Review of Psychological Disorders: Practice Problems

May 28, 2024

Review of Psychological Disorders: Practice Problems

Problem 1: Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia

  • Key Concept: Schizophrenia has positive and negative symptoms.
    • Positive symptoms: Add to behavior (e.g., delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech/behavior).
    • Negative symptoms: Loss of normal behavior (e.g., disturbance of affect, avolition).
  • Question: Identify a negative symptom.
    • Correct Answer: C (example of negative symptom is disturbance of affect, avolition).
    • Other Options: Auditory hallucinations, disorganized behavior, delusions (all positive symptoms).

Problem 2: Echolalia

  • Question: Patient repeats what psychiatrist says. What is this phenomenon called?
    • Correct Answer: A (Echolalia - involuntary repetition of others' words).
    • Definitions:
      • Echopraxia: Imitation of others' actions.
      • Loosening of associations: Disordered thought, moving between remotely related ideas.
      • Neologisms: Newly invented words.

Problem 3: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)

  • Question: Patient is extremely neat and fights with co-workers. What's the diagnosis?
    • Correct Answer: A (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder).
    • Definitions:
      • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Obsessions (intrusive thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive tasks).
      • Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD): Perfectionism, inflexibility, preoccupation with rules.
      • Other Disorders:
        • Antisocial: Disregard for others' rights.
        • Narcissistic: Grandiosity, need for admiration.
        • Borderline: Instability in relationships, mood, self-image.

Problem 4: Major Depressive Episode

  • Key Concepts: Major depressive episode must last at least 2 weeks with 5/9 cardinal symptoms.
  • Question: What is true regarding episodic depression?
    • Correct Answer: C (may involve a decrease in sleep).
    • Eliminations:
      • A (duration must be at least 2 weeks).
      • B (suicidal thoughts are not mandatory).
      • D (doesn’t always involve feelings of sadness).

Problem 5: Body Dysmorphic Disorder

  • Question: Patient avoids social interactions due to believing they are ugly. What's the diagnosis?
    • Correct Answer: C (Body Dysmorphic Disorder).
    • Other Disorders: Schizophrenia, OCD, Schizoid Personality Disorder.

Problem 6: Dissociative Amnesia with Dissociative Fugue

  • Question: Woman can't remember anything about her life, name 'Phoenix' seems familiar. Diagnosis?
    • Correct Answer: D (Dissociative Amnesia with Dissociative Fugue).
    • Definitions:
      • Dissociative Amnesia: Inability to recall past experiences.
      • Dissociative Fugue: Sudden change in location.
      • Other Disorders: Depersonalization/Derealization, Somatic Symptom Disorder.

Problem 7: Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder

  • Question: Agoraphobia is most associated with which psychiatric diagnosis?
    • Correct Answer: D (Panic Disorder).
    • Definitions:
      • Agoraphobia: Fear of places where escape is difficult.
      • Panic Disorder: Recurrent panic attacks.

Problem 8: Illness Anxiety Disorder

  • Question: Patient frequently worried about having cancer despite negative tests. Diagnosis?
    • Correct Answer: B (Illness Anxiety Disorder).
    • Definitions:
      • Illness Anxiety Disorder: Preoccupation with having a serious illness.
      • Other Disorders: MDD, Conversion Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Problems 9 & 10: Major Depressive vs. Bipolar Disorder

  • Confirmed Symptoms: Appetite disturbance, weight change, low energy, worthlessness, guilt.
  • Problem 9: Which two disorders?
    • Correct Answer: A (Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder).
  • Problem 10: Key distinguishing question?
    • Correct Answer: B (Ask if patient has had a manic episode).

Problem 11: Panic Disorder

  • Question: Teen exhibits fear without stimulus. Diagnosis?
    • Correct Answer: D (Panic Disorder).
    • Definitions:
      • Panic Disorder: Intense fear without clear stimulus.

Problem 12: Borderline Personality Disorder

  • Question: Splitting is a defense mechanism for which personality disorder?
    • Correct Answer: B (Borderline Personality Disorder).
    • Definitions:
      • Splitting: Seeing others as all good or all bad.

Problem 13: Conversion Disorder

  • Question: Woman has arm paralysis with no neurological cause, seems unconcerned. Diagnosis?
    • Correct Answer: A (Conversion Disorder).
    • Definitions:
      • Conversion Disorder: Motor or sensory symptoms with no physical cause, linked to psychological conflict.

Problem 14: Parkinson's Disease

  • Question: Symptoms showing pill-rolling tremor, shuffling gait. Which neurotransmitter is low?
    • Correct Answer: C (Dopamine).
    • Definitions: Parkinson's disease characterized by decreased dopamine.

Problem 15: Bipolar Disorders

  • Question: True statements about bipolar disorder.
    • Correct Answer: B (Increased levels of serotonin and norepinephrine are true).