Transcript for:
The Power of Perseverance and Self-Discipline

Sun don't stop for nobody man Sun don't stop Sun going to be up in the morning regardless that Sun is going to be up in the morning of regardless of how I feel and how depressed I am the Sun is going to shine in the morning and at night time the moon going to be there and you going to look up these days going to keep going by so do you let the days go by and look up and you done wasted the year doing what or do you just pick it up all right got to figure it out made some mistakes life goes on let me figure out life from this point you want to become best you want to become champion and now you want to say like you tired who cares you're tired or not nobody car about you he was tired he have personal problem family nobody cares we're all writing a book what's your book look like what does youring book look like like your your life is a book you got a bunch of chapters in your book but when they close that book how good was the book how good was your book what was the ending to your book what was really your work ethic like and for how long did you stay disciplined um well I mean I mean every day I mean since you know 20 years it was an everyday process and trying to figure out strengths and weaknesses for example jumping ability man my vertical was a 40 wasn't a 46 or 40 45 um my hands are big but they're not massive right so you got to figure out ways to strengthen them so your hands are strong enough to be able to Palm a ball and do the things that you need to do uh quickness I was quick but not insanely quick I was fast but not ridiculously fast right so I had to rely on skill a lot more I had to rely on angles a lot more I had to study the game a lot more and it just never changed what I found is that winning doesn't happen on show day it happens those early mornings painful workouts long cardio session and hungry nights happens in those moments of fear we all have when faced with a difficult goal and then more so in what you make of that fear it happens in every second of every day before you win if you can take every opportunity you have to bring yourself closer to your goal win every one of those opportunities all while becoming more resilient in the process how can you lose that is an exciting opportunity I became obsessed with being the baddest that God ever created am I that I don't care I believe it and I was trying to tell him once you become obsessed with something obsessed it's okay to be unbalanced for a while it's okay don't be all this stuff people say you got to be balanced to be the best in the world at what you do it's not about being a Navy SEAL people the best at what you do you have to be in Balance to find every bit of energy and strength that you have to pull it off how bad do you want it there's two options to continue forward pushing upward and if you do that dream is given birth and forever you will live in the reality of it if you stop quit throw in the tow I promise you there's no distance you can travel far enough start find that dream again for it's dead and in its death it's replaced by regret what's the least amount of sleep you play the game on is there a story where it's like you know no one knows about where you went and played a game and it was so insane for whatever reasons no sleep you played the game with sleep zero sleep zero sleep it's like you know um kids you know Natalia had a certain you know Health situation what have you and you staying up all night and then uh you got to go out and form because fans don't know you know teammates don't know nor do they care nor should they that you've been up all night you got to perform like I see a lot of players take vacations with other players that are close friends and they'll just take vacations just to take vacations or just hang out just to hang out like I I'm not I never did that but why not why why why didn't you do that well because when I retired I didn't want to have to say I wish I would have done more all week he was work hard M end of the week if you don't TI it this is good question you have to worry about yourself but this is Saturday your sixth day you work so hard of course you're going to tired M tomorrow rest and Monday we're going to begin one more training if you don't want go back to dagistan and stay with your mom she going to give you everyday good breakfast you don't do nothing stay there but if you come here don't complain you want to become best you want to become champion and now you want to say like you're tired who cares you tired or not nobody cared about you he was tired he have personal problem family nobody a lot of people live their entire lives not fulfilling their purpose one time in my life I felt that what was my purpose till you find the center of your being you will continue to walk going through the motions the one companion that's always going to be with you is yourself yourself is what you have and you need to encourage yourself you need to look around and you need to be able to say look I'm not stuck here unless I choose to stay here if you don't have somebody who's going to do that become that somebody with something difficult you're going through that people don't often see I mean my mind is a storm I don't think most people would want to be me they may think they would want to be me but they don't they don't know they don't understand there's 24 hours in the day where you're alone in this brain and your brain is talking to you in all kind of ways and it wants to control you and pull you in these different Pockets you got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to get there if you can't control your own brain it's over every day when you get out of bed life standing right there to kick you in the F face man life is going to throw all kinds of crazy and you have to be ready for it and you got to deal with it you can't curl up into a ball you can't run away from it you can't hide you have to take all this head on great things happen and really bad things happen and you got to take it all in stride and you got to pick yourself up the next day strap your shoes back on and get out there and go toing War again is that mentality it's the mentality bring it on mother I can take it you can't break this [ __ ] I'm stronger than you think I am and everything you throw at me and all the hardships you throw at me you might knock me down but I get back up and I'll be stronger for it it's that mentality that builds an iconic status that is centuries from now people still talk about nobody cares you know at the end of the day nobody cares what we're going through how your body feels nobody cares we got to we got to do our job and uh we we emphasize that to each other again today you know hey I got your back you got mine nobody cares man we got to go is it fair no life is tough sometimes and it's not fair and it doesn't care sometimes um but you're going to hold true to what you believe and you're going to hold true to who you are and you're going to be that person whether it's easier or it's not I go to such places in my mind and I study the darkness there was no team it was you there was no weight loss program or Mom and Dad waking you up saying you can do it you can be better trying to build belief you built belief when you had nothing nothing Rock Bottom I lived alone for so many years in this misery I can take myself to such a level of real real passion and purpose I've trained 99% of my life alone I did all of the work alone I I never ran from anything cuz I had nobody to go to I've always had that where I'm going home to get me ain't nobody there you know what I'm saying like so it's I've always been a situation where I'm forced to deal with it myself you always have to be the person who roots for you before everyone else does and it's usually a single clap in the auditorium for a very long period of time it is a slow clap that's just you rooting for you the path of the exceptional person is one of an exception which means that you are not with other people the superpower of learning to be alone and enjoying it these times where you just think about things just be alone and think about things are so rare these days during those rare times is when you really get to understand what you actually believe or don't believe it's a lonely Journey you're isolated those who you to keep Pace with you will fall off they'll see what their world ends and yours begins your ability to suffer endure our work must be greater you must be willing to to extend yourself to the Limit with no guarantee of success every day you must ask yourself did I do enough there's a moment when every boy realizes no one's coming to save him and that's when he becomes a man and some boys never get there and stay children forever no one's effing coming to save you no one no one's coming to push you no one's coming to tell you to turn the TV off off no one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise nobody's coming to write the business plan for you it's up to you unless you understand that you've got to push yourself you're not going to make your dreams come true largely everyone needs to go through the same challenges that you're going through every single difficult thing that you do is kind of like a massive wall that you need to get over and you go wow I'm so glad that I've got over that wall and think about how many other people are going to fall that wall what I've learned is to to to always keep going always I've come to find out is that you know no matter what happens the storm eventually ends and when the storm does end you want to make sure that you're ready and so I've really learned to put one foot in front of the other uh good bad or different CU eventually that storm passes if you don't show up guys you know the outcome you'll never get the the job never get the part never get the girl if you don't show up if you show up you're putting yourself in situation to create those opportunities and when you show up how hard do you go that's the faster that opportunity will come to life for you it's up to you guys small down payment that you're willing to pay every day to the large investment of a greater life you only got one life guys if you work it right you only need one I told myself I couldn't quit I told myself this was gonna happen this is Destiny whatever is really burning in your heart you got to really believe in yourself even when nobody else won't you got to believe in yourself and say I'm not stopping and I told myself I'd die before I stopped when you feel like giving up don't when you thinking about giving up don't when it look like you ain't going to make it keep going when they tell you you can't come on man who are they you got to be Relentless I got to thank the man up top G cuz I'm nothing without him last but not least I want to thank me I want to thank me for believing in me I want to thank me for doing all this hard work I want to thank me for having no days off I want to thank me for for never quitting Snoop Dog you a bad do you be yourself and make sure that you love being yourself and it's going to be roadblocks it's going to be tribulations but always remember this is a life experience accept the experience appreciate the experience find your journey respect your journey and love it you're going to realize it one day that happiness was never about your job or your degree or being in a relationship it was never about being like the others that happiness was always about the discovery the hope the listening to your heart and following it wherever it chose to go happiness was always about being kinder to yourself it was always about embracing the person you were becoming one day you will understand that happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself that your happiness was never in the hands of others it was always about you it was always about you just shut up and let me enjoy this pain I don't want anything to numb it I don't want anything right now those times when you get up early and you work hard those times when you stay up late and you work hard those times when you don't feel like working you're too tired you don't want to push yourself but you do it anyway um that is actually the dream when they saw me in the gym in the Pumping Iron days they said why is it that you're working out so hard 5 hours a day 6 hours a day and you have always a smile on your face the others are working out just as hard as you do and they look sour in the face and I told people all the time I said because to me I'm shooting for a goal in front of me is the Mr Universe title so every rep that I do gets me closer to accomplishing that goal to make this goal this Vision turn into reality every single set that I do every repetition every weight that I live will get me a step closer to turn this goal into reality so I couldn't wait to do another 500 lb squat I couldn't wait to do another 500 lb bench press I couldn't wait to do another 2,000 reps of situps I couldn't wait for the next exercise but where do you go to you wake up on a morning it's cold it's wet it's dark you've got no cartilage in your knee you've got shitty shorts whatever it is that's the issue today I know every [ __ ] ain't going to do what I'm going to do I know there's a whole bunch of people with that right there that fires me up that makes me [ __ ] happy what you just said that brings joy to my life right there why cuz I know there's so many people that have the ability and just refuse to get off that couch refuse to study a few more hours refuse to go deeper to go further and that's where I gain the advantage it's so easy to be great nowadays my friend cuz most people are weak I get happier about the harder it is because I know that no one else will follow it's a selection effect and I think if you can if you can shift from this is hard to no one else will be able to do this then it it's it flips from being this thing that you're like oh poor me to oh poor everyone else who's going to have to [ __ ] try be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of a sacrificing some blood there was probably a 100 days where didn't want to do anything I wanted to stay in the pool or stay in my in my bed and not get out um but those were the days where you have to you have to get up and do something because I think that's really what separates the good from the great the greats do things when they don't always want to do them rich people don't sleep 8 hours a day that's a third of your life I had 130 days in game just sitting looking at a screen playing one character in one game if you think ordinary is cool SCH ain't no problem but if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations then you going to have to do extra imagine if I could put this kind of focus into something in real life and just make that seem a little bit like a video game imagine the results I could get then you have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category you know when you're kind of addicted to it uh you can you can play at any time you cannot be sleep 8 hours a day you can't live in LA late and wake up at 8:00 in the morning it's 11 clock on the East Coast the stock market been open 2 hours they already making decisions about your life and your ass was sleep and again so just like imagine if I could feel like that but in real life turn life into a big game the Bible says he who loves to sleep and the folding of hands poverty will set upon you like a thief in the night I have never met anybody who became incredibly successful in any area of their life until they had suffered and swe and sacrificed and kept their focus and thought through tears and trials and test and if you have a dream and you commit to it it will come to pass a blade a blade does not become strong it does not become tempered until it's been through the fire until it's been through the fire nobody cares you know at the end of the day nobody cares what we're going through how your body feels nobody cares we got to we got to do our job if you can see it here and you have the courage enough to speak it it will happen you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got your biggest enemy is you my whole book is about you battling yourself people don't understand is you against you the only person that gets in your way is you nobody else it's you everybody thinks they're a loser every young person thinks they're a loser at Le at least a young person in the situation I was at like I didn't know I wasn't a loser until I started winning till I started doing martial arts martial arts taught me that like I could get better at stuff that it wasn't I wasn't really a loser you will fail at some point in your life accept it you will lose you will embarrass yourself you will suck at something you can't wait for everything to be perfect to start living your life cuz I've I've been that's what I've done my whole life has been like that inside of me it has been as soon as it's all lined up I'm going to show you myself as soon as I've got it all looking the way I want I'm going to show up for you I'm never going to get to that where everything's okay where everything looks a certain way and in the meantime I'm burning the best time I do have available I'm burning that candle up I'm burning this candle down and I'm saying as soon as it gets bright enough or warm enough in here I'mma show up but the candle's getting smaller it's more socially acceptable to be our own biggest critic than it is to be our own biggest cheerleader 10 years before I've heard it put into words if you can be in a bad mood for no reason you can be in a good mood for no reason there's a quote that I've fallen in love with the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding when I wake up every day there's only one voice I have to listen to it doesn't matter whether I achieve all of my goals or I don't achiev of the goals in three generations I'll be forgotten and the only people who were naying against me will also be dead and so then it's like just do it for me when it feels scary to jump that is exactly when you jump otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life and that I can't do you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 Mi down the road you are bound by nothing I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man when you had that third failure in a row did you think I need to pack this in never why not I don't ever give up I mean I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always falling short always quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great yep I could have been great take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's why you will fail the the unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives it is it is and it could have been the story of mine and I tell a lot of people people go what's your biggest fear in life and my biggest fear honestly was let's say this let's say uh I don't care if you believe in God or not I don't care so this let's just play a game with me let's say let's say you're God and we have a big long line of people and I made to Heaven 75 years old I'm 300 lb I made to heaven I worked for eolab my entire life spraying for cockroaches that's what I did but I'm dead I'm in heaven now and you are at you're you're judging us all now so we're in line we're all sitting there in line you have Adam Brown he has a big board up and you're talking to Adam Brown about his life and you rip it down and I'm next in line David Goggins I see my name I see all this and God goes hey you say read this man and I'm reading this list and I'm seeing 182 lbs Navy SEAL Ranger school motivational speaker changing lies okay man pullup record all this and I'm like that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to be to get something you never had you have to do something you never did Les Brown's a motivational speaker he made an analogy about this he says imagine you're on your de and standing around youred are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the Grave together so I ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around on your bed when your time comes you see that look right there don't ever let a man see you like that cuz you give him the power over you if you got to take a l you take it with your head up chest out like a man make the hard decisions make the sacrifices make the unpopular decisions and become comfortable in your own skin and if you are not a person that you are comfortable being alone with that is the one person in this universe that you have full power full right and full responsibility to change if you had to create a human what would you put them through to make them tough it probably wouldn't be a really chill life yeah what would you put them through to make them patient you probably wouldn't give them things immediately and so it's like we want these traits but each of the traits has a price tag attached to it it's just like do you want to pay the price tag to get the thing and so I think if if people reframe the the period of life that they're going through as the price that they're paying out of their wallet but the wallet is their time it's the seconds of life that they're trading for it then I think more people would be willing to make the trade because at least when I look at myself like when I'm 80 something years old and I'm looking back on my life I want to have these traits but in order to have those traits I know I have to go through these things and I think for me that's given me a lot of comfort in hard times you love this game I mean love it with your whole heart because if you don't let's not even bother let's not open that door they're just going to slam it right in our face I love this game I live this game and there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you ever think about let's face it it's you against you out there when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there whatever you do you've got to be a little bit gone to it you're not all there you've got to be almost insane to your craft not a lot of people can understand that that's why I don't know about nothing else I do not pay attention to nothing else there was games of football on yesterday there was rugby there was this there was that and like normal Society is like let's talk about this and let's let's engage in this and I just don't I can't do it I just don't I'm people are talking to me and in my head I'm I'm counting something I'm counting up a number or I'm or I'm knee deep in a sequence on the map or in on the feet that's my life sequences and numbers nothing else I cannot pay attention to nothing else the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always falling short always quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great and my personal question to you is why not you you've got the brains you can make decisions you can study the plan you can change your life you can grow immensely in the next few years you can make your dreams come true you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through true you can become healthy you can become powerful why not you people don't see that people will never understand that to be success you know all they think about well he bet at 202 you know and he struck out certain number of times yeah okay you know but the effort was there and the learning curve and the passion was there that has transcended not just to me but to other people people who are afraid to do things because they are worried about the perception that may come from other places to me that's more gratifying uh than anything you know um so that's the things that my father and my mother instilled in me take a negative and turn into a positive don't be afraid to fail when you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your your life is just to live your life inside the world try not to bash into the walls too much uh uh try to have a nice family life have fun save a little money um but life that's a very limited life life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it when this goes online or whatever it is it really matters and it like really doesn't matter what matters is you know the people who are sparked by it and the people who are like offended by it it doesn't [ __ ] matter [ __ ] you you know like because it's about motivating the doers we're not on this stage just because of Talent OR ability we're up here because of 4:00 a.m. we're up here because of two a days we're five a days we're up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way if anything tried to bring us down we used it to make us stronger we were never satisfied never finished we'll never be retired my high school English teacher Mr Fisk he had this beautiful quote and he and it read rest at the end not in the middle and I took that to heart I believe there's time for resting at the end but for me that time is not now to have a dream sacrifice for it and never ever rest in the middle be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of a second and ficing some blood you want to be great you want to be bad [ __ ] ever at what you do you could be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be so [ __ ] obsessed and so driven to get there that's what it takes when people don't understand you anymore you've arrived if you haven't gotten what you want then you're not worthy of it period now you can admit that you suck and improve proof better to know you're bad for a season than pretend you're good for a lifetime you're not making as much money as you want because you're not as good as you think you are you're crazy until you're successful then you're a genius I think for a lot of people when you know you're grinding as a small Channel people think you're too obsessed you're a weirdo stop only making videos like get alive be realistic you're you know I mean people will convince you you're out of your mind for wanting to to do this but then once you're successful they're like yo your drive your tenacity was great but it's like yeah well where was that back then you know what I mean I didn't get that when I was a small channel it's only delusional until it works so is it really delusional once the world see it there's nothing delusional about it now your delusion becomes oh he was a [ __ ] genius tell you the harder and harder you work in here the harder and harder it becomes to accept failure out there second place isn't an option anymore guys the more you give it in here the more you get out there why would you not want to give it at all what else are you going to do you come here and kill it right now or stay home on the couch you know watching the life pass by what else would you be doing right now taking the time off or taking the time to get ahead if it doesn't seem so easy to you it's cuz you don't believe in yourself you believe in yourself you want to be in here killing it cuz it's giving you that much more of a chance cuz you believe you can pum that because they don't believe they can ever get there so therefore why take the precautionary steps to sharpen you know and homeing the Arsenal to really go to battle cuz they don't even want to go to battle cuz they know they're going to lose how do you want to look in the mirror every single morning do you want a positive reinforcement or do you want a negative one to go about youday how do you want people to see you a lot of times I'll be in a 200 mile run or something like that and I'm all jacked up body's broken mind's broken spirit's broken I start to say what if I can pull this off it's the what if I can pull off a [ __ ] miracle what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just me talking about that I have the hair gr up on my arms cuz it makes me just like what if sometimes you just got to say things just for what they are just for what they are passion passion is free nobody can charge you for passion nobody can tell you what passion looks like because that's all about you effort effort is I ol the reason why effort is isolated because nobody can dictate effort is 100% in the mind no coach no player nobody else can make you run to the ball nobody else can make you finish a tackle nobody else can do it that's why it's the most isolated things in this earth right now is effort when you finally figure it out how to win real battles it's found through fundamentals that's what wins championships that's what wins battles blocking tackling blocking tackling until they get tired cuz you don't know what tire feels like let's face it it's you against you out there when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there but here's the fact all of you have extraordinary capabilities all of you you have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category don't put on the show freaking win the game don't put on the show you win the game don't put on the show you Inn the game don't put on the show you freaking win the game you don't put on the show you win don't let him get into your hand don't let him take this [Music] only you go in there and you kick his ass you hear me you stop being you you let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good and when things got hard you started looking for something to blame like a big Shadow damn Run come on what's the matter with you tomorrow no tomorrow there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow a blackjack Vinnie this is it this is it you see this guy here staring back at you yeah that's your toughest opponent every time you get into the ring that's who you're going against I believe that in boxing and I do believe that in life let me tell you something you already know you me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you're hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving forward that's how win it is done anger is your biggest tool fighting angry that drains you twice as fast yeah the guy in the ring is your enemy but make his mistakes be his destruction now go out there and show me how you do things show me how you live show me how you fight cuz I want to be great and you're not I want to be one of the greates you love this game I mean love it with your whole heart because if you don't let's not even bother let's not open that door they're just going to slam it right in our face I love this game I live this game and there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you ever think about I want you understand the difference between a risk and a gamble this what we do here this is calculated okay we weigh the odds we make a choice you see that man right there do you remember him you got to block out everything and be in the moment not the past not the future right now you have control of this this belongs to you this is yours you're the captain you're the master you're the foreman you're the general you're the head don't give control of this to nobody don't let this man control you don't let him control you you got to get real doggish now like I was telling you before if you want to be ordinary you ain't even got to listen to me just go about your business Hard Times create Hard Men Hard Men create soft times soft times create soft men soft men create hard times if you don't fail you're not even trying my wife told me this great expression to get something you never had you have to do something you never did failure has been achieved Thank God now the only place to go from failure is to win you have to achieve failure yes to take it that far nobody wants to go that far it's too scary but you know something I got news for you that's where winning is it always has been nothing's changed damn R come on what's the matter with you tomorrow let's do tomorrow there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow Les Browns a motivational speaker he made an analogy about this he says imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your Deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the Grave together so I ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes but I'm the best ever I'm the most brutal and vicious and most ruthless Champion there ever been there's no one can stop me Lynx is a conqueror no I'm Alexander he's no Alexander I'm the best ever there's never been anybody's Ro I'm Sunny Liston I'm Jack Dy there's no one like me I'm from n CLA there's no one that can match me my style is impetuous my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious I want your heart I want to eat his children praise be to Allah you have to learn how to fail a lot of us have Big Dreams big goals and when you have goals that are or maybe outside your reach you have to know that getting to that goal you're going to have a lot of bad days so I had to teach myself how to fail right and what that means is when I fail I can't spend much time in that fail Zone I have to be able to get up and get after the next day just as fast I don't have time to stay here and feel bad for myself for weeks and months and years cuz I'll lose that time the mud consumed each man Till There Was Nothing visible but our heads the instructors told us we could leave the mud if only five men would quit only five men just five men and we could get out of the oppressive cold looking around the mud flat it was apparent that some students were about to give up it was still over8 hours till the sun came up eight more hours of bone chilling cold the chattering teeth and the Shivering moans of the traines were so loud it was hard to hear anything and then one voice began to echo through the night one voice raised in song One Voice became two and two became three and before long everyone in the class was singing the instructors threatened us with more time in the mud if we kept up the singing But the singing persisted and somehow the mud seemed a little warmer and the wind a little Tamer and the dawn not so far away if I have learned anything in my time traveling the world it is the power of Hope the power of one person work work work work work no results but I'm a little bit better work work work work work work work work work no results but I'm a little bit better work work work work work no results I'm a little bit better work boom just got paid I just got paid and it looks like overnight success it's like oh [ __ ] it happened in year no bro it doesn't the truth in front of you is it sucks it's painful it's [ __ ] in mind numbing cuz this is what it takes creating another voice and sometimes going at it alone all the time going at alone cuz no one's going to believe in you and that's that I love this game I live this game there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there the hardest thing in life is figuring out who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life and once you figure that out you wake up every day and you work toward it it's impossible for you to fail if you know who you are what you want to do and you wake up every day and work toward it when I seen that Bentley at the boxing gym and I seen that diamond Rolex I said I want that and and I knew what it took so I know when my opponent is sleep I'm out there at 4:00 or 5: in the morning chopping trees working to this day cuz I can retire today I'm well off very comfortable but I got the will to win take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble put some more air in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's where you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure what if we have that kind of attitude the cars repossessed nobody believes in you you've lost again and again and again the lights are cut off but you're still looking at your dream reviewing it every day and say to yourself it's not over until I win the heaviest things in life aren't iron and gold but unmade decisions the reason you are stressed is that you have decisions to make and you're not making them embrace the process then by the time you get up in years you can be a man that you're proud of okay so this is just an encouragement to just chill out just chill out embrace the process you say Dwayne want process life be the guy who Embraces the ugly the [Music] miserable be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of sacrificing some blood you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got he believed in himself and you can too you can do anything that that you want you can get singing lessons get a better job make more money you could be evening like Rich you could live in a White House someday you could be president do what you want to do it's not up to other people it's up to you you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 Mi down the road but you you can do anything you want you are bound by nothing what are you passionate about some of y'all don't want it that's why you ain't got it excuses sound best to the person that's making them up there's pretty much nothing that you could say that you've went through that I haven't went through and I'm still here stop feeling sorry for yourself get off the pity potty wake your ass up awaken the Beast inside get in shape get off the pity potty what one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail if you knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that you could not fail what one thing would you set as a goal for yourself what if you only had 6 months to live what would you stop doing what would you do more of who would you spend time with what is really important to you 75 years that's how much time you get if you're lucky 75 years 75 Winters 75 spring times 75 Summers and 75 autums when you look at it like that there not a lot of time is don't waste them get your head out of the Rat Race and forget about the superficial things that preoccupy Your Existence and get back to what's important now right now this very second you know if every time someone ask you a question you try to say the right answer your entire life is a test and when did you have the most anxiety in grammar school and high school on test day so your entire life become this test I ain't trying to say the right answer I am just doing what I feel my mama said trying is failing there is no ifs woulds coulds shoulds it just is and we just are I would say ask her out no matter who she is whether she's a job or a new city an opportunity or a fear or a actual person whatever she is man ask her out go out there and make something of yourself for God's sake be an honest person and work and get to the top of whatever it is that you want to get to the top of stand up for yourself like a respectable human being and be a bit of a light on the world instead of a blight that might make life worth living it's like yeah it might so why don't you go do it the time is now the time is now to express and for people to believe in themselves the time is now for it to be okay to be great people in this world shun people for being great for being a bright color for standing out but the time is now to be okay to be the greatest you you and I are capable of doing whatever we can see we can hold it in our head we can hold it in our hand don't waste your life set your goals high qu thinking about what's wrong start thinking what's right love a little more hate a little less you have no idea what you're capable of doing make up your mind today you're going to figure it out when you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your your life is just to live your life inside the world try not to bash into the walls too much uh uh try to have a nice family life have fun save a little money but life that's a very limited life life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you is to shake off this uh th this uh erroneous notion that life is is there and you're just going to live in it versus embrace it change it improve it make your mark upon it what do you really really want from your life if you had no limitations if you had all the money in all the time and all the talents and all the abilities if you could do or be or have anything what would you really want in your life you know there comes a day man everyone's going to have this day there comes a day where being average being mediocre is just sickening to you it's just sickening it makes you want to throw up because you've seen people with far less Talent than you as you're growing up with them their childhood buddies whatever else they didn't have what you had yet now they're [ __ ] to become something that you haven't there comes that day it's either when you're young you know and and it strikes you on the baseball field cuz you're sick of striking out or it's it's when you get fired from your fifth job you know and your wife and kids are on your ass cuz they don't know how to support you anymore they come a [ __ ] day where push comes to shove where being mediocre being like average and [ __ ] just [ __ ] Burns and sucks so much you can't deal with it one more day and you get off your [ __ ] ass and you create something that's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out but you've never wanted to unwrap it cuz it's too much [ __ ] pain and commitment you were scared you're going to fail you were scared if you started you never finish it you didn't want to tell anyone about it you knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it get success remind you what you could have been and then the [ __ ] spark is born get success remind you what you could have been and then the [ __ ] spark is born and no matter what happens I'm never going to be in this boat again and you get up and you go even it gets knocked down you keep going keep going you're a wild man and life has never been so sweet that can happen at an early age it can happen at a later age it's going to happen to somebody every you know no matter what it's going to happen to you and when it does happen to you thank your lucky stars that finally you're alive don't give up if times are hard good things nor bad things last forever but most generally we are in control of Our Own Destiny is that you're all in no matter what you do you're all in this is going to kill you so I think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting because do you have anything better to do really why not pick the best thing possible that you could do why not do that maybe you could justify your wretched existence to yourself that way I think you could because you're more powerful than you think way more powerful than you think I mean God only knows what you are in the final analysis you're blind to your own weaknesses but you're also blind to your own strengths it's like how far could you take that if you stopped wasting time and if you stopped lying and if you oriented yourself to to the highest possible good that you could conceive of and you committed to that how much good could you do well I would say why don't you find out it's time to unwrapped the potential you can be superior man it's within you it's within every single one of us and the people that have that have have risen to that level were no different than any one of us it's just they believed it and they willing to work their [ __ ] ass off to get it it wasn't about the potential it wasn't about the genetics it was about the perseverance and it was about being the hardest [ __ ] worker in the room that's what got them there and it didn't happen overnight they got knocked down more than they ever stood up but they kept going and kept going and kept going and kept going cuz what else is the alternative to be average again that sucks man I had a difficult childhood but there's no excuse for people not being able to do what they want to do you can do anything that you want to do what do you really really want from your life if you had no limitations if you had all the money and all the time and all the talents and all the abilities if you could do or be or have anything what would you really want in your life I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man you're the backbone of this country you're the backbone of the world I don't care if you're in Asia Africa Korea Japan I don't care where you are the United States you are the leaders the Future Leaders of this world happen in life folks you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got the the unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives it is it is it and it could have been the story of mine and I tell a lot of people people go what's your biggest fear in life Cor and my biggest fear honestly was let's say this let's say uh I don't care if you believe in God or not I don't care so this let's just play game with me let's say let's say you're God and we have a big [ __ ] long line of people and I made to heaven I'm 75 years old I'm 300 lb I made to Heaven I worked for eolab my entire life spraying for cockroaches that's what I did but I'm dead I'm in heaven now and you are at you're you're judging us all now so we're in line we're all sitting there in line and you have Adam Brown he has a big board up and you're talking to Adam Brown about his life and you rip it down and I'm next in line David Goggins I see my name and I see all this [ __ ] and God goes hey you say read this man and I'm reading this list and I'm seeing 182 lbs Navy SEAL Ranger school motivational speaker changing lives okay man pullup record all this [ __ ] and I'm like that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to be I'm always waiting for everything to be perfect before I live my life I'm always waiting for everything to be perfect before I live my life as soon as these things line up I'm going to live my life [Music] man I'm so guilty of that it's not all going to I'm never going to get to that where everything's okay where everything looks a certain way and in the meantime I'm burning the best time I do have available I'm burning that candle up I'm burning this candle down and I'm saying as soon as it gets bright enough I'mma show up up but the candle's getting [Music] smaller 10 years from now you will surely become someone the big question is who 10 years from now you will surely arrive and the question is where so to answer the question of where you want to arrive and the kind of person you want to be you've got to get serious you think when you're young that you have all this time you have no time there's no time I mean one of the one the quotes on the wall in the gym in there is there is no tomorrow from from from Rocky 3 you know there is no tomorrow F that [ __ ] let's let's let's get all this [ __ ] done today well someday ain't a day of the week you know there's Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday look on your calendar days not on there so you you got to say okay I'm going to take this small step by here this small step by there this small step by there and then pretty soon you know we don't leap tall buildings in a single bound we take it a floor at a time everybody's in their bed sleep dreading that it's a Monday hate is a Monday and I'm loving it I'm loving that where everybody's getting weaker I'm getting stronger it's not about to run in to swiming to push-ups to situps it's about what those things do for your mentality you don't get better on the dagone couch you get better by coming out here and getting the [ __ ] after it every dagone day greatness is not meant for a few chosen people it's it's meant for those who persistently pursue their dreams every day and make that choice when they wake up so just a mentality really aspirations uh come from people that do amazing things but they're really Ordinary People just waking up every day doing it doing the little things that other people aren't doing so every morning when you get up say over and over to yourself do it now do it now do it now I do it now do it now whenever you have this tendency to procrastinate program your subconscious mind with this automatic conditioned command do it now do it now do it now the best way to fight the demons that chase you in the night is to stop and turn around turn around face them man up for you to look back on that week with pride okay maybe stop breaking promises to yourself when you say I'm going to wake up tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. and when the option comes to hit the snooze button don't do it there's one win that you've got for the day that's action the path of the exceptional person is one of an exception which means that you are not with other people and rather than fighting that or boning it see it as an indicator that you're on the right path because if everyone else were cheering you on then it means you're not in the right place because it means you're just like everyone else and that's not where you want to be when you were born you are a phenomenon you are unique your DNA has never occurred in the history of the universe going back billions of years it will never occur in the future your life experiences with your parents and everything that you experienc in your early years going on up is unique it's yours you are one of a Kind right so that is your source of power to waste that is just the worst thing you can do in your life and what what the power is is finding that uniqueness what makes you you and how you can M that and how you can go deep into it and use that to create a career path so just go and do it try learn from it you you know you'll fail at some things that's a learning experience that you need so that you can take that onto the next experience and don't let people who you may respect uh and who you believe know what they're talking about don't let them tell you it can't be done because often they will tell you it can't be done and uh it's just cuz they don't have the courage to try it what if I told you this was the last Monday morning of your life what if I told you you die this week would you complain about your crap job or that test you don't want to take I doubt it you would go much higher level thinking if you're not pumped right now if you're begrudging what you're about to do if you're if you're not looking forward to it look we're living in a world where there's so much more opportunity please take a step back and think about how awesome it actually is recognize that you can attack the world in a totally different way cuz you were lucky enough to be born during this era I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man there'll be times where you succeed and there times that you fail so waste wasting your time doubting whether you're going to be successful or not is pointless it is you just put one foot in front of the other you control what you can't control and then you see what the outcome is right if you win great you're going to have to wake up the next day and do the journey over again if you lose sucks but you're going to have to wake up the next day and do the journey all over again anyway right so it's really pointless to sit here and debate or have doubt or this that and the other you train as hard as you can and you step out there and you let it flow it's time to stay focus it's time to decide [ __ ] clubs [ __ ] partying [ __ ] trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it let me tell you something homie these women ain't going nowhere these clubs these parties all this [ __ ] ain't going nowhere the more weird you are is a reflection of how committed you are to focus on your [ __ ] molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your CRA so that when it's time for you to make your rounds you going to fly stop running around here trying to live up to the hype homie now you guys are sitting there and to make that first step towards greatness is the hardest step but there is one thing harder than that my friends it's later in life as you look back on your life the windows of opportunity has closed your ability is no longer present and you think back and you could have been great right now you had the ability to never have that debate inside your head that's the debate you can never win I don't know what dream you have but I can guarantee you that there's somebody in the hospital right now praying begging God to have the opportunity that you have right now don't blow it it is time to go from mediocre to meteoric it is time to go from being counted out to being counted on an hour lost today is an hour lost forever in life there's no time out you can't raise your hand and stop the clock it doesn't happen so instead I recommend you learn how to flip that switch when You Face something that is overwhelming or challenging you flip that switch that says go time you don't have forever stop acting like it that's the way life is you don't have enough time you got to make time God told me to tell you don't pray no more you don't need to pray I gave you life it's preing you're the one playing with it you're the one taking it for granted you getting up late you got attitude you don't feel it I gave you breath use it get there early man you got all this stuff you want to do and you never say you got enough time get there early no one's there no one's doing anything in the morning it's time to stay focused it's time to side clubs partying trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do some fun fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it let me tell you something homie these women ain't going nowhere these clubs these parties all this [ __ ] ain't going nowhere the more weird you are is a reflection of how committed you are to focusing on your [ __ ] molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your crab so that when it's time for you to make your rounds you going to fly what whatever you do you've got to be a little bit gone to it you're not all there you've got to be almost insane to your craft not a lot of people can understand that that's why I don't know about nothing else I do not pay attention to nothing else there was games of football on yesterday there was rugby there was this there was that and like normal society is like let's talk about this and let's let's engage in this and I just don't I can't do it I just don't I'm people are talking to me and in my head I'm I'm counting something I'm counting up a number or I'm or I'm knee deep in a sequence on the mat or in on the feet that's my life sequences and numbers nothing else I cannot pay attention to nothing else you love this game I mean love it with your whole heart because if you don't let's not even bother let's not open that door they're just going to slam it right in our face I love this game I live this game there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you ever think about let's face it it's you against you out there when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there and my personal question to you is why not you your biggest enemy is you my whole book is about you battling yourself people don't understand is you against you the only person that gets in your way is you nobody else it's you you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got it's more socially acceptable to be our own biggest critic than it is to be our own biggest cheer listen to the pain it's both history teacher and fortune tell pain teaches us who we are we sometimes it's so bad we feel like we're dying but we can't really live till we died a little cam you've got the brains you can make decisions you can study the plan you can change your life you can grow immensely in the next few years you can make your dreams come true you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through you can become healthy you can become powerful why not you the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always falling short always quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great yep it could have been great take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's where you will fail the unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives it is it is it and it could have been the story of mine and I tell a lot of people people go what's your biggest fear in life and my biggest fear honestly was let's say this let's say uh I don't care if you believe in God or not I don't care so this let's just play a game with me let's say let's say you're God and we have a big long line of people and I made to heaven 75 years old I'm 300 lb I made to Heaven I worked for Eco lab my entire life spraying for cockroaches that's what I did but I'm dead I'm in heaven now and you are at you're you're judging us all now so we're in line we're all sitting there in line you have Adam Brown he has a big board up and you're talking to Adam Brown about his life and you rip it down I'm next in line David Goins I see my name I see all this and God goes hey you say read this man and I'm reading this list and I'm seeing 182 lbs Navy SEAL Ranger school motivational speaker changing lives okay man pullup record all this and I'm like that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to be got to be a little bit gone to it you're not all there you've got to be almost insane to your craft not a lot of people can understand that is that when it feels scary to jump Ian that is exactly when you jump otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life and that I can't do you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 Mi down the road but you can do anything you want you are bound by nothing you love this G I mean love it with your whole heart because if you don't it's not even bother let's not open that door they're just going to slam it right in our face I love this game I live this game and there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you ever think about let's face it it's you against you out there when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it you can influence it you can mold it and you had that third failure in a row did you think I need to pack this in never why not I don't ever give up I always feel like I could do anything that's the main thing people are controlled by thoughts their perception of themselves they're slowed down by their perception of themselves if you're taught you can't do anything you won't do anything I was taught I could do everything to all of you watching here come close to the screen and listen people don't have to like you people don't have to love you they don't even have to respect you but when you look in the mirror you better love what you see you better love what you see thank you to the critics thank you sometimes life can really hijack your mind when that happens to you you're alled up your goals your Ambitions everything is out the window in life we all go through different things sometimes your girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with you guess what get the over it they no longer want you maybe you fa a test in school you worked your ass off guess what you fail the test get over it move past it learn to not let life hijack your brain at work you've been working your off that new promotion you don't get it someone else does maybe they kisss better you do guess what get over it life will hijack your mind if you let it don't allow all these things to make you a lesser person you must own your mind don't let life own yours it's time to stay focus it's time to decide clubs partying trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it why would you not go for it why would you not take a chance at one point in time you got to take a chance on you to get something you never had you have to do something you never did Les Brown's a motivational speaker he made an analogy about this he says imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the Grave together so I ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes I asked the question why not you and now here's my last question my very last question on the questions to ponder is why not now there never was a better time take this dream and not let it die take this dream and give it life take this dream and breathe into it your own personal Spirit until finally it becomes a flame that burns around the whole world let's go do it now you eventually you are going to have to jump you cannot just exist in this life you have got to try to live if you are waking up thinking that it's got to be more to your life than it is man believe that it is but to get to that life you going to have to jump if you can see it here and you have the courage enough to speak it it will happen you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got your biggest enemy is you my whole book is about you battling yourself people don't understand is you against you the only person that gets in your way is you nobody else it's you everybody thinks they're a loser every young person thinks they're a loser at Le at least a young person in the situation I was at like I didn't know I wasn't a loser until I started winning till I started doing martial arts martial arts taught me that like I could get better at stuff that it wasn't I wasn't really a loser you will fail at some point in your life accept it you will lose you will embarrass yourself you will suck at something you can't wait for everything to be perfect to start living your life cuz i' I've been that's what I've done my whole life has been like that inside of me it has been as soon as it's all lined up I'm going to show you myself as soon as I've got it all looking the way I want I'm going to show up for you I'm never going to get to that where everything's okay where everything looks a certain way and in the meantime I'm burning the best time I do have available I'm burning that candle up I'm burning this candle down and I'm saying as soon as it gets bright enough or warm enough in here I'm going show up but the candles getting smaller it's more socially acceptable to be our own biggest critic than it is to be our own biggest cheerleader 10 years before I've heard it put into words if you can be in a bad mood for no reason you can be in a good mood for no reason there's a quote that I've fallen in love with the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding when I wake up every day there's only one voice I have to listen to it doesn't matter whether I achieve all of my goals or I don't achieve all of the goals in three generations I'll be forgotten and the only people who were naying against me will also be dead and so then it's like just do it for me when it feels scary to jump that is exactly when you jump otherwi you end up staying in the same place your whole life and that I can't do you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 mil down the road you are bound by nothing I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some action because yeah nothing changes if nothing changes man when you had that third failure in a row did you think I need to pack this in never why not I don't ever give up I mean I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it they always fallen short always quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great yep I could have been great take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's why you will fail the the unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives it is it is it and it could have been the story of mine and I tell a lot of people people go what's your biggest fear in life and my biggest fear honestly was let's say this let's say uh I don't care if you believe in God or not I don't care so this let's just play game with me let's say let's say you're God and we have a big big long line of people and I made to heaven I'm 75 years old I'm 300 lb I made to Heaven I worked for eolab my entire life spraying for cockroaches that's what I did but I'm dead I'm in heaven now and you are at you're you're judging us all now so we're in line we're all sitting there in line you have Adam Brown he has a big board up and you're talking to Adam Brown about his life and you rip it down and I'm next in line David Goggins I see my name I see see all this and God goes hey you say read this man and I'm reading this list and I'm seeing 182 lbs Navy SEAL Ranger school motivational speaker changing lives okay man pullup record all this and I'm like that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to be to get something you never had you have to do something you never did Les Brown's a motivational speaker he made an analogy about this he says imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the Grave together so I ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes you see that look right there don't ever let a man see you like that did you give him the power over you if you got to take a l you take it with your head up chest out like a man make the hard decisions make the sacrifices make the unpopular decisions and become comfortable in your own skin and if you are not a person that you are comfortable being alone with that is the one person in this universe that you have full power full right and full responsibility to change if you had to create a human what would you put them through to make them tough it probably wouldn't be a really chill life yeah what would you put them through to make them patient you probably wouldn't give them things immediately and so it's like we want these traits but each of the traits has a price tag attached to it and it's just like do you want to pay the price tag to get the thing and so I think if if people reframe the the period of life that they're going through as the price that they're paying out of their wallet but the wallet is their time is the seconds of life that they're trading for it then I think more people would be willing to make the trade because at least when I look at myself like when I'm 80 something years old and I'm looking back on my life I want to have these traits but in order to have those traits I know I have to go through these things and I think for me that's given me a lot of comfort in hard times you love this game I mean love it with your whole heart because if you don't let's not even bother let's not open that door they're just going to slam it right in our face I love this game I live this game and there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this [Music] game obsession is going to be Talent every every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you ever think about let's face it it's you against you out there when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there whatever you do you've got to be a little bit gone to it you're not all there you've got to be almost insane to your craft not a lot of people can understand that that's why I don't know about nothing else I do not pay attention mention to nothing else there was games of football on yesterday there was rugby there was this there was that and like normal society is like let's talk about this let's let's engage in this and I just don't I can't do it I just don't I'm people are talking to me and in my head I'm I'm counting something I'm counting up a number or I'm or I'm knee deep in a sequence on the map or in on the feet that's my life sequences and numbers nothing else I cannot pay attention to nothing else the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always falling short always quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great and my personal question to you is why not you you've got the brains you can make decisions you can study the plan you can change your life you can grow immensely in the next few years you can make your dreams come true you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through you can become healthy you can become powerful why not you people don't see that people will never understand that to be success you know all they think about well he bet at 202 you know and he struck out certain number of times yeah okay you know but the effort was there and the learning curve and the passion was there that has transcended not just to me but to other people who are afraid to do things because they're worried about the perception that may come from other places to me that's more gratifying uh than anything you know um so that's the things that my father and my mother instilled in me take a negative and turn into a positive don't be afraid to fail when you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and you're your life is just to live your life inside the world try not to bash into the walls too much uh uh try to have a nice family life have fun save a little money um but life that's a very limited life life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it when this goes on line or whatever it is it really matters and it like really doesn't matter what matters is you know the people who are sparked by it and the people who are like offended by it it doesn't [ __ ] matter [ __ ] you you know like because it's about motivating the doers we're not on this stage just because of Talent OR ability we're up here because of 4:00 a.m. we're up here because of two a days we're five a days we're up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way if anything tried to bring us down we used it to make us stronger we were never satisfied never finished will'll never be retired my high school English teacher Mr Fisk he had this beautiful quote and and it read rest at the end not in the middle and I took that to heart I believe there's time for resting at the end but for me that time is not now to have a dream sacrifice for it and never Ever Rest in the middle be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of sacrificing some blood you want to be great you want to be bad [ __ ] ever at what you do you could be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be so [ __ ] obsessed and so driven to get there that's what it takes when people don't understand you anymore you've arrived if you haven't gotten what you want then you're not worthy of it period now you can admit that you suck and improve better to know you're bad for a season than pretend you're good for a lifetime you're not making as much money as you want because you're not as good as you think you are you're crazy until you're successful then you're a genius I think for a lot of people when you know you're grinding as a small Channel people think you're too obsessed you're a weirdo stop only making videos like get alive be realistic you're you know I mean people will convince you you're out of your mind for wanting to to do this but then once you're successful they're like yo your drive your tenacity was great but it's like yeah well where was that back then you know mean I didn't get that when I was a small channel it's only delusional until it works so is it really delusional once the world see it there's nothing delusional about it now your delusion becomes oh he was a [ __ ] genius tell you the harder and harder you work in here the harder and harder it becomes to accept failure out there second place isn't an option anymore guys the more you give it in here the more you get out there why would you not want to give it at all what else are you going to do you can come here and kill it right now or stay home on the couch you know watching the life pass by what else would you be doing right now taking the time off or taking the time to get ahead if it doesn't seem so easy to you it's cuz you don't believe in yourself you believe in yourself you want to be in here killing it cuz it's giving you that much more of a chance cuz you believe you can pum that because they don't believe they can ever get there so therefore why take the precautionary steps to sharpen you know andh the Arsenal to really go to battle cuz they don't even want to go to battle cuz they know they're going to lose how do you want to look in the mirror every single morning do you want a positive reinforcement or do you want a negative one to go about youday how do you want people to see you a lot of times I'll be in a 200 mile run or something like that and I'm all jacked up body's broken mind's broken spirit's broken I start to say what if I can pull this off it's the what if I can pull off a [ __ ] miracle what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just me talking about that I have the hair gr up on my arms cuz it makes me just like what if sometimes you just got to say things just for what they are just for what they are passion passion is fre nobody can charge you from Passion no nobody can tell you what passion looks like because that's all about you effort effort is isolated the reason why effort is isolated because nobody can dictate effort is 100% in the mind no coach no player nobody else can make you run to the ball nobody else can make you finish a tackle nobody else can do it that's why it's the most isolated things in this earth right now is effort when you finally figure it out how to win real battles is found through fundamentals that's what wins championships that's what wins battles blocking tackling blocking tackling until they get tired cuz you don't know what tired feels like let's face it it's you against you out there when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there but here's the fact all of you have extraordinary capabilities all of you you have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category don't put on the show freaking win the game don't put on the show you win the game don't put on the show you win the game don't put on the show you freaking win the game you don't put on the show you win don't let him get into your hand don't let him take this [Music] one you go in there and you kick his ass you hear me you stop being you you let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good and when things got hard you started looking for something to blame like a big shadow damn Run come on what's the matter with you no tomorrow there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow this ain't Blackjack Vinnie this is it this just you see this guy here staring back at you yeah that's your toughest opponent every time you get into the ring that's who you're going against I believe that in boxing and I do believe that in life let me tell you something you already know you me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving forward that's how wi it is done anger is your biggest tool figh an that drains you twice as fast yeah a guy in the ring is your enemy but make his mistakes be his destruction now go out there and show me how you do things show me how you live show me how you fight cuz I want to be czy and you're not I want to be one of the greates you love this game I mean love it with your whole heart because if you don't let's not even bother let's not open that door they're just going to slam it right in our face I love this game I live this game and there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsess is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you ever think about I want you understand the difference between a risk and a gamble this what we do here this is calculated okay we weigh the odds we make a choice you see that man right there do you remember him you got to block out everything and be in the moment not the past not the future right now you have control of this this this belongs to you this is yours you're the captain you're the master you're the foreman you're the general you're the head don't give control of this to nobody don't let this man control you don't let him control you you got to get real doggish now like I was telling you before if you want to be ordinary you ain't even got to listen to me just go about your business Hard Times create Hard Men Hard Men create soft times soft times create soft men soft men create hard times if you don't fail you're not even trying my wife told me this great expression to get something you never had you have to do something you never did failure has fin a che Thank God now the only place to go from failure is to win you have to achieve failure you have to take it that far nobody wants to go that far it's too scary but you know something I got news for you that's where winning is it always has been nothing's changed damn R come on what's the matter with you tomorrow There's No Tomorrow there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow Les Browns a motivational speaker he made an analogy about this he says imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the Grave together so I ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes I'm the best ever I'm the most brutal vicious and most ruthless Champion has ever been there's no one can stop me Lynx is a conqueror no I'm Alexander he's no Alexander I'm the best ever there's never been anybody's Ro I'm Sunny Liston I'm Jack Dy there's no one like I'm from n claw there's no one that can match me my style is impetuous my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious I want your heart I want to eat his children praise be to Allah you have to learn how to fail a lot of us have Big Dreams big goals and when you have goals that are maybe outside your reach you have to know that getting to that goal you're going to have a lot of bad days so I had to teach myself how to fail right and with that means is when I fail I can't spend much time in that fail Zone I have to be able to get up and get after the next day just as fast I don't have time to stay here and feel bad for myself for weeks and months and years cuz I'll lose that time the mud consumed each man Till There Was Nothing visible but our heads the instructors told us we could leave the mud if only five men would quit only five men just five men and we could get out of the oppressive cold looking around the mud flat it was apparent that some students were about to give up it was still over 8 hours till the sun came up eight more hours of bone chilling cold the chattering teeth and the Shivering moans of the trainees were so loud it was hard to hear anything and then one voice began to echo through the night one voice raised in song One Voice became two and two became three and before long everyone in the class was singing the instructors threatened us with more time in the mud if we kept up the singing But the singing persisted and somehow the mud seemed a little warmer and the wind a little Tamer and the dawn not so far away if I have learned anything in my time traveling the world it is the power of Hope the power of one person work work work work work no results but I'm a little bit better work work work work work work work work work no results but I'm a little bit better work work work work work no results I'm a little bit better work boom just got paid I just got paid and it looks like overnight success it's like oh [ __ ] it happened in year no bro it does the truth in front of you is it sucks it's painful it's [ __ ] mind numbing cuz this is what it takes creating another voice and sometimes going at it alone all the time going at it alone cuz no one's going to believe in you that's that I love this game I live this game and there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there the hardest thing in life is figuring out who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life and once you figure that out you wake up every day and you work toward it it's impossible for you to fail if you know who you are what you want to do and you wake up every day and work toward it when I seen that bit at the boxing gym and I seen that diamond Rolex I said I want that and I knew what it took so I know when my opponent isleep I'm out there at 4:00 or 5: in the morning chopping trees working to this day cuz I can retire today I'm well off very comfortable but I got the will to win take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble put some more air in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's where you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure what if we have that kind of attitude the cars repossessed nobody believes in you you've lost again and again and again the lights are cut off but you're still looking at your dream reviewing it every day and say to yourself it's not over until I win the heaviest things in life aren't iron and gold but unmade decisions the reason you are stressed is that you have decisions to make and you're not making them embrace the process then by the time you get up in years you can be a man that you're proud of okay so this is just an encouragement to just chill out just chill out embrace the process you say Dwayne want process life be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable um be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of a second Frances some blood you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got he believe in your and you can too you can do anything that that you want you can get singing lessons get a better job make more money you could be using like Rich you could live in a White House someday you could be president do what you want to do it's not up to other people it's up to you you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 Mi down the road but you can do anything you want you are bound by nothing what are you passionate about some of y'all don't want it that's why you ain't got it excuses sound best to the person that's making them up there's pretty much nothing that you could say that you've went through that I haven't went through and I'm still here stop feeling sorry for yourself get off the pity potty wake your ass up awaken the Beast inside get in shape get off the pity potty what one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail you knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that you could not fail what one thing would you set as a goal for yourself what if you only had 6 months to live what would you stop doing what would you do more of who would you spend time with what is really important to you 75 years that's how much time you get if you're lucky 75 years 75 Winters 75 spring times 75 Summers and 75 autumns when you look at it like that there's not a lot of time is don't waste them get your head out of the Rat Race and forget about the superficial things that preoccupy Your Existence and get back to what's important now right now this very second you know if every time someone ask you a question you try to say the right answer your entire life is a test and when did you have the most anxiety in grammar school and high school on test day so your entire life become this test I ain't trying to say the right answer I am just doing what I feel my mama said trying is failing there is no ifs woulds coulds shoulds it just is and we just are I would say ask her out no matter who she is whether she's a job or a new city an opportunity or a fear or a actual person whatever she is man ask her out don't go out there and make something of yourself for God's sake be an honest person and work and get to the top of whatever it is that you want to get to the top of stand up for yourself like a respectable human being and be a bit of a light on the world instead of a blight that might make life worth living it's like yeah it might so why don't you go do it the time is now the time is now to express and for people to believe in themselves the time is now for it to be okay to be great people in this world shun people for being great for being a bright color for standing out but the time is now to be okay to be the greatest you you and I are capable of doing whatever we can see we can hold it in our head we can hold it in our hand don't waste your life set your goals high quit thinking about what's wrong start thinking what's right love a little more hate a little less you have no idea what you're capable of doing make a your mind today you're going to figure it out when you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and you're your life is just to live your life inside the world try not to bash into the walls too much uh uh try to have a nice family life have fun save a little money but life that's a very limited life life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were are no smarter than you is to shake off this uh this uh erroneous notion that life is is there and you're just going to live in it versus embrace it change it improve it make your mark upon it what do you really really want from your life if you had no limitations if you had all the money and all the time and all the talents and all the abilities if you could do or be or have anything what would you really want in your life you know there comes a day man everyone's going to have this day it comes a day where being average being mediocre is just sickening to you it's just sickening it makes you want to throw up because you've seen people with far less Talent than you as you're growing up with them they're childhood buddies whever else they didn't have what you had yet now they're [ __ ] to become something that you haven't there comes that day it's either when you're young you know and and it strikes you on the baseball field cuz you're sick of striking out or it's it's when you get fired from your fifth job you know and your wife and kids are on your ass cuz they don't know how to support you anymore there comes a [ __ ] day where push comes a shove where being mediocre being like average and [ __ ] just [ __ ] Burns it sucks so much you can't deal with it one more day and you get off your [ __ ] ass and you create something that's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out but you've never wanted to unwrap it cuz it's too much [ __ ] pain and commitment you were scared you going to fail you were scared if you started you never finish it you didn't want to tell anyone about it you knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it get success remind you what you could have been and then the [ __ ] spark is born get success remind you what you could have been and then the [ __ ] spark is born and no matter what happens I'm never going to be in this boat again and you get up and you go even it gets knocked down you just keep going keep going you're a wild man and life has never been so sweet that can happen in ear age it can happen at a later age it's going to happen to somebody every you know no matter what it's going to happen to you and when it does happen to you thank you lucky stars that finally you're alive don't give up if times are hard good things nor bad things last forever but most generally we are in control of Our Own Destiny is that you're all in no matter what you do you're all in this is going to kill you so I think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting because do you have anything better to do really why not pick the best thing possible that you could do why not do that maybe you could justify your wretched existence to yourself that way I think you could because you're more powerful than you think way more powerful F than you think I mean God only knows what you are in the final analysis you're blind to your own weaknesses but you're also blind to your own strengths it's like how far could you take that if you stopped wasting time and if you stopped lying and if you oriented yourself to to the highest possible good that you could conceive of and you committed to that how much good could you do well I would say why don't you find out it's time to unwrap the potential you can be superior man it's within you it's within every single one of us and the people that have that have have risen to that level were no different than any one of us it's just they believed it and they're willing to work their [ __ ] ass off to get it it wasn't about the potential it wasn't about the genetics it was about the perseverance and it was about being the hardest [ __ ] worker in the room that's what got them there and it didn't happen overnight they got knocked down more than they ever stood up but they kept going and kept going and kept going and kept going because what else is the alternative to be average again that sucks man I had a difficult childhood but there's no excuse for people not being able to do what they want to do you can do anything that you want to do what do you really really want from your life if you had no limitations if you had all the money and all the time and all the talents and all the abilities if you could do do or be or have anything what would you really want in your life I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man you're the backbone of this country you're the backbone of the world I don't care if you're in Asia Africa Korea Japan I I don't care where you are the United States you are the leaders the Future Leaders of this world happen in life folks you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got the the unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives it is it is it and it could have been the story of mind and I tell a lot of people people go what's your biggest fear in life and my biggest fear honestly was let's say this let's say uh I don't care if you believe in God or not I don't care so just let's just play a game with me let's say let's say you're God and we have a big [ __ ] long line of people and I made to heaven I'm 75 years old I'm 300 lbs I made to Heaven I worked for eolab my entire life spraying for cockroaches that's what I did but I'm dead I'm in heaven now and you are at you're you're judging us all now so we're in line we're all sitting there in line and you have Adam Brown he has a big board up and you're talking to Adam Brown about his life and you rip it down and I'm next in line David Goggins I see my name and I see all this [ __ ] and God goes hey you say read this man and I'm reading this list and I'm seeing 182 pounds Navy SEAL Ranger school motivational speaker changing okay man pullup record all this [ __ ] and I'm like that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to be I'm always waiting for everything to be perfect before I live my [Music] life I'm always waiting for everything to be perfect before I live my life as soon as these things line up I'm going to live my life man I'm so guilty of that it's not all going to I'm never going to get to that where everything's okay where everything looks a certain way and in the meantime I'm burning the best time I do have available I'm burning that candle up I'm burning this candle down and I'm saying and as soon as it gets bright enough I'm going show up but the candle's getting [Music] [Music] smaller 10 years from now you will surely become someone the big question is who 10 years from now you will sure arrive and the question is where so to answer the question of where you want to arrive and the kind of person you want to be you've got to get serious you think when you're young that you have all this time you have no time there's no time I mean one of the one of the quotes on the wall in the gym in there is there is no tomorrow from from from Rocky 3 you know there is no tomorrow [ __ ] that [ __ ] let's let's let's get all this [ __ ] done today well someday a day of the week you know there's Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday look on your calendar some days not on there so you you got to say okay I'm going to take this small step by here this small step by there this small step by there and then pretty soon you know we don't leap tall buildings in a single bound we take it a floor at a time everybody's in their bed sleep dreading that it's a Monday hate it's a Monday and I'm loving it I'm loving that where everybody's getting weaker I'm getting stronger it's not about to run running to swimming the push-ups to sit-ups it's about what those things do for your mentality you don't get better on the dag on couch you get better by coming out here and getting the [ __ ] after it every dagone day greatness is not meant for a few chosen people it's it's meant for those who persistently pursue their dreams every day and make that choice when they wake up so just a mentality really aspirations uh come from people that do amazing things but they're really Ordinary People just waking up every day doing it doing the little things that other people aren't doing so every morning when you get up say over and over to yourself do it now do it now do it now I do it now do it now whenever you have this tendency to procrastinate program your subconscious mind with this automatic conditioned command do it now do it now do it now the best way to fight the demons that chase you in the night is to stop and turn around turn around face them man up for you to look back on that week with pride okay maybe stop breaking promises to yourself when you say I'm going to wake up tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. and when the option comes to hit the snooze button don't do it there's one win that you've got for the day that's action the path of the exceptional person is one of an exception which means that you are not with other people and rather than fighting that or bemoaning it see it as an indicator that you're on the right path because if everyone else were cheering you on then it means you're not in the right place because it means you're just like everyone else and that's not where you want to be when you were born you are a phenomenon you are unique your DNA has never occurred in the history of the universe going back billions of years it will never occur in the future your life experiences with your parents and everything that you experienc in your early years going on up is unique it's yours you're one of a kind right so that is your source of power to waste that is just the worst thing you can do in your life and what what the power is is finding that uniqueness what makes you you and how you can mind that and how you can go deep into it and use that to create a career path so just go and do it try learn from it you you know you'll fail at some things that's a learning experience need so that you can take that onto the next experience and don't let people who you may respect uh and who you believe know what they're talking about don't let them tell you it can't be done because often they will tell you it can't be done and uh it's just cuz they don't have the courage to try what if I told you this was the last Monday morning of your life what if I told you you die this week but you complain about your crap job or that test you don't want to take I doubt it you would go much higher level thinking if you're not pumped right now if you're begrudging what you're about to do if you're if you're not looking forward to it look we're living in a world where there's so much more opportunity please take a step back and think about how awesome it actually is recognize that you can attack the world in a totally different way cuz you were lucky enough to be born during this era I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some [Music] action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man there'll be times where you succeed and there times that you fail so waste wasting your time doubting whether you're going to be successful or not is pointless it is you just put one foot in front of the other you control what you can't control and then you see what the outcome is right if you win great you're going to have to wake up the next day and do the journey over again if you lose sucks but you going to have to wake up the next day and do the journey all over again anyway right so it's really pointless to sit here and debate or have doubt or this that and the other you train as hard as you can and you step out there and you let it flow it's time to stay focused it's time to decide [ __ ] clubs [ __ ] partying [ __ ] trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it let me tell you something homie these women ain't going nowhere these clubs these parties all this [ __ ] ain't going nowhere the more weird you are is a reflection of how committed you are to focusing on your [ __ ] molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your craft so that when it's time for you to make your rounds you going to fly stop running around here trying to live up to the hype homie right now you guys are sitting there and to make that first step towards greatness is the hardest step but there is one thing harder than that my friends it's later in life as you look back on your life the Windows of opportunity has closed your ability is no longer present and you think back and you could have been great right now you had the ability to never have that debate inside your head that's the debate you can never win I don't know what dream you have but I can guarantee you that there's somebody in the hospital right now praying begging God to have the opportunity that you have right now don't blow it it is time to go for me mediocre to meteoric it is time to go from being counted out to being counted on an hour lost today is an hour lost forever in life there's no timeout you can't raise your hand and stop the clock it doesn't happen so instead I recommend you learn how to flip that switch when You Face something that is overwhelming or challenging you flip that switch that says go time [Music] you don't have forever stop acting like it that's the way life is you don't have enough time you got to make time God told me to tell you don't pray no more you don't need to pray I gave you life it's precious you're the one playing with it you're the one taking it for granted you getting up late you got an attitude you don't feel it I gave you breath use it get there early man you got all this stuff you want to do and you never say you got enough time get to early no one's there no one's doing anything in the morning you say you are morally obligated to do remarkable things M why well I think partly because life is so difficult and challenging that unless you give it everything you have the chances are very high that it will embitter you and then you'll be a force for darkness and not good and so you know the fact that life is short and can be brutal can terrify you into hiding and avoiding you can flip that on its head and understand that since you're all in anyways you might as well take the risks that are adventurous there isn't anything more adventurous than the truth so why is that a moral obligation well if you hide and you don't let what's inside of you out and you don't bring into the world what you could bring and you become cynical and bitter you will start doing very dark things not only will you not add to the world what you could add but you'll start being jealous of people who are competent and doing well and work to destroy them so that's the pathway to Hell really the only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey is you have got to suffer to grow to grow you must suffer we're built to walk uphill and when you reach the Pinnacle of the Hill you want to stop and appreciate the vision but the next thing you want is a higher Hill in the distance because it's from the uphill climb that we derive our value and I mean this technically so almost all the positive emotion we feel that's experienced in relationship to a goal and so in some sense you want a goal that you can never attain right so you can always move closer to the goal that recedes as you move towards it you think well that's frustrating it's like sfus pushing the rock uphill but it's not because as you pursue that goal you put yourself together and your life does get better and richer and more abundant you want them to be above everything you're doing so you can continually move towards something that's more Sublime and better that's what you are you're you're here to live not to not to sleep everything worthwhile is uphill you see every dream that you've ever had it's it's all uphill if you have a great relationship with somebody you you had to work on it it it's uphill if you built a wonderful business guess what it was uphill if if you've made the right decisions they're they're not easy are they it it's uphill and the only way that you can go uphill is to be intentional nobody ever accidentally went uphill you've never talked to a successful person and said how did you get to the top of the mountain and then look at you and say I have no idea if they're at the top of the mountain they know how they got there because they had to have effort it took energy it took time everything worthwhile everything worthwhile is uphill take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble put some more air in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's where you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure it is a very uncomfortable thing to attempt so you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful those I can't catch a break guys get them the away from me I can't I can't be around those guys I don't want to hear that I don't want to hear that I don't buy it cuz everybody has bad breaks I've had a ton of bad breaks but you know what I did I I stayed up and I thought through it you're going to lose sleep you'll doubt whether it'll work you'll stress to make ends meet you won't finish your to-do list you'll wonder whether you made the right call and have no way to know for yours this is what hard feels like and that's okay everything worth doing is hard and the more worth doing it is the harder it is the greater the payoff the greater the hardship if it's hard good it means no one else will do it i'ed up everything I've ever done a 100 times there's no other way to do it and I've had a bunch of City braks everybody has but you got to realize when you have those braks what that is bro you got to stop you got to stop all this I can't catch a break B all the time you're complaining you could be instead hustling you could be instead chasing your dream you could be instead figuring out what you're doing wrong trying to proove certain aspects of your life getting your together reading a book meditating something he's he's damn R come on what's the matter with you tomor tomor there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow what do you think most people get wrong about motivation they think it's a permanent fix they think it's something that is a constant they think that maybe once I get it I'm going to hold on to it and that's the thing about that I always talk about is nothing is permanent nothing is permanent and a lot of times you have to learn to perform without motivation you have to learn to perform without purpose to learn to perform a lot of different things and that's what people think they think I need to have this motivation to work out to study to be better so if they don't have it they just don't do it and that's where you fail that's why losing in life is so important whether it's getting dumped getting fired losing a game Lo lost those feelings where things didn't work out your way that's important because it lets you know this is the bad feeling that comes when it goes wrong and you improve and then it makes the good feelings of Victory all the better you have to suffer you have to make that a tattoo on your brain so when that hard time comes again you don't forget it if you want to be ordinary you ain't even got to listen to me just go on about your business if you think ordinary is cool ain't no problem it's some really really wonderful Ordinary People but if if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations then you going to have to do extra you put extra on top ordinary and you come up with extraordinary it's no other way you have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category rich people don't sleep 8 hours a day that's a third of your life you're a 24 hours in a day you cannot be sleep 8 hours a day you can't live in there late and wake up at 8:00 in the morning it's 11:00 on the East Coast the stock market been open 2 hours they already making decisions about your life and your will sleep be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable um be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of a sacrificing some blood people don't get it there's there's great joy in The Grind Great Joy in the suffer it totally cleanses your body out man if any kind of hate makes you grow up and I realize that life isn't fair it's not fair and you better figure out some tools and some ways to stop feeling sorry for yourself cuz no one is coming to rescue you no one feels sorry for you there's so much opportunity on the other side of being willing to persist for an extended period of time on the correct path without getting positive reinforcement from your environment and the longer you can stick with something without that positive feedback loop in terms of the big external thing the the the easier the opportunities are because so few people can pursue them difficult things make regular life less difficult and that sounds so simplistic but particularly physically difficult things because when you do things that are physically difficult the strain of making yourself do those things it's very valuable it's not just valuable like exercise and fitness and martial arts and running and whatever you're doing that's really difficult it's not just valuable in terms of like health and the way you look but it's also valuable for your mind several people live to be 100 years old and they have great lives and they have great kids their kids go to college and all sort of stuff but somewhere in their life there was a point where they had the decision to make they can go left or right on this path left was the easy route right was the hard route a lot of people take the easy route and they had a good life that way but the better life was going to the right side and you may have 20 years of pain and suffering to get past it but a lot of us died never truly starting our journey you're waking up every morning by yourself and you're getting after by yourself and and it's the it's the hidden work people see a one minute you know video of me running like like these Fighters you know they they see during the fight or after the fight they don't see what they deal with everying day I'm not good enough I'm not good enough I shouldn't be here I shouldn't be here cuz every day even though they're the best in the world that little at s or 8 years old is still in there are saying oh man we you don't have sub we're not good enough enough you shouldn't be here you're going to lose sleep you'll doubt whether it'll work you'll stress to make ends meet you won't finish your to-do list you'll wonder whether you made the right call and have no way to know for your this is what hard feels like and that's okay everything worth doing is hard and the more worth doing it is the harder it is the greater the payoff the greater the hardship if it's hard good it means no one else will do it more for you I I make myself do things that are very uncomfortable that I don't want to do and by doing that I develop this strength and perseverance and some people hear that and like I don't even want to do that you're were exhausting me like I'm not you I don't want to do that and they just like it takes them away from that and I'm like you don't even have to do that just go for a walk every day it sounds like it's easy to do but there's going to when that walk comes and look your clock oh it's 8:00 walk time to go for that walk you're like I don't want to walk I just rather play video games I don't want to walk I'd rather like read emails I I don't want to walk I'd rather like scroll through Tik Tok but if you just force yourself to go for that walk every day you will develop mental pers perseverance you will develop some tenacity you'll develop the ability to force yourself into work and every day you can fight not want to get up and you do anyway you chip no piece off that rock and every day you can eat the right foods and every every day you go to train you train harder and harder and harder and harder and you get up earlier and all these things you do to start forming yourself you're chipping another piece of that rock of before you know it you have this beautiful piece of of of of artwork that that you built in everybody's Journey where they are so different because they've started to do new things that they no longer fit in with the old set of friends but they're not sufficiently developed that they've gained their new set of friends and they're unsure should I go back should I lean back into getting a bad game with the boys on a weekend is that the highest you know way that I can live my life passion forward CU that's what everybody else does and all of my friends are taking the P oh not drinking again too good for us are we not going out again this week oh okay well like enjoy staying in home and reading fing nerd so you're going to feel the pain of being ostracized from the group of friends that you used to have but you're stuck in this messy Middle where you haven't yet worked out who you are on the other side of this and that lonely chapter that's in the middle is something that I I would say almost nobody that I've ever met who has gone from a place where they are to a place where they want to be hasn't gone through you can't just go through life just showing up eating sleeping and going to sleep you're going to get depressed like your your organism the human organism needs problem solving it needs complex problems it needs stress it needs some sort of different difficult thing that you have to overcome and through that you relax you can't just have happiness all day that you have to do those things you have to suffer you have to live in it you have to be comfortable in it it takes more effort to start in the beginning and more people are right about the fact they're like hey you're not going to hit it big and guess what a month in you're not but they're only measuring on months and at 6 months you're also not going to hit it big yet and they're going to be like I'm stilling right and in a year you're still not going to hit a big and they'll still be working right and every day that you haven't hit it they're going to feel like they were right but they're wrong because they're measuring in days and you're measuring in decades we need adversity we need difficulty we need struggle you need you need a weight to carry and if you don't have any of this you do not get your character tested you do not advance in your own perception of who you are in this world and how you how you engage with all the other people around I want to see that guy who immersed in hell and he thought about quitting and leaving and and his wife and his kids and why am I here is this is it worth it all this crazy is still said and found out a way to get through it so basically that's that's the bottom line of it all we all want to read about how we can quickly get somewhere that's why the six- minute abs and all sort of [ __ ] so powerful did you may get some results from it they're not permanent life was basically the perfect the perfect grounds for training for where you need to go in your life all the beatings all the all the bullying all the you know you going through uh learning disabilities all the struggles it was the absolute perfect training ground for you to go to where you need to go and that's how I start looking at my life versus wo was me Poopy Pants kick a rock down the street mentality it was no God just hooked you right the up I didn't get here doing everything that I love I did a CL of [ __ ] I hate and I did it for a very long period of time and I did not have anyone to root me on and in fact I had many people who were actively trying to destroy my path and tell me why I was terrible idea for it every day does it come to you it's not in three easy packages and it's not the Cure of to overnight success and the only way that you go uphill is by self-discipline so listen to me very carefully it's an impossible for you to have continuous success without having self-discipline your life now self-discipline enables you to go uphill you can't go uphill without self-discipline nobody will carry you uphill nobody can coach you uphill nobody can push you uphill if you go uphill you got to do it yourself you need discipline you need personal discipline there's times when you don't feel like doing what needs to be done and but you got to say feelings has nothing to do with it um this is my dream this is what I'm going to do and I'm going to do the things that I don't feel like doing I'm going to do the things I don't want to do I'm going to do the things that don't come easy to me that do not come natural to me I'm going to get up and do it um you can't live your life on feelings you're going to have feelings okay but you cannot let your feelings dictate what you are or are not going to do today okay you got to have personal discipline we talked about this before sometimes sometimes four years of college and a degree is part of your path to get where you're going if for no other reason to teach you discipline I have to study I have to do finals uh I I can't go to that party I can't go to there I can't do that because I'm having a hard time in chemistry it doesn't come easy and so I've got to discipline myself and I have to sit down and uh I have to spend this evening studying so I can pass that test tomorrow while all my friends are out partying and having fun uh you got to have some personal discipline uh sometimes the only thing that keeps people in life from succeeding is just a lack of discipline and you know people they go the route of motivation you cannot set yourself up to depend on being motivated uh cuz motivation is what what's motivation motivation is a feeling that's somebody pumping up your feelings to get you encouraged to do what you should do well what happens when you don't have the motivation you just have the personal discipline you know when it comes down to it success has nothing to do with potential it's all about the perseverance of somebody that will override any Endeavor if you throw it against the wall eventually something will stick you guys that had this potential don't have this potential you know that dies what continues to last forever is a perseverance to always show up that's what Champions do every single Champion is the same as every ordinary person the only differential is that they show up to the event every single day they see failure as a learning curve they welcome failure you learn more from failure than you ever will From Success so showing up and get knocked on your ass finally Tesla for you stand back up and reace that endeavor is going to be the overriding factor that makes a difference you know people need to have purpose to get up they need purpose to perform you need to get to a point in your life where there's nothing on the docket there is no 5K there's no I'm going to get into school to be this or that and still perform to the highest level but what's funny about it all is that we need these things to perform but we don't take a second to realize the purpose is always there the purpose never leaves us cuz the very purpose purpose is you you are always the purpose there may be another purpose like being a seal or going to college or whatever but the main purpose in life is you so if you wake up in the morning and you don't want to do something you don't care enough about yourself and that's what you need to really research is man why am I not doing this for myself because that is that is the number one purpose in life is to better oneself so that's the only purpose I can need use pain as a fuel imagine if you could use the pain as a passport imagine if you could use the pain to push you to condition you to prepare you for the stages and the rooms you got to walk into and the tables you've got to sit at and the stages you have to stand on what if the pain can make you better what if the pain can build muscle what if the pain could cause you to reach higher to LEAP farther to run faster what if the pain could help you what if all pain isn't hurt but it's help we're built to walk uphill and when you reach the Pinnacle of the Hill you want to stop and appreciate the vision but the next thing you want is a higher Hill in the distance because it's from the uphill climb that we derive our value and I mean this technically so almost all the positive emotion we feel that's experienced in relationship to a goal and so in some sense sense you want a goal that you can never attain right so you can always move closer to the goal that recedes as you move towards it you think well that's frustrating it's like sopus pushing the rock uphill but it's not because as you pursue that goal you put yourself together and your life does get better and richer and more abundant we're running from the truth man so the only way I became successful was going towards the truth as painful and as brutal as it is it changed me it it allowed me to become in my own right who I am today all the pain and suffering that they put on top of me in hell week I will reverse that pain and suffering and I will take your soul so every instructor that put me through buds my job what drove me was I wanted you to go home that night after you beat the living [ __ ] out of me and I smiled in your face I wanted you to feel worse than I did and you were going home to a nice warm bed with your wife or your kids and a nice meal and I was still out there in the grip suffering for another 100 hours I wanted you to think about me knowing that I'm comfortable being very uncomfortable the thing about transformation is you have to do it you've got to put in the work when nobody cares you know nobody cared if I practiced nobody cared if I worked out I didn't have uh parents who are like hey you know Dan you got to go to the gym oh hey Dan you know go out and run some Sprints nobody cares if you want to transform you have to do the work if nobody cares there's only one person who has to care that's you you've got to care you've got to want and the reason I think is different for everybody to want some comes out of pain uh some comes out of you know I want to prove somebody wrong and then I think some people just have that switch inside the mall talk let them all make their noise because at the end of the day you are the only one who has the guts we have the guts to go to work and show up every single day day in and day out putting in the work you fight through the noise you fight through the fatigue you fight through it all you stay extremely intensely focused on the goal and once you fight through that fatigue you fight through the noise on the other side of that is your goals on the other side of that is the accomplishment on the other side of that is your greatness if you have a sufficiently noble purpose the suffering will justify itself and I think I think that's empirically testable and I do believe it's the case because I've watched people do very difficult things and what that shows is that if you turn around and you conf front the suffering voluntarily you find out that you are way tougher than you think it's not that life is better than you think life is as harsh as you think it might even be worse but you are way tougher than you think if you turn around and confront it and so then what you discover is that there's a spirit within you that pursues that can pursue something meaningful that has the resilience and the strength to contend properly with the catastrophe of existence without becoming bitter if you're feeling pain keep going if if your lungs are working keep going you hurt you grow you go and from the bottom of my heart keep it moving and conduct your business my biggest fear in life is if there is a final resting place in this world and there's a final judgment and you talk to something much bigger than you I don't want to sit down and have a conversation with someone with something that says you're in heaven this is what you should have been on Earth and are you really in heaven now or are you in hell a lot of us speak in Hollow words I used to speak in Hollow words I don't do anymore everything that comes in my mouth has substance is real and we all have these feelings in our bodies and our minds and our souls I act on mine a lot of us who are afraid of something we allow our minds to choose the path that least resistant so we go a different route I'm afraid of something is tell me you must must kind of that you must do that yeah you have to go that way and most of us don't understand that mentality we go left and we wonder why we haven't fulfilled something in our lives you've just gone through a breakup and it's the worst thing you've ever been through because you haven't had the time and the experience yet to develop worse and to turn around and look at that in relation to the realities of a long life well Liv and one day you're going to try and look back and you're going to say that really wasn't such a disaster and in fact that was probably the best thing ever happened to me I get it the pain is unbearable you keep playing it back in your head the situation is on repeat over and over and over you keep trying to see where you went wrong you feel like you can't take the pain anymore what you going to do are you you going to prove them right or are you going to prove them wrong are you going to show them that failure doesn't Define who you are are you going to show them that failure is a necessary lesson on the path to success are you going to show them that you're a beast in this game you got to get hungry you got to get ready get up it's time to get to work and show them all every time you fail you have to understand deep down you're getting trained you're getting better you're getting stronger you're getting more resilient you become tough because like you persevere and you continue to do something or you just really want something [ __ ] bad cuz like you know everybody fails like every [ __ ] Champion every like great fighter whatever like they all have failures it's just you know some of them choose to use that as like drive to like you know continue to [ __ ] train you know at [ __ ] 11 o'clock at night when everybody else is you know watching TV and you know some of them just kind of like chalk it up it's like okay well I'm just not Tough Enough and quit you know so it's like you can go one of two directions but I think your adversities are what give you that fuel to you know become confident or become you know successful whatever the [ __ ] it is that you want to go after focus on intention ignore distraction use your mind differently look for so if you're going to stop doing what poor people do stop looking at the obstacle in every opportunity and instead do what rich people do what do we do we look for the opportunity in every obstacle because an obstacle by its very nature creates an opportunity why because the law of polarity is a law that governs that's part of God's automation so if there's something negative there has to be something positive like that's the other side of the coin there is no wet without dry there's no hot without cold there's no up without down there's no potential for gain if there's no potential for loss there's no opportunity if there is no obstacle so because that's the case because that's the case I'm gonna use my mind to focus on finding the opportunity in this obstacle that's in front of me so winning is important Winning is Everything it really is and and anyone that says taking part isn't everything um taking part's important because you need to learn to lose because learning to lose makes you want to win that's the reality of it and that's that's the Winner's mindset you know you could have a not everyone can be a winner but it doesn't hurt to want to be a winner you know you there's an old fashioned say where you shoot for the shoot for the stars and if you achieve something up there you've done well same thing try and win but if you enter a competition where there's no winner well you're not going to try yeah and if you don't try what's the point well manifestation is a very very small part of your day so if it becomes anything more than 30 minutes of your day then it's mental masturbation the key is to get the outcome come clear so that you can start to be guided towards it you cannot go and find the destination if you haven't marked it on the map if you don't know where you're going you will never get there so first you must have a very clear vision of where you want to go and every day you must think about that vision and that is that that is it and that must be followed by tremendous action to go and get those things so if it's any more than 30 minutes a day manifestation or any of that other stuff you're overdoing it you spend your 30 minutes you write down your goals you look at them every day you envision that life you breathe it into your head and then you go and you do as much as you can for that day to get towards that Vision then you clock off and you do all again and everybody knows what's right everyone's just kind of [ __ ] doing what they want over what they're being called to become and called to do so it's just going to be like a man is his habits and his character and if if you're embarrassed of any of your daily habits get the [ __ ] rid of him regrets your guideline if you regret anything you did today don't do it tomorrow and so on and so forth if you overate last night you regret it today don't do it today if you drink you regret it it's got to go regrets your guideline whatever you regret has to go if you really want to stop dabbling you know it's somebody who saying they want to lose weight but when no one's watching they they're eating the wrong food or someone says they want to start the business but when no one's watching their binging out on Netflix you know if you're that person and I'm not knocking you if that's who you are enjoy it live it but don't say you want it don't talk out of two sides of your mouth like either go all in burn the boats and do it or just accept the life that you have like I I I hate to be real but you can't lose weight and not work out and eat bad like it just doesn't you can't make more money have Ed's life or someone else's life that you see you can't have that without putting the work in so if you're going to put the work in you have to have the mindset to be committed and dedicated to it right we have to be disciplined you don't have to win all your fights but you do have to fight all your fights what a huge lesson in life right because that tells you that some days you're going to win and some days you're going to lose I'm not saying losing is a great thing you should aspire to but you're going to lose sometimes and you're not going to win all your fights but when you lose get up now I view failure if you can call it failure I see it as I called it golden opportunities believe it or not when we Face obstacles or tribulations or failures or anything that can come our way those are the opportunities that I view as gold these are the opportunities opportunities you can see it as such that will really bring out the best that will really bring to the surface those areas in your life that have the power to drag you down the letter k in my book is Kryptonite we've heard about uh Superman and how he can fly and how he can you know with his eyes the lasers and so on and so forth and we all think about while Superman invinci but he has one Kryptonite yeah Kryptonite and so we all have cryptonite our lives and it comes in different shapes and forms the quicker we learn to identify what that kryptonite is in our lives the quicker we can deal with it and the less harm it will have upon us most of you guys aren't losers because you just happen to be a loser you're a loser because you chose to a loser your decisions have made you a loser if you choose your decisions carefully you can choose the decisions of a winner and a loser and most of you guys are choosing to make decisions that the 99% make the peasant decisions right The Peasant decisions and if you make the peasant decisions you're going to have the same outcome as peasants so most people don't want to take accountability for their life right they look at their life and they say oh well I'm just a byproduct of some other man's decisions some system some government but when you understand that all these things are made constructs you can bypass them it's very simple Tommy Lort said 50% of the people don't care about your problems the other 50% glad you got them so in other words nobody cares about you but you nobody can make you successful but you if you don't believe in you why should I if you're not going to invest in you why should I you are with you every single day you know you better than anybody else but you want someone to invest in you that hasn't spent one moment with you if you're not willing to do that of course you would you believe in you take the advice the hard work the discipline and the dedication and go be successful you might you don't need to be an NFL player you don't need to be an Entertainer you can be successful in your own right if you believe you can I believe I was going to go be an NFL player and I set that course of action now do you believe that you can go be the best salesman that you possibly can be it's not about that's all it's about you is you versus you