Lecture Notes: "The God Who Can't Be Ignored" - "Not For Sale"
Impact on Future Generations: Our actions, such as how we worship, give, forgive, and lead, influence the younger generations watching us.
Series Context: Part of a series - "The God Who Can't Be Ignored."
Today's Message: "Not For Sale."
Personal Anecdote
Workout Experience: Attended a difficult workout class called Sculpt at Class Studios in Dallas. The class involves aerobic exercises in a 98-degree room with various weights.
Pride in choosing heavier weights (15-pounders) despite the difficulty highlights the theme of pushing oneself beyond comfort.
Scriptural Focus
Text: Acts Chapter 5 - The story of Ananias and Sapphira.
Key Points from Acts 5:
Ananias and Sapphira sold property but held back some proceeds while pretending to give it all.
They lied to the Holy Spirit, resulting in their deaths as a warning to the early church.
Theological Reflection
Interpreting the Bible: Always read the Bible with the context of the gospel and God's character.
Understanding Sin and God's Grace:
Misinterpretations arise from a broken relationship with God.
God's grace is evident even in judgment.
Lessons from Ananias and Sapphira
Fear of People vs. Fear of the Lord: They sought human approval rather than divine favor.
Comparison to Achan's Story in Joshua 7:
Achan's sin of keeping spoils from Jericho parallels Ananias' deception.
Both stories highlight the consequences of not fully trusting and obeying God.
The importance of the corporate impact of individual sin.
Practical Application
Personal Integrity: Evaluate areas where we might be holding back from God.
Community Influence: Our actions affect the next generation; strive to be a positive influence.
God's Mercy: God’s grace and mercy pursue us, offering a chance for repentance and growth.
Concluding Encouragement
Psalm 23: Even in dark valleys, God’s goodness and mercy follow us.
Psalm 51: A prayer of repentance and a desire for a pure heart.
Closing Prayer
A call for introspection and openness to God's transformative work in our lives.