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Understanding Atom Models and Electron Behavior
Jul 15, 2024
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Understanding Atom Models and Electron Behavior
Rutherford Model
Proposed by
: Ernest Rutherford in 1909.
: Atom similar to a mini solar system.
High-density positive nucleus at the center.
Electrons orbit the nucleus at high speeds (negative charge).
An orbiting electron has centripetal acceleration.
Accelerating electron radiates energy and loses it.
Using Larmora formula, electron would lose energy in ~10 picoseconds.
Electron would crash into the nucleus making atoms unstable.
Contradiction: Atoms are stable (real-world observation).
Standing Wave Model
Better Representation
: Electrons as standing waves, not orbiting particles.
Explanation using metal ring
Ring resonates at specific frequencies forming standing waves.
Discrete energy inputs allow standing waves.
Only certain wavelengths fit in the circle (integral number of wavelengths).
Niels Bohr's Proposal
Electrons increase energy in discrete intervals (Quantum Leaps).
Energies are quantized (discrete packets).
Electrons move to different vibrations, not a smooth transition.
Orbital Visualization
Experiment analogy
Metal ring shows resonant modes with various nodes.
Electrons display similar vibrational modes (known as orbitals).
Electron Behavior
Electrons measured as particles, not spread out waves.
S orbital
: Electron's first resonant frequency.
Measurement shows random electron locations, probabilistic nature.
Wave function
: Probability distribution for electron locations.
Differences from Ring Model
: Provides modes with an odd number of half wavelengths.
Bohr Model
: Allows modes with even number of wavelengths.
Attachment to vibration apparatus causes disparity.
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