hmm steve hey sandy what's the latest oh man they're retaliating against me because of my numbers he also to uh bring in numbers up but i would have massively write promises and arrest people to come up with nothing close to the number that they want to come up with you know the goal so i want to investigate who made a decision can i come down there and film it all you want my god thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to who we be [Music] [Music] [Applause] and thank you mr mayor it's now my pleasure and personal pride introduce the police mission of the city of new york the honorable william j bratton good morning and congratulations to you and to your families over the last 24 years most of you are still too young to remember the devastation of the 80s and 90s this city reclaimed its streets it reclaimed its neighborhoods and its parks and we the police were the integral and essential element in doing that well the new mission for the new york city police department is going to be quite simply to save the children of this city there are too many young men in the city carrying guns who have been drawn into the crews and into the gangs and we need to prevent that from happening raise your right hand of the united states as a police officer in the new york city police department the best of my ability so help me god congratulations so [Music] hello hey son listen i'm gonna find the the place okay [Applause] i don't know let me let me do what i got to do now i got cause i got really got to do this okay talk to you later but you need to catch up with everybody else you realize you have the worst activity in the facility you should be getting a call a month you should speak to one more now but i'm all right with one a month you understand what i'm saying when i go out there i don't go out with a number in my mind i'm not saying that i'm not asking you to but what i'm saying is like how can you not see something as soon as you get in your car and you drive away by the time you get to the corner there's at least one person did something wrong in front of you my understanding is that i'm trying to explain to you i mean you're not hearing you gotta listen you gotta look around you everybody else around you is moving a lot faster than you you need to catch up with everybody i i don't you can continue to fight him which it's a few you've been going to do similar stuff that i've been going through and he went through i just want you to explain to polanco here everything that's been going on just because uh i didn't bring the amount of senses and rest they wanted me to bring to uh to the precinct uh i've been punished and retaliated against and you thought that after all i've been through that after all he'd been through that after all the that we've been through that exposing stuff and first exposing our numbers machine we thought that it was over but they still was doing the same this is that's the same up but it's worse because you came out right first it was schoolcraft they buried his story you came out they bury your story i i went to um federal court and then they buried my story we know what's going on out there and we know what's hurting tops and we know that morale of cops is very low everybody that you mean everybody's this job this job this that's a morale that's what that's that's how everybody feels yeah i've heard the lieutenant give him a quota i heard the sergeant threaten him if he didn't follow the quota if nothing works then we're gonna eventually have to sue if if they give us no recourse we're going to have to sue and and make we have to make some change i feel like we have to tell you this because once you're out you cannot go back no no no it'll eat you alive individually we have to be strong too they're now your friends and we also uh we rely on each other something bad happens to you you call me you call him before you lash out at anybody do not trust anybody else they're going to come after many ways you got to be prepared um investigator gomez can i help you department in corrections recording and monitoring hello yeah how you doing this is uh investigator gomez who's this brandon robinson fandy robinson yeah what can i do for you sir um i was wondering like what's that prices with the type of investigators okay well what kind of case do you have um a murder case at all where are you located rikers manhattan brooklyn queens where at the moment i want you to call your mom sister whoever it is and let them know that pride investigator manuel gomez is going to be taking your case if you innocent but do not waste your family's money if you're not okay all right well then if you innocent i will get you out and free you i'm going gonna go there and see you i need you to have all your paperwork ready i need to write down a list of people witnesses so i can start my investigation okay i'm gonna let you know now i'm gonna see i'm gonna see you there jesus christ it's the best we're the best in new york can i get uh uh two of these and uh and it's for you though i'm breaking this cherry he's never had a lava tail now this this is emotional but this you gotta try outside the car cause we're gonna get it all over the place all right yeah thank you i'll trade off with you you're gonna shoot i'll shoot you go ahead try that you're gonna shoot me trying to lock oh my god that is a lot of pastry no no no not from there you gotta crack it down there's a way to eat it i've been a proud investigator now for about three and a half years um i was before that i was a military intelligence officer for the army i've been on numerous missions with the united states marshals hunting fugitives worked for the department of state for the u.s embassy in kabul protecting help protecting the u.s ambassador i used to also be a cop when i was a police officer i saw a lot but the police department they want you to be a kind of cop that keeps his mouth shut and doesn't say anything and i refuse to do that so i was forced off the job in 2011 and i decided to do what i do best which is investigate crimes [Music] i'm investigator emanuel gomez i'm a fire investigator i'm out here looking into the cops from the 421 harassing people so if you guys have anybody any young bloods i have any problem day or night so what's your first name i'm proud investigator emmanuel gomez all right nice to meet you so go ahead so what happened to you i was walking out and they grabbed me like this then when they put their hand covered on me they welcome me to the car and they're like i'm like what am i being charged for i was asking the whole time when i got to see my lawyer my lawyer told me i was getting charged with criminal possession of a weapon but there was no weapon there was no weapon they just told my mom to come get me i'm 17. okay at least got dismissed yeah i have no criminal records hey how are you no no it's not no i'm he's filming me you know hold on let me finish i'm not that ugly i'm not that ugly no no he's filming me because i'm i'm doing i'm doing an investigation what's your first name ricardo what's up all right come on in don't worry i don't bite me take this off man sit down with me what's wrong with you here hold on a second listen don't worry about it don't be sorry i'm not that ugly listen here's the deal we're putting a a major lawsuit against the department for violating the state law on quotas so what i want to know is how many arrests do you have that was dismissed every one of them i got arrested for i never got arrested for no and they were all dismissed okay how many would you say five four six about seven five on that like so seven seven times i want you to go in the courthouse bring your id you're gonna get all the cases that says dismissed okay and you're gonna bring them to me you're gonna call me up says manuel i got my cases right and then i'm gonna follow lawsuit for all those false arrests all right i want you to do me a solid i want you to go in with your mom and i want to go in there and tell her that i'm going to be your man now all right you're going to be my stepson all right all right i am crazy i'm crazy but i'm good you got a problem getting paid you got problem getting justice all right so you enjoying the family [Music] i could be here all night long meeting people like that kid mr mercado without a doubt without a doubt but i mean come on the guy was arrested seven times all the arrests were dismissed what does that tell you you're taking days out of this kid's life fingerprinting and you're doing this to the point where eventually you're gonna get something to stick against the wall because the the the judge is gonna say oh my god why does he have so many arrests not that oh my god he has so many arrests because the cops are harassing him and that that they were dismissed no they don't see that this is what kills me i mean it's it's blatant the evidence is clear as day and they don't do anything about it it's disgusting it really is as you work take six the admonition i bring to you is be cops be what cops are supposed to be honest with pride with commitment you cannot break the law to enforce the law and it may be temptations you're going to deal unfortunately as many great people as there are out there and you're going to meet a lot of great people there's also some very bad people out there and you're going to want to get them you're going to want to arrest them you're going to want to put them in jail you want to get them out of these neighborhoods and put them in prison because some of them just are never going to change they are criminals and that's unfortunate but that's the reality the crisis that we now have is can the nypd continue to make the city even safer but in doing it continue to improve relationships particularly in our neighborhoods that still have too much crime by policing in a constitutional way a respectful way and consistently and with integrity let me emphasize that term integrity hello steve hey sandy what's going on oh man these people they took me off my second car and put me on a football but nothing is going on even if something happens in the area i'm not allowed to move from there until the end of my talk it's like being treated like a child you know when you put a child in timeout for all those cops to learn from my example just see if you see an suv then i'll say really put it down okay you think they could see you from there yeah i don't care really i really give man cold and cloudy today in new york city now that our winter storm has exited leaving behind some much cooler air 31 degrees today we're going to be feeling very chilly in the overnight hours you know what it is what do you mean oh i was a cop oh you're a cop wait wait sorry oh yeah this is doing something they're doing retaliation on me that's what it is because uh you want to get a hot chocolate go get a hot chocolate to go inside and drink it i i go later i go later thingies i have to um i have to go by you know these guys are watching me closely yeah somebody's on the car and i'm watching me too huh send me the card on there how much all right your your hat's got a uniform with a half why it's not it's not it's not supposed to not expect to be 30 or below 32 yeah what's uh it was like it was was uh this morning no the tour the tour is expected to be 38 degrees 38 degrees correct oh so i'll get a cd for this i'm just saying it had a uniform i'm pushing the book being out of uniform [Music] well when i came out is uh below 32. it's expected to be 38 degrees today i mean it felt very very cold earlier all right [Music] um we are also holding a press conference tomorrow which i'm encouraging each and every one of you to make sure that you come out and participate visibility is going to be everything in this effort we believe that there's enough in the forefront for us to be able to have some dramatic change take place in the police department you have all these people who end up retiring and then claim how everything was unfair and they had all the opportunity the same opportunity we've taken while we're active on the job to speak on these issues and why these gentlemen have spoken on the issues that they can take advantage and step up and speak to the issue without being scared uh and we had a class-action lawsuit that obviously represented that we're hoping to pursue another class election lawsuit that will probably be bigger than the first on that note please stand up and introduce yourself and tell us about your your current case before they tell you their story i just want to put this into perspective there's a quota law it's no longer the bill it's the court of law that means that i or no other police supervisor can go out and actually tell a particular police officer that you have to write 20 30 40 summoners it's illegal okay when you have supervisors and these officers will describe it when you have the supervisors that are using police officers as a revenue producing agent for the city then you're violating the quota law so you guys go ahead and introduce yourselves and speak i'm officer serrano from formerly from the fall priests in the bronx um south bronx and i work in uh the heights my situation there were many i was told by the exo and the ceo that i had to stop black people these were his words you must stop black people between 14 to 21. i said no we went at it i got suspended charges and specs blah blah blah from the beginning i saw how this job was that was not about helping people not helping our community is about numbers i always spoke my mind i always said you know what it's not about the numbers it's about the quality it's about helping people that did not sit well with the brass in my precinct they thought i was a rebel browser we got people who got summons where they live they got arrested where they live for trespassing we have a bunch of those yes we all seen the guys playing dominoes older gentlemen children on the side of the bodega playing domino's money their business excuse me what do we do it's the 29th i have to hit them with c-summons because i was told get to see something somewhere else number two i'm ringing look that's the only one i see because the bad guys aren't right there i'm doing detours right now they're not out the drunkens are sleeping so who am i targeting these four gentlemen and that's where the community problem arises oh that's antonio look the detective we're ready to go see the detective look and they're coming up the block too they're coming off the block they're looking at us this is crazy this is like the second third patrol that went around already tell me bro we gotta move from here it's gonna be a little hard and dusty because we haven't been staying here this was my son's room over here make sure these are the main from the family here as my oldest my youngest that's pedro that's my other daughter she just graduated high school i didn't get to upgrade his picture because he's graduating in there now he's not graduating outside some of these cops are so hungry for a rest they will follow my kids home come into my building knock on the door after that i couldn't let my kids go through that so because of that i just left from the morning to the night i told my kids pack luggage and i took them out of here around here me me personally i could tell you there's multiple kids with the same pro with the same like this they get arrested they go and there's not a shred of evidence all they do is arrest them without no evidence and then what the court does dismiss the case this is all the dismissals attempt of murder charges dismissed reckless endangerment with a weapon dismissed again reckless endangerment with a weapon they just declined prosecution all this costs money there's like a few more and i gave them to the lawyer i'll dismiss yeah or dismiss um it came to the point i hired this private investigator i said i need somebody to speak for me i need somebody to go to the district attorney's office explain that every time they're arresting this kid they messing up his life for months private investigator manuel gomez has pounded the pavement in this south bronx neighborhood do you guys live in the area that shooting happened september 1st my own shooting so you've been all over here all over here determined to prove that 16-year-old pedro pablo hernandez didn't open fire with a gun during a street dispute here in september of last year five witnesses say that he didn't do the shooting hernandez a high school student with no criminal record has been on riker since july his mother unable to post the 250 thousand dollars bond my son is mentally devastated sometimes he tells me he wants to die cops have arrested hernandez several times most of the cases dismissed thanks to alibi evidence obtained by p.i gomez [Music] [Music] so [Music] this is a call for all new york city officers this is the opportunity you have to now come forward and highlight the illegal quota system the new york city police department this is what the commanding officer wrote to officers who are on patrol saying that if you don't give the summonses that generate money for the new yorkers for new york city that these officers are going to be disciplined and punished this suit was filed on march 2nd in the sarton district right here since then we have had at least 30 new york city police officers who have come forward and told us that they suffer from the same conditions out of those theory we have signed up eight additional plaintiffs who wish to be named and more are still coming forward now what what is the point of the lawsuit the system that police officers are forced to implement is driven by numbers ever since comstat it's all about numbers numbers we're talking about enforcement activity and the kind of impact that it has both on the police officers and the community the national latino officers association claims police officers are being evaluated on a quota system even though that's against the law according to the group officers are mandated to make at least one arrest a month and hand out at least 25 summonses [Music] one second all right so what i'm telling you is make sure you tell the rest of the guys as well make sure you're wearing your best all the time it says we reach your point of no return which means that some people understand what we're doing and some people are going to be scared about what we're doing all right so dot your eyes brush your teeth treat it like a game right now so you don't get upset don't go home angry about it you have to mentally adjust to it okay if you treat it like a game you play baseball whatever it is you enjoy it they make a move you make a move you keep yourself balanced you keep yourself balanced they can't hurt you whatever you think you need to talk to somebody or it's not going the way you think it should then we're a phone call away that's that's the point of why we do what we do because you're never alone in this process okay thank you so much yes what time i'm off for the next two days what time any any time okay you guys are based in manhattan so right after the press conference wrapped up i went over to the attorneys and said you know i'm a police officer and i think i can add some ammunition to this case the commander felt that my numbers were too low i basically wasn't meeting the the quota so the plan to sabotage my promotion was already being discussed what's the issue with me just just um activity the quota due to what your enforcement is that's what it is but it has to be more because technically when it comes to something that's it but when it comes to numbers i'm not the lowest you know even though we're not supposed to care about numbers i'm still not the lowest so why all this extra effort with me you really want me to tell you what i think it is you really want me to say you're a young black man with dreads very smart have a loud i have a what they call a a loud say meaning your words is loud okay you understand what i'm saying by that yeah this dude those were the exact words this dude yeah i'm like wow when he said that i mean i knew what it was but you know for him to actually say it to be asked to participate in something that disenfranchises black folks even more it's horrible [Music] so who they doing what are they doing to you i've been here for a few years they always stop me just just move me and they stop you and do what huh and do what check me check out nuts put me in the car for a few and then just let me go check out when they just let me go right nobody's allowed to violate your rights did you know this so he's over here do you know this you know that nobody can come over here and frisk you and go like this and go in your pockets and start doing that the next time one of them stop you whoever it is let's say if it's that one right there you gotta let me know i need you to take me to where it happened the night of the incident i'm right here and they got me up against the gate like that so when they got me up against like that i'm like i'm telling them like we tried we tried to stop we're like we are arresting me for like what's all this for me they just pull up with me right here by the fire hydrant hop out jump out let me see your hands let me see your hands i'll give them my hands i'm coming up to them i know the police i'm coming up to them i didn't do nothing wrong officer i ain't doing nothing wrong throw your hands up put my hands up they were searching me so hard i take my jacket off they pick it in my pants i even took my pillow so my jeans could be loose so they could really feel oh everything on me i like yo come on stop grabbing me what y'all grabbing me for hey there's no reason for y'all to grab me yeah yeah yeah one reason for me to try to resist a lesser child try to fight with you i'm not gonna do that because i don't want to get locked up so my mom's sitting there watching that's what luna snagged me and all this got dismissed all this got dismissed all right now what i want you to do is you're going to call make a ccrb complaint yeah this is the only way we're going to put a stop to this is when you're making complaints against them if you are not saying no [Music] that you would like to file a complaint about they first me and search me thirst me and took my clothes has been registered thank you for following the civilian complaints trinket board he's coming pedro hernandez your honor i just would like to put on the record um you know we went through great pains to define this week which is a a suitable week for defense as well as prosecution try this case um i understand that the matter was adjourned from two days ago administratively by the court until today um i just don't see why the prosecution were not ready for trial the last time it was adjourned was through the scheduling of the prosecution and the prosecuting attorney um i just don't understand what the reason for the german is this time offers my there was an informal offer of a non-incarceratory um plea with youthful offender status that's been offered twice my clients rejected that both times you're still rejecting it because that will certainly get an amount of time to go to school he maintains an innocent honor he is charged with criminal possession of the weapon he's facing up to 15 years of state prison i just wanted to understand that a trial is a risky operation and if he is not innocent then the likelihood is that there will be trial evidence that will be incarnate and i thank the court for addressing the issue your honor and i've had extensive negotiations and discussions with him concerning pre-bargain offers and he understands the risks involved with the trial but it's a position to reject those offers i've said by peace you can proceed as he will 7 12 7. so and i pretty much keep everything this was a while back put up in the uh in the precinct you know telling us basically we need x amount of cell phones x amount of seat belts x amount of double pockets x amount of bus stops so this is that how do you justify taking stuff off of commander's desk um hey when we say we're threatened or a boss said this or there is quotas nobody nobody's gonna believe you unless you have that physical proof i had a sergeant told basically everybody your job as a police officer is to lock people up but that's not my job to lock people up our job is to keep the peace to protect property but a lot of officers they really don't know that i wish one of those chiefs from headquarters could watch me on a damn patrol watch out out of the eight hours that i'm on patrol i have at least 30 people coming to shake my hand what's up boss everything's good man everything's good man yeah yeah wherever they put me i'm gonna talk to people i'm gonna be like hello what's going on shake his hands because that's the type of person i am and that's the way all of us should be but nobody sees this because the last few years officers have been trained to be different a lot of times your officers don't know how to talk to people what's up what's up what's up what's up big man everything good big man what's up man everything good walk up in here talking all that funny you good though you go big man very good we can either like beat him up and fight him and drag him or cuff him or or you can talk to him yo yo don't spin your doughnut no more man don't spin your door no more but but this right here this way is the whole point i was with the young boy this right here come up in there pop and my man my man that you you that's what's up no don't spend your cheese in here no more man that's it man you got all these other bold daggers man don't go in there no more man don't spin your donut no more man fight then he want to act like no we good man we going to act like you want to fight somebody come outside he grabbed the weapon he want to him right it's done man it's done it's done a situation like that could have been turned into something crazy i'm not saying every time you're gonna be able to talk somebody down but i tell you like these new guys don't know how to handle a situation like that they're so used to just fighting beating up somebody they don't know how to de-elevate anything they don't know how to defuse it [Music] okay is bill bratton's leadership is under attack the man accused of illegally selling cigarettes died as nypd officers wrestled with him eric garner's arrest caught on video led to protests we could talk about ferguson we can talk about florida we need to talk about brooklyn we could talk about rainfall station oscar graham i mean it's continuous it just keeps going it just keeps going what do you want us to do how long do you think you're going to keep the powder cap on [Applause] commissioner critics are blaming your broken windows policy it's been hailed all around the world is successful going after low-level crimes before big ones happen okay so in this case many people are upset however because they feel it's targeting communities of color how do you respond to that we are not targeting communities of color we are targeting behavior unfortunately there are a number of neighborhoods in the city that still have the highest crime rates that's been the case unfortunately 20 30 years even though crime in those neighborhoods is down 70 or 80 percent so that's where i put a lot of extra police into those neighborhoods they have thousands of extra police in those neighborhoods to keep the crime down while they're there they are seeing other offenses that they're going to act upon [Music] don't shoot black officers puerto rican officers nobody likes you nobody you all are hated you are hating in new york you are hated throughout the united states this is anger this is not ignorance this is just anger [Music] you have to see the way they talk about us behind our back and you have to be very careful right but we do have some support amongst yeah a lot of support the support that i have seen i'm not sure everybody's connecting that that's but um so um eric garner he he got killed it was a part of because of they were chasing for activity yeah and that's the reason the quote is right that's the reason why we're here the guy in the bronx graham is the same thing they're chasing him because they're trying to get the activity they're trying to get that quota you know what i mean they go you go extra hard not knowing they're 29 months you're smarter you don't have your arrests you're going right you're going to do anything you have to do not everybody you know but 50 i would say 50 of the cops they don't want to suffer the consequences of not having that arrest because you're going to suffer consequences like we all are suffering consequences of not having those arrests you know being a police officer is not easy the stuff that we see the stuff that we deal with is not for no human being to see sometimes it's bad and then for somebody else to say that we're not working simply because we don't want to arrest the innocent and be labeled as lazy and all this we need to redefine the word working as a police officer i i went to a job today uh another domestic a mother called cops a little girl she didn't want to go to school she had state tests well she said i'm not going to school so i said i took her no room again i said you got to go to school two other officers came in they were assisting us it was actually their job and i said to myself i'm so happy that i got here before so i said to the mom mom i'm gonna take her to school i took her to school i talked to school safety about her i talked to the principal i please excuse her for being like she's not in trouble i just brought her to school i was talking to and it made me feel good you know what i mean that that i could do that and knowing that if i wasn't there it would her day would have went much different uh oh there's technical difficulties in there so you're gonna have to like wait i told him i didn't get one hold on your breath was fall out i don't like that oh my god what i don't like about it i can fix it [Music] sorry bye guys i'm gonna follow you the neighbors are probably like what the hell is going on over there those black people there's not many blacks over there i'm just looking at all of the guys on the corner and i'm like shaking my head like oh boy what are they gonna think about me now between my divorce and this job i just been i'm tired of fighting i don't know i can't think about it i can't worry about it i'll get depressed i'll start crying i'll say it's not fair just you know what's the point of it all it's only gonna make me look old oh my gosh are these her friends who went down starting with the pre-teen years a lot of my friends started emulating the behavior that they saw in the streets first starting with smoking weed and then within the year of smoking weed they were doing gunpoint robberies on flatbush avenue and i was shocked when when i realized that my my friends were doing gunpoint robberies i couldn't believe it and they hadn't grown up as poor as i was you know their mothers were struggling with their mothers were working their mothers made sure that they ate i i used to walk around dizzy from not eating as much as as much as i loved the weekend as any kid would love the weekend saturday morning cartoons no school i also dreaded the weekends because no school food and that was the majority of my calories came from school lunch um it was tough it was tough coming up how much of you is in this with a settlement in mind you can offer me all the money in the world no settlement this system has to change with a settlement the system continues and i'm not for that and i hope that others understand this you know some may have joined the class action because of what was done to them i joined to change this can we have somebody like you in that meeting if we decide to bring you in if there is a meeting like you said one of us two of us in the meeting you'll be more like an expert i would consider somebody who went through the system already some advisor who went through this already we're gonna walk out walking there blind money is not necessarily what we want uh yes you'll be nice to the paid but money listen i hate to say it that way are they gonna fix everything they did wrong to you no no no no no no no no money is absolutely objective okay damages damages is when you hurt them in their pocketbook that's long-lasting you follow me the settlement for 26.8 million dollars they're still talking about that today right but it also made the blueprints for every other police agency to follow if the things that they're giving you are significant in terms of systemic changes and permanency then you may have to grab it but when you go to trial it's all about money anything about nothing else settlement is about changing the process what about the injunctions what about the changes a trial is about dollars and cents it's about damages damages so when you go to trial and you go all the way down it's going to be like okay so the pockets a little bigger and we're dividing more money but systemic changes they don't have the authority to compose it don't you want something to drink there's some soda yeah there's someone somewhere this media thing what are they gonna ask you this is on a news station nbc okay so whatever you're speaking about is to the point there's no explanations this is a punchline business what is going to get the people's attention that you're talking about illegal quota systems um illegal arrests they're forcing us to make the quota is hurting minority people and he said listen it's killing communities of color and you say well that wants a response right so what do you mean obviously by killing they're killing them they're locking them up for no reason what you need is community backing if the community backs you then this gets a life of its own if the community is not backing you is you and the police department and nobody gives a damn you were talking about a public safety issue where they're generating billions of dollars on the backs of poor people every day see that's a headline that's it yes this administration this was supposed to be progressive and things like uh affordable housing universal healthcare uh universal uh pre-k what's the point when in 12 years that four-year-old will be swept into a quota system and now you're gonna take that and dumb it down connecting too many dots you gotta you gotta dumb it down yeah because remember the whole point from point a to b is never get there got it so dumb it down simplify get lost man all right and is this is the mayor responsible for this yeah well not he's not rest but he's in a position where he listen what they actually this is like baiting oh i see you're baiting the cow right because they're telling you is the man responsible yes he is no he's not good this has always been around right he can be a solution right there may have can be a solution to it [Music] you can't scream if you want to baby but no one can hear you can fight through the night but by delight you disappear if there's a way to be okay i'm sorry it's just not clear why you're lame let me say that you're the only one here don't worry it's okay truly explosive allegations in an i-team exclusive interview they're coming from police officers who are part of what's being called the nypd 12 12 cops who filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court the department says there are no quotas well i could tell you i'm a police officer there are quotas in the nypd are they lying absolutely it's illegal for them to admit it the worst thing you can have is a police officer that needs an arrest for the month you might not see nothing you're supposed to be visible you might not see anything but you go hunting like bounty hunting for an arrest kids getting locked up for bs for nonsense ride their bicycles the problem is when you go hunting when you put any type of numbers on a police office to perform we are going to go to the most vulnerable the most vulnerable of course we're going to go to lgbt community we're going to go to the black community we're going to go to those people that have no boat that have no power all they want us to do is go out there and lock them up they told us it's easy to get numbers out here because you you work in this type of community so you're all minorities how does that make you feel this is something coming from the top that trickles its way down and this is why we are here today are you arresting for stuff that you shouldn't be arresting for well that's why we're here we don't do it we refuse and because of that we are retaliated against because you're not harassing people you're being punished it doesn't make for a great work environment because they want you to harass people you know this is a big step to come forward like this it's not easy it's not easy um we are the enemies we are the people that nobody talk to we are the rats that speak out it takes a lot of guts to stand where we stand knowing that our career are basically over the second we speak against social mafia again the police commissioner declined to go on camera to address the allegations for quotas or racial discrimination it just gives me like butterflies in my stomach you know yeah yeah it's nervous it's nerve rattling i think that they try to make us as uncomfortable as they can without actually you know making it seem like they're retaliating against us i don't know exactly what's gonna happen because you know this is this is a big thing because it's not just the 12 of us that's been harassed like i said it's much more and they don't want everybody coming forward so they have to do some type of retaliation to put fear in others to discourage them from coming forward you know what what they gonna decide to do i'm not sure so basically we're here today filing opposition to a city's motion dismissed for our nypd 12 class action all of the nypd 12 has recordings of their supervisors pushing them to meet their quotas now it's implied that well it's not it's pretty explicit actually and in several um different precincts that you need to target males especially black and hispanic males 14 and 21. and in the class section we also have proof where a police captain puts the quotas numbers that he wants on the wall and then tells the guys if you don't get these numbers you're going to be working in pizza hut now you can't make that up this is what's going on and in this lawsuit we'll show this this department cannot correct itself monitor itself and punish itself we need an independent body to do this and this lawsuit will be the foundation to do that you noticed that they've been treating you any differently at all since the nbc interview yeah immediately immediately i was you know a guy i got ostracized and you know and then they put me here they carry me here just full post here how they were like you can't even leave you have to stay in this area even though i see something over here i can't address it i have to stay here [Music] you know they took away my overtime now i'm like well damn what if they put me on midnight what's going to happen to me if they put me on midnight my daughter's going to college and i have a 10 year old at home what is going to happen they gave me a low evaluation they put a bunch of false statements on evaluation to bring my numbers down to placement performance monitoring this evaluation i received a 2.5 average they put you on at midnight they put me on midnight they changed my tour they split up me and my partner it's just the way it went about it it was very sneaky very snakish you know so i don't know what they're going to pull next so i'm waiting and waiting to see what else they're going to pull this is actually something that was placed on my desk this is the last six months of my life as you see on the orange i'm in a second car the 31st of march was when the nbc news interview aired since then i was basically taken out of my car retaliation retaliation retaliation retaliation last week i found myself like working with my partner and i said to him i gotta get a summons you know i gotta get something i have to bring in something this month and i didn't like the way that made me feel because i'm scared you know so what do you think is coming out of the pike like well now i'm going to record everything because i'm afraid that you know they're making things up as they're going along so it's it's ridiculous when did this start picking up oh right after the nbc yeah yeah right after the nbc uh press release i kind of knew that probably was the answer but yeah the other guys were saying the same thing oh yeah all right so as you hold that you see the top button right that was recording now to record hold it for one quick second let's record the fan record steve no we turned it off recently that sergeant she just addressed roku and made the statement that i was recording and videotaping everybody in the precinct when it wasn't true she just said it out loud so everybody could hear and i i couldn't do anything and i felt sick i fainted because i felt powerless you you fainted at roll call a rock everybody was there everybody was there rich were you there yes i was there i was shocked that she said all of that and on top of that sandy's on the floor basically clutching his chest of pain she's saying why are you faking it it's it's taking i feel like i don't even want to go to work [Music] thank you it's still hot or it got cooler in there it's hot in the underwears that's what you had told me and i have the book that you wanted acquired on the western something he say they good but if you don't get into it at the beginning that then you won't get into it but that they good you coming over tomorrow yeah well pedro hernandez has been in rikers for the past eight months for a crime he didn't commit what are they saying that figure did they say pedro pulled out a gun and shot into a group of kids but i found several witnesses which proved that pedro didn't shoot the kid and the cop that arrested pedro also helped falsify six other arrests against him and he was promoted to detective because over the course of his career he's made over a thousand arrests which exceeds the quota by three times here's the shooting victim which i'll be meeting with later on tonight yeah sean you there i'm downstairs come downstairs i'm downstairs this is what i'm talking about i got to put into this but i can't do it by myself all right now's the time where i need you to lace up your boots and be hard down with me and knuckle up because we're going to go to a fight right now and the fights can be in court you're going to tell the truth and then after that we're going to go to your deposition and you're going to tell them to the city and i want you to look them in the eye just like you're looking at me because when you looked at me like this guess what i did i believed you all right sean so can you just run down me one more time on what happened the day you got shot um september 1st 2015. were you in the bronx yes i was okay what did you see while i was walking to my front house i had seen a group of kids all going to screaming so there was fighting and from out of nowhere you seen this guy shot at the group i didn't look back i just started taking off starting you realize you were shot or yeah after a while i started like i started feeling the pain in my leg did you see the guy who shot the gun yes do you know who he is yes i do you know female and a light-skinned cop ask me questions i'm like i don't know i ain't seen nothing i just keep on keep on asking the same questions i'm like i'm supposed to tell you something i don't know like i ain't get to see his face nothing like so what did he want you to do they want me to say they want me to say somebody that somebody shot me that i do not know from a hole in the wall by any chance was pedro hernandez there did you see him shoot anybody did you see him involved in a fight no i didn't i didn't saw him fighting and i did not sue him shoot no gun was painted oh my name is involved in that shooting no tell me i'm like i remember nothing like he like stopped playing before um while i punch your head into a ball how come you wouldn't say pedro shot you same um nothing heard of him until like that situation happened like that took a lot of strength for you to deal with that and stay rested for three days wow any other cat would have just said that's him that's him just to get out of here but you didn't i got a lot of respect for you i took a lot of honor god bless you hey jessica how are you excited did you see the video yes once um that was it it'll come out a little bit i have like a good feeling today today that's the first time i heard that mother happened we also want to acknowledge other uh police officers who have really taken on a lot of heat for them coming out and whistle blowing on on the issues of quotas of ticketing and whatnot and we want to let them know that we have their facts well stated i spoke to him it wasn't a good conversation he wasn't supportive of what we did at nbc studios he didn't he felt he didn't see the need for it and i told him you're crazy if you believe that man we're fighting this is david versus goliath yeah without public outreach without public support we're nothing i saw a friend here from the academy she didn't want to speak to me man see i saw a friend here from the academy she didn't want to speak to me right here wow which one was it i'll show you so we're rated on a five point scale with half intervals so anything below a three can ruin your career for the rest of your career these are the comments so i started off reading it i was shocked because i thought you could only put three comments i didn't know you could even put so many comments in an evaluation and you know the first three were regular and then right here number 25 drive slash initiative p.o raymond needs constant supervision pl raymond do not take any initiative or shows any drive unless specific specifically directed by a supervisor number 16 reasoning ability pierre raymond cannot apply rules or procedures to situations or cannot see how events or information relate to the solution of a problem he does not see how a series of events are related or connected to one another nor can you form logical conclusions from the events and i'm reading this like oh my god like this thing is uh making me sound like i have a low iq i mean the grammar is off the stuff doesn't even make sense and it just goes on and on just horrible horrible language and none of this applies to me whatsoever and i just couldn't believe what i was reading if you really look into those questions and really be honest with those questions that they asked you're full overall you know you as my immediate supervisor you evaluate me you work with me and you have no issue with my performance and for them to hijack your duty to evaluate me simply because they have a complete other agenda she told me before that i'm going to take away all your powers as far as supervisor when it comes to dealing with raymond this is going to be very important when the time comes to go to court because it really shows how much the the supervisors are under pressure themselves to pressure us you know this chain of command the way that this all starts from the top when i say the tab i mean the very top commissioner deputy commissioners and even the mayor's office and the newly appointed mayor probably bit off more than he can chew and didn't understand just how much the city's budget depends on law enforcement to generate part of that revenue by issuing summonses and arrests because the reality is law enforcement uses black bodies to generate revenue this is not a profile saying this is the third time you're on the block it's the big time every time i throw them up no man i'm saying this is a targeted block last time you pull out on me where the gun at you don't ask someone with a gun at bro if you you you talk to me with respect i i respond with respect you can't talk to me like a dog and expect me to answer with respect respect goes both ways in every way you live it works try it oh now to an update on an i-team exclusive the interview with active nypd officers who claim that they are pressured by supervisors to meet quotas for arrests and summonses a number of additional officers have actually reached out to us by the way the pba the nypd officers union did a survey recently thousands of members responded and 89 percent said they believe there are still quotas the police department flatly denies it the commissioner insists his policies are focused on the quality of arrests and summonses not the quantity the officer's claims elicited this expletive from the police commissioner i said is my response to that if any of my cops out there still think we're pushing for the summonses etc i'm sorry we're pushing to reduce crime [Music] the communities are going to see all those cops right your cops are stuck like coming out but you're still cops and and just watching a clip you're not going to get community support because they're going to be like yo these are they're still cops putting me up against the wall right so my question is what is a plan to kind of talk if i'm like yo these cops wanna meet y'all they're gonna be like i don't even feel safe talking to these cops these are the cops that are standing up against you i completely hear you all right i don't know how we can pay that message that's what i'm asking you all right that's what i'm like can i say something real quick it's not really about what you guys are saying support what you say it's about playing in a broader picture around how this will impact us in the community long term and so like how will this lead to less black bodies being violated how will this lead towards understanding like self-determination and black liberation right and so it's what is that message that is going to help people to understand that supporting you is supporting their cause and their mission right absolutely you know what it is people have to get to know us and see how we are because you know what every community police either brooklyn or south bronx we know how to interact with people we know how to solve people's problem but i think what she's saying is something different yeah and i understand what she's saying what she's saying is you're still a police officer right and there are people in our community there are people who i call to come to this meeting that said i will not be there because i don't work with police officers period at all right and they didn't come and the ones who told me they were coming that are not here i know exactly why they didn't show up right you all may be sitting here thinking we're here like what do you mean why but there are other elements to how you engage the community that some folks on the face won't understand and that's why i say back to us as the activist what do we think the messaging should be we're not here to endorse anything with police departments minister farrakhan has said to us there are many good officers but too few to stand up you have chosen to stand up that's right right you have chosen to put your livelihood on the line you have chosen to lose your job that protects your children my sister and to the brothers that are here that is what has to resonate just as a valid point the youth have to understand because they're the most besieged but all of us are besieged that's why we came to sit at the table apparently you all have had some kind of strategy what would you like for us to do and how would you like for us to do it the public support is what lets the city the state and the national government know this is not just another lawsuit because you're not going to get this again for 100 years 12 cops willing to step up like this put their careers on the line so in order for this to be taken serious we need you it's an and the analogy i use is a parent that spanks their child you know in the supermarket you can't spank the child because everyone's watching but when you get home the child's going to get it right now because of the the times article the nbc coverage we're in the supermarket the department is waiting for this thing to die down so they can spank us yes and and the only way that doesn't happen is you guys yeah all right so so how are you going to go that's one technique well we've already been enduring uh uh retaliation for not conforming to the quota but at this point they're going to try to fire us they're going to set us up they're going to get they have tactics with internal affairs they don't have to follow the law you know you know exactly so at this point you know giving me this post and killing my evaluation my listen if i if i never have to be promoted so my people can be treated better you can keep the promotion what nypd 12 or share in common is that we all are monitoring any police officer who is considered a threat they keep track of you this sergeant who's in charge of the monitoring he stopped me one day and he said hey i need to talk to you so we're about to meet him for the first time if it's legit we have a lot to gain but he it's a possibility he might try to sabotage it you know when i saw all you guys on tv i wanted to let you know what you guys complain about they did it to me this is it it affects white officers too but just like anything else in the police department it gets minorities the worse okay you know i'm familiar with you guys coming through performance monitoring i know that program i don't know if you guys remember my facebook i used to speak to you guys when you came down for performance modeling i was the one how many times i sat down with cops who were telling me i'm in performance monitoring because i'm not locking up people i've heard this before and but if you know anything about performance monitoring i don't know about it i'm on what the is that like well there's so much to tell you okay about the program but the fact that you guys don't the fact that you guys are on it they got you once you get in this program they got you no matter how well you perform it's not going to be good enough the performance modeling program and evaluations those be tools to measure uh performance and a measure of whether cop is doing this job or not but they're both used as weapons of retaliation okay and weapon and weapons of abuse but i'll tell you like this man the hit the fan you're on your home i'm serious man and i guess my real question is i told some other guys you know i don't i don't trust none of my bosses i don't trust the knuckle head i'm sitting in the car with you you got you got to watch your own back you when they when because they're going to with you and they're going to with you but if you if your shit's on point ain't nothing they can do yeah but but you guys understand some they don't do stuff by the book they don't know it's so much as long as you do what you but but but no but you can't do stuff you understand when you do stuff by the book they don't allow you to do stuff by the book that's not hard times so so they that that can affect you they're looking for something they got it are they saying stop and prince people are they literally saying get five black guys get five no how literal is it yeah that's a good question um one thing that they're good at and it's colorblind racism they get the same racial outcome without ever having to mention race and what allows this is the fact that because of gentrification new york city has enclaves of certain ethnicities and nationalities so you get to focus on only blacks you get to say hey we're just responding to crimes this is a black area you have to remember new york is is the epicenter of a lot of these issues so broken windows policing um quota policing this starts in new york before you know it you get it in ferguson smaller towns as another one in the 12 said new york city is ferguson on steroids this is where it started i couldn't sleep i couldn't eat i was so stressed out and i started crying and then the job doctor he sent me to a psychiatrist she asked me if i was like suicidal and i was like no i'm just depressed you know i'm having child care issues i'm pregnant and the job is punishing me and nobody seems to care she didn't really seem to care either can you describe when you feel that chest pressure what you were doing i was talking to my boss kind of a conversation when a little bit stressful it's just snowballing into me feeling the way i felt like years ago like crazy hype like all these emotions going through you and you have nobody to talk to when you go to the precinct they'll tell you oh you can talk to people from poker and you can go talk to the police chaplain and all those guys gonna do they're going to psych you and they're going to take away your gun they claim that we have all these entities that when you're having problems with the police department you can go speak to but you can't speak to nobody the captain called the medical district and asked them to order me back to work and the district doctor said to me you're making up every excuse not to go to work i didn't know i was i didn't know what to do i said sir this is not a game i went into preterm labor like i was having contractions at five months pregnant that's not okay you promoted kenneth boss who murdered two black people in 15 months in new york city but edwin raymond who scored number eight on the promotional exam is not qualified to be a sergeant because the supervisor says that his activity is not good enough this man should have been promoted long time ago so something has to be done mr bratton the ball's in your court i want to come back to the policing issues but you know just before we talk about prayer um because this is probably the most stressful period of your life absolutely so what are you doing what have you added to be able to deal with this ongoing seemingly unending super stressful situation good question um well one thing that's it's you know i could have never imagined that this would be something that could help me but i actually had a really tough childhood and um sometimes i just think about the fact that i made it through that type of adversity and i use that to strengthen me i also look back at our ancestors you know we we benefit from their sacrifice i look at it as a patchwork quilt where every generation gets to sow its own peace yeah and the objective is to continue to pass the quote till the quilt is big enough to insulate us all from the cold airs of oppression [Music] [Music] first of five right now an nypd bombshell four of the department's most senior chiefs at the center of the scandal and now the police commissioner is taking action as the federal government investigates corruption cbs2 political reporter marcia framer today we're asking mr de blasio the mayor to do is to form a commission to investigate the pervasive corruption official misconduct and bribery at the executive levels of the new york city police department when officers were complaining of corruption and voters commissioner of bratton said that's bull that's nonsense those officers should quit now we got chiefs that are reinvestigated for corruption so that tells you right there commissioner bratton should step down well i got some good news for you i found out that there's also another video and the video doesn't show you show someone else as the shooter and i'm in the process of getting that i also found who the shooter was and i'm in the process of now meeting him and getting him on video and i'm gonna have that evidence very shortly for you it's very rare i get to say this pedro but um i'm 100 sure we're going to win this case there's no way we can lose this case i know you're innocent and there's nothing that's going to change that they're going to try to make you another offer they're going to try to offer you another a deal to get out of here will you take that deal no we're not why because i'm innocent if the department was questioned about why is it that i wasn't promoted they would have no answer there's no legitimate answer because it's just corruption so ultimately me being out there willing to speak the truth they had no choice but to promote me as a result of their success in competitive civil service examination 76 police officers are being promoted to the rank of sergeant will the members be promoted to rank the sergeant please rise to their seats with administration by chief spinal it's a nightmare for them for me to rise through the ranks because now i outrank over 20 000 people and knowing how the department moves i'm sure they were looking to release something to discredit me but whatever the consequence is i'm gonna do whatever i have to do [Music] this feels great but there's a lot more to do we have centuries of embedded ideologies and so many other things to undo cheers from protesters greeted police commissioner bill bratton as he walked out of city hall after announcing his resignation his tenure was marked by the eric garner chokehold case and corruption but the mayor insisted that that was not the reason bratton packed it in 110 has nothing to do with this i think our lawsuit had a lot to do with this dude resigning a lot to do that i was railroaded for doing what's right so to me that shows the insincerity of regarding what the department says and what it does to build upon a foundation that was begun more than 20 years ago that was the shared vision when i along with jack maple john timoney john miller began to apply a new kind of science a new kind of rigor to policing one that said that cops count police matter this is the email on case number 0685 of 2015. the claims that have to do with the quota which are the most important claims that are contained in the amended complaint have been dismissed entirely the most important part of the case is god i'm not going to lie to you the decision is depressing the judge is saying based on how the quote allah was written the cops cannot sue they can only file complaints directly with the department it doesn't matter whether what the department is doing is wrong or not the judge hasn't even reached the merit or the substance of the claim the judge is just saying simply you can't sue for this there's no right of action wait did the judge see any evidence when making this determination the judge has not gone to the point where you can see evidence we just filed a complaint so what about the nypd 12 do you think this is it for them oh no obviously i mean not the case is not completely dismissed we still have a chance to move forward with the 12 plaintiffs so the nypd 12 is still intact that we are hanging on by trade basically the judge said we didn't come up with enough evidence to prove that the way we were being retaliated was based on qualities or his ratio one of the things he also said that why should it go to federal court if the department itself has internal sources to remedy our situation yeah i reported to oeo office of equal employment management i reported to internal affairs they did nothing about this reported corruption nothing was done the judge knows that this guy reported corrupt reported to these agencies and she did nothing about it so that's leading me to believe there's something else going on here i'm trying to pass an agency where you can report crime and not worry about retaliation and we have nowhere to go to say captain mccormick is forcing me to stop black people this agency would stop that what this is saying is what we've been trying to fight for with frank serpaco was fighting for cops before that right but nobody's done it you look at all of them schoolcraft serpaco and all of them every time they did something they got shot down at first and they persevered and persevered and the good thing that i know that we have a good fight we will prevail that's that i know it's just how long is the question and when we all put our jobs on the line we put everything on the line to try to expose what's going on within the department and it's just disappointing to know that everything we were fighting for just being dismissed you know but karma's a hell of a thing you know you don't treat you don't you don't do that to someone especially someone carrying a child felicia i was wondering what do you think you'll tell this little guy about this whole experience it's a gift i won't tell him anything negative about this experience as far as i'm concerned it never happened it's over with that's black history well i feel like i'm gonna think if you say what he wants to do he gets out you know eat a home-cooked meal he sent to his sister to prepare it oh yeah she's the best cook in the family no no and that she knows how to do the salmon with coconut coconut shrimps she knows how to do that good so but her rice is no good i feel like i heard some chuckles back there yeah you're far from the bed he sent her to prepare that for him [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all i could say is my son is out and best moment for a while and you are prepared to go to trial with him now we're ready for trial you're gonna see it through yes we're going to win [Music] now the department says quarters doesn't exist but obviously it does if supervisors are still forcing police officers to go out and bring back numbers [Music] all right good afternoon good afternoon attention roll call product for orange orange descending based on 6 30 abdullah karen abdullah after kaiser [Music] [Music] uh working with lieutenant ho and uh another officer they just pull someone over who's in this hole is forcing us to do activity who's targeted the most the minority community can you run the play for me [Music] very good just give me a second let me [Music] confirm when i when i decided to go public i was i was nervous but um you know i feel what i'm doing is is necessary know i i believe in struggle and with struggle comes change [Music] all right pedro hernandez immediately thereafter um separately it's been raining you're welcome to make your application as well uh yes on behalf of my client alex spyro office of the district attorney darcel d clark uh deputy council julian bond o'connor for the people good morning church my understanding that there's going to change circumstances at this time yes judge the people have conducted an investigation an extensive investigation of this case notwithstanding uh witness accounts in this case have proven to be inconsistent and contradictory therefore at this time the people moved to dismiss the indictment against pedro hernandez in indictment 2105 of 2016. okay dismissed [Music] i want to thank private investigator manual gomez thanks my family thanks to rfk thank everybody who was by my side support me through the way and help me get this case dismissed did you ever have a second father no my thoughts was just have faith faith moves mountains and just keep going so what about the college scholarship that's the gift yeah my college scholarship um i'm continuing on with that i'm gonna be going on to college and starting a new life i'm gonna go have the well-deserved cup of coffee and uh to sit back and enjoy the moment of uh bliss are you gonna are you gonna go with jessica and the family or uh i gotta fight another case and then i'll hook up with the family later on but thank you i always knew something was coming and now something is finally here i have to deal with slander let me show you something so they're saying you let a suspect go just because he's black yeah i'm being accused of letting someone slide simply because he's black and the irony is you know this this recent attempt at slander is basically trying to deem me as the racist the nypd 12 has made themselves more vulnerable to to all types of dangers but at the same time has brought light to an issue that we can no longer afford to not acknowledge we're at a time where there's just no room for anonymity there's no room for silence we're way beyond that you know the days when an officer sits in a silhouette with a disguised voice those days are gone you know this is the time where you have to be able to show your face and you have to be able to speak the truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hello [Music] you