Transcript for:
Math Exam Insights and School Safety

I want you all to take a close look at your math exams, children. Some of you did very well, but many of you did not. Ah, man!

The addition of fractions is very simple. Let's run through it again. How do we solve this first one?

Add together the three and the three. Good butters, we add the threes together. And what about the fours?

Token? They're the denominators, so they stay a four. Wait, wait, Token got an A, but I cheated off Token.

I can't hear you, Eric. I said something's wrong. I got an F, but I cheated off Token.

Active shooter, active shooter. And now we divide, right? Frank, how about you?

What are we dividing? Divide four by six? The four by the six or the six by the four? The six by the four! Southwest classroom clear.

Now we're going to retake the exam on Friday. Shooters in the hallway! All units report!

I'm giving you an opportunity to do better. I hope you take advantage of it. You can see we're talking to racist answers and voting the right ones. He did it to me on purpose. Eric, that's enough.

Now let's move on to the next equation. That is such bullshit, you guys. Token knew I was cheating off of him, so he deliberately put down the wrong answers.

Why would he do that? I flunked that test, too. I don't understand fractions. They don't make any sense. That's not the point, you guys.

Why is Token out to get me? There's something going on here. The school shooting today has left students in shock and disbelief. Yeah, Token's probably sick of you cheating off of him all the time. But why now?

That's the question, Kyle. I always cheat off Token. Why did he choose now to hurt me?

Stanley! Stanley, oh my god! Baby!

You're okay! Uh, hey, Mom. It's all right, Stanley. We're gonna go home and talk about this with your dad. And we will get through this as a family.

Come on, get in the car. Hey, what's up, Stan? What's up, Mom's ass? Stanley, well, do you want to tell your father about what happened at school today?

Um, oh, oh, I flunked my math quiz. No, the other thing. What other thing? What happened at school today? Oh, the school shooting?

Yes, the school shooting. Oh, yeah, some kid shot up the school. Who shot up the school? Was it you?

No. Did you get shot? No.

Oh. Well, what's this about failing a math quiz? Are you serious? Did you not hear what your child said?

Ken's died at his school! I'm sorry, Sharon, I... Why are you all acting like this is normal? What is wrong with you people?

What's up, mom's ass?