Transcript for:
Building a High-Converting Shopify Store

I haven't meeting in about 15 minutes but I woke up this morning seen so many of you guys commenting saying that you don't know how to start your online business because you don't know how to create a Shopify store so over the next couple minutes I'm going to show you guys my exact Shopify store design that we use on all of our stores that are consistently generating six and seven figures every single year this exact store layout has worked for my stores my student stores and anyone who follows it so if you want to start selling on your Shopify store successfully I advise that you follow me throughout this entire video but the best part about this is I'm going to be using a completely free theme that you're going to get immediate access to that's going to turn your website visitors into real money into your pocket so if you're ready to create a high converting sales-driven Shopify store with conversion rates exceeding industry standards and be able to get those life-changing sales like thousands of my students have experience then stick with me let's go ahead and get this full thing set up so before I put you all on to the the free store and the theme that we use as Supreme Ecom that you're also going to be getting today I want to give you some inside or knowledge on what actually makes a great online store that converts customers to real sales I don't want you all spending any time wondering if the store that you can create and edit with this free theme will work for you so grab your notes because I'm about to lay it all out for you when it comes to the layout of your Drop Shipping Store the number one thing that you have to do is Think Like the customer but I'm not even going to make you do all that because through years of running multiple six and seven figure Shopify drop shipping stores on top of plenty of trial and error I master the strategies that transform underperforming stores from underperforming conversion rates like this to sales-driven conversion rates like this and I'm so confident that if you follow the methods I'm about to review you'll see your sales reach New Heights so let's talk about it creating a high converting online store typically involves focusing on several key aspects but there are three critical points that are especially important user experience and design now the overall look and feel of the store should be appealing and easy to navigate a good design guys a visard through the buying process effortlessly and can significantly boost conversion rates this means that there's no crazy colors popups countdown timers or anything that ultimately distracts customers from what they're there to do which is to buy the store should look clean neat and professional with no more than three colors white black and one accent color that matches your logo so the more cohesive that your store looks the better experience that they'll have while on your store this means that customers are effortlessly guided to adding the product to their car they know the price of the product as soon as they get to your product page and there's social proof of other customers buying from you through reviews think about it like this the less a customer has a question if they should buy from your store the more sales that you make now the next main focus is product presentation high quality images and detail persuasive product descriptions this will play a crucial role in conversions the description should effectively communicate the benefits and features of the product while persuading your customer to buy and to put it bluntly customers they are not coming into your store to read a book over the product that they're buying this means that you want to break up the features and benefits of your product with high quality images or gifts that correspond with the feature or benefit that you're describing by doing it this way you're going to be providing a product page that is skimmable and easy to digest to your customers while also answering any questions that they might think of throughout the description and FAQs the product page description is where the customer should be most convinced to buy which means that the features and benefits of the product that you're selling should not just be random ones that you think of but instead well thought out features and benefits that customers would want to know about the product in order to get them to buy for example if you're selling a travel cup a buyer might want to know if it's dishwasher ly over all the different colors that it comes in the goal with your description is always to solve problems that consumers didn't even know that they have with the product that you're selling and I'll link an example of what this looks like in the description below under product page example so you can get a full idea of what I'm referencing but now the final focus of your Shopify store is always going to be checkout process optimization simplifying the checkout process to remove any unnecessary steps is crucial to converting more customers into real sales this could involve allowing guest checkouts providing multiple payment options and ensuring that adding items to the car and proceeding to checkout is as seamless as possible reducing all confusion or extra work during the checkout process this can decrease car abandonment rates and overall increase conversions these three areas of focus can help turn more visitors into buyers which will enhance the overall effectiveness of your online store okay now that you have an overall idea of your main focuses when it comes to creating a high converting store I'm about to show you how to get your own Shopify store set up for 100% free with a theme that we're currently using to reach those six and seven figure stores and I'm giving you free access to the store building build and theme right now with the link down in my description so that you can start selling too now if you're looking for personalized one-onone guidance towards running your own online business and streamlining your success we take you from start to finish in my one-on-one mentorship and have helped students from all experience levels continue to achieve life-changing results all you to do to get going with myself and my team is click the link down in my description and apply for one of the limited spots available in my one-on-one mentorship program but if you're ready to start seeing higher conversions and more sales on your store then follow along with me here the store Builder link that is in my description below is going to take you to this page right here and on this page I'm just going to go ahead and click into build my free store which is going to take me to the next page where I'm able to enter in my name email and password real quick now if you already have a Shopify account that you want to use then make sure that you use that same email that you use to sign up with that one but if you do not have one then just use whatever email that you want once that's done I'm on this page right here where I can choose whatever Niche I want to sell in and for today I'm feeling the pet Niche so I'm going to go ahead and select that it will then promp me to choose a banner that I like so I can customize the store a little bit more to my liking so I'm going to go and select these two banners right here that I want shown on my store and then the store Builder it's going to do the rest from here all I have to do is click the access Shopify button where I'm going to enter in the same email that I just used for the store Builder once that's done I'm just going to come back to the store Builder and click the dumb button where I'm then going to move on to the next step now all I have to do on this end is go grab my Shopify admin URL and enter it right here to link my new Shopify account to this store Builder from there I'm just going to go ahead and grab my Shopify plan which is the basic one and that's going to charge just $1 for the first month and also give a $50 app store credit and once the Shopify plan is purchased all you have to do is follow the rest of the quick connection steps to connect autods for product supplier and shipping options between 2 and 5 days now once each one of these steps are complete the store Builder is going to start building my store and in just a minute I'm going to have an entire pet Niche High converting store built out for me guys I'm telling you that if you've never built a Shopify store before and you're out there looking for people to build a store and develop a theme for you you'll be looking at hundreds 2,000s of dollar spent just to get done what we just got done in only a couple minutes and I'm about to show you how to fully optimize a store that you just got created for yourself to make make sure that you're turning more and more customers to money in your pocket the store is already ready so let's go ahead and get into optimizing it for sales so with the products and product pages that come from autods these are not finalized you should take control and make these into your own and here's one of the winning products that autods added to my stores it's a 4 in1 portable dog travel water bottle and as you can see this title and this description is going to need some work if we do want to go ahead and get some sales but still autod DS gave us a great foundation with the prject description they did provide to us but as you guys know I'm always focused on giving it a simple clean and professional look and I do not do this on the actual product description so I edit all my products on the online store so let's go ahead and build this out so the first thing I'm going go and do is I'm going to delete all of this here now the next thing I'm going go and do is name the product I always like naming my product to allow myself to stand out from my competition and for SEO purposes so I went ahead and named this dog go 4 in1 portable dog travel water bottle now the next step before building out the product description is ensuring that I do or do not want to use the media that came from autod DS so as you see this already came loaded with a bunch of different images and I'm not not going to lie they're pretty high quality so I'm going to move forward with them next we want to come down to the variants themselves as you see I have three variants aqua pink and yellow so I did want to make sure every single one of them have the exact same selling price so I went ahead and inputed that and you also want to make sure that each variant has the same compare price customers are always looking for a deal so let's go ahead and get that set up to do that I'm going to go ahead and click on the variant so right here that says compare at Price that's where I'm going to put the original price and showcasing that we have a current sale I do typically like doing 50% off so I made the compareed price $69.98 which is double the selling price and you want to make sure you do the same for every single one of your variants now it's time to build out the product page so to do that you want to come over here and click on online store click on customize and then right here where it says homepage at the top you want to go aad and click on products and then next click create template and then we're just going to name it after the product which is dog water bottle and then click on create template next you want to come over here and make sure that it's assigned to the right product so to do that go ahead and click on change and then you want to go ahead and select your product and now here comes the fun part when you're editing product pages on the online store section you have so much more flexibility to customize as you can see in each section you can customize this any way you want from blocks text popups collapsible rows so on and so forth the first section I'm going to go ahead and add is text I'm going to move this right above the title here I like to start off my product pages with a quick review of why someone's bought this product starting off with something like this I swear almost every time I take this bottle on my dog walks at least one person either compliments it or asks me where I got it showing how useful this product is and how it can appeal to the masses next I'm going to highlight a quick snippet of the features and benefits of the product right at the top of the product page now this is very important because I know people are lazy and they might not go down and read my full product description but they want to know what this product is going to do for them so I went ahead and added another text block saying something like safe and durable leak proof and large capacity as I know those are main reasons why somebody would buy this product in the first place now it's time to get into the product description so the first thing we're going to do is come over here and click on ADD section and we're going to go ahead and do image with text so in this section we're going to start highlighting the features and benefits of our product but I always like starting off on why somebody should buy it in the first place saying something like experience the ultimate convenience when taking your pets on adventures and now I'm going to follow that up with a small description after adding in the title in the description we want to have a corresponding GI or image that also matches with what we're putting in text something like this where you see the main talking points that I'm putting inside my description are matching with what you're seeing in the image now we're going to get into listing each feature and benefit just got the first one done let's go ahead and keep this ball rolling and if you guys are wondering where I'm getting these images and these gifts from do not sleep on AliExpress I'm trying to tell you the content on there it's been going crazy lately now that we're done with the feates and benefits I do want to continue to incentivize the customer to buy from me so being able to hear from others would be a great way to do this so I'm going to go ahead and add a section on what others say as you can see we have the customer feedback now added this has only taken a couple seconds as well hearing from other customers always incentivize customers to buy from you so this is always a great placement to add after that I'm going to go ahead and follow up with a guarantee so I'm going to go ahead and knock that out real quick and just like that you see we got it in here you'll love dog go we guarantee it with another corresponding GI for image and then I went ahead and ended it with related product focus on products are within this Niche so I can go ahead and upsell them and increase my average order value and now we're almost done with the product page but there's one thing left to do which is ensuring that we have the right branding with our colors so to go ahead and do that you want to come over here and click on the setting bar then you want to go ahead and click on colors and we want to focus on our store only being three colors Max black white and one accent color so since our logo and our bannner is already brown and black we're going to focus on this color scheme throughout the whole product description and out of that color screen there's only one button that I like to change which is the add to car or buy it Now button I do this to allow my call to action stand out as the main thing I'm looking for is purchases so I want that to grab their attention and just like that we have The Branding throughout the entire P description finished where all you're seeing is black white and this light brown throughout the entire description now the last thing we need to do is just go ahead and edit the announcement bar people are looking for a deal right let's go ahead and give it to them all you have to do is go ahead and click on the announcement bar at the top come down over here to the text section saying something like this suers sale 50% off plus free shipping since that is the season that we're about to approach now that we have all all this finished the last step is ensuring that this template is associated with the product itself so to do that you want to come over here and click on exit go to products go back to the product that we've been editing then right here where it says theme template click on default product and then go ahead and click on the theme template that we just created then come over here and click on Save and just like that we have a full entire product page and description finished and guys it just took about 10 minutes total to get everything that I need done for my Shopify store and get it ready to start driving traffic to now if you want one of these stores created for you from my AI store Builder and and completely optimized by myself and my team for you to start driving traffic to the same day then smash that like button down below and also comment the word Shopify with your biggest takeaway from this video down below but for now I got to finish up here and get to my meeting but if you have 10 minutes to trade right now to open up doors of opportunity to start making money online you officially have every step and tool that you need to get started yeah [Applause] [Music]