Techniques for Obtaining Solids from Solutions

Sep 15, 2024

Summary of Soluble Solid Solutions and Techniques

Key Concepts

  • Soluble Solid in Liquid: When a solid is dissolved in a liquid, it forms a solution that cannot be filtered out.

Techniques for Obtaining Solid from a Solution

1. Evaporation

  • Setup: Place the solution in an evaporating dish or crucible on a tripod.
  • Heating: Use a Bunsen burner to slowly heat the solution.
  • Process:
    • The solvent begins to evaporate, concentrating the solution.
    • Crystals start to form as the solution becomes more concentrated.
    • Eventually, all the solvent will evaporate, leaving dry crystals of the solid.

2. Crystallization

  • Setup: Use an evaporation dish to heat the solution gently, often using a water bath instead of a Bunsen burner.
  • Process:
    • Heat until some solvent evaporates and crystals begin to form.
    • Stop heating and allow the solution to cool.
    • More crystals will form as the solution cools because solids are less soluble at lower temperatures.


  • Both evaporation and crystallization are effective techniques for obtaining solids from solutions, but they involve different methods of heating and cooling.