Overview of New England and Middle Colonies

Jan 5, 2025

New England and Middle Colonies in US History


  • Overview of New England and Middle Colonies.
  • Importance for AP US History (AUSH) studies.

New England Colonies


  • Settlers came for religious motives.
  • Mix of male and female settlers; many families.
  • Formation of tight-knit communities.
  • Mixed economy opposed to Chesapeake Region.

Plymouth Colony

  • Result of religious conflict in Europe; rise of Puritanism.
  • Puritans: aimed to purify the church, faced harassment in England.
    • Believed in predestination (God chooses who is saved).
  • Pilgrims: Radical separatists wanting to break from Anglican Church.
  • 1620: Landed in Massachusetts Bay/ Plymouth instead of Virginia.
  • Mayflower Compact: Basis for self-government, majority rule.
  • William Bradford: Key figure, helped colony survive with aid from Squanto.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

  • Puritans aimed to reform, not break from the church.
  • 1629: John Winthrop received a charter for Massachusetts Bay Company.
  • 1630: Landed in Boston, aimed to be a "city upon a hill."
  • Education important; Harvard University established for Puritan ministers.
  • Religious freedom exclusive to Puritans, church membership required for politics.
  • Town hall meetings: Important for direct democracy.

Dissent and Conflict

  • Roger Williams: Criticized Puritan leadership, advocated for separation of church and state, banished.
  • Anne Hutchinson: Challenged church leaders' roles, also banished.
  • Pequot War (1630s): Near extermination of Pequot tribe.
  • New England Confederation (1643): Alliance for defense, except Rhode Island.
  • King Philip's War: Last major Native resistance in New England.

Middle Colonies


  • Known as "Bread Basket" colonies due to food production.
  • Included New York and Pennsylvania.

New York

  • Originally a Dutch colony (New Amsterdam).
  • Taken over by English, granted to Duke of York.


  • 1681: Founded by William Penn for Quakers (Religious Society of Friends).
  • Created as a refuge with a liberal government, religious freedom.
  • Fair treatment of Native Americans, rights for women.

Economy and Society

  • Demographically, religiously, and ethnically diverse.
  • Economy based on agriculture (wheat, corn) and trade.

Colonial Policies and Mercantilism


  • Colonies exist to enrich England (mother country).

Salutary Neglect

  • England's internal conflicts led to indifference towards colonies.
  • Navigation Acts: Trade regulations for colonial benefit to England.

Dominion of New England

  • 1686: English attempt to increase royal control.
  • Sir Edmund Andros enforced Navigation Acts, limited town hall meetings.
  • Tensions between English leaders and colonists due to divergent interests.


  • Recap of colonial characteristics, economies, and policies.
  • Upcoming examination of the Glorious Revolution and its impact.