Transcript for:
LSP 200 - HW2 - VID 2

all right so this is the second lecture of libertarianism hopefully the last but probably won't be since I have to do these in 20 minutes increments it's not all the time okay so you've already hopefully understood the idea that libertarians can care about well what we would think about as welfare programs or ideas but they just want to do it privately instead of publicly and not be forced to do it via some sort of government law in terms of okay I'm going to steal from you in the form of taxes to to be able to carry out this certain welfare program and again please keep in mind that welfare is not just about things such as food stamps health care education it's also public libraries its parks its museums all those sorts of things those are welfare programs NASA welfare program something right the National Endowment for the Arts that is a welfare program so libertarians are against all of those things and that might seem scary again because you might think well I like parks and how could I individually are privately afford a park or libraries are really cool because then you don't have to own all the books in the world in order to have access to books so libertarians would say well there are two ways to get around this one you have private organizations where you pull your money willingly with other people to open up a park buy land and then open a park what makes that really great the first is a public park is that then you have direct say and what that park is going to look like what kind of if there's a jungle juleps for kids you know the specific kind of jungle gym that's gonna have that's going to be there the landscaping it's all going to be partly your choice versus again a public park where sometimes governments will go to the community and sort of ask sort of what kind of things do you want but by no means is that required and often especially in America it's not done so it's sort of a top-down thing and so even though we think maybe public goods and services are positive because it's giving us something that we might not be able to afford 100% of our own it can actually end up being bad because we don't have that direct say and exactly what those programs services and goods look like so the same thing with a public library you could have private libraries where everybody pulls their money and then that group of people can privately access that library for Robert Nozick the guy who wrote Anarchy state and utopia the book that I held up for you he just believes right just have your own private library that's your own private desire and just buy the books that you want and if you need more money work harder to get the money that you need for that that it's nobody else's responsibility to provide you books right or music or whatever that it's no one else's responsibility to give you the things that you might personally want or feel that you need in your life right so I am NOT I really think that's it's a good thing to use that I'm not my brother's keeper door and I'm not my sister's keeper is that I am NOT responsible for other people unless I choose to be responsible so my friends my loved ones my family members it's not that Lee returns again are jerks don't care about anybody it's that they want to be given the choice because think about it America is 300 million plus people I cannot care about all those people I can't know about those people right it's literally impossible so pretty much everybody even egalitarian you really spend in your life taking care of a small group of people people that you chose to take care of and that's normal that's natural and there's nothing wrong with that and you have to also understand that because the returns believe in non-interference it's not like they want to deprive other people that they may not personally care about after of their rights under the law so all liberals believe very much in equality absolutely they do it's just that for libertarians equality for them it's negative that I don't have to give my fellow citizen anything tangible I don't have to you know the government's not going to do that but I certainly cannot harm a fellow citizen and I can't steal from them or try to make their lives miserable so that's really important to understand that every liberal believes in equality including libertarians and so when people talk about or try to address issues such as racism sexism homophobia z'm ableism won't be talked about in this class ageism all sorts of isms social justice issues libertarians absolutely do care about those things why because they believe in equality so some of there's no other return right cybot right obviously sexism and racism are still really big problems in our society without the government intervening and doing something tangible to help end those problems then people who they are going to live lives of inequality in terms of their lives sense of being in the world they're gonna be treated differently so here's the liberal libertarian and Republican rebuttal because I republicanism is very similar in terms of these things that I'm talking about in these videos is that libertarians and Republicans are 100% committed to making sure that there is no discrimination under the law which means that if the government is discriminating against certain citizens for any reason that is a legal and we're gonna have a revolution if we need to right so the government cannot discriminate against anybody and if we can show that the government is doing so then we have to solve that so think about the Civil Rights Act Lib retains a hundred percent in support of that why because it was the government that was allowing segregation to take place here's a caveat though so the government can't discriminate so if you have anything that's a public resource like a public school segregation couldn't be allowed but here's the thing mostly pertains don't believe in public schools and if you are a private organization you do have the right legally morally to exclude anybody that you see fit so this is a difference in terms of how I got attorneys understand equality and how the Rotarians and Republicans think about it so they're gonna say if if I owned a business it's my private property I could just decide who I wish to serve and and I own a bakery and I don't believe in gay marriage then the government should not force me to go against my morality and force me to bake a cake for a gay couple that's the difference here is that there is a sense where segregation or discrimination is legal in the returnees and but only privately so right if I'm a member of the KKK and the KKK would exist potentially in the returnees and it wouldn't be outlawed at least not that they would promote that in any way as a political party but yeah I could be racist I give you so racist that I don't remember the KKK that is my right as long as the KKK as an institution and me as a private citizen I'm not going out and hurting people of color or you know right messing with other people's property or going into people's homes and spewing hate hate speech that would be illegal for anybody and Republicans but if I want to use my private property to talk about why white supremacy is good then I should people do that so as a libertarian because that's my right that's free speech that's how I want us to choose to see the world that's what I believe and I get to talk about that on public private property and my own private property but I can't go on to someone else's private property and mess with that right so that's why I think you know accountants tend to feel like the retainer Republicans have an insufficient response to isms to racism sexism homophobia ISM because they're saying well a lot of these problems occur not just in terms of laws and how the government's treating people but it's a cultural or social issue and the betrayed you say look there are other ways to solve these problems other than the government a has the government solved it in the first place so think about it the Civil Rights Act has not eradicated racism from our society it hasn't done it if you look at Chicago for instance the degree or the amount of like real did segregation has only improved two to three percent since the Civil Rights Act has been passed so really effectively there has been no improvement the rates in Chicago in terms of the disparity between income white income and white households and people of color households about three to four again percent of an increase or less of a decrease in the actual segregation so what we're seeing is that a lot of the problems that people color face and I would also include women is were less the same since the 60s and since the 50s and that the laws have not changed the larger cultural issues of racism or sexism so we have to do more than that and even just for seem like a private business to to serve customers they don't want to serve that's actually not gonna help you right because you're just gonna resent that if you really don't want to serve gay people and you're you own a bakery the government force you need to do that is not gonna make you realize that you're a bigot right it's just gonna piss you off right so we can't solve these problems through force you can't force someone to not be racist or sexist or homophobic these are things that people have to choose to do or it's a cultural thing where the cultural the culture changes and then people start to think differently because they're raised in a different culture a different way of thinking about the world so one thing that libertarians believe is that the easiest way to eliminate a lot of these problems socially is actually through capitalism in the free market because being homophobic being racist being sexist is against your best self-interest as a business owner if I'm so bigoted then I'm not gonna allow someone to give me money to support my business that's idiotic it's it's important understand that libertarians again they don't support any ISM any racism or bigotry that libertarians as a political party really says look that's irrational that's stupid that is sort of fundamentally anti-democratic you shouldn't be those things but they're gonna protect people who happen to be right because of free speech but they are gonna say a lot of these things will diminish over time if we just truly allow the free market to take over economics because that will really force people to think about the competition that they have that they have to maximize their profits and the only way to do that is to make sure that you are accessing the widest available population for to come to your business and if you're limiting artificially or restricting people from patronizing your business because you are a rhesus or a sexist or homophobic is just stupid and you will feel you will face economic repercussions because undoubtedly there are gonna be people who are not raises in sexist and they're gonna have a say same or similar business to you and they're gonna get more revenue and they're gonna succeed and you're gonna fail so rationality right selfishness leads to peace once again in liberalism I don't have to care about people for themselves to realize that acting in a racist way is not my best self-interest and commercially for sure and also limits the fact that like if you're a sexist you hate women then you can't have beautiful friendships with women and you're just limiting yourself in a rational way you're sort of closing yourself off to potentially really awesome relationships with people because you're a bigot so rationality for the returns isn't a sense the solution to a lot of these problems and it may not solve things really quickly overnight and we be forever because there's certainly a lot of people that believe that that prejudice is sort of a part of being human that you can't fully eradicate that that it's always existed in every human society and in-group biases is just a natural thing that humans do and so it may not be eradicated but their argument is is that the gallatin ism is not gonna solve it because you cannot force people to not be racist or sexist you can't do it so nothing that the that a government could do could solve it how do you do that how do you how do you stop people for being racist other than maybe some media campaigns or cultural campaigns to sort of persuade people you know or educate people like this is not a really great way of thinking because a lot of the arguments about white supremacy or empirical II follow us and cetera et cetera okay you could do that but you can also do that privately you don't need the government to force you to do that you can do that on your own as a culture as a society and again there's nothing that you could do to force people you could only sort of encourage through fees free speech help people think differently so that would be their general counter-argument or their way of explaining how they can solve social problems it's again privately that's gonna once again be about issues of poverty or disability access or things of that nature that you just free markets gonna solve it and rationality and self-interest are gonna solve those things naturally in a way over time so what are some of some other things that libertarians believe I think there's a lot of surprises one I think big surprise is that libertarians are pacifists so this is a main difference between libertarians and Republicans so if you're if you think of yourself as a conservative most of you are probably gonna think that it's okay for the Iran or the Iraq or the Afghanistan war those kinds of things or what we're currently doing to Venezuela for instance might be okay not all Republicans for sure but in general the people that are advocating for these these invasions of other countries when we're not actually being directly attacked by those nation-states like Venezuela is not attacking us Iran is not attacking us in terms of terrorism it's individuals that are that might be citizens of those nations days but it's not the nation-state itself it's not the Iran Iranian government or the Iraqi government or the Afghani government that is harming us right it's really about just people individuals that are happy terrorism libertarians believe that you should not go into anything but a defensive war so the only kind of war that is allowed for the returns our wars that are done because some Lully is trying to attack America and then of course we find but apart from that we don't get to mess with other countries so their response to terrorism for instance would just be like the reason why terrorism exists it's because we're messing with those other countries and other people's ways of life and we shouldn't be doing that and as soon as America stops meddling into other people's business and stop sticking their nose into things that then terrorism would not exist right tourism is a reaction to what Americans have been doing to the Middle East for a long time and people are getting upset about it and if we stop then they're gonna stop and even if that wasn't the way to solve it or it wouldn't solve it you still can't attack a sovereign nation state based on what the private citizens are doing if the state itself doesn't sanction those terrorist actions so I can which aliens are pretty you know they're pacifist they don't like doing a lot of wars this is also difference between libertarians and Democrats because the democratic political party is super warlike okay they have very few differences between right from Republicans of this idea in fact the vast majority of all wars that America has been involved in were started by Democrat Party Republic candidates right so was it Republicans that started it it was Democrats so think about that think about the history of the Democratic Party I think a lot of people who identify as Democrats don't really know a lot about the history or a lot of the things that are done by kind of presidents another thing that also makes libertarians different from both Democrats and Republicans are their views on immigration Democrat the returns believe that immigration should be open to everybody every other foreign nation you shouldn't have like rules about which countries get to have to allow citizens from their country to immigrate to ours so we have like a structured tiered system where we allow like more Europeans to come in Legally than Mexicans because we you know we want more white Europeans to come here libertarians believe there should be no sort of test for immigration that if you want to come here legally that you should that border should be there should be borders because you blew in a nation-state but that if people do come here illegally that they're pretty lacks on the rules that deportation it's not really the main thing for them they're not going to really spend a long time like ice they don't really care they believe that immigration is a fundamental backbone of our capitalist system that it's really great for our economy and that our borders should be as open as possible while still maintaining you know some control right because you don't want so many people to come that there's actually too many people in a society so yes they believe in borders but they do not agree with Republican ways of doing that or Democrat so good we tend to think that the Democratic Party is all lovey dovey it's not think about Obama I think about the things that Obama has done in terms of deprecation and cruelly you know criminalizing illegal immigration that's something that the returns aren't against a little bit of a surprising difference they just really like immigration they think this is great for diversity is gray economically and most people who come to this country do so because they want to work it's not because they want to leave they're here because they want a better way of life and they do that American can provide that for them and illegal immigration will be greatly decreased if we just had a much easier legal immigration system would be much more clear and simple so it's not like they're full illegal immigration it just means that they they think that that problem is only pom because it's so hard Democrats to make it so difficult to do to do it through the formal channels so those are two main things in terms of also lastly capital punishment they actually don't believe in the death penalty and the reason for that is is because they really hate the government in terms of controlling citizens and so they don't want prisons to be really bad where like some Republicans are totally okay with depriving prisoners of there are several rights where the returns do not you never lose your basic civil rights no matter what you do never trust the government eight there's always a possibility you're falsely imprisoned or accused so you always have to really take that seriously and the government should never have the power to kill a citizen for any reason it just you can't do that if that's giving the government we took too much power so that's another way in which they're different from Republicans and many Democrats right so Democratic Party in general tends to not be historically that pro-capital punishment but think about Clinton there are people who are okay with it for for Democrats as well as Republicans so again just some interesting things that might easily understood that libertarians believing that our will different than Republicans so went in there and then the last libertarian conversation will be a little bit more about some social justice issues before I move on to eco-terrorism