Transcript for:
Lecture on Interfaith Perspectives and Personal Beliefs

and you're Jewish yes most of the time Muslims refer to Christians and Jews as as people of the book that and you have to understand that Muslims hold Christians in in very high regard so I've read even since getting out of jail I've read four books on Islam since getting out of jail and I was actually quizzed by a Muslim scholar who lives in the United Arab Emirates he said Tristan you ever going to revert to Islam and I said to him I said reversion or conversion to any religion I don't believe it's something that you do I believe it's something that happens to you M if you look into a subject and you read about you read the Bible and you read about you know Christianity and you read about the life of Jesus Christ you don't think you know what yes screw it I'm a Christian I feel like it's something that would have to happen to me not something I choose to do and I've even had people say oh you know your life would be better if you reverted to Islam because um you know there' be benefits of you living in the Middle East Etc I said no no no how disingenuous would that be to my Muslim friends and colleagues of which I have many to revert for any beneficial reason other than me genuinely feeling it within my soul so that's the reason I haven't not because not because I haven't chosen to but because it hasn't happened to me right so that means it could happen absolutely right