Transcript for:
Lecture on Yugas

kuga which ended 2,000 plus years ago these were called the Dark Ages they're still talking this is kuga kuga because Krishna said it's kuga like everything looks like it's the end of the world you can be in any Yuga and be fantastic now the question is only is what we are doing within ourselves happening consciously or unconsciously in the news channels they're still talking this is kuga kuga because Krishna said it's Kal when 5,124 years ago so since then the cumulative aspect of Kali which lasts for 2592 years is over and dwap is also 2592 years that will get over sometime in 2082 that means another 58 years is it 58 years nearly 60 years if you live for another 60 years you'll see tra this doesn't mean on one day it'll become when we say winter it doesn't mean one F day it's winter it happens summer it's not like one day suddenly it became summer it slowly happens so what you're calling as yugas is a kind of larger Escape of Seasons if you go in the winter like everything looks like it's the end of the world Spring comes boom everything is back but the super cycle decides a lot more you can be in any UGA and be fantastic you can be in any Yuga and be a mess this experience of uh all this is not a question of you being good or bad or you being uh people are going about saying see the moment you have Prejudice about something somebody becomes a sinner and somebody becomes a saint but these values keep changing the important thing is we understand that as we sit here we are who we are we are as a consequence of what we are doing within our elv now the question is only is what we are doing within ourselves happening consciously or unconsciously if we doing it consciously the consequence would be the way we want it if we are doing it unconsciously the consequence is random there are four yugas in each yug cycle lasts for more than 4 million years encompassing all four yugas sat yug also known as satyug or Kat yug is the first of the four yugas often referred to as the golden age satyug is considered the purest era according to WC texts people enjoyed worldly Comforts and lived in Perfect Harmony in syn with the natural laws of the universe in tra yuk people became less spiritual and more interested in material things wars happened often and climate changes caused deserts and oceans to form despite these problems tra yug also brought important knowledge about Universal magnetism this helped people understand the forces of of Nature and the true nature of the universe in dwapar y people's morals and spiritual practices got worse they became more competitive jealous deceitful and focused on Pleasures as they moved away from the Divine although living conditions became harder science Advanced a lot this yuk was also the time of the Mahabharat epic which tells about krishna's Incarnation and his fight against evil dapa yog ended when Krishna left Earth to go back to his eternal home kug is characterized by War and conflict spiritually civilizations degenerate throughout this yug as people drift further from the Divine similar to end of world predictions in other traditions and religions pundits have attempted to calculate end date of kug with various dates proposed including 2012 and 20182 well during the kuga which ended 2,000 plus years ago these were called the Dark Ages because human beings did terrible things to each other and not only did Terrible Things They did large scale that doesn't mean we did not do terrible things in Dap yoga we also did but still it is not the norm at least we know it's wrong we are just uh close to tra Yuga we don't have to wait for it see it didn't wait it's not it s but already it's making us sweat why don't we also be one step ahead of times hello so this is why it's very important whether the the previous generations put the foundation for something or not determines how much the next generation will build isn't it this goes for a house this goes for a nation this goes for your Consciousness how much Foundation people will build will determine how much the future Generations will do there are a whole lot of people going on propagating life is getting worse day by day but please look at it how people lived here 500 years ago how we are living today isn't everything better everything especially ladies you have to say big yes yes because for women on this planet life is never been this good ever all over the world so how we make the next step is in our hands we are like this because somebody built something fundamental so we have come to this place but how we create the next step or how the next Generations live is determined by us many of you young people will see it that we are moving from dwap Yuga to tr as sadguru says regardless of the time yug or planetary position individuals have the ability to rise above these influences each person can experience a golden age within themselves even during the most challenging periods the potential to transcend difficulties and Thrive always exist for every individual the future is in our hands we have reached this point because someone laid a strong Foundation however it is up to us to shape the next step and determine how future Generations will live