Guide to Building a Control Chart

Aug 19, 2024

Control Chart Construction

Key Components of a Control Chart

  • LCL (Lower Control Limit): 1.5
  • Centreline: 8
  • UCL (Upper Control Limit): 15

Steps to Construct a Control Chart

  1. Prepare the Data

    • Gather data for the specific statistic that needs monitoring.
    • Assume the control limits (LCL, Centreline, UCL) are already defined.
  2. Highlight Control Limit Values

    • Highlight the control limit values in your dataset.
    • Drag down to apply these values across your data range.
  3. Create the Line Chart

    • Highlight the entire dataset.
    • Go to the INSERT menu.
    • Select Line Chart.
    • Choose the first template option available.
    • This will create a basic control chart.
  4. Add Markers to the Chart

    • Right-click on the blue line within the line chart.
    • Select Format Data Series.
    • Click on the bucket icon (formatting options).
    • Go to MARKER, then MARKER OPTIONS.
    • Select Automatic to add markers.


  • Following these steps will result in a completed control chart.
  • The process involves setting up your data correctly and using Excel's charting tools to visualize the control limits and the data.

Note: This process is demonstrated visually in the accompanying presentation/video.