Transcript for:
Exploring Srimad Bhagavatam's Teachings

foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] welcome everyone Hare Krishna welcome back to the study of current Raj srimad bhagavatam by studying which our sachinandan Gora Hari is supremely pleased for all Godiva vaishnava SRI chaitanya mahaprabhu has said that srimad-bhagavatam is our greatest Brahman sriman bhagavatam puranamam very dear to the vaishnavas and srinach also says opinion is such that worship Krishna in the land of brindavan make brindavan your Eternal residence follow the footsteps of the brother gopis make Krishna Prem the goal of your life and the study of shriman bhagavatam the pathway and the goal to attain so these are the five fingers on the palm of a gaudia vaishnav so whenever a Godiva looks at his palm he doesn't see from a palmistry point of view he sees the five fingers as the Five Points of mahaprabhu's conclusion or he may see the five fingers to be sadhu sanganam kirtan bhagavata shravan mathura was the five limbs of bhakti as associating with the sadhus which definitely is the thumb according to palmistry these four fingers are considered to be fingers but it's an offense to say that the thumb is just a finger it's not just a finger it is the main finger it's almost like a hand of its own like there is a whole study of um lines on the palm by which we can predict somebody's future it's called palmistry but at the same time there's a whole chapter on the studying the thumb so just by studying the thumb you can get more than 50 or 60 percent of the accurately the characteristics of a personal person's uh overall character the shape of the thumb the length of the thumb the the color of the nail the shape of the nail and so many other things the the stretchability and the flexibility of the thumb so many things can be mentioned even in the the knots these bones Etc so my point is the thumb is part of the the Palm family but it's not just a finger right so out of the Five Fingers of devotion sadhu Sangha is the thumb it is not just a limb it is the main process if we associate with the sadhu automatically he will speak srimad-bhagavatam automatically he will make you chant Nam sankirtan automatically he will bring you to the dham and give a deity installed these are the things that a sadhu does and srimurti Seva chanting the holy name and studying srimad-bhagavatam residing in the Abode wholly Abode and worshiping the deities they all happen in sadhu Sangha so the negotivation of looks at his palm either he will see the five conclusions of mahaprabhu by the aradhu bhagavanaya's force or he will see the five limbs of bhakti so the point is shrimad-bhagavatam is one among them and it is great Fortune for us to get a chance to study sriman bhagavatam so yesterday we started our discussion on the 13th verse of the sixth chapter of the 10th canto and we just go through the worst one more time for those who missed the discussion but I'll do a quick overview of what we discussed yesterday and then we'll also continue ahead yes so in this verse we can see Nisha is the word that has been used for putana hmm Nisha achary a in this way that Nisha putana Nisha Nisha means night and Chara means to move so nishachari means she who moves at night in this way that putana who's active or who moves at night Vietnam when she was attacked by Krishna then she lost all her life heirs her mouth opened her hair got disabled and Scattered and her legs and her arms started expanding further the previous verses also it's been mentioned by shukdev goswami that her eyes popped out in her hands her arms her legs everything expanded and as she was expanding Krishna didn't want her to crush the brijwasis around the homes around the cows around the trees around so as paramatma he inspired putana ran out of my house and fly in the sky so try to avoid the home of Nanda Maharaja so she tried running out and took the airway and Krishna was still latched on to her and Prasad your ghost it's described she came down crashing in kamsa's Garden comes ahead a garden in vrindavan and Krishna made putana destroy kamsa's Garden so Krishna didn't destroy putana destroyed so in her expansion it's described kamsa's Garden only got destroyed Kansas trees got destroyed and no Bridge Basi no cows no trees of brindavan were affected she was thith she was situated or she attained her ninja rupam her original form which was very dangerous so two original forms she attained one was destroying the layer of hypocrisy she attained the form of putana the the previous form the form that she held while being in the army of kamsa but yet at the same time as she was losing her life Krishna gave her original form as an assistant of mother yashoda in the spiritual world just like when Indra attacked vritrasur fell down crashing that is how putina came down crashing when Krishna attacked so that's the general meaning of the wars so now we'll see what the HRS have written in this regard s writes something fascinating there's a lot of discussion that the archerys have gone into regarding what this original form of putana is right what is the original form of putana [Music] foreign that seems like putana had a form of an owl hmm seems like she had a form of an owl so he's commenting on the word Nisha Cheri he says the word Nisha can have three meanings one either she was active at night or her original form was that of an owl and owls are active only at night right or the third meaning is the Knight is figurative here is metaphorical for avidya which means she avoids the light of the association of the sadhus she avoids the daytime of sadhu Sangha and operates in the night time of avidya ignorance keeps bad Association so nishachari can have three meanings one either she is active at night like many of us this is a lesson that we can learn many times students ask this question I focus better when I study at night um yes no problem if that works for you go for it but according to Natural circadian rhythm it's more natural it is more biologically in tune with how Krishna has made us with respect to the clock cycle of the rising and setting of the Sun and the Moon to sleep early and wake up early so what you may gain let's say from 10 to 2 at night in studying in seclusion maybe you can gain much more than that by going off to sleep and maybe waking up at two we're waking up at three o'clock you can capitalize the time from maybe 3 AM to 7 am instead of capitalizing the time from 10 pm to 2 A.M 2 A.M it's still 4 hours but the productivity is way higher because naturally according to human clock cycle according to just natural clock cycle you can see it's more natural even for the birds to start chirping at four o'clock in the morning then to chop at 11 o'clock at night you will see no bird no animal which is in satwagun um being awake at night and um operating at night apart from the snakes apart from the hyenas apart from the notorious tamaguni animals those in sattvagon like the cows those in sat fagun like the elephants you can see they are fast asleep all the braja birds also you can see their faster sleep except for those in Madhuri rasa because that's the time for them to serve they are more active they're chirping so it is very spiritually materially emotionally devotionally fruitful to go off to sleep early and wake up early you can see even from a material standpoint there are many successful sport celebrities and many um many of the entrepreneurs who are very successful who actually mentioned that the secret of their success is to wake up early now they may wake up early and hit the gym or they may do yoga that's another thing but they also credit that to waking up early there was a very famous basketball player Kobe Bryant who left a year or two I think last year if I'm not wrong and um it was a shock to the whole world because he was young he was in his 40s very successful many times compared to Michael Jordan and sometimes by many to be even better in many ways so he was young 41 42 I believe a very successful basketball player so one time I happened to see an interview of Kobe Bryant and I was thinking what is the Krishna conscious lesson that we can learn and I got something which is in line with what we are discussing so he mentioned that of course I'm not quoting him as an acharya or as a praman but we can always gain from all circumstances from everyone provided we know what to gain on our path right we can always learn and the praman for that is the 11th can to bhagavatam where we can see that the avadutha had so many shiksha gurus he learned from the snake he learned from the ocean he learned from Mother Earth he even learned from a prostitute so our learning should continue even if we are in a we are let's say outside a nightclub prabhupada's Vision was to go and distribute books inside right utility is the principle so he was explaining in an interview that let's say if you want to be successful if you want to be the best basketball player that you can be not the world has seen what you can be then you really have to train you have to work hard you have to give in more hours he said now let's say if someone sleeps till eight o'clock in the morning then by the time they get ready and they hit the court for their first set of practice it's going to be at least nine o'clock right 8 30 9 o'clock by the time you hit the basketball court and let's say you train for two hours you go from nine to eleven the sun is out there so you're gonna work uh your way and then after that depending if it's an outside coat or an indoor court then let's say you train for two hours two and a half hours till maybe 11 11 30. and then after that you come you eat something you let your body relax and then maybe you try another session from about 2 to 30 to maybe 4 35 then you get tired you come home you relax you eat something so you he's he was saying that typically you can get only two or maximum three sessions done of two hours each in a day but on the other hand let's say you wake up at around 3 30 in the morning this is what he was saying you can hit the quote at four o'clock and from four to six you have one session done you come you know you take like maybe a quick um maybe a small drink like a protein drink or something to rejuvenate yourself and then you hit the quote again let's say at around 8 30 or 9 o'clock and then you see another session then maybe at one o'clock or two o'clock you get another session till about four and then maybe in the evening you can squeeze another six to eight or seven to nine so he said when you start early you get more number of sessions more hours of hard work in the court and naturally it brings out the best in you and you can offer the sport your best version not what the best the world has seen but at least you can compete with your own um situation the best that you can offer so he was mentioning um that even from a material standpoint for success in sports and career it's always fruitful to wake up early it's fruitful to wake up early and so many entrepreneurs so many CEOs I have in fact there was one point when I went through many books just to see a common trait between those who are successful materially and out of many things that I saw one thing was they attributed waking up early to their success so that is important and then if that is the hard work we have to put in to be successful uh for feeding our belly then imagine the hard work we have to put in to feed our heart we are not lazy people in Australia when srila prabhupada saw devotees sleeping in the afternoon because of jet lag prabhupada said why is everybody sleeping what is there to sleep the devotees said prabhupada because of the travel we got tired said even the karmis outside don't sleep in the afternoon they are working so hard prabhupada said the farmer works so hard to get the crops and you are eating those crops and sleeping prabhupada said just see this is the laziness in the army of caitanya mahaprabhu one should not sleep one should not waste time one should absolutely not waste time as much as possible one very exalted disciple of prabhupada bhakti siddhanta um took second initiation from srila bhakti program Swami Maharaj by the name Maharaja in the Goliath he was sitting in chanting Java and some disciples and servants they got the prasadam plate and the breakfast plate and the lunch plate just remained as it is and now it was time in the evening and they got another plate they said Maharaja why don't you eat and they were telling him five ten times please eat please eat he said please don't trouble me please don't disturb me I'm very busy so one devotee said but Maharaja you're just sitting and chanting why where is like he had the audacity which is very inappropriate as a point to be mentioned to to counter question or ask a question like this to our superiors said that radharani wants her sakis to serve Krishna on time make all the Arrangements on time and the sakees depend on the maid servants and he pointed to himself he said the sakis depend on the maidservants to serve Radha and Krishna and when the services are not on time radharani is displeased so then he paused he said so should I listen to the sakis and Krishna chanting and pleasing them or should I listen to you and eat this prasadam plate he said what should I do I am very busy serving them I have no time leave me alone so that is how cautious the acharyas are in in utilizing every moment in the service of Krishna and as far as waking up is concerned even from an ayurveda standpoint from yoga standpoint human life doesn't even begin till we don't determine and we don't force ourselves to wake up early so then the question could be what if we sleep late what should we do should we force ourselves to wake up in the morning or should we catch up so many hours and sleep do we understand the question like sometimes we have we get it you know we go get to the bed by 11 11 30 at night so should we still force ourselves and wake up by 4 4 30 or should we get proper rest and then wake up I will leave that to you I'm not going to answer but but the ideal thing could be let's say if you can hit the bed earlier then you can get a complete rest and then you can wake up on time and it is sustainable it is a model that's sustainable let's say we think come what may whatever time I sleep I'm going to wake up at the same time yes that's a good idea too but then maybe in the week you can have one day which is a cheat day where you can sleep through to catch up on all that lost sleep you can you can try that so let's say if you sleep at 11 o'clock and let's say you make a rat that I will wake up at four o'clock now that Karthik breath is beginning dear devotees this is very important very very important and I will mention this why on multiple fronts um Point number one sleeping through Brahma muhurta reduces our lifespan Surya Dev is rising and we are sleeping we should be awake to welcome him we should be awake to welcome him actually in the bhagavatam it is describe the bridge basis would offer arathi to Surya Dev so even srimati radharani would offer Puja to suryadev at suryakund so we don't have to literally offer yes there's nothing wrong if we offer the lamp to Radha sham Sundar then you can also offer that prasadi to Surya Dev because he's a very powerful personality so there's no nothing wrong but the minimum thing we can do to respect him is that when he is rising or before he's Rising we should be up that's Point number one point number two in the Rama and it is described that dasharat Maharaj would never miss Brahma muhta he would never miss the rising of the Sun and one day when he missed the whole of ayodhya was thinking that definitely Maharaj dasharata is very ill he's sick otherwise why would he miss Ed Point number three as far as brahmamurtha is concerned it is described that foreign [Music] he would have gushing wind and Breeze experience and he would think where is the breeze coming from and then nashingade one day gave darshan and he said no I'm just going to the Yoke Pete to have darshan of mahaprabhu so it's just a breeze of my body became so foreign and praying that may you uproot the obstacles on my path and um offered that after having darshan of nashingadev and it is described that nashingadev gave anushinga Mantra to bhaktivinota and said that anytime you're in trouble You Can chant this Mantra and I will come before you and this Mantra bhaktivino takur gave to prabhupat Saraswati takur that anytime you're preaching you have trouble they will protect you and it is described coming down tradition who received this mantra and then he gave that Mantra to his holiness so it's just a point that bhaktive during Brahma another important Point what is this Brahma Brahma means the Supreme Lord Brahma if we cannot respect Brahma muhurta we cannot respect for a Brahma if we cannot keep the appointment time of the Supreme Lord how will we meet him how will we meet him so this was taught right in the gurukul for the kids in the olden times to wake up early to clean your room to do vayam to have yoga and pranayama breathing exercises and chanting on mantras in complete absorption as soon as one wakes up it's a very good practice um actually even the Buddhists do this that when they wake up right on the bed they are sitting they don't talk they don't check their phone they don't they don't do anything as soon as they wake up they're on the bed for about 5-10 minutes because since we have been resting for about five six hours the Consciousness is pretty steady at that time it's not gone through fluctuations of seeing something hearing something speaking something thinking something right the Consciousness is pretty steady at that time so we can tap into that time for our meditation by waking up in about 5-10 minutes remembering the Mantra that we have been initiated in or chanting the Hare Krishna Maha mantra foreign [Music] or just sitting there folding our palms and praying to Krishna you can pray in your mother tongue it doesn't have to be Sanskrit or Bengali yes if it's Sanskrit or Bengali you can offer what the acharya is offered no harm but if you want to offer your own prayer in your own mother tongue think Radha and Krishna sitting in front of you and talk to them close your eyes fold your palms not evidently telling everyone how great we are not like that close you there should there should be fire burning but there should be no smoke I hope you get the point there should be fire in the heart but no smoke should come out which means no sign don't weep don't show Expressions don't talk in front of everyone little not people think that oh like mahaprabhu he's absorbed no not like that we can fold our palms closer eyes and speak to radhan Krishna whatever you want offer your heart yesterday I heard from one very senior devotee he was giving an example of a child in Mumbai um and by the way please let us not forget why we're discussing this this is all elaboration on that word Nisha cherry shukdev goswami is calling putana as she who's active at night so we are just elaborating on that that shukdev goes from he's catching that aspect of putana's personality so it's important for us to discuss so coming to this example one senior version of yesterday was mentioning that one child from this one from a school in Mumbai he was mentioning that that child was going for his to write his exam and he had a pen in his hand he was running he was getting late for the the examination Hall so he had a pen in his hand and on the other hand he had a little small deity of Juggernaut and he was running with the deity of jagannath and a pen in his hand for the exam Hall so then why was he running like that when he was asked he said oh I'm going for the exam for the test so I'm taking my juggernaut with me so what are you gonna do what is Juggernaut going to do on the test he said I keep this little Juggernaut on the table and as soon as the question paper comes I show it to jagannath I said this is the paper you please help me now you please help me and then of course he has studied so he writes all the answers to those questions and after writing after finishing the whole test he shows his answer sheet to jagannath all the pages and he says I hope my Lord I have done a good job now you take care and then he you know carries a juggernaut home so the devotee was mentioning that how did this child do this his parents told him offer your heart to Krishna live your life loving the Supreme Lord and the child saw very innovative ways on how he could offer his heart to Krishna how he could offer his heart to Krishna so this is very important for us to to keep the time in the morning so that we can develop our love for Krishna so in the morning as soon as we wake up we can find innovative ways of calling out to Krishna either through our prayers or um in our own language speaking gratitude that Krishna thank you for giving me another day to remember you I hope today I do better than what I did yesterday I hope even when The Temptations come I'm able to remember you and I'm able to cross over those Temptations Krishna please you help me today so that I can whatever you know I'm just giving a general template but you can fill in the details of your prayer so early in the morning to respect the time to respect Brahma muhurtha is a way to respect Brahma para Brahma also Brahma means Vedas so that is the time to study and go deeper in The Vedas that's the that's the appointment time where The Vedas work the best in your Consciousness because during the day we can see that satwagandh remains up to nine o'clock in the morning for example and then after that from nine o'clock or ten o'clock in the morning it's the mode of passion up to about six o'clock in the evening and then from about six o'clock in the evening all night long it's um the mode of ignorance and then early in the morning from about three to seven that's the time of pure goodness it's not goodness it's not passion it's not ignorance it's pure goodness so therefore you can see when you want to perform anything spiritual if you try doing that at eight o'clock at night it's gonna be way more difficult way more difficult then maybe let's doing it at one o'clock in the afternoon which is going to be way more difficult than let's say chanting it around 10 o'clock in the morning which is way more difficult than actually chanting at four o'clock is it not we've all witnessed this if you sit with devotees at around 4 4 30 and you chant till about 6 6 30. you yourself feel wow I have the whole day now and my rounds are done now it brings in such positive energy like you can do it for yourself you don't have to believe me you can try it yourself right um you all can try it yourself and the day you can see when you wake up late and you have the the load on the head that I have Enchanted today everything becomes top-sittery all day and then you chanter round or two and then there's checking on the phone somebody's calling somebody's at the door then you have to travel then you're irritated and then you have another 13 Rounds left at 7 pm typical situation right so everything goes upside down so if you have a jar and if you try putting in the sand first and the little Pebbles first then you will see that the big rocks remain outside but on the other hand in a jar if you put in the big rocks first then the small Pebbles can fit in and then the sand can settle and you can see you have place for everything in that jar so in the jar of our 24 hours let's put one thing for Karthik on priority waking up early and chanting over 16 rounds before 7 am those that's the big rock and once you put those big rocks then you can put the small Pebbles between them your work you have to go somewhere and do some Bank work or you have to um make sure that the car is washed or whatever whatever work you have grocery shopping getting in fruits vegetables flowers you can do later but don't do that planning in the mind while you're chanting or don't wake up late and start doing that and leave your chanting behind if you prioritize your chanting your chanting will prioritize you if you prioritize Krishna Krishna will prioritize you also one more thing as gaudia vaishnavas waking up early is um very fruitful and very effective for one reason and that is it is described that Radha and Krishna all night they have been singing and dancing and having very sweet pastimes with the gopis they're cutting jokes the gopis are Fanning them they're massaging their Lotus feet and finally Radha and Krishna they get a few moments of rest and it is described by the arch areas at 3 36 in the morning that's when they wake up 3 36 in the morning and then they have to leave the kunja The Groves created by the gophis and Krishna has to go and radharani has to leave and they part at that time they go to they go their own ways because they have other things to do Krishna goes and jumps into the bed and acts as if he's asleep so when mother yashoda comes she's thinking all night my baby has been sleeping but Krishna has been playing the flute and singing and dancing and reciprocating so beautifully in the rasa Leela so when Radha and Krishna they wake up at 3 36 in the morning exactly 3 36 not 335 or 3 37 but 3 36 in the morning when they wake up they don't just wake up like a spring you can see that the the rooster it starts making the sound and and then after that you have the kakati which is the female monkey which is making this sound and radharani is waking up and she says oh why are they making someone sound I think yamadutas are here to wake us up and slowly but surely when Radha and Krishna they wake up and they come out of the Groves the kunja created by brinda Devi and the sakhis then there is an arti that is performed by the sakhis because this is the best darshan Radha and Krishna are intoxicated not just internally out of Krishna praying but even externally because of their sleep and the arathi is performed and there is visha khadi sakhana Nana rage guy singing very beautiful ragas and there are some who are Fanning the Divine couple and those like narutam Das thakur gatia malathir Mala they're making garlands to offer it Radha and Krishna and there are some who offer Beetle not to Radha and Krishna there are some who offer chandan to Radha and Krishna because this is the most beautiful darshan of Radha and Krishna they walk their own ways and then they meet only in radhakund in the afternoon 12 hours later or seven to eight hours later um so this darshan of Radha and Krishna coming out of the Groves the garden the first arathi that is performed dear devotees this is called mangalarathi mangala means auspiciousness this darshan of Radha and Krishna is called mangalarti so in our temples when the curtains open and we see radhan Krishna together in their night dress because they opulent shringar darshan is done at around seven seven fifteen seven thirteen most discount temples we can see but the Mangal Arts is like the night outfit right so when the curtains open and you see Radha and Krishna together in the night outfit that is the darshan of Radha and Krishna coming out of the Groves after waking up and and then the arathi that the pujari offers and all the devotees of this standing and glancing you get an entry into what the sakhis are offering to Radha and Krishna so that is now you please tell me what kind of devotee who wants to attain the service of Radha and Krishna will sleep during that time when Radha and Krishna have woken up and they are splitting their ways parting ways to go to their own homes who is that devotee who wants to serve Radha and Krishna and sleeps through that time so therefore devotees meditation is they try to wake up um at that time prabhupada writes in a purport the devotee should try to wake up before four o'clock and this is the secret and the depth of that purport srila prabhupada wants us to wake up and attain this goal foreign it's not that prabhupada is saying wake up you know before four o'clock just so that um healthy wealthy and wise may you live long you know that's not the that's not the blessing prabhupada is giving us what is the blessing that prabhupada wants to give us Radha Krishna Seva Babu a abhilashi Tara Bank did not give us anything basic prabhupada came from the planet of Radha and Krishna to give Radha and Krishna he didn't kill he didn't come in this world to give anything less than the Eternal service of Radha and Krishna prabhupada didn't come here to teach yoga and astrology and well-being and goodness all of that comes automatically planets align automatically goodness manifests automatically yoga means meeting meeting of the devotee with the Divine couple happens automatically if the priorities on pure devotional principles so prabhupada came in this world to give what Radha Krishna Seva to give us the service of Radha and Krishna to make us braj basis it can get more explicit than that it can get more clearly explained in that foreign that's exactly what mangalarti is so when prabhupada said mangalarti compulsory in every Temple prabhupada is making us go from animalistic Consciousness up to what the gopis are practicing this is the spectrum of the acharya's compassion to lift us from the drain from the sewage of our material Consciousness and pushing us out of compassion into the Groves of Raja so this is why a gaudia vaishnav should wake up early in his heart to welcome the Divine couple and pray Ed yesterday here in the fruit of the guruvashtakam then what happens yes at the end of this life the person will get the service of Radha and Krishna in brindavan and there is no doubt so when prabhupada says follow the principle and you'll go back home back to God in one life very it's it's traumanic every word that of the acharya speaks speaks is in line with what you love we should not chakravati takur and others have said prabhupada doesn't speak anything on his own he's speaking carrying the current of our gaudia acharyas so therefore putana because this is not her aspiration she's nishachari she doesn't wake up in the morning she's just functioning all night and our generation Our Youth uh they are getting destroyed by this mentality it is a sad reality the smartphone is not making us so smart we are all night long watching um something on YouTube or movies or cricket I I know people even boys who are chanting who are awake and and I ask them what are you doing at 2 45 at night he says football game you know I I follow soccer football and there's a game that late so I'm awake Messi is playing so how can I miss I said but for that your bhakti is becoming pretty messy what about that I you know of course those students who are studying and uh you know 17 18 years old and I tell them okay you want to watch you watch but you watch as a you know like recorded or what do you call it next day highlights or right something like that yeah you watch it the next day but don't jeopardize don't spoil your goal don't spoil your Gore ideally it's better to sleep early if that's not possible keep a time and sleep accordingly and then wake up and then you can have one cheat day in the week you don't have to wake up that day you can sleep through catch up on all your sleep one day a week but the remaining five six days please be sincere when he came here recently I was observing and he was telling me the importance of his practice he came to Pune in 1995 and it's 2022 now so it's 27 years he's been in Pune not one mangalarthi has been missed even when he was down with fever devotees said prabhuji you take rest he said if something has to happen to me better it happened in front of the deities that is the dedication we need we don't want to sleep through mangalarathi we don't want to sleep through morning brahmamurtha that is uh we can't get Krishna with that mentality cannot sadak is not someone who's sleeping till six o'clock seven o'clock eight o'clock forget about getting Krishna even materially that's not good even for our health it's not good and and many other evils come with that what is keeping us awake at night something rajoguni something tamaguni so those Impressions increase and such a person cannot become a brahmachary cannot hold on to his breath not possible so in this way we can see the importance of prioritizing the morning program prioritizing the waking up prioritizing that in our life even those from a singing background they wake up early and they do their riyas or their practice swara sadhana early in the morning because your voice is well rested for five six hours and that's when now it's at its best Yoshi very famous singer vocalist was saying in one interview he would practice 16 to 18 hours a day and it would start early in the morning at three o'clock so if that is the practice needed for the throat that is the practice needed for basketball that is the practice needed for a farmer then how can we cultivate devotion for Krishna in the Heart by sleeping through the morning time from Mumbai was once mentioning in one class something very inspiring I I think it'll benefit many he said that if if we are told that we have a job interview at four o'clock in the morning won't we wake up if we are told that we have an examination and we will get into let's say MIT or Harvard or IAT or any of these premium institutes at four o'clock there's a test don't we wake up one free wake up if we are told that you come to the airport at four o'clock I will give you a briefcase of one crore rupees or one million dollars what do you think is going to happen we're gonna sleep through that time we will be awake all night in anticipation to receive I hope I don't get late we may go if the person is supposed to meet us at four o'clock we may even reach there at 3 30 just to make sure I don't miss so prabhuji was mentioning if that is the dedication for getting into a competitive school or getting a competitive job or getting money let's say if someone just gives it to us why not for Krishna because we think well it doesn't matter so much when we have Mahatma buddhi which means we have significance in our mind the importance of money importance of that position importance of that that competitive exam passing through that exam that makes us wake up but we don't think chanting and remembering Krishna is that important if we can just bring in that Mahatma buddhi that yes I am living and dying and breathing for Krishna and Krishna likes if I wake up in the morning that is good for me I should learn to give up my sleep and wake up and we can see so much can be done you can wake up you can memorize a verse You Can chant Hare Krishna you can worship your deities if you have to prepare a class you can prepare at that time so many times I've done that too honestly speaking I don't claim to be um a person who has never missed the morning I don't claim to be one and I am not coming here as a sadhu or a saint or as a self-realized person who's giving advice to the whole world no I don't claim to be perfect I don't think I will ever be perfect I have missed morning many times but I am just trying to share my heart's feelings again not in an instructor way but in a friendly brotherly way to those uh for those to whom it matters you don't have to take me seriously you don't have to listen to me but I'm just sharing it with those who are my brothers and sisters on the call that I have missed many times but we may fall seven but we still try eight what's the problem till now we missed but from tomorrow we will not right we can do that there is always hope there's always light at the end of the tunnel Krishna is very kind Krishna is very kind so we can try many times for my class also I have woken up and prepared during that time I see that the focus is higher at that time whether it is memorizing a verse whether it is chanting stutti prayers to Krishna whether it is um reading shastra or hearing the class or srila prabha then our spiritual Masters and taking down notes of the points that we like is the best time to be observed in krishna's service and you can see when according to the Natural clock cycle according to the Natural clock cycle now I'm going to say something which you may find to be little disgusting but please take it positively you can see according to the Natural clock cycle the push and the natural inclination to hit the restroom is also early in the morning it's not after that you try waking up at eight o'clock and nine o'clock and seven o'clock you can see you'll have stomach problems because the that's against the body cycle but you try waking up at four o'clock you can see as soon as you wake up you don't even have to drink water and then Krishna helps you go through your natural chores very fast you save a lot of time but if you if if we wake up later we can see that digestion acidity so many issues come up even according to the body but when you wake up early in the morning and you let's say drink one bottle of fresh water and you're chanting krishna's name you can see very quickly Krishna takes you through the duties that you have to perform in the morning and then you're there sitting with the luck all over your body in front of the deities early in the morning even according to um um different sutras and the experts in the field of yoga and in the field of ayurveda they mention that the rest of the body gets from 9 to 12 at night although it's three hours of sleep the body gets six hours of rest and this is what srila bhaktive used to tap into he would sleep for he would sleep during that time so that less time is invested in sleeping and more gains more returns so they explained that between 9 and 12 at night three hours of sleep gives six hours of rest to the body and then from 12 at night to three in the morning it's three hours of sleep but the body gets only three hours and then from three to six in the morning it's again three hours of rest but the body gets half one and a half hours so nine to twelve at night you get twice the benefit from 12 to 3 you get as much as benefit and from three to six you get half the benefit so let's say someone sleeps at two o'clock at night and wakes up at eight o'clock in the in the morning so you can see he Taps into two to three that's one hour and from three onwards you can see three to six he gets one and a half hours so he's sleeping two and a half hours and from six onwards it doesn't count because the Sun is up so although he's in bed for six hours the body is rested less than three hours only two and a half hours and therefore he wakes up groggy and Things by over sleeping in that bed he can catch up but it never happens but on the other hand if the person sleeps six hours let's say from nine to three nine at night to three in the morning he can get nine to twelve which is six hours three hours but he gets six hours of benefit and then from twelve to three he's sleeping three hours but he gets three hours so he's basically in the bed for six hours but Taps into nine hours of rest so this is the best this is the best you can see even um from a medical standpoint that's that rest that time just is natural according to the Circadian rhythm so all the parts of our body our body internally externally gets rejuvenated you can see naturally sleeping late waking up late is gonna bring in early aging the growing of the hair wrinkles on the face dark circles increased acidity problems so many issues come up even memory the person becomes absent-minded the key is in the hand and he will say and then he'll have the Chavi in his hand the key is in his hand and he's searching for it everywhere because the person becomes absent-minded starts for getting details that's forgetting conversation starts forgetting names but the earlier we sleep in the earlier it's not that early to sleep and late to rise that's not what I'm saying when we are regulated at that time you can see that the the effective uh cognitive functionality is at its peak is that speak is in one class mentioning something in this regard he mentioned that when he does a program let's say the program runs up to 9 30 at night now instead of driving at 9 30 9 45 at night from the home program to the temple what he does is he prefers to sleep in that home at night or maybe in a nearby base base is a place bhaktivedanta Academy for cultural education p-a-c-e it's a base it's a place where boys are cultivated unmarried boys are cultivated so prabhuji was mentioning let's say after the program if I drive back to the temple I'm gonna face traffic one night traffic and second it's going to delay my sleep because the time of my getting to the bed is going to fluctuate and that disturbs my morning chanting so what he prefers is just to rest there let's say 9 30 the program gets done 9 45 you will rest there just have a room in that same house or in a nearby place if there's a place where an apartment where just boys are congregating together they live together then he can as a brahmachary stay there so what happens is sleeping time is still the same waking time Remains the Same after that prabhuji finishes his chanting now at around 5 30 6 o'clock in the morning after finishing your 16 rounds he goes back to the temple so now there's no traffic so the time of traveling is also cut short and the sleep is not sacrificed and the morning chanting is not sacrificed just like Roti sabji Dal rice is important for the body grains are important for the body chanting and hearing in the brahmamurtha is important for the soul it's very important because putana is not prioritizing all this goswami is feeling very sad and he says nishachari she who walks around at night I hope everyone is able to collect this whole conversation in totality in line with the wars it's not that I'm just reading the verse and speaking something else I hope everyone's able to reconcile that properly writes now coming back to his purport he says that putana either was in the shape of an owl one so Point number one either she was active at night as a human being which is demoniac or second she was maybe in the shape of an owl and the owls are active at night so that's why she's nishachari or three here Nisha Knight can represent the path of adharma so she's walking on the path of adharma avoiding the light of the sadhu Sangha of the of the saintly path he has mentioned this um another thing that has been mentioned is maybe putana was a crane as a bird why because her brother was bakasur he was a crane so and she is many times referred to as Bucky in the Third Kind to second chapter text 23 putana has been referred to as Bucky as the sister of bakasur and Baki also means a female crane so that's another reference to maybe she was a bird in her ninja rupamasita maybe her original form was a bird and she became a beautiful woman here's another reference the harivam shapuran explains and I'm going to read the Sanskrit for that foreign there was a personality called as putana and how was she ghora prani bhayankari she was very horrifying and she gave fear to everyone she was fear inducing and she arrived in the middle of the night and what did she do she was shaking her wings out of anger so the harivam shapuran describes that she was a fierce bird inducing fear in all living beings he arrived in the middle of the night and she was shaking her wings very intensely so Wings refers to her form as a bird um so that is something that has been mentioned as far asthita and it's fascinating that even shilajiva goswami pad um when he refers to Niger rupam he says in Hindi we call a owl as ulu right and that comes from the Sanskrit word sorry also refers to putana as he says that um she was probably in the shape of an owl her original form was an owl so when shukdev goswami says nishachari and nijarupa mastita the asharas have put together that her original form was something that moves at night as an owl yesterday of course we went into um detailed discussion about why putana has been compared to rudrasur in the source and maybe we can refer to the recording from yesterday for that um but one last point that can be mentioned in this regard foreign that it was kamsa's Garden which got destroyed srila Jiva goswami path is um mentioning that in a place near the pastures it it didn't destroy brindavan but it was a garden of kamsa in brindavan hmm has been mentioned and also one final point for this verse in conclusion why has the word nirpa been used that was the Cliffhanger from yesterday what does the word nirupa means he has written that the word nrpa means the king who protects his citizens that's the meaning of the word nripa PA means means Nara right half man half lion so so to to protect uh to comfort to take care to nourish the citizens is the duty of the king so why is the word nirpa used here says for two reasons one goswami has the style to keep calling out to parikshit Maharaj for attention just to make sure that parikshit Maharaja is not distracted not that he was distracted but again and again to call him anger anger means oh you're so dear to me like the the arms in my body or to call him Rajan or to call him rajendra O King or to call him or descendant of the pandavas so to call him Vishnu ratha or he who was protected by Vishnu in the womb parikshit Maharaj is being invoked many times so one similar invocation is O King just like when we lovingly speak to someone be like let's say let's say for example that person's name is for example so when you're speaking to them you will say so it's like a way to get their attention to keep them involved in a conversation right you don't have to read any books on effective communication and to better yours you know to win the hearts of people leadership I mean if you want you can but you can learn these things even through bhagavatam is teaching us as a speaker involve your audience even if the audience is Maharaj parikshit keep calling on him in the sense that involve him ask him a question take his questions make sure that the attention is maintained and another reason why nirpa has been used is a king who protects his citizens Krishna is going to be the Future King look he has already started projecting brindavan by killing putana oh parikshit Maharaja just like you when you were the king you would think about your citizens and protect them similarly see the son of the king of praja Nanda Maharaj son and the future king of course Krishna has started protecting brindavan from putana by destroying her and in this way the 13th verse concludes so tomorrow we will start with the 14th verse and we will move on slowly definitely but surely on the path of studying this chapter whatever mistakes I am making if I am making any mistakes in siddhanta I'm making mistakes if I sound very um unnecessarily instructive or boring and distracting and not doing Justice to the content and the subject matter may all of you kindly forgive me and at the same time if there is anything that is inspiring let us try working on that path because this inspiration is not coming from me it is coming from