Transcript for:
The Assassination of Julius Caesar

hello namaskaram Julius Caesar act 3 scene one this is what I think a scene which runs into 12 to 13 to 14 pages so it's fairly long also it's also the most dramatic scene as far as the play is concerned because this is where the assassination of Julius Caesar takes place so in terms of drama on stage and in text this particular scene the assassination scene as it is called is definitely the most dramatic another important aspect that you need to bear in mind is that this is one scene where we see almost all the main male characters on stage the two female characters por and calponia are not there but all the male characters because they're all part of the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar so in terms of the action on the stage juliia Caesar act 3 scene one is the most dramatic scene at three scene two is important because that's where the Turning Point happens as far as the play is concerned so these two scenes scene one and scene two of act three are definitely the most important from the point of view of the play and definitely from the point of view of your examination so let's get started with the detailed line by line word by word explanation of of act 3 scene one I have also done a separate video in which I've explained the entire thing in Hindi it's not the best Hindi but that's a separate video okay so depends on what you are more comfortable with Okay so let's dive straight into the text now you see the crowd of people and the a whole lot of people the Su the timidus timidus Caesar Brutus dcus Brutus Casas sin Casa tonius everyone right all of them are part of this scene so this is again important uh meta simber an important character who I would who actually initiates the entire process uh the plot in which Caesar gets killed now Caesar says to to the suser he remembers what happened in act one he says the IDS of March are come which means that today is the 15th of March you said that I need to Beware of the 15th of March but what has happened nothing has happened so far Su says yes Caesar but the day is not yet over the day the I of March is not yet gone it is not yet over the day is still pretty much on the date on the calendar is still the 15th of March okay now immediately timido says who we met in act two right he stops Caesar he hails him and says read this schedule which means read this letter he hands him oh hands over a letter to Julius Caesar dcus Brutus says trebonius do desire you to overread at your best Leisure this is his humble suit now dcus Brutus hands over another letter to Caesar saying that trebonius has given this and he wants you to read over this letter overread was Shakespeare's slightly poetic way of saying read over and examine it so he wants him to read troni's letter whenever it is convenient to him this is his humble request okay that is the request from trebonius timidus says oh Caesar read my letter first because for mine is a suit that touches Caesar nearer read it great Caesar so he says that read my letter first because my letter affects you directly he says that touches Caesar near nearer which means it affects you directly so you need to read this first and he refers to him as great Caesar Caesar says what touches us ourself shall be last Ser so he's being he's talking like oh no I will not do anything of the sort anything which concerns me directly I will attend to it last people's interest comes first that's what sees is trying to convey through this very pompous manner of rejecting this letter given to him by timidus so he says that we will attend to our own matters at the end which will be last sered timidus says delay not Caesar read it immediately read it instantly do not delay because he has there warned him about the plot to kill him so he wants Caesar to read it before it too late Caesar says what is the fow mad is he crazy he's going on insisting even while me I have told him that I will attend to matters that concern me at the end pablus who is another person out there he says to timidus he says sir stand aside okay give place means stand aside now uh sir was it's it's called sir but it is said in a slightly uh condescending manner a you know contemptuous manner he's say telling him to kind of hey hello just stand aside sir you know so sir is not being said with respect he's not showing him respect even while calling him so but it is said in a slightly condescending and contemptuous kind of manner Casia says what urge you your petitions in the street come to the capital so he says oh you're trying to give your petition on the street that Caesar should accept your petitions and read them immediately while you give them on the streets gal no come to the capital which means that's the place where these kind of petitions ought to be given handed over so that's what Casas says to idoris and Caesar now goes up to the Senate house so the initial part of the scene is at the capital and then the entire scene where the Assassin takes place is at the Senate house right so all of them follow Caesar to the Senate house at this point in time poilus tells Casas that I wish your Enterprise today May Thrive so he says Enterprise which means plan that I do hope that your plan Thrive means succeeds today okay popus is telling Casas on the side that I do hope that your plan actually becomes successful today cassus gets immediately suspicious now you see you will see this through the play that Casas is actually a very cunning kind of a person he's a very street smart and clever guy so Casas says what plan popus popus does not reply he says goodbye and good luck and he moves towards Caesar now this means that popus is aware of what is going to happen at the Senate right andus wonders how did he come to know so while popus advances to Caesar Brutus comes to Casas and says what did popus Lena say now popus Lena is a senator of Rome okay this guy is a Roman Senator okay senator of Rome casassus says he wished today that our Enterprise might Thrive I fear our purpose is discovered so he said he tells Brutus that popus Lena said that he wished that our plan should succeed I am afraid I fear that is I'm afraid that our plot has been discovered you know our plans have been discovered by other people you know people know about our assassination plot brutas says look how he makes to sees Mark him he says look he's approaching Caesar he's going to talk to Caesar keep an eye on him Mark him means keep an eye on him okay he's makes to Caesar means he's approaching Caesar casassus says Casa be sudden for We Fear prevention Brutus what shall be done so he STS Kasa Casas that Casa be quick sudden means be quick because we fear being preempted prevention means that we fear being preempted that is someone may come to prevent us from carrying out what we plan to do okay so there could be someone who could come and stop us from carrying out our assassination plan we could be stopped and then he tells to Brutus he asks Brutus what do we do now okay what will we do if this be known Casas or Caesar never shall turn back for I will slay myself so now he's saying something this is an important uh line from the reference to point reference to context point of view so he says that if our plan is known then either Caesar or I will die never shall turn back means Casas or Caesar never shall turn back means one of us will die because I will kill myself if I cannot kill him if I am not able to kill Julius Caesar I will die by Suicide I will kill myself so one of us will definitely die it will not be the case that I'm not able to kill him so he also is alive or I am also and I'm also alive no either I will kill him or if I'm not able to kill him I will kill myself so I will slay myself slay means I will kill myself okay cassia says Brutus says Casas be constant constant means be calm don't get so agitated popus Lena speaks not of our purposes for look he smiles and Caesar do not change so he says look there popus Lena so you see the difference between Casas and Brutus Casas of course is very his mind keeps thinking of various possibilities but Brutus is a little more calm in the way he observes things more carefully so he says look at populis Lena speaking there to Brutus he's actually smiling while he's speaking to Caesar and Caesar doth not change means Caesar's expression facial expression body language is not changing so that means that he's not speaking of our plot of our plan okay casassus says trebonius knows his time trebonius knows when he should make the move at which moment he should make his move because look You Brutus he draws Mark Anthony out of the way trebonius the job which has been entrusted to trebonius as part of the plot is that he should move Mark Anthony out of the way and why should he do that you will know this in the context of what happens later on in the play because Mark Anthony is the best friend of Julius Caesar and if he were there he would try to prevent the conspirators from killing Julius Caesar so trebonius has been instructed by Casas and maybe brutas that he should move um uh Anthony out of the Senate while they would carry out the assassination okay so he says that look there he's pulling Mark anony out of the way Anthony and tronus exit that particular scene DS brutas now says where is mitus Simba let him go and presently prefer his suit to Caesar now prefer here is present what does he have to present his petition that he should go and present his petition to juliia Caesar who should be doing that Metalist Simba Brutus says he's addressed press near and second him so he says he's already speaking to him Caesar is already being spoken to by melus simber you go there and second him now second him means what that whatever petition is being given by meta simber uh sin should go and second that that please do something like that so second him means to support him okay to support what is being said by melus simber sin says Kasa you are the first that rares your hand now this is an important line so sin is telling to Kasa that you will be the first one who will raise your hand and stab Julius Caesar so it will be Casa who will be the first one and then thereafter everyone will join he will be the first one to make his move so he's kind of cautioning him telling him to be alert and ready because the moment is very near Caesar says are we all ready what is now AMS that Caesar and his Senate must redress redress now this is an extremely ironic line isn't it so are we all ready these guys are getting ready for something else and Caesar is talking about official matters of you know petitions and stuff like that so the line are are we already is an important key phrase that is extremely ironic it's a piece of dramatic irony right uh because the conspirators are getting ready to assassinate Julius Caesar which he's completely oblivious to while he's talking about the Senate's business and it creates dramatic tension on stage these guys are all moving closer Kasa is getting ready to stab him first and this guy is saying are we all ready to discuss some official matter it also highlights Julius Caesar's lack of Suspicion okay he's not suspecting anyone and that creates sympathy for Caesar in the readers mind or in the audience's mind because we see that people are going to kill him and he's completely unaware of what the plot is you understand please please remember the play is called Julius Caesar even though he gets killed in before the interval in that sense you know act 3 scene one is not even the halfway stage of the play but he's getting killed here right but the play is named after him so Julia Caesar in that sense is a larger than life figure okay now Mela Simba says most high most Mighty most puant Caesar mless Simba throws before thy seat and humble heart and he kneels before Julius Caesar now what does he say most high is referring to juliia Caesar in extremely lofty kind of adjectives calling him high calling him Mighty and calling him puen which means most powerful Caesar he says metalis simber throws before thy SE that is he kns before uh you with a humble heart throws before means that he's on his knees he kneels before your throne before with a humble heart Caesar says I must prevent thee simber he says I must stop you I must prevent thee means I must stop you these couching and these lowly courtesies might fire the blood of ordinary men and turn pre- orince and first decree into the law of children what does he mean he's using very lofty kind of vocabulary he says your kneeling couching means refering to you that song I suddenly got reminded these kneeling and these lowly courtesies so he says these very respectful ful gestures you know what you are referring to very respectful gesture that you are making towards me that might flatter fire the blood means that might flatter you know that may amuse that may make ordinary men feel very happy okay and turn pre- orinan and first decree into the law of children and that may turn Roman laws which are predetermined Roman laws are written in some book or the other like the constitution of India similarly they would have some kind of book of law of Rome so pre- orince means pre- Orin pre-ordained uh Roman laws right predetermined Roman laws and decrease decrease also means some kind of loss into some kind of child's game you know that you would do something do this and expect me to kind of ignore some law which is written in some book and make it and make it seem as though it is some child's game be not fond to think that Caesar Bears such Rebel blood that will be Tau from the true quality with that which MTH fools he says do not be so fond fond means foolish do not be so foolish to think that Caesar has such unstable blood Rebel blood means unstable you know that he will change his mind just because you kneel before me so he says that don't think like that about Julius Caesar that will be T from the true quality with that which melteth fools do not be so foolish to think that Caesar has such unstable blood that it will be th means that it will be influenced from the true quality that it can be influenced by tricks that persuade only fool melt fools that from the true quality with that you know that influenced by tricks you know by tricks of this kind so he's referring to him it the kneeling part as this show of humility as a trick okay thinking that that will melt him saying that I'm not a fool I mean sweet words low crooked curtes and base spaniel foring spaniel is a reference to a dog so he says that I mean that flattery or sweet words sweet words low crooked curtsies that is low bows you know you know because he's kneeling before him and flattering fawning you know uh will not kind of uh sorry a low bows and pathetic Bas dog like foring you know base means something which is pathetic and which is referring to almost like dog like fawning because dogs come and show a lot of affection nothing of that will affect me to change my mind and make it like you know changing some law and making it treating it as though it's some child's game and then he says your brother he's aware of what he's asking for he says your brother thy means your brother by decree by law is banished he has been exiled from Rome he has been EX Exile from Rome and if you do if you do Bend and pray and fawn for him means you try to flatter me for the sake of your brother I spurn you like a c out of my way C is also a dog okay it's also a word which Shakespeare uses in many of his place he says that if you kneel and beg and flatter me for your brother's sake I will spurn you spurn you means I will kick you and I'll ignore you I will throw you out like a dog out of my way please know that Caesar will not do any wrong nor without cause will he be satisfied he will not be satisfied unless there is a very good reason and he will never do any wrong so he's being very bombastic and very clearheaded about what he will do and what he will not do is that clear so it g gives you a sense about the kind of ruler that Julius Caesar imagines himself to be okay metalis simber does not give up he says is there no voice more worthy than my own to sound more sweetly in Great Caesar's here for the repealing of my banished brother so he's making an appeal to all the other senators and Nobles who are assembled at the Senate he says that isn't there someone else whose voice would be more sweet than me in being able to convince Julius Caesar the great Julius Caesar that my brother's banishment Exile needs to be repealed means it needs to be revoked it needs to be turned back he needs to be forgiven and allowed to come back into Rome okay so he says that isn't there a voice which is more worthy than mine okay uh Brutus listens to this and he kind of uses this as an opportunity to get closer to Julius Caesar he says I kiss thy hand telling Caesar but not in flaty Caesar that I kiss your hand but I am not doing so in flattery he's also kneeling before him he says to sound more sweetly in Great Caesar's year for the repealing of my sorry uh Desiring thee that public simber may have an immediate freedom of repeal so he says that I wish that you repeal pus Simba that is the name of matila Simba's brother that I do desire I do wish that you repeal the repeal means you revoke bua Simba banishment immediately with an immediate freedom of repeal Caesar says what Brutus now the play does not have public symbol as a character this particular character has been introduced not on stage but the mention of him has been introduced only in order to give the conspirators an excuse to get closer to Caesar right so he's like a ghost character who never appears on stage ghost boot but he's like a character who never appears on stage but is only mentioned his name is only mentioned by the other characters right so um that's the Limited purpose of pus symbol cassus says pardon Caesar Caesar pardon so cassus also steps forward and makes a request to Caesar as low as to thy foot dot scas fall to beg enfranchisement for publ simber so he says that I fall at your feet pardon him I fall at your feet to restore publ symbol Exile restore him to citizenship because he has been exiled which means he's no longer being treated as a citizen of Rome so enfranchisement means restoration of the rights of a citizen of Rome okay that's what enfranchisement means of his rights that is publ Simba's rights as a citizen of Rome this is not Casas this is Caesar okay this a printing mistake in most books surprisingly who could be well moved if I were as you if I could pray to move prayers would move me now this is a longish and an important passage of juliia Caesar he says I could be convinced well moved means I could be convinced if I were you if I were like you Casas if I could beg others to change their minds pray to move means if I could beg others you know pray means if I beg others to move means to change their minds then prayer that kind of begging the prayers would convince me as well if I could do that to others these kind of prayers could do that to me as well which means it won't happen but I am constant as the Northern Star now now he's making a comparison to the Northern Star juliia Caesar is making a comp he's comparing himself to the northern star of whose true fixed and resting quality there is no fellow in the firmament so he says the northern star has such a fixed and unchanging quality about it resting means it is fixed at one place proof fixed and unchanging it is fixed at one place and it is unchanging resting quality and it has no equal in the sky firmament is referring to Sky there's no comparison with anyone else there is no one like the Northern Star because it is a fixed and something which is unchanging the skies are painted with unnumbered Sparks unnumbered Sparks is reference to the Stars okay because they are no one has counted the number of stars and they kind of shine so that's why he's referring to them as Sparks they're all fire and everyone do shine so he says that they're all fire and shine you know because they're shining and they look very fiery but there is one among them that holds its place there is but one in all which holds its place and that is a reference to the Northern Star that's the one which never changes so in the world it it is furnished well with men and men are flesh and blood and apprehensive yet in the number I do know but one that unsalable holds on his rank unshaped of motion he says that similarly the world is populated with men okay similarly the world is populated furnished means it is full of men and men are flesh and blood and Men are made of Flesh and Blood and are capable of feeling very anxious okay men are capable of feeling very tense and anxious yet in the number I do know but one that unable holds on his rank yet of them all referring to the men among all the men I know one person who keeps his position holds on his rank means who keeps his position who is unw Ing and refuses to change unshed of motion so he says that he keeps his position without being moved and he says that I am he that's me I am unmoved I am unchanged among all the men like the Northern Star that's me so you see the pomposity with which Caesar is referring to himself in third person anyone who refers to himself in third person also shows that he's extremely confident and pompous as far as he's concerned about himself so he says let me a little show it let me show you even in this that I was constant symbol should be banished and constant do remain to keep so so he says I was determined I was Resolute I was constant here it means I was resolute okay means unwavering unchanged that symol should be banished and I remain constant I remain Resolute unchanged that he should remain banished understood I hope I have done Justice to it explain every single word and the meaning and repeated it so that my purpose is that you know revision and the emphasis with which I say you should be able to you know remember it for quite sometime okay now the important thing is that Caesar uses the metaphor of the Northern Star to describe his unwavering commitment to what not to the people to his principles his unwavering commitment to his principles and the Northern Star is used as a constant reference point which never moves from its position so it's used as a symbol for something which is of a firm unchanging and Resolute character and Caesar says I am also like that clear great always remember two things I will be sounding like juliia Caesar English means uncharacteristically comp no I don't think I am like that so I'm going to remove this I'm going to remove this let me say something different and that that is something which I think even you will agree that great so therefore Del m s SWS okay [Music] have you heard this song people in Tamil Nadu and Kerala would have heard this [Music] song [Music] I keep forgetting the lyrics anyway sin says oh Caesar Caesar says hence will thou lift up Olympus now Olympus is a mountain in Greek mythology and it is considered the home of the Gods so Caesar is implying that he's God he's saying that katum I mean will you live of Mount Olympus is it possible no it's impossible can you lift up Mount Olympus it's not possible similarly can you convince me that's what he's trying to say but by the reference to Olympus which is a mountain in Greek mythology which is used as which is thought of as the home of the Gods Caesar is indirectly implying that he is God this is Brutus says great Caesar Caesar says do not Brutus bootless kneel so he says why are you kneeling when even brutus's kneeling has been in vain the other Brutus the original Brutus when DCS Brutus kneels he says why are you kneeling the other Brutus has kneeled and it has not had any effect on me why are you kneeling now before this uh an important point I want to make to you so when he says will you lift Mount Olympus it is a an arrogant way of Caesar being dismissive of the request being made by so many people by m simber by brutas by Casas by who was the other person who uh who he said this by to sin right so he's kind of dismissive to all of them um will you lift up Olympus is a rhetorical question he's not expecting him to say yes I will do it or no I will not be able to do it but it is being set for dramatic effect and it is uh Caesar trying to convey to him that your request is absurd and impossible to fulfill I will not do it okay it's also trying to say that you know it's so outrageous you know will you lift that so you can't no s similarly don't even try making this request about publ Simba because it is impossible for me to exceed and accept your request so it shows Caesar's growing arrogance and his underestimation of what the conspirators can actually do can actually do and this happens many times even in real life you know you may think very powerful in your position and you think that you are doing the right thing but they all these other minions may all get together conspire against you to harm you you know unity and strength may they will all get together and harm you that's what is h going to happen to Julius Caesar so Julius Caesar this is an important point that you need to bear in mind Julius Caesar essentially feels that he's unsalable he nobody can harm him you know he thinks and we saw this in act to also when he was talking to California right so he feels that he cannot be challenged and this kind of a hubis this kind of an attitude finally leads to Caesar's downfall because uh you know the The Conspirator say I'm so arrogant let's do this to him so now the important thing Kasa says hands speak for me speak hands for me now this is an important line what does Kasa really mean by that and then Kasa immediately goes and STS Caesar because he wants the hands to do the work for him so he's kind of making hand as a particular object which will actually carry out the action as so he doesn't have anything to do with the hands now this is an important line because uh here the hands must do the action which they have been planning for all this while um they believe that they are doing this act for the good of Rome we have already seen that in act two also so it also means that the con aspirators are now gaining control over it the moment cascar hands do the act of stabbing Julius Caesar the conspirators the balance of power so far we were seeing Caesar being completely in control I will not forgive publ a symbol right he's being very dismissive and now suddenly the power changes the power moves into the hands of the conspirators so this is the first step towards the dethronement of the authority of juliia Caesar I'm getting Goose pimples while I'm speaking all this have has anyone of you acted in a play and you know been able to speak with flourish on stage you know the throw of the voice the motivation the diction the body language have you ever done that it's great fun because you know that X number of people 100 200 500 people are all looking at you and you are in control of the stage it's a great feeling public speaking itself is a great feeling so now Caesar is rendered extremely powerless and there is also dark irony in which with which K is saying hands speak for me because it kind of is the first act of violence as far as the play is concerned and then Caesar sees Brutus also stabbing him because all the other conspirators stab and then finally Brutus stabs Caesar that's what shocks Caesar he says you two Brutus and you two Brutus you were my friend you also St me which is why whenever any friend backstabs you he's referred to as Brutus it's a which is relevant and used even today in the 21st century he says you two brutas I did not expect this from you of all people and he says if that is the case then die Caesar Paul means he's referring to him ref in the context of death then Caesar should die if Brutus if I have to be killed even by Brutus then it's not worth B then dies Caesar and Caesar dies now sin immediately Christ Liberty Freedom tyranny is dead so they are kind of saying that they have done it for the larger good of Rome and they say it is for the cause of Liberty it is for the cause of freedom because tyranny which was symbolized by Julia Caesar has now been killed run hence Proclaim cried about the streets and Proclaim it to everyone that this is what has really happened they are not saying we have killed Caesar they are saying Liberty and freedom has have has been born because tyranny is dead etu Brutus is also a symbol of extreme disappointment of Caesar it is an expression of extreme disbelief it is an expression of extreme heartbrain of Julius Caesar at seeing what Brutus did to him he's it shows his disappointment and the depth of the Betrayal that Caesar feels at seeing Brutus also being one of the conspirators okay so he's not shocked by Casa sin Casas others stabbing him he's shocked most by Brutus please remember this because the relation ship between Brutus and Caesar will be one of the important questions that can be asked in the examination so the treachery of Brutus is what shocks juliia Caesar that in many senses is the most painful wound that is inflicted on Julius Caesar's body now after he sees Brutus stabbing him and says you two Brutus he seems to be in that one second he seems to have suddenly accepted and says therefore then die Cesar now there is no point living if the person who I considered my friend also stabs me so there is some level of dignity with which Caesar dies at the end his last two three words and this line in many senses at to Brutus then dices then FAL Cesar in many senses encapsulates the tragedy of this play Julius Caesar because Caesar till such time till a few lines back we saw him as a very powerful leader he's brought down by people and among those is one person who he trusted the most right so it connects you to many themes of the play the play the theme of friendship the theme of venge the theme of betrayal uh the theme of power the theme of mortality there is also uh another Viewpoint by some critics saying that then fall Caesar is some kind of a curse that Julius Caesar has inflicted on the conspirators that's another Viewpoint I'm just making you aware that you know Shakespeare and plays have already always been interpreted differently by different critics so this is a slightly different Viewpoint of some of the critics which you could bear in mind it's almost like you know his accepting his own death but he's also cursing them keep this will happen to you also Then Fall Caesar with Caesar's fall your fall will Al downfall will also happen that's how it has been interpreted though it's not very clear in the kind of words that Caesar has used we don't know what Shakespeare had in mind okay now cassia says some of you should go to the common pulpits which is the platform and cry out the same thing Liberty freedom and enfranchisement which means that full C cens ship to everyone because that's what they were talking about before uh Julius Caesar was stabbed so he says that is full citizenship to everyone no one will be banished or exiled Brutus says people and Senators do not be arried fly not stand stiff Ambitions debt is paid so Brutus tells to the other Senators out there that do not be afraid afed is afraid and he says do not run away you can stand where you are standing only Caesar had to die for his ambition which means Ambitions dead so this is like only Caesar had to die had to die that is he has repaid the ambition because he was too ambitious he was too ambitious and therefore we had to get rid of him for the sake of the good of Rome so that debt has been repaid by the assassination of Julius Caesar Casa says to brutas you go to the platform DCS Brutus says Casas also should go Brutus says where is pus CA says here he's quite confounded with this Mutiny he says he's completely stunned by what has happened obviously he was unaware he was not part of the conspirators so he is extremely rattled stunned confused by this Mutiny by means by this Rebellion mitus Simba says Stand Fast together lest some friend of Caesars should chance so he says let us all stand together just in case some friend of Julius Caesar tries to should chance means should try to do something and then his sentence is not complete Brutus says stop not of standing paas good cheer there's no harm intended to your person not to no Roman here so tell them pus so he says paas cheer up we do not mean any harm to you nor to any other Roman our Target was only Julius Caesar okay so he says so please go and tell this to the people he entrust that job to pus okay who is a senator of Rome he's also I told you this no he's a senator of Rome now cassia says and leave us paas lest that the people rushing on us should do your age some Mischief so he's an elderly person so he says and leave this place right now because there would be people who would be rushing towards us maybe to attack us so in the process they should not hurt you they should not harm you some Mischief means they should not harm You Brutus says do so and let no man abide this deed but we the doers Brutus says yes he's saying do so means to nja as what CIA says do so means you leave immediately because no one should suffer the consequences abide this deed means should suffer the consequences suffer the consequences of this deed deed is the assassination of Julius Caesar except us who have done it we are the doers except us no one else should bear the consequences of suffer the consequences of what we did the conspirators trebonius reenters what did trebonius leave at that time he left with Mark Anthony okay cassia says where is Anthony tronus says fled to his house amazed men wives and children stare cry out and run as if it were Doom stay so he says he ran to his house so mark an has come to know of it he ran away to his house and he was completely in a state of Amazement he was completely stunned men wives and children are staring they're crying and they're running as if it were doomsday doomsday is considered in Christianity as the day of judgment Brutus says Fates we will know your pleasures that we shall die we know it is but the time and drawing days out that men stand upon so he says we will soon know what Fates want to happen to us we will soon come to know what Fates Fates as in Destiny want to happen to us okay you know what will be the consequences that we will face we know that soon we will come to know we know we will die that we shall die that that will be the end we know that but we do not know when it is just a matter of time drawing days out means to prolong the days prolong the period on Earth okay that we are concerned it's just it's just a matter of time and prolonging our days that we are concerned with that men stand upon means that we are concerned with concerned with means that we are bothered about Casas why he that cuts off 20 years of life cuts off so many years of fearing 10 so he says Casas says the person who shortens his own life by 20 years also cuts off 20 years of worrying about death so you see you see how Casas is trying to twist it he's saying the person suppose I am supposed to live for another 20 years but I am killed today which means I am spared the worry of waiting for my death or worrying about my death for the next 20 years you understand brutas says grant that and then is death a benefit so U Brutus initially had spoken about people in general but Casas is making it seem as though they have done Caesar a favor by killing him and thereby ensuring that he does not have to worry about his death for the next 20 OD years okay they have relieved him for of the worry and the pain and the fear of death so he's in a way trying to justify the assassination by presenting it as a case of mercy killing so I mean we can see it as some kind of a cynical attempt to downplay the the horror of the assassination of Julius Caesar he's trying to convince himself Casas and others also that we have done the right thing we have actually done a favor to juliia Caesar he does not have to worry for the next 20 years fearing and waiting for his pH death so in that sense it's a case of dramatic irony that the audience knows that juliia Caesar is a valiant person he's not the kind of person who fears death and this is Casas who is trying to say that we have saved him the worry of fearing about his own death okay so cassia's justification the audience and the readers knows makes absolutely no sense but what it does the line does is to shed light on the motivations of the conspirators because Casas what he's trying to do is to intellectually justify whatever they have done the assassination to himself and to the others Brutus says grant that grant that and then is death a benefit so are we Caesar's friend so brutas takes the queue from there and then explains it further he says if so if that is so if what you're saying is true grant that then death is a gift benefit means death is like a gift so are we Caesar's friend this makes us friends of Caesar Caesar we have actually done him a favor by killing him that have aage his time of aage means to shorten brid version shorten his time that he would have spent otherwise on Earth fearing death okay stoop Romans stoop and let us bathe our hands in Caesar's blood up to the elbows so he says kneel Romans all of you kneel down and let's wash our hands in Caesar's blood remember the dream that calonia had seen in act two which she expressed to um Caesar which DCS Brutus in a very malevolent and a malicious way completely misinterpreted right so that is kind of coming true because now the Romans are actually washing their hands up to the elbows in Julius Caesar's blood so he says that let's wash our hands with his blood and smear our swords with which we killed him with his blood and then uh we will walk outside then walk we forth to the marketplace which is the public place and wait our red weapons red because it is with blood over our heads let us all cry peace freedom and liberty right so that's what we will Cy to make it seem that we have done this for the sake of the larger good of Rome okay cassia says stoop then and wash how many ages hence shall this our lofty scene be acted over in States unborn and accents yet unknown so he says Casia says okay kneel down everyone and wash and um how many years from now will this lofty scene is's almost talking as if this line seems to be written more for Shakespeare you know for how many more years this particular scene will be enacted this lofty scene lofty because it is so very dramatic right will this lofty scene Grand scene lofty actually means Grand and dramatic scene be enacted in countries which are not even born it will be staged in countries which are not even existing today and it will be done in languages accents yet unknown means languages which are not even born till now which are not even known till date Brutus says how many times shall Caesar bleed in sport that now on Pomp's basis lies along no worthier than the dust he says and how many Brutus says and how many times will Caesar bleed for entertainment in sport this is reference to Entertainment also this is another reference to sport which I will talk about and as he lies below the statue of pompy Caesar and but while he's lying beneath pompy's statue he's no better than the dust which is there beneath pompy's statue so Caesar has been reduced to dust by the evil conspirators now this can also refer to Caesar being wounded metaphorically maybe reference to political battles maybe Brutus implies that Caesar has faced many challenges in the past but he had emerged unharmed it's like someone getting wounded in a sport but it's in a playful kind of manner okay but the second line that he says is actually more important and it is very harsh saying that look at him in the dust beneath pompy's statue because pompy was a powerful Roman general who was defeated by Julius Caesar so Brutus is suggesting that Caesar is praed in a very insignificant kind of manner at the base of the Statue of where of a great man so he's comparing Caesar to dust he's comparing Caesar to dust no worthier than the dust this is an important key phrase which you should use in your answers so he's implying that Caesar is not deserving of the position okay of his current power and position so maybe he was referring to the Past political Maneuvers that Caesar did which Brutus disagreed with he also seems to be questioning Caesar's right to have ruled over Rome so he sees Caesar as some kind of an upstart who had taken the uh place of someone more deserving that is reference to pompy so all these are more of pomp men who have got rid of Julius Caesar cassia says so often as that shall be so often shall the not of us be called the men that gave their country Liberty so he says as often as as it is replayed this particular lofty scene are not not reference to our group The Gang of killers so often shall the not of us be called the men that gave we will be called The Men Who gave Liberty to the country that is Rome DS Brutus says shall we go forth Casia says yeah every man away and Brutus shall be leading us and we will Grace is heals means we will follow him with Grace with the most boldest and the best hearts of Rome so he says we are all the most Bold and the best hearts of Rome at that time a servant enters and he's Mark Anthony's servant and brutter says wait who comes here oh he's a friend is of Anthony servant says thus brutas did my master bid me kneel so he kneels before him and he says Mark Anthony told me to kneel before you okay and he also told me to fall down and prostrate means completely sashtang namaskar before Brutus and while I I am in this position of being completely prostrate he asked me to say that Brutus is Noble that is a nice man he's a wise man he's a courageous man and he's an honest man Caesar was mighty bold Royal and loving okay so he says please tell them that I love Brutus and I honor him also say that I was scared of Caesar and therefore I honored him and loved him okay so he AR anony has sent this message through his messenger through his servant if Brutus will bow safe B safe but whether he will guarantee will ensure that Anthony can come safely to him that if Anthony comes to him he will not be killed and be resolved how Caesar had deserved to lie in death and he can convince him resolve means convince him if Anthony can be convinced that Caesar indeed deserve to die so two things two conditions that Mark antthony will be safe when he comes before Brutus and the other conspirators he won't be killed number two that he should be convinced with an explanation that Caesar indeed deserved to die deserve to be assassinated by this not of people this group of people then Mark Anthony will not love Caesar the dead Caesar as much as he will love the living Brutus if he's able to be convinced by Brutus okay he will instead if he that happens he will instead follow that is he's will be uh he will follow and obey the orders of Brutus he will follow the fortunes and the Affairs of noble Brutus okay uh fortunes as in the destiny and the Affairs of noble Brutus uh thoro actually means through only okay that was Shakespeare's way of writing through through the hazards of this untrod state with all true Faith okay uh the hard times of this unprecedented State of Affairs okay this whatever is happening is rather unprecedented so he will follow Brutus if he's able to convince him so this is the message which has been sent by my master Anthony Brutus says your master is a wise and a very Valiant Roman that you know your master is a very wise and a very courageous Roman I never thought him to be any less you know I always thought of him very highly tell him so please him to come to this place tell him that he can come to this place he shall be satisfied means he shall be uh convinced he shall be convinced by my explanation which he wants and by my honor he will I'm giving my word okay I'm giving a promise that he will leave unharmed he will depart untouched means he will not be harmed in any way servant says I will fetch him presently he exits Brutus says I know that we shall have him well to friend that we shall have Mark anony on our side as a firm friend so mark is displaying that he does not quite understand very well but cias does that's why I said gas is a clever and a cunning kind of a person I wish we may but yet have I a mind that fears him much and my misgiving still Falls should Le to the purpose so he says I hope we can trust him I wish we may means I hope we can trust him I still fear him greatly much means I still fear him a lot you know I still fear Mark Anthony a lot and my misgiving means my suspicions are usually rather fall shly to the place means my suspicions are generally very accurate you know when I'm suspicious when I doubt someone usually I'm not wrong Brutus says But Here Comes Anthony and Anthony re-enters the scene welcome Mark Anthony Anthony says oh mighty Caesar does thou lie so low and he sees he first sees Caesar's body and he refers and he immediately exclaims as a result so Anthony is saying oh mighty Caesar do you lie so low I mean referring to the fact that he is um lying out there are all thy Conquest glories Triumph spoils shrunk to this little measure so he's says are all your Conquest referring to his Valor in on the battlefield his glories the victories that uh Julius Caesar achieved especially over Mark pompy and his sons and the spoils spoils means whatever he had kind of gained in terms of riches for Rome are they all reduced to this little measure that is he's lying there in the dust beneath pompy's statue Fair the well means he's saying him goodbye I and then he addresses from here he's addressing the conspirators he says I know not gentlemen what you intend who else must be led blood means who else needs to be killed means who who else needs to shed his blood who else is rank who else uh is swollen with disease okay if it is me then there is no R so fit as Caesar's death are okay so he says who else must be killed who else is rank swollen with disease or you know anyone else who is there in the hierarchy who also needs to be disposed of if it is myself then I want to say that there is no moment which is more correct more fit than Caesar's death art the moment where Caesar has been killed and there is no weapon instrument means no weapon which is better than the sword with which Caesar has been killed it has been made rich with the most noble blood that is refering to Caesar's blood of all this world world that I do beseech you that I actually uh request you that if you have any kind of grudge against me bear me hard means if you have any kind of complaint against me grudge against me that while your purple hands that is blood soaked hands are still wreaking and smoking that they are still stained with hands see Anthony is also being a little sarcastic out here right so he's trying to kind of convey his angst but he's saying that you know at this time that you have done this very glorious deed your Bloods are stained with hands your swords your instruments your weapons are stained with the blood of juliia Caesar the most noble blood then you can fulfill your pleasure then you can fulfill your pleasure that is uh I would be as eager to die as well okay so that's what he said live a thousand years I shall not find myself so apt to die that even if I lived a thousand years I will not find another moment which would be when I will be so eager to die as I am right now so apt to die means so proper so correct so appropriate a moment to die as it were now so I would there would even if I were to live for another thousand years I would not find another better moment more appropriate moment to die when I would be so eager to die than this particular moment because of the circumstances no place will please me so no mean of death as here by Caesar that there will be no place which will be which will please me more uh no method of being killed as dying next to Julius Caesar and by your hands cut off means refering to to the stab he's referring to the stab by the conspirators especially brutas the choice and master spirits who are The Chosen leaders of this era you are all the leaders of this particular time so he's being sarcastic now don't ask how did he come to know of Brutus because obviously we know that we have been told that you know he ran away stunned and shock so he's obviously been made aware of what happened at the Senate when he was taken away by uh after he was taken away by trebonius Brutus says oh Anthony beg not your death of us please do not ask us to uh kill you though we would be appearing bloody and cruel to you right now you know by because of what we have done we would be appearing bloody and cruel by our hands and by our present act you can see by our hands which are all blood stain and what we have have just done you are only but you are only seeing our hands okay and this bloody work that we have done you're only seeing our hands and this bloody work that we have done you're not seeing our hearts so Brutus is saying he's kind of distinguishing between his hands and his heart so he's saying but you're not seeing our hearts they are pitiful they are full of pity and sympathy but the pity is to the wrong which has been done to the people of of Rome so he's saying they are full of pity for the Rong wrong that has been done to Rome and just as fire drives out fire similarly pity drives out pity that's what he's saying that pity drives out pity just like fire drives out fire and that's what led us to kill Julius Caesar that's what had done this Deed on Caesar for your part to you our swords have Len points so he says so he means to say that it drove out the pity for Caesar because we were full of pity for the people of Rome that we wanted to do something for the people of Rome and that helped us drive out any kind of pity that we would have otherwise failed for Julius Caesar that's how we managed to kill him and as far as you are concerned Mark Anthony our swords have soft points which means the lead points which is soft okay which means we will not do any harm to you Mark Anthony our arms in strength of malice and our hearts of Brothers temper do receive you with in with all kind love and good thoughts and reverence reverence means respect and admiration respect and admiration so he says that our hearts are full of Brotherly feelings kind love and good thoughts and respect and re admiration for you so our arms because of what we have done which the which he admits is a malicious thing you know it would appear to be hostile malice means it would appear to be hostile and malicious to you but our hearts are full of Brotherly feeling and they receive you with love kind love good thoughts and admiration and respect cassia says your voice shall be as strong as any man's in the disposing of new dignities so he cassia says that your opinion will matter as much will be as important and powerful and strong as anyone else in the working of the new regime the new government which will take over in terms of selection of new officials selection of new officials and doing of any other kind of official work Brutus says only be patient till we have appeased the multitude beside themselves with fear and then we will deliver you the cause why I that did love Caesar when I struck him have thus proceeded Brutus says that just show some patience just be patient till we have calmed the masses appeased means calmed multitude means the people the masses okay who are afraid at this point in time okay so we have calmed them down them told them that there is nothing to fear so just wait till I finish off with that work and then we will explain to you why I I in particular Who Loved Caesar even while I stabbed him even while I stabbed him after which he said a true Brutus even while I stabbed him I actually loved Caesar why did I proceed on this particular action Anthony says I doubt not of your wisdom that I do not doubt your wisdom let each man render me his bloody hand let me shake hands with each one of you first you Marcus Brutus then I will shake hands with you Casas then dius Brutus yours now mtila Simba then sin then the brave Casa Ys and though last but not last in love good tronus you see the the sarcasm Valiant Casa the guy who killed him first stabbed him first trebonius who misguided him by taking him out of the Senate and he says though not last in love so he's kind of marking each one of them okay gentlemen all Al ask what shall I say so he says all of you are gentlemen so he's being extremely sarcastic at this point in time what shall I say my credit now stands on such slippery clown this is an important line why what does he mean by this so he says that my reputation and trust that others have in me my credit others trust me I have a particular reputation but now right now it is on Shaky Ground because you would think of me conceit means you would think of me either as a coward or as a flatterer coward means I've got scared and therefore I am shaking hands with you or I'm trying to flatter You by saying good things about you you and shaking hands with you that I did love thee it is true that I loved you Caesar he says it is true that I loved you Caesar oh it is true that if your spirit and now he's addressing to Caesar so he says it is true that I loved you Caesar and if your spirit were looking down upon all of us right now here at the senate in Rome then will it not grieve you more than your own death will your spirit not feel more sad than the fact that you were killed by seeing your friend Anthony shake hands making his piece means shake hands the shaking the bloody fingers of thy Force okay making his means means reconciling reconciling with and shaking the bloody fingers of thy Force most noble okay with the bloody hands of your enemies in front of your dead body okay in the presence of thy corpse your dead body had I as many eyes as thou has wounds if I had as many eyes as you had wounds weeping as fast as they streamed forth thy blood and if I were weeping as fast as your wounds are shedding blood right now okay it would become me better than to close in terms of Friendship with thine enemies he says it would be better for me it would be better than to agree to friendship with your enemies you know it would be better to close means to agree to friendship with your enemies okay so he says forgive me Julius so he's referring to him with his first name Julius so he says it would be better than to agree that you know I should be weeping so much if I had eyes like this that would be better than to agree to becoming becoming friends with your enemies so please forgive me Julius here was thou B Brave heart so he says and now there is a use of metaphor slightly complicated I will go a little slow out here so he says here is where you were surrounded by hounds and trapped now heart okay heart is a pun on the word dear okay which is trapped and killed by hounds heart deer hiran okay so he says here is where you were trapped bade means trapped and killed like a deer is killed by the hounds okay here is where you fell and here your Hunters that is the enemies the conspirators stood signed in thy spoil and crimsoned in thy lith now lith or leth is the name of a river which is associated with the death and forgetfulness okay it's a name of a river so he says that here you fell your Hunters stood here they were smeared with the blood of your Slaughter no having killed you slaughtered you with inflicting so many wounds on your body okay spoil also refers to the distribution of the goodies to the hunters you know when the hunters hunt an animal they kind of take the different parts of the body they may take you know somebody may take U any different precious thing in an elephant the the sandal wood and all that kind of stuff right the Tusk so he says in this case dear uh he's saying that the hunters hunted for you out here so he says oh world you the heart of the so he says you were the forest to this deer you know you were the forest to this dear and this indeed o world was your dear so he's kind of punning on the word dear referring to both dear as in De r and d a r right so he says oh World he's referring to the entire world that you were like the forest to this dear who has been trapped and killed out here and this indeed o world was your heart you know was your heart how like it dear struck by many princes you lie here right so here you have been killed by all these princes and this is where you are lying Casas says Mark antthony pardon me Casas the enemies of Caesar shall say this then in a friend it is called modesty now uh this particular passage of Mark Anthony is quite significant because it kind of reveals the inner conflict within Mark Antony's mind because it also Reveals His loyalty to Caesar after Caesar's assassination that in the presence of his enemies he's actually daring to say all this okay so uh the image of him shaking hands with his enemies is also very powerful right um it also highlights the Betrayal that juliia Caesar suffered and Anthony's feelings of conflict so that's what so while now he may appear to be very submissive but it is his entire whatever is saying it's creating a lot of dramatic tension on stage and the uh you know the audience will wonder what will Mark Anthony do now because he's talking different things he's looking very disturbed and he's saying different things at the same time so C Anthony says pardon me Casas even enemies of Caesar would say the same so when it is said by a friend like me it is plain unemotional truth in moderation what he's saying in cold moderation cold moderation he says he's saying that it is the unemotional truth which is said in moderation okay because even enemies of Caesar would say the same thing about Caesar cassia says I do not blame you for praising Caesar but what compact mean you have with us so Casas is talking business so he says I do not blame you for praising Caesar so much but what agreement compact means what agreement you want to have with us uh will you be pricked pricked means will you be counted among our friends or shall we on shall we move on move on shall we on means shall we move on and not uh depend on you shall we proceed without depending on you should we count you as one among our friends or shall we not depend on you Anthony says that's why I shook hands with each one of you but was indeed sweed from the Point by looking down on Caesar that's why I shook hands with each one of you but I got extremely disturbed by when I look down on Caesar's uh body friends I am with you and love you all upon this hope that you shall give me reasons why and where in Caesar was dangerous that I am with you but I am also uh hoping that you will give me the reasons why and you know in what way in what way in what way sees was dangerous say you actually killed him Brutus says or else were this a Savage spectacle our reasons are so full of good regard that were you Anthony the son of Caesar you should be satisfied Brutus says that if we could not provide you the reasons if he could not provide you the reasons killing him would have been just another Savage act you know if you could not able to so he says our reasons are actually full of good reasons we have very good reasons otherwise if we did not have good reasons this would have been just a very Savage kind of a very evil kind of an app our reasons are full of good considerations good regard and so much so that if you were Caesar's son Anthony if you were actually Caesar's son even you would be satisfied Anthony says that's all I seek and I'm moreover Suitor that I may produce his body to the marketplace and in the Pulpit has becomes a French speak in order of his funeral so he says that's all I'm asking I'm asking for the reasons why you decided to kill him I would also moreover sutor means I would moreover request I would also request that you may please allow me to produce his body in the marketplace and stand in the Pulpit on the platform on the raised platform uh because as a friend I could speak during his funeral ceremony so Brutus says you you could do that Mark Anthony immediately Cass says Brutus can I have a word with you and and then Brutus and cus speak separately which is not heard by the other people on stage you know not what you do you don't understand what you're doing do not consent do not agree to anony speaking at his funeral because when he speaks people could be moved and that's precisely what happens by whatever he speaks out there people could be influenced moved means it people could be influenced by whatever he speaks Brutus says by your pardon I will myself into the pulpit first so Brutus says to Casas with your permission pardon means by your permission I will speak at the pulpit first and I will explain the reason for Caesar's death show the reasons means I will explain to the people at the marketplace the reasons for our Caesar's death what Anthony shall speak I will protest so uh I will also announce protest means I will also announce that Anthony will speak with our permission that he's speaking at the pulpit with our permission and that we are contented Caesar shall have all the true rights and lawful ceremonies and I will say that we are convinced that c should have all the proper ceremonies the funeral ceremonies the lawful ceremonies and that will benefit advantage means that will benefit us more than doing any harm to us if we do it like this that if I speak and I also announce that Anthony is going to speak with our permission and that Caesar will have all the lawful ceremonies it will benefit us cassia says I know not what you may fall I know not what may fall I like it not so he says I think anything could happen what may fall means anything could happen and I do not like it Brutus says markk Anthony here take you Caesar's body so Mark Anthony says to Brutus says to Mark Anthony take Caesar's body you during your funeral speech will not blame us for the murder but speak all good about caesar no problem with that and you also need to say that you are speaking with our permission otherwise if you do not you shall not have any part to play in the funeral so you need to abide by these conditions okay and you shall speak in the same Pulpit where to I am going after my speech is ended so first I will speak and then you will speak if these cons conditions are acceptable to you then only you can be allowed to speak Anthony says be it so I do desire no more I don't desire anything more Brutus says prepare the body then and follow us everybody exits except anony now there is a piece of monologue by Anthony for Caesar's dead body Anthony says oh pardon me means oh forgive me thou bleeding peace on Earth this is a good key phrase for Julius Caesar so he's referring to him as a bleeding cops that I am meek and gentle with this Bas you know please forgive me that I'm being very Meek and gentle me Meek means very timid and gentle with these butchers please use this also as a keyword Thou Art the ruins of the noblest man he says you are the remains of the most noble man who Le ever lived on earth who ever lived in the tide of times means whoever lived in history V to the hand you know his cursing the hand that shed this costly blood he says I curse May disaster fall upon the hand which actually shed this Priceless blood of yours you know costly as in Priceless blood and made disaster strike you know his cursing over thy bones now do I prophecy that I now over your wounds I am making this prediction because these wounds are like dumb mouths that open their lips you know he's almost personifying the wounds by talking of them as mouths which are opening up the way as though a mouth would open its lips the lips Ruby as in red in color you know dumb because the wounds are I mean the mouths are now the wounds are speechless to beg the voice and utterance of my tongue because they are begging me to speak they are speechless but they are begging me to speak okay a curse shall light upon the limbs of men I now predict that a curse will fall upon the limbs of men so he's now cursing domestic Fury and fierce civil Strife so he says that domestic means internal anger Between Brothers you know that Between Brothers there will be fights and there will be civil war that shall cover all parts of Rome you know it will be completely burdened scum means it will completely burden all parts of Italy blood and destruction shall be so in use and Dreadful objects so familiar so he says that Dreadful sites will be so familiar and destruction will be so common destruction will be so common and Dreadful sites will be so common uh that mothers will just smile when they watch their infants being cut to Pieces scattered by War means that even when their children their infants are cut to Pieces they will smile because the Civil War will be so common okay it's a very gruesome kind of a line because he's almost cursing this on Italy that this is what is going to befall you for having shed this costly blood and see all pity choke with custom of fa Deeds so he says the familiarity with cruel Deeds custom of fa Deeds means familiarity familiarity with cruel deeds will choke all pity you know pity will get choked because everyone will be so familiar with so much of Cruelty okay and Caesar's Spirit ranging for Revenge with eight by his side come hot from hell and Caesar's spirit will seek revenge will seek Vengeance with goddess eight now goddess8 was the goddess is referring to mythology was the goddess of Destruction was the goddess of Destruction uh In classical mythology she will be by the side of Caesar's Spirit she will Rush from hell and in these places okay she will come hot from hell and in these places confines with a Monarch's voice okay will cry out havoc in the king's voice okay Monarch means king king she will cry out havoc and let sleep the dogs of war the ghost of um juliia Caesar will let sleep means will unleash the dogs of war so that the smell of this foul assassination foul deed F deed means the assassination will wreak above the Earth this smell this tting will wreak above the Earth with rotting corpses Kion Min is referring to rotting corpses begging groaning means begging to be buried so he's kind of painting an extremely ghastly and gruesome kind of a sign so this will happen and Havoc is generally the war cry which the commander of an army gives to say that let's completely go and destroy enemy so he's kind of evoking Battlefield images with Julius Caesar spirit with goddess eight who's the Goddess of Destruction In classical mythology by his side coming and completely unleashing havoc and destruction uh all over the place where everyone is dead and killed okay so it's a very gruesome kind of site at that point in time a servant end enters and this guy is a servant of Octavius Caesar who is Octavius Caesar Octavius Caesar is the grand nephew also the adopted son of Julius Caesar Octavius Caesar is the adopted son also the grand nephew of Julius Caesar so servant says yeah I do serve him so Anthony says Caesar had written to him to come to Rome asking him to come to Rome servant says that yes he did receive the letters and he is coming and he asked me to say this to you and that point in time he sees juliia Caesar's dead body oh Caesar so Anthony says uh thy heart is Big your heart is Big get the apart and beep so he says your heart is swelling with grief your heart is Big means it is Big because it is swelling literally speaking with grief okay so he says go ahead and weep get the apart apart means tear apart and weep okay passion I see is catching pass refers to grief out here grief I see is catching because mine eyes because when I am seeing you getting emotional seeing those beads of Sorrow stand in mine thine he says my eyes seeing the tears of sorrow in your eyes my eyes are also beginning to water and then he says is your master coming so he's making this inquiry from the servant of Octavius SE Caesar Caesar he lies to tonight within seven leagues of Rome seven leagues is a reference to 21 miles of Rome that he staying tonight about 21 miles from Rome so he says post back with speed speed he says hurry back quickly to him hurry back quickly to him post back with speed means hurry back quickly to him and tell him what has happened here Rome right now is in morning and it is a dangerous room it is not a Rome which is safe for Octavius Caesar so he says High hens High hens [Music] um get going and tell him so you know High H hands means get going and tell him so but just wait a minute you shall not go back till I have taken this cops this dead body to the marketplace there I will try through my oratory through my speech uh that how the people will react to this cruel issue of the bloody men what these people have done how um through I will try try through my speech the you know to provoke the people the reaction of the people to the cruelty of these bloody men and based on that based on that what happens you will report back to Young Octavius of what is the state of affairs right now in Rome so please lend me your hand help me carry the body and both of them exit with Caesar's uh body oof with this with this we have come to the end of this very longish hack three scene one I hope it is clear you will have to make notes of whatever I've explained and that will help you remember this that much better and once you have done so in your own handwriting the short notes it will always help you recall this better and be able to deal with it better as far as the questions in the examination are concern we will do our success test papers later on um with detailed questions both mcqs and uh the reference to context questions but that will be a little later but for now I think this act three scene one see my energy levels have also dropped by doing this continuously okay tata bye-bye thank you very much God bless you share and subscribe okay T