1954 Johnson Amendment limited political activities of churches under threat of losing tax-exempt status.
Current Challenges:
Legal challenge against the Johnson Amendment for restricting free speech.
Encouragement to Engage Politically
Voting as a Duty:
Encouragement to vote based on Biblical values.
Importance of being informed and involved in political processes.
Rejecting Christian Nationalism:
Clarification that the goal is not a theocracy but to influence society positively.
Psalm 33:12:
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
Biblical Foundation and Call to Action
Role of Christians:
Be ambassadors for Christ, acting as salt and light in society.
Historical Examples:
Old Testament prophets and New Testament figures like Jesus and John the Baptist engaged politically.
Key Points for Political Engagement
God Uses Flawed People:
Biblical examples show God using both righteous and unrighteous leaders to achieve His purposes.
Importance of focusing on policies rather than personal flaws.
Policies Over Personalities:
Importance of evaluating candidates based on policy stances.
Seven Key Policy Areas:
Importance of appointing judges who rule righteously.
Border Security:
Recognizing the biblical support for national boundaries.
Support for Israel:
Aligning with biblical mandate to bless Israel.
Religious Liberty:
Protecting freedom of conscience and religious practices.
Biological Sex:
Defending God’s design of male and female.
Upholding parental rights and family structures.
Protecting unborn life; critique of current candidates' positions on abortion.
Voting as a Duty:
Not just a right but a moral obligation.
Referenced parable from Luke 12: importance of being good stewards of the freedoms entrusted to us.
Highlighted the potential impact of evangelical voters who do not participate in elections.
Personal Reflection:
Acknowledgement of the flawed nature of candidates but the importance of selecting the better option.
Historical Example:
Reference to Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a model of speaking truth to power.
Final Charge:
Call to action for Christians to vote, be active ambassadors, and let God’s glory be evident in the nation.
Full transcript