Cardiovascular Variables and Exercise
Cardiovascular Variables
Stroke Volume (SV)
- Defined as the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle per contraction.
- SV Calculation: End Diastolic Volume (EDV) - End Systolic Volume (ESV).
- EDV: Volume in the ventricle at the end of diastole (relaxation phase).
- ESV: Volume remaining in the ventricle at the end of systole (contraction phase).
Cardiac Output (Q)
- Volume of blood pumped by the left ventricle per minute.
- Formula: Q = SV * Heart Rate (HR).
- Typically around 5 liters/min at rest.
- Unit: Liters per minute (L/min).
Ejection Fraction (EF)
- Percentage of EDV ejected per contraction.
- EF Calculation: SV / EDV.
- Normal Range: 50-70%.
- Heart Failure: EF < 40%.
Blood Flow Mechanisms
Venous Return
- Factors:Breathing, Muscle Pumps, One-Way Valves.
- Frank-Starling Mechanism: Increased EDV stretches cardiac tissue, increasing contractility (strength of contraction).
- Preload: Amount of blood filling the chamber before contraction.
- Afterload: Pressure the heart must overcome to eject blood.
Blood Pressure (BP)
- Systolic BP (SBP): Pressure during ventricular contraction.
- Diastolic BP (DBP): Pressure during ventricular relaxation.
- Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP): Average pressure during the cardiac cycle.
- Formula: MAP = (SBP + 2 * DBP) / 3.
- Stages: Stage 1 (130-139) / (80-89), Stage 2 (≥140)/ (≥90)
- Hypertension Crisis: >180/ >120
- Causes: High sodium intake, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption.
- Low blood pressure.
- Concern: <70 SBP is an absolute contraindication to exercise.
Exercise Physiology
Heart Rate (HR)
- Resting HR: 60-80 bpm; trained athletes may have 30-40 bpm.
- Tachycardia: HR >100 bpm.
- Bradycardia: HR <60 bpm.
- Maximum HR (HRmax): 220 - age or Tanaka Formula (208 - 0.7 * age).
Stroke Volume with Exercise
- Increases with exercise intensity up to 40-60% of max capacity.
- Plateaus as HR increases.
Cardiac Output with Exercise
- Increases with intensity.
- Factors: Increased HR and SV up to 60% of max capacity.
- Cardiovascular Drift: HR increases disproportionately as SV plateaus during prolonged exercise.
Blood Distribution in Exercise
- Vasodilation: Increases blood flow to active tissues.
- Vasoconstriction: Reduces blood flow to inactive areas.
Blood Plasma Volume
- Decreases initially due to sweating.
- Effect: Increased blood viscosity.
Vascular Dynamics
Regulation of Blood Pressure
- Resistance: Length of the blood vessel, blood viscosity, and radius of vessel.
- Ohm’s Law: Blood Flow (Q) = Pressure Difference / Resistance.
Capillaries and Exercise
- Pressure drops significantly at arterioles to prep blood for capillary exchange.
Adaptations to Training
Vascular Remodeling
- Arteries and arterioles enlarge, improve dilation capacity.
- Collateral Circulation: Formation of new blood vessels to bypass occlusions.
Effects of Regular Exercise
- Heart Rate: Decreased resting HR, increased efficiency.
- Stroke Volume: Higher SV at rest and during exercise.
- BP: Generally lower BP at rest.
VO2 and a-vO2 Difference
- a-vO2 Difference: O2 content difference between arteries and veins, indicates oxygen extraction.
- VO2 Calculation: VO2 = Cardiac Output (Q) * a-vO2 Diff.
- Fick’s Equation: VO2 = HR * SV * a-vO2 Difference.
Central Command Theory
- Initial Heart Rate Regulation: Higher brain centers initiate HR change.
- Fine-tuning: Feedback from peripheral receptors adjusts HR to meet demands.
Miscellaneous Topics
Varicose Veins
- Causes: Faulty one-way valves leading to backflow and vein distension.
- Recommendations: Avoid straining exercises, emphasize cooldown.
Key Blood Pressure Influences
- Factors like blood volume, heart rate, stroke volume, blood viscosity, and peripheral resistance affect BP.
Assignment: Research how five factors affect blood pressure and write descriptions.