Integrity and Influence in Faith

Oct 28, 2024

Lecture Notes: "The God Who Can't Be Ignored" - "Not For Sale"


  • Impact on Future Generations: Our actions, such as how we worship, give, forgive, and lead, influence the younger generations watching us.
  • Series Context: Part of a series - "The God Who Can't Be Ignored."
  • Today's Message: "Not For Sale."

Personal Anecdote

  • Workout Experience: Attended a difficult workout class called Sculpt at Class Studios in Dallas. The class involves aerobic exercises in a 98-degree room with various weights.
    • Pride in choosing heavier weights (15-pounders) despite the difficulty highlights the theme of pushing oneself beyond comfort.

Scriptural Focus

  • Text: Acts Chapter 5 - The story of Ananias and Sapphira.
  • Key Points from Acts 5:
    • Ananias and Sapphira sold property but held back some proceeds while pretending to give it all.
    • They lied to the Holy Spirit, resulting in their deaths as a warning to the early church.

Theological Reflection

  • Interpreting the Bible: Always read the Bible with the context of the gospel and God's character.
  • Understanding Sin and God's Grace:
    • Misinterpretations arise from a broken relationship with God.
    • God's grace is evident even in judgment.

Lessons from Ananias and Sapphira

  • Fear of People vs. Fear of the Lord: They sought human approval rather than divine favor.
  • Comparison to Achan's Story in Joshua 7:
    • Achan's sin of keeping spoils from Jericho parallels Ananias' deception.
    • Both stories highlight the consequences of not fully trusting and obeying God.
    • The importance of the corporate impact of individual sin.

Practical Application

  • Personal Integrity: Evaluate areas where we might be holding back from God.
  • Community Influence: Our actions affect the next generation; strive to be a positive influence.
  • God's Mercy: God’s grace and mercy pursue us, offering a chance for repentance and growth.

Concluding Encouragement

  • Psalm 23: Even in dark valleys, God’s goodness and mercy follow us.
  • Psalm 51: A prayer of repentance and a desire for a pure heart.

Closing Prayer

  • A call for introspection and openness to God's transformative work in our lives.