Transcript for:
Disjointed Discussion Highlights

this is not is hi we have R and Dau DNR here with us woohoo let's get started 5 minutes craft be like 5 minutes craft be like a don't make this false jokes now only two [Laughter] [Music] minutes playing Cricket with my nephew [Laughter] [Laughter] this is not throwball this is throw this is actually not throwball this is Cricket up up up stop 1 2 3 4 we got to make the joke me after three rounds me even before the first round bro bro what is this Daran thing I I haven't been following up what is the context of that are you talking about to his fan so like what is the context [Laughter] yes Vishnu when moan Babu says Pras is going to be in yes know when somebody say is coming been watching di doesn't say I've come after his orgasm he says [Laughter] [Music] hey [Music] for romantic flash when he's not getting H it's a very relatable joke for you my friend after every [Music] P to NTR what is your trauma [Laughter] [Laughter] I'm just reading live chat message okay nice good one [Laughter] funny people in the panel because sucks [Laughter] come on bro be harer [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] YouTube channel best and you emotional damage okay I have two very quick questions one what can you tell us about part two because there has to be a part two I was saying I was just thinking that this is probably our first interview together like all three of us so what will happen in the future we don't know so what will happen in the future we don't know influence the only thing missing is like this is not this this is [Laughter] still [Laughter] [Music] being that is's dubing only I [Laughter] think gole yeah bro so many good dubing artists bro like that sa is there who there is another dubing really good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] boys might be divided by age but they are all United by a that is also true everybody like strategy May [Music] soas is a bro and he was looking really good in the [Music] [Laughter] okay guys [Laughter] live all you want is [Music] attention happy [Music]