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Overview of New England and Middle Colonies
Jan 5, 2025
New England and Middle Colonies in US History
Overview of New England and Middle Colonies.
Importance for AP US History (AUSH) studies.
New England Colonies
Settlers came for religious motives.
Mix of male and female settlers; many families.
Formation of tight-knit communities.
Mixed economy opposed to Chesapeake Region.
Plymouth Colony
Result of religious conflict in Europe; rise of Puritanism.
Puritans: aimed to purify the church, faced harassment in England.
Believed in predestination (God chooses who is saved).
Pilgrims: Radical separatists wanting to break from Anglican Church.
1620: Landed in Massachusetts Bay/ Plymouth instead of Virginia.
Mayflower Compact: Basis for self-government, majority rule.
William Bradford: Key figure, helped colony survive with aid from Squanto.
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Puritans aimed to reform, not break from the church.
1629: John Winthrop received a charter for Massachusetts Bay Company.
1630: Landed in Boston, aimed to be a "city upon a hill."
Education important; Harvard University established for Puritan ministers.
Religious freedom exclusive to Puritans, church membership required for politics.
Town hall meetings: Important for direct democracy.
Dissent and Conflict
Roger Williams: Criticized Puritan leadership, advocated for separation of church and state, banished.
Anne Hutchinson: Challenged church leaders' roles, also banished.
Pequot War (1630s): Near extermination of Pequot tribe.
New England Confederation (1643): Alliance for defense, except Rhode Island.
King Philip's War: Last major Native resistance in New England.
Middle Colonies
Known as "Bread Basket" colonies due to food production.
Included New York and Pennsylvania.
New York
Originally a Dutch colony (New Amsterdam).
Taken over by English, granted to Duke of York.
1681: Founded by William Penn for Quakers (Religious Society of Friends).
Created as a refuge with a liberal government, religious freedom.
Fair treatment of Native Americans, rights for women.
Economy and Society
Demographically, religiously, and ethnically diverse.
Economy based on agriculture (wheat, corn) and trade.
Colonial Policies and Mercantilism
Colonies exist to enrich England (mother country).
Salutary Neglect
England's internal conflicts led to indifference towards colonies.
Navigation Acts: Trade regulations for colonial benefit to England.
Dominion of New England
1686: English attempt to increase royal control.
Sir Edmund Andros enforced Navigation Acts, limited town hall meetings.
Tensions between English leaders and colonists due to divergent interests.
Recap of colonial characteristics, economies, and policies.
Upcoming examination of the Glorious Revolution and its impact.
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