[Music] [Music] [Music] with the right they wanna fight taking to the valley and you better swing Chariot for me [Music] baby [Music] crazy [Music] Chariot for me [Music] to give me [Music] first one two one program [Music] foreign [Music] Neighbors babies [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] very much conditions [Music] we fly we fly and you can bet on this [Music] they got demons in the sky now my angels gonna bring them down they either flying in the heavens they're getting carried away now you might be rolling on the planet but ain't no telling when your kingdom coming down [Music] but Jacob gonna shoot them down and we can never miss [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] beyond your reaches [Music] [Applause] thinking that you're getting away [Music] we can never miss you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] ladies and gentlemen it's a Dream Team [Music] yeah [Music] ah yeah right yo winner [Music] you're a winner hey you winning yeah [Music] so mistakes [Music] [Music] [Music] lately [Music] so much people hating on me lately daily [Music] so mistakes [Music] [Music] [Music] trying to stop us but they can't cause they know he on the road [Music] yeah all you do is [Music] [Music] [Music] no giving in and we got a long way to go a long way to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I realize [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so leave me alone patience [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't deserve this makes me nervous don't even see past the surface and I didn't stay true to the plans [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll be my shelter my age [Music] [Music] everything [Music] yeah yeah Dream Team I wanna see now I'm stressed don't stress this is so my soldiers this is for the realest real you ain't stressing about not you know what the deal is always [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they just always [Music] been around the world so many times before [Music] even though you're still alive [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know we didn't realize [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] through the world yes [Music] are you staying [Music] tell me tell me [Music] you know what the deal is not in your feelings and we gonna love it cause we ain't got No Ceilings let them know hey show me if you're real how you were soldiers [Music] they just always wanna hate on me foreign [Music] [Music] she wasn't from I'm cool down [Music] [Music] [Music] get me down foreign [Music] move it over there okay Bishop on Deck [Music] and salute [Music] shoot down let's face Jerusalem I'm in Israel blow trumpets trumpets down Holy Father the god of Our Father Abraham Isaac and Jacob we come to Father God a new Sabbath in the name of your son Jesus the Christ we give you all prayers of Glory father God we thank you we thank you we thank you Father God for another Sabbath we thank you for the unity of the Brotherhood we thank you for the love of the Brotherhood father God we thank you for the holy God and Father God in the name of your son Jesus the Christ Lord we pray father God for those who are sick in the midst of us we pray for captain and then father God that you continue to touch them Father God that you heal him and not only him but each and every brother each and every sister each and every kids who are sick in the body Lord we pray for the healing of the nation of Israel Lord we pray for the 12 tribes who has cut in the [ __ ] of the earth we pray for all of them Father God we pray for the strength we pray father God that you help us Lord to endure to the end father God we thank you for the spirit you put in Bishop Nathaniel Lord for the vision you put on him Lord for the vision you put to him that Lord that for using him as a vessel for the God to take out you I see where it is today Lord we thank you we thank you and we give we all praise for that father God as your spirit continue father God to scare them all over the Earth father God we thank you for using iuic for thy glory and we ask you Lord you continue to use are you asleep for thy Glory but as you know Lord as we waking up as you peoples who has been up Lord the enemy is not asleep either our enemy is your enemy Lord don't forget that don't forget the promise you made to our forefather Abraham Isaac Jacob you say when we call when we repeat you're gonna receive us for the goddess we repaired as we're working up our enemies also responsible enemy is out to distrust for the God not only our enemies outside of our Israel of Israel but also inside for a God you can do you can see all things Lord we pray for the destruction of enemies those who hate us up again we thank you say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we pray for our food and also strong drink we also pray for the God for each and every brother we are travel far sisters who are travel followed that to come in fellowship with us today that you may bring them you may take on them safe you protecting them it's the name of you give your praise amen in Israel sons of God patient Saints sons of God Hand salute salute down face sisters to The Honorable Daughters of Sarah we say shalom shalom shalom as you can see I'm the only one who forget my garment uh I just want to give mosiah appraisal Glory thank you for The Fellowship of the Brotherhood the unity man every time you got a chance to be around this Mighty Men it's a blessing it's a blessing you guys just don't know the uh as we was booking some scriptures last night man it's always good the understanding that uh Bishop have to give us what uh you know you know what I was thinking that brought me back to uh Moses right and I'm looking at the young men when you look at the history of the young man Joshua under Moses how Joshua Moses Moses basically Mo Joshua to be the next leader and uh Bishop is doing the same thing with us he's doing the same exact thing so to to to to the enemy there is there is what more than there is a hundred and forty four thousand like Bishop so so don't get it twisted uh Bishop you ready sir yes sir all Praises how are your sisters doing the Sabbath go appraisers Brothers how you're doing all right brothers and sisters at the venue we say shalom I apologize for not being there but Austin dropped the ball again and they're not able to broadcast we had the broadcast from here but we will be over there God willing right after class we'll be over there immediately right this guy Lord's World Lord's will all right uh captains how are y'all doing who's reading for me can't get a life Bishop okay all Praises um today's lesson is going to go into a little bit of History so I need you to pay close attention especially uh Captain Enoch um we are going to discuss the atom bomb from Nazis to NASA all right the I.T Department are they y'all up and running okay that's right all right don't praise let's let's start up a little bit of History give me the first critical review of anals of literature please all right who read that Captain get a life yes sir critical review or annals of literature by a society of gentlemen um is that what's that 17 is that 1700 the bottom I don't remember uh give me the next page let's read the highlights yes sir all right the trade soon increased to that so that in 1455 no less than seven or eight hundred negro slaves were annually explored to Lisbon exported exported excuse me to Lisbon at linked the Portuguese in 1471 discovered the Gold Coast and ever since the Intercourse between Portugal and guinea was continued next highlighted section the discovery of the Gold Coast served now I know the Gold Coast was Ghana go ahead indeed yet more to enlarge the Spear of the navigation of the Portuguese then their slave trade but it forced them also to extend themselves on the coasts and to settle colonies in Congo Angola and other places which they had which they had till they neglected reach straight through Prince Henry's colonies uh were enlarged by the successes King John II 1492 expelled all the Jews to the island of Saint Thomas which had been discovered in 1471 into into other Portuguese settlements on the continent of Africa so Saint Thomas is on is an island off the coast of Africa go ahead and from these baddest Jews what I want y'all to see is that they're calling those Africans banished Jews read the part again and from and from these banished Jews the black Portuguese as they are called and the Jews in loango and are despised who who are excuse me who are despised even by the very Negroes are descended so those banished Jews are descended from Negroes the Negroes that they found on the continent of Africa was there another highlighted section go read that bottom part yes sir in the beginning of the 16th century the Spaniards and the Portuguese began to transport Negroes for for similar labors and the West Indies to the West Indies to the West Indies and it was at Brazil Brazil Brazil's by which the Negroes trade was rapidly increased so I started off with this bit of History because I want y'all to see and understand that all the old books declared and taught that the blacks when Spain and Portugal taken to the continent of Africa were Jews they were Jews now when we jump up give me the next uh the next page the church yep right there this is in Russia this is in Russia give me the next page now I want y'all to see the black images and I went over this many times before but I know that there may be new people with us we ruled Russia we ruled all Europe for over a thousand years no we weren't the most righteous people but one thing we did know is that we have always known we were the Israelites the Jews okay as you can see the black images of the Saints the martyrs the Israelites on the walls of this cathedral in Russia give me the next one okay as you can see in these are the many of the Patriarchs raise it up you could see some of the angels are black on the wall uh there's one with Christ yeah right there crisis in the center Mary's on my left uh you got John you got the Angels uh Michael and Uriel and Gabriel on either side go back to the Top Again raise it up yeah you can sit there you can see all the black images of the Israelites the Jews on the walls of this Cathedral all right now let's go to the next page this is from another book can you read that get away yes sir negro Judaism above Gold Coast chief he came 100 miles to Accra on the coast to have his picture taken his role was uh Arabic and Hebrew charms can we look at the uh brother from Aqua Ghana nope up up right that's him so His Garment had Arabic and Hebrew uh charms and writings on it okay why because these are the Jews these were the Jews now you may ask yourself what happened to a lot of that history of US knowing who we are what we're going to touch on that today go back down with the long one left left a Jew snapped in a street procession of Jews in New York so in New York this brother right here knew he was a Jew okay give me the next page read that yes sir negro Judaism left Rabbi hauling Hank length of or Bishop A.W cook of Montclair New Jersey he announces that the Negroes are the only real Hebrews that's right so he had that going for him he knew that go ahead right but Todd can die um goza IBN Lo bagalo a Yoruba negro Jew of the emo yo quam of banai or banai Ephraim of Southern Nigeria right so the Yoruba Jews Lord yet that's him on the left and the first one you read about is him on the right notice they are black men so now let's go into the next book read that the Jews a study of race and environment by Maurice fishberg raise it up the Walter Scott Publishing Company LTD right look at this 1911 1911. yes sir let's see what he wrote on page 64. next page zoom in read that highlighted area these fair-haired Jews created a problem talking about white folks for for anthropologists it is a question once these Endo Germanic Germanic Jews as virtual call them have found their way into the midst of a dark complexion race like the Jews so he's bringing out the controversy white folks saying it Jews but the Jews have always been known as being black so now to cause a controversy a problem for anthropologists so now let's go and let's go to Genesis thank you so that was a little bit of opening with history let's go to Genesis 25 and let's start at verse 21. yes sir the Book of Genesis chapter 25 and verse 21 and Isaac and treated the Lord for his wife because she was buried nit if y'all got some more images for me because I don't have all the images I'm trusting y'all be able to just find someone your own read that I'm sorry and Isaac and treated the Lord for his wife because she was buried the Lord wasn't treated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived so now his wife initially could not get pregnant but then the Lord uh allowed them to be blessed and she conceived go ahead and the children struggled together within her children noticed children more than one go ahead and she said if it be so why am I thus meaning if the Lord has blessed me why am I having trouble in his childbirth go ahead she went to inquire of the Lord and the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb meaning those children are the origin or the beginnings or the Genesis of two Nations God and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels two manner of people meaning two different types of people shall be separated meaning what what kind of twins were they they were fraternal not identical right and the one people shall be stronger than the other people stronger mentally and physically that's us able to endure great hardness hardships go ahead and the Elder Shall Serve the younger any elder child Shall Serve the younger talking about in the kingdom is prophetic right and what are days to be delivered were fulfilled behold there were twins in our womb the first came out red all over like an hairy garment and they called his name Esau so his name was called ESO write this down ESO means wasted away is he wasted away is he that's what it means red ESO does not mean red ESO does not mean hairy we'll get to that little later on go ahead and after that came his brother out and his hand took hold on Esau's Hill and his name was called Jacob and Isaac was three score years old when she bear them so what I want you all to notice your new brothers and sisters at home they never give the color of Jacob they gave the color of eso being read why didn't they give the color of Jacob because he was the same complexion as his mother and father and everybody else from Genesis 2 verse 7 get that for me Genesis 2 verse 7. Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7. the Lord God formed man of the Dust of the ground and the Lord God formed man of the Dust of the ground I want to take a look at some dust of the ground do we have any I.T do we have any I know I'm asking a lot I know if I'm going too quick y'all let me know dust of the ground you could Google it if y'all ain't got in the folders uh holding soil in hand I guess you could just type that in I just want the men and women at home to see it holding soil in hand right there notice the soil that's the color Adam was now look at the hand of the white folks hey find me one with a black man holding the soil they got some you got me it come on I want a black man holding the soil black hands holding soil it should be right there on the same Google page all right let me know when y'all get it uh let's go back to Genesis 25 what verse did you leave off at we live off at uh verse we was about to read go ahead I want y'all to see the comparison now look at the black man holding the Earth so read Genesis 2 7 one more again yes sir Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7. the Lord God formed man of the Dust of the ground so the dust of the ground is the same color as the man now watch the give me Genesis 1 is it 26 yes sir give me that Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the air so Adam looked just like God same complexion you ain't got to be ashamed to say it you ain't got to be ashamed you got to whisper it ain't gonna whisper it Adam just like God let us make man in our image after our likeness that's what you're seeing right there that's what you're seeing right there going back Captain get alive yes sir Genesis chapter 25 verse 27 the boys grew and he saw was a cunning Hunter and a man of the field and Jacob was a plain man dwelling in tents and Isaac love Esau because he did eat of his venison but Rebecca loved Jacob and Jacob sod pottage and Esau came from the field and he was faint and Esau said to Jacob feed me I pray thee with that same red pottage for I am faint therefore was his name called Edom write this down Edom means red do you have the Bible dictionary with Edom what it means the definition of the word you got that if you ain't got it it's all right just let me know do y'all have it Azariah no okay either means red write that down Edom means red I went to all the schools y'all should have folders with this stuff from there let's go to Genesis 36. don't want Genesis 36. um yeah Genesis 36 and I want to start at verse 8. the Book of Genesis chapter 36 verse 8 thus dwell Esau in Mount Sierra write this down Sierra s-e-i-r means Harry Sierra s-e-i-r means Harry it was a range of mountains that was sharp and it was looked like hair read it again yes sir Genesis 36 verse 8 thus well Esau and mausiere Esau is Edom Esau is edamame and these are the generations of Esau the father of the [ __ ] of the [ __ ] in Mount Sierra now jump down for me jump down to verse let me look let me look I want verse 15. yes sir Genesis 36 and 15. these were Dukes of of the sons of Esau the sons of elephants the firstborn son of Esau Duke teman highlight that one right or write it in your notes Duke teman we're gonna talk about teaming in a moment God Duke Omar duke zepho duke kennas ducora duke Gotham Duke and Duke AMOLED we gonna write down Duke amalek we're going to talk about them too go ahead these are the Dukes that came of elephants in the land of Edom these were the sons of ADA right so now so now watch this what happened during the Babylonian captivity what happened give me first Ezra's chapter four I want you to pay very close attention I'm gonna take y'all on a history route first Ezra chapter four cap and let's start at verse 42. yes sir first Idris chapter 4 and verse 42. then set the king unto him ask what thou Wilt more now let me fill in the gap for you this during this is during the uh actually this is Purge I'm sorry I apologize this is just after the uh conquest of Babylon okay uh zerubbabel is given a task him and two others who has the wisest uh answer okay and the rubber valve says the who's what is the strongest thing on earth and the rubber Bell had the best best answer he said uh women and the truth so zerubbabel which was the king's bodyguard one now listen good to what he says to the king in first Ezra 4 42. first edges chapter 4 verse 42. this might be the king's response I'm trying to remember then said the king unto him as what thou Wilt more than is appointed in the writing and we will give it thee because thou art found wisest and thou shall sit next meet and shall be called my cousin then said he unto the king remember thy vow which thou which thou has vowed to build Jerusalem in the day when thou came into thy kingdom so this is what zerubbabel the Israelite is saying to the King of Persia okay to send away all the vessels that were taken away out of Jerusalem which Cyrus set apart when when he vowed to destroy Babylon and to send them again thither because Cyrus had made a vow to destroy Babylon and Ascend Israel back to the Homeland watch this thou also has vowed to build up the temple which the [ __ ] burned when Judea was made desolate by the child Dees notice who helped who burned down the temple it was the [ __ ] go ahead and now oh Lord the King this is that can I put some pictures of the [ __ ] on the screen for me while we're talking read that part again yes sir I.T because they ain't paying attention yeah server is 45. that also has vowed to build up the temple which the [ __ ] burned with when uh Judea was made desolate by the child Dees I didn't see one Edomite on the screen yet can y'all put Esau the red guy back on the screen now I want I want the ancient pictures I don't want the modern ones give me the ancient ones yep right there read it again cab now now we in sync I think we in tune with I.T now yes sir verse 45 thou also has vowed to build up the temple which the [ __ ] burn when Judea was made desolate by the child Deeds because the [ __ ] worked with the Chaldeans which were the Babylonians the [ __ ] worked with them now watch this and now oh Lord the king this is that which I require and which I desire of thee and this is the pr princely liberality proceeding from thyself I desire therefore that thou make good thy make good devout the performance whereof with thy own mouth thou has vowed to the king of heaven then Darius the king stood up and kissed him and wrote letters for him unto all the treasurers and lieutenants and captains and governors that they should safely convey on their way both him and all those that go up with him to build Jerusalem he wrote letters also to the lieutenants that were in uh Celio Syria and fit and finish and unto them of labanus okay hold on y'all could take Esau off the screen now thank you God that they should bring Cedarwood from like betus unto Jerusalem and that they should build the city with him moreover he wrote for all the Jews that went out of his realm pay close attention to this read that again moreover he wrote for all the Jews that went out of his realm until up into up into jury concerning their freedom that no officer no ruler no Lieutenant nor Treasurer should forcibly enter into their doors here comes and that all the country which they hold should be free without tribute and that the [ __ ] should give Over The Villages of the Jews which they which then they held so when Babylon destroyed Israel the [ __ ] took over the land that's what I want y'all to see the [ __ ] took over the land during the time of Babylon so now it's going it's way past 70 years later okay Purge is in power we still haven't been released yet so now we're coming back to land but in order to get back it's a those [ __ ] took our land okay we need them to get out of our land so the king made a decree to get rid of those [ __ ] out of the land so now watch this something else happened during the time of Persia give me Esther chapter 8 verse 17. is tonight the Book of Esther chapter 8 and verse 17. pay close attention and in every Province and in every city whether so ever the king's commandment and his decree came the Jews had joy and gladness now this is the Feast of Purim Haman has set up a plot to kill us kill all the Jews that was in Persia so Queen Esther used her Authority her and her with her Uncle Mordecai to overthrow haman's judgment and she revealed that she was a Jew that Haman wanted to kill the King was Wrath and he allowed the Israelites to fight back and to save themselves read that again verse 17. yes sir and in every Province and in every city whether so ever the king's commandment and his decree came the Jews had joy and gladness a feast and a good day and many of the people of the land became Jews for the fear of the Jews fell upon them so I want y'all to notice this was a time of conversion meaning what many of the people followed our customs our Traditions they were not Jews but except and many of the people of the land became Jews many they followed our customs our laws our Traditions highlight that verse from there that was during Persia so remember during the Babylonian captivity Esau took the land during Persian captivity uh many people became Jews now we go into the next captivity was the Greek captivity okay you had a young man named John High cranus who was the son of Simon Maccabee give me that first maccabe 13 53. pay attention pay attention the book of First Maccabee Chapter 13 Verse 53 and when Simon saw that John his son was a valiant man he made him captain of all the hosts and he dwelt in gazara so what did John high cranus do what did he became famous for uh I.T you should have a link that says jean-high cranus from the book from the Britannica Library should be a link there saying John hi cranus King of Judea Britannica yep you see that cat can you read that for us yes sir I can't see it on my screen yet all right can you get it all yeah thank you John hi cranus the first King of Judea go all the way down let's get to the main right here John hi crane is the first born c-175 BC died 104 BC high priest and ruler of the Jewish Nation from 135 134 to 104 BC now they always throw that word ish in there but it was not Jewish he was Judean okay he was a true a real Israelite son of Simon good under his Reign the hasmonian kingdom of Judea in ancient Palestine attain power and great prosperity and the Pharisees a scholarly sect with popular backing and the Sadducees and uh aristocratic SEC that comp that comprise the priesthood became well-defined religious party so these two groups the Pharisees and Sadducees you read about them in the book of Maccabees called the assidians okay and the Sadducees descend from the sons of the doc we high cranus was the youngest son of Simon maccabeas and thus a member of the hasmonian dynasty so-called after an ancestor name hasmonius in 137 BC he and his brother Judas commanded the force that heroically repelled the invasion of Judea led by cindibius uh the general of the Syrian King antioxus the seventh sidets in 135 High cranus's brother-in-law patola me the governor of Jericho assassinated High cranus's father and two Elder Brothers acronis then succeeded to the high priesthood and the supreme authority in Judea the remainder of high cranus's Reign was marked by his efforts to punish his enemies ward off the syrians and enlarge judea's borders a boundary excuse me although he struggled in vain to destroy platomet he successfully thwarted uh Syrian and Cure incursions by by alliance with Rome and conquered the unfriendly neighboring territories of Samaria and idumia so now I want to pause right there remember Rome were [ __ ] already but they went under the name Rome you had another group of [ __ ] that were called that went by the name Edom or idumia but Rome and them were the same race the same people okay yes sir uh he forced idumia to convert to Judaism read it again he forced idumia to convert to Judaism John high crane is forced idumia to convert to Judaism so that group of [ __ ] that was in idumia he forced them to get circumcised and to follow the laws of God read the first example of conversion imposed by the Jews in their history he's the first example of conversion imposed by the Jews in their history go ahead upon his death high cranus was succeeded by his eldest son aristobalus the first High cranus's Reign was the last under which Judea was a powerful United States now it gave me the next book I sent you it says converts among Semitic tribes converts among Semitic tribes yep read the highlighted section yes sir Josephus recorded that the army of John High cranus the high priest of Judea Reign 134 to 104 BCE took possession of Dora and Marissa remember BC's before Christ existed good which were cities of idumia after Conquering the idumians ukrainians let the idumians stay in their land on the condition that they would be circumcised and observe the Jewish law see what John R cranus did he let him stay in the land on the condition that they would be circumcised and observe Jewish laws Judean laws go ahead in this way the idumians descendants of Esau became Jews by force rather than by church so I want you to notice that in this way the idumians descendants of Esau became Jews by force rather than by choice pay close attention there now give me the next height give me the next it's a Wikipedia I sent you so during the Roman Empire there was a man named antipeta and let's go down to now antipater go back antipater wasn't I do mean I do mean is another word for Edom go down to the section that says background his background right there click that let's read that though historians understand that antipater's family converted to Judaism in the second century BCE different stories had circulated in the wake of his sons come into power they demonstrate the tensions that existed between the Jewish people and the powerful [ __ ] who appear at this time so why were they powerful at this time because Rome their brothers Rome was in power okay Nicholas of Damascus now pay attention with Nicholas of Damascus does the court historian for Hera he was the court historian for Hera we're going to read it by Herod in a minute go ahead wrote that herod's ancestors were among the historical Elite in Jerusalem who had been taken by King Nebuchadnezzar into Babylonian captivity in the 6th Century BCE now that's a lie right there because these [ __ ] were not taken into Babylon in captivity what they're trying to do is blur the lines between the real Jews and these converts we don't this account serves two purposes when the Persian king Cyrus sent the captives in Babylon back to Judea it is likely that some chose to settle elsewhere a legitimate scroll down raise it up a legitimate dispersion such as this was trolled wait a legitimate dispersion such as this would shroud would shroud the fact that herod's ancestry is undocumented in the meticulous records of returned Jewish Family meaning what his history Hera's history was not found in the returning Israelites that came from Persia back to Israel go ahead claiming a Heritage among the Jews from as early as the Babylonian captivity provides credibility for a pro-roman and hellenized Herod as a king over the Jews for they were highly contemptuous of him so they said let's let's Border Lines let's create lies so that maybe the Israelites will accept him if we can convince them that they were ish that Hera was a real Israelite through his ancestry he'll be accepted but Israel already knew this dude was Edomite go ahead Josephus explains this rendering by critiquing its author Nicholas wrote to please Herod and would do so at the cost of TR of truthfulness see that Nicholas wrote to please Herod and would do so at the cost of truthfulness so this guy would lie for Herod we don't instead Josephus explains that antipater's family converted to Judaism during the forced conversions by the sadducee influence hasmonian leader John High crater so Josephus had to come with the truth now he said this guy for Herod is lying the real issue on Herod is that he's a convert John had creators forced these I do means to be converted to Judaism go ahead high crane has threatened that any idumian who wished to maintain their land would need to be circumcised and enter into the traditions of the Jews Josephus acknowledges Herod as being a by birth a Jew an antipater as being of the same people with the Jews nevertheless this influential family came to be resented by many Jews that's where the real Jews why for their Edomite ancestors for the Edomite ancestry go ahead a fact used by the hasmonians and their supporters against them so what I want y'all to see is how Esau always tried to blurtle Remember at the beginning of the lesson the author said how is this group of indo-germanics found their ways into a black race like the Jews this is how they did it by Lying by lies go ahead pull it back up please where are you at um I'm gonna go back to uh nevertheless nevertheless this influential family came to be resented by many Jews for their Edomite ancestry a fact used by the hasmoneans as their supporters against them as such in a polemic against Herod to discredit him in the eyes of the Romans as unfit to become king of the Jews why because Jerome was setting her out up as king of the Jews we're gonna read that in a minute okay antagonists the hasmonian is quoted by Josephus as referred to Herod as no more than a private man and an idumian I.E a half Jew meaning a convert now let's go to Luke chapter one and verse 5. Luke chapter 1 and verse 5 about Herod sir The Book of Luke chapter 1 and verse 5. there was there was in the days of Herod the King of Judea a certain priest named Zacharias of the course of of Abaya and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron her name was Elizabeth so what I want y'all to see is that very first sentence there was in the days of Herod the King of Judea Herod the ardumin was set up as king over our people Now give me the next yes this genealogy put on screen uh get a lie can you see it yes I can see it now yes sir now when you read the names I want you to read the scriptures for our people at home read that yes sir antipater antipater the second and uh Cyprus his wife Fazio Herod the Great Matthew chapter 2 verse 1 through 22 and Luke chapter 1 verse 5. so what we just read in Luke 1 and 5 is Herod the Great the descendant of antipeta antipater was one of those that was forcibly converted to being a Jew during a time of John high cranus now we're going to read his descendants just read the key ones where you see the scriptures at yes sir so descendants of Herod the Great by uh Marion Miriam uh Herod Philip first husband of herodias Matthew Chapter 14 verse three so Herod Philip Matthew 14 verse three good of his wife uh Cleopatra of Jerusalem Philip the Ted Talk of uh ituria triconitis and nearby districts Luke chapter 3 verse 1. uh his his uh descendants from Malthus uh our our Telus arcadeus arcade excuse me King of Judea later on later in ethnic Matthew chapter 2 verse 22. so Matthew Chapter 2 Verse 22 go ahead Antipas anti-pass good Ted Talk of Galilee and perea popular popularly referred to as king second husband of herodias Matthew Chapter 14 verse 1 through 12. uh Mark chapter 6 verse 14 through 29 Luke 3 and 1 19 20 13 and 31 32 23 verse 6 through 15 and Acts chapter 4 verse 27 and 13 and 1. now a grip of the first uh a group of the first king of Palestine Acts chapter 12 verse one through six so that's the one that killed uh James go ahead 18-23 herodias mother of Salome Matthew Chapter 14 verse 3 4 6-8 that's the one that wanted all John the Baptist had on the platter these are all herod's uh descendants these are all Edomite converts go ahead a grip of the second king of Chelsea's later given territory formerly of Philip the tetrock in other areas Acts chapter 25 verse 13 22-27 26 verse 1 2 19-32 Drusilla wife of Felix acts 24 24 Bernice acts 25 13 23 uh 26 and 30. read the next line Herod the Great had five otherwise he had five other wives and 15 children in all 15. so when you're reading in the New Testament about these Kings and all of that these leaders these are all [ __ ] converts converts that's why a wisdom one about Agrippa go back I mean look where is the grip at okay y'all see uh cause they didn't got it no a grip of the second you see it says Acts 26 read that get a lie Acts 20 Acts 26 1-2 yes sir Acts chapter 26 and verse 1. Acts 26 verse 1 then Agrippa said unto Paul thou are permitted to speak for thyself did Paul stretched forth the hand and answered for himself I think myself happy king of gripper because I shall answer for myself this day before the touching of all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews right especially because I Know Thee to be expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews how was the expert why was the expert because he was raised learning Jew Judean laws and customs that's why he was expert now watch the jump to chapter 25 and verse 22 and 23. watch this these are two more herod's kids these uh [ __ ] converts good acts chapter 25 verse you said verse 22 right Bishop yes then Agrippa said unto Festus I would also hear the man myself tomorrow said he thou shall hear him and on the morrow when Agrippa was come and Bernice with great Pomp and was entered into the place of the hearing notice Bernice right there it says uh put it on the screen we don't need me on the screen acts 25 13 that's Bernice this is one of the daughters descendants read that again yes sir and on tomorrow when Agrippa was come and Bernice with great pump you know what great pump means when she came in a big Orchestra played when she came in go ahead it was entered into the place of hearing with the chief captains and principal men of the city asbestos commanded commandment Paul was brought forth and fester said king of gripper and all men which are here present with us see you see this man about whom all the multitude of the Jews have dwelt have dealt with me both at Jerusalem and also here crying that he ought not to live any longer so these are all [ __ ] these are all converts they're all Jewish all of them Jewish oh I got a bomb finally so now from now I'm showing you virus conversions now we're going to jump up to the Dark Ages write this down Dark Ages we're gonna examine the seventh to the 10th Century seventh to the 10th century put that on the screen cap read that yes sir what period were the case ours the Kazar Empire CA 650 to ca 965 slash six eight uh one of the largest states of medieval Eurasia dominated a region from the Ukrainian Steeps to lands approaching the urell river and from the middle Volga region to the north caucus and Crimea I know y'all missed that right I know y'all missed that it said Decay is our Empire dominated region from the Ukraine we're going to talk about them in a little bit we're going to talk about them give me the next pick the next page introduction introduction yep zoom in read that yes sir perhaps the most interesting aspect of the khazar's history was their adoption of the Jewish religion ah more conversion of these white folks go ahead for centuries the khazar territory was a major region of settlement for Jewish refugees escaping persecution and their refugees soon introduced Judaism to the khazars the king of kazaria bullin became convinced so write his name down bullin his first name was Cajun Cajun bullin go ahead he was the king became convince that Judaism was the True Religion and under his leadership and that of his successes some of the Kazar people also adopted Judaism of the case of people also adopted Judaism go ahead synagogues and yeshivas were established in kazaria pay attention synagogues and yeshivas were established in kazaria this is in caucus mountains of Georgia Russia go ahead and the study of the Torah and Tau mood became commonly you see what they studied the Torah and talmud the talmud that that's a book of like oral traditions where they hate anything any mention of Christ go ahead the cazars are underscored their allegiance to the Jewish faith by adopting the Hebrew script and Hebrew personal names even to the extent of naming some of their children after Jewish holidays such as Passat or Hanukkah Jews lived in many of the major khazar towns kazaria exert exerted a tremendous impact on world history the khazars you never know you know about that it says the kazara exerted a tremendous impact on world history but in school they don't teach us about kazaria in school but they exerted a tremendous impact on World History go ahead kazaria exerted a tremendous impact on world history the kazar's persistent against Arab Invaders eventually halted their Conquest north of the caucus now let's get to the next page page eight of chapter one zoom in pay attention the medieval German legend of the red Jews of the what red so these people were called the red Jews remember what it said about Esau the first came out what red red go ahead derived from a combination of three of these stories one about Alexander the Great enclosure of monstrous Nation behind a large mountain Northeast of the Mediterranean two about Gog and Magog said to be the Gog and Magog is up there in kazaria God said to be the Destroyers of the world at the end of time that's them right there go ahead and three about the ten lost tribes that's what they try to say they are they trying to say they the Lost tribes of Israel but they're not good German writers use the red Jews Legend to express anti-jewish sentiments and fears about the anticipated apocalypse the term red Jews was chosen because men medieval Germans saw red hair and red beards as signs of dishonest deceitful individuals y'all see that y'all see that now okay hey give me give me hey give me the pictures of these people give me the pictures give me the pictures of these red juice yeah Yep this is them this is dumb and Lotus these the way they dress with that hat with the Bolshevik hat Bolshevik that's one of their words with the curly locks none of that is biblical none of that is God's law that's all Kazar the way they dress comes from kazaria people be like where's the ask these people where's that in that dress code in the Bible it's not in there but the world believes it the world believes it wow from there give me the Jewish encyclopedia please that's right now I wanted to get this because their Scholars wrote about themselves now their Jewish encyclopedia was only meant for their people little did they know that Negroes would start to expand their Horizon from the African-American lousy book section book section a starter you know inquire inquiring minds want to know so this is from the Jewish encyclopedia history religion literature and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day read that next section right there your life yes sir prepare by more than 400 Scholars and Specialists so this ain't prepared by Negroes this is paired by white folks whom they deemed 400 white folks they deemed Scholars so-called Jewish Scholars let's go inside the book now what I want y'all to see see the highlight it says cazars yes sir but notice the difference in the spelling they got a C rather than a k but it's the same word don't be deceived brothers and sisters that's what they do now give me the next page read that as the as the the head as the headwaters of the donuts in the province of Lebanon uh sit down and highlight it was probably about the time that the shagging of the khazars and his Grande's together with a large number of his Heathen people embrace the Jewish religion this is what their Scholars put together this isn't us being as they call us racist or hateful their people put this together give me the next page now watch this this letter has died speaks and this letter has thou speaks of the tradition According to which the khazars once dwelt near the Sierra mountains wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute go back to Genesis 36. and what was that verse eight yes sir Genesis chapter 36 and verse 8. thus dwell Esau in Mount Sierra so they know that these people are [ __ ] they know that they're [ __ ] now watch this so what happened what happened how did they become the Jews and we became [ __ ] and [ __ ] how the hell did this happen get ecclesiasticus chapter 12. yes sir and let's start at verse 10. we read this all the time watch this The Book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 10. never trust thine enemy for like his iron rusted so is his wickedness soul never trust your enemy this is God speaking here through sarak never trust your enemies for like is iron rusted source is wicked and just like you get a piece of iron it might look good today but in a couple of weeks a month the rust will start to form God says your enemies like that their wickedness will start to reveal itself watch this read on though he humbled himself don't be saved brothers and sisters though he humble himself and go crouching and go crouching say I'm sorry I love you go ahead yet take good heed and beware of him thou shall be unto him as if thou had his wife a Looking Glass and thou shall know that that his rust have not been all together wiped away no matter how much he humbles himself how much he says sorry and I love you I want to work with you God says take good heat of him because he'll be to you like a Looking Glass when you wipe a mirror when you get out the shower and you can see it clear now this Bible this Bible is that Looking Glass you can see him clear now ah no that wickedness is still there watch the next verse this is the part we wanted to get to verse 12 verse 12. set him not by thee less when he have overthrown thee he stand up in thy place he'll do what me that again yet he said excuse me set him not by thee less when he have overthrown the he stand up in thy place now watch when we when they converted during the time of the 7th to the 10th Century we set them by us in Spain and Portugal we set them by us if y'all look at the movie ever see this movie called Othello starring Lawrence Fishburne he was the last more in Spain and all his Edomite friends were plotting against them to overthrow him to the word more means blacks by the way so read verse 12 again yes sir set him not by thee lest when he have overthrown the he stand up in thy Place neither let him sit at thy right hand lest he seek to take thy seat as he seek to take that seat go ahead and thou at the lat at the last remember my words and be pricked there with y'all see that he said your God says your enemy will take your place we didn't believe that no no Lord these are some nice people in fact Lord we converted them to being Jewish they're nice to us well what happened give me Psalms 83 let's read three to five yes sir The Book of Psalms chapter 83 and verse 3. they have taken crafty counsel against thy people God's enemies to craft the council against us we're the people of God it says they have taken crafty counsel against thy people go ahead and consulted against thy hidden ones we had a hidden once now why because the truth of who we are has been hidden in the Earth come on they have said come and let us cut them off from being a nation they have said our enemies have said let's cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance aha go ahead for they have consulted together with one consent they are Confederate against thee who who Lord who read the Tabernacles of Edom Enemy Number One Edom Enemy Number One Edom God warned us from way back when don't set them by you they'll seek to take your place we said you know we know more than you Lord we are smarter than you God and look what happened look what happened now watch this give me Micah two and one Micah chapter 2 verse 1. yes sir The Book of Micah chapter 2 and verse 1 woe to them that devise iniquity and work evil upon their beds I work evil upon their beds Scott when the morning is light when is light they practice it they practice the evil they dreamed and thought about the night before okay because it is in the power of their hands because they had military power go ahead and they covet Fields they covered Fields meaning lands and take them by violence and take them by violence go ahead and how do we wait how did they take the land of Israel during the time of Babylon by violence go ahead yes sir and they covered fields and take them by violence and houses and take them away so they oppress a man and his house even a man and his Heritage ah you see that theopressor man in his house even a man and his Heritage what does that mean they became the Jews they became the Jews give me the picture give me the picture in Spain what happened in Spain from the 7th to the 10th Century oh look what they did to us they enslaved us they enslaved us we became the [ __ ] and the [ __ ] and Africans they became the Jews the Lord warned us about this he warned us about this give me the next page in the next book let's read this this is uh J.A Rogers highlighted areas please yes sir wait says as interesting as interesting gradation of all shades down to the black is exhibited by the Jews oh all shades down to the black is exhibited by the Jews go ahead especially dark were the Jews of Spain and Portugal wait wait wait especially dark were the Jews of Spain and Portugal go back to the picture go back to the picture please so black would a Jew so dark with the juice of Spain and Portugal look what they did to us they enslaved let's not go back going back read it again wait says as an interesting gradation of all change down to the black is exhibited by the Jews especially dark where the Jews of Spain and Portugal the Portuguese Jews were very dark says Pritchard these are Scholars he's quoting go ahead The Duchess the ambrantis wife of Napoleon's ambassador to Portugal said that the Jew the Negro and the Portuguese could be seen in a single person you see that the Jude the word negro came from Spain it's Spanish it simply means black it referred to the Jews that's how they called us negro the Jew the Negro and the Portuguese could be seen in a single person go ahead so dark were the Jews especially of Portugal and southern Spain that many whites thought all Jews were black or dark that's right and they were come remember at this time they were they were converts okay give me the next page in the next book please page 212. read that Negroes claimed to be Jewish is legitimate the Negroes claim to be Jewish is legitimate go ahead the land of Israel is located in Western Asian borders on North Africa all of the Native inhabitants of that region were non-white when Spain expelled as Jews when Spain expelled his Jews through slavery and expulsion in 1492. many of them went to Africa many of those Jews went to Africa go ahead it seems probable that some of them were brought later to America as slaves facts go ahead the spirituals Never sing of African Rivers it's always of the Jordan or the Red Sea they don't sing about African Chiefs or Kings is David or Moses or some other Jewish character from the Bible fact y'all see that that's some good stuff give me the next book give me that next book the fate of the Jews are people torn between Israeli power and Jewish ethics now I usually they don't give book covers but today I decided to give it to y'all you just shut up Roberta straws fairly God give me the next page inside the book Jews and blacks let's go down to the highlighted section start a historic leadership or just to highlight it okay historically okay historically the race relationship between Jew and black in America has not been one of equality Jews were traitors and Masters blacks were merchandise and slaves and service you see how they did this you see how they did us they enslaved us give me the next page this was particularly true of the South before the Civil War not only were a disproportionate number of Jews slave owners white folks these converts were slave owners slave Traders slave Traders slave auctioneers slave auctions [ __ ] Souls I messed up Charles and they had this Southern drawl these were Jewish slave auctioneers go ahead damn but when the line was drawn between the races they were on the white side they didn't give a dag going through a Jews they said we know the things that is real Jews but we on the white side because that's we the same people I hope y'all see that give me the next picture of the slave ships get alive give me Deuteronomy 28 68 please yes sir what happened to the real Jews what happened to the real black Jews that the Bible speaks of well here we go right yeah read that Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 68 the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships Egypt means House of bondage the Lord will bring you into the house of bondage slavery again with ships what kind of ships was it a yacht no was it a canoe no it was a cargo slave ship y'all see that right there one time the cargo was wine and things of that nature but now the cargo as you see in the third picture right there our bodies men and women we became the cargo we don't get a liar yes sir and the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships by the way whereof I speak unto thee give me the next picture I.T go ahead thou shall see it no more again and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for Bond men and slave women go ahead no man shall buy you no man shall redeem you from the curses God put on us for breaking God's commandments so I wanted these pictures because they show you actual slave ships because you got this Negro jailhouse talk that slaves ships never existed you lying bunch of negroes out there give me the next picture look at us these are children on slave give me the next one more black children Jews on slave ships so now I'm going to jump up in time write this down we were emancipated between 1863 and 1865. uh uh kept give me I believe a Zephaniah 1 15 if I'm not mistaken yes sir that's it the book of Zephaniah chapter 1 and verse 15. that women yeah this is Zachariah 115 Bishop the Affliction yes yes sir Zachariah 1 15. Zechariah get Zechariah Chapter 1 Verse 15. yes sir Mitchell I just said we went emancipated 1863. some of us didn't find out until 1865. but what happened right Zechariah Chapter 1 verse 15 and I am very sore displeased with the Heathen that are at ease for I was about for I but I was but a little displeased and they helped forward the Affliction see that and they helped forward the Affliction because once we were emancipated that should have been it but the Heathen said nah we got to do more to these people they Don their their hoods set up Ku Klux klans sharecropper laws agriculture laws uh uh the 13th Amendment bringing us back to slavery again that's what they did read it again yes sir Zechariah 1 15. and I am very sore displeased with the Heathen that are at ease if I was but a little displeased and they helped forward the Affliction they helped forward the Affliction with their Jim Crow laws the Black Codes so forth and so on now I'm gonna jump up a few years 1913 write this down 1913. what happened in 1913 well there's a lot of things that happened I'm skipping of a lot of history but I'm just getting to some key points about Esau Edom give me the book give me the book read that get a lie who is Esau Edom by Charles A Wiseman this is so-called Jewish man who did a little research on his history let's go inside the book let's zoom in let's read the highlights there is not one favorable or positive statement in the Bible in relation to Esau Edom there's not one favorable can somebody tell a Christian there's now one favorable or positive statement in the Bible in relation to Esau Edom you know what that means John 3 16 he realized don't apply to Esau Edom at all in fact it don't apply to No Other Nation but the Israelites that's right next highlighter section if God hated you and your ancestors how would you react what Would You Do by natural reaction you would be against God and his people see that go ahead and try to prevent them from finding out you are Esau so wait a minute if God hated you and your ancestors now there's a Christian right now saying God don't hate nobody a cap yes sir Romans 9 13. New Testament yes sir Book of Romans chapter 9 and verse 13. as it is written Jacob have I love but Esau have I hated you know what they thinking right now that's only Esau that's only apply to all Caucasians Malachi 1 please The Book of Malachi chapter 1 and verse four Malachi chapter 1 excuse me and verse 4. whereas Edom we started verse two I have loved you saith the Lord yet ye say wherein has thou loved us was not Esau Jacob's brother saith the Lord yet I love Jacob and I hated Esau and laid his mountains and his Heritage ways for the dragons of the Wilderness that was during the Dark Ages go ahead whereas Edom saith we are impoverished but we will return and build the desolate places they rebuilt as the khazars they came out as the khazars during the Renaissance period God thus saith the Lord of hosts they shall build I should say as the cases and then during the Renaissance go ahead but I will throw down and they shall call them the border of wickedness they shall call them meaning Esau Edom they shall call them the border of wickedness God and the people against whom the Lord have indignation forever notice it says the people not the person the people whom the Lord has indignation against forever indignation righteous anger forever let's go back to the book and let's start again about if God hated you yes sir if God hated you and your ancestors that's why it says ancestor because it ain't just Esau himself the individual but his people read it again if God hated you and your ancestors how would you react and what Would You Do by natural reaction you would be against God by natural reaction you would be against God and his people and his people meaning us try to prevent them from finding out you are Esau they would do everything they could do to prevent us from finding out that they were the [ __ ] the children of Esau God the one God is against knowing that if God is against something so will his followers oh go ahead who is who is it that tries to conceal the identity as Edom the one hated by God by claiming to be Israel I claiming what to be Israel Eden would claim to be Israel go ahead the one loved by God only one group of people reacts as though God has a hatred for them that is the Jews that is the Jews white folks go ahead why would why do you suppose the Jews form organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League oh okay wait a minute wait a minute read that again why do you suppose the Jews form organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League to Monitor and combat hate and to identify hate groups oh you're a hate group you're hate group you hate that's what they do but they're the true haters go ahead would not Esau want to do this why is it that it is predominantly Jews who promote the anti-hate laws and other hate crime legislation if you were Esau Edom would you not do the same and Edomite would also want to infiltrate churches so when Edomite would also want to infiltrate Church what would they do in the church come on next page zoom in and seminaries to get God's people to believe that there is no God of hate God don't hate nobody he's all about love that campaign makes it easy for them to say oh you Romans 93 you're a hated you're a racist that's what they do go ahead and seminaries to get God's people to believe that there is no God of hate only a god of love and mercy the Jews have done just that in Christendom the Jews have done just that in Christendom now how did the ADL start that's that's my question how did the ADL start give me the next picture now y'all May notice but those of you at home here's how the anti-definition anti-defamationally got started called Jewish man named Leo he was the superintendent of a factory we had a lot of workers he had a couple of black people these two that you see here Jim Conley he was a janitor of the factory and you had Newt Lee Knight Watchman of the factory well something happened something happened a young white girl named Mary Fagan was raped was raped horribly raped and murdered Jim Conley in the center says they it was Leo Frank that did it all the workers testified against Leo Frank guess who Leo Frank said it was Jim Conley he said no it was Jim Conley wasn't me it was Jim Conley give me the next page go ahead read that Tennessean and an innocent man was lynched so Jim Conley I mean yeah this is Jim Conley this is the brother who revealed what happened okay go back to the picture go back to the other ones yeah Jim Conley right there y'all see Mary fagin on the far left she was raped and murdered by Leo Frank the so-called Jewish man right there when it went to court at least 25 [ __ ] came out and testified against Leo Frank women who worked at the factory and said no everyone felt uneasy around Leo Frank because he had a touchy feely uh habits he was a pervert Leo Frank blame the Negro blame a [ __ ] blame a [ __ ] but in court it didn't work white folks lynched Leo Frank and that's how the ADL was created give me the next picture that's Jim Conley the brother give me the next one that's Leo Frank Leo Frank inside story of George's greatest murder mystery ain't no mystery it was revealed Leo Frank was the culprit but he wanted to blame and negro that's what they do give me the next picture look at him a little hurt little pervert itself look at him look at him are you the Pervert through and through nasty loans scavenge yourself look at Pee-wee Herman you write Pee-wee Herman look just like him give me the next picture that's Mary Fagan right there and these people all testified against Leo Frank so that's how the ADL was formed they were like never again no so-called Jewish man will ever be convicted that's what that's how they form that garbage uh Hey type in Jonathan Greenblatt ADL and if if if you can find the news when he was on The Breakfast Club talking about how the ADL was formed because he talked about it but he never revealed on The Breakfast Club that they blame the black man they didn't reveal that part kept that part secret they said these dumb [ __ ] Ain't Gonna Do no research that we blame them for everything put up Jonathan Greenblatt had a president of the ADL now we offered to sit down with Jonathan Green but he didn't respond I wonder why I wonder why could you put up Jonathan Greenlight it can't be that hard to find a picture of him can't be that hard there he goes dad there you go enter the devil Jonathan Greenblatt so as you see that's sitting there on The Breakfast Club and he talked about how the ADL was founded but he never revealed they blamed a black man Jim Conley for the murder of Mary Fagan he never revealed that part and Charlemagne just sat there like a lump in a log quiet as a church mouse well let's jump up in history let's jump up let's jump up to 1944. give me Revelation 13 captain yes sir verse one and two I remember it's all to pay close attention to this Revelation Chapter 13 Verse I don't want that yet nope take it off good Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 1 and I stood upon the sand and the Sea and saw a beast rise up rise up out of the sea now that's what I want is a beast rising up from the sea read having seven heads seven heads and ten horns go ahead and upon the horns ten crowns and upon the horns ten crowns upon his heads the name of blasphemy upon us has the names of blasphemy do y'all have the uh picture to our department had done with the great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns it had their names listed do you have it hello you don't have it well alrighty then all right so write this down this for people at home the seven heads you got Greece Rome Spain France Germany Russia Britain was that seven that was seven okay who got the list of the uh ten the ten horns who wrote it down for me who wrote it down go ahead read it out loud all right you got the ten horns Belgium Luxembourg Netherlands okay good all right you want me to read it yeah read it off the screen all right the seven heads Greece Rome Spain France Germany Russia Great Britain eighth head America right 10 that late on was America yes sir the ten horns is who ten horns is Belgium Luxembourg Luxembourg excuse me Netherlands Germany United Kingdom Italy Greece France Denmark Ireland right those are the beginning ones let's go back to Revelation 13 and we're in verse two pay close attention to this pay close attention Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 2 the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as defeat of a bear when it says like a leopard it goes back to Daniel 7. the Empire that had this some animal symbol of a leopard were the Greeks so it's saying that these last Empires would have traits of the Greeks go ahead and the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear now when you go back to Daniel 7 the Empire that had the animal symbol of a bear was Persia so this last Greek Empire I mean a Greek Empire this last empire was seven heads and ten horns would have attributes of ancient Persia they would not be Persians but they would they would have attributes similar to Persia go ahead and his mouth as the mouth of a lion when you go back to Daniel 7 this the Empire that had the animal symbol of a lion was Babylonians those are hamites so are saying that these last empire Empires would have the traits of ancient Babylon they would not be Babylonians by Blood but they would have characteristics and traits of Babylon go ahead the dragon gave him his power now that's what I wanted to get to right there the dragon gave him his power write this down the dragon there is the spiritual demon Satan how do we know give me second Thessalonians 2 verse 9. here's the precept the book of second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9. even him whose coming is after the working of Satan even him talking about Esau Edom whose comings is after the working of Satan go ahead with all power with all power and signs and signs lying wonders and lying wonders I'm gonna give you an example give me Isaiah 54. verse 16. listen good listen good listen good Isaiah chapter 54 verse 16. behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire behold I've created the Smith who have what who I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire blow up the coals in the fight write this down the Smith at one time well write this down the Smith is the scientist today back in ancient time A Smith made weapons he made swords he made arrows he made javelins he made Alma he made bracers things of that nature he made weapons knives okay everybody understand that right yes sir read it again behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work what kind of instrument is God talking about go ahead and I have created the waster to destroy and I have created the waster to destroy that's what we're focusing on now the waster the way what kind of weapon can waste give me the precept I'm gonna show what kind of weapon this is zechariah's 14 I want yes sir 14-13 Maybe I didn't write it down yes I think it's I think it's going to read 12. yes sir uh yes Zechariah Chapter 14 verse 12 and this shall be the plague where what the Lord will Smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem now this is going into Gog and Magog but what I want y'all to see I didn't bring that out yet right but what I want y'all to see is what this fire does read and this shall be the plague where with the the Lord will Smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet so what this waster would do would be similar to what this fire would do read that part again yes sir their flesh shall consume a way while they stand upon their feet their flesh would consume away while they're standing upon their feet go ahead their eyes shall consume away in their holes Their Eyes Were consumed away in their holes the eye sockets good and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth and their tongue will consume away out of their mouth go back to Isaiah 54. yes sir Isaiah chapter 54 verse 16. behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work and I have created the waster to destroy yeah put that on the screen put that on the screen put that on the screen put that on the screen give me the other images too I liked all them images until a reaction but I'll take it put it on the screen yeah this is it while they stand up read it get a lie read it so they can see yes sir Zachariah 14-12 do y'all got a video [Music] do y'all get a video or no no video click video right there go down let me see no no no no no no no no no no no no right way is that it no it's too long go down right can you click the as it says two seconds that might be too short or that's just a gift what has a gift play on onus or no that's it can we play that will it be okay just jump to the pot I don't want all that sad stuff right once you get the gate you're right there play that from right there right I don't hear nothing I don't hear nothing uh that's it this is an example of the waster [Music] oh [Music] that's the gay cat read it again Ryan Chapter 14 verse 12. and this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will Smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet and their eyes shall consume away in their holes and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth so now back to Isaiah 54 16 Isaiah chapter 54 verse 16. here's the question right behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work I have created the waster to destroy so the question is who is the Smith by name that God created the and and that God allowed Satan to give power to give me the next video give me the next video is um wait let me make sure so y'all don't mess me up it's called the video I want let me turn the volume down how the atomic bomb how the attack is that the video y'all got okay good good good good good write this down this Smith his name was Oppenheimer Oppenheimer Oppenheimer I know you're saying well how do you spell that I'm black o p p e n h e i m e r I think I think I'm taking a wild guess Oppenheimer now listen good uh I.T I want you to write this down we're going to play from zero to one minute 35 seconds write that down then we're gonna jump because it's this about a 10 minute video we're not watching 10 minutes the next section I want is 306 minute Mark to 310 minute mark you got that cat that's around you got that now we then after that I want 5 18 minute mark to 703 minute mark so I need y'all back there to pay close attention to the time let me know when you're ready we ready let us begin as Julius Robert Oppenheimer witnessed the successful detonation of the world's first nuclear weapon he was haunted by its implications I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture of the bhagavad-gita now I am become death the destroyer of worlds I suppose we all thought that one week was a man of many talents he spoke eight languages wrote poetry yet he will forever be remembered as the father of the atomic bomb the man who gave people the power to destroy themselves was haunted by his own creation so he gave pause he gave them the power of the atomic bomb remember what we read in Revelation 13 2 and Satan the dragon gave them their power we read in second Thessalonians 2 and 9 whose comings is after the workings of Satan with all power with all signs and lying wonders play on Heimer what was immediately obvious to them was his intellect a former colleague once said the man was unbelievable he always gave you the right answer before you formulated the question knowledge came easy to Oppenheimer he learned Dutch in six weeks just so he could give a lecture while on a visit to the Netherlands he was born in New York in case I didn't know Oppenheimer was a Jewish German this is this is demon go ahead we're going to where we're going to one thousand percent of German Jewish immigrants don't go back a little second go ahead sure while on a visit to the Netherlands he was born in New York on April 22nd 1904. the older son of German Jewish immigrants his father Julius was a textile importer who became very wealthy his mother was a painter whose family had been in New York for Generations he was raised in Manhattan on the upper west side in an apartment adorned with paintings by famous artists including Van Gogh after attending an elite private school in New York City he went on to Harvard in 1922 intending to become a chemist but leaving with an appetite for physics okay from there you know 306 Mark to 310. Oppenheimer agreed with Einstein that German scientists could make a nuclear weapon and when they hello they did Hitler was prepared to use it America watched fearful oh and the Germans had the first they created first the conventional ballistic missile they created that first it was the Germans that's right just down the Germans are demon that's teaming t-e-m-a-n that we read about in Genesis 36 that's them Oppenheimer was one of them that his family converted to being Jewish all right get I mean uh Captain uh Azariah highly fissionable however it's not a naturally occurring element and had to be manufactured reactors were built in Southeastern Washington State to produce the plutonium and then on July 16 1945 scientists detonated a plutonium bomb over the small town of Alamogordo New Mexico he knew the world would not be the same few people laughed a few people cried most people were silent never before had Humanity possessed a weapon that posed a threat to human civilization the test success meant an atomic bomb was ready to be used by the U.S military the following month the U.S military dropped two atomic bombs on Japan on August 6 1945 the most powerful weapon in the world was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima 140 000 people were killed many vaporized thousands more would die in pain in the months and years that followed from radiation poisoning three days later another bomb fell on Nagasaki killing 74 000 people with equally devastating effects Japanese emperor Hirohito decried the devastating power of a new and most cruel Bond Japan surrendered six days later abruptly ending World War II Oppenheimer initially expressed guilt over his creation he said the weapon had dramatized so mercilessly an evil of War he continued in some sort of crude sense which no vulgarity no humor no overstatements can quite extinguish all right 5 18. 518 pay close attention come on known sin and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose okay we're going to 518 to 703 and it's not on it's not on the screen be highly fissionable however it's not a naturally occurring element and had to be manufactured reactors were built in Southeastern Washington State to produce the plutonium and then on July 16 1945 scientists detonated a plutonium bomb over the small town of Alamogordo New Mexico we knew the world would not be the same two people laughed few people cried most people were silent never before had Humanity possessed a weapon that posed a threat to human civilization the test success meant an atomic bomb was ready to be used by the U.S military the following month the U.S military dropped two atomic bombs on Japan on August 6 1945 the most powerful weapon in the world was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima a hundred forty thousand people were killed many vaporized thousands more would die in pain in the months and years that followed from radiation poisoning three days later another bomb fell on Nagasaki killing 74 000 people with equally devastating effects Japanese emperor Hirohito decried the devastating power of a new and most cruel Bond Japan surrendered six days later abruptly ending World War II Oppenheimer initially expressed guilt over his creation he said the weapon had dramatized so mercilessly the inhumanity an evil of War he continued in some sort of crude sense which no vulgarity no humor no overstatements can quite extinguish hey get a lot you know what I want give me Genesis about the blessing that Isaac gave them this is the Book of Genesis chapter 27 verse verse 38. and Esau said unto his father has thou but one blessing my father bless me even me also my father and Esau lifted up his voice and wept and Isaac his father answered and said unto him Behold thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth meaning ESO would live everywhere the best places on Earth go ahead end of the Dew of Heaven from above uh-huh they will cover the lands go ahead and by thy sword shalt thou live that's what I wanted right there and by thy sword shout thou live meaning Esau was blessed with the Art of War the creation of weaponry and things of that nature read that again and by thy sword shalt thou live and shalt serve thy brother and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the Dominion that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck now you can read about them breaking their yoke from under Solomon's Reign on the SEC in Second Kings 8 verse 20. so now watch this give me the next video the new movie that's coming out the new movie and for time's sake start at no just stop the beginning stop just play it this is a trailer put it up listen [Music] this is a national emergency [Music] we're in a race against the Nazis and I know what it means if the Nazis have a bond I have a 12-month Head Start 18. how could you possibly know that we've got one hope all America's industrial might its scientific innovation connected here secret Laboratory keep everyone there until it's done let's go recruit some scientists build a town build it fast if you don't let scientists bring their families will never get the best we go to the middle of no no why why how about because this is the most important thing that ever happened in the history of the world is a great improviser but this you can't do in your head are we saying there's a chance that when we push that button we destroy the world chances are near zero near zero what do you want for Theory alone zero would be nice I can perform this miracle stop go back a few seconds right there listen good to what he calls it it's a matter of life and death I can perform this miracle stop go back again y'all might have missed it I can perform this miracle he said I can perform this what Miracle give me Revelation 13 please Revelation 13 and we're going to start at verse 13 I think is the Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 13. and he doeth great wonders and heed as he is the white man amalek demon go ahead so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven so he making Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men in the sight of the Nations go ahead and deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those Miracles what those Miracles Miracles Miracles miracles said I can perform this miracle the Bible's a true book I don't know what y'all playing with y'all keep on playing with this thing read that again Revelation chapter 13 verse 13 and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those Miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast side of the Beast was his other his allies okay go ahead saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast which had the wound by a sword and did live now what does that mean make an image to the Beast give me that next the uh uh the head of Christ the head of Christ should be a link the head of Christ right there that's it raise it up let's read that the head of Christ also called the salmon head is a 1940 portrait painting of Jesus of Nazareth by American Artist Warner Salman now let's jump down for times to raise it up this is the head of Christ here raise it up uh let's say Origins I forgot where it was but uh yeah go ahead and read there Origins the head of Christ originated as a charcoal sketch entitled the son of man done in 1924 and sold to be the cover of the Covenant companion the jump to 1940 in 1940 because that's when World War II was yes sir in 1940 he was asked to reproduce that painting by the students of North Park Theological Seminary now raise it up uh raise it up some more yeah okay right here the Baptist Book the Baptist bookstore initially popularized the painting Distributing various size lithographic images for sale throughout the Southern United States the Salvation Army of the YMCA as members of The Uso handed out pocket-sized versions of the painting to American servicemen heading overseas during World War II so during World War II this image that image became famous this is the image that the Bible is talking about okay raise it up let me see if there was anything else oh that was it okay let's go back to description Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 13. and he doeth great wonders so that he make it so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those Miracles which he had which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast and so what else happened during this time read saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast which had the wound by a sword and did live because that image comes from Rome Rome had the womb by his sword meaning it fell and it was resurrected during the Renaissance that image comes from Rome okay okay so now from there from there give me now write this down 1945 the 1959 we're going to talk about write this down Operation Paperclip wherein the United States recruited 1600 German scientists engineers technicians who were former Nazis from Germany give me Psalm 64 and verse 2. yes Bishop I thought that I was a receipt connoisseur Bishop you dropping all the receipts right now if if you still confused as to who the nation is whom the most side has had indignation for forever you sleep go drink some milk get you some warm milk go lay ass back in the bed this right here is Bible prophecy unfolding No Other Nation you see that the eat of my uh forget his name Bishop who on Earth would think to create a miss or a bomb Oppenheimer Oppenheimer that could kill everybody he go test it it's about it's a zero point it's close to zero chance that it'll kill everybody on Earth but we're gonna try it anyway Edom is the only one by thy sword shalt thou live this nation is the only nation on Earth that thinks like this bishop they say you uh you can tell the mass murderers and the serial killers from Young they they kill little animals in the neighborhood and stuff like that Edom is the only nation that enjoys killing animals his whole life Bishop this is how he moves by his sword he thinks through his might he can be successful get that Psalm 64 verse 2. Psalm chapter 64 verse 2. hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked from the Insurrection of the workers of iniquity the reason I went here is to show you Esau Edom has secret counsels and one of the secret councils is called operation paper clip I'm gonna give you another scripture Isaiah 29 15. Isaiah chapter 29 verse 15. woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord and their works are in the dark and they say who seeth us and who knoweth us so again more secret counsels give me Isaiah 47 and 10. Isaiah chapter 47 verse 10 for thou has trusted in thy wickedness thou is said none seeth me why none seeth me because they did everything in secret covert uh uh actions go ahead thy wisdom in thy knowledge it hath perverted thee they created the atom bomb they created many all these Great Adventures y'all see out here the vast majority of them are said like that God and thou it said in thine heart I am and none else besides so because of those Miracles that they created they said I am I am God go ahead verse 11 therefore shall evil come upon thee Thou shalt not know from whence it rises I got a trick back for them go ahead and Mischief shall fall upon thee thou shall not be able to put it off and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly that which Thou shalt not know read stand now with thine enchantment stand now with your enchantments go ahead and with the multitude of thy sorceries wherein thou has labored from thy youth right if so be thou shalt be able to profit if so be thou mayest Prevail so now so now I'm going to show you a couple of videos about Operation Paperclip give me that first one how long is that how long is that okay go ahead play that in 1945 a Polish lab technician discovered pieces of paper floating in a toilet at Bond University little did he know the discovery would trigger one of the most controversial intelligence initiatives in United States history when around 1600 Nazi scientists were recruited to the U.S those pieces of paper were fragments of the ossenberg list a roll call of Nazi Germany's top scientists rocketeers and engineers Nazi leaders aimed to identify and reassign them from the battle to the laboratory in the desperate hope of turning the tide of the war but when the war in Europe ended and Nazi Germany was defeated news of the ossenberg list made it into the hands of U.S intelligence where it was seen as an opportunity for the US government to recruit the scientists for themselves at the end of the war and with the approval of President Harry S Truman Operation Paperclip commenced in 1945. it was so secret even the Justice Department's Nazi Hunters whose job it was to track down Nazis for criminal prosecution didn't know of its existence between 1945 and 1959 around 1600 Nazi scientists were recruited as part of the operation many had previously served as high-ranking Nazi officials including Infamous aerospace engineer Werner Von Braun creator of the third reich's deadly V2 Rockets weapons used to bomb London England during the war due to Operation Paperclip Von Braun became director of NASA's Marshall space flight center and the Chief Architect of the Apollo moon landing launch vehicle with a successful firing of the Saturn the gigantic stride has been taken from the exploration of space specialists in chemistry physics and electronic engineering were also High the roughly 1600 scientists and their 10 billion dollars in Technical and intellectual secrets that included patents and Industrial processes were considered intellectual reparations and a part of Germany's War reparations details of the covert operation finally came to light in 1958 when Time Magazine ran a story on Werner von Braun yet despite the publicity no paper clip recruits were ever charged or held accountable for their war crimes and many went on to live happy successful lives as U.S citizens what can happen when ethical lines are challenged or crossed by the government you see the hypocrisy of of amalek Hypocrites all of them hey and a lot they all changed their names too they all changed their names hey give me the next clip it's a short yes is there any good Nazi a Dead Nazi but how was the sentiment during World War II but after the war the American government was willing to make some exceptions approved in a secret directive by President Truman Operation Paperclip was a secret U.S intelligence program that recruited over 1600 scientists engineers and technicians from Germany between 1945 and 1959. many of these people were not only former Nazis but in some cases they were even former leaders in the Nazi party oh with Nazi Germany defeated in World War II when the red men are seen as the new threat to American democracy the government was willing to overlook the former affiliation of these individuals if it meant gaining an advantage in the Cold War and winning the space race one of these scientists was Verna Von Braun Chief Architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle used in all of the Apollo missions to the moon give me the next one go back go back go back pay attention imagine a top secret operation that involved the recruitment of Nazi scientists and Engineers by the United States Government after World War II sounds like a plot from a spy movie right but this is not fiction this is Operation Paperclip after the end of World War II the United States government was in a race against the Soviet Union to develop advanced technology the US government secretly recruited over 1600 Nazi scientists and Engineers to work for the U.S military and intelligence agencies among them were Werner Von Braun who had developed the V2 rocket for the Nazis and Arthur Rudolph who had overseen the production of the V2 rocket at the middle work Factory where thousands of concentration camp prisoners had died the operation was highly classified and the U.S government went to Great Lengths to keep it a secret the scientists and Engineers were given new identities and their Nazi pasts were a race some of the scientists and Engineers had been involved in war crimes and there were concerns about their loyalty to the U.S there were also concerns about the ethical implications of recruiting former Nazi despite these concerns Operation Paperclip continued for several years and the Nazi scientists and Engineers made significant contributions to U.S technology and science you can't make this stuff what you got for me Deek what you got let me get the article I sent you captain azerai all right so after um Oppenheimer and his people set off that plutonium bomb there was a whole bunch of reports of Chariots so-called UFOs right go down go down I want to show y'all something go down keep going go slow go slow hold it go back up go down go down go down right there start reading from where it says it is difficult it is difficult to predict what the attitude of international law will be with regard to the occupation by by Celeste so this is this is a unclassified and one time it was classified then it became unclassified way later decades later this is a letter from Oppenheimer to Truman okay about so-called UFOs go ahead to the occupation by Celestial peoples of certain locations on our planet but the only thing that can be foreseen is that there will be a profound change in traditional concept so he said there'll be a profound change in traditional Concepts when The Invasion happens go ahead we cannot exclude the possibility that a race of extraterrestrial people more advanced technologically and economically may take upon itself the right to occupy another Celestial body that occupation that is talking about is Christ coming here to invade this planet go ahead come on how then with this occupation come about go down keep reading let's blow it up a little bit the no the other way brother that right there read number one come on the idea of exploitation by one Celestial state would be rejected go ahead they may think it would be advisable to Grant it to all others capable of reaching another Celestial body but this would be to maintain a situation of privilege for these states read number two read a little faster the the division of a Celestial body into zones and the distribution of the of them amongst so basically what they're doing they're listing different ways that they would be able to so-called co-inhabit this planet Earth with the so-called UFOs I'm going to show you something because a lot of these apologists Bishop they like to call us UFO nuts and so forth read verse uh I'm not verse read number three go ahead and then we're going to go up read three indivisible oh sovereignty sovereignty let me read it let me read it let me know indivisible cold sovereignty which will there be no cold sovereignty because this whole planet Earth is going to be under Christ and Israelites giving each Celestial State the right to make whatever use is most convenient to its interests independently of the others this would create a situation of Anarchy as the strongest one would win out in the end who's the strongest ones Brothers Christ absolutely go up there for the sake of time no the other way go back up I just want to get to keep going I want to show y'all something what this white devil these [ __ ] know that the whole world doesn't know because our people are still asleep go up go slow go down to the fourth paragraph right there at any rate international law should make place for a new law on a different basis and it might be called law among planetary peoples following the guidelines found in the pentateuch now put that in Google for those who don't know so what is the white man talking about here he's telling you that when The Invasion happens the whole planet Earth is going to be under the pentateuch let's type that in for those who don't know who don't for those who are watching online what is the pentatoac if I don't even know if I'm pronouncing that right pentateu the penta 2 includes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible [Applause] so who wrote that letter go back go back go back go back go back so to to all these apologies all their UFO nuts they're crazy we ain't crazy you crazy go all the way down let's see who wrote this letter go down go down keep going let's see who wrote this roller go back up go back up right there go back up right there Dr J Robert Oppenheimer foreign excellent stuff so that was what we discussed was 1945. something occurred after World War II 1948 give me that uh newspaper article newspaper 1948 right there yep read that who's reading Captain let me well go ahead its name is Israel U.S recognizes Jewish state so Israel became a state this is when it got all of the uh kazos I do means from Poland Russia Germany Kazakhstan Uzbekistan uh to come to this land to make a new State give me the next article read that top the New York Times zionists proclaimed new state of Israel Truman recognizes it in hopes for peace Tel Aviv is bombed Egypt orders Invasion okay give me the next picture with the American flag yep America helped set up uh this new modern Israel with the help of the League of Nations that's what do you the United Nations was called at that time the League of Nations so America was instrumental in establishing that new state give me Daniel 11 and verse 14. Daniel chapter 11 verse 14. and in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South the King of the South is Egypt like we just read earlier a few minutes ago there was a war with Egypt God also the robbers of thy people robbers of thy people is amalek the robbers of thy people are these Edomite converts read the part again also also the robbers of thy people shall exalt them what did they robbed they robbed our land because now they're taking the land again they robbed our land and our identity read that again also also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves exalt themselves as the Jews to establish the vision to establish the vision that they are the Jews not only that did they establish themselves as Jewish people they not only that they took the land not only that they created a new form of Hebrew that Yiddish form of Hebrew right but they shall fall the prophecy says but they shall fall so I want y'all to look at this verse when it talks about the robbers of thy people that extends from the time of the herodians from antipeta that we already discussed to the kazars to 1948 it uncovers all of that everybody understand that okay all right uh give me Ezekiel 35 and let's start at verse 1. Ezekiel chapter 35 verse one I want y'all to pay close attention moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man set thy face against Mount Sierra said thy face against Mount who Sierra uh read Genesis 36 and 8 again please so we know I know some of them aren't at home they already forgot who Mount Sierra is Genesis chapter 36 verse 8 thus dwelt Esau in Mount Sierra Esau is Edom see that so now when we go back to Ezekiel 35 verse 2 again son of man set thy face against Mount Sierra and prophesy against it so we prophesying against the [ __ ] go ahead and say unto it thus saith the Lord God behold o Mount Sierra I am against thee God is against thee God and I will stretch out mine hand against thee and I will make thee most desolate God said I will make thee most desolate come on I will lay thy City's waste ah see that I will lay thy cities waste and thou shalt be desolate and thou shalt be desolate right and thou shalt know that I am the Lord and thou shalt know that I am the Lord right because thou has had a Perpetual hatred and has shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their Calamity hey remember during the time of Babylon we discussed it what the [ __ ] did they helped Babylon overthrow us Ezekiel was in the Babylonian captivity he's already prophet saying these people helped kill us they took our land not only that remember it happened several times in the future read that again verse five because thou has had a Perpetual hatred and it shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their Calamity in the time that their iniquity heading in in the time that the iniquity had it and what happened what happened remember I discussed earlier when we were emancipated that wasn't it they wasn't finished with us they said no no let's Dawn our hoods let's set up uh uh Black Codes and Jim Crow laws and let's kill us some [ __ ] that's what they did go ahead verse six therefore as I live saith the Lord God I will prepare thee unto blood and blood shall pursue thee see when you read the Bible when you read in Prophecy you can't just stop during the time of Ezekiel no it goes on God's prophecies go on it don't stop to where the apology the Apologetics will say no you got to just stop and leave it there no they don't know the Bible they don't know the spirituality of the word of God go ahead sit down excuse me sit down has not hated blood even blood shall pursue thee thus will I make Mount Sierra most desolate and cut off from it him that pass it out and him that returneth and I will fill his mountains with his slain so his mountains we know ain't nobody living over there now so what does it talk about remember what we read hold the crowd I know you forgot get go back to Genesis 30 27 you read about the blessing on Esau watch this Genesis chapter 27 verse verse 30 9 and Isaac his father answered and said unto him Behold thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth thy dwelling it would no longer be Monsieur and so it would be the fatness of the Earth the best places on Earth you would live you and your descendants go ahead end of The Duel of Heaven meaning they'd be everywhere go ahead from above and by thy sword shalt thou live how would they get to all those marvelous and beautiful places where they would live by the sword they would kill people destroy Nations let's go on back now Ezekiel 35 and verse what verse was that verse 8. I read eight again and I will fill his mountains with his slain men in thy Hills and in thy valleys and in all thy Rivers shall they fall that are slain with the soul so you'd be looking Christianity had got you looking in Mount Sierra there's nobody over there nobody lives there so God is letting you know if you know the Bible you know they will live everywhere France Germany Russia America Canada Australia all these various places read I will make Thee I will make the perpetual desolations and thy City shall not return I see in thy cities shall not return this is prophecy gut and ye shall know that I am the Lord now pay pay close attention to verse 10 verse 10. because thou is said these two Nations these two Nations go ahead and these two countries in these two countries shall be mine and we will possess it whereas the Lord was there so what are the two Nations talking about Judah and Israel what are the two countries talking about Israel and America those are the two main places they always wanted why many of you can understand why they wanted Israel because we lived there why America because the northern kingdom dwells here on this side of the earth so read it again because now it's sick these two nations in these two countries shall be mine and we will possess and we will possess it whereas the Lord was there what does it mean whereas the Lord was there they took the land of Israel how as Jews Jewish people they took America as what Christians they said we're the people of God in both areas and the Lord is with us read therefore as I live saith the Lord God I will even do according to thine anger and according to thine Envy which thou is used out of thy hatred they've always been envious against us they've always had hatred against us God and I will make myself known among them when I have judged thee when I have judged thee go ahead and thou shalt know that I am the Lord and that I have heard of all thy blessings and I've heard all thy blasphemies go ahead which thou is spoken against the mountains of Israel saying what saying they are laid desolate they are given us to consume the people of God have been taken into slavery we can now take the lands that's what they did go ahead thus with your mouth you have boasted against me and have multiplied your words against me I have heard them what the Lord said I have heard them go ahead thus saith the Lord God when the whole earth rejoices I will make thee God said when the whole earth rejoices because the Lord come back I'm Gonna Make You desolate I'm going to destroy you good as thou didst Rejoice at the inheritance of the House of Israel because it was desolate so will I do unto thee thou shall be desolate o Mount Sierra in All I Do Me Wait Wait who's I do me and put it on the screen who's I do but I know some of y'all forgot already read that idumia Bible meaning red or eat them see that's the [ __ ] that's the [ __ ] God's talking about back to verse 15 one more again as thou did us rejoice at the inheritance of the House of Israel because it was desolate so will I do unto thee thou shall be desolate o Mount Sierra and all I do me up even all of it some of it all of it even all of it God and they shall know that I am the Lord and now go to chapter 36 and verse 5 please Ezekiel chapter 36 verse 5. therefore thus saith the Lord God surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the Heathen and Against All I Do Me Wait Wait put I do me a backup on the screen put it back read that again I know Mia Bible meaning red or eat them so now let's go back to the script go ahead therefore thus saith the Lord God surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the Heathen and against all I do mia which have appointed my land into their possession not only did they possess the land during the time of Babylon when Ezekiel was living they did in the future time during the time of Rome and during a time in 1948 to this day read that again which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart with despiteful Minds to cast it out for a prayer what does it mean to cast it out for pray they have all their fellow I do means take part take a piece of it they call it fellow I do means from Poland uh Kazakhstan Uzbekistan uh Poland Germany Russia all over they said come to Israel come get a part of this land as the Jews that's what they did okay from there from there give me Revelation 12 and 9. Revelation chapter 12 verse 9. wait a minute wait let me get it let me get it okay and the Great Dragon and the Great Dragon and the Great Dragon God was cast out was cast out that old serpent that old serpent called the devil and Satan so what did this old serpent call the devil and Satan do which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out with him I want to know who this damn devil is real quick real quick real quick go to Revelation 2 9. I'm curious who is this Dragon who's this devil Revelation 2 9 Revelation chapter 2 verse 9. put some pictures on the screen for me I Know Thy works so Christ says I to the real Jews I Know Thy works and tribulation I know all the hell you've done caught right and Papa and I know as a whole you are impoverished but Thou Art rich but Thou Art Rich you are the Jews of God you are the Israelites all the promises in the Bible pertain to you good and I know the blessings and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not and what and or not but who are they but are the synagogue of Satan but you know what Christians will do they'll say no no hey give me the picture about antipater give me the final antipater in case you want to be stupid go back to this year right there the genealogy these are all converts all these people plus 15 more children like it says at the bottom Herod the Great had five other wives and 15 children in all all these people live during the time when John wrote this thing right yeah so read it again verse 9 please I Know Thy Works in Tribulation and poverty but Thou Art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are put it back on the screen and I know the blasphemy of them would say they are Jews that's these people here that's them go ahead and or not and are not who are they what are the synagogue of say of Satan synagogue I said now give me the new pictures give me their current visuals how they look today yeah that's right put it up on the screen this is them put it on the screen read on verse 10. fear none of those things which Thou shalt suffer behold the devil now what's now he went from calling on the synagogue of Satan to the devil go ahead the devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried and ye shall have tribulation ten days be thou faithful unto them because they put us to death at that time go ahead and I will give thee a crown of life now watch this go back to revelation 12. now verse 9 again and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan so now put the red dragon up again put the great yeah put that up so not only were these the seven heads of Greece Rome Spain France Germany Russia Great banana America and they're 10 horns read that again and the Great Dragon was cast out uh-huh that old serpent called the devil and Satan that includes their other the rest of their people called the devil and Satan they call themselves what Jews and are not good which deceiveth the whole world what did they do deceiveth the whole world this race this people the Bible Philip tells us has deceived the whole world guess what that includes CNN BBC NBC ABC all of them they've deceived the whole world right he was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out with him now watch this watch this watch this jump down to verse 15. watch what watch what's gonna happen and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood now this is a metaphor the serpent is the same serpent in verse nine it just jumps back in time which is now our time it says and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood what's their mouth their media their media thank you their media which is run by amalek so-called Jewish people they run Sony Paramount Fox Comcast Walt Disney uh TMZ CW CNN HBO all of these Vice like Vice news thank you very much they control all of that that's the mouth of the serpent read that again verse 15 please and the serpent cast out of his mouth water is a flood the water coming out of his mouth out of the media is lies lie ever you ever notice every year they got a new movie about World War II we're the Jews we're just us every year go ahead after the woman we're the woman we're the bride of Christ God that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood they want us to be carried away of their lies go ahead and the Earth helped the woman the Earth that's going to help Israel is the prophets reading the Bible the Earth that helps the woman is the prophets reading the Bible okay and the Earth and the Earth opened her mouth and he heard the prophets of opening what the Bible we're opening the Bible go ahead and swallowed up the flood which and swallowed up the lies swallow up every lie go ahead which the Dragon cast out of his mouth and the dragon was raw so now we ain't get to verse 17 yet we still in verse 16 today right now we're in 16. but listen Brothers soon to come verse 17 is coming don't sleep read 17 now and the dragon was Wrath with the woman and went to make war when to make what make war war war go ahead with the remnant of her seed which keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ we ain't got to that point yet we have not entered that yet we sell in verse 16. but 17 is coming give me wisdom of Solomon 2 please wisdom of Solomon 2 we're going to start at verse 10 for time's sake wisdom of Solomon the Lord's being very patient with us to build ourselves up for us to build you men and women up because if the war came today nine out of ten you go back in the Christian church praising white Jesus nine out of 10 of you cause you're weak undisciplined and you really don't believe this yet read wisdom of Solomon I don't care how many muscles you got I'm speaking to you first and foremost go ahead wisdom of Solomon chapter 2 verse 10. come on let us oppress the poor righteous man this is what the ungodly says about us let us oppress the poor righteous man we're the UN poor and righteous man go ahead let us not spare the Widow they don't care about your Widow women nor reverence the age the ancient gray hairs of the age they don't care how old we are as a people you older men you old women they don't give a damn go ahead let our strength be the law of Justice this is why they send their sons and daughters to fill the courthouses they want to make sure they fill the courthouses as lawyers and judges this is why they do that go ahead but that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth that's us we're we're feeble go ahead therefore let us lie and wait for the right see that part right there let us lie and wait for the righteous come on because he is not for our turn oh we're not for your turn we see your lies we see your conspiracies right and he is clean contrary to how we're doing we are contrary to your doing we're contrary to your talmud your education good he upgraded us with our offending the law and you break all the laws of God you don't abide by it we see that we testify against you okay and objective to our infamy the transgressings of our education because your education comes from the talmud okay he professes to have the knowledge of God yes we do have the knowledge of God God and he calleth himself the child of the lord we are the child of the Lord come on he was made to reprove our thoughts we were made to reprove their thoughts God he is Grievous unto us even to behold they can't stand the way we look this is why they changed the image of the prophets and all that to fit their images to make images more pleasing to them good for his life is not like other men his way Praise of another fashion come on we are esteemed of him as countable you are counterfeit you are fakes you are frauds like it says in Revelation 2 in case you forgot go back to Revelation 2 9 and 10 please about being counterfeits Revelation chapter 2 verse 9. and I I Know Thy Works in Tribulation and poverty but Thou Art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not they are not the Jews go ahead but or the synagogue of Satan but they're the singer synagogue of Satan go back now to Winston Solomon 2 16. we are esteemed of him as counterfeit because the Bible says your counterfeits we know them many times that you have converted to becoming Jewish we know the times that's the 8 17 all right when was John high cranus after that during the time of kazaria we know uh 1948 we know good he abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness he pronounced at the end of the just to be blessed our end shall be blessed brothers and sisters go ahead and maketh his post that God is his father yes we do boast and God is our father and not yours go ahead let us see if his words be true watch this and let us prove what shall happen in the end of him see see now that now we're getting into verse 16 to 17 that we read in Revelation 12. go ahead for if the just man be the Son of God he will help him and deliver him from the hand of his enemy y'all see that watch this let us examine him with despiteful despitefulness and torture this is verse 17 that we read in Revelation 12. read that again let us examine him with despitefulness and torture that we may know his meekness and prove his patience come on let us condemn him with a shameful death see that this is the war this is the Hands-On War no longer words they ain't gonna be talking to us no longer no more they're gonna lay hands on men and women I hope you'll understand what you're in for what you signed up for go ahead for by his own saying he shall be respected such things they did Imagine and were deceived for their own wickedness have blinded their own wickedness shall blinded them go ahead ask for the mysteries of God ask for the mysteries of God they knew them not amalek you so-called Jewish people you don't know the mysteries of God God neither hope they for the wages of righteousness you don't hope for the wages of righteousness that's why you don't do righteousness in the earth okay nor discern the reward for blameless Soul you don't discern a reward for blameless Soul we're the blameless souls okay from there from there I'm gonna give you a story now I'm gonna give you a story this is how I know that many of us some of you men and women are not ready for what's about to happen there's a sister in South Carolina and I lie not she fell on hard times with her rent she didn't tell nobody guess what she did this is last week by the way week was a week before last last week she decided to marry a pork chop eaten white jesus worshiping preacher for a dollar four dollar four dollar now they married he telling her she can only worship white Jesus and she writing us what should I do sister shut the hell up don't don't write us if you will betray the Son of God for a dollar what will you do to save your life and that's why I said the physical war of them laying hands on us the Lord's holding it back now for many of us to build our spirits up because if it came today nine out of ten everybody listening right now be right back praising white jesus bow on your head kissing a white man's feet you ain't ready yet you ain't ready yet give me Matthew 10 33 please Matthew chapter 10 verse 33 and especially you brothers and sisters that never congregate that stay at home on the internet Lord knows you would betray this truth like that why did Chicago get on my job they'll fire me well if you will do that for your job what else will you do to save your life read that Matthew 10 33 please but whosoever shall deny me before men whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven you know Christ said him also will I deny before my Father which is in heaven this is heavy Christ said if you will betray him if you won't confess him he won't confess you either that's some heavy stuff right there read that again but whosoever shall deny me before Men read 32 and 33 together whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven okay but whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven now I'm gonna post something to you about those the verse verse 33 mainly because everybody right now you at home listening you also I I confess the Lord I confess Christ what state or condition do you think Christ is making reference to read from verse 31. fear ye not therefore ye are more ye are of more value than many spirits why do you think he starts off in 31 and says fear ye not he's talking about a time of tribulation he's not talking about like right now you're at home in the comfort of your home you got your pool your yacht you flying from here today you're doing all the things you you gotta you got you got everything you want it ain't talking about read 31 again fear ye not therefore ye are of more value than many sparrows actually let's start up above it let's start at 28 thank you let's start at 28 and read down so we can read the context Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 and fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and Body in Hell meaning the Lake of Fire okay or not Two Sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground which without your fault meaning a sparrow does not die without the father's consent his father the father's consented his say so God but the very hairs of your head are all numbers Christ said the hairs on your head of numbered you heard that Deacon lover the hairs of your head are numbered go ahead fear ye not therefore now he comes back fear ye not therefore ye are of more value than many humans pardoning Birds Christ is saying read whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven how we understand the condition he's talking about under the rest of death go ahead but whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also denial before my Father which is in heaven that's why I says we ain't ready we ain't ready yet these classes are meant to build you up you men study apply apply study pray apply you women study pray apply because if it happens today you'll be kissing the dirt from the white man's feet and you'll be cast into the Lake of Fire Matthew 16 24 now hey bishop yes sir also when we go to to The Maccabees it shows you how those seven sons they will tortured in front of their mother sometimes Esau could even use your kids they're gonna they might torture your kids in front of you to see if they're going to break you okay when you read about Peter Peter wife was killed with him you know Peter smiled and he told his wife he said listen remember the Lord okay it's the same way you you brothers and sisters we got to build ourselves up to and we got to teach our kids that too those seven son those seven sons that died they they mother taught them listen you leave this world you're gonna be with your Christ Christ's gonna resurrect you you know they will taught that from Young that's why they and they were built up that's why they were able to endure the church the torture that they went through okay that's why they was able to because they prepare themselves for it all right that's right exactly get Matthew 16 24 Matthew chapter 16 verse 24 then said Jesus unto his disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me a lot of times when I hear brothers and sisters break down take up his cross and follow me you go oh that means if you fall on Hard Times you can't pay your bill it ain't talking about you can't pay your bills he's talking about death if you are not willing to give up your life read it again then said Jesus unto his disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself deny yourself and take up his cross take up your cross be willing to die be willing to sacrifice your life go ahead and follow me and follow me go ahead for whosoever will save his life shall lose it how do you try to save your life you denied the Lord oh no no I don't I don't I'm not with them Israelites no no that black Jesus and I'm not with that sir no I don't believe in that crap see I married a preacher we worship white jesus read that again for whosoever will save his life shall lose it you're gonna lose your life you're going to be cast into the Lake of Fire God and whosoever will lose and whosoever will lose his life sacrifice your life for my sake shall find it we will find your life meaning eternal life the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that's what he's talking about I hope everybody understand that you better meditate on that over and over you forgot to believe it now give me the map of kazaria I didn't finish with you Esau give me a map of kazaria ah which one yeah right there I want you y'all see that map right there y'all see kazari right I want you to y'all see the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea right the reason I want to highlight those two C's is because all the names around them have been changed pretty much but the names of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea is still the same today give me the next map on Russia crisis give me the next map yep hey hey y'all see Black Sea black C Black Sea right there and right over to the right is the Caspian Sea right side Caspian seed blue blue Caspian C black C okay you see Black Sea Caspian C now casaria is right above that look look what kazaria is Ukraine Ukraine and Russia all of that is kazaria all of that hey give me uh Wikipedia type in I'm not typing I gave it to you Tonga uh right there read that tomga tomga or tamaga literally means stamp or seal in Mongolian and designates emblematic symbols which were now that's all I wanted Tom God means a seal or a symbol right give me that's a kazar's hat give me the next one right there read that the current shield and symbol of Ukraine the crest of Ukraine crest of Ukraine corresponds to the so-called Kazarian tumga symbol belonging to the old Kazarian Empire belonging to the old Kazarian Empire from where the Kazarian Mafia arises and originates y'all see that this is them this is them I can't get a bomb can I cannot get a bomb over here give me the next picture now we'll look but look I don't care about the title look in the background you see the symbol right there on the wall give me the next one the next picture look on the flag look at a flag it's the same symbol from okay zarya yes he's Jewish amalek give me the next one look right there pull it back out not too close I want people to see it that's the same old Kazarian symbol the tomga that's them give me the next one with America you see how America backs up you see how America backs them why because they're all in it together now yo it says uh Ukraine Trident national symbol it's it's a link I believe it might be I'm not sure if it's a video let me look it's it's a it's an article nope nope nope it's the article it says Ukraine President Vladimir it's a link it says Ukraine it's rfe slash R yeah that's it right there now y'all see the symbol once again right there let's go through it raise it up they want to upgrade the Trident emblem go ahead raise it up raise it up this is that simple no no wait wait you see that oh that cross right there y'all ever seen that cross right there before Germany wore that cross that's the German Cross raise it up raise it up they're looking now this is the old remember that that this is the ancient when they they dug it up y'all can still make it out right that's it right there raise it up uh on that picture they're holding on the top left you see it right there it's right there yep that's it okay raise it up right there on that flag right there this is the case all Empire raise it up yep with the drug up pull it back down with the German Cross right there on the jacket German Cross raise it up these are your old Nazis this is them there's the quesar symbol raise it up hanging it up a a bishop so when Putin say he fighted Nazis he knows something that we just finding out that's right exactly right like you said Putin said on national team he said I'm fighting Nazis America's like no no don't listen to him he's crazy he's not crazy and a lot of you black men ran over there to protect these people and they hate your guts I'm gonna show you that too raise it up was that it yeah that was it give me the next one uh it's a tick tock tick tock video you get x out of that uh yeah put it on the screen over there I want some volume no problem no problem do y'all see what he did he smacked him and made him take a banana calling him what a monkey that's what he's doing give me the next video hey hey uh yeah give me the next one yeah that one yep started to how long is that how long it started 2 34. two minutes 34 seconds pay close attention many of the students we spoke to said they'd come South to the Hungarian border because of phone footage like this from border crossings into Poland videos purporting to show foreigners being treated differently by Ukrainian border guards at the long queues going west into Poland something the un's High Commissioner for refugees has acknowledged was happening Augustine's University lectures for medicine were due to start properly in March aspirations derailed for now by War well you understand they were in these are students in school to become doctors go ahead play on aspirations derailed for now by War at the border crossing he first went to he says there was a policy of large groups of black people being separated from ukrainians did somebody actually say that to you how do you know that that was the case she didn't actually say it's about you could observe it in what way how did You observe that we saw like you any queue at face black swear it wasn't like that we were all moving together that we got to a Time blacks were somewhere else and other let me see other white color skin but also somewhere else and they were actually moving a little bit faster the blacks weren't going at all did they separate the cues yes so black people were in one queue and white people were another queue [Music] black people are eventually getting across into Poland though but unlike ukrainians who are being picked up by friends and family foreign students for example have to wait longer at places like the Shemesh in Poland documents document last night patrols from the Polish far right confronted refugees in that town in one case chasing groups of black people through the street in normal times people from African nations would need to apply for Schengen visas to go from Ukraine to Poland but because of the war there's now no Visa requirement on anyone entering countries like Poland from Ukraine in a statement the Ukrainian foreign Ministry said there was a first come first serve policy at the border independent of race or nationality they also said that because of active fighting they were encouraging foreign students to stay in their place of residence Carriage is full of young Moroccans all from the same faculty of medicine at car cave University full of Dreams the door shouted our dreams we we don't know what's going to happen to us we can't know what are we going to be a future doctors or not did you always want to be a doctor yes yes zip it up skip it up skip it up okay give me the next video yeah for those of your negro questions let me tell how stupid you are do you guys know that since this was start with Russia and Ukraine Joe Biden gave Ukraine at least 150 billion dollars counting and there was not even still over now you know this is what the Democrat is pushing they are committee now they're pushing uh what you call that thing uh uh six uh 4K in a meal what you call that of preparation reparation you you and some of them fall for it you know why they're pushing it because they know your niggles don't want to put your body in an office so now they're pushing on why are you guys are getting they're pushing it so you guys can vote for them again and after everybody guess what they're going to say oh we put it we put it in Congress it just didn't pass and your niggles continue for for the same okie dokie go ahead next video pay attention I'm a lady that might let me in so I was writing wait wait she said I'm a lady they might let me in go back go back go ahead play it time I'm a lady they might let me in so I was right there by the steps and um the guy by the train I don't know what they're called yeah this guy literally he's a big man he pushed me off the steps and then I tried to get on again he pushed me but he kept saying ladies first ladies first so I looked at him and said I'm a lady and he just stared at me and looked away made way and he let Ukrainian women pass only Ukrainian women there was another black lady behind me I don't know I do not know her but the two of us were standing right there and watching all this happen so we could do nothing and we just stood there and looked the guy closed the door we tried to rush to the next wagon same thing was happening so the the train just um the train just left us yeah wow I was just I was shocked because I did not know the extent of the racism I did not know I thought maybe okay fine I'm a lady so obviously don't let me in because that's the rule so I just I was in shock I was shocked I was shocked I wasn't even afraid I was shocked I actually just stood downstairs hey I've seen some videos circulating of the same kind of thing happening and with the guys it's worse and I've seen another one where they were literally being dragged out of the train like they had a chance to get into the cabins but then they were dragged out the hallway not just by the door but they were dragged out hey what what's your seek taking place here is that that illusion that the white men have put on our people it's bursting because Christianity and the white man say we all is equal and God God love everybody but when you go to these countries what's what you see happening is black people our people being treated like crap you understand and these same people is Christians man okay so that bubble that illusion that the white men put on us is bursting okay that's what you see happening she getting a root our people is getting a rude a rude awakening to to the white man being the devil or enemies these people hate us yeah but then she said I was shock after all history you were shocked she's shocked because she's Christian yes because in Christianity they teach them that lie we're all equal we all love each other that's a lie yeah this is why you see our people talking about let's pray for them no let's pray for the destruction yes that's what we should do wait for the destruction ball bomb please hey give me job five and eight actually five and eleven I'll start there Job chapter 5 verse 11. to set up on high those that be low so the Lord's purpose regarding us is to set up on high those that be low right now we're low but he's going to set us up on high God that those which mourn may be exalted to safe that those which mourn we're the ones mourning now like our sisters and brothers opening that's in the Ukraine their their morning okay under the spell of Witchcraft mourning that we may be exalted to safety God he disappointed the devices of The Craft see that he God disappointed the devices of the crafty remember what we read in Psalms 83 they would have Crafty go ahead so that their hands cannot perform their Enterprise so that their hands cannot perform their Enterprise uh put that up next to the dollar bill read it real quick look at the back of the one dollar bill what do those words mean in Latin Inuit coeptus our Enterprise is now a success our Enterprise is now a success go ahead novus ordo seclorum a new order of the ages A New World Order okay the All-Seeing Eye and the pyramid was and still is the symbol of the Illuminati a secret society formed by a secret uh a secret cable of Freemasons cabal of Freemasons they went on to become skull and bones and now what is commonly referred to as the New World Order now give it a dollar bill so a newer coeptus our Enterprise success Enterprise success but if you notice like at the bottom it says 1776 it's not really finished yet there's still more this is why they're pushing the population control and things of that nature trying to exterminate us that's what they want to do but they want to do it secretly Novus ought to seclorum New World Order okay so when we go back to job 5 and verse what verse was that again verse 12 verse 12 Brad yes sir he disappointed the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their interviews so a law said he's going to disappoint them they're not going to finish what they're attempting to do to our people God he take it the wise in their own craftiness and the counsel of the forward is carried head long to be carried head long man you crack your head and die that's what the Lord's plan for them is come on they meet with darkness in the daytime when it's High Noon God said I'm going to bring them down right and grope in the noon day as in the night but he saved the poor from the soul see that that's how people he said but he's safe with the poor from The Sword so what we read in Revelation 12 about the dragon went to make war with the remnant of his seed which keep the Commandments and of the testimony of Jesus the Lord said listen I'm going to save you I'm Gonna Save A remnant of you I'm not going to let all of y'all die Remnant is going to be saved read that again but he saveth the poor from the sword from their mouth from their lies God and from the hand of the mighty come on so the poor have hope so brothers sisters we have hope God and iniquity stopeth her mouth and iniquity shall shut the hell up okay behold happy is the man whom God corrected I want y'all to pay close attention to that part happy is the man whom God correcteth God corrects us for a reason give me that in Romans 5. we're coming back here Romans 5 and 3 the correction has a purpose behind it you might think you are at the Pinnacle of your strength the Lord says no you're not there yet read that Romans Chapter 5 Verse 3 and not only so but with glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not a shame so when we go through hardships hard times that ain't the Lord uh hating us that's the Lord trying to build us give me that sirach too and verse 5. he's trying to build us into the perfect man of Israel the perfect woman of Israel Sorak Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 5. for gold is tried in the fire we had a gold tried in the fire of adversity God and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity we must go through adversity to be built to prepare ourselves our souls our minds for what is to come so lost I got to put you through some stuff right now because if the enemy comes now you all go back to Worship in white Jesus I hope you understand and go back go back go back go back job five Job chapter 5 verse 7 verse 7 17. come on behold happy is the man whom God correcteth my wife left me my my husband left me oh my God my God I'm sick the Lord's trying to build it build you into something he's trying to make a new creature out of you that only comes through tribulation that only comes through trials I'm better than everybody understand that we don't therefore despise not thou the chastening of the almighty therefore despise not thou the chastening of the almighty come on for he maketh soar and bindeth up he woundeth and his hands make whole come on he shall deliver thee in six trouble he shall deliver thee in six troubles those are the six trumps you'll read about okay in Revelation yea in seventh there shall no evil touch the Yea in sevenness shall no evil touch to give me that precept in Revelation 11 15. for the seven here's the precept Revelation chapter 11 verse 15. in the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever free now going back job 5 19 one more again he shall deliver thee in six trouble he shall deliver thee in six trumps that's tribulation go ahead yay in seven when his seventh Trump is sounded there shall no evil touch the Kingdom's gonna be established go ahead in famine famine he shall redeem thee from Death he shall redeem us from death and in war and in war from the power of the soul the power of the sword go ahead Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue thou shall be heard from the scourge of the tongue that's their lies God neither shalt thou be afraid of Destruction when it comes when destruction comes brothers and sisters when we see the missiles come the Bible says what thou sh it said read neither shalt thou be afraid of Destruction when it comes go ahead at destruction and famine thou shall we listen hey give me the give me give me what raise it up nope nope nope nope raise it up let me look I want no no no no no no no no uh lower it let me look lower it raise it up so I can see right after the yeah over the top left yeah yeah just just hit me there hit me there just go from there just read it again and going through verse 21 thou shall be hit from the scourge of the tongue neither shalt thou be afraid of Destruction when it cometh at destruction and famine Thou shalt last destruction and famine Thou shalt laugh now you see here on the screen you see a fact there's gonna come a time when we see the missiles coming because we're gonna be in the midst of that like it says in Psalms 91 A thousand shall follow thy sighted ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near see that's what it's talking about this is what it's talking about that's that remnant of brothers and sisters that's alive at that time I hope you understand that I hope you all understand that come on where we at verse 22. at destruction and famine Thou shalt last neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the Earth for Thou shalt be in League with the stones of the feet this is the kingdom God and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee and thou shalt know that thy Tabernacle shall be in peace and thou shalt visit thy habitation and shall not sin you see that part right there and shall not sin give me that precept in Isaiah 60 21 and shall not sin Isaiah chapter 6. wait wait wait wait let me get it go ahead verse 21 thy people also shall be all right y'all see that thy people also shall be all righteous go ahead they shall inherit the land forever the branch of my planting the work of my hands that I may be glorified read a little one shall become a thousand we're gonna have a lot of kids go ahead and a small one a strong Nation watch what he says I the Lord will hasten it in his time the Lord gonna make that happen fast happen faster and faster go on back watch this it ain't over yet back to verse Job 5 and verse uh 24 again verse 24 and thou shalt know that thy Tabernacle shall be in peace and thou shalt visit thy habitation and shall not send thy people shall be all righteous read Thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great see that thy seed shall be great and thine Offspring is the grass of the earth and I Offspring as the grass of the earth we're going to have a whole job is saying the same thing Isaiah prophesied about you ain't stunning he ain't make no no if ands or buts is saying the same thing hey give me the picture of the king put that Kingdom up there that one right there put that up on the screen that's what that's what job is talking about well actually you know who this is one of his friends running their mouth talking prophetic prophecy though Now give me job 20 and 22. we almost done Joe chapter 20 verse 22. in the fullness of his sufficiency and the fullness of his sufficiency remember said our Enterprise a success God said I will uh disappoint The Crafty so that their hands cannot perform their Enterprise is saying the same thing here in verse 22 read in the fullness of his sufficiency he shall be in straight he Gonna Catch Hell every hand of the wicked shall come upon him when it says every hand of the wicked shall be upon us talking about NATO and all the other nations go ahead when he is about to fill his belly God shall cast The Fury of his wrath upon Him uh-huh and shall reign it upon him while he is eating while he is eating now watch this here come he shall flee from the iron weapon he shall put it on the screen he shall flee from the uh that's the iron weapon the same weapon that Oppenheimer came up with read it again he shall flee from the iron weapon and the bow of steel shall strike him through all of steel shall strike him through God it is drawn and coming out of the body it is drawn it comes out of the body not that one yet go back not that yet go back to the yes read it again he shall flee from the iron weapon and the bow of steel shall strike him through here come it is drawn and cometh out of the body the body is talking about is the earth many of these missiles are in the earth in their silos go ahead yay the glittering Soul that's the glittering sword go ahead cometh out of his goal Terrors are upon Him Terrors are upon him come on all Darkness shall be hid in his secret places a fire not blown shall consume him now fire you ain't got a blow when them nuclear weapons hit that's not the type of fire you to blow up the the fan to grow this is nucleophile go ahead it shall go ill with him that is left in his Tabernacle see that it shall go ill with him that is left in his time anybody left here in America is going to go ill with him go ahead the heaven shall reveal his iniquity that hey give me the next picture the heaven shall reveal his iniquity go ahead and the Earth shall rise up against him the Earth shall rise up against him go ahead the increase of his house shall depart give me the next picture come on and this is going to be total Destruction here I hope you can see that total Destruction go ahead and his Goods shall flow away and his good shall Flow Away in the day of his wrath the day of his wrath this is the portion of a wicked man this is the portion of a wicked man go ahead from God from God and the Heritage appointed unto him by God give me Jeremiah 49. we're almost done we're almost done let me look let me look let me make sure yes we're almost done we're almost done Jeremiah 49 7 please Jeremiah chapter 49 verse 7. concerning Edom concerning who Edom concerning Edom these are all your Caucasians God thus saith the Lord thus save who the Lord of hosts is wisdom no more and Demon is wisdom no more in teaming because team in Germany they had a lot of their top scientists that came here to Babylon to build up Babylon go ahead is Council perished from The Prudent uh-huh is there wisdom vanished flee ye turn back dwell deep o inhabitants of dedan for I will bring the collection hey when it says oh and what verse you at verse 8 verse 8. Oh inhabitants of dedan get Isaiah 21 13 so we can understand y'all better write this down Isaiah chapter 21 verse 13 the burden upon Arabia in the forest in Arabia Lodge oh ye traveling companies that's the Dan right they're going back to verse 8. fully Yee turn back dwelled deep o inhabitants of D-Day come on for I will bring the Calamity of Esau upon him because I'm gonna bring eSource Calamity on you you Arabs go ahead the time that I will visit him come on if great gatherers come to thee would they not leave some cleaning grapes if thieves by night they will destroy till they have enough right but I have made Esau bear I have uncovered his secret place his secret places his his secret meetings his secret councils his underground bunkers things of that nature good and he shall not be able to hide himself ESO is not going to be able to hide himself on this day come on his seed is spoiled and his Brethren and his neighbors and he is not see that his seed is spoiled and his Brethren and his neighbors and he is not meaning he's going to be destroyed eliminated that's what the Bible says come on leave thy fatherless children I will preserve them alive why would God preserve their fatherless children alive for slavery captivity go ahead and let thy widows trust in me for thus saith the Lord behold they whose judgment was not to drink of the cup he saw he saw a joke he didn't want to drink the cup of the Lord go ahead have assuredly drunk they shall surely drink the cup of the Lord all the judgments shall come upon them right and or thou he that shall altogether go unpunished God says are you he that shall altogether go unpunished God Thou shalt not go unpunished God says that he saw you shall not go unpunished but Thou shalt surely drink you're gonna drink the judgments of God he saw come on for I have sworn by myself saith the Lord that both is the capital city of Edom go ahead shall become a desolation a reproach a waste and a curse and all the cities thereof shall be Perpetual ways we I have heard a rumor from the Lord and an ambassador is sent unto the Heathen saying gather you together and come against her and rise up to the battle all the nations primarily NATO is going to rise up against America Babylon go ahead four low I will make these small among the Heathen and despised despite America is doing so much wickedness in the Earth all nations gonna go look at us we got to take this nation down that's why they make the American dollar strong and all other dollar currencies weak good and despised among men come on thy terribleness hath deceived thee and the pride of thine heart oh thou that dwelleth in the clefts of the rock oh thou that dwelleth in the Cliffs of the rock like caucus mountains that hold is the height of the Hill though thou shouldest make thy Nest as high as the eagle they make their necess has the eagle memory landed on the moon and said the eagle has landed do you have a picture of that for me I.T I.T do you have a picture of the moon landing moon landing come on under images go ahead put it on the screen this is the put on the screen this is the moon landing when they said the eagle has landed so we're talking about America right here where you at cap uh the middle of verse 16. come on though thou shouldest make thy Nest as high as the eagle I will bring thee down from this saith the Lord also Edom shall be a desolation everyone that goeth by it shall be astonished and shall his set all the plagues that wrote as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah why does he say as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah what is America pushing same-sex relation same-sex marriage transgenderism this place shall be destroyed just like Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed Verse 18 again as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbor cities thereof saith the Lord no man shall abide there neither shall a son of man dwell in it behold he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against the habitation of the strong but I will suddenly make him run away from her and who is a chosen man that I may appoint over her the Lord is the only one God for who is like me he said who is like me go ahead and who will appoint me the time who's going to tell me when destruction is coming on Edom and who is that Shepherd that will stand before me what Shepherd what Warrior can stand before me watch this therefore hear the counsel of the Lord that he had taken against evil God's counsel is against Esau Edom right and his purposes listen good that he had purposed against the inhabitants of teeth the inhabitants of teaming that's their scientists here go ahead surely surely the least of the floods write this down that's the Israelis modern-day Israel read it again surely surely the least of the flock shall draw them out so when Israel goes to war it's going to draw America into the war read it again surely surely the least of the flock shall draw them out he put them pictures up on the screen there with the helicopters and all that I want them helicopter yeah right go ahead read that again surely the least of the flock shall draw them out surely he shall make their habitations desolately they shall make their habitations desolate with them Obadiah 1 verse 7 please we're almost done we're almost only got like three more verses Obadiah seven through ten Obadiah verse 7. all the men of thy Confederacy all the men of thy Confederacy that's NATO that's the EU go ahead have brought thee even to the board they've brought America even to the border the men that were at peace with this the evidence the men that were at peace with thee their allies have deceived thee have deceived thee God and prevailed against them and prevent that's showing you prophetically NATO is going to turn against the United States of America go ahead they that eat thy bread have laid a wound upon they that eat thy bread that's the EU they eat they share in everything with America they they eat their bread with thee but have laid a wound under them laid a trap under thee God there is none understanding in him there's no understanding in America all I want to just go down to verse 10. that was it verse 8 yes sir that was it on verse seven I want to go down to verse 10 verse 10 thy violence against for thy violence listen listen we're going to read seven through ten yes sir verse 8. shall I not in that day saith the Lord even destroy the wise men out of Edom see that the wise men is teeming that's here they're wise men are their scientists they're astrologists things of that nature those same scientists and their kids that came here to make America great the Lord said I'm gonna destroy destroy your wise man okay and understanding out of out of the mouth of Esau and thy Mighty Men oh demon shall be dismayed to the end that every one of the Mount of Esau may be cut off by Slaughter now watch was that 10 no sir that was verse 9 read verse 10 for thy violence against thy brother now he's going to tell you why God's doing it why what was the reason for thy violence against thy brother Jacob for the violence they did against their brother Jacob where Jacob okay shame shall cover thee James shall cover Esau Edom and thou shalt be cut off forever and thou shall be cut off forever now New Testament precept here's the priest up Revelation 17 let's start at 16 and read down Revelation chapter 17 verse 16 and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beasts the ten horns is NATO go ahead these shall hate the [ __ ] they shall hate America America is the [ __ ] and shall make her desolate shall make her desolate and naked and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire they gonna burn hey can you put some things on the screen come on man they gonna read that part again because I didn't get the impact read it again and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire they're gonna burn America with fire go ahead what God has put it in their hearts to fulfill his will God put it in his heart to fulfill his will and to agree and give their Kingdom unto the Beast are they going to support America for a limited time go ahead until the words of God shall be fulfilled until all prophesying in this earth is finished then war is going to break out destruction go ahead and the woman which thou saw us and in case the word who is that [ __ ] go ahead is that great City which raideth over the kings of the earth now from there watch this Revelation 6 and 12. we almost done we almost done I know I keep saying that but we are let me let me look let me look do I want to get that yes go ahead Revelation 6 12 Revelation chapter 6 verse 12 and I beheld when he had opened the Sixth Seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black and sat cloth of hair and the moon became his blood and the stars of Heaven fell into the Earth even as a big tree casteth her untimely Feats when she is shaken of A Mighty Wind that's destruction hey y'all could put some images of nuclear bombs up there you know yes Look Alive come on and the heaven departed as a scroll and the heaven departed as a scroll that's what you're looking at go ahead when it is rolled together in every mountain and Island were moved out of their places and the kings of the earth and the kings of the earth and the great men and the Great Men that's NATO and all the allies and the Richmond and the Richmond and the chief captains and the Mighty Men And every Bond Man and every free man hid themselves in the dens in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne yes these are this is what they're going to hide in go ahead put them on go across the screen go ahead this is what they're gonna hide in read that part again and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the Wrath of the lamb for the great for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand last scripture last scripture last scriptures Zephaniah 2 and 1 I just love it so much I just like I just want to read it I just love this scripture Zephaniah chapter 2 verse 1. I want all y'all to pay very close attention to this go ahead gather yourselves together this is for you men and women that sit at home the Bible says gather yourselves together come on yay gather together o Nation not desire we're the nation not desire you saw what's going on in Ukraine you see what happened in America we're the nation not desired God before the decree bring forth before the decree before God's judgment brings forth go ahead before the day passes the chance before the day passed away put some pictures up right there before this is gathering together we must gather ourselves together before the day of Destruction comes that's the day of the chap we must gather ourselves together read before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon before the fierce anger of the Lord brings forth was that it no sir go ahead before the day of the Lord's anger come upon you before the we read that part again before the day of the Lord's anger come upon you seek ye the Lord all ye Meek of the earth which have wrought his judgment seek righteousness seek meekness it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord's ain't I don't know about child but I want to be hid in the day of the Lord's anger because when the dead of Lord's anger comes there's gonna be a mighty destruction and after that destruction when the kingdom is set up put that on the screen and give me Revelation 3 9. this is what's going to happen to all these Nazis and all these [ __ ] read the scripture Revelation 3 9 Revelation chapter 3 verse 9 behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee so now here that 12 tribes 12 times never give up never give up and with that we say shalom [Music] Play that video you know I want that video y'all got it hope it's called hope y'all should have a download it should already been uploaded to y'all it's called hope it's from the brothers and sisters in London come on it's called it's on YouTube right there right there that's it right there pay close attention volume [Music] yes [Music] [Music] Earth will grow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] but now I'm happy [Music] too I'm filled with joy the bloodline of a royal priesthood [Music] you can't stop us [Music] [Music] patiently waiting though [Music] [Music] that's some good stuff right there [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] verse 31 and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the Four Winds from one end of Heaven to the other now going back to songs sent from above he took me he took me this for them we're afraid of the Deliverance of the Israelites they're afraid and they need to be afraid [Applause] hey all prisons man big up big up iuic UK you all came through with that song listen that song when you're going through things that is the kind of music you want to listen to you know you're gonna you know it it revamp your spirit just get you feeling good you understand so shout out to iuic UK that was a beautiful song man you understand you all keep bringing the fire man we want that shirt too instead of wolf pack shirt they got yeah yeah yeah yeah we need the wolf pack shirt man that [ __ ] is bad man send it you know we might be converting Bishop to the wolf back you understand so brother send us the shirts all right get one for ibl2 okay okay uh any announcements captains that's right any announcements okay all right y'all give another hand clap all praise to the most side for excellent class from the bishop all praises to the most side all right let's play the first one from iusc New York Connecticut New Jersey affiliate Boston [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] laughs black men in uniform like that it could come together this is [Applause] iuic schools New York Connecticut New Jersey Philly and Boston United to Blitz two major events in Long Island in Connecticut this weekend the lord gave the word and many Flyers went out great with the company of those that published it let's go to the next one iuic Dallas I want y'all to know these men are doing a wonderful job I we need more you are now flying yeah [Music] move do we seem like a hate group no because there's a lot of things going around saying we're a hate group did you get that from us no y'all ain't no hope yada [Applause] Jesus what I'm talking about yeah be blessed that's right iuic Dallas had boots on the ground at the annual divine nine Greek festival the world went out strong the Sheep were edified and the most I got another Victory go to iuic Dallas YouTube channel to check out more content let's go to the next one from iuic Gastonia I've been on this road too long I'm making my way back home I was young did a lot of things wrong I'm making my way back home why not Shalom is real most signed Christ blessed I'm captain Soraya here with my officers of the year you know zarya and we had an opportunity to come here to as you see behind us and all praise the most high it was successful I want y'all to come back for a couple more series yeah it was very receptive and it actually did a podcast that we was able to bring out the truth according to the Bible who we are we are the Israelites that the Bible speaks of so-called black suspense the Native American and to show out people that they have to come back and repent by keeping God's law statute Commandments in the Faith of Christ and let them know that they are the children of Israel the so-called black suspense in Native America keep us in your prayers and with that we say shalom shalom iuic Gastonia North Carolina had a church sit-down presentation uh with Pastor Alice and Deacon Holt to share the true gospel identifying the biblical Israelites of today that would that's that was discontinued from their Heritage and how they must return and repent by keeping of God's biblical laws and the faith of our Lord and savior the black Messiah Jesus Christ stay tuned full documentary coming soon let's go to the next one iuic Jackson my name is Captain get a life this is Jackson Branch the so-called blacks uh the so-called Native Americans right so-called Hispanics yeah those are our people right and our objective is to teach them that um the reason that we're in this situation that we're in is not because of somebody did something to us the reason we're in this situation is because we broke God's Commandments preaching law I'm Priscilla I preached race Edition you believe that yeah there's no doubt about it yes sir the scripture about the beard and the scripture about the tattoo is in the same verse that being that being the beard applicable too I don't agree with that okay we're not asking you to convert to this right but we do this this is not a religion you believe in the trend no uh yeah I believe in the Trap whatever you are now I think you're a real good brother and God yes okay pray to God and I ask if what I'm telling you is true I gave up everything for this so I'm not going to ask the Lord to open up my understanding about a Doctrine I know it's not doing iuic Jackson Mississippi was able to schedule a sit down uh with a Missionary Baptist pastor who does acknowledge that he is Israel we had a good discussion about the solutions our community needs although we walked away not agreeing about topics such as the law and salvation we appreciate the opportunity to spread the gospel with Community leaders the seed was planted and hopefully the Lord gives the increase let's go to the next one are you I see Oklahoma [Music] I've actually really wanted to have a conversation like this because I've of course seen you all out um and I was wondering okay I hear what you're saying was we're not here for debate we just want to present the information and if you what you see is what you've seen if you don't pay you're not here to force anything I'm frustrated with how some adults you take it as being offensive as to have brothers on the corners trying to tell people hey let's come back to God's laws and do what God says Paul would not uh meet the mild type of weather always are in this Bible you must come back to our heritage as well as seeking God's commandments so how do you deal with people that are unfamiliar with and just want to write you off to Faith we have adopted customs and traditions that are not biblical I admire whatever I see someone out there preaching out of work I have to believe on Christ and you have to apply the law again we got to come back to this Foundation someone maybe at the end of their rope and needing uh that that line and need the truth to be told to them when the Lord calls we move he cannot be yelling the captains of iuic Oklahoma City sat down with the leader of the community of the Church community in Wichita Kansas to express the need for God's laws in the black community Israel rise let's go to the next one Shalom savior I am looking forward to enduring this truth with you I pray the most high is showing you favor by giving me to you I feel blessed and honored to have you as my savior my Lord I have fasted and begged the Lord to give me the spirit to be your Aid because I see you striving in your youth to keep the laws and I pray to Rejoice you and to be a pillar of rest as we become aged together your ribs [Applause] [Music] she give me good Thou made us Adam and gave us him Eve his wife for an Helper and state you take one step of them come Mankind and thou has said it is not good that man should be alone let us make unto him in Aid like to himself and now O Lord I take not this my sister for lust but of rightly therefore mercifully unordained that we may become aged together and she said with him amen marriage is the foundation of nation building and what was ordained in the heavens has been established on the earth as iuic continues to create and show the world righteous marriages congratulations to the house of Officer of Mosa all right iusc events you want to know how to Pennsylvania off do you want to know how to piss a hater off let me show you treat me we step on the scene clean all this haters ain't really trying to be weak I'm thinking how can it defeat me cause I'm strong [Music] fire and sit down with prime minister will be available to view on iuic events YouTube Channel and iuic TV hey he wanted to know he said who is this group turning my Island upside down that's what he said that's what he said yes so hey the spirit was there so we ain't got time arguing about Corners we're doing bigger and better the hell is this all praise to the most side we got another one let's go to the next one [Music] [Music] Island [Music] backgrounds [Music] okay cleaning their lives up take care of your wife take care of your children according to the word of God give me that name again [Applause] Bahamas and showed how we have taken over the world from corner to countries 12 tribes worldwide y'all know the vice president just went over there this week Kamala Harris went over there to push the gay agenda you can't make this stuff up go ahead let's get some more let's get some more Corners to countries from Israel most high in Christ blessed professional Nathaniel here we're here in the Bahamas I got Deacon Malachi decalaba Bishop can I over there Mighty Men of the most high we met some people here so far it's a big problem on the island of Bahamas a large crime rate has gone up a lot of Levites here benjamites we want to meet some people do some teaching out here unite our people as one and if we give all praises to the most high in his glorious son the King of Kings Lord of lords Jesus to Christ all right so Israel we're going to teach this gospel like it's never been taught before and Roswell is rain stopped you're praying for us all right shalom my name is Daniel Thompson I'm the Secretary General for the National Congress of Trade union of the Bahamas and so we were very delighted to have invited the house of Israel which consists of young working man to be a part of this parade to celebrate with workers and I think it's important when I look at these young men marching they could have been involved in so many other nefarious activities but they chose to be a part of something that's very constructive and in the work of the Lord and so we're excited to have them a part of this parade this Labor Day 2023. yes sir yes sir we're going to unify the people don't worry yeah Brian's going to go down low as well yeah we're going to set up some prayers today okay all Praises all praises all right flyer any day any day they can't touch yours we pulling these young men out of the games okay cleaning their lives up take care of your wife take care of your children according to the word of God I'm excited I'm related These Guys these are Kings these aren't ordinary black men these are Kings we're the Israelites the Bible so we're going to pull our people out of these gangs our women are going to become mothers and wives not [ __ ] and harlots anymore [Music] God save the Lord we're going to unite our people for the second coming of the king of kings and Lord of lords unified identified him it seems positive us we're driven by seeing changing lives right making these young men into fathers into husbands our wives our women into mothers into into wives and that's what that's what that's the reason why we find ourselves we go to the parts of the countries we went to Trinidad and Africa different place where people will not go we are a particular people we are the children that's right Bishop speaking speak your captains and the army of God all on one Island iuic took over the Bahamas in the spirit of the Lord from Corners to countries let's go to the next one the sons of thunder foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] watch this yo yo what you doing man let the thing work yo yo what's up with you man let the dick play Man I don't care we want to watch the whole thing what the hell is wrong with you all man on the rise [Music] I didn't want that smoke [Music] yeah [Music] [ __ ] it a pig on a demon I think twice before I speak you know them [ __ ] be scheming on dropping don't eat them and who would have thought we would win it oh if we fell back from the city all in my lap but your lights don't say anything oh my God black like Wesley why these Nation keep trying to test me I got a heart and it's full of aggression to get them to go just like Missy Golden Gates without naming it oh if they don't like it be here make sure they know that it's pressure pressure [Music] on the rise represent this one for the tribes in my head dreams [Music] cool dry bones and Hispanics were born for the kingdom you try to misleading them latitude tellers don't culture your freedom we want the smoke we challenge your boost on the ground we alive and we standing up today I got time we pressing you we ain't gonna stop at your time we got stamina my people been mad they won't smoke and these scriptures is Murder She Wrote whoa used to be blind now I can see with my mind [Music] on the rise represent this one for the tribes in my head dreams [Music] all right all right all right cut it cut it right there we ain't gonna play no more you want to go see the rest on YouTube on original royalty dot what is it original come down come down right there premiering tonight on a real on original royalty recordings the the third video release Revelation 7 and 4 from Sons of Thunder from their Smash Hit third studio album John 5 39 available on original royalty All Digital stores and streaming sites let's go to the next one the the winery or the yeah the date night City Winery New York presents the royalty Duo live on Sunday July 2nd 2023 at 7 30. get your tickets now and support original royalty on to the next one subscribe to iuic TV today purchase and stream the multi award-winning film Joseph's dream don't forget to visit matthew213.com to donate and support more biblical Productions with accurate representation donate to the curse of Miriam today at Matthew 2 13. subscribe to iuic Diaspora attention attention we need all our UIC members and followers to subscribe to iuic Diaspora on every social media platform as well as all International channels we must reach the dispersed of our people the world of Israel is waiting for you Isaiah 11 11 Ministries calling all Israelites scattered throughout Arabia Africa India Pakistan Iran Italy turkey and all the diaspora if you believe the scriptures and the truth of the Bible and do not have a school reach us at iuic.diaspora at israelunite.org to find out how you can help in this mission 12 tribes worldwide [Applause] this one yes it's Tabernacles y'all know what it is Oklahoma gets it cracking they was heading shot to Dallas easy right from Cali we got Memphis in the spirit break Northwest knocked out that mileage so yeah yeah random dance cause I feel like it cabbage [ __ ] running man might smoke [Music] Tabernacles [Music] that's right from Atlanta the 20th anniversary coming back home y'all back to the okie doke let's get it that's right that's right hey all free to the most high God Tabernacle in the okie doke is bad listen registration is gonna drop Tuesday Tuesday night so be on the lookout hey this year this Tabernacle is going to be hosted by your favorite Captain Captain shamaya he coming through that's right and yo his co-host gonna be the other captain from how come he looks started like he didn't know he does though [ __ ] we talked about this we gonna hook him up too he gonna happen trust me a messiah and Messiah coming too hey hey this year where we're anticipating the largest Tabernacles in Oklahoma so make sure you register we got to get the park paid for and everything so everybody don't be slothful let's get the business done man we're gonna have a great time all Praises all leadership is coming through y'all you got to bring your own tree you got to bring your own tree if you want some shade yeah we got trees what you talking about bro hey so you all start preparing from no start saving that little paper putting everything together so you know it ain't gonna be a burden when the time come y'all can start from no put aside a little ten dollars every week five dollars okay so when that time come around everything good okay yo you win it back to Oklahoma bro we're bringing it back to them yes sir yes sir no storms this year Bishop are there going to be no storm this year hold it down about the spirit of Christ I'm gonna hold it down oh please I'll praise to the both side God all right that was the last one let's break bread and drink wine and honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus of Christ this is First Corinthians chapter 11 verse 23. well I've received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take it eat this is my body which is broken for you this doing remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had sup sing this cup is the New Testament in my blood this through ye is often ye drink it in remembrance of me for as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eat it then drink it damnation to himself not Discerning the Lord's body but it's caused many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep in the name of our Lord baby Jesus the Christ we thank him we pray a month I see uh Deacon Isaac's team eating the bread D damn this is good I'll press to the most side ready hey let's give Bishop another round of applause with a fire class all Praises all right man let's break it home it's Pentecost I'm in Israel are you ready are you ready what time is it what time is it who's the king who's the king what color is he what color is he who are we who are we 12 tribes 12 tries Unity Unity Unity never give up never give up never give up now finally my brother be strong in the Lord It's what is what his what his why [Music] she [Music]