Generative Models and Generative AI

Jul 23, 2024

Lecture: Generative Models and Generative AI


  • Focus on generative models or generative AI
  • Buzz around generative AI; diving into foundational concepts
  • Generative models: Systems identifying patterns in data to generate new instances
  • Example: Generating realistic images of faces using models like StyleGAN

Types of Machine Learning Models

Supervised Learning

  • Supervised models: Perform supervised learning
    • Use data with instances and labels
    • Learn mapping between data and labels for tasks like classification, regression, segmentation

Unsupervised Learning

  • Unsupervised models: Learn patterns in data without labels
    • Learning underlying data structure
    • Techniques include density estimation and sample generation

Generative Models

  • Generative models: Learn a probability distribution to generate new data
  • Applications: Fairness, outlier detection, failure modes in autonomous systems
  • Focus on latent variable models (key topics in this lecture)

Understanding Latent Variables

  • Illustration via Plato's Myth of the Cave:
    • Observed variables (shadows) vs latent variables (objects causing shadows)
    • Goal: Learn underlying drivers of observed data



  • Autoencoder: Compress data to lower dimensions (latent space) for reconstruction
  • Learn encoding (Z) that efficiently compresses data

Training an Autoencoder

  • Loss function: Minimize difference between original data and reconstruction (e.g., Mean Squared Error)
  • Represent original data in a compressed format and decode back to the original


  • Eliminate redundancy, improve efficiency
  • Output (latent variable Z) allows data reconstruction

Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

Introduction of Stochasticity

  • Variational Autoencoder (VAE): Introduces randomness to latent variables (sampling)
  • Latent variables as a vector of means (μ) and standard deviations (σ)

Training VAEs

  • Encoder: Estimates probability distribution of latent variables given data (q)
  • Decoder: Reconstructs data from latent variables
  • Loss function: Reconstruction loss + regularization term (distance between learned distribution and prior, often normal distribution)

Regularization and Prior

  • Regularization term: Encourages continuity and completeness in latent space
  • Normal Prior: Ensures latent space distribution is centered around mean 0 and standard deviation 1

Interpreting Latent Variables

  • Perturbation analysis: Hold other variables constant, vary one, and observe changes in output
  • Disentanglement: Encouraged by weighting reconstruction terms more heavily
  • Beta-VAE: A variant encouraging disentanglement of latent variables

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Basic Concept

  • Two Networks: Generator (produces fake data) and Discriminator (distinguishes fake from real data)
  • Training: Networks compete, with generator improving to produce data indistinguishably from real data

Process Visualization

  • Generator training: Maps noise to real data distribution
  • Discriminator training: Differentiates real from fake data


  • Noise Sampling: Generate new instances from random samples
  • Interpolation: Traverse between samples to generate continuous transformations

Model Stability and Growth

  • Paired Translation Gans: E.g. Image segmentation, converting day to night, maps
  • Cycle GANs: Unpaired data translation, e.g. Horses to Zebras

Future Directions

  • Mention of advanced generative models like Diffusion Models
  • Diffusion Models: High fidelity generation, conditioned on various types of inputs
  • Application in multiple fields beyond images

Hands-On Component

  • Explore latent variable models, computer vision, facial detection in lab sessions


  • Summary of key concepts: Latent variable models, autoencoders, VAEs, GANs
  • Upcoming topics: Diffusion models and their application in generative AI
