Transcript for:
Exploring a Cozy NYC Apartment

[Music] [Music] Welcome to My New York City apartment tour where I will be giving you an inside intimate look into how I live in the city and in exchange you will probably leave comments about how I could be affording a mansion in Texas instead with the amount of rent I pay every month which is $3,800 so we live in Fort green Brooklyn which is one of the nicer more upscale neighborhoods I would say in the Brooklyn burrow um except for the one time that a gang of 12-year-olds came in with a machete and our doorman had to chase them out with a baseball bat but at least we have a doorman starting off in our entryway as you can see our entire living space is kind of just like one open area we don't really have hallways or anything so this is most of where the entering of the home happens I have a bunch of my canvas bags this is a bag I got in Thailand and I get so many compliments on it it's like a patchwork of different popular animes so you can see one piece Detective Conan there's Dragon Ball on it and yeah I I love this guy and we keep all of our shoes that we typically use each day over here and then you know all the boring stuff like umbrellas and keys sunglasses um mail from previous people that lived here I don't know why we kept this one of the gems of our apartment is that we actually have two two walk-in closets by the way I share this place with uh my very handsome cameraman but it's nice because we each get our own closet which is something that's not very common in the city and I'm going to let you guess whose this is ah yes it's a mystery so in here we have our bathroom it's a very standard bathroom unlike the last place we lived where a quarter of our apartment was taken up by a Vegas siiz bathroom for no reason we do have a good amount of storage in here you can see there's like all my skin care some of Al's stuff up there try to keep this pretty clean haven't been very successful with it and down here is most of our other stuff that we have just kind of decided to throw into this giant basket and then we never did anything about it which typically happens with everything that you leave in the first month yeah nothing else interesting here we can go oh also little Easter egg uh we have many fans around our apartment as well as humidifiers because all we loves his fans and humidifiers so you will see many of them around our 700t apartment moving on Armor cabinet dresser thing not sure what the word is but I wanted a little bit of color and not just to have everything white so we went with this nice like Sage mint green and in here is just a bunch of crap that we store like cords and all of that like not fun stuff this is a random drawer That was supposed supposed to go under my desk and I never put it there so now we just use it as a drawer on top of here um my smiies I have a bunch of these around the apartment as well and there's three of them this is one of the artworks that I got from I want to say the artist name is Kong Kei it was at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco and it was this really cool cyber Punk exhibit so I bought this and another piece of art that is up there which I can show you later we also have one of these little rolly baggie thingies you know like the Chinese grandma in Chinatown um oh my lip gloss here is my closet which is a little bigger cuz I have a lot of clothes these are my very nice boxing gloves and I have a couple more like gear related stuff there my gym bag here obviously it's not as intense as Al I can always go borrow his though don't tell him up here is like all of our camera equipment we have some lights tripods and everything and then these are all of my bags which I kind of just smush up there all my pajamas and then we have like belts pants shoes there's also a lot of other shoes and boots and stuff hiding under here like my cowboy boots on this side we got some jeans and my accessory table right here I keep my nicer bags so they're not squished and getting destroyed on the Shelf um just all my jewelry perfumes hair stuff and then you know socks and all of Intimates and fun [Music] things so here is our lovely kitchen and whenever I describe our kitchen to people who don't live in the city I think I sound kind of psychotic because I get really excited about things that normal people should not be excited about but if you saw our last apartment you would understand why so we have a gas range stove which if youve ever used an electric stove you know that this here is worth its we in gold and we have a full-size oven fulls size microwave we got a dishwasher have a full-size fridge and a freezer with an ice maker which is amazing for ice coffee every morning cuz I don't have to go up and fill the trays and it's probably my favorite feature in the apartment which might be kind of sad so our fridge is covered with just like a bunch of photos from friends um wedding invites we have this really funny fake 100 from my friend Bev's wedding where she's dressed as a giraffe so in every small New York apartment you have a lot of places where you just kind of throw a lot of crap because there's not a lot of space for stuff and I actually really like this corner and how deep it is and the fact that it's hidden by the fridge over here because we can just put all of our appliances and they all blend in together into this dark corner so it's not the most aesthetic way to organize things but it is very useful we don't have to like take them out put them up here um you know we can just go and use it right away they're already plugged in which I very much appreciate and I like that when you walk in you don't really see it unless you're in the kitchen kind of like perusing around but we do have this really nice double air fryer which I highly recommend got a toaster not that exciting um instant pot air fryer combo we have a Vitamix Alby mix his uh smoothies and usables with this and we have a carg and an espresso this is probably what I use the most out of all of this every day and we actually just did our first Pottery clo together so this was Al's little like espresso glass that he made which was really cute because my favorite cup that I ordered from an artist a long time ago was the same speckle glaze so now they're matching which I love and then Tada we have full washer dryer set up also something that is very looked after in New York apartments I think we probably could survive with INB building laundry but the problem is both of us do work out quite a lot um especially Al who's doing stuff at the gym for like 4 hours a day and because we do high cardio we're usually sweating a lot a lot a lot so having laundry and unit is really really nice because we can actually do laundry really often and make sure that our clothes don't get all stinky and gross [Music] so this is my pride and joy my uplift desk not sponsored but uplift if you're watching I have these different settings so for the standing I just press the two and it goes up automatically which is really nice and it stops right here before this lamp which we also bought from our previous tenant I have my custom newy keyboard here that lights up it's very pretty Logitech mouse and also a trackpad because I'm extra and this is really nice for editing there's also two Albi stickers that I drew a long time ago and now they sit here watching me while I work so I don't get distracted I also recently bought this which has actually been total Lifesaver I feel like sometimes I'll start answering emails or going off task and I'll think that I'm doing something for 5 minutes and then an hour pass so now I have a timer where if I want to do something like respond to a text or take a break I will just do this and it has this nice little like analog coloring block that's like very Visual and it's easy to see when my time is about to be up and then it dings at the end this is my opal webcam they sent it to me a while ago and I absolutely love it and this looks just like a DSLR it's been absolutely incredible this I got from an artist on Etsy it's little tooro and he holds my succulent here and I also have this really cute Spirited Away cup that I over paid for from a Japanese store in Edgewater New Jersey because that was one in Japan was still closed and I think this cost $35 and I saw it in Japan for maybe 10 bucks but it's fine we don't need to talk about it and then I installed these shelves a couple months ago so we have some books here have some toyoki characters we got from Anime Con oh how could I forget the greatest chair ever if you want a nice chair you're willing to invest Herman Miller Aaron you can get them on Craigs list for a fraction of the price because a lot of startups and businesses that go under they end up selling them I think this was originally 1,200 new which is insane for a chair but I got it for $400 and the guy delivered it and I like that it's kind of like bouncy and supportive the mesh here is really nice cuz then you don't get like all of the cushion that starts to degrade over time and you can also move these so if you're like me and your arms are smaller closer in there's a lot of adjustments which is nice next to my desk this was a gift from one of our friends I helped them design their logo for their new business and so this was a thank you and she started out about this big so it's been growing quite a bit my Olympus om2 film camera I have a point and shoot film and this is my only one with like a detachable lens I have another lens I got too this was from Amsterdam two summers ago and we found it in one of their old film camera shops this is our move out schedule which by the time you're seeing this video I can show you that this exists um oh that's weird who put this sticky note here where' that come from huh sorry that's mine that's for combat culture now in our living space we did a bit of a gallery wall some of these I think this one was from Philip Williams it's a store on the border of Tribeca and fidi they sell a bunch of old posters that are really awesome and they have some old New Yorker covers that you can get for like a five for one deal these were from one of those just kind of generic print online stores like that one this one this one that one just for The Vibes this this was from a place nearby our recent trip to Bangkok we got this little postcard that was from the Chinatown in Bangkok this is anrank again from Amsterdam we got this from the museum another Ki I actually have a really fond memory of this because when I first moved to the city back in 2021 my friend twe came with me to the I think it's artists and fleas in Williamsburg and they have you know the posters set up there they're kind of expensive but they do have some nice stuff and she actually bought this for me as a gift it's Muhammad Ali it's like a really famous old Esquire cover my mom made this for me she cross stitched it which I think is really cute we got this little table here back when we first moved in I don't don't think it's the best use of the space everything's kind of cluttered and if I could do things over again if we were staying longer I would probably sell this TV unit and get one of the ones with like drawer covers on them so there wasn't so much stuff at the bottom but we originally wanted to just get some stuff in that was like cheap Wayfair would come immediately and yeah I guess we're just too lazy to replace it here is a nice vase that I think I got from H&M home which I didn't even know they had a home section these are very fake flowers I have these Nara Yoshi Tomo Yoshi Tama Yoshi Tomo coasters that I got from the MoMA design store also have this very beautiful wobby saabi welcome book that I got from a boutique book shop called Amazon down here all of my like Asian art books that I collected most of these are from the Japanese bookstore I'm blanking on the name there's one in New York but I got these in Bangkok actually technically cameraman got them for me in Bangkok and this is a gift we got for cameraman because when we were in our first apartment together in fi in this tiny little Studio I put him in the corner across from the bathroom next to the door where you walked in because there wasn't any other place realistically to put his desk and he moved in when I had already gotten there and this is a really nice 3D lamp another humidifier another fan this is our plant Corner my plants were my pride and joy up until we left for Asia over the winter we were gone for 3 months this one has been doing amazing I mean she is like completely thriving she loves this spot clearly arenda if you're watching this please skip ahead a few seconds but my friend arenda gave me this money plant that also is not doing too well they have some cuting up here I have a sunny Angel up here that looks like a zucchini so I thought that was really fitting for the whole green theme and another toky doie Cactus girl so I have a little smky hiding over here playing in the dirt and a couple more Chopstick holders that my friend y got me from Hong Kong I always get a lot of compliments on this couch it looks like a giant pillow and it's perfect for naps I love that the chase is double wide so this whole thing I think is about the width of a three- seat couch but it's just divided into two and then the armrests are also really sturdy so if you put even like a cup on there nothing's going to happen to it and this is our friend gal the angry lucky cat I got him from that same bookstore that I am blanking the name on G the G the Mau and this is Sushi Cat that my friend arenda also gave to me before she moved out from New York back to California this blanket here the happy and sad faces this was on my wish list for a very long time it's from lazy o and my mom got it for my birthday when I first moved to the city over here for some context cameraman and I have a very good relationship we're very solid we're engaged we're going to get married in April if there was anything that would ever break us up BR why does one man need three screens why tell me anyway we uh we did fight about this for a long time and he used to have a screen up here too and as someone who prefers more minimalist type of looks and you know like brighter whiter stuff it cramps my style a little bit but you know love is about compromise have 50 tabs open no I don't what are you talking about I'm where your face um we do have this really nice vine paos posos plant that has been absolutely thriving in this corner I think it used to be maybe like a third of the size and it grew this much in a year and then we have like a lot of really cool gaming paraphernalia up here there's some like Lego Adidas sneaker in a box which I thought was really cool I'll we built this so around the time we first moved in at the beginning of the year we were walking in boram hill and we saw one of those little gift shops and they had these news papers that were printed and had like watercolor paintings over top of them looked kind of cheesy but I we really like the Rhino that was riding a bicycle on top of it and he asked me if I could remake it for him not on a newspaper print so then I came home and painted him [Music] this welcome to the bedroom our bedroom is pretty small compared to the living area I actually prefer that because we spend most of our time outside you know working hanging out eating but there is enough space to fit a queen here and our bed is actually pretty fancy if I do say so myself cuz you could do this oh oh no oh no oh no oh no okay okay well you get the point it can lift up on this side and this side and you can do like a zero gravity thing where it relieves pressure on your back which is really nice it also means that we don't have to have a headboard because if you want to sit and read or hang out in bed you can just lift up that side and kind of like lean back instead of using a headboard against the wall this is another Nara Yoshi Tomo art piece it's made of a bunch of skate decks and I also got it from the MoMA design store this is the first piece of art that I've ever spent moderately expens I I consider expensive I don't know I mean I know people spend like tens of thousands dollars on Art but this was a couple hundred and for me that was a lot so this was a very big girl moving into you know a nice Place moment for me we also have our family here this is radish this is Freda uh this is bige head and whenever I am upset I like to communicate with Albi with this octopus we have our sleeping Pikachu and Frank who is the star of the household Marshall from Animal Crossing and Panda bread that I got in Japan I also love this no face throw blanket my friends got it from me for my birthday a few years ago so now we keep it on the bed here this is my vanity area it's very Hello Kitty core and Wednesday Adams core I have all of my like gel nail extension stuff here with these little drawers from Daiso that I got that somehow fit really perfectly and then I have my little gel lamp and all my stuff for makeup is in here I also have another little smiy hiding so there's a gift exchange that happens on Reddit every year for the holidays and you get paired up with a secret buddy just a random stranger around the world you tell them the things you like and they send you a gift which is really cool and this is the one that I got from someone I mentioned that I did like Tim Burton um in The Nightmare Before Christmas so this is Stick Boy and match girl it's actually kind of like a old vintage collector's item which I thought was very thoughtful I don't want to go back in they seen the light like don't put me back in we got this at the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 premiere at the Nighthawk in Brooklyn pretty cool experience but also a terrible experience because there was no AC everyone was talking the seats were incredibly uncomfortable uh I don't know if I recommend going there for a movie Spirited Away poster I think this was a knockoff I should probably get a nicer one cuz you can see it's like bleeding uh this is Al's Corner if you couldn't tell I got him this poster from half Sumo they're like a Jiu-Jitsu combat Combat Sports brand that specializes in custom illustrations also got him this uh Muhammad Ali poster these are all his cameras he is a camera collector not really a camera user but that's okay because I get to use them instead so we have like the zv one and we have some cam quarters we have a Super Eight medium format yashika another medium format mamia 645 that we got in Bangkok two summers ago and a couple couple GoPro this it sounds really excessive as I'm describing them but yeah you find ways to use most of them I would say and my camera collection is mostly scattered here it's basically just my a7c and some extra lenses a tripod and then my point and choot [Music] Olympus so this is our beautiful rooftop apartment that is up about 30 stories you can see all of Brooklyn and all of Manhattan from up here or at least you could up until 3 months ago when this thing was built and that's it for our apartment tour thanks for coming along with me today I am definitely going to miss this place a lot but change is inevitable so I'm also excited to see what's coming around the corner I guess that's it for now bye Brooklyn [Music]