Transcript for:
Key Developments in Medieval Europe

okay let's finish our unit one tour of the world and see what kind of spicy developments are going on in Europe from 1200 to 1450. so if you're ready to get them brain cows milked feudalistically well let's get to it okay first let's talk religion and for Europe we're going to talk about Christianity now back during the time of the Roman Empire Christianity became the official state religion thanks to our boy emperor Constantine after a while that belief system United Romans all over the dang place but in 476 CE the Western half of the Roman Empire fell so sad but cheer up because the eastern half of the Roman Empire known as the Byzantine Empire kept the faith and its politically and socially organizing properties alive for another Millennium now the Byzantine flavor of the faith was known as Eastern Orthodox Christianity and it provided a belief structure that helped Byzantine rulers justify and consolidate their power structure which was highly centralized but over in the West after the highly centralized Roman Empire fell this region broke apart politically into many decentralized entities and we'll talk more about that in a minute but despite that fragmentation in the west Christianity maintained a powerful presence in the form of Roman Catholic Christianity Now by 1200 the Byzantine teen Empire had experienced a thorough butt whipping by neighboring Islamic powers and ended up losing significant amounts of territory too however that didn't mean that they didn't still wield enormous influence on the Eastern Mediterranean and Southwest Europe because they did that is until 1453 when a new Muslim power known as the Ottoman Empire sacked the crown jewel of Byzantium namely the capital city of Constantinople and went ahead and changed the name to Istanbul and that was the end of the Byzantine Empire moment of silence please okay that's enough now wipe that single tear from your face because while the Byzantine empire fell Eastern Orthodox Christianity would be picked up off the ground and embraced by another group who would keep it alive namely the cave and ruse now to be fair they had adopted Eastern Orthodoxy way before the fall of Constantinople but now that the byzantines were smashed to Pieces the roost became the main embodiment of this branch of Christianity and doing so they borrowed quite a bit from their Byzantine PALS like their architectural Styles or alphabet the idea of using Church structures to organize the state but again over in Western Europe this kind of centralization was not occurring these days were pretty isolated from everyone else in the World in terms of trading connections but still Roman Catholicism was one constant across the continent the church hierarchy of popes and Bishops and Cardinals provided at least some common structure among the various states of Western Europe and in addition to the common structure of the Roman Catholic Church also provided occasions to whip European Christians into a religious Fury and go fight Muslims in distant lands these occasions of course are known as the Crusades and with the exception of the First Crusade Europeans pretty squarely got whipped by the Muslim but it did have the effect of connecting Europeans to larger trade networks but we'll talk about that in unit too but before we move on to the juicy political organization of these states it's important to know that while Christianity was certainly the dominant belief system here Islam and Judaism held important minority positions for example over here on the Iberian Peninsula Muslims had invaded in the 8th century and by our period they ran the place additionally Jews were scattered throughout Europe and regularly facilitated and participated in trade but as it turns out a lot of European Christians were suspicious of Jews and so various ways of anti-Semitism or you know Jewish marginalization and persecution kind of kept them living at the edges of European Society okay now if you've been watching my previous unit one videos hold on to your butts because what I'm about to say might come as a shock around the start of this period there were precisely no large empires in Europe what like think about all the places that we visited in unit one the Aztecs and the Incas were running crap in the Americas the song dynasty in China was massive Islamic Empires were grabbing land all over the dang place but not in Europe instead decentralization and political fragmentation was the soup du jour in Europe and so let's talk about in Western Europe the social political and economic order was essentially organized around a system known as feudalism and maybe that's an unfamiliar word but don't worry your efforts to understand it are not feudal anyway feudalism was a system of allegiances between powerful Lords and Monarch basically the greater Lords and Kings gained Allegiance from lesser Lords and kings and land was exchanged to keep everyone loyal now all these patches of land were owned and ruled pretty much independently and the system at work here was known as minorialism so here peasants were bound to the land and worked in exchange for protection from the Lord and his military forces and that kind of makes it sound like a mutual exchange but in truth these peasants known as serfs were little different than slaves the big difference was that surfs were not owned by the Lord but rather as I said they were bound to the land in the manor and that's how it was for a long time in Europe however around the start of our period in 1200 and you know a little bit before Europe's political structures began to change monarchs in various states began to gain power and centralize their stage by introducing large militaries and bureaucracies and this is a big deal because prior to this it was the European nobility that held most of the power but more and more monarchs in this period are going to get on their power pants and centralize their Authority under themselves but you didn't think there weren't going to be any consequences for that increasing centralization did you don't be great no with powerful monarchs On The Rise they would increasingly be looking toward one another and competing for influence and territory which led to all kinds of Wars of Conquest to determine who indeed wore the biggest power pain all right click here to watch all my videos covering unit one and click here to grab my AP World heimler review guide which has everything you need to get an A in your class and a five on your examine so I'll see you over in unit two I'm larouche