Transcript for:
Duke's Culinary Adventures and Social Insights

Duke, what's good here my boy? Why you sweating? Oh, I was in the kitchen. With me?

Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What you cook? Uh, some salmon. I cook some salmon. Kai said he loved it.

He was just raving about it on stream. I also cook some, uh... Yeah, wow.

All right, Duke. Um, I didn't even know you left. I ain't gonna lie.

Bro, let me tell you what my dumb ass just did, bro. Okay, cool. What your dumb ass just did?

Bro, hold on. So... Talk to me. I'm gonna go get some food.

That my fig. Fire as. W fig, chat. No cap.

So Pete. Okay. I look at my um, doze off my Jeep for a few days now. True.

First time Tyga. Feel like a real country boy, you know what I'm saying? Uh huh.

But, it's raining right now. Okay. And I just went to the store. Yeah.

Oh no. No, it's okay. You know, that's why I'm driving.

Thinking, you know what I'm saying, that my top is enough. Tyga. I'm driving like it's puddles and shit. You know what I'm saying?

So when my wheel hit the puddle and shit. That's what's happening. I'm going to fing gas. I need to fing gas. But look.

You know what's happening? Oh my God. You know when I'm dropping through puddles, usually the doors... It blocks the water.

But unfortunately, you know my doors are locked. You soaked type of s***? Not really soaked, but like... annoying like you know what my legs wet you know what i'm saying not now you know what i'm saying you just changed no no no you dried off now it's like damp like the back of my shirt is you know what back what Yeah, I could punish you right now, but I don't know what you mean.

You know what I'm saying? I could, but yeah, man, everything's uncomfortable, so in the morning, I'm going to put my... Okay, okay. You know, I did remind you when you were taking your doors off that that was a possibility.

They're saying eat Mubarak. Mubarak? What does that mean?

It's been a Muslim holiday, Eid. Oh, Eid. Eid Mubarak.

Eid Mubarak. Yeah, I was talking to this girl, bro, and I was like, say, what you doing? It's today, like the...

Yeah, 12. Yeah. Midnight? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's what I was saying. Congratulations.

Thank you, man. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. So my Muslims out there, happy. What you doing?

I'm saying. I'm a Muslim. I got a lot of Muslim fans, so I know they be going crazy. Do you? Yeah, I got a lot.

Sorry. Yeah. But tell me why I was in my car, and tell you right.

Okay. As far as you don't have. You know, you on my.

Why is you on my. I just want you to be specific though. Now look, look, hold on. All right, so like, I really wanna get your viewpoint on it. And I got your viewpoint on it as well.

Already, but certain month you looking at it certain type of way talk to me so Is it gay hold on okay hang on wait wait wait wait Is it gay if? Another man cook for you Like like hold on so so like so like Let's say Oh Like Look that's a you Texas a girl and she like what you doing Yeah, but like You know what you're doing? Oh, Nigel, you waiting for my mans to be done cooking for me?

But I say s*** like that. I would say it like that. I'm like, we about to grill, we about to eat some hot dogs, something like that.

I say I'm about to eat, so like, like, like, let's say, of course we all live together now, so like, let's say you're You go knock on AJ's door, AJ, can you cook? Oh, no, that's crazy. Can you cook? No, no, no. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

That's not, that's not. But you get what I'm saying? That's not, that's not, that's not, like, gay, but that's, like, like, slavery type. All right, now look. That's like.

Now look, look, look, look, look, look. Here's the real, like here's one of those, it's the same scenario but since it's a little wild. It's like, you will probably say it's gay but it's not really gay.

But, but, alright, check me out. Is it gay for a grown-ass man, right? No!

Hello! Alright hold on hold on Alright hold on hold on I'm gonna be crying right now Alright Alright hold on hold on I ain't talking to nobody bro Ayy Is it gay for a grown-ass man, right, to sleep with a big t-shirt on but no drugs? Isn't it though? Big t-shirt with no drugs.

Yeah, a grown-ass man, like, a big t-shirt with no drugs. Yes, bro. How? Is that what you did? No!

What the f*** yo, AJ? Stop losing me. I don't even know how that's possible. Yes!

Bro, like, why would you do that? Hold on, but look, it's the same thing, though. As what?

It's like one of those, like, It's not the same. Nigga, I'm saying, I'm saying, Greg, Area questions this one saying like mother be like is it really gay? No, but it's like why you yeah Where is what is a question of like why you doing?

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So if I'm saying like this You visualizing Phantom naked from the top. Nigga, I said he has a big t-shirt on, Jack.

Look, everybody's laughing, bro! Oh, God, this is funny. God, you're hilarious.

Hold on, yo. Nah, it was just one of those great area questions, though. You know what I'm saying?

Like... I personally love when anybody cooks for me, in general. Uh, you could be... You know what I'm saying?

You could be anybody, but if you're good at cooking, and you cook food, and I'm in the vicinity, and I smell it, and it smells good, and I go, can I have some? And you say, yeah. Hold on, while we're on the subject, you remember when Omar used to cook in a B&B?

Why you think I never eat it? Cuz it was pause? Yeah!

I wonder man, me and Chris going in when the breakfast is more left and you never came downstairs for it. Breakfast like, I don't want no girl, I don't want no other nigga cooking for me like It's the same as if you go to a restaurant. No it's not bro.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Talk to me alright. Let's say it's just us six right? And we wake up and Chris dancing.

You know what I'm saying? Chris downstairs cooking and he's like, hey, I cook for y'all. Is that not?

No, that's fire. That's fire, bro. You see a smile that be on my face, I just be like, what the heck?

Hold on, who the fuck is this, man? Hey, I'm gonna call you back in one minute. Okay.

One minute. Who that? Hey, wait, wait, wait.

You pick up calls you don't know. Hold on. Hold on, nigga.

Na, now look. Play the doorbell, man. Now hold on, na.

Now look, last stream, that last stream shit. Was that the same one? No, now hold on.

Hold on, last stream. Yo, why all your girls be having W voices? Hold on, now look, now look. Like they would be good at GTRP, no question. Hold on, look, she from the south.

You heard that? Oh, okay. You know what I'm saying? Like, that was real southern type shit.

Okay. I ain't even look though. I done made it. Last time I. I got in trouble last time for the stream.

You know what I'm saying? Somebody saw it that way. Feeling the type shit.

You know what I'm saying? So now I'm not talking to no females on stream. What?

Because, bro, like, even though, let's say, like, even though the girl that just called me, right? All right. I'm not in no relationship.

I don't talk to nobody. Like, you know what I'm saying? I'm just chilling. Yeah.

But still, like, some females wouldn't really like that. It ain't. They don't like you know, I'm saying like who was that calling you like first off who the fuck are you questioning me? Who the who is calling me?

So it's just like No, no, you're old. But, but, though, but, but, but, wait, Because it's like nigga my life shit just be happening like none of this shit is playing agent 000 You know agent 000. I was telling you like run my life. I'm a YouTube on accident I'm just saying, type shit, bruh.

Damn! I'm doing what I should be saying, like, bruh. That's fire rears, go cat. She didn't question it?

Like, she didn't ask you a question that, like, you couldn't answer unless you was a construction worker? Nah, so, first of all, they say is, what you do. Okay. You know, so I say, I'm self-employed.

Okay. Then they say, elaborate on it. You know what I'm saying?

Because self-employed can be a plethora of things. Of that nature. You know what I'm saying?

And things of that nature. You know what I'm saying? Talk to them. So, um, I say, I'm a construction worker.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then that seems to be enough? You see, I'm gonna look into that right there because what I used to do was I'd be like I mean I'm self-employed You know what self-employed? I'm sitting I don't say like I work in video You know, they'd be like, oh what kind of video music videos and I'd be like, I guess yeah And then they'll be like do I can you can I find these music videos?

They be asking me like what you do for them and I'd be like I'm self-employed I start up the stuff right good did like What you do I said I got a business, okay? What type of business shit? Like work Because if she knows anything about hair she might ask you one day like not it I'm gonna post that along with me cuz work you are but they say I saw here and shit like that So they like that shit don't work Cuz you don't sell here and have this set up nigga.

I have a warehouse nigga So this does also doesn't explain this yes, it does I I compete Orders I get the addresses on computers a camera. Yes lights a giant piece for my meetings. Yes See I just don't believe that Okay Go to my room and say oh my god you got two TVs What are you talking about bro? Get the fuck out. What are you talking about?

Like TV. Like come on bro. Like nigga, it's obviously monitors bro.

Oh, you got two TVs. Yeah. Yo, why did you say to hide you from my girl?

Bruh, I was out bro. What type of nigga would I be to try to take one of my niggas? No, no, no. But I don't even have a girl.

Me neither. What the fuck is they talking about? Bruh, you know what? I think they like, like, like type shit.

Oh, word. So like, so like, if she like come over and type shit word, indeed, indeed, type shit, type shit, type shit. Alright, alright, alright.

So if they know, like, what's up? Nah, one time I was in uni, I brought a girl back. I was talking to her for a while.

But I just needed to pick something up from my room. But then she walked in my room and saw. And I had my little ghetto set up.

It was a green screen. You know what I'm saying? My little digital camera.

But she didn't ask no questions. But you know her mind is like thinking like, what the fuck could he be doing? This nigga's a porn star.

Like YouTube wasn't a way pop no profession. What was those? So like she thought like you Know Cap a mattress on the floor.

My lotion was right there Now but she never asked any questions after that but I could tell she was being curious She would like try and bring it it up in like slight ways you know what i'm saying she'd be like all right so what you gonna do like after like after you finish school work yeah like maybe it's like an elaborate on the fucking setup you know i just never answered none of those questions but so at that point i realized i need to come up with a good lie but construction worker i don't know if it's believable that i'm a construction worker though because i'm popping out of like cars that construction workers would never purchase um you should say something like like you know what i'm saying more believable like construction workers look at me i might be like architect No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Nigga, when the last time you heard somebody say I was an architect? I'm an architect.

That's true. That's not common. I'm talking about everyday. I'm a bank account manager. Okay.

She's not going to question me on that. Look, look, look. Your hair isn't like. Stop.

It's not go to work. Yo, what is he? What would you see him as?

An electrician? I might say like I'm a. A plumber? A nutrition would work! A plumber?

A plumber! A plumber! A plumber!

A plumber! A plumber! A plumber!

A plumber would work bro! Wait? A plumber would work. Look, look, look. Ah, but what about me?

What about me? Like, what can I be? Umm... Basketball player type shit. I'm probably not your for life.

Yeah Yeah, what can I be Jack? Oh landscaper Forex Wait Exterminate stripper You ever say that? Aye!

Barbra's good, Eric. You know what I'm saying? Aye, aye, aye, aye. You know what I'm saying? You could fix phones at the mall.

Not really though. But phones at the mall is ass, bro. No offense to anybody that fix phones at the mall.

We talking about believable shit. Nigga, Barbra's really. Like some common. Amazon driver. That's valid.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's valid. I work for Amazon.

He can't do that though. Nigga, what are you talking about? I got my license.

I literally drove your M4. No, but you don't have a. I have my license. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shut the fuck up, nigga. I was gonna say. Car No, but but it's just it's not believable though like if she put a 7-eleven worker the OCCA the deli But I see him as a Yeah, and I'm a plumber plumber and barber I bet It's not working What locker what locker? Like the cool So garbage they make they make more than teachers Not really they clean it out they're going ballistics right now To pick up people's trash, okay Pick up people's I mean, you know, they don't store the trash probably don't people don't tie to trash properly I don't know how we got on all this but more the story is bruh.

I would never Try to fuck with one of my own boys females, you know Whether or not There was your girlfriend or just somebody you brought to the crib When you bring your shoulder around, you know, he's gonna jump around I Think it's a girl over soon All the way I come up is if you say do come into come introduce What even do that work To her you know No, no, I hit you with a boom and then Let's say you hug. No, it's not weird. It's not weird, bruh.

So look. You say. I'm sitting down.

You sit the fuck down. I'm calling you. They just say, dude. Dude. Yo, You take a right?

Type shit. Okay. That's your Jeep outside? But hey, look, I got to finish the Walking Dead. Nigga, I got to.

I ain't got no. Let me know when you're done. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll see you around, Duke.

You are, you are. You was way too into that character. Was I? Yes.

You was way too into that character. How the fuck does she know all that information? She's perceptive. Like, she came up here and she was looking. She saw Duke walk into her room.

She knows, like, that's probably the guy that came with you. How you don't need the house dealers? Because you can trace footsteps, bro.

You can see, like, his room is right by there, bro. On the way up here, you can see Duke's room. How do you know it's not my... How do you know that it's his Jeep?

You just have to do a lot of, like... There's not many cars outside. you don't drive yeah I You're here real quick. Okay.

Talk to me. Show me around, Kai. Oh, like what?

Like what do you want to see? Like show me around the house. Wow. Oh yeah. It's a big mansion.

This is my room. Okay. Duke's room.

Duke room down there. There. A room over there.

You better next door cuz next door that six bedrooms. How can it come on? Oh wow Can you can you take me to the gas station right now? Oh, yeah, I forgot this item and then in your Hellcat, please Hey, look, no, that's what you say. This one is say no no dude then we say dude nigga I need to borrow your car no no oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I need to borrow your car and he gonna tell her he was you tell me I really don't feel like driving this yeah I don't feel like cuz it takes up a lot of miles I'm paying $90 for gas wait Their ability to get whatever the fuck right?

Okay, so in her head She might believe that you have a hellcat just off the basis that you walked her into this She might! Cause she coming in like this Okay, and once they look up, they boom! So I'm just letting you know Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bro, once they look up, they, they, you know what I'm saying? Bro, once you do it, and it's 12 right here, like. There was a girl I was talking to, right?

Talk to me. There was a girl I was talking to. Now, she done experienced driving in three of my four cars.

And I, like. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Hang on, hang on. You, you been driving around in all your wheels? No, you know, sometimes I pull up the Range Rover.

Sometimes I wanna drive the M4. I just switch it up, you know what I'm saying? I don't be thinking about, like, what she rolled or whatever. So, one time, I, I mentioned, I was excited my AMG was coming down because it was.

It was in Toronto for a while. Okay. Right?

Now, she was looking at the vehicle from our bedroom, because you could see it on the street from our bedroom, for a while. Just thinking about, like, man, I kind of want to ride in that car. I rode in all the other cars. I want to see what this is. That car.

Did she say that? She didn't have to say it. You could just see it.

She's like, all right, so we're going somewhere, right? What car are we taking? Like, in her head, she wants to lean towards the car she ain't been in, because she don't know what it's like to lean in an AMG.

A little mysterious. Yeah. So, I'm saying the curiosity of her might overcome her, like, belief that you have a health care, because it's not. It's not unbelievable you could afford a Hellcat, especially at a crib like this.

She knows who you are, how much you know. She might know, she might not know. She knows you got money, though.

Why? So she's gonna believe you have a Hellcat, but her curiosity might lead her to tantalize. I just want to experience. Maybe she hasn't experienced a Hellcat. Okay.

I don't get what the fuck you're talking about. So now you caught yourself in a trap. It might not happen the first time you bring her around, but the second time she might get a little curious and step into the kitchen.

Now she's getting curious. Why is she walking around the crib full without my permission? She really shouldn't be. She's not going to even. Why?

There's nothing like Mr. Miriam. This is six niggas in a house? Yeah. Yeah, nobody bitch should be just wrong walking around you are in my you know, so actually If your bitch is wrong and I'm not color anybody's women, of course not But if you're if you're if you're girl roaming around the house, bro Just just just roaming around Your mom's over here.

She's all the way in Duke's bathroom nigga. Like what are you doing? That's called Choosing and being nosy she's choosing Yeah, you ever heard that saying that you don't say the female like damn I chose her own homeboy She's trying to see if she chose wrong my wife. It's it's while that is possible It also might be possible. She's never been in a house like this She wants to like get a tour and he never showed around.

I'm just saying these are all possibilities You know watch the house to a video You wanna talk? I'ma send you the link. Directly.

Our message. Click on the link. You know what I'm saying? Like, subscribe.

Setting her house tour is crazy. Just walking her through the house on YouTube right now. Yeah, yeah.

Oh yeah. This my man's room right here. This the living room.

This the second living room. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can show her like a floor plan potentially too.

Yeah. Yeah. Hey.

Do y'all... Question. Now I really wanna see if y'all smart.

Street smart. Do y'all take y'all girls around, y'all homeboys, before you hit them? Like before you had... I had a chance to hit her.

Nah, I used to, but I don't do it anymore. Don't do that. Yeah, I don't do it anymore. Okay, so when, so like, uh, when I was in high school and shit, I had a girl, right? But like, I was bound to be with my friends.

Yeah. And she was in my school. So they was around regardless, but like, she, it wasn't no weird shit, like, you know what I'm saying? Damn.

But, but, but. But wait, but, but how's that Dan, though? No, no, cause, cause.

Nah, cause then she, she gets ideas, though. And it's, it's, it's like, I used to do that. I used to be like, I'm going to Topgolf. I need someone to. go with she might be fun let me ask I'm going to a couple friends too, but then it's like Like if you haven't hit her she's not she's not obligated yet You know I'm saying like she does if she wants to if you want to bring up a girl around the A&P 6 and she like Okay, you know Kind of fuck with Chris, you know that she don't really have to stay with you.

Yeah, she haven't fucked you She don't she won't that's why I gotta give a good dick first. Yeah, I said before you Dick Some of that good That good shit Yeah, after that so but what if I'm not saying me But what if I nigga dick what and But then on the dick that's what just where morals come into play Let's say yo we not me not me like like somebody Let's say a hypothetical character name. Like some nigga.

Kelvin. Kelvin. Kelvin dick whack as fuck.

Let's say Kelvin dick whack, right? Kelvin not going to push you. And look, look.

But even though his dick whack, he bring his girl around the fellas, she still got to stay, bro. Because she already fucked Kelvin. Now she can't go fuck Kai. If you fuck Kelvin and Michael.

You can't do that, bro. Now, however, if Kelvin dumbass brought her around and shit, and she was spending time with us, and she say, damn, dude, cool. I like Dubai way better than Kevin that you want do dick and now why do you want to do she feel like she have the Opportunity and no obligation to him now ethically she shouldn't do that Your part ethically is it fucked up if you take Calvin's girl now no no I'm gonna tell you what okay.

All right. No, I don't been in this situation This is what I do, but this is what I do. All right, so So boom right talk to me. This is true story time.

Boom me and my home I was texting and communicating with this girl right? Okay. She's like pull up boom. I pull up I walk in and Her friend is there with her right and so I didn't mean you know say how respect for I am I didn't even look at her friend even though her friend look better like in the long game I didn't even look at her Yeah, I went straight to her doing I was talking to and say now and you know saying we kicking it now Now, fast forward, her friend was talking to one of my homeboys, right? Okay.

So, I ended up stopped talking to the girl. Didn't even hit her or nothing. You know what I'm saying? But the friend who was talking to my homeboy inboxed me.

You know what I'm saying? And I didn't know. Okay.

I didn't know. You know what I'm saying? Because remember, I didn't even look at her. You know what I'm saying? So, boom.

Goddamn. She was like, yeah, I saw you at my friend's house and shit. And I'm like, what you mean?

You know what I'm saying? And she told me she laid a... I'm like, yo, okay. So why are you what's up? Like what you want?

You know, and she was like, you know Come on now, you know say, you know what, you know I said wait wait, you know, you know this not how it's supposed to go. You know, I'm saying she said I'm grown Let me know she was Wait, LL one is right. She was a woman, right? She's still a man She was a man.

I didn't let me know that she was a man. I go together. No, no, no, no They was never together talking. Yeah, they were talking Okay. Yeah, look she said oh The shit was over quick.

All we did was go to the movies, right? All right. Now look now.

Look now. Look now. Look I Me being a motherfucking W man's lion. Okay.

I hit my dog up. I said hey She just got damn, you know what I'm saying? That's how close me and my niggas is, bro. Like, with these bitches, bro, you know, they come and go.

They choose whatever. W-mans, W-mans, W-mans. So, I hit my dog up.

I say, bro, tell me why old girl got there hitting me up, trying to fuck with me and shit. He said, all right, bro, go ahead. Goddamn, fuck that bitch.

You know what I'm saying? Deep down inside. Deep down inside.

Deep down inside, nigga. It was eating him up inside. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No way.

Look, deep down inside. Deep down inside. This is why I stopped, you know what I'm saying? Deep down inside.

This is why I stopped doing it now. Because look, deep down inside, he told me. He was like, hey, go ahead, dude. You know what I'm saying? I ain't getting a chance to, so you fuck up on me.

You know what I'm saying, tight shit? You fuck up for me. Tight shit. You know what I'm saying?

It's a saying. You lying. That nigga is lying.

Hey, look. He tight, nigga. He tight. Nah. He tight.

Look, nigga, I go home. I go home, and she text me, wow, you really, you know what I'm saying? Get what he told him. Bitch, you a hoe.

You a fuck dog. You a. You a. I want my movie ba- From the movies and shit? I say you motherfucker!

You motherfucker! And he couldn't close. Nah, I fucked him. You didn't fuck him? I did!

I ain't no motherfucker! I would've never went to my homeboy and told him that. Bitches is bitches, no kidding.

I was just being respectful. They my dawg, you know what I'm saying? Maybe he liked her the whole time and she...

You just never know. But I asked. Moral of the story, I asked my homeboy. Like, hey, bruh, what y'all had going for you?

Plugs don't touch. Plugs don't touch. What was the lesson you learned from that? Plugs don't touch. The lesson I learned?

Plugs do not touch. Oh, that niggas is real t- You know what I mean? Like tender dick likes like that like they attach like yeah, they attach the dishes easily even though he never bought them He never wasn't he never nothing except to the movies one time He was still tender in the sense that like he was upset with somebody else I think it's like you just made it further than he made it in his ability to fuck So I feel like I failed and Duke succeeded so dad make me a little frustrated my clothes that's Okay, okay You can't I've been to the same situation. It's crazy Girls be on my body My home watch right like bro literally and I know it might sound bad but I know this is gonna sound bad, but... And you're still gonna say it.

I done started it already. You know what I'm saying? Alright, I'm gonna finish.

Bruh, Dre done texted me and said, Boy, Duke, go with her. I couldn't do it. Like, get her. I couldn't. That's not that bad.

Okay, but it just makes it as like a challenge to be... It makes you look at women as a challenge. Now, was he...

But it's... Honest about that you like like dude, I couldn't fuck us off go ahead, but he wasn't like attached No, no, no, it was like a boy. I need like one of the fellas got here, huh?

So we boy go ahead, you know said you know that he's the main sniper He was so crazy, he was like He sent the main sniper and shit gotta get sniped You know what I'm saying? So then the real question is, did you? He sent the main sniper so shit gotta get sniped I laid on my stomach and brought, you know what I'm saying Did a few breathing exercises and goddamn sniped the ass You know what I'm saying? But that's just W man shit, I done did the same thing to him like Boy, Draper go ahead, you know what I'm saying Kinda like letting your dog off the leaps like You know what I'm saying? I'm gonna suck your dick crazy That bitches be on my dick Yo bitches be on my dick crazy Touchy Touchy I'm getting bitches You just won a date yesterday You know I'll be telling you guys I went to Riz Academy though I'm actually hosting a class pretty soon I'm gonna have desk in here And I'm gonna have one bad female in here And each student will have to Uh Presentate how would you be in this situation situation.

This girl just told you this. How would you act based on that situation? And whoever got the most Riz, win.

You know me. I'm the Riz God. You feel what I'm saying? I'm the Riz God. I mean, I feel like my Riz is at least a 7 out of 10, so I don't feel like I need it.

To go to Riz Academy? Nah, you can go to Riz Academy, dang. There's always more like...

Riz levels you can reach, you know, so even kind of master like this more rips you can learn Yeah, I grow every day, but I'm at 10 out of 10 now cuz I don't prove my point many times Yeah, I'm saying people have doubted me. But now I'm like the Riz Lord like the Riz God So 10 out of 10 makes you the Riz God. Yeah, like anybody in here I could Riz them up Riz them up. I don't think I can Riz anybody You know, I think I think you just be really When Riz kicks in, Riz kicks in when they kinda like not feeling you Then you Riz them up, tell them to start feeling you But if they feeling you off the jump, there's no need for Riz You just got it I think that's where a lot of my shit come from Cause I don't really, I don't really, you know what I'm saying I be saying dumb shit to girls But if they already feeling me It doesn't matter what you say Toilet tissue water I finna see banana o'clock last night you so stupid you so stupid I hate you I hate you you are so funny I got rats in my crib I hate you whole time I wasn't joking why