Transcript for:
Understanding OLDCARD for Pain Assessment

Welcome to Nursing School Explained and this video on an example of how to use the OLDCARD's acronym for patient pain assessment. So here we have an example. OLDCARD stands for onset, location, duration, characteristics aggravated by, relieved by, treatment right, as well as severity.

So here's an example. The patient states the pain started yesterday after they took a fall. It is located in the right wrist. The pain is intermittent and it is characterized by being throbbing. It's aggravated by movement and relieved by letting it rest or using a splint.

The treatment tried includes ice and ibuprofen without much relief. And the severity currently is a 4 out of 10. So very brief and succinct information. Everything you need to know about the patient's...

pain and what they're currently going through. That way you can come up with a care plan and help them relieve their pain accordingly. Thanks for watching this example.

Also check out the full video on old cards and the other pain assessment tool OPQRST. Thanks for watching. See you soon.