Transcript for:
How to Make a Vox Style Video

in today's video I want to go over how to make a Vox Style video now I won't be focusing on how to pick out a good topic or writing a good script because I don't know how to do those things but what I can do is show you how you can recreate some of the Motion Graphics and learn from their style and the techniques they use to make your own projects look super cool and [Music] off effect in 20 by 1080 canvas at 24 frames per second now you want to match that to whatever video you're working with but since we don't have any voiceover narration or anything I'm just going to do what's easiest so I'm going to start off by creating a map animation I have my little folder with assets and I'm just going to drag in my map into my main comp and I'm going to pre-comp it and leave all attributes in the original con now I'm going to do this so it doesn't cut out all edges so we still get the full resolution of the image but we can add details and whatever into the picture itself and then just animate from there so for this map animation we are gonna make something super simple we're going to animate a little outline and then some text so I'm going to zoom in a little bit so I can see what I'm doing I'm going to grab the pen tool and I'm going to set the stroke to White that works and let's set the pixels to or the width to three so I'm just going to create a rough outline and it doesn't have to be perfect you just kind of want to get the general shape of it and of course this depends on the look you're going for now we have an outline now I'm first going to create all the elements we're going to be working with and then animate them so next up I want to add some text now for the 4 on I'm gonna pick something that kind of fits the style of something maybe like a Times New Roman or something and then I'm gonna change the color of it and I'm just going to match this slightly off green color here just to match the style a little bit more make it feel like it's a part of it and then lastly I want to add a a little circle highlighting an area here so I'm going to draw a circle and then I'm just going to remove the stroke and add a full color let's just make it red so maybe slightly less saturated so now we have all these three elements I'm gonna rename this one to you Circle location and outline to outline now I'm going to start with the outline so I'm going to open this up and click on the contents and then add a trim offs open up the trim offs go forward to about one and a half seconds and keyframe the end and go to the beginning and set that to zero so now if we play that back you have an outline animation it's a bit far so I'm just going to go ahead to about two seconds and remove that keyframe and then add some easing to it you can play with the easing however you like but for now for this tutorial I'm just going to use some presets next up we have the text and for this layer I want to animate the position first so I want the position to come in right about here go back a little bit before the outline animation ends drag it down a little bit and add some easy so now if you play that back and I'm just going to add our original sexy speed for a little bit more impact so now we have that now it looks a bit weird with just textures coming in like that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a rectangle and I'm just going to go forward so I can see where the text is going to be and then I'm just going to line it up like that with the bottom of it and then make sure you go over all the other sides I'm going to drag that all the way to the bottom and rename this text mask then I'm going to take this Kuba and I'm going to drag the pick whip from the track matte to the text mask and now if we play that back we have some simple appearing text it doesn't get much easier than that next up we have the circle location for this I just want to animate the scale of it so I'm going to open the contents and go into lips path and size and I wanted to actually end up being a little bit bigger than that so I'm going to keyframe the size here go back a little bit and set that to zero I'm going to space it out a little bit more and then add some easing I feel like we can do a little bit more with the circle so what I'm going to do is as animates up I'm going to animate the opacity so I'm going to keep him the opacity and right as it ends animation I'm going to set that to zero so now playing that back we get this so it's kind of like a like a little radar Circle almost but as you can tell it obscures what's underneath it so I'm going to change the layer mode to multiply so we can see what it says underneath and then I'm actually also for the Kuba text I'm going to go ahead and add a tablet displace and set that to eight and eight and then open the evolution options and we'll click the random seed and add a time times five just to add a little bit more texture to it and I'm also going to add a transform and or click the position at a posterous time and wiggle just a slight wiggle so it just adds a little bit more movement to it so it's not so static and the outline I'm going to add a tablet displays as well well that was all caps I'm going to set the amount to 40 and the size to 2 so we get some pretty rough edges kind of look like a hand drawn animation almost and then I'm gonna animate the evolution options again the same as we did previously now with all that we now have this as you can see it feels a bit clunky just because one animates and then another animates in so I'm going to move the keyframes for the text I'm going to move it a bit earlier and the same with the text now that's pretty much all we're going to do for the map animation itself what you can do for some more stylistic choices is you can add a glow to the outline I'm just going to use deep glow in this example because it's so much better than a regular glow I highly recommend it and then change the opacity or the blending mode to Overlay anyways let's hop back into our main composition so now one thing we're going to do is I'm going to decrease the scale a little bit and we're just going to set it to about here and I'm just going to Center that and then I'm going to keyframe the scale and position and then I'm going to go forward to about two seconds and then I'm gonna increase this a lot and move it so to kind of Center it highlight those two and add our sexy speed and if we play that back this is what we get pretty simple animation but there's a couple things that box do to help build the world and the feel of emotion and Graphics so for that we're going to add a couple actually three adjustment layers first one we're going to rename fast box blur and add that effect of course second one we're gonna name posterize time and add that effect and last but not least we're gonna name it camera Chic and add a transform so for the transform I'm going to set the scale to 101 so we don't cut any of the corners off and for the position I'm going to add the same expression that we did for our text just a super clean look posturized time I'm going to set that to 12 so half the speed of it so almost like animating on twos and then for the first box where we're going to play with the keyframes a little bit see what we're trying to imitate with this effect is a camera Focus hunting almost so with a real camera when you zoom in if you don't have a poor focal length when you zoom in the focus will be off we are going to start off by setting keyframe for zero at the blur radius go forward a couple frames set it to one go forward another couple frames set it to zero couple more frames set it to three maybe and couple more frames and back to zero so now if we open this up we can see this is our keyframes and we can spread it out a little bit more by holding selecting all of them then holding all the option and then dragging so you can space up the keyframes a little bit more and move it more towards the center so now this is what we have and as you can see it just adds a very subtle detail of just going in and out of focus a little bit as it zooms in next up is our photo so I'm going to start over this photo of people on a form and I'm going to pre-comp it again and drag it down below here and then I'm going to go into our pre-cut one thing that I want to do specifically with this picture is create a bit of a parallax effect so actually what I'm going to do is hop into Photoshop because it's way easier in Photoshop and I've already dragged in my photo so now I'm gonna go in and I am going to duplicate my layer first and then I'm just gonna roughly select the people it doesn't have to be anything super perfect so what I'm going to do here is I'm gonna lay over your copy so we have the people on our separate layer but I'm gonna command click the thumbnail of the people and then I'm going to go to our original layer and then I'm going to content aware fill and as you can see Photoshop does a great job off the bat so I'm just going to hit OK on that and now we have a background with no people and also just the people so I'm going to save this I'm just going to go back into after effects and I am going to drag in the PSD and I don't know if this works on Windows but uh certainly Works in here so I'm just going to go in and copy our layers and paste it back in there I'm just going to rename this people fill background and you could also pick webinar if you want so when you move one the other will move with it so what I want to do now is put this into 3D space and then I want to take the people and I want to animate the position I want to go to the beginning of our timeline go about three seconds forward moving forward a little bit and a little bit to the left and then the background I'm just going to animate the position keyframe that and just move it back ever so slightly and a little bit to the left so now we have this kind of look another thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add an adjustment layer and I and add a false box blur and then I'm just going to animate the blur radius as we zoom in a little bit I'm just going to set that to one just to create a little bit more depth and then you can also add a curves to it and animate that too just to darken it just it's tad bit so playing that back we just have something that kind of takes the background autofocus a little more and emphasizes the people more so now we have this just a super simple animation and I'm not going to do much more to this honestly I'm just going to leave that because uh we will get back to that later next up our second photo so I'm just going to drag that in there and drag it down and once again pre-comput and open it up now for this specific image what I want to do is once again I want to create an outline and I want to do this of the tech of the water tower whatever this Tower is and for assets I'll link a bunch of website style found these assets on down in the description where they have a bunch of like old stuff okay so I'm just going to start in the middle here and we are just going to outline this pretty roughly just to kind of emphasize it a little bit and then cool thing is you can select click V to select your little thing your hand whatever and then go back to G and you can select that and then you can just work the opposite way so neat little trick if you didn't know now you know there we have our outline so the next thing I want to add is some text and I am just going to click here and just type tobacco and I want to spell that right too and then I'm just going to move that to the side right here a little bit just offset it just a tiny bit and I'm going to change this color to match this a little bit and then I'm going to create a box for this actually and just remove the stroke add a white fill and draw a box that approximately fits our text and you can just move that a little bit around however you want for this text we're going to keep it very simple so what I'm going to do is I'm going to move our Anchor Point to the left side here you can do that either by clicking Y and then enable snapping and then just drag it and it'll automatically put in place or you can use a plugin and click one button now we've done that I'm going to hit s to animate the scale I'm going to unlink it so we can animate each X's or whatever it's called separately so I'm going to go to about two seconds hit a keyframe go back and then I'm just going to put that to zero so now if we animate that we get some box that appears add our easing and then once again we are going to take the track matte Whip and and Link it so I'm just going to rename this text box and as you can see it goes on hidden so we're just going to re-show it and if we play that back we have text mask box animation I'm gonna go into our first animation and I am going to take the effects that we applied to this text and I'm gonna copy them and paste them to our text I'm actually going to delete the transform and just add it to the text box instead so now this is what we get just a little bit more sort of movement yada yada we can go into our outline rename it and add a trim pulse again we could copy it from the first outline we did but since I want this to animate from the middle and down each side we're going to do it slightly different so I'm going to go to two seconds so I'm going to keyframe both of these and then go backwards and set both of them to 50 so they meet in the middle and our easy and if you play that back you've got outlines yay and you can even offset these slightly if you want to have them not animate at the exact same time I'm actually going to do the left side a little later a little sooner I should say just to offset the animation that happens on the right side so now that we have that I'm gonna go into our map and I'm gonna copy the effects from our other outline so I'm just going to paste it on there and change the blending mode to Overlay that is pretty much it for this so if we go back to an original composition I'm going to go forward a little bit so if we play all of this back this is what we have right now so what we're going to do we're just going to add a little bit more to these not too much for this I'm just going to increase the scale a little bit and place that right about here and that's pretty much all we're going to do for that one and then for this one you can see we have some of the edges showing so I'm just going to kind of emulate a bit of what we had before so I'm going to keyframe the scale and the position at the beginning go forward a little bit and give us a little bit of a zoom in here move that down just a little bit and a little bit to the room and we can add our easing and now we have this actually I think I want to reverse these keyframes so I'm going to select them and right click them in the keyframe system and time reverse keyframes now I want to do this because I want to add a background to this in the end but we're gonna work on that and then so now we have this we are going to add some articles so I'm going to start with my first article here and I'm just going to drag this down and I'm just going to pre-cut that like we did everything else good thing is you can drag PDFs into After Effects so that's super neat what I want to highlight is this up here and we're going to use that for this one here so basically I want to say that this is this guy first I'm just going to rotate it a little bit because the line is a bit crooked I want to create a highlight text first I want to make a line click hold shift and click over and then I'm going to remove the fill and add a highlight and I'm just going to make this yellow and again we're going to add multiply so we can see what we're highlighting and then I'm going to go into our map and I'm going to copy our turbulent displays so we get kind of a roughened look and you can play around with it to get a bit more now we are going to animate the trim Puffs so open it up and add a trim pass and two seconds the end put that to zero so I'm going to highlight that text simultaneously I'll want a different highlight down here so for that I'm going to make sure I have no layer selected and then I'm gonna click down here highlight that and then with the same layer selected first I'm just going to decrease that a little bit because it's a bit too much I'm going to make sure that all of them are on the same layer just to make it a bit easier on myself and then I'm going to change that to multiply as well and I'm just going to change the color of this to maybe a blue neon bluish color I'm just going to rename this I'm going to name highlight text I'm going to copy the roughen or the tablet display so I should say and paste that under and we are going to take the trim paths and open this up and then for contents I'm just going to add that to each one you can see we have all three but I want to offset them a little bit so just about as that comes to an end I want the second one to come in and do the same with the lost one so now I want to shorten these down a little bit and move them forward just a tad bit so now this is what we have let's go back into our main composition and I want to move this to right about here so now I'm just going to hide this a little bit this other one as well I want to actually just move this just a tad bit so we get them a bit more in focus a bit quicker so I'm just going to cut this right about here as this kind of comes to an end I want a whole article to animate up so what I'm going to do is I want to end it right about here I'm going to hit P to bring up my position and we're going to move our keyframes just a little bit just to give us a bit of breathing as that kind of comes in and animate that down ease our keyframes so this is what we have as of right now I'm just gonna Quicken these keyframes up and move them back just a tad bit so if we play that back we have this I'm gonna hit s while having this layer selected so we can animate the scale I'm just going to go one key for two keyframes forward and set a key from position and the scale and then I want to go forward a bit more and I want to animate the scale to come up like that we can just select the wall keyframes apply move this forward a little bit and this cuts off our text so let's just imagine someone's talking yada yada yada this is super interesting and boom so from here I want to add some bit a bit more of this below so I'm just going to go here and copy and paste it so now we get this a little bit more detail to it nothing too crazy now I'm just going to cut these layers off as other layers are shown so I'm going to cut that off too and that one there now this is pretty much all that um we're going to be covering today in terms of effects of just individual items because this is mostly what a Vox video is it tells a story with little small details that help you understand what's going on and elaborate a little bit with some visual elements which we've done here but there's a couple more things that I want to add to this just to make it a bit more cohesive so now we have a couple areas where we have no background here like here for example so what I want to do is I'm going to click command y make a new solid and I'm just going to make this a very slight off black and hit OK and I'm going to drag this all the way to the bottom and rename this background I'm going to make a new solid and I'm going to name that grid and just add a grid effect to it and we can decrease the border to about one I'm going to add width and height sliders so now we get this and I want to just increase to add a little bit more maybe and just keep it Square so now we have this and I'm just going to decrease the opacity of it just a little bit just very subtle add a little bit of a rotation to it and scale it up so now we have a very simple background to kind of keep it all tied together now I'm going to take all of these and I'm going to pre-cop them and I'm going to just name this animations for now and I'm going to add a drop shadow and if we go back to where we can see our background just to create a bit more of Separation I'm just going to add a slight drop shadow to it increase the softness a little bit and if you can't see what you're doing you can always make a red so you can really see what you're doing and increase that a good bit and just make it black so just a tad bit more separation you can also go into your grid and add the same turbulent displays that you used on your text so I'm just going to copy that and add that to the grid so now we just get a little bit more of Animation in the grid itself now there's only really one thing left that I want to do to add a bit more to this is I want to animate the transitions between these different scenes now the transition for this last one is already pretty much there it's just a hard cut but for this I want to use one of the most used transitions that I notice in this and that is a slight match cut by that I mean just matching the animation of the position of or the look of the two different frames so in this case what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a null the reason I'm going to create a null object is because we have already animated the position if you look here we've already animated the position of the texture so to make it a bit easier on ourselves I'm just going to pick with that to the norm and I'm going to say map controls and that's going to allow us to animate the map without messing with any of our keyframes here already so I'm going to open up the keyframes right about here we're going to keep in position and go forward a little bit more and I'm just going to drag it up and then add my easy so now we have this now for this one I have my keyframes open I'm going to go to my lost keyframe this is where I want it to end so I'm going to keyframe the position go back to the first keyframe that we have in the map controls and drag this down a little bit and add the same easy playback and boom we have a very slight match cut and that just eases the transition between the two a little bit so if you go back into our main composition let's have a look at what we've got [Music] yeah that's pretty much how you make a Vox Style video there's not much more to it they keep it super simple they do it with a purpose they try to contextualize the story they're trying to tell everything has its purpose the purpose of this to tell story and with that being said I hope you're ready to tell your own I appreciate you for watching see ya bye foreign [Music] foreign [Music]