Transcript for:
Overcoming Challenges for Manifestation Success

if a person has gone through a rough road and has overcome those things that person has a lot of experience sometimes you call them uh battle hardened or battle experienced they they have a lot more knowledge than somebody who's been given that silver [Music] spoon I have often said that there is a huge difference between advice and opinion uh advice is information that is given to us firsthand by somebody who has been where we want to go has walked a path that we want to walk has fallen down the potholes uh that yeah and learned from them to hopefully give us information to stop us falling down and really has uh is devoid of personal gender bias commercial Gams that kind of stuff but really wants to have uh a genuine intent to serve and help others walk the path now that's what we call Advice opinion is everything else and everybody's got an opinion now when it comes to you guys as you know I am very uh honest when it comes to sharing my thoughts on things I don't have experience about I'll tell you it's my opinion I'm I'm not qualified to give advice doesn't mean to say opinions aren't valuable But please understand there is a big difference so when it comes to mentors when it comes to uh people that have have walked a path that uh has got the Battle Scars to prove it and have fallen down and got up and actually learned from that and were able to share that information that's what I want to bring to the table for you guys today the gentleman that I'm going to be handing over to in a moment is an incredible gentleman anyone looking to write or publish a book at some point Kevin has produced more New York Times number one bestsellers has sold more millions of copies of books been on the number one list of the New York Times bestseller for weeks and weeks and weeks in a row uh many times uh the New York Times called in the master of modern day marketing the Wall Street journalist called him America's marketing Guru he's uh built billions and billions of dollars of business Kevin was the first person to really expose me to the information that was taught by the secret societies Kevin uh I first came across Kevin early in my journey in personal growth some close to 30 years ago now Kevin what an absolute pleasure to have you here my friend well Peter is fantastic it's an honor and a privilege to be here uh thank you so much for inviting me uh for all the people watching right now you you are blessed to have a teacher and a mentor like Peter he is a spectacular guy an intelligent guy but the experience and his ability to Comm communicate that information to you and help transform people is really Second To None So you are all blessed to have Peter as as a mentor and Peter is a very very dear friend of mine he's been there uh and obviously we we both have gone through challenges in our life but you know there was a saying by Earl Nightingale some people remember Earl Nightingale with Nightingale coning Corporation he wrote The Strangest Secret and Earl Nightingale said successful people are not people without problems they're people who've learned how to overcome their problems and that's really where it comes down to when you listen to people and Peter talked about advice you need to be listening to people that have what you want and have been where you are if a person has gone through a rough road and has overcome those things that person has a lot of experience sometimes you call them uh battle hardened or battle experienced they they have a lot more knowledge in somebody who's been given that silver spoon or somebody who's had kind of a smooth easy Road they may not know what adversity is or how to overcome it or how to deal with it but when you listen and get mentored or coached or advised or counseled by people who have had some rough times and have overcome them there's a lot there that you can grasp and learn years ago back in this 70s and I'm I'm a lot older than a lot of people think I'm old but years ago back in the 70s I was brought into a secret organization called the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood work with skull and bones from Yale University Bohemian Grove uh Bilderberg Group and the highest level of Freemasonry in these organizations we were taught success principles success recipes success formulas and also how to move and manipul at energy with the power of our mind how to create reality with the power of our mind really isn't talked about in the mainstream but this is what is taught behind closed doors it's not so much Enlightenment which you can learn from Yogananda the great Guru or different swamis muktananda's line in City yoga or if you follow that type of thing there are a lot of gurus out there that I've known and I've been with and I've lived with I've been down to the home and stayed with a very famous gurus a close dear friend of mine and that's Enlightenment that's Spiritual Awakening but what we're going to talk about today is manifesting goals dreams and desires this is nothing I invented this is something that I was taught and when I was taught this I applied this in real life and the results were spectacular so I'm going to share with you a recipe and you can write these down I think there's some very powerful notes Here some some of you may think well this this sounds similar but it's really not now it's a recipe for manifesting goals dreams and desires this is the first thing I was taught in a Brotherhood they said Kevin if you want to change and improve something in your life if you want to get something if you want to get and improve your income if you want a new car if you want better better status if you want to improve your health if you want to change the shape of your body if you want to get over the fear of public speaking if you want a relationship a passionate relationship if you want even Enlightenment and basically to have a sense of inner peace and joy regardless of external conditions the first thing you have to do is hate the situation you're in right now you have to experience pain this is never talked about you have to look at what you have and start despising it it's something I can't live with any any more this negative energy is what condenses negative energy condenses positive energy expands you need to have condensed energ energy first so that you can release that power and manifest things that condensing of energy people very rarely do you need to have hurt that you are not gonna take this anymore so much that it condenses the energy so that you can move that you have to move there's no other choice but move which means create what you want in your life without this element you don't have motivation you don't have inspiration you don't have drive you don't have enthusiasm these are the key elements of manifesting things in your life people manifest things in your life they bump out J jump out of bed in the morning because they need to make something happen they're focused they're excited they're determined they're they're enthusiastic they're motivated they're driven because it's not you're not being driven by wanting something you're really more driven by eliminating the pain that you have number two you need to then from the point of not liking the house not liking the car looking at yourself in the mirror in your underwear or naked and getting disgusted I remember there's uh the ex secretary of state in the United States Mike Pompeo he blew up like a balloon when he was Secretary of State and became very very obese I saw him on TV and he was thin and in phenomenal shape I almost didn't recognize him but I thought who's this good-looking guy and I go that's not Mike Mike Pompano and it was I called him I said hey can't believe how good you look and he goes thanks I go what happened and he goes I looked in the mirror when I was naked I came out of the shower and I realized how disgusting I looked and how disgusting I felt and I just got so disgusted I just stood there for five full minutes feeling disgusted and he goes that was it that's all I needed you understand see it's all he needed he needed to contract that energy and then he goes I'm going to look like I did when I was in West Point he goes Kevin then that day not the next day that day I started exercising and changed my diet that day I was determined I was going to change this do you understand that you have to get that disgust but that drives you when you when you're disgusted with how you look or your car or your income or the fact that your bills aren't paid or you can't do the things you want you can't you know pay for education for your kids or you can't get the things you want you can't travel the way you want you can't go where you want can't live the lifestyle you want whatever it is that's when you can then clearly Define what you want as Napoleon Hill says Define your dream so Define from the pain you don't like the car you're tired of it Define exactly what you want specifically what you want and expand that dream create what you can call an ideal scene what's the ideal seene for your life is it is it what's the ideal scene for your relationship what's the ideal scene for your health and the way your body looks and feels what's the ideal scene for your Enlightenment State your joy your love your bliss inner Bliss step three is a magical step you have to write it down write down what you want why why is that so important I people fooo this all the time if you look at energy bir first part of energy is a wave an electron is a wave when it's observed it becomes a particle this is how energy works when you have a thought about what you want first it becomes a wave when you really focus on it and think specifically about what you want it becomes a particle in the universe or in your field so I can look at somebody for example I do this on one of ones all the time and they'll we'll get on the phone then I'll say ah red Porsche and they'll going how did you know that I go it's right in your field I can see it it's like clear as a bell you're really focusing on it so they converted the wave into a particle so it becomes real mass in in in the field but in order to convert it into the physical Universe you have to take a piece of paper and you have to write it down so you have to write down specifically what you want somebody says well can I just type it into my computer yeah you can it's better if you write it down because there's more mass step four there's a concept called dream building and I learned this again in my organization and it was also taught by a guy named dexer who's a good friend of mine in the Amway business he had the largest downline in the the Amway organization worldwide he was called the master dream Builder but I learn this in the Brotherhood as a very powerful specific technique this also intensifies the energy toward what you want so it magnetizes and and and comes in into your life that virtually is attracted into your life or created into your life dream building is where let's say you want a car okay you write down the car go to the car dealership look at that car touch that car because when you physically touch something in in the physical Universe things change sit in the car smell the car look at the price of the car study the car but it's touching and feeling if you want to roll up watch go touch and feel the Rolex watch put it on have somebody take a picture with you having the Rolex watch on this is powerful this little trick it's not really a trick because it's all energy it's it's really a mathematical formula will start attracting that into your life much faster next when you know what you want here's the formula or the recipe at this stage and it's a critical recipe you have to see yourself in possession of what you want to attain and feel now as if you were actually in possession of that thing if you want a great relationship picture in your mind yourself in your ideal relationship you and that your lover holding hands looking at each other she's looking at you he's looking at you in so much love you're looking at them and feeling your heart flutter can't keep your hands off each other you talk talk talk you you you just love communicating you love being in each other's company you laugh you have great passionate love making etc etc whatever your picture is picture that and then feel now as you would feel if you were actually in possession of what you want that's the feeling this is critical and this is a critical part of the recipe it's a critical element picture and feel now as if you are already in possession of it and this is where almost everybody screws up if you feel like you want want and need something if you feel like you lack something now and your emotional state will change once you get what you want you will never attain it because if you're feeling lack or wanting or needing or have to have nothing will happen so the secret sauce here is after you picture yourself in possession of what you want and feel now as if you were already in possession of it you're in that state I'm actually in possession of the Porsche I'm driving the Porsche and I feel great man I can't this is such a great feeling because look at all my friends oh I feel great you know I feel on top of the world yeah yeah look at them look I know what they're thinking I know what they're talking about I'm doing success is the best revenge here's the magic then you have to release and let go of any attachment to actually having it you actually have to then say but it's totally okay if I never get that Porsche and when you release the attachment to having to have it when you say but it's totally okay if I never get it maintain the same feeling so you release the Porsche I no longer have the Porsche but feel exactly the same way this is the magic because now you don't care if you get it or not because you're who cares if you get it you're already feeling the same way as if you did get it and since getting it really I want to get it because I want to feel that way but wait a minute I'm already feeling that way sure I still want it I I mean I'd like to get it it'd be nice to have but I don't have to get it because I'm already feeling as if I had it even though I don't so I really don't care if I get it when that happens the magical thing occurs in your life you're the one who says when I least expected it that's when it happened next number seven you have your dreams your goal your your big picture item of what you want but realistically that ideal scene for Your Life Could Happen five years from now two years from now long time it's a dream now doing these steps eliminate what Gordon Ramsay told me Gordon Ramsey said you have to have a dream but you can't live in a dream world in other words you can't be delusional so you have these Big Dreams you feel now as if you already in possession of them you release the attachment to them but you're going to be in a dream world you have to do the next step the next step is you break down that dream into a singular chief aim a chief aim is something that you know you can attain in six months to one year not a dream not a wish but it's something you can attain within six months to a year your dream can be unreasonable your vision your dream can be so big it may take three lifetimes to accomplish so your dream can be unreasonable and the bigger your dream the better but then you have to now get realistic if you really want to make things happen because you have to come out of the dream world out of delusion out of fantasy land hey welcome to Fantasy I see people all the time I'm gonna do this and this and this and I go welcome to Fantasy Island you're nothing but a delusional person and they're like what are you I'm just I go you're delusional smack smack smack and I'm doing this because I love them not because I'm being mean to them I don't like being mean I'm doing them because I want to snap them out of their stupid state and get them so they can actually manifest stuff because they've been saying this for 10 years and they haven't moved in their income nothing's changed in their life it ain't working so you have to break your dream down into a chief Fame something that you know that you can achieve in six months to a year hey let's say you're 30 pounds overweight my chief Fame is in uh one year to lose 10 pounds well heck you can do that that's not impossible that's not even a stretch so the chief aim has to be specific with a time limit but it's got to be set up so that you know you can win listen this is a game and you you're writing the rules write the rules so that you always win win so you have to have your chief aim and you have to have your objective and again they must be written down right in that wall over there I got my dream right Bel then at the top and then right below it I got our chief aim and then right below that I got our objective now the objective is something that you're going to sometimes you can call that a goal an objective or a goal that's something you want to achieve within one month to three months and again something you know as long as you do the actions you can get it it's not fantasy it's not it's not something that's you know outrageous it's reasonable so set your objective write it down with your objective when you look at your objective and here's where the rubber meets the road now you say what do I have to do what action step do I have to take tomorrow what is the action step okay I want to put on on an event in September okay so what is the action step that's an objective could be a chief Fame could be the goal something you want what are the action steps I have to find a hotel that has the room and the availability on the dates I want I have to sign a contract and negotiate the contract with the hotel the rooms and the AV then I have to put the registration on a website then I have to Market it you can think of all the things so you grab a piece of paper my friends and you start writing all of the action steps that are needed the actual action steps that are needed or if you don't know the action step you write down the end result like get contract signed that's an end result get contract signed in order to get the contract signed an action step is is I need to call Tammy at the Hyatt that's my action step and tell her to send me the contract the next action step is to read the contract the next action step is to call Tammy and negotiate the language of the contract do you understand my objective is sign the contract but there's a lot of action steps that have to be written write them down when you write this down the whole universe now realize you are ser ious the last step you chart your progress with Statistics everything has to be measurable otherwise you will confuse activity with accomplishment and that's not my phrase I learned that from Zig Ziggler confusing activity with accomplishment most people do that they're not getting anything done but they're always busy Kevin thank you so so much and again absolute gold in in that formula uh nothing you need a PhD for you need a 20 years is a rocket scientist for follow the steps don't get it confused I think you've had a huge amount of value I'm I'm a huge fan as you know and a couple of questions if I may one of the things that my students and I teach a lot is you know environment beats will over time yeah if if you are hanging out with nine recreational drug users chances are you're going to become the 10th over time if you're hanging around with nine people who look through the lens of how we can not why we can't you possibility thinking rather than you negatively thinking that are setting six figure goals not five figure goals you're going to become the tenth you it's it's the power of you know environment beats well it's it's power of a peer group now a lot of people don't really have much of a peer group they have more of a fear group yeah or a beer group um and there's a lot of negativity that's out there that's running as default or noise or if you want to go further down the rabbit hole whole very coordinated in its intention to bring people's frequency of vibration down by feeding It crap what would be some of the best ways in your mind to kind of rise above the the the default noise that that's out of there without you know trying to lock yourself in as a Hermit yeah what you just described is a key element of success and one of the greatest kept secrets of success it's Association it's who you associate with who do you spend time with research has shown repeatedly that your income is the average of your five best friends so what you said is Peter is 100% correct one of the greatest kept secrets in the world of success when you look at people that in today's dollar amount it's really hundred million net worth or about $10 million a year income that's kind of the level that you kind of look that and above when when it comes to material success some of these people are miserable they don't have good health they're out of balance but let's just talk about material success for a moment if you're looking at somebody who's making that type of money look at all of them every one of them and throughout history including Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford and all these people and today the big the big boys like Elon Musk and the late uh stepen jobs Etc they are all part of a group either a private club a secret society a country club a group or an association and at the lower levels they're part of things like uh YPO Young Presidents organization or club like Rotary Club why so they can associate with like-minded people that will uplift and help them we have a connection via our DNA to our family and if you're a member of a wealthy family you have an advantage because you're getting power from all the other people in that family to you via your DNA so if you're down you you get empowered via DNA Channel and if you're positive you're empowering everybody else who has the DNA connection if you don't have that because a lot of our family friends and relatives are boneheads and we like you know how did I you know how did I draw this card out of the deck you know look at all my friends you know they're all negative Nellies right well then you have to join a group like YPO or rotary or you know your organization is a great group you know mine the Global Information Network or I actually have a fan club the Kevin tro fan club where people join and become Partners so they can connect and when they join energetically they're connected to the rest of the like-minded group so they Empower each other just energetically that's really critical every successful person is part of the a group and Association so that they can pull for others and have others pull for them on an energetic level not just by giving them the right connection you know call this guy or um you know giving them advice that they wouldn't be been able to get someplace else that's all good but it's more the connection energetically that these individuals have that make the difference