Transcript for:
Foot Arch Mechanics and Exercises

I want you guys to be able to see my feet so this came about because I've seen some feet um and the way that they're presenting is this the the transverse Arch doesn't like set up so they're sort of bearing weight more either on their toes or in the middle of the arch it's like the the arch goes the other way and that's what happens in the case of an aroma and so they end up bearing weight more here than between the first and the fifth and having the arch set up like so so the the fifth or the first kind of spays and they end up putting more weight here okay so and I mean the the the the the one individual like the fifth I don't even know think I can get my foot to do it um but the fifth is way out there and this is way out there and it presents kind of I don't know if you can see that very well but like a pancake can you see how flat and SPL out my foot is here okay so that um if we don't get that Arch set up we won't get our ankle to set we you know there's some things that just won't happen above that make it easy to um shift weight move quickly manage load we we just kind of get like pushed into the ground and the ground just kind of Pancakes and pushes us up and everything think or like spreads out and you start to see that in some of the joints you'll see that where like ankles kind kind of almost look like there isn't an an ankle that it's sort of things just kind of collapse on one another is that making sense have you guys have you guys seen some structures like that maybe there isn't a like a narrowing here either of the lower leg it's just kind of like this shame all the way down that you start to see and it doesn't matter how many calf raises or whatever if the structure of the foot doesn't set up the way we need it to th those structures above are going to have a certain look okay so to get um the other thing is is I have I have pretty short to my toes are pretty short have big feet but short short shorsh toes so if you have longer toes it is even more important that you get that good transverse Arch because you run into your toes a lot quicker the narrower that front Arch is my front Arch is fairly shallow in compared to some people's but because my toes are short it works out okay most of the time but if I have a flatter transverse Arch and I got longer toes that's where I can start end up loading structures and it doesn't work out as well okay so what we want to be looking for is we want to be looking for getting that fifth metatarsal and this particular IND idual I actually had them put their foot like this because this outer bone had actually started to rotate out so like their their fifth Ray was actually rotating away from the other toes so I kind of had her pin it and then start to roll the foot towards the first and think of the toes reaching long and we kept a little Gap because again if we did it at first on a single block but it's like this part of her foot as soon as it touched something the front of the foot wanted toplay and she'd lose lose that transverse Arch so we figured out pretty quick ah this Gap helps cuz I can find that fifth and then I can kind of roll and find my first so you see how we want the toes kind of reaching out straight and almost this sense of that un underside of the first metatarsal and the fifth metatarsal squeezing towards one another using the muscles of our feet to take the outside and the inside of our foot and kind of squeeze them together and for some of us that will be a lot of work like the muscles of the feet to maintain that kind of pressure down into the buttresses and this sense of those two points because why does an arch hold up tensile force here and compressive Force down on the butresses okay so then once we kind of get that now we can start to shift to load it and we want to make sure that those three toes don't sink down right so that's now shifting into the compressive load coming over top and some of us are going to find oh I kind of SP out it's like I can't keep that Arch and shift weight over it okay good and you don't if if you're not used to doing it you you won't do many and you'll be kind of gassed but it should be a case too where your brain is like oh I I like I like that that was the comment she made as soon as she could get it in those two points her brain was like oh I like I like pressure there okay so then we're going to play with same foot but that action because she'd been in orthotics for 10 years that put stuff underneath the Arches right but what is that going to do it's going to put weight on those structures it's not actually going to teach the arch how to be an arch right it's putting weight under the structures so then you're not figuring out how to have that Arch become an arch so we worked with and played with the the chain over top because this action then she could kind of feel the two outer edges of the foot and work at on the muscles of the underside pulling that together and she kind of described it again she's got long toes of this feeling of almost like trying to crisscross her three toes over one another in the middle to again get this sense of that Arch and those buttress points and then we played with sensing that Arch but then we dorsy flex and plant reflexed that ankle and then came back here and worked let's find those and shift and it was easier it was easier for her to sense the foot doing that if you don't have the chain the the chain really works well but if you don't have a chain a towel out draped over the foref foot a yoga strap could work to but a chain really idea the weight just really seemed to inform the these parts of her foot really well okay any questions so far thoughts things you're noticing about your own foot yeah awesome no no no and and the you know geometry of your foot that can completely be the case yeah um but it's not for Lots okay so then the other thing she only has foam yoga blocks at home but she has dumbbells so we did that same idea that we did with the blocks but with the dumbbells of setting that up and actually her system really liked the firmness of the dumbbell in terms of really feeling that point and being able to then hold that arch up as she loaded the leg so I so like I said for her we really had to kind of roll that fifth under and then roll the foot onto the first do down here there we go and then she loaded into it it was like okay yeah okay so we're going to go through that same kind of sequence another way is like some of us thought my yoga mat this is going to be trickier but sometimes some of us the like a rounded something which I had somebody build kind of with Driftwood a a platform and so they could get one onone Driftwood and they didn't move because they were all kind of drilled together you know a thing like about that big 12 x 12 of Driftwood but she could get her foot on one Driftwood roll and then the other first MTP joint on the other Driftwood roll and that kind kind of roundness helped her brain go ah and like set the foot up so you know getting creative and your left foot might need different stuff than your right foot one might not need anything one might need some help okay so then just go through the same kind of sequence on the other foot and initially it might be that you get like you're just working here and you're not even shifting weight into it and then once you kind of get it to feel like it sets up you don't have pressure through the big toe you're going to shift your weight onto it for that compressive force and then we still want that to hold up as we shift our weight over it so it's kind of stages and then we got to get it so the other foot does it again okay and then go to that chain or towel or yoga strap but the the chain really worked for uh the chain really worked well for her and again think of your kind of doing this action with the first and the fifth and then try it with a more creased ankle and uncas Ankle okay and then come back back to either the yoga blocks or the dumbbells and see how that informs setting the arch on that foot and on this one you might find uh well or the other one like as the weight shifts into it you might have to have this sense of the heel yawing in but because the weight is over that Arch it's not like you're you're not going to see the leg rotate or the knee push out it's like the knee the heel just push PES in and that helps you go over the top keeping that Arch you feel that Karen oh rolling around yeah yeah yeah so is your left your up or your down leg the left is your up and it feels more steady on the left than the right is that what you said yes yeah okay so on the on your down leg I'm going to switch to my down leg um that makes sense because the up leg kind of has like a one lever uh playlist but the down leg can kind of do one of two things so on your down leg as you shift weight in think of yawing that thigh but it doesn't just yaw like it pitches up in yaws and or on your down leg it can help as you put weight into that Arch to steady it to think of the shin you're going to push it forward but the weight has to be down and into the arch when you push it Forward because that's what locks every everything in so it's not going to look like it's not going to look like this it's going to look like as my weight goes into that foot I push that Shin forward but it has it steady and the hip go over the top so one of those two things can help that down leg lock in a little better some of us need more of a yaw pitch of the thigh and some of us need that pitch of the shin to lock it in did that change it at all yes yeah so and when it locks in you can feel how all of a sudden it's like it slows you down a Nan and you can like decide then am am i g to go straight am might like where's next if that makes sense kind of opens up some options okay any other questions Debbie Carrie yeah yeah yeah yeah and and that is uh that is normal because it's it's helping you get weighted into that first MTP joint so you'll sometimes see people in their Runners they've got like the little they get a hole where that big the tip of the big toe nail is out of the gate so don't try to make that not happen you might notice that it happens more on one foot than the other and it's just because if my it's it's that same test we did to find the MTP joint where I take my finger at the tip of the the big toe and then I put my thumb on the knuckle then if I lift my big toe up what does it do to my MTP joint it pitches down right and so that helps us set set up and really stay established in that transverse Arch but also our medial Arch so it's nothing to fix or change that's your your body is taking care of you yeah um so it it not necessarily so the other thing is is if my toes we talked about this maybe in January February there's a difference between if I get on something and there's a difference between if I go to load my transverse Arch my toe's doing that do you see how that action what where is it going to send the metatarsals yes yes and so some people especially with long toes they when they tend to put the weight in there they abandon the arch and try to use their toes like fingers now that doesn't necessarily sound like what you're doing it is fine if when I get into that Arch my toes pull back into me now where are they sending the MTP joints yeah yes so clawing of the toes isn't bad it's if they're clawing and trying to hold on to the ground like grabbing a bar not going to be helpful but as you load into that if they claw back into you can you see my toes I'm intentionally clawing them back into me that can be helpful so you have to feel the distinction of what your toe action is setting up does that make sense um and and you will see as soon as you get people on something and they start to put weight into it some people will do this where the whole foot tries to act like a hand which is fine if my intention is to to maybe just stay there and hold the bar but it's not going to set up a good system if I want to move forward or run like if I was trail running and my foot was doing that on every route I landed on I'd be on my face ASAP or I'd be going super slowly can you picture that okay um okay so now that we kind of you know played with that don't you know don't obsess but as we move through the exercises now and your weight shifts over that foot I want you to just notice for yourself like what what what's happening in your foot and can some of these things that we utilized here help set up a better response because once the arches of the foot um set up foot's strong it's it's not like I need to do this stuff to build strength in my foot the arch sets up foot is strong the arch sets and stays up as I shift weight it's the the foot is strong and um oh the word just disappeared and like adapts okay um and and it's where you'll start to see then because if if my Arch when I can get that Arch to lock in now I can use little movements of my heel either in or out or little um spins or turns of that MTP joint to change my Direction so I don't have to do much to get a response which is why I think I can run downhill now because I my my system just just has to do a very little movement in order to get me from foot to foot as I go down okay all right so if at any point you're like oh I lost it go to one of these tools kind of work with that instead of keeping doing the exercise with your foot not setting up make sense okay and then the one other thing is is the arch we we want it to set up we want it to set up and our weight going over it but then we also want it to set up with our weight going over it with us even loading it more [Applause] with our body weight so here's an example of that my shorter chains are at work I'll use this long bema oh I guess I can just yeah I can just use okay so I'm not going to use that I'll just get on the board so I get the arch to set up I'm going to turn a little bit so you guys can see the side of my leg I get the arch to set up now it also then could be I can pull myself down onto that leg and really load up the whole system and structures and you start to see see how the muscles of my leg it's not like one muscle and see how they kind of start to work together to hold me on there so it's one thing where we're not weighted then we're weighted then we're going over the top but also so to be able to really put more into it and the joints all work together there whereas if I not on that Arch I go on the whole foot I pull the chain and it's like do you see how the tone in my leg is different it feels very different too my brain is like where do you want the weight there's too much information almost happening and it can't it's like what next so just some things to consider because again now if I'm running it's going to be more impact Force than just walking or just going over the top so we can use something like a chain and where I don't necessarily just attach it to something else the board then it closes the system so I'm working against and with myself can you see that whereas if it was attached to like a separate structure and I'm pulling on it my brain knows they're not connected like if I pull too hard I'm not going to upend the system if that makes sense so that the the weight shifts kind of happen a lot more organic than if I'm anchor it to the floor and I'm pulling my brain knows I can't pull the floor up does that make sense so okay Karen you're a lucky one don't know what either uh no it sounds like you do sounds like you do okay oh we're GNA keep the dumbbells okay I'm going to move you guys so you see more of me there we go there we go well yeah so this was so yeah this was my client this week she because she's does all the stuff like she's compliant and got worse o over the 10 years but again look at and think so the premise is we're going to do an exercise where I do this with the toes to strengthen the arch but what does it do to the arch the transverse arch of the foot it pulls these points off the floor right but you know that now so now you'd be like that that isn't going to work out because again when do I ever do anything where I'm weighted back on my heel like this too so it it it sets up not being able to use the sesm moids not being able to use that transverse Arch I yeah yes yes and so then what happens is all the joints above have to keep doing the collision and it it's very exhausting because there's almost too much information all the time coming into the system and you have no way to mitigate that it's like social media you can take a break from Instagram but we also need to we also need to be able to use our movement to do that because it is freaking noisy out there okay so um oh I want to make sure that this one should be good yeah okay okay so let's put this stuff into play so the first thing we're going to do is work so if if I have my foot out in front of me and I work and I I roll in I and I find that Arch maybe you're able to just put the foot straight down and then do your thing and you feel that Arch and your heel is kind of light but now to get up out of the chair I got to weight this back leg right the back leg's got to take the weight and then I shift it in I want to make sure that Arch holds up and I'm going to shift myself back okay so I'm going to set that front Arch also setting that back arch and even as those points come off the ground that Arch can still be working in the air so just feel how this process is we're going to do one more like that okay so now we're going to bring this leg back under us so we're more just on that Arch more the sole of the foot is off the ground right we're going to put this one out in front of us okay so now use that Arch underneath to load into and pour that weight into that front leg Arch and then we'll reverse it so again think of those two points coming [Music] together might be that you lift the big toe be that you claw the toes back into the foot but don't claw the floor and we got that weight shift okay so both we are really focusing on what the arch of this foot was doing so now let's put that other foot out in front but we're going to focus on what the arch of this foot is doing and it might be a little bit easier now on this side because this foot and this Arch is really primed right so get the weight into it and then it's going to shift into this one and then we're going to come down shift it into this one come down if that's feeling good maybe you take one more step right some of us it might be I just can maintain just this and get there and then it starts to fail and you're going to work there okay and then one last time this guy's in front this guy's now back and again kind of play with how do I need to get feeling like I can have that transverse Arch and load into it as I come through you might have to do something with the heel to help tension that front Arch okay so then the next iteration is the legs are offset when we sit down legs come up so almost think like a Scaredy Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and actually do that with the Arches to kind of lift them up and then as they come down roll out of that chair and we're not doing a set you know you have to do one lift or you have to do two lifts your system will tell you load it and get out and maybe it's one lift maybe the next time it's five but we got to start to to trust that that oh my brain's like no stay here then I go back and it does it and then it's like yeah go so it's going to be the number of lists is going to be different there's not you have to only do one or you have to only do two or does that make sense can you guys start to feel when your system is like yes load me yeah sorry car were you shake were you acknowledging with your head I wasn't sure if you were just I that's fine that's okay but when you do when your brain goes yeah yeah you'll know it because and so Carri another another one might be that you actually need the you you need something to run into if you willes that make sense you you need this you need this downward resistance to put you back into yourself does that make sense does that make a difference yeah Okay cool so yeah yeah so this and it's not even the the extra weight is actually helping there be to manage the Collision that then sets up the next Collision so there ends up being vibrations in the system that the system is ready for instead of vibrations that the system is like I I'm getting knocked all over the place here I don't know whether I'm coming or going no well the the feet set up how the quads hamstrings tfl ITB all of it coordinate um Carrie this might be the other one too is the um these are too heavy for we might cuz we also forget that our our limbs weigh something so it might be you leave you leave one foot on the ground okay you leave this forward foot on the ground but this back foot when it hits the ground I want to put the weight of this arm into it and it might be that you go from the weight in front of you to the weight coming beside you and it might be that you have to go from the weight behind you just depends how you've set up your legs okay but this it helps create that anchor with the foot you feel that it like anchors you in that side and then your other side can rotate past it and is the other side your up leg or your down leg okay so um what you can try is Elevate that seat and or yeah uh no we're GNA instead of elevating the seat we're going to do this because the up leg might need the weight of the down leg too that makes sense so start here so my down leg is kind of behind if you will it's not out here it's kind of tucked in and behind so now as I load into that up leg it's like the the down leg is ready to cycle it doesn't want to swing from beside me it wants to come around that change it yeah yeah yeah then then it helps create that anchor on that upside that is like okay and you'll find when you run probably there's a leg that like anchors and the other leg just does its thing and more and more we want to feel that it doesn't need to happen on both sides um there there's a let the anchor and the other leg swings and we get it for free okay so from there we're going to go to being using the chair um we'll get the adductors online here and the tfl I might want this guy so I'm going to stay on my fully extended arm I'm not going to go down on my forearm just because I'm like on the hardwood and my elbow will be happier if I just do a straight arm leg on this now I don't I I've got three points of contact here got one two three I don't have to go to just two points I'm going to work at trying to squeeze my legs [Music] together and just build tension in my inner thigh stuff okay I might bring that top foot to the ceiling a little bit and again just build tension try to pull the legs together shaky shaky shaky and then I'm going to take a break on that side flip to the other side hand on one you know your your fingers might point away from your feet they might point on a 45 they might Point into the center of the room put the hand and point the fingers where it has you feel like you can reach and push the ground away okay once you're here you're going to try to squeeze those legs together the bottom knee might get lighter on the ground it might not you're just trying to squeeze the top leg down and through the chair okay ease off of that you might lift that foot towards the ceiling and again try to draw that leg down building some tension in through that inner thigh make sure you're you're still reaching with that arm as you're pushing with that leg Let It Go okay make sense yeah okay I'm going to use the chair you could use a weight or dumbbell but again like levers help us share the work systemwide and our our system likes shared systemwide work um you all are home householders houses and homes run a lot better the more all the parts contribute and that it all just doesn't fall on one individual's shoulders right isolation isn't great for the running of a home it's best shared by all of its inhabitants body is the same body is exactly the same we want everybody to come to Bear a little bit okay so make sure you have space around you we got the back of the chair towards you bring your hands to the side side arms of that chair and you could have it even you could have it tipped a little bit like a little bit towards you so kind of play with you know the legs of my chair of different angles and of Karens and of car's and of Debbies and we want to be on that kind of athletic stance thinking of our our Q angles and all we're going to do is go from here and we want to get low chair is going to go so it might be that we reach further down here or maybe you even take the seat based on your chair but play with a couple of different ways that you grasp it and feel how the chair's counter weight can actually help you perform the squat does that make sense some of us might even find that this but I want to see it on my down leg that like the chair asymmetrically works out better especially if the majority of the weight of the chair is on the down leg then I want you to do eight of the grasp that has you feel the most organized the most coordinated and the most shared in the work through your system okay I don't know which one it was done that's okay then do eight different ones or six different ones and a couple of them twice and make note this time of the one that you were like ah that didn't feel awkward it was like I just you know my system pulled the trigger and knew what to do good okay that's a great drill because now when you have a case of a bag of soil or a case of wine or whatever in the trunk of your car you're not going to try to do it a real prescribed way you're going to approach that and go what's the you know what's the most shared coordinated Cooperative way for me to get this from the car to my house that make sense which is why we're exercising and trying to get stronger anyways is so that those things are easy okay all right one more for upper body we're going to use a push-up we're going to you can use the chair or you can use the wall okay the uh way we're going to offset this is we're going to do a single leg so as we go down the knees going to come up [Music] and some of us are going to feel that that actually feels easier like as you lower in the pushup and the knee comes up it helps create like you run out of space and so the system kind of organizes to push you back that's it good okay now we're coming back to sitting in the chair legs up and then doing our drop catches to go there we go actually we can't we're at an hour so that was our that was our circuit but when you watch the recording you can go through those four EX es multiple times um any any questions did you discover something new you're welcome did you learn something new about yourself your system yeah that's good nice nice okay cool take what you learned and go play with it this next week okay we won't see you next week but we'll see you the week after