[Music] hello and welcome to what is hopefully my final attempt at completing gta 5 without taking any damage i just realized i'm very orange because i accidentally put my notes on the orange red part of the spreadsheet making me more orange than i like to be so i'm just going to move this down like this and you'll see an amazing difference see i'm no longer orange so i'm gonna have to start this all over again yeah stop typing hi youtube does that you get timed out every time not give enough of indication i don't want you to do that [ __ ] anymore chat stop it just stop mcdonald's and michael jordan wants you to be the best person you can be hello and welcome to what is hopefully my final attempt at completing gta 5 without taking any damage i have a max hp of 1 so any damage from any source will immediately kill me i also want this to be no hit run so trevor's special ability is disabled because while it prevents you from taking damage it does not prevent you from being hit by things i have successfully completed every single mission without taking damage i have yet to do it all in one go my current personal best is one bit of damage and therefore one death obviously very close to a perfect run so i'm hoping this time i'll finally get that actual perfect run and avoid all damage entirely i bit my lip during that intro and it hurt just beware the sacrifices i make so as always michael and brad are my human shields i take everyone out while they're in cars i want to stop the cars where they're not going to uh break my line of sight i actually got that guy did not mean to get that guy that's okay don't get in my way brad i okay i was about to say that's terrible shooting at least i got him it's fine it's fine wait a second it wasn't perfect no it's not fine anything short of perfection is not good enough you see me jumping sometimes it's because i don't have a lot of stamina because i can't burn my hp for stamina i succeeded oh my god chat against all the odds it's impossible i can't believe it man i got through wow victory basically assured now because i got through prologue the hardest part of the entire game you don't want to miss this run guys i've had dreams now chat of succeeding in this category it's been a year now a year when i get out of my days and i realize i haven't actually succeeded i'm actually kind of sad i want to succeed so badly i know the odds are so small so skip me over the right here to avoid this uh block of cops down there who can shoot and kill me and i'm being hit by the train because i love that [ __ ] i get hit by the train by choice obviously i could skip it anytime that i want to i just don't want to why do i not do the third way because it'll be infinitely harder and i don't have to do it i just have to end the game so i pick an easier ending could you imagine if i finished this run with the third way getting all that weight 10 hours of play to get to the third way how hard that would be to no damage holy [ __ ] that would suck i think i could do it i think you could no damage it it just would be a huge pain in the ass one reason why i'm pretty sure i could no damage it i'm not going to tell you because uh you'll learn it in pacifist like 10 000 years from now like i'll occasionally reference strategies i've used in pacifist knowing that you guys won't see it for many many months unless of course i i finally complete no damage then i'll have more time to uh work on pacifist who is my favorite character uh bus pedestrian number four he's got a he's got a good attitude about him number three is better number three is better you take that back you take that back you know what the [ __ ] you're talking about man don't you dare question my 8 000 hours of experience in single player i know which bus pedestrians the best please don't take damage i'll try i'll try so hard and get so far and in the end it won't even matter [Music] there's a song that i'm working on guys original thing don't don't copy it grabbing my gun here and not getting hit shooting this guy in the head then shooting this guy in the shins that was the foot already deviating from my perfect plan yes go into cover you'll be safe there i lied so open up this and wait for them to kill this guy finally oh what i'll redeem myself by getting this guy i could have shot him i thought he was going to move out that way ah god just die terrible i mean the hard shots because it's really far away but you know it's a lot more impressive when i get them we're going to be 79 before he completes the series it'll happen guys i swear i will try so hard you have no idea now that's an old meme that's from episode 109 of uh how the sun ended i know that because i was cannibalizing that episode yesterday to make into clips handle snake footballs matt you're pretty cool i disagree i'm not pretty cool i'm the coolest [ __ ] alive as you know declaring yourself to be really cool is actually the coolest thing you can do facts and that is true because i'm doing it and i am of course the coolest person [Music] i'm so lame here we are mr eterius is he going to ruin my day this is not he was actually pretty close there not gonna lie that was uh it's not good siri must be really mad about repairing that glass every time you do a run i imagine that would be frustrating yes i'm good thanks i completely forgot about this um i am streaming i'm how long of a call do you think this will be oh yeah i i can um i can uh uh yeah i can talk for ten minutes yeah um maybe rescheduling would be better um no i think maybe once yeah we i'll sort it out see ya bye i know i'm not muted we weren't discussing anything of importance guys it was literally a phone call how we can't have a phone call i trust you guys not to like expose me dark viper a you the inconsiderate prick forgot that he had a phone call with someone an important business call that he set up and he wasn't even prepared for it what an [ __ ] cancel this [ __ ] immediately i trust you not to do that to me chad too late i contacted the media no so as always guys grab myself my uzi to help me with the guys on the jet skis stop if you've heard this before i'm also grabbing myself this uh silence pistol to help with the drill store heist setup later so here we are guys they're the jet skis there's michael there's my uzi those last shots weren't very good but i think those shots from the guy were actually they actually looked kind of close this time around but it didn't fail it's all the matters do you know the umbrella song by rihanna me where it goes under my umbrella right i i vaguely know it because i'm pretty sure it has the word umbrella in it i i can't really remember it now did he just say the word umbrella dmca that's our word yeah sleep tight okay these celebrations just easy now did i die yet no i'm still alive if i was dead i wouldn't be out of stream i get quite a few views though streaming my dad i hear that uh youtube and twitch and all that are kind of discriminatory against dead people though they'll take down your stream if you're dead on stream they don't like dead people racist please don't downstream meadow okay if i die guys i'll be sure to die off stream i'll be having a heart attack and i'll be like instead of reaching for my phone i'll hit away my chair and just fall on the floor to make sure i'm not on camera wouldn't want to get my account banned you know twitch moderator stuff this [ __ ] [ __ ] dares to die on a twitch.tv live stream bands what if it says the tos explicitly do not die on stream grabbing all the money to buy myself a car later and to give franklin and mike enough money to get car upgrades and buy a bunch of weapons are you guys ready for the amazing explanation of old strat yeah so here i am driving my route here to where the cops is normal and unfortunately it isn't perfectly safe so i use something called the old strat which is holding down the old button which is the character swap button to make the game move very slowly another effect that this has is making the game worse at loading in stuff including bullets and guns sometimes i can still be shot but it's a very low chance and much lower than if i'm not holding down alt the downside of course is that the game moves very slowly i can't shoot my own gun i can't move my camera and driving is harder and i can still dive to melee but it still makes things safer so it's worth using in a bunch of spots we did it guys yeah [ __ ] question where's the black car there's no only black color so this rat i'm taking is a speed run route lets me stay above grounds uh but i have to make sure i don't move too far away from my allies or else our mission fail so that's what this route is all about rubber bands them makes them go faster but really it's just better for no hit as well because there's less cops that's mean why she say that chad why does everyone hate me so three guys spawn up the end here i only have time to shoot one which i shoot with franklin's ability then i switch to old strat and move into the tunnel this is the tunnel of course the game expects me to come out if you're doing the casual route so it'll switch me to michael and when i switch to michael i'm gonna move into first person and duck being in first person and ducking makes me merge into the seat meaning there's less of me that can be seen it only works with first person ducking not third person but even doing this little exploit i'm still vulnerable so i still have to use ultra here just in case these cops shoot me because normally they wouldn't right because they're normally focused on the biker rather than me but there is still a small chance they'll shoot me even while docked inside all right see and then there's a guy on the left here who has never shot me but i'm always afraid that he will shoot me so i'm gonna hold down alt again and so now i'm safe and that's it so rather than going into long stretch as you would in the speed run i'm instead going to go to mr phillips the reason for this is that i can leave long stretch for a lot later in the run and if i leave it a lot later franklin will have more weapons unlocked which will make it far far easier eat water you mean as ice i love ice ice is awesome i've always imagined i would retire someplace where it snows and immediately get there and be like this [ __ ] sucks who the hell would want to live near snow clogs up the streets and stuff pipes freeze and you know it gets everywhere like it freezes your face this is awful and i go back somewhere sunny and just have like an ice machine as i do now so here on mr phillips i want to get myself a snap rifle to make things easier but unfortunately i can't just buy it from a store because it's not unlocked so instead i have to drive and grab it from the map i grab it twice to get myself 20 bullets why not grab it three times because i don't need 30 bullets that's why don't scare me now that i'm trying to think of a reason why that couldn't possibly occur i don't have an answer i've never seen a cougar here before his game is weird though the cougars man they live underground they pop up from like little holes and get you i'll be here i do need you protect me from the cougars am i late did i die to a cougar hi there it is seems like i was right on time a coup killed me oh no but at least i got better we need a cougar emote but once they finish oco which would be this run that emo will no longer make any sense so rather than spawning the enemies as the game expects that i will instead i drive past their trigger and move to park my car down here there's two things i'm doing here one is abusing first person to enable myself to be ducked behind the uh truck here in stealth while still being able to fire perfectly over the top meaning that they can't really shoot at me because the guy the game is putting the gun above my head so i can fire above i'm also using a buffered ledge grab to out distance the enemies very quickly so they can't shoot me tried to hide from me [Music] oh you suck this guy i could shoot but i'm too lazy i'm just gonna let him drive off and despawn bye friend uh i'm gonna do the exact same thing moving my car watching out for cougars okay legit that shooting actually becomes harder because i'm trying to do it a little bit quicker so that if a cougar happens to stop by at the wrong time i'll be fine so here on traffic industries i buy myself a bunch of grenades to deal with the cars at the beginning unfortunately there is a small chance when throwing them that i get hit it happens very rarely but it has happened a handful of times also getting myself an extended mag for this weapon which really does help me out i do the three rifles anyway because there's a possibility i might uh pick up one of the other rifles um while playing and select the wrong one and if i do select the wrong one i'd rather be the um upgraded version because it doesn't really matter what rifle i use because trying to hedge up anyway another thing i do here to increase my odds of success is shoot out the glass before i start throwing grenades because my grenade hits the glass it won't uh go the full distance i don't always get enough glass though good okay it's good this is a place of business come on dude so at this point going into nervous run i go grab myself some c4 again not unlock from the store so i have to get it from the map this is just to help a little bit with a van that doesn't like to explode there it is chat trying to take damage that is the goal that is the thing that i'm doing in fact my main focus so just like on mr phillips here on nervous run i am out distancing all the enemies and picking them off with my sniper rifle because they are too far away to shoot me but i can shoot them the problem is sometimes they get lost and i can't find them and they sneak up on me and shoot me and it is really annoying like that guy over there there's three guys here i miss them all he's going he's going i panicked and i just kept missing because i kept panicking and now he's got i hate myself [Music] so i have no idea where that guy went over went over there and he's the guy i'm going to be missing now i've never seen three guys like that before never not even once he's got no idea where he is do i just wait long enough or do i have to trigger him doesn't just get sick of run eventually it's all my fault had i missed that many shots i know it was panicked but just like statistically how oh my god come out already finally wonder where he was i've never seen him run this way either that was just very weird this guy you're not gonna come out now you kidding that may be the worst i've ever done that i can't tell you if he was actually in range to shoot me because the bullets disappear after a certain range i i think i was still out of his range bit i don't know so one two three this is where the van's gonna be there's one guy who spawns here who can shoot me before i can shoot him and there's another guy who spawns here who can shoot me before i can shoot him the odds of them getting me first is very low but given that there's two of them it has happened quite a few times okay so i can't shoot these vans too early or else they jump out and they roll everywhere and so they won't die the explosions and stuff i have to wait a certain period and the vans don't like to explode so bad things can happen okay good uh did he die i didn't see the flash i think he's dead are you dead okay how do they explain the gun having unlimited ammo magic in this scene there's some bikers that have guns so i have to put on old strat worse than this though these bikers do routinely fire through old strat so to make it so that their bullets if they happen to fire them can't hit me i angle my plane to face them so if their guns do fire it hits my tail see that guy he has a gun which isn't good guns bad girl what this old button on controller it's uh down on the d-pad but down on the d-pad strat doesn't sound very good so i'm probably high enough to be safe now because they will fire some bullets when i remove old but their angle is so sharp they won't be able to hit me i'll still go a little bit further i think okay really i should go even further with old strat considering what happened with the tank last time because as secure as anything seems there's always just that like one pixel where i can actually die you know banning subs paying me five dollars does not mean that you can treat me like a [ __ ] i'm sorry it is not like when you go and buy a sub it says there as one of the uh perks that you get for paying five dollars able to treat dark viper eu like a [ __ ] doesn't exist there you know if i came to your work and gave you five dollars would i be able to slap you around treat you like a [ __ ] i didn't think so i mean maybe maybe i would be able to i know what trump five dollars [ __ ] yeah man do whatever you want so here at the beginning of crystal maze there's an effects presence that you can't get the police this enables me to be able to go into the force without them carrying and grab myself a tank and minigun i use the tank for this mission and some other missions in the future i don't use the minigun for this mission but it does help me in a couple of missions uh like um blitz play and hootsufy so get the minigun first up all these stairs nice so grabbing this tank i need to make sure i grab it away from enemies because while they don't know they don't normally aggro onto me they can sometimes when i'm stealing the tank itself so i need to make sure that no one's around this is mine now no it's not [ __ ] bye-bye i want to stop him from shooting me because you know i died last time so so i guess the hillbillies have technically won twice that one time when i destroyed my own tank and last time where i died for seemingly no reason hmm almost there chat this drive still has nothing on the drive over lamar down jesus that pause to remember a mission i've done hundreds of times all i could think is long stretch i'm like but it's not long stretch but it is long so what is it if not long stretch which again is long and that's why it's just i told you i'm i'm not i'm not feeling all there upstairs today damn dude it should be called stretch down and long okay will i win this time like what am i going to do this time to avoid that happening again i guess i'll stay away from the point where that actually happened which was just in front there because it might have been something to do with the terrain or maybe i'll put my arse in their direction and reverse around but this seems so overkill considering it happened exactly once you know i still have to find the remaining guys they get him oh that reflects probably one in there like normal there he is i get him both as long as trevor shuts up i know i've succeeded but i gotta wet out the fire look at the go through the window just like hanging out there he's sleeping guys oh he's tuck it out from a night of partying he's down here gasps in a meth lab oh you're gonna burn you idiots it's like he says all this when everyone's dead he's taunting dead people now go drop off the tank over at trevor's airfield because it has no value for the next couple of missions but it will stay there until i need it for military highway okay i hate this mission it's so boring yeah yeah the second bomb missed probably a bug again another thing i hate about this goddamn mission how the [ __ ] am i gonna put that back i normally watch the map i'm just so sick of this [ __ ] mission there's a guy there he's not on the map though what the [ __ ] because these bikers are now here they go around the other way but they just despawn or no they don't normally do this one man it's right there you can see it blinking so it's underneath it how the [ __ ] did that happen okay whatever okay hopefully those bikers being ahead of me isn't going to cause me problems there's a guy right there he had a gun he did not shoot me thankfully well that was scary so here we are on dead men walking this is actually where i lost the previous run didn't lose it the way that i normally expect to lose it which is the long use of the old strap when i'm leaving to avoid the helicopters i actually got shot last time don't skip i'm skipping guys we got the bet we got the good part it's davey we see davey so we're gonna hit this guy in the back of the head okay on the in the front of the head whatever and get myself this gun and not fail these guys guns fire after they die and that's what makes us so hard with the shooting because i have to shoot and then move and then set myself up for the next shot this guy behind this table here who likes to get stuck where is he oh there he is where the [ __ ] do you come from oh i got through the door though now he's stuck on the other door he he's still stuck ah you're dead he's coming oh his gun was really close to me oh you don't shoot the gun oh god there's a guy over here spawn is he gonna come out quickly this time nope he never does come on my dude don't you want to kill me what okay weird where he stops up calling the body i didn't think the door opened that early but whatever get this smg it's all a big misunderstanding this is the hard one okay now i know for a certain that the helicopter is going to spawn in a weird spot i'm just going to accept it and just out strap my way to victory realistically doing this thing where i shoot these guys is probably pointless considering the helicopter never spawns in a good spot just give away this strap really i believe on the other side this thing here this matter should be good okay i should have waited a second huh yeah i didn't get a black arrow that sucks um given the place the helicopter spawned i actually probably could have gotten a black hour if i just waited like a second or so but i've got into the habit of just getting in because the helicopter never spawns in a good spot but that was dumb a black arrow for those who are unaware is when the npcs don't know what car you're driving and then you can drive through their vision and they won't care because they don't know it's your car but because i got into my car while they still had vision of me even though of course no cops were actually around um it gave me a white arrow on the map and uh i don't get the same benefits of the black eye so the big problem with this is driving with old strat is a very slow be very difficult and see the helicopter above me likes to fire through it other cops generally don't but the helicopters all they love doing it um i wonder how fast i'm going right now the angle i'm at is atrocious because it gives the helicopter an angle to hit me going for this tunnel is good there's no other cops around i'm tempted when i get under here just to take off alt and then go because the helicopter couldn't possibly shoot me i bet not there's hell there's another cop on me this is still going on i'm fairly certain i'd be fine just take it off right now like 96 sure i'm doing it okay we're fine lose the cops now now see perfect timing i know how this game works liar no joke though anakin yelling liar in sarah's episode three like that just sound it just it's perfect liar i did spit all over my screen though which is not good so here we are on freeze company uh still a pretty scary mission largely because i can't switch characters anymore to trevor so i kind of just have to sit with franklin holding old strat and hope that i don't get shot from these helicopters [Music] okay this is the this is the hard helicopter i've only got four bullets i'm done okay perfect literal frame perfect shot maybe not frame pair but let's say like he is the furthest possible distance away that he could possibly be so i don't think he will get close enough to me to be able to hit me there's two guys in this helicopter as is falling and even though as it's falling you would think they'd be caring about their own lives instead they're going to be shooting at me but their bullets only have a max range and i think i'm out of it had i you know got on the second shot they would have been a little bit close and i might have been screwed but even though i got the pilot they aren't going straight down they're going to the left there and it's concerning this is they only had a couple that really matters because the other helicopters i've never seen them shoot at me i've seen a missile almost hit me once but so i can't see anymore it's like out of the screen there's no way it's in range to hear me there's no way and surely it's down now right the reason i no longer switch to trevor is because i want this to be no hit run and when i'm switching character i become invulnerable to damage but i can still be hit by bullets and it will flash up on the side of the screen like you've been hit by a bullet um which you know i don't die from it because i'm invulnerable while i'm switching but it still counts as a hit on me okay i just get that in one shot okay i didn't get that other one in one shot that's unfortunate not gonna get this guy in time so i'm gonna have to wait to fly his background god damn it i'm under no risk neither is trevor and michael just i have to wait all the time for it to come back close enough for me to shoot scary bit not too bad now for everyone's favorite surveying the score yeah can i make a joke yes the chances of my success in this run the red man how do you say that sometimes i think people have really really weird names just to throw me off like how would you say h d u a b v i a n s c c y what type what type of a name is that like you just hit your face into your keyboard and then this is my name now imagine if parents did the same so uh what do you want your child's name to be there it is stock go with it imagine like world over the government just suddenly said look everyone has to have a unique name it becomes like similar to any mmo that's like black market for cool names and stuff so up to franklin's part where i go get him an upgraded car get all his weapons and then do assassination long stretch and then hood safai people want purple this is purple this is midnight purple apparently i don't know bro do midnight purple it's purple guys the game says so lamar that's just black yeah it kind of feels that way to me as well but what do i know like i could totally see like a shine of purple while i was in there but like out here now not really so let's go do assassination see look a little see look you can see the purple now so when i'm in a dark area this purple it's really purple now but when i go in the sun nothing maybe that's why it's called midnight purple because when it's midnight it turns purple but when it's daytime it's black oh it was on that day dark vibe but felt his brain grow two sizes larger did i shoot him i got him okay i i should have waited a little bit longer that's the harder shot i shouldn't have done that i'm not in any hurry man if i had missed that would have caused a lot of problems i would be okay i just killed that cat oh just kill a second oh my god didn't mean to chat it was self-defense so let's buy everything including the flashlight i died here recently didn't i and despite remembering that there's nothing that i can do to change what i do to reduce the chance [Music] unfortunately you are a long stretch these two can handle this room themselves but if i let them do it themselves it will take forever so i just pick up people in the corner being very safe they're all stuck in the corner there that's usually a bad sign because they can get stuck behind the door is there really going to be two behind the door one more he is definitely behind the door so i'm gonna do is walk out around here and hopefully yeah it seems to move him if i move back over here okay this is where i died last time guys wish me luck i got so unlucky to die here last time instantly dies okay trigger these guys to move nice one of these guys guns actually went off when i was walking through here before they try to avoid that possibility trigger lamar so he kills this dude thank you so i have to go through these doors before i fire or else the game box think i got all four there's a lot of fire there though i swear to you they bugged the game and now fire is a lot more fiery than it used to be was it dying out we gucci and now i wait for stretching lamar kill everyone in this next room help by killing this guy in the corner i hope i got him there we go there's a guy there i've never seen a guy be there before i don't think he'll come to kill me but should i try and kill him i could totally kill him with a grenade or something but i'm not gonna take the risk he's right there he right there i've never seen that [ __ ] before so i'm gonna out strap my way in here i don't think i really need to it's more that i just don't like knocking out to see everything i'm pushing this body okay one more okay i think we got him so what i do here is i throw c4 where this guy is going to spawn and then i owe in to get him to spawn and then kill him this is so i can avoid a bug where lamar and stretch do not like to move okay thankfully i can uh kill these guys without going through the door cops outside i ain't going back i'm always concerned the door is gonna close just as i'm firing them this is really annoying because if i go too close he can shoot me i need to get a certain distance close so i can see its tail there it is like it suddenly moves and this tail gets within range just every once in a while ah i've got it okay good good so i've been testing not shooting down this helicopter this helicopter is unable to shoot and so it's not a risk to me and i think by leaving it up uh the other helicopter doesn't spawn it's only been tested a little bit but hopefully it's fine i still have to go up here though to trigger these guys to move along with them up here now go get go get my car you know i'm not gonna blow up this fence i can actually go through here or i can stumble but i i can also go through here oh kato i think i stepped on that cat okay okay so no other helicopter spawned except that helicopter that i left alive and it's flying off into the distance so i should lose it very soon yep so i guess it's scripted just to fly away it's good stuff keep them rollers off first okay good stuff but now for the much scarier hood safari i'm only a third of the way through it's too hard chat it's too hard so the reason why this mission is really scary is because trevor and stretch will die if i don't help and the more that i help the more risk i put myself under at the beginning here i'm going to ult strat there's one billion chance i get shot anyway okay and now the fun begins it's two guys coming to me good and bad because it keeps them from attacking my friends but also annoying that they come anywhere near me and they could shoot me see i want to shoot that guy but it's just so awkward shooting around these corners because you can't really shoot like this there's another guy coming for me so these guys i normally like to take out with grenades another one coming for me get [ __ ] real dude get [ __ ] real i guess i'm not killing all the grenades then where is he running i've never seen him run all the way into here before and he runs away again [Music] he's still in there like is he just gonna come around again and kill me he's just he's stuck in there i haven't seen that before he's just gonna keep coming around hmm you're weird like obviously i could challenge him and uh and kill him but wouldn't want to take the risk if i know for a fact the guy is focused on me i don't want to challenge him okay so he should be fine now he's around the corner now so hopefully i can still get some of these guys with grenades without hitting trevor should be doing okay i can maybe get a few here too those grenades though might this large trevor's eventual cover so shooting here is very awkward uh certain angles i can't do by by shooting over the top so these guys i can do shooting over the top but enemies will shoot at me here as well so i can't get this guy unless i pop up so tempting trevor's moved up by himself and he's left a guy back here that is not good where was the guy he left back here is he still here didn't get to see trevor's health looks fine though so i think they're all dead they won't move more won't spawn until i move up so i normally switch to trevor here and then switch back [Music] more should have spawned more should have spawned now lamar's moving up weird okay here we go so there is a max range for weapons oh see they just shot at me imagine with this much cover they actually shot me from that far away it's [ __ ] crazy lamar's health is the question right now yeah i see him at max range very dangerous very dangerous very dangerous so as long as stretch doesn't die too heavy this is here okay it's interesting that stretch moved up that's still another guy where okay so it should be good now okay there will be an intentional fail here do not panic it's just to warp everyone towards me and so down here i throw a c4 on uh lamar's jet ski so that i can blow it up to despawn the place [Music] so i've got a black hair here so they shouldn't see me but just in case i use old strat okay then i shoot these guys here oh crap oh no okay now for the scary part stop okay now as long as there's no funny business we should be good the rockstar gt5 is known for its funny business that's like one of the most stressful missions that's solved you know like i get how everything works but even with that knowledge it's still really stressful this is the one we're not even halfway yeah guys it's it's submarine so it's time to sub because it's the submarine huh modify the game files so the submarine is blue like the same light blue pitch brand you're not funny i know but i appreciate all the people who hang around lying and telling me that i'm funny did i actually hit a whale there no government is going to use tax money the exact way that you would want it used [Music] i did not expect him to get out like that that was quite strange you run away stay away from me so moving into merryweather i want to say i'm not concerned but let's be real every single time i say i'm not concerned then i die so i'm very concerned chad i'm the most concerned i've ever been especially because franklin's car didn't spawn why didn't franklin's car spawn chat where's your car franklin useless this first part of course is trivial because i can just kill everyone with franklin it's important that i don't use thermal when i'm dealing with the cars in the next scene i have discovered it does not help me being able to see them i know where they are but i don't know like what's between me and them where's he going did did i miss with my c4 four throw where's he going apparently michael didn't do this one but he was past it what that's weird so the trick on this mission is that enemies that are past this point they're so far away that they can't shoot me and i need to not shoot the drivers of the cars that arrive so that the guys in the cars get out as late as possible and therefore shoot me as late as possible the problem is specifically avoiding shooting drivers of moving cars is quite difficult considering tapping them in the toe is is death okay i just got them all except the driver though that was absolutely perfect so i can do the same thing again i still don't know what to think of this guard whether he can shoot me or not that was a risky shot i'm going to watch the guard here is he going to shoot at me no okay good so i won't shoot him in the future nice that that was some damn good shooting and we even saved the guard why is his head cold his hand makes his head cold interesting so all these guys are too far away to be able to shoot me so they don't matter that's interesting that they shot and killed him damn man he died no i was shooting michael that's not good interesting all good unfortunate though we couldn't keep the guard alive so everyone should be stacked we really fenner gonna do the [ __ ] so these proximity mines haven't been doing much for me i don't think i think it's just because of where i'm throwing them i don't have a specific spot that i throw them i just kind of chuck them and hope for the best not a great strategy well it's important i just switched to trevor soon as possible [Music] okay did get a few though i need like one guy here i think i didn't go forward as much as they normally do okay kind of fire that a bit late but okay so i'm like one short am i what do i need the three from the front what am i missing here um i can't see anyone oh here we go finally i i don't know why i didn't progress before so i need three guys here they're getting both okay he died okay good [Music] so i just need one more here right i need to spawn the uh helicopter a car usually arrives here and i blow it up it's usually enough am i not getting it did not get it that's not good because i need to get the swat guys i can't just deal with the normal dudes i don't think like these guys don't matter i'm like one guy short any attempts i make to move forward gives them a line decide to shoot me there's two below me here and they're so close oh there's one guy there that wasn't enough i normally get the car there's no one okay good good good good good [ __ ] it's still not enough dude dude maybe this guy will be enough good okay okay now franklin and michael can kill people themselves so they'll deal with the rest and when there's three left it forces me to switch the two remaining guys i'm pretty sure in spots that can't hurt me but you know why take the risk i'm sure because he's in there i'm fine i'm fine i wouldn't use all stratham okay very stressful i don't know what was wrong with my angling there that i didn't kill the cop car but it's alright i'm not this [ __ ] security guard again get the [ __ ] out of here what are you just running into you for you what are you doing what are you doing a security guard is not doing his job very well if he didn't notice anything of what just happened before all right please tell you a bad joke what does an umbrella have in common with a watermelon nothing this is a bad joke if they had something in common it'd be a good joke you asked for a bad joke like this is the one you know it i mean but the last one was the run and the run before that was the run and the run before that was the run you know they're all the run until they're not i think rocco has [ __ ] me exactly once it wasn't fun don't want to do it again okay easy stay down rocker get back in the helicopter what are you talking about what are you talking about what are you talking about really i swear to you you can land anywhere here you don't have to touch it well put not happy chad i am skipping the cursing guys too bad you mean you don't want me to skip the cutscene you've seen it a hundred times ah the [ __ ] has happened but i didn't kidnap his wife oh no oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you do oh i just told you what i just did why don't you hop in the back all right now patricia she already called shotgun now i know a nice little place we can hang out you know it's a very relaxing little spot michael in the back just holding his head in the woods there you go chat am i not a generous god that's a really old reference i'm sure most of you don't get that i think it's still one of my donation sounds actually don't say i'm not a generous god hello shop you've been a good boy today shut up you disingenuous dense [ __ ] okay so deep inside has actually been somewhat scary but i i affirm that as long as i'm not dumb i'm still fine here this new strat is a little bit weird because it is new but it's not hard okay gonna hit our friends as we always do you can almost feel that you can hear his spine just number two pew so i do want to hit this guy i don't think it's really necessary but i kind of want him to be on the ground and clip him just a little bit or more than a little bit oh that's gotta hurt okay so give her room i get outs i move down here make sure to look behind me when i get onto the road they spawn below me so i look at them so they can't disappear then i drive away only one is driving away that's not good one disappeared two disappeared good stuff nice what happens there is basically the only place they can spawn that's out of my line of sight is under in on the freeway and the only way that they can get to me is either by disappearing and reappearing behind me which they can't do because i'm looking at them or following along the freeway and naturally making their way up to me but by driving along the freeway they actually move away from me and they move out of my range and so the game considers me to have lost them and so it ends the mission at least ends that section it's a good strat i didn't make it a viewer gave it to me it's a vegan one so this next mission is scary minor turbulence just looking over my notes there because i have lost quite a few runs to this it's funny because early on i considered minor turbulence to be basically free i had no issues with it then all of a sudden it just 180 and colossally destroyed 75 rounds the main difference now is that for the first two guys i'm not gonna be aiming i'm just gonna be spraying doing it as soon as possible means that they have less time to shoot i should be able to get them before they can shoot and they won't move until the third guy gets hit by the car it's a pure blind fire so grab myself a combat mg here for a long time i believed that it protects my hands but i'm not sure that's the case anymore i think the bullet still goes through but i know that for certain so i may as well just still get the attachments and stuff i'm not close enough here am i uh so i have to use old strat here unfortunately while the odds of me being shot here are like zero because i've got this spinning blade in front of me and i'm like protected so much by the plane once in practice i got shot and so since then i now uh use old strat i feel oddly calm because i just expect to fail and so i don't really care that's not true i really do care and i'm a little bit anxious but i'm not as anxious as i have been in the past i've failed here too many times i'm just accepting of it now surely i'm getting in there what you're kidding so one those enemies are programmed not to fire rockets when you get close as in like five meters further back than that i was they're programmed two they're programmed to miss three they show off to the side four because the old strat they shouldn't fight at all in the 8 000 hours that i have been playing i mean hit by rocket there once maybe twice and that's without alt strat the odds of this happening is so low that i i can't communicate how low they are like i expect videos now to be made being like matt is clearly just modding his game to cheat to fail if you if you asked me to bet every cent that i had that i wouldn't be hit by a rocket there at a return of like one to one point one i would have accepted thinking it the easiest money to be made ever this is not fair it's it's it's simply not fair i don't deserve this [ __ ] do you have father rockets they just move off to the side because they're programmed to miss and so when you get to about here they they can't fire anymore so i could just hang around here and let's see i i can still be shot though that's why i use australia hello and welcome to what is hopefully i have to reset the game because my death counter is wrong bet you didn't see that those lines coming yeah i did not look handsome today entirely selective lighting and cropping of my camera i'm a hideous beast i skipped the card scene i'm sorry guys you've seen it ten thousand times google it just [ __ ] google it guys it's there on the youtubes but man it's not the same if i can't watch it with you check one of the other ones but oh no guys if this is world record this is actually the perfect run then that cutscene won't be in the video no think about though guys every run that i've done recently where i failed i've shown that cutscene maybe this will be the run because i didn't show the cutscene it's possible yes see look he's burning permanently why rockstar please fix completely destroying my immersion humans don't burn that long i know from experience let's go michael do not fail me if i fail it's michael's fault oh god he even fell towards me he was that close man like another half second he would have hit me i hate this fat guy both of them is australia really upside down that is just purely discriminatory you guys are upside down we're the right way up okay science tells us that there's no real right way up right it's all relative but scientists are wrong and australia's the right way up okay they're not over enough game's a jerk i didn't get the uzi oh that's like the first time i've forgotten that like ever can you mission fail by going too far off the cycling path i don't think so okay i take that back you can guess i'll restart the mission then oh i keep the bike that's not very good because the bike is not very good just gonna put this bike here and grab a taxi my bad guys that was an interesting transforming helmet should probably put that in facts and glitches considering how much my gameplay has sucked and that i've embarrassed myself in this playthrough pretty sure this is going to be the run okay i haven't failed this in quite a while let's continue that streak oh crap that was awful that may have been the worst attempt i've done in maybe eight months i did pull that eight-month number out of my ass actually as a matter of fact i think i've failed this with the last eight months so it definitely was my worst attempt but uh it was pretty good it's what i'm trying to communicate unplug my mouse no one panic or panic if you want a free country we all exist in different countries that might not be true maybe your country has laws against the random panicking for no reason basically if you get arrested it's not my fault yeah so i got no money but that's okay because i've reached my destination and i'll lose the cops the second i go into the mission as long as this helicopter doesn't shoot me was that a i don't think that wasn't a normal police helicopter that looked like a buzzer am i crazy i'm probably crazy high future me watching this if this ends up being uh a failed run this part of the video won't be in the youtube video it'd just be skipped over unless of course it this part it gets added in because it's a joke that i said it wouldn't be included so they're gonna include it maybe now they weren't included because i said they'd make a joke about including it my head hurts so as per usual take in my little route here to avoid the cops but unfortunately it's not perfectly safe so i use something called the old strap when you press alt it holds down the character swap button and that has some effects which you're about to see so i hold it down here and it makes the game go very slow and have trouble loading in assets you'll even see some assets disappear from the background sometimes this makes it so that bullets and guns are less likely to load in so i'm less likely to be shot there's still a chance i can be shot but it's much lower than if i didn't use ultra at all so it's safe in some spots to use this is a terrible explanation i'll probably end up doing a voiceover because i missed it all you think after having done that explanation 50 times i'd be better at it but no i completely failed didn't even mention that i can't fire while doing it and i can't move my camera while doing it either and isn't there other stuff like it's hard to drive and something i'm terrible all right they [ __ ] stole it and who knows what they would have done if they found me why are you not replying to me why am i not replying to you because i don't like you you specifically all the other messages that i'm not replying to are those that i'm just missing coincidentally but i've seen every single message that you've sent i've specifically ignored them you may have even seen me look over at the chat and have a look disgust upon my face occasionally like just for a few frames that's because i see your messages person whose name i've already forgotten what did you want me to say you type in all caps demanding answers i've got you dark viper [ __ ] ignoring your viewers your treasured viewers man giving you their sage wisdom and you just ignoring them how dare you exposed it's always funny though when i see messages from people complaining that i didn't see their previous message because if they just wrote that message again or whatever i would have seen at that time and now we casually wait guys for a minute and talk about how much we mean to each other and how much we love our fellow man and how wonderful the world is can i get some hugs all around guys get some hugs sometimes you gotta stop and smell the roses chat is it really taking this long i can't stop and smell the roses this long finally okay jesus there was too much positivity there guys almost died from positivity don't be too positive guys see it explode i swear i got this information from facebook so i know it's a hundred percent legit the amount of pure positivity conjured the sniper rifle into existence exactly his existence was like there's too much positivity get rid of some of it picks up sniper rifle terrible terrible i still can't believe i got attacked by a cougar again no if you probably most you weren't here for it but i got another cougar attack it didn't hit me because i was prepared for it i heard that growl and i was just instant instant defensive stance but it happened again so i'm gonna look out for it every time now honestly the existence of cougars actually makes my shooting worse here because i'm so nervous about being caught like midway shooting the bikers and then the cougar will appear and i'll have to choose between shooting the coupe or shooting a bike look behind me stop spamming cougar i didn't hear a cougar so there's no cougar there's no way you could have seen a cougar behind me bastards i thought you wanted me to succeed let's take a glance around overseeing the cougars though this is a bunnies up there you reckon a cougar could dress up as a bunny there's two more guys over here with no real hassle any cougars want a piece of this didn't think so my reputation as a cougar killer scared them off i'd be afraid of me too it's justified i personally understand anyone who is afraid of me i'm just that [ __ ] scared what do that's technically true [Laughter] you're gonna talk a big game in this industry okay the best fights are those that you win before they even begin matt streamer youtuber influencer cougar killer i prefer [ __ ] slayer dark viper au streamer youtuber influencer [ __ ] slayer [Laughter] so i'm gonna go grab myself some c4 here to help with nervous run which is the next mission it doesn't always super help but i may as well have it because it can sometimes help lighter than of course i can't go biased i have to go out from the map you ink you think do you think it was an oversight that they're always on the map even when they're not unlocked from the stores probably not it's like i just don't know why they bothered like that there are weapons on the map makes me think that the the game in its original inception was different as if they expected you to use them or seek them out i absolutely think there should be weapons that can only be obtained huh look at that it says i have five sticky bombs of course i picked up five i'm dumb [Laughter] i was like why does it say i have stinky bombs i can't buy them right now i just picked them up my mind just wandered a bit i'm like oh is it are there are those the sticky bombs that i get for friends from united later and like i've got them already but the game just doesn't show them and moments ago someone in chat asked me what did i pick up and i'm like how did they not know what i put what i picked up i i just said that i'm picking up some more knight that i immediately forgot so dead man walking still a scary mission and make a small mistake and bam i'm dead of course the star of the mission is always good though oh this is gone okay didn't think he would duck back like that that was really dumb of me okay just tuck away from the guns stuck with the guns that was not very good chat i'm still doing this strat shooting these four guys even though it hasn't worked for me like ever the helicopter is in a good spot to extend where this could hypothetically work i'm gonna wait for it [Music] no you're [ __ ] kidding me me if i waited longer i'm not sure like i didn't lose them what i could do is like run off a bit more and then come back and maybe at least i'm not sure like the goal is to have them lose sight of me before i get into the car and they didn't do that now that hasn't happened i have to outstrap my way out of here and helicopters do on occasion violate also see now i lost them like but they just they know my car because i've already got into it i have a bad feeling yes i'm pretty sure the second i go under here i'm fine as long as this cop doesn't follow me but i don't really want to take the risk ah you're kidding me there's a guy on the bridge so i have to go right ah this is terrible because then i have to kind of weave my way through this while being slow as [ __ ] and the cop has come behind me as well [ __ ] i might actually go in first person here that's even harder to trap and i can't do it just go very slowly down here look at that guy he almost died is this a destructible fence get it okay i thought it was i'm just i'm yeah i second-guess myself sometimes you know you're at us you can never know with a rockstar game so i should be okay haven't lost them yet but i'm far enough away that i should be okay i'm going to continue a little bit longer anyway i just don't want to hit anything i'm i'm fine okay oh good was that clean no succeeded though so who cares so i've died here before just recently but like the odds of it are like a trillion to one nojo dumbass baby you going first next time no fool [ __ ] [ __ ] then we all be dead like [ __ ] he was alive for a very long time like i'm just springing bullets and i'm like i i think i'm in the general direction of this guy why is he not falling over god damn dude yikes now for the far more nerve-wracking hudsofi and so this is very important where i stop here and where i move into are you shooting at me did you see those bullets still says the helicopter's alive weird ah it's too short in the helicopter live even though it's in the water it's debatable whether i was actually in range for this blasphemy to hit me because that's i'm what i do there is i sit at the very edge i i thought he went more left than that was we having some close calls it seems so the helicopter spawned all the way over there so there's no concern so i should be fine now because i don't want to go too far to the right or left because i worry about getting shot by the cops that are on the right or the left of the the shore a bit wherever i wanted to be that was not where i wanted to be why am i explaining something because i'm waiting for the uh taxi to over the the mission taxi driver is a really good listener oh absolutely he was he was he was vibrating he's like yeah mr doc w you you're saying stuff yeah yeah i see the words like it coming out of your mouth and stuff yeah absolutely then i don't tip me it's like [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm saying the clear taxi driver was only pretending to pay attention because he wanted a tip as much i didn't put the normal polish on it as i normally do why did i do this yeah i i see i already looked the wrong direction i should be looking the other direction is it even worth doing this it's gonna reload my save file trap [Laughter] oh oh okay well i'm happy he didn't hit me so where do you want to go all i'm thinking in my head is how is this running gonna die i kinda just wanna like go fully zen and just like just focus on the game but let's be real it's not going to matter i'm sorry i'm still not looking at it and stuff a lot it's just i'm worried about hitting something i thought about it guys i thought about pressing the f button and now my thumb is starting to itch do not put your thumb anywhere near the f button is it my thumb that's the greatest risk i mean because the f is next to d and d is right i just need to not really take my finger off day i can literally my my left hand started to sweat when i thought about it god damn i'm like i am halfway but not really you know i'm saying i got so many more things to worry about someone did suggest me a new strat for uh minor turbulence but i still think it's le it's uh more risky than the strat that i'm currently doing because it involves using c4 and it's just like a check do people not like the word chick i've always taken the word chick to be a term of endearment like chick is like dude chick sounds kind of tacky teach me how to be hip and cool with the kids man i'm 30 now man i'm gonna start taking pointers from the uh zoomers and chat how about them fortnites guys if you think that would help [Laughter] you heard i don't die and deep inside on minotaurus i hope i don't die on anything so keep in mind there are new strats here to deal with the cars at the end but before that i still use alt strat this guy is over to the left more than he normally is i generally prefer to hit him for this next strat if he dives left it shouldn't be a problem but if i can just clip him a little bit that'd be fine i just don't hit this wall no i think he's gonna dodge me oh what a dodge the man is a god okay so i want to make sure she has room get out of the car oh what i'm dead [ __ ] is that security why did they spawn why why did they spawn so i succeeded but the strat 100 failed look at how close these shots are i'm so nervous could you imagine if i get hit by a rocket again why even say that here it is guys rocket time oh crap we turned in a little bit earlier do it oh thank [ __ ] i can actually get here before he fires oh okay fight a little bit okay that's actually traffic there's actually i did my best so the mistake that i made there is uh i started firing immediately and i didn't expect it to be pointing me left as then i spun around i had got a perfect shot in the guy at the back but i originally intended to go for the guy closer to me because i was worried that shooting the second guy would cause the first guy to actually give a [ __ ] he did so i could do this again it won't fail okay i failed too it's i'm just getting really unlucky nice i'm getting shot literally every time how is this possible we did this in practice and like never happened skipping over the snow here to avoid the roadblock down there because they will shoot at me and that's not good because did you know bullets do damage and so i have to try to avoid them just just so you know getting everyone the same page you know oh that's why this is difficult because the bullets ah yeah i get it would train do damage well trains do damage clearly not if the trains did damage i'd be dead shows what you know what is this game it is hello kitty adventure 7. that's right guys playing a new game moving on from hello kitty adventure 6. put 8 000 hours into it but i thought it was time for a change you may notice this looks a lot like hello kitty adventure 6 because game developers are no longer making new games they're just re-releasing the same ones and changing the name what honestly my favorite part of that might just be franklin's what at the end what i did really good in impression there i totally sounded like him there i think or maybe i'm crazy or maybe i did sound like him and i'm crazy am i the voice of franklin no i'm the voice of reason in an irrational world ah i don't know why i said that but i just found it so funny there's some weird guy in the internet get this guy here and now for the heart shop it doesn't even matter if i get this i get 50 chances it's just cool when i get it ah my one chance of being cool out but two chests have been cool and i lost them both how will i go on living with this level of progress oh he's right there okay fix it fixed it i am cool again chat don't you worry i am hopefully i'm not too close now easy easy probably have to be like in these yellow things for them to hear no why the humanity you know it's a very difficult thing about doing this i have to think of something to say when i do something mundane like still in this van i know it's gonna be on youtube people on youtube i'm trying my best okay i could say something like that guy sure didn't know that bullets do damage that'd be lame i'm happy i didn't say that so as always here we are at the drill store heist i'm taking all the monies because money is good and of course because i need it to uh get myself some cars weapon upgrades car upgrades and whatnot for both franklin and michael throughout the run and to do that i need money yeah i'm just i'm just giving you guys information you've never heard before money is good bullets do damage the educational streams that you've come to know and love so let's not hit this bus this time eh oh my god he avoided a perfectly scripted vehicle what a god how does he do it always expect the unexpected but then it will no longer be unexpected and so you won't expect it which makes it unexpected which means you should expect it but if you did that then it wouldn't be unexpected so is that a paradox guys trust me my ears are tightly attuned to cougar screeches if i hear one you know i think chat my brutal takedown of that last cougar has scared off the rest for all time we can only hope have i ever played cod or is it some kind of fishing game i don't like fishing games i do like fishing in real life though do people really not get he was joking about cod i've come to realize that it doesn't matter what you say there's always going to be some portion of people you just don't get it you can only do your best to be understood at the end of the day chat you move so fast that i can claim you've said anything and people on youtube will believe it you know what's that you think i'm like the greatest person ever oh thanks chad [Laughter] who was it who said it um i think it was lyric someone in chat called him out like because he he responded to a question and someone in chat was someone in chat was like no one asked that question what are you talking about i think lyric was like okay fine you got me sometimes i pretend that a viewer has asked a particular question if i want to say something what's that person in chat you want to know how you can subscribe to my twitch channel for free that's a fantastic question you can use twitch prime [Laughter] what a fortuitous question to ask matt i just got a new job any advice do not show your penis to your co-workers see i don't know anything about your job but i can be confident that this is something that is the case for the overwhelming majority of jobs if you happen to have become a porn star i apologize that this advice is not particularly applicable to you don't make the same mistakes that i made that advice would have helped last week better late than never oh man wait you are still alive wait i'm still alive what did you send assassins to try and kill me foolish waste of money for i cannot die when did i discover old strat i was in my bathroom and i i was fixing a light and i slipped and i hit my head on the basin and when i came to uh i drew this old strap some people got it yeah it was a reference to back the future that is a story of how doc brown invented time travel the flux capacitor me i was just buggerizing around in the game and i just happened to realize old strat did something big do i shout i shout twice a day sometimes even three times a day completely unnecessary but i like water i do some of my best thinking in the shower you guys have no idea how many arguments i've won with hypothetical people in my shower i'm like 10 million to zero right now undefeated destroyed if people could see my hypothetical arguments that i had with these hypothetical people one they'd be very confused while i was why i was naked you know because i'm naked and michelle but they also realize how brilliant i really am guys man you're like really naked they're really brilliant are you because you guys gotta understand like i don't have that trip to work like i'm sure for most people who engage in these kind of chains of thought mock arguments and [ __ ] they they do that on their way to work you can look over the person in another car and they're like my travel to work work is like two rooms distance so i don't have time to do an argument in that short amount of time you shower naked you whoa imagine being naked at any point too busy rambling for getting the strats so i'm going to go back to the door and we're going to pretend like i didn't drive over here and so the people on youtube will have no idea that i just drove all that distance for completely no reason we take this to our graves chat so here at the beginning of crystal maze you people are spamming liar ratting me out to youtube dude i thought we were friends i thought i could trust you guys bloody knocks we ain't friendos friendo it's watching trevor's hand every time i reverse he moves his hand off the wheel what what what what can i name all the hillbilly brothers why would i do that they already have names why would i name them they're not my kids terrible do you guys understand that half of my jokes are just intentionally misinterpreting what a person says in chat for comedic effects it's half my jokes don't don't what perhaps he was given gonna give me some really important information guys and i killed him before he could give it maybe he was gonna warn me about how this rumble was gonna die i'll never know now how many more seasons to the grand finale of what this this is the final run guys i'm tired of dragging this out for ad revenue we'll call it a day i'll succeed today oh this run what i'm you see that it's so hard not to make the joke chat it's so hard no it's not a good joke and it's just sexist it you know because it's women drivers am i right hahaha i get it it's like you know it's not funny it's a terrible joke terrible here we are again stealth fun stealth stealth stealth stealth stealth and stealth i'm the stealthiest person live chat it was your privilege to watch stealth of that magnitude is that the wrong word of that ability i don't know i'm talking nonsense ignore me ignore me get it because that's like a thing that you do when you're stealthy you won't be able to ignore you when it comes right down to a chat i'm kind of lame is that little creeper reference yes it is yes it is congrats on getting that ignore me you're assuming i watched the grammys you know i love that kind of thing how do you know me so well this is scary are you a person i know in real life that's a trick question because i don't know anyone in real life helicopter spawned in a bad spot so this strap will not work oh he's he's firing at me already god damn it guess i'll go the right i don't usually go the right the reason for that is because back then these cops were alive but now they're not but there is a cop on the road so it's not good i'm hoping that by that helicopter already firing it means it's not going to fire during old strap like it's used the bullets that are in the chamber or whatever you know wishful thinking but wow there's two cops immediately in my way i'm skinning something fierce so i can't even make a sharp left here um i think it's probably my best interest through a gradual left gotta keep going first person to have stuff spawn oh my god there's a cop there too what am i going to do here i guess i'll just go right i've never had to go right here before because turning right means i'm not out distancing the helicopter anymore this might be the worst escape i've had on dead men walking where i haven't been shot yes it spawns another cop trail in front of me come on man i think the helicopter's off me i think there's a cop coming at me on the left are you for real it's actually gonna i'm actually gonna be in this line of sight this is this is ridiculous i i had to take it off i was fine there was no one who was close enough to hit me if i kept using old there i would have been stuck using up for the next ten thousand years not the cats no the sacrifices that must be made for success you told me in private but you're still planning on switching to red redemption 2 speed running full time man i told you that in confidence get putting it out there now guys yes i know you guys love me playing gta 5 and you all rightfully hate red devil emotion 2 but i love that game more than any person in life it's been hard to keep it secret from the public like every single joke you've ever heard me say about red dead engine 2 every bad thing about it it's only because i felt the exact opposite the the level of of hatred and and disgust i've shown at that game is the opposite equivalence of how much i love that game and that just shows how much i really love it and so i'm going to dedicate the rest of my life to playing that game as a matter of fact i think streaming content creation is just going to distract me from dedicating myself to the game so i'm going to quit streaming and making content to dedicate myself to playing video edition 2 every day for the rest of my life sorry i had to come out this way that's true [Music] what's she eating she ain't eating it no more i'm hungry chapman it's mean to eat in front of a hungry person yeah she was trespassing she was on my land exactly this is america so here we are on long stretch this first room can be done by my two friends here but they take forever so i help a little bit hope he's not stuck he might be so running here get off the wall he's not moving at all uh usually this works hmm haven't ever had to throw c4 here guess we're not using c4 i've never seen him be this stuck before i've also never seen him just not get unstuck when i stand here don't jump man jesus christ i hit the wall i'll die it might actually be in my best interest just to fail here and do it again but i don't know where i no i do respond outside the door that hit him and didn't fail doing this again means i'm safe and likely next time he won't be behind the door is he really stuck behind the door again surely not as perfectly as he was before though are you this game having a [ __ ] laugh right now doing that is just so scary because he could have just popped out and shot me unlikely as it was but you see that guy's bullet back up landed there somewhere that was [ __ ] could have hit me in the foot it's what makes foot safari really scary or at least very annoying is that trevor and lamar will die if i don't help them and the more that i help the higher the risk of me dying haven't died in this mission quite a while but it's still always a risk so i will have to use ultra at the very beginning here and there's a tiny chance i can be shot regardless before it activates oh that's the shot that's the shot that can hit you it's a very very tiny chance it only happened once before see like you think it would be the guy directly in front of you but no he always shoots a trevor it's the guy across the street who can fire a random bullet that can clip me you know i'm gonna be parking in a very particular spot oh [ __ ] i'm done oh my god i almost got shot there i got ahead of myself forgot about the car oh my god i i deserve to die there i knew i should have done this mission i was too tired dodge some bullets there figuratively and literally hopefully nothing else weird happens i don't want to look away i i i know i can i actually want to succeed especially while on the back bad things can happen but like i can see chat on my left moving fairly quickly i'm like if i done something wrong there's something interesting happening am i about to be stabbed in the back by some guy behind me no dark viper a you too focused on his run dice okay looking at that like objectively i didn't really have any chance of dying there but it did look very scary all right brother here we are so the deep inside strat failed last time and i'm not a hundred percent sure why but i just hope it doesn't happen is this a again where are they okay when you need them so i've let her out so i'm looking where they're going to spawn so they can't spawn behind me and they have to spawn on the road [ __ ] is that security um so there's only one way that they can go because they can't warp because i'm looking at them and that's away from me [Music] so they both despawn there we go nice a little bit slow a little bit sloppy but it works so again not sure why they didn't work last time but long as it works normally and now for minor turbulence i don't like it chat i don't like it so for the longest time i considered using explosives in this plane to be riskier than just shooting them but given how much i failed recently i no longer think that's the case so what i'm gonna do is do this strat that was sent to me in my dms i would argue had i been motivated to find it myself i could have but i'm just gonna be throwing a c4 on the side of the wall and it seems as though because the enemies like to shoot at my head my head will still be in cover so i can throw this c4 and take out the two enemies it's always been a frustrating experience having so many runs died in minor turbulence a little bit different in my course here i hope that doesn't matter yeah i'm not as close as i normally would be ah [ __ ] that's not good normally i'm closer than this i have to use it now is that rocket actually coming towards me no way no it can't be of course not these rockets are programmed to miss normally i should be able to get here and be so close that they have time to fire one rocket and rockers do make me nervous i got hit by that one recently i'm trying to be a little bit lower so if they do fire one please go over me surely i'm close enough that he won't fire another one as he shouldn't like you shouldn't fight one because i'm you son of a [ __ ] i actually get in here now [Music] ah my mod is turned off a second there i pulled my cable uh where the [ __ ] is everyone that is the worst thing that could happen ah [Music] okay no no if anyone wants to have a flashback that is actually the last thing i did last time i used to grenade launcher on this plane did this like 10 times yesterday didn't do that once but you just get that nervous you know i've just lost so many runs to minor turbulence dude so many be sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel it costs you nothing and i wish you all the best [Music]