wow great reflexes thanks no problem hey you have blue eyes I I didn't notice without your glasses you just get contacts well see ya oh [Music] [Music] Parker yeah I don't know [Music] [Music] I think you're pretty funny don't you freak Flash that fist break in your teeth that's the accident come on flash I don't want to fight you flash I wouldn't want to fight me neither [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] which one it's all yours man [Applause] laughs [Applause] [Music] Jesus Parker you are a freak [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] fly Up Up and Away web Shazam go go go Webb go [Music] [Music] tally ho [Music] op [Music] yes because they now smell like beer I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that I didn't get your hand off I'm trying to get my head I'm sorry are you freaking kidding me [Applause] [Music] oh man are you all right all right I'm so sorry [Music] going out of the next stop next and final stop Coney Island uh hey hey sorry I'm late I got so worried no I'm sorry [Music] that's a fly Peter [Music] I'm so sorry I kept you guys up I'm incessive I'm irresponsible drinking I don't think so this is your meatloaf this beats all other meat loafers very wrong yeah nobody likes you immediately I got it it's like the frozen macaroni and cheese I noticed that why didn't you tell me you didn't like my meatloaf um you could have said that to me 37 years ago how many meatloafs have I made for you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here hmm what are you doing up there um be careful sure [Music] Connors you don't remember me I uh get the intern from the other day yeah yeah that's right yeah I'm sure you're a very nice young man but this is a home I ask you to make an appointment in my office I'm Richard Parker's son Peter I'm afraid I can't help you much pizza I don't know why they left or where they were going good reflexes thank you thank you I read your book oh yeah something you know so you really think it's possible across species genetics yes of course but for years your father and I were mocked for our theories not just in the community at large but at Oz Corp was wealthy as mad scientists and then your father bred the spiders and everything changed the results were Beyond encouraging they were spectacular we were gonna change the lives of Millions including my own then it was over he he was gone took his research with him and I knew without him I I I was angry so I stayed away from you and your family and for that I'm truly sorry say it worked so you you got it to work like how much would the foreign species take over what could the side effects be it's hard to say considering no subject survived the problem was always the key rate algorithm right right can I uh of course [Music] extraordinary how did you come up with this Peter how would you feel about coming to see me at the tower one day after school thank you [Music] thank you [Music] that's weird my pants shrink I think I hit puberty [Music] I gotta get your pants wait why is the voice in my head so loud what are you okay [Music] am I so why are you so sweaty it's a puberty thing I don't know why I said that I'm not going through puberty I did but I'm done I'm a man so you like new here right we got that in common yeah that's one thing cool yeah I'm Mouse I'm gone wait your name is gwanda yes it's African I'm South African uh no accent though because I was raised here do the shoulder touch now before she walks away why is this so scary am I doing this in slow motion or does it just feel that way Wanda no G that's crazy hey okay then uh I'll see you around oh see you hey [Music] um okay um can you let go please [Music] [Music] don't do this nice to meet you sure total pleasure no one saw it's okay no one knows no one knows everyone knows everyone knows they're talking about me they saw everything he knows she knows they know wow she's super tall why is he smiling oh am I the weird guy now what am I doing how do I stop can I hear my thoughts why are all my thoughts so loud I know you snuck out last night Morales play dumb who's Morales not that dumb [Music] you're okay you'll never find you no [Music] [Music] it's got a nice voice oh yeah fun it is [Music] hofstatter is suggesting is that we that way okay thank you why is this happening please stop sticking please keep wait wait how could there be two Spider-Man there can't be two Spider-Man can there [Music] I'm out of town no no no no no no it's not it's not possible it's just puberty it's a normal spider and I'm a normal kid I gotta tell someone you're being crazy Mouse being crazy [Music] [Music]