Transcript for:
Step-by-Step TX Application Setup

yes certain things you should do immediately after installing the TX application on your phone these are a handful of steps you should take to maximize tx's capabilities and some quality of life improvements and tips let's get [Music] started before we begin please like the video subscribe and hit the Bell the first thing you need to do after installing tarx is run PKG update and PKG upgrade this will update all your packages and package sources allowing you to download the latest packages next set up Tac storage with the command TX setup storage this grants TX storage permissions to create folders for your TX files and directories on your Android device next we need to install some basic packages that are use ful the first package is git this allows us to clone repositories from GitHub to our local storage to install git simply type PKG install git the next package we will install is python this is one of the most popular programming languages out there and we're going to be using it to write scripts to automate some tasks next we install nodejs in terx with the command PKG install nodejs this will give us a JavaScript runtime environment in terx allowing us to write and run JavaScript on our phone and finally we install W get with the command PKG install WG W get is a package that allows you to download files from the internet using TX to use it we simply type w get followed by the URL of a file for an example we can download an image from this UR L by typing this once it is done downloading we can open it using the command TX open followed by the file name and extension the next thing you can do after installing TX is to learn some basic Linux commands these include basic navigation commands like CD to change directories LS to list the contents of directories CP to copy files MV to move files and make directory to create new folders once you're done let's install some text and code editors in order to edit files in TX you need a text editor or code editor so type PKG install Nano to install your first text editor Nano is a small and basic text editor but it allows you to edit text on terx simply and it works very well for the most most Parts but for more advanced code editing you'll need to install another code editor or text editor you can install VM but I prefer emex so type PKG install emex to install it emex offers a lot more features and it's easier to use than most code editors you get a graphical user interface to help with more stuff next let's go back to F Droid and search for terox then install the TX styling app from there once installed go back to TX and hold your finger down anywhere on the screen this will give you a popup where you can change the color scheme of TX as well as the TX font there are a lot of options to choose from but I'll just pick one at random for now for the font I like the default ubu font if the fire Cod font is not available next let's install the TX API from F Droid then go back to TX and type PKG install tx- API once the TX API is installed we're going to be using using it it basically allows you to do things you typically do on your phone using tarks things like taking your battery percentage changing brightness sending smss checking sms's checking your contact list and call logs and a bunch of other options there's a helpful article on the Teri to help you use this link is in the description speaking of links if you want to support the channel or join our Discord links for those are in the description as well on Windows sometimes you need to use TX manager to for close some processes and the same applies to TMax to manage processes in TX we're going to need to install a process manager with PKG install htop then type htop to see all the active processes this will show you the process ID the amount of RAM and CPU the process is using as well as who is using the process you also get a bunch of options you can use to manage each process here at the top next let's install C Matrix with the command PKG install C Matrix then type c Matrix to display this cool Matrix effect on your TX terminal to close it you simply hold control and click C to browse the internet using T Marx you can install the package w3m with this package installed you can simply type w3m followed by the URL to fetch a website and display it as text to improve TX functionality further let's install my SQL then install PHP and Java with this commands here next type PKG install MC to install midnight Commander file management in terx is usually done using commands but with MC you can manage files using a graphical user interface with this you can edit create and manage files and folders on terx and finally to take your TX usage to the next level you can install a graphical user interface I have a video on how you can easily do that within 5 minutes if you found this video helpful please like the video subscribe and hit the bell for more updates thanks for watching see you in the next one [Music]