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Generative Models and Generative AI
Jul 23, 2024
Lecture: Generative Models and Generative AI
Focus on
generative models
generative AI
Buzz around generative AI; diving into foundational concepts
Generative models: Systems identifying patterns in data to generate new instances
Example: Generating realistic images of faces using models like StyleGAN
Types of Machine Learning Models
Supervised Learning
Supervised models:
Perform supervised learning
Use data with instances and labels
Learn mapping between data and labels for tasks like classification, regression, segmentation
Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised models:
Learn patterns in data without labels
Learning underlying data structure
Techniques include density estimation and sample generation
Generative Models
Generative models:
Learn a probability distribution to generate new data
Applications: Fairness, outlier detection, failure modes in autonomous systems
Focus on
latent variable models
(key topics in this lecture)
Understanding Latent Variables
Illustration via Plato's
Myth of the Cave
Observed variables (shadows) vs latent variables (objects causing shadows)
Goal: Learn underlying drivers of observed data
Compress data to lower dimensions (latent space) for reconstruction
Learn encoding (Z) that efficiently compresses data
Training an Autoencoder
Loss function:
Minimize difference between original data and reconstruction (e.g., Mean Squared Error)
Represent original data in a compressed format and decode back to the original
Eliminate redundancy, improve efficiency
Output (latent variable Z) allows data reconstruction
Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
Introduction of Stochasticity
Variational Autoencoder (VAE):
Introduces randomness to latent variables (sampling)
Latent variables as a vector of means (μ) and standard deviations (σ)
Training VAEs
Estimates probability distribution of latent variables given data (q)
Reconstructs data from latent variables
Loss function:
Reconstruction loss + regularization term (distance between learned distribution and prior, often normal distribution)
Regularization and Prior
Regularization term:
Encourages continuity and completeness in latent space
Normal Prior:
Ensures latent space distribution is centered around mean 0 and standard deviation 1
Interpreting Latent Variables
Perturbation analysis:
Hold other variables constant, vary one, and observe changes in output
Encouraged by weighting reconstruction terms more heavily
A variant encouraging disentanglement of latent variables
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Basic Concept
Two Networks:
Generator (produces fake data) and Discriminator (distinguishes fake from real data)
Networks compete, with generator improving to produce data indistinguishably from real data
Process Visualization
Generator training:
Maps noise to real data distribution
Discriminator training:
Differentiates real from fake data
Noise Sampling:
Generate new instances from random samples
Traverse between samples to generate continuous transformations
Model Stability and Growth
Paired Translation Gans:
E.g. Image segmentation, converting day to night, maps
Cycle GANs:
Unpaired data translation, e.g. Horses to Zebras
Future Directions
Mention of advanced generative models like
Diffusion Models
Diffusion Models:
High fidelity generation, conditioned on various types of inputs
Application in multiple fields beyond images
Hands-On Component
Explore latent variable models, computer vision, facial detection in lab sessions
Summary of key concepts: Latent variable models, autoencoders, VAEs, GANs
Upcoming topics: Diffusion models and their application in generative AI
Full transcript